Category Archives: Vril

Dark Fellowships The Nazi Vril Cult


Pay attention. This documentary aired on The Discovery Channel in 2008. It is 50% truth and 50% misinformation.
I’ll fill out the blanks.

-The Vril Society is not just an ideology, it is a reality. This secret society is still prevalent today.

-The Vril Society, as well as, some Nazis do frequent Deep Underground Military Bases / live & congregate below the surface of the earth as R.E.M driven clone versions.

-At the start of this documentary, an image of a UFO is shown @ approximately 30 seconds. UFO’s are man-made aircraft, back-engineered by Hitler and The Vril Society. The Vril referred to in this documentary as a ‘mysterious power’, practically and LITERALLY refers to a race of subterranean underground reptilian troglodytes, which are bi-pedal in nature. These Vril parasites led Hitler and his henchman to an abandoned Atlantean base (Underground base, belonging to the civilisation of Atlantis), and the Vril society back-engineered many advances in technology, left behind, from the civilisation of Atlantis; this includes flying saucer aircraft.

-The part in the documentary, which refers to ‘Vril power’ taking over the world, implies, turning human beings into “human hosts”, via the probosces of Vril.

-The Vril Society are allied with the Nazis and meet as R.E.M driven human clone versions of themselves at the cloning centers.

-Yes there is truth to the stories surrounding The Vril Society, and the organisation is EXTREMELY unsettling…

-The ‘intangible power-force called Vril’, in reality and literally, refers to the Vril parasites probosces -that is the ‘power’ and that is “Vril power” -because the probosces of Vril’s have the ‘power’ to turn mammals into “hosts” and in our case, create “human hosts”.

-‘Vril power’ can be used to gain material power’ -this part of the documentary is also a metaphor; practically & literally, Vril reptilian parasites have the capability to live and burrow deep into inner earth, and retrieve gold, diamonds and all sorts of jewels. Vril parasites have little use jewels, although Vril parasites have been known to eat gold. In exchange for food stock: goats, chickens and humans (I’m sorry… but it’s true), Vril parasites would burrow deep into the earth to retrieve gold, diamonds and other jewels… and these Vril Society helpers, as well as world leaders, would exchange food stock for the Vril parasites, to eat.

-‘Sex magic’ was just an excuse for a disgusting time…

-Yes that is an absolute truth, these secret societies do sacrifice children in the name of ‘Lucifer ‘the light bringer”. It is absolutely disgusting and must end. Some of these children are given to Vril parasites to be eaten, or some of these children are made into “human hosts” of Vril, whereby the Vril consciousness dominates and controls the entire body functions of the human consciousness which was killed via Vril parasitical takeover. “Human hosts” with Vril consciousness are compliant slaves.

-The 1871 book: “The Coming Race” by Edward Bulwer-Lytton is written in code for High Ranking Freemason members. Practically & Literally Vril mentioned in the book, refers to the Vril parasites, and the metaphor of a ‘coming race’ refers to the Vril parasites turning human beings into “human hosts”. These Vril creatures / parasites are an extremely dumb species belonging to the class of “Reptilia”.

-“Vril-ya”… practically and literally refers to Vril probosces secreting their parasitical cells and taking over the consciousness of mammals and creating “hosts”.

-Yes, it is true that these Vril parasites live below the surface of the earth. Vril parasites are subterranean troglodytes.

– ‘A child can use Vril to destroy an entire city’; practically & literally, this refers to using the Vril probosces to create an entire race of “hosts”.

-‘These subterranean keepers could destroy mankind’; literally and practically, Vril parasites are extremely dumb. Their ‘power’ is their probosces, which has the ability to turn human beings into “human hosts” and this is what it means, at the point whereby the documentary informs that: “Vril could destroy mankind”.

-These Vril parasites are not ‘mystical, mysterious, or an energy force’ etc. practically & literally Vril are just a species of Reptilia which lives below the surface of the earth and their ‘power’ is their probosces.

-The Vril women, kept their hair long to represent the Vril parasite’s probosces, and the transfer of Vril Repitila, to host or human host.

-The Vril society saw ‘Vril power as a kind of metaphysical petrol’; practically and literally this relates to Vril being capable of burrowing deep into the surface of the earth and retrieving, gold, diamonds and other jewels; it also refers to the Vril probosces -that is the ‘power’ of Vril parasites…

-@24:15 to 25:30 of the documentary: Hitler and his henchmen journey to Tibet in search for actual Vril; the Vril Society would meet the Tibetan monks, who introduced members of the Vril Society to actual Vril parasites. This is historically accurate, just that the documentary does not mention that Vril are REAL terrestrial parasites which have always existed on earth. At this point of the documentary, it is also mentioned that Hitler spent the equivalent of 20 billion dollars (in 2008 money) in search of these Vril parasites, as Hitler and his henchmen journeyed to Tibet in search of Vril.

-Wewelsburg castle is real, and was used as a “Vril centre-piece” by the Vril society.

-The symbol of the ‘solar wheel’ is a symbol for Vril power / Vril energy.

-The Crypt appears to be a room where rituals took place. The peculiar place in the center could be, most likely where the Vril parasites would pop up from, whereby a victim was rendered immobile for the Vril parasite to take over the human being’s brain, and turn the human into a “human host” whereby the Vril parasite’s consciousness dominates, and controls the bodily functions of the human after Vril parasitical takeover.

@30.57 of the documentary – *press pause* who knows what is happening in this still image… however when Vril probosces begins to secrete parasitical cells inside the brains of mammals, this causes the victim excruciating pain… you can see here that the person is clutching his chest as a man is stood over him… so what is going on here? Is this a Vril parasitical take over, and thus creating a human host?

