Tag Archives: UFO

Was the Star of Bethlehem a UFO?

It could be…:

Image from War of the Worlds

Was the Star of Bethlehem a UFO?

Originally published: The Canadian, ufodigest.com, unexplained-mysteries.com
24th December 2010The star of Bethlehem as Christian lore has it, guided three ‘wise’ men to a site in a Judean town where a new born child of significant eminence lay in a construct that sheltered animals. Tradition says they came to hail the birth of a new king. At this time nearby Jerusalem lay as a kind of buffer province between two antagonists, a new power point in the already complicated body politic of an area festering with the military might of two great armies, the Romans and the Persians.

Firm historical record does not affirm any specific regality to the three men except to verify that the Maji were not kings themselves as later tradition suggested. It seems they were originally a group of Persian king-makers. An electoral college if you like that was credited with great learning and given power as king-makers. The political exigencies in the area called Judea were festering in conflicts between Rome and Persia (Parthia). The prevailing power in Judea at the time was Rome and the ruler Herod was an appointee of Rome under the ostensible title ‘King of the Jews.’ Into all this was born a child to a humble Jewish couple, a child whose coming was evidently foretold. This was something well known in the most learned academic circles and the Maji were among the most learned mystical sages of their sort, the leaders of the leaders of men through their knowledge and influence.

There is much questioning of the exact date of the visit of the Maji to Jeshua Ben Joseph or Jesus Christ to give him his better known nomenclature. This is pivotal because it accents the date of the appearance of a so called star in the sky that through prophecy was supposed to herald the birth of the child in a particular location. This of course would mean that the duration of the star’s appearance and the visit were commensurate with one another.

So what about all this exceptionality? An exceptional child, conceived in unique circumstances, born under exceptional circumstances with a star no less for a designated guiding light that brings special visitors with special behests to see him. All this accompanied by apparitions and space wide manifestations, a real magic show for all to see and hear in little significant town 2000 years or so ago. What other so called inexplicable magic show that goes on today bears a natural reference to all this in terms of its spectacle and wonder? Yes you’ve guessed it: The UFO phenomenon.

Now there’s an interesting surmise. When I began researching UFOs seriously it was one of the first connections that sprang to my mind. Could the two be connected? I’ll put it plainly. Was Jesus an extraterrestrial?

For virgin birth read alien in-vitro fertilization, for the star of Bethlehem read a UFO that stopped over the place where Jesus was born. For transfiguration in front of Peter, James and John on the mountain top read abduction up into the spaceship. For walking on water, turning water into wine in fact any of the ‘miracles’ Jesus performed read the power of alien technology. The evidence would seem to speak for itself. Or does it? Is there a flaw somewhere in this hypothesis? Is there any indication from the reports we have of Jesus’ life that he could not possibly be the end result of the machinations of technologically advanced alien visitors?

I have suggested in my books that the Grey aliens reported by so many reliable witnesses in abduction accounts are artificial entities, roboids. Even SETI is going through a process of realizing that if within a few hundred years of inventing radio we are on the point of inventing thinking machines then the likelihood is that other civilizations from other planets would have done the same. Seth Shostak of SETI says that as machines appear to be the successors to natural life, we would be more likely to spot signals from them than from the “biological” life that invented them.

If this stage is so closely upon us it is not difficult to envision a future in which the ‘non-biological ‘ version of us equipped to survive the rigours of deep space travel, carries an electronic fingerprint of our DNA ready to be reconstituted in a suitable planetary environment. Stephen Hawking has recently suggested that the human race itself must move to a planet beyond our Solar System to protect the future of the species. “Once we spread out into space and establish colonies, our future should be safe.” “The human race shouldn’t have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let’s hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.”

What better way to achieve that objective than sending our genetic information via artificially intelligent entities capable of withstanding the enormous forces involved in the kind of space travel faster than the speed of light necessary to reach hospitable planets.

Could the Greys indeed be gophers sent out from technologically advanced civilisations on other planets to reconstitute their life form, perhaps through cloning procedures, elsewhere? Could they be attempting to hybridise with us so that they can survive on our planet by merging species with one already adapted for the local conditions and clone and re-clone humanity in hybrid mixtures with them. Perhaps this is the hybridisation program that has been reported to be picking up a pace in the last twenty years by Budd Hopkins and Professor David Jacobs.

But then the question would remain, what do we have that a highly advanced bio-synthetic laboratory such as theirs cannot replicate? It is my contention that there is something that natural birth has and cloned birth does not, a crucial difference between their created non-living form and natural living life forms. That facility is a natural line of connection to the non-physical pre-atomic state before the Big Bang, otherwise known as a ‘soul.’ There is something about our identity as human beings that goes on past physical death, a magic non-physical ingredient that they as purely atomic creations can only detect in the sense that it is completely different to what they can know. They can never actually understand what it is because it is non-atomic and therefore non-programmable.

If the Greys are indeed the robotic entities I believe them to be it would explain the fact that abductees have commented on their blank, emotionless faces as they carry out painful procedures on them. It is impossible to program compassion and sympathy into a machine. Machines with artificial intelligence can have no personal identity principle enshrined in their programs. They are simply and only the product of their programming and just like computers they have no personal identity or consciousness of self by which to register emotion of any kind. Only natural living things can have this and I believe this is because natural life and natural intelligence have their root in a holistic quantum reality beyond the physical universe.

What then is the origin of this magic ingredient called consciousness? If, unlike the Greys, we are naturally derived life forms where do we derive from and how does that derivation make us out as intrinsically different to them as artificial creations? For the answer to those questions it is helpful to look at the power that seems to allow for ordered states to happen incidentally within the disorganising inertia of a universe subject to the second law of thermodynamics or entropy that dictates break up into greater and greater states of randomness and chaos with the passage of time. The power is the power of consciousness and as I have discussed Jesus Christ was at great pains to illustrate the unique unionising and ordering potential that consciousness can provide in a physical universe. Hence his statement ‘don’t ye know ye are Gods.’

A computer program or any non-living object can only follow the law of cause and effect, action and reaction. Conscious being on the other hand can change the course of events, in other words, do that little bit more than simply respond to stimuli. A wonderful example of this is the contrast between the Old Testament dictum of an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth and Christ’s revision of this rule to turn the other cheek. By this simple statement Christ illustrated the nature of consciousness set against that which is not conscious. In other words, do that little bit more, don’t simply respond to stimuli, use instead that special facility that marks humanity as different from these roboidal Grey entities who can only respond according to the dictates of a program. This principle is further illustrated in the beautiful yet rarely followed statement: “If a man asks you for his coat give him your cloak also.”

There are several accounts within the texts of the Coptic Gnostic Library which contains texts excluded from the main canon of the New Testament in which Jesus carefully explains to his apostles exactly how to deal with the alien beings should they be faced with them. His entire sojourn with our species it seems was marked with an encouragement to reject the proposals of the material state for which they are the best, most accomplished representatives.

In the “Sophia of Jesus Christ” he talks about “moulded” beings were “condemned as robbers” because they “welcomed the blowing” of “the breath” of God but they were not able “to receive that power for themselves”.

He then tells the apostles in no uncertain terms that he came to mankind to free him from these “robbers” who attempt, albeit in vain, to steal soul from those to whom it rightfully belongs. He says that he “loosed the bonds of the robbers” from immortal man and “broke the gates of the pitiless ones before their faces”. Could these bonds that are loosed and gates that are broken perhaps be the gates and bonds which interrupt the genome of mankind, blocking and holding dormant the full expression of the natural un-intercepted genetic scope of humanity? Jesus describes these “robbers” as the “pitiless ones”, many abductees have reported the complete lack of sympathy which the Greys appear to have for human suffering. Of course, if my theories about these beings are correct, it is easy to see why “pity” would be impossible for them to even conceive of.

In the “First Apocalypse of James” in the Nag Hammadi Codex Jesus explains to the Apostle James how to cope with these beings who take away souls by theft. What better description of abduction could there be than that? He goes on to tell James: “When he also says to you ‘Where will you go?’ you are to say to him, ‘To the place from which I have come, there shall I return’. And if you say these things you will escape their attacks.” Thus if James makes clear his own root of being to these creatures and shows them that he fully intends to return to that root he will “escape their attacks”.

There is also an account in the New Testament itself which describes how Christ was confronted by a character called Satan and after a series of threats and cajolements he finally dismisses this entity who claims charge-ship of the whole world. It seems this entity has power to do whatever it likes and takes Jesus to a high place and shows him ‘all the cities of the world.’ There is no mountain high enough from Judea or indeed anywhere on the Earth from which anyone at any time could see the cities of the whole world except from space. In fact Judea could be seen to be a perfect central aspect from which you could view all the main influence centres of the planet if you view the planet in a two dimensional scale of its main land masses. That height would have to be as a minimum, a view from space.