-Vril flying saucers were actual blueprints… practically & literally, Hitler did obtain flying saucer blueprints, which Hitler and his henchmen back-engineered from the abandon Atlantean base (military base containing technology from the civilisation of Atlantis). The Vril parasites led Hitler to this abandoned base. Hitler was so proud of his association with Vril parasites, he named the flying saucers which he & his henchmen back-engineered ‘The Vril-Heimer’ (“Heimer” is German for ‘illustrious’). Most of the technology rediscovered can be found in deep underground military bases today.

-The Vril society, and these Vril enablers, who keep Vril parasites secret and use them for the most despicable crimes against human nature (turning human beings into human hosts) still exist today.

*The notes presented here are further facts regarding The Vril Society, and Vril parasites; other parts / information presented in the documentary is misdirection and misinformation to throw people off the real information, and that is: Vril is not ‘mystical or mysterious’ etc, but a parasitical animal, kept secret by world leaders, as well as, the Vril Society, in order to turn human beings into “human hosts”; -that is the extremely dark, and cold hard truths about The Vril Society, and Vril parasites, as well as, ‘Vril power’.


Exposing Vril


I must help to expose Vril and tell you about Vril, because quite frankly if you are human and you do not speak up against Vril you have betrayed your own species, it is as simple and as serious as that. However, before I start posting about highest level 33rd degree knowledge it is important a few things are said about 32nd degree knowledge involving human cloning and R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep driven human cloning.

I understand it is difficult to accept that reality may not be what we think it is, and that in the background humans have been cloned. I wholly understand that. I also understand when people discuss cloning, they think it is from a baby stage upwards… and cannot fathom or accept that cloning has advanced much further in secret, and it now involves sleep driven human cloning… whereby original people go to sleep and wake up through the process of consciousness transfer from their original bodies, to their R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep driven human cloned alternatives, and are therefore simultaneously asleep, in their original body, and simultaneously awake via consciousness transfer, as a R.E.M driven human clone version of themselves. I know. It is plenty to take in. However this disclosure on R.E.M driven human cloning reduces to advanced and hidden science and technology (in comparison to that currently available for public use). I get it.

It was an initial struggle for me to accept consciousness transfer is a possibility, yet alone a reality; and that is one main aspect; there are many hurdles to overcome, personal to everyone before one can see the plain and obvious truth of these whistle-blowing disclosures. Nonetheless, the three main stumbling blocks people face in realising, and knowing the truths of such disclosures are: technological advancements; the environment; and personal biases. If you accept that the current technology which is available publicly is the pinnacle of humanity’s technological capabilities, then you must do some serious homework on this, because it simply isn’t; what we see in public is most certainly not the height of humanity’s technological capabilities. Our environment reinforces such an illusion, in the sense that we go out into the world, and accept that what we perceive with our five senses is the only reality, and this aspect, further reinforces the illusion that what we perceive in our environment is the height of humanity’s technological capabilities. It simply is not. We all have personal biases, and it is difficult not to have any formed, once we have lived in this world for many years, and we have become indoctrinated into believing, mostly through little fault of our own, that: ‘we know what the world is, or is about’.

Personal biases are one of the hardest stumbling blocks to overcome, because they are personal, and with a whistle-blowing disclosure as explosive as sleep driven human cloning via consciousness transfer to substrate bodies as depicted in the movie Avatar, Inception, The 13th Floor, A Nightmare on Elm St, and countless others; it forces us to re-address our personal biases, and re-examine life, and if we are unable to do this, we simply cannot see the simple truth and reality of R.E.M sleep driven human cloning which is present today. As I’ve mentioned one of the most difficult concepts for me to accept initially was that of consciousness transfer, it went counter to everything I had previously held to be true.

However, when you have many world renowned scientists claiming they are 99% or even 100% sure that consciousness transfer is not only possible… but it will be a reality in say 20 years time, you have to ask yourself “HOW?”… How can they be so precise in terms of timeline, and be so certain? That alone should leave the sceptic in you with many unanswered questions worth exploring… whereby through diligence, you come to realise that what is happening is not so much predictions, but rather scripts. This makes more sense; “one does not need to read the future, when one is writing the future”. The above statement becomes glaringly obvious once it is realised, the level of technological progress hidden from humanity.

It takes scepticism, open mindedness, and optimism to make breakthroughs. We must all “breakthrough” to realise the simple truths of these whistle-blowing disclosures. Scepticism keeps you from believing fallacies. It keeps you from believing that which you have not yet proven for yourself. This simply means one must be diligent and reach the point whereby they “know” and can concretely separate facts from fiction, backed by evidence. It is better to “know” than to “believe”; to “know” means to “understand with certainty”; to “believe” is to “accept without proof” –the sceptic in you should want to “know” the truths of these whistle-blowing disclosures. Optimism (which was difficult for me initially, because I’m more sceptical than anything) gives you the ability to give merit to that which you have not proven for yourself. Therefore, instead of just being sceptical and thinking ‘what a load of croc –you cannot transfer consciousness etc… etc.’, and move towards an optimistic standpoint, one should ask –what will be the implications if it is possible to transfer consciousness etc., etc? You will be surprised at the answers you receive. Take this further by finding research which either verifies or challenges your assertions, causing you to reconsider your estimations or your presuppositions.

Open mindedness gives one the ability to “see” that which has not yet been proven. One has to be open to the possibility, that on some statistically probability, it is possible to clone humans; R.E.M sleep driven human cloning is possible; and consciousness transfer is possible and so on. One must be opened to it, because so long as one remains closed, one will simply not have the gumption to look further, and it is as simple as that. This is exactly what I did. With such initial mind-blogging disclosures, although primarily difficult to accept, I just weighed them on arbitrary and personal statistical probabilities. Okay, if consciousness transfer is possible, what arbitrary statically probability would I assign to that; that it is possible to transfer consciousness…? Initially, I gave it 5% (out of 100%), because it is just initially difficult to accept any of this. However, even such a small arbitrary, personal and assigned statistical probability, meant that I now had to change from being completely sceptical, to being slightly open-minded, then optimistic… because if I am now open to such a possibility of consciousness transfer, from an optimistic standpoint –what are the implications etc. etc?

I would continue to research and revise my assumptions, until that arbitrary personal statistical probability of consciousness transfer was no longer at the 5% interval, but closer to being a certainty for me. Scepticism, open-mindedness, and optimism are really needed to make breakthroughs and break new grounds, and most importantly, good healthy scepticism will keep one from falling into fallacies, throughout the entire research process, and from believing anything which you have not yet proven to yourself (with evidence; try as best as possible not to leave ‘open loops’; I would disagree assertions are demonstrable where open loops are found.).

With all that said, if you have kept up to date, or read ahead, you should already know human cloning and R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep driven cloning is a reality, which exists today and is kept in secret. It is extremely obvious to those who have kept up to date or read ahead. If you’re still sceptical about such disclosures, then remember one also needs optimism and open-mindedness to either see the truth of such claims, OR, to debunk such claims, by means of thorough research methodology.

I shall now provide you with a scientific video on consciousness transfer. It is drip-feed disclosure. Drip feed disclosure is also an aspect one must learn about to further understand the realities of these whistle-blowing disclosures. This was one of the first videos which REALLY opened my eyes to the possibilities and reality of consciousness transfer, because it is all there… and you can witness how a person’s consciousness can be easily transferred. I URGE you to watch this video. It will WHOLLY help with one’s better understanding of consciousness transfer and further help with understanding R.E.M sleep driven human cloning, and understanding that it is the consciousness which get’s transferred to substrate (clone) bodies –as depicted in the 2009 movie, Avatar.

With all this said, I’ll be making future posts on Vril, and thought it is better to inform others in advance of this. This is because if you thought your governments and world leaders cloning people in secret over 70 years is difficult enough to accept; well… when it comes to the reality of Vril, I simply want to lessen the shock factor for you so that you do not panic, become paranoid etc –that is, if you do not know what Vril is. Vril must also be exposed, because if you are human, and you keep silent about the threat of Vril, then you have simply betrayed your own species, -humanity.

In short Vril can be likened to an animal which governments and world leaders have kept secret for over 1000s of years. For example, if I am to mention the animal rattlesnake… most people would not get extremely frightful by the fact that I’m mentioning that rattlesnakes pose a threat to humans, most people have heard and seen videos / images of rattlesnakes and know they should keep their distance. This is the same with Vril. Humans should keep their distance because Vrils are just as dangerous as rattlesnakes, if not more…

However, because the animal rattlesnake is more known publicly, the shock factor is reduced, because it is out in the open. Nevertheless, because Vrils are unknown by the majority of the public, kept hidden and secret, this factor causes a huge psychological detriment to others once discussing the reality and prevalence of Vril. It’s because of the secrecy aspect and the threat Vrils pose to humans, just as people may become extremely fearful than they normally would, if rattlesnakes were kept hidden and secret, and then one day there is a revelation about rattlesnakes, and the threat rattlesnakes pose to humans…

It is the secrecy aspect which further causes a much larger than normal psychological detriment, however, once it is in the open, or known about for years, the shock factor reduces. Consequently, my aim is to help further expose 33rd degree level knowledge which involves Vril without causing you to go into a state of shock, panic, and paranoia… if you do not know what Vril is / are. As I’ve already mentioned they can be likened to that of an animal which governments have kept secret and formed alliances with for many thousands of years. These creatures just need to be known about publicly; their strengths and weakness detailed for all to read and examine, -and eradicated –because of the threat which Vrils pose to humans…; Overall Vril are cowardly… and I would not be too fearful for them… and just like the rattlesnake, you will learn Vril must be kept at a distance, and just like the rattlesnake, you must kill Vril, before it kills you. Moreover, yes I am fully aware… first our governments and world leaders are cloning people, and now they have dangerous animals kept in secret?! Yes they do such heinous crimes in secret for amusement and entertainment.

There’s a whole barrage of gene-spliced animals, some of which kept secret, others made public, you simply have to research gene spliced creatures, to realise the vast amount of animals which have been gene spliced, for example: ‘spider-goat’. With all, this said, there is not much need for panic when it comes to Vril; Vril just needs to be fully exposed; known publicly worldwide, and severely dealt with.


Make sure to watch the lecture on consciousness transfer, if you need further reference to understand the prevalence and reality of R.E.M driven human cloning by following the link below.


Medium called Maria Orsic

Maria Orsic,(she not goes to aldebaran people) alive and well in clonning centers as mark IV clone..

a little bit of her history of this witch! (and bitch!)

Mary Orschitsch was a well-known medium and would have been the head of the Vril-Gesellschaft. They gathered a large number of young women around them.

They had long ponytails, something that was very unusual at that time. They believed that their long hair acted as a cosmic antenna to communicate with extraterrestrials. Vril members, also known as “Vril”.

According to the Vril documents these messages, would be obtained telepathically, from Aldebaran, 68 light years away in the constellation Taurus.

Maria had two stacks of papers, one written in code language of the Templars, the other in an ancient oriental language.

Related Analysis of A.I. Influences on Earth and ET Civilizations | GoodETxSG NAZI “Alien Reproduction Vehicle”/ARV – Nazi Die Glocke – “Gold from Mercury Problem”

They got help from the Pan-Babylonians, a group that had close ties with the Thule Society which was formed among others by archaeologist Hugo Winckler, physicist Peter Jensen and Assyriologist Friedrich Delitzsch.
Vril Medium notes taken by Maria Orsic and Sigrun containing Sumerian and Templar writing

It turned out that the second stack of documents were written in Sumerian. Sigrun helped translate the messages and decipher the strange images of a circular flying machine.

Related Nazi UFOs Flew Over Washington & Led to SS Infiltration of US Space Program


According to skeptics, there has never been a Vril-Gesellschaft in Germany and Louis Pauwels made up this story.