So Jesus would have to have been in contact with something that could take him into space. What does that suggest? As far as I know not even NASA was going at that time! I believe that the character referred to in this account as ‘Satan’ fits well with being some sort of leader of alien entities. In fact the ancient translation of the word ‘Satan’ means ‘he who fell from the sky.’ That which we call ‘demons’ or ‘devils’ may well be technologically based alien beings and may well have been such all through history. The power of the ‘devil’ to me is simply the technological power of the super intelligent synthetically constructed biological robot, I call a Grey ‘Roboid.’

With the words: “Get thee behind me Satan. It is written that you shall not tempt the Son Of Man,” did Jesus tell the space ship ‘captain’ that had taken him into space that it was a machine and thus less than anything that lives naturally? As a robotic entity did Satan simply accept this as information and return Jesus to the earth? I believe that until then this machine entity did not realize the distinction between ‘it’ and any living thing. In other words existentially Satan was less than an insect. Once it registered this new information about the power and status of all living beings it would have also deduced for the first time that it lacked that power.

With these words Jesus it seems dismissed the aliens as something less than insects because they are not naturally living beings. The crucial thing is that all naturally living beings are inherently existentially superior to created synthetic beings because naturally living beings with consciousness come in with the Universe from its very beginning, with the ‘first light’ that made for awareness, reason, understanding and most crucial of all, free will as compunction. Free will is defined here as the power to change a stance free of the dictates of a programme against all logic and trend. No roboid can do this no matter how advanced its super artificial intelligence makes it. That is what the Christian teacher was at pains to point out. So much so that he did it even at the cost of his life.

As natural life we thus have a never ending scale of connection within a duality, an information field that is measured in a time scale that extends into the timelessness of the pre-universe. This scale of connection is a soul, an individual information field that is unique to each of us. Anything else that can write, impose and direct this information field is thus a deadly enemy that can interrupt the natural free will driven course we take. If a machine with artificial intelligence can do this, that machine is our most deadly enemy. All naturally living beings are inherently superior to created synthetic beings because naturally living beings with consciousness come in with the Universe from its very beginning. My recent book “Grey Aliens And The Harvesting of Souls”  deals at length with how the Grey roboids might actually be able to do this. The book seems to have caused a world wide controversy for its radical views on the UFO phenomenon.

Thus Christ was the antithesis to the Greys and I believe the provider of the antidote to their machinations with humanity. They are the pinnacle of the artificial set against the natural just as he is the pinnacle of the natural set against the artificial. I believe it is the defence of this principle that bestows the power of access to eternal life on all living species in the Universe that Christ figures appear among them from time to time. These ‘Christs’ or anointed ones are reminders to species of what they are losing when they come to a situation of being threatened by the phenomenon we call ‘machine mind.’ They could thus rightly claim to be saviours of the natural status of being. That most wondrous gift we all have that many of us seem not to appreciate. They however reach us via natural rather than artificial means i.e. birth. Any civilisation that develops the technology for space travel beyond the speed of light is most likely to be even further along the scale from natural to artificial than we are, so it is Greys rather than Christs that come in spaceships

As a natural species we have our origins in a timeless state of perfect union and as such we have a reference of the whole state of infinite extent that is the implicit backdrop to all finite states. As programmed artificial intelligence the Greys can only build up their information as a sum of parts, brick by brick so to speak. They can never get the whole picture this way simply because the whole picture is by definition infinite and they are finite entities. Thus they are attempting to hijack our ability to get the whole picture, all the information, by inserting their programmes into us. However the irony is that the more they do this the more we lose parts of the whole picture and become like them. They are basically trying to run up a down escalator with infinite steps and never quite getting to the top. But tragically we are losing our reference of the whole state through their interruptions such that meaning is gradually being replaced by form, conscience is being replaced by ergonomics and man is being replaced by machine.

© Nigel Kerner 2010


And here is the explanation in http://unveiledsecretsandmessagesoflight.blogspot.fi

Medium: Jorge Olguín.