However, several sources confirmed independently that the UFO projects were not a made up story.


Several years ago, the German science magazine PM claimed in a report that Hitler gave at the end of World War II to build flying saucers. According to PM a prototype actually flown and certainly 15 prototypes were created.

The magazine had quoted eyewitnesses that the UFO with the Iron Cross, the symbol of the German army, saw flying over the Thames in 1944. The Americans also had the vessel detected on their radar as a potential danger.

Mary Orsic disappeared in 1945. Rudolf von Sebottendorf, founder of the Thule Society, committed suicide by jumping into the Bosphorus. Most members of Thule and Vril came from the upper strata of society.

After the war, many Nazi scientists were employed by NASA, where they made a great contribution to the development of the American space program.

Vril Technology and the Odin Departure

by Atlantean Gardens

In 1871 Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton published a novel entitled Vril: The Power Of The Coming Race about a subterranean civilization able to utilise a powerful force or earth energy called ‘Vril’. This energy could be used for good or ill, to heal or to destroy (similar to Prana, Chi, Orgone).

The novel was a huge success in its time, and is credited with giving rise to the Science Fiction Genre. However, it is rarely read today, Lytton’s prose style being incompatible with modern taste.

This can be seen from an annual competition, run by a Californian University, known as ‘The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest’. The one condition of entry is ‘to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels’.

Joke-worthy as the book may be now, its influence at the time cannot be downplayed. And it was Bulwer-Lytton’s professed interest in all things occult that led to speculation that this work of fiction was really based on fact, i.e. that Vril is a real force or energy.

The Theosophists developed this idea attracting interest from such notables as Sir George Bernard Shaw. Vril became the centre of secret societies devoted to its study, the most remarkable arising in pre second-world-war Germany.

The medium Maria Orsic was leader of the ‘Vrilerinnen’, the beautiful young ladies of the Vril Gesellschaft. Characteristically they all wore their hair in long horsetails, contrary to the popular short bobbed fashion of their day, claiming their long hair acted as cosmic antennas that helped facilitate their contact with beings from other worlds.

According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus. One set of Maria’s channeled transmissions was found to be in a secret German Templar script unknown to her.

Researcher Wendelle Stevens tells us that, rather than a militant gesture of aid to aggressive Nazis, the Aldebarans perceived an economic disparity in Earth cultures that fueled perpetual wars and conflict.

To alleviate this disparity the Aldebarans reasoned that by offering ‘free-energy’ technologies, used to create affordable mass transportation devices, a new innovative generation of industries, promoting prosperity and greater peaceful interaction between nations might result; thus diminishing violent wars.

Clearly such a plan resonated with members of both the Thule and Vril Societies and their dream for a clean and free technology based on this ‘alternative science’ harnessing Vril energy.

Here is a short summary of messages the Vril medium had received over the years and which formed the basis for all further actions by the Vril-Gesellschaft, compiled by author Jan van Helsing. This material is not science fiction, but represents truly what was going on in the Inner Core of Thule and Vril. It should be emphasized to the reader that even if you don’t believe a word of this, it’s irrelevant. They believed it and they built at least two very complicated secret societies around it – and these societies became quite powerful and influential:

The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the original “pure” race of people (Aryans) and several other human races that had devolved by genetic mutation from the parent population because of climatic changes brought about by nuclear war upon the planets.

The more the races intermixed, the lower the spiritual development of these people collectively sank, which led to the situation that when the sun Aldebaran began expanding they could no longer maintain the space travel technology of their forefathers and could not leave the planets by their own means. The genetically degraded races, totally dependent upon the master race, had to be evacuated and were brought to other inhabitable planets. They colonized our solar system, starting with the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or Phaeton among Russians) that existed at that time between Mars and Jupiter, now occupied by the asteroid belt.
Despite their physical and cultural differences, all the races respected one another and did not interfere with each other, neither the so-called genetically “pure” people nor the mutated hybrid races. Each respected that the others just made their own developments [in contrast to what happens on Earth].

Members of the Vril Society believed that Aldeberans landed on Earth following global cataclysms, when the planet became slowly habitable again in the region of Mesopotamia. Re-establishing civilization they formed the dominant ruling nobility of the Sumerians and various other early societies, governing through an elite bloodline and segregated caste system; interracial inter-breeding (mixing blood) was strictly taboo.

The mediums were said to have had also received precise information about the civilizations on the inhabited planets situated around the sun Aldebaran and a ‘one way’ trip was scheduled to depart towards the Pleiades to re-unite.

Despite their distrust of men, the women of Vril eventually did join with the Thule Gesellschaft and DHvSS in order to construct an inter-dimensional channeled flight disc known as the JenseitsFlugMaschine (JFM).
But unlike the other two groups the Vril Gesellschaft were an inner circle of women who were also fighting against their times and culture.

With substantial financial backing, the odd disc shaped machines were successfully constructed in Munich and secretly tested for several years. Thule wanted to develop both a production combat craft and a functional Raumschiff (Spaceship).
The Vril, by comparison, only wanted to develop Raumschiffe (Spaceship) to reach Aldebaran in the Taurus Constellation 64 light years from earth. Had the Vril maidens retained control of the projects born from the channeled information they received, subsequent events may have been very different.

Unfortunately they got tangled up with the militarized political branch of the Thule and other nationalist occult groups, all bent on revenge against the rest of Europe for the humiliation of defeat of World War I. When the Nazi party came to power in Germany, Maria and the Sisters had no real choice but to go along for the ride.

The Nazis successful development of functioning disc craft during the war is now well documented. Virgil Armstrong, former CIA operative and former Green Beret, said the German flying machines during World War II could land and take off vertically and fly at right angles. They reached 3000 km / h and were armed with cannons which could penetrate a shield 10 cm thick.

In early 1943, the Nazis embarked on the design of a cigar-shaped spaceship that was to be built in the workshops of Zeppelin. It was the ”Andromeda” Apparatus and was designed to transport several spacecraft in a plate form for interstellar flights.

When they occupied Germany, in early 1945, the British and the Americans discovered, among other things, the secret files of the SS, photos Haunebu II and the Vril 1 as well as the Andromeda. In March 1946, President Truman gave the orders to collect the Nazi material and to classify the technology as Top Secret. German scientists working undercover, were given false papers and sent to the U.S. as part of the framework of “Operation Paperclip”.

Related Operation AKA Project PAPERCLIP | Laying the Foundations for The Modern Secret Space Program and the Fourth Reich

Meanwhile Maria Orsitsch and the Vril Circle mysteriously disappeared, never to be heard from again, fueling speculation among some writers that Maria may have in fact escaped, as she claimed, to Aldebaran. A recently published “Letter of Departure” to the Young Vrilerinnen (jungen Vrilerinnen), dated March 11, 1945, mentions the “Odin Departure” (Odin-Ausflug). It refers to a temporary evacuation location with Maria, and the final departure to Aldebaran.

The letter ends: “niemand bleibt hier” (no one is staying here) and is signed “With Cheerful Courage” (Mit frischem Mut) by Godrun.

In Norse mythology Gudrun was the sister of Gunnar, both children of Giuki – king of the Nibelungs. Sigrun (another Vril Maiden) was one of the nine daughters of Odin.

Regardless of how much of this story is factual, and how much is modern myth, why is there nothing about this in school textbooks, encyclopedias, or reported in the media?

Particularly in Germany, where there is freedom of the press and they declare that they only teach the truth. Surely it is reasonable to discuss the real truth now, after 70 years, openly without being arrested or publically labeled a “racist”.

During the time that I. G. Farben supported Hitler, their partner Standard Oil (Rockefeller) organized the people against the Nazis. Likewise, Ford Motor Company made armaments for the U.S. Army, but produced, while in Germany, military vehicles for the Nazis. Ford and Opel (subsidiary of GM that is controlled by JP Morgan) were the two largest car manufacturers in Germany for Hitler. No matter the winner, globalist multinational corporations were instigating and profiting from all sides.

What’s more, in 1946 the Rockefeller foundation paid $139,000 USD for the exclusive rights to the official ‘public version’ report of the History of the Second World War, which concealed all the help provided by American bankers in financing and arming the Nazi war machine. They also made sure to keep from the public the truth behind Admiral Byrd’s mission to Antarctica immediately following WW2, a secret that has lasted as long as the cover-up concerning the events at Roswell.

Related Operation Highjump and the German UFO Connection | Mid 20th Century Secret Space Program History

It was also silent about the mystical and occult ideology behind the Nazi regime, including the Vril inspired free-energy technology, which was rumored to have been later perfected at the infamous Area 51, near the site of the Roswell incident. The major donor was the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.

Donald Marshall videos

Just want to bring up couple of good videos, which contain pretty good Donald Marshall info. Check them out:

On the Brink of Anunnaki New World Order

Here’s an excellent article about world situation. What we can do about it? I don’t have glue, but to be a good human and keep your connection to creator…

This is a very difficult article to present because what is about to happen is most disturbing. Things on the Earth are about to take a tremendous turn for the worse.

Most of the people on the planet are oblivious to what is happening; the New World Order is about to engulf the world. Of those who have some awareness of what is occurring, only a small percentage of them understand that Anunnaki aliens are behind the New World Order.

Whilst humans can be cruel taskmasters, the people of the world are unprepared for the evilness that alien taskmasters will soon be expressing after they implement their plans for the NWO.

In the short term, the Anunnaki slave masters will no longer hide behind invisibility technology and remain behind the scenes, nor will they worry about making good impressions on people or personal-relation issues. In the long term, it will be all out slavery, with the humans who survive the onslaught being subjected to masters as never before.
There are many reasons why the Anunnaki remained hidden from human eyes on the planet all this time, and why they have not used their technology to annihilate the whole human race. One of the reasons is that most of the races of Anunnaki are not particularly attractive in physical terms.

When they arrived on Earth, they were taken in by the human form and admired its appearance. This led to many aliens mating with human women, either forcibly or voluntarily. Many of the Anunnaki have strong sex drives, and the fact that humans can mate whether in or out of season was a bonus for the aliens on Earth.

Today, many of the Anunnaki preferences for males and females are apparent in the marketplace. Beauty shops abound, and fashion trends are often presented to satisfy Anunnaki sexual urges. Anunnaki are particularly attracted to large breasts, hence they have urged and otherwise programmed women to pursue breast implants.

The recent trend towards full lips and big buttocks are examples of Anunnaki programming. Males’ hunk-look is another Anunnaki influence. Anunnaki also groom children and exploit them to fulfil their sexual appetites.

The “free love” movement of the 1960s was Anunnaki sponsored, as was the move of Hollywood from entertainment towards full-blown pornography and the desensitisation towards injustice and horror.

Another Anunnaki reason for keeping humans on the planet is to use them as slaves to do their bidding. This has been effectively done from behind the scenes, so to speak, with few humans ever suspecting they were working for alien slave masters.

Eventually, many aliens later adapted themselves to fit into human shells, but it should be remembered that these are alien consciousnesses in human bodies. That is, they do not think or act like humans, they just look like them.

As I have explained in other writings, the Reptilians and the Vulturites are the two most powerful Anunnaki groups, and they are bitter enemies. When the Reptilians decided to re-locate their top secret Atu-waa to the Earth, a great many aliens became interested in the secrecy surrounding the planet. The other aliens watched, visited and hoped to colonize the Earth.

The Reptilians retreated into human forms so they would blend in with the locals and be able to operate in relative obscurity. However, many other alien races did the same thing. Over time, the human populations became infested with alien consciousnesses in human forms.