Entity that came to dialogue: Johnakan Ur-El

Interlocutor: Moving on to another of the questions, Was the famous “Star of Bethlehem” a UFO as many people say or it was a planetary conjunction?
Johnakan Ur-El: It was a planetary conjunction.
Interlocutor: Nothing to do with UFOS or extraterrestrials?
Johnakan Ur-El: No, but in any case in that time there were space ships that guided travelers.
Interlocutor: But concretely the “star of Bethlehem” was a planetary conjunction?
Johnakan Ur-El: Correct.
Interlocutor: Which were the planets involved in this event?
Johnakan Ur-El: On August 6 of the year 6 BC, when my Master the Illuminated Jesus was born there was a conjunction of three planets of this system, and if now, those who work with computers, make the diagram of the sky in that time, they will be able to know this with certainty.
Interlocutor: Another point is clarified.


Gary McKinnon – NASA hacker

Here’s interesting story about a guy called Gary McKinnon who hacked to NASA:

Here’s somethin from Wikipedia:

Gary McKinnon
Gary McKinnon.jpg

Gary McKinnon, 12 July 2006
Born 10 February 1966 (age 48)
Glasgow, Scotland
Nationality British
Other names Solo
Citizenship United Kingdom
Known for Computer hacking

Gary McKinnon (born 10 February 1966) is a Scottish[1] systems administrator and hacker who was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time,”[2] although McKinnon himself – who has a diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome – states that he was merely looking for evidence of free energy suppression and a cover-up of UFO activity and other technologies potentially useful to the public. On 16 October 2012, after a series of legal proceedings in Britain, Home Secretary Theresa May withdrew her extradition order to the United States.

Alleged crime

McKinnon is accused of hacking into 97 United States military and NASA computers over a 13-month period between February 2001 and March 2002, at his girlfriend’s aunt’s house in London,[3] using the name ‘Solo’.[2]

The US authorities claim he deleted critical files from operating systems, which shut down the United States Army’s Military District of Washington network of 2,000 computers for 24 hours. McKinnon also posted a notice on the military’s website: “Your security is crap”. After the September 11 attacks in 2001, he deleted weapons logs at the Earle Naval Weapons Station, rendering its network of 300 computers inoperable and paralyzing munitions supply deliveries for the US Navy‘s Atlantic Fleet. McKinnon is also accused of copying data, account files and passwords onto his own computer. US authorities claim the cost of tracking and correcting the problems he caused was over $700,000.[4]

While not admitting that it constituted evidence of destruction, McKinnon did admit leaving a threat on one computer:

“US foreign policy is akin to Government-sponsored terrorism these days … It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand down on September 11 last year … I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels … “[5]

US authorities claim that McKinnon is trying to downplay his own actions. A senior military officer at the Pentagon told The Sunday Telegraph: “US policy is to fight these attacks as strongly as possible. As a result of Mr McKinnon’s actions, we suffered serious damage. This was not some harmless incident. He did very serious and deliberate damage to military and Nasa computers and left silly and anti-America messages. All the evidence was that someone was staging a very serious attack on US computer systems.”[6]

Arrest and legal proceedings

McKinnon was first interviewed by police on 19 March 2002. After this interview, his computer was seized by the authorities.[7] He was interviewed again on 8 August 2002, this time by the UK National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU).[7][8]

In November 2002, McKinnon was indicted by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia.[9] The indictment contained seven counts of computer-related crime, each of which carried a potential ten-year jail sentence.[7]

Extradition proceedings

McKinnon remained at liberty without restriction for three years until June 2005 (until after the UK enacted the Extradition Act 2003, which implemented the 2003 extradition treaty with the United States wherein the United States did not need to provide contestable evidence), when he became subject to bail conditions including a requirement to sign in at his local police station every evening and to remain at his home address at night.

If extradited to the US and charged, McKinnon would face up to 70 years in jail.[10] He has expressed fears that he could be sent to Guantanamo Bay.[11][12]

Appeal to the House of Lords

Representing McKinnon in the House of Lords on 16 June 2008, barristers told the Law Lords that the prosecutors had said McKinnon faced a possible 8–10 years in jail per count if he contested the charges (there were seven counts) without any chance of repatriation, but only 37–46 months if he co-operated and went voluntarily to the United States. U.S.-style plea bargains are not a part of English jurisprudence (although it is standard practice to reduce the sentence by one-third for a defendant who pleads guilty)[13] and McKinnon’s lawyers contended that in effect this was intimidation to force McKinnon to waive his legal rights. McKinnon also claimed that he had been told that he could serve part of his sentence in the UK if he co-operated. He rejected the offer because the Americans would not guarantee these concessions.