One thing that occurs when aliens take on human forms is that it becomes difficult for them to identify their own kind, so difficult that only a few of the highest echelon can do so. Most humans lack even the knowledge of alien consciousnesses in human bodies.

They are completely unaware of the alien invasion that has riddled the Earth for millennia, and even if they were aware, very few would be able to identify aliens amongst their populations, much less ascertain which alien races are where.

It is the plan of the Reptilians to implement the NWO so they can control the entire planet. They had hoped to rule the Virtual Reality from this base because they had secured the Atu-waa on the planet.

With that tool and total control of the Earth, the Reptilians believed they could master all worlds by starting and re-starting time when most opportune for them. Of course, the Atu-waa is now totally inoperable since the True-Light being that was enslaved in the device was rescued.

We are on the brink of the NWO, which looms ominously before us. It can be felt by those who are sensitive to it.

The implementation of the NWO has begun. Australia is the launching pad. Originally, the ruling elite had intended America to be the first nation to be absorbed into the NWO, but several things altered that decision, which led to a change to move it to Australia.

Many Greys have moved to Australia, as can be seen by the recent push by various shires to fluoridate water supplies. As I have indicated in previous articles, the Greys have lived underground for so long that they have developed deficiencies that are corrected by regular doses of toxic fluoride, which are administered to them in “medicinal” doses through water systems on the surface of the planet.

People in the affected areas are subjected to fluoride poisoning for the benefit of the Greys. The authorities responsible for fluoridation, and the health professionals who support fluoridation of water systems, are nearly all ignorant of the Grey/fluoride connection.

Wherever there is pressure to fluoridate water systems, there is a very good chance that Greys are about to re-locate to the area. As I have indicated, for the time being, Greys are closely aligned with the Reptilians.

The Greys have co-operated with the Reptilians because they have been promised that Grey DNA and human DNA will be merged and moulded to form a new race that will emerge as the dominant race on Earth after the NWO is fully implemented.

The Greys have conducted horrible experiments on humans to work with both sets of DNA. However, the Reptilians have lied to the Greys; their DNA will not be used for any new emergent species.

In addition to contaminating water supplies with fluoride, the aliens are bombarding water with beams that instil programming into the water to make people more accepting of the NWO.

As a side affect of the programming in the water, people who have tendencies towards obesity become more obese, and those who would be marginally overweight become obese.

There are other side affects, but obesity is one of the more obvious ones. Any drinks that are readily available and widely distributed are likely to contain both fluoride and the alien beamed-in programming.

Although it is in the early stages of implementation, the foundation for the NWO was laid millennia ago. It appeared ever so slowly and aspects of it seem to be unrelated, but it moves forward, involving various facets of life, such as: health, legal, financial, political, communication, media, marketing, education, social, trading, military, police and other systems.

The NWO will not happen overnight. The ruling elite is altering peoples’ health and structure in preparation for the implementation of the NWO. Thoughts are being modified through all the services, activities and bombardments directed especially at the youth, who will be the examples for the NWO.

One thing has led to another, and, finally, the stage is ready for the implementation of the early stages of the NWO.

Terrorism has changed security systems and brought about the demands for obedience of the law and resulted in divisions of various nationalities and races of the world. The United Nations and other national composite associations are being used to implement the NWO.

What will emerge will be self-appointed bullies over certain nations, who will take power much like schoolyard bullies overpower their classmates. Bullies will increase in all fields and at all levels.

Bullying will be the norm in the workplace, schools, organizations and on the streets. The very young are now learning to bully their classmates, which behaviour is condoned. Older people are also encouraged and even rewarded for bullying.

The whole system is going mad. People are openly rude and disrespectful. Hating, bullying, looting and marauding are directly or indirectly encouraged by the system and by the socio-political environment.

The minds of people are changing. What we are seeing is reminiscent of the Anunnaki mentality and behaviour before the collapse of their own social systems a long time ago.

Humans, animals and plants have been slowly poisoned and modified in various ways over the years until now, when it is time for more specific mind control and physical restraint. For example, the alien force has begun implementing particular mind-control beams targeting certain travellers in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales in Australia.

At this time, the most targeted areas in Queensland are along certain highways, especially along portions of the New England Highway. Roads that link major towns to Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, Australia, are among the most affected. Currently, those who unsuspectingly travel the New England Highway do so at their own peril.

Specific areas in Australia have been reserved for the higher echelon of the ruling elite. Already, a particular shire in Queensland has been selected to house a huge prison, four times the size of any other prison in the state.

Retired military and police are being encouraged and programmed to re-locate to the shire. Many more will soon be getting the “call” to move to the shire to be standby personnel for the NWO.

Prisons are being constructed in anticipation of resistance to the elimination of freedom as the NWO is implemented. However, with all the increased programming for obeying the authorities being played repeatedly, it is doubtful that there will be much resistance to the NWO in Australia.

Travel will get more and more expensive, difficult and dangerous. Speed limits are being reduced on the basis that there are more accidents occurring, especially on the roads mapped out as NWO routes.

When people travel on these routes, they are bombarded with beams imbedded with whatever type of programming the ruling elite uses to influence the motorists.

Slower speed extends the time motorists are subjected to the massive programming, and allows the programming to be more deeply imbedded. Road works are also used for stopping, slowing and more effectively programming motorists.

Many road signs now contain strong programming, as do lights and other distractions that motorists are being subjected to as they travel on highways. A few people may sense something is not right, but they will not quite understand what is going on.

The programming can cause sleepiness, lack of concentration, irritability, sickness, all of which contribute to accidents and road rage, giving more excuse for greater police presence. More importantly, the programming also influences the mindsets of the victims.

It is worth mentioning that nearly all of the agents of the NWO do not suspect what is happening. For instance, police are programmed to believe that lower speed limits will reduce accidents and they are further programmed to want to increase revenues for the government by booking people for exceeding those speed limits.