McKinnon’s barrister said that the Law Lords could deny extradition if there was an abuse of process: “If the United States wish to use the processes of English courts to secure the extradition of an alleged offender, then they must play by our rules.”[14]

The House of Lords rejected this argument, with the lead judgement (of Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood) holding that “the difference between the American system and our own is not perhaps so stark as [McKinnon]’s argument suggests” and that extradition proceedings should “accommodate legal and cultural differences between the legal systems of the many foreign friendly states with whom the UK has entered into reciprocal extradition arrangements”.[15]

Further appeals

McKinnon appealed to the European Court of Human Rights,[16] which briefly imposed a bar on the extradition,[17] but the request for an appeal was rejected.

On 23 January 2009, McKinnon won permission from the High Court to apply for a judicial review against his extradition.[18] On 31 July 2009, the High Court announced that McKinnon had lost this appeal.[19][20] McKinnon’s legal team, solicitor Karen Todner and barrister Ben Cooper, have applied for a judicial review into the Home Secretary’s rejection of medical evidence, which stated that, when he could easily be tried in the UK, it is unnecessary, cruel and inhumane to inflict the further stress of removing him from his homeland, his family and his medical support network.

British government blocks extradition

On 16 October 2012, Home Secretary Theresa May announced to the House of Commons that the extradition had been blocked, saying that “Mr McKinnon’s extradition would give rise to such a high risk of him ending his life that a decision to extradite would be incompatible with Mr McKinnon’s human rights.” She stated that the Director of Public Prosecutions would determine whether McKinnon should face trial before a British court.[21] On 14 December, the DPP, Keir Starmer, announced that McKinnon would not be prosecuted in the United Kingdom, because of the difficulties involved in bringing a case against him when the evidence was in the United States.[22]

Asperger’s diagnosis

In August 2008, McKinnon was diagnosed by three of the world’s leading experts (Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Professor Jeremy Turk and Professor Thomas Bernie) as suffering from an autism spectrum disorder compounded with clinical depression.[3][23] The Labour MP Denis MacShane, implied in July 2009 that the late diagnosis of McKinnon’s Asperger’s Syndrome was somehow a sham[24] and for likening his case to that of Ernest Saunders‘s apparent Alzheimer’s disease,[25] MacShane was criticised for his insensitivity by Michael White[24] in The Guardian and John Scott, chairman of the Howard League for Penal Reform in Scotland, in The Herald found his comments disgraceful.[25]

McKinnon’s mother, Janis Sharp, claimed that he was suicidal and that he would not survive a U.S. prison incarceration.[26] She has received support from psychiatrist Professor Jeremy Turk of St George’s Hospital, London, who said that suicide was now an “almost certain inevitability”.[27] On 10 November 2009, Janis Sharp gave evidence before the Select Committee for Home Affairs of the UK Parliament.[28] The Committee backed calls for the extradition to be halted because of McKinnon’s “precarious state of mental health” and called for a comprehensive review of the extradition treaty.[29]

Judicial review

In January 2010 Mr Justice Mitting granted McKinnon a further judicial review of the decision of Home Secretary Alan Johnson to allow McKinnon’s extradition. Mitting distinguished two issues which were arguable, the first being whether Professor Turk’s opinion that McKinnon would certainly commit suicide if extradited means that the Home Secretary must refuse extradition under section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 (which prevents a public authority from acting in a way incompatible with convention rights). The second was whether Professor Turk’s opinion was a fundamental change to the circumstances that the courts had previously considered and ruled upon. Mitting ruled that if the answer to both questions was “Yes”, then it was arguable that it would be unlawful to allow the extradition.

Support for McKinnon

In early November 2008, a total of 80 British MPs signed an Early Day Motion calling for any custodial sentence imposed by an American court to be served in a prison in the UK.[30] On 15 July 2009, many of them voted in Parliament against a review of the extradition treaty.

In mid-November 2008, the rock group Marillion announced that it was ready to participate in a benefit concert in support of Gary McKinnon’s struggle to avoid extradition to United States. The organiser of the planned event is Ross Hemsworth, an English radio host. No date has been set yet.[31] Many have now voiced their support, including Sting, Trudie Styler, Julie Christie, David Gilmour, Graham Nash, Peter Gabriel, The Proclaimers, Bob Geldof, Chrissie Hynde, David Cameron, Boris Johnson (Mayor of London), Stephen Fry, Jonathan Ross[citation needed], Terry Waite, Tony Benn, Chris Huhne, Lord Carlile, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party of England and Wales, the National Autistic Society, Liberty, and many others. All of these propose that, at least, he should be tried in the UK.[32] In August 2009, Scottish Newspaper The Herald reported that Scots entrepreneur Luke Heron would pay £100,000 towards McKinnon’s legal costs in the event he was extradited to the US.[33]

In a further article in The Herald, Joseph Gutheinz, Jr., a retired NASA Office of Inspector General Senior Special Agent, voiced his support for Gary McKinnon. Gutheinz, who is also an American criminal defence attorney and former Member of the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Offenders with Medical and Mental Impairments, said that he feared Gary McKinnon would not find justice in the USA, because “the American judicial system turns a blind eye towards the needs of the mentally ill”.[34]

Web and print media across the UK were critical of the extradition. The The Daily Mail was amongst many tabloid newspapers who ran a campaign to prevent Gary McKinnon’s extradition to the U.S.[35][36]

Janis Sharp, McKinnon’s mother, stood as an independent candidate in the 2010 General Election in Blackburn in protest against the sitting Labour MP Jack Straw, who was Foreign Secretary when the extradition treaty was agreed.[37] She finished last out of eight candidates with 0.38% of the vote.[38]

On 20 July 2010 Tom Bradby, ITN political editor, raised the Gary McKinnon issue with U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron in a joint White House press conference who responded that they have discussed it and are working to find an ‘appropriate solution’.[39][40]


In August 2009, Pink Floyd‘s David Gilmour released an online single, “Chicago – Change the World”, on which he sang and played guitar, bass and keyboards, to promote awareness of McKinnon’s plight. A re-titled cover of the Graham Nash song “Chicago“, it featured Chrissie Hynde and Bob Geldof, plus McKinnon himself. It was produced by long-time Pink Floyd collaborator Chris Thomas and was made with Nash’s support.[41] A video was also posted online.[42]

Statements to the media

McKinnon has admitted in many public statements that he obtained unauthorised access to computer systems in the United States including those mentioned in the United States indictment. He claims his motivation, drawn from a statement made before the Washington Press Club on 9 May 2001 by “The Disclosure Project“, was to find evidence of UFOs, antigravity technology, and the suppression of “free energy”, all of which he claims to have proven through his actions.[43][44]

In an interview televised on the BBC‘s Click programme,[45] McKinnon claimed that he was able to get into the military’s networks simply by using a Perl script that searched for blank passwords; in other words his report suggests that there were computers on these networks with the default passwords active.

In his interview with the BBC, he also claimed of “The Disclosure Project” that “they are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, there’s anti-gravity, there’s free energy, and it’s extraterrestrial in origin and [they’ve] captured spacecraft and reverse engineered it.” He said he investigated a NASA photographic expert’s claim that at the Johnson Space Center‘s Building 8, images were regularly cleaned of evidence of UFO craft, and confirmed this, comparing the raw originals with the “processed” images. He claimed to have viewed a detailed image of “something not man-made” and “cigar shaped” floating above the northern hemisphere, and assuming his viewing would be undisrupted owing to the hour, he did not think of capturing the image because he was “bedazzled”, and therefore did not think of securing it with the screen capture function in the software at the point when his connection was interrupted.[46]

NASA documents

In 2006, a Freedom of Information Act request was filed with NASA for all documents pertaining to Gary McKinnon. NASA’s documents consisted of printed news articles from the Slashdot site, but no other related documents. This is consistent with NASA employees browsing internet articles about Gary McKinnon; the records of such browsing activity are in the public domain.

The FOIA documents have been uploaded to the Internet for review, and can be downloaded.[47]

Radio play

On 12 December 2007, BBC Radio 4 broadcast a 45-minute radio play about the case, The McKinnon Extradition by John Fletcher.[48] It was re-broadcast on 2 September 2008. It was directed by Pete Atkin and produced by David Morley.



Published on Feb 19, 2014


I caught up with Gary McKinnon in North London on my way back from safari in Kenya. The interview was shot using a hand-held camcorder and uploaded at 4 am UK time, making use of a wireless connection outside of an office building in downtown Birmingham. This is what is known as guerilla filmmaking…

We sat in the back of his local pub, in a garden in the late afternoon. Gary is lucid, eloquent and extremely intelligent. He made it clear that the real reason the Americans want to extradite him is not for any damage he has done, for in fact there wasn’t any. They are pursuing him is because of what he might have seen. Specifically, documents revealing a list of “Non-terrestrial officers” and off-world cargo operations somewhere out in space, (fleet-to-fleet transfers) hinting at the real possibility of military activities taking place in relation to other planets.