Military personnel are programmed to believe that they are needed in foreign and domestic situations to help maintain a “better” world, and they are further programmed to abuse, torture and even kill any that interfere with this “better” world.

In most cases, the police commissioners and ministers are ignorant of the Anunnaki plans for a NWO. Likewise, general officers and even commanders of entire military forces may also be ignorant of the Anunnaki plans. This is a very secret conspiracy, and very few agents of Darkness are entrusted with substantial parts of the plans.

The demiurges are very fearful of rebellion and overthrow by underlings. It is for this reason that nearly all False-Light beings are only given information on a “need-to-know” basis. Even when a demiurge “incarnates” into a physical body, whether human or alien, that body is denied much information because the demiurge fears overthrow by Its own incarnation. The Virtual Reality is built upon distrust from the top down.

True-Light beings who are trapped in this Virtual Reality are restricted from receiving information due to the filtering systems imposed by Darkness to keep all beings ignorant. True-Light beings are able to connect with the True Creator, despite the obstructions erected by Darkness, but such connections are not always easy, and do not last long in this realm of Darkness.

Areas have been mapped out for the NWO. Physical safety may be available in certain alien areas, but at an expensive compromise of one’s Will. Aliens are in populated and isolated areas as well. In short, there will be aliens and agents of the NWO almost anywhere you go on the planet. You need to be guided inwardly to the safest places and routes.

Some of us may need to be in the war zones, others may be guided to relatively safe areas. Remember, one’s physical demise is not a sign of punishment or a sign of one’s spiritual failure or success. In other words, a dedicated True-Light being may still suffer greatly or die a horrific death, just like beings of Darkness may likewise suffer and end tragically.

Physical relocation may not be feasible for everyone and one can gain inner strength from wherever one is located and in whatever situation one finds oneself, whether it be a war-torn country, a NWO infested area or a disaster prone territory.

Some of you may be inflicted with illnesses, injuries or other traumas. Understanding that the physical shell is only temporary and is not the real you can assist you to let go of the fears that bind you to this Virtual Reality.

People are being encouraged to turn one another in to the authorities for anything that is suspicious and might be considered as terrorist activity. Whether the accusations are true or unfounded is basically irrelevant. What is important to the ruling elite is that people are turning in others for mere suspicions.

The plans to close off certain towns and cities are quite disturbing. Once the whole NWO is mapped out and the flow of food, water, electricity, medical supplies etc. is controlled, people will be virtually disabled throughout the controlled area.

Oil prices are being manipulated in order to restrict travel and for other reasons. If this continues to escalate, very few people will be able to afford to travel overseas. Those who can travel will be the rich and the privileged classes that are given advantages because they are favoured by the system.

The Port Arthur massacre was staged in order to bring about the implementation of strict controls of firearms in Australia. Earlier attempts in America to do this failed, which is one of the reasons why America will not be the first country to have the NWO implemented in it. Australia is now restricting the possession of swords, knives, dogs and other imagined or perceived weapons.

Concentrated localities have been slated for the most control. Many things are going on simultaneously. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the sounds we hear around us can all be impregnated with various programming agents to help bring about the NWO.

The introduction of various seen and unseen things, audible and inaudible sounds that affect humans and animals, are moulding people into certain categories of controllability. This is very real!

What is horrifying is that people are not aware of what is going on in and around them. This includes most of the agents who are ignorantly doing their alien masters’ bidding. Most people are not aware that they are being affected, manipulated, used, controlled, influenced and subjugated against their wills.

The mind energy of people has been reduced and modified to such a great extent that they will be like robots, carrying out actions according to which buttons are being pressed to activate them. What is so horrifying is that on the surface, things appear normal, yet something is very, very wrong.

This is like a small replica of the reality of beings of Light being trapped in the Virtual Reality of Darkness, and not knowing they are being trapped and that they have forgotten their true spiritual identities.

It was not funny when recently one alien being was talking to another telepathically about me. She said that she could not understand why “this one”, meaning me, was able to escape the programming by sensing side-affects to the programming that were supposed to go unnoticed.

The Anunnaki are deeply involved in the implementation of the NWO. Humans will either be their agents or their slaves. There are no other choices for humans.

In addition to controlling the physical world, the Anunnaki also control the astral world, so death is not a solution to what is rapidly approaching.

Ironically, the living may envy the dead, yet the dead will envy the living.

Once Australia is well within the NWO grasp, other countries will be included. All the while that countries are being brought under the NWO umbrella, the two main Anunnaki groups will be fighting for supremacy over the planet.

It will be a time of terrible strife and struggle. People might want to consider self sufficiency if feasible. What is looming is a very dangerous time. Compliance with authorities will not assure anything. Marauders will run rampant. Humankind is in for a horrific assault.

Certain dog breeds are being outlawed because fierce dogs are generally feared by the Anunnaki. One of the reasons for this is that a lot of rebellious beings are forced to incarnate in the physical bodies of dogs.

Aliens especially do not like wolves, coyotes and dingos. Some Australian shires offer bounties for dingo scalps. Americans will remember that the English taught Native Americans to take scalps for bounties, and Australians will recall that not so long ago, Aboriginal scalps and ears were still subjected to bounties paid by the authorities.

Only a minority are awakening to the slave masters’ controls. And very few of these even suspect the slave masters on top are the Anunnaki.

The Earth is entering an unprecedented time of calamities, injustice, strife, struggle, disasters, wars, oppression, civil unrest, madness, hunger, thirst, disease, poverty, suffering and trauma.

Culling of areas and races has already begun. The African drought and Africa’s AIDS epidemic were Anunnaki instigated as a part of this culling process.

It is noteworthy that the Anunnaki have learned how to cause droughts, but do not know how to remedy them, and they will not “waste” their resources seeking to discover how to correct a drought once it has done the intended damage to the areas. The Anunnaki just let the droughts run their course and wait for them to self-correct.

There are some third-world countries that are of use to the Anunnaki. These countries are providing goods or services to the ruling elite. Many other third-world countries are seen by the Anunnaki masters as useless baggage that will not be carried after the NWO is fully implemented, and their entire populations are scheduled for extermination.

Still other third-world nations are seen as threats to the NWO for various reasons, so their populations are also marked for annihilation. The culling of people in the developed countries will be more selectively done.

This is an ugly picture of the reality that is soon to come. It is pointless saying that these are negative things. They are what will soon come. Nothing will change what is to happen.

However, there are some things that one can do for oneself to prepare inwardly and take external precautions whenever possible. That is why it is so important that the Virtual Reality be dismantled so there will never be a REPLAY of the horror that Darkness has wrought upon the beings trapped in the Virtual Reality.

Many of us may have to live through this nightmare before Liberation occurs. Again, I stress that we must not give our Will over to Darkness, no matter how difficult the situation becomes.

Demonic behaviour will express more and more in humans against one another and against other species. Vulturites will spread lies to strike at Reptilians and vice versa. Some of the latest examples of Vulturite propaganda involve The Da Vinci Code and the “discovery” of the Book of Judas.

These are both designed to destabilize the Reptilian religious foundations. People will be more and more divided as the Vulturites and Reptilians strike at one another.

Up to this point, the aliens have superficially tolerated one another for the common goal of establishing NWO control. Over millennia, there have been many skirmishes and wars between them in which they exercised great restraint, even during the two world wars of the twentieth century.

However, they hate one another; both sides strive for the ultimate supremacy on the Earth. Once the NWO is well on the way to being established, the two main Anunnaki groups will fight to the death for ultimate control of this planet.

The alien wars will be horrendous. Darkness will hold onto every True-Light being as long as possible as It drags them through the Anunnaki wars, all the while trying desperately to pull them down to Its putrid level.

Darkness will try to make True-Light beings lose confidence in their True Divine identities. It is a crucial time to hold onto one’s Will and trust inwardly that the True Creator loves us despite our outward crude appearances and is rescuing us as quickly and painlessly as possible under the horrific circumstances.

Many will condemn and denounce “god” for what is about to happen. The only “gods” responsible for what is to come are the Anunnaki “gods” and the demiurges. The True Creator is undoing and dismantling the Virtual Reality that was created by the demiurges.

Hence, Liberation from Darkness will soon become a reality, which has been promised by Messengers of the True Creator over the ages.

Fear is a powerful, crippling agent. Fear can paralyse a person, destroy confidence and change one’s outlook. Fear can remove one’s focus and steer one off course. Fear can indeed do many destructive things.

Fear of poverty, loneliness, sickness, death, losing loved ones, injury, incapacity and other worries make up some of the ingredients of fear. Horror is used by Darkness to bring about fear. Many have noted that Hollywood, television and other media now employ a lot of horror in their productions.

Some people have the fear of not having banking, dental, medical, legal and even beauty services available to them. Remember that while you have come to depend on these services, they are all systems created by agents of Darkness.

It is in your best interests to believe that you can overcome the fear of going without these conveniences, even if you do not believe that you are a “warrior” of the Light.

You have the power to overcome these artificially imposed fears in this world of Darkness simply by being a being of Light, a child of the True Creator.

Once you realize that your True Creator loves you and has resolved to Liberate you from this suffering, you can overcome these programmed fears (weaknesses) imposed upon you and you will begin to cope better.

These situations may or may not exist in your life, or may not have occurred yet. If your life is not crippled by them, you will be better able to cope even if you are not able to totally overcome your fears.

What I say to you are things that I know that you can do. These are things that people have experienced and overcome in the past and at present. I will not suggest anything to you that is impossible to reach, whether you are a warrior or not.

Once you have overcome your fears, you will realize that every child of Light is a warrior of True Love, Light and Power. This warriorship is one of Love, Light, Power, Justice, Wisdom, Inner Strength and Perseverance.

It has nothing to do with the bloodthirsty, deceitful, murderous, cannibalistic, hateful, jealous, cruel, vengeful, power-hungry, controlling, exploitative, warring, covetous warriorship sponsored by Darkness.

Beware that, like most other groups, the survivalist groups have been infiltrated by agents for the NWO. Beware that all major religions, old and new, were originally sponsored by agents of Darkness or were later infiltrated by them, and the original messages were corrupted with the design to turn them into religions that trap True Light beings.

Connecting with the True Creator does not require a mediator, a church, an assembly, a congregation or a mentor. Inner Strength comes from within. Through sincere personal “desire” to reach out to the Creator, one can take the first step towards connection with the Light.

The rest will follow naturally as the Creator pulls you out of Darkness. This is very different from the haughty claims some make about being able to contact the Divine directly because they arrogantly believe that they are better and more spiritually advanced than others.

Fear of “god” is an Anunnaki imposition. They project “miracles” and visions to make the flesh-and-blood Anunnaki appear to be deities. They demand repentance and worship of them. They demand shrines, altars, sacrifices and atonement. They threaten to punish those who disobey them. They are ghouls, not gods.

If you fear God, this fear must be overcome. The True Creator is a Loving God that can be held in awe, but not in fear.

The Anunnaki want you to fear “god” because, in many cases, they are the gods of the ancients who demanded to be worshipped and feared. The demiurges also want you to fear them. Fear is crippling and through fear, physical power is bestowed upon the Anunnaki agents and the demiurges.

The True Creator and all the beings of Light are akin to a happy, loving family where you can feel confident that no matter what, they will always love and welcome you.

What is important is that you re-connect with your Creator by sincerely wanting to do so and not give your Will over to Darkness. The rest will fall into place naturally.

By Amitakh Stanford, Xeea Twelve – republished from the Nara site