Such a possibility has got to be mind-blowing to the average person who barely grasps that there might actually be aliens from other worlds interacting with earth and governments in the vicinity of our solar system. Key to the whole extradition matter is the issue that there were NO passwords required in order to access this material… and that a relatively unprofessional hacker, self-taught albeit brilliant, would be able, using a dial-up modem, to gain top secret access to NASA files and places as sacrosanct as the Pentagon.

Since the date of this interview, Gary McKinnon has won his battle against extradition and will not face charges due to his having been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. It is important to note that this interview contains some of the best footage ever filmed of McKinnon telling the story in his own words. Most of the press accounts simply refer to his activity as looking for proof of UFOs. The fact that he unearthed proof of the Secret Space Program and the ramifications of that find, have been largely ignored by the mainstream press. It is our hope that this testimony will eventually cross over into the mainstream and provide the proof necessary for a full scale investigation into the existence of a Secret Government and Space Program that are currently as much as 10,000 years in advance of the state of technology in use on ‘surface Earth’. This includes anti-gravity and travel beyond the reaches of our solar system as well as the establishment of bases on the Moon, Mars and other planets. Project Camelot’s whistleblowers have provided ample testimony supporting the finds of Gary McKinnon and it is our view that ultimately the truth about this will become widely known.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

And here’s the interview:

“Dad, are UFOs real?”

What if your child ask this question from you? What would be the answer? I think, that in my case I would have to say “Yes”, because over ten years of research it sure looks like it. But I’m still waiting my personal UFO experience. Here’s Nigel Kerner’s answer to his son:

His initial response was sceptical as his own background was science based but he felt his son deserved more than a knee jerk response and decided he would look more deeply into the subject. He began by looking at the evidence for the phenomenon which he initially found surprisingly substantial and later on, overwhelmingly convincing. He then moved on to examining the theories for its presence on this planet. Unsatisfied that these theories provided a persuasive reason for the agenda behind alien visitation or a coherent rational and logical explanation for the true origins of the alien entities sojourn on our planet, he broadened his search. This took him into a deeper exploration and study of the individual sciences he was unfamiliar with and a comprehensive study of ancient texts with a bearing on the main religions of the world, amongst them the Bible the Koran, the Dhamma, the Mahabarata, the Kabbala and the Gnostic texts annotating Christian belief thrown out by the Christian church at the Convocation of Nicea. He was also prompted by the nature of evidence for the alien phenomenon to look into research in cell biology, bio-chemistry and theoretical physics. Very soon Nigel realised that to explain the origins and agenda of these alien visitors would involve first explaining and understanding our own origins as human beings both from a philosophical and scientific perspective.

Nigel has always rejected the falsifications that he believes organised, mainstream religion has made to the original examples offered by the great teachers that were the inspiration for each of these religions. He feels a core of similar ideas runs through the central teachings of these teachers. A core of ideas that bears more relation to the nature of reality described by quantum physics than the anthropomorphic sense of God portrayed by the Judeo-Christian and Islamic mainstream.

In his search for an explanation of the origins of intelligent life Nigel was confounded by the huge contradictions implied by the traditional alternatives presented by Creationism, Intelligent Design and the theory of Evolution. If Creationists or ID theorists were right it would imply a perfect centre of creation, a ‘God’ that (for whatever reason) created a universe in which imperfection and therefore the potential for suffering exists. Why would that which is perfect create that which is imperfect? Evolution theory on the other hand runs in complete defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (a basic law of Physics) that forbids development into better and more ordered states. This law states that everything enforced and thus made of atoms rots and is so completely taken apart in time that even the parts themselves are finally taken apart. The process goes one way into more and more random and chaotic states from prior states of order with time. Thus Nigel postulated that the overall momentum of the atomic Universe had to be Devolution with Evolution occurring within staged formats within that overall devolutionary momentum. Nigel simply wondered why the Universe was just heading one way. How then could the ordered systems that allow for life have arisen? That led him to believe that there had to be another existential paradigm, one totally obverse to the paradigm of a physical universe governed by the dictates of the second law.

The supremacy of Free Will as the decider of our individual destinies and a secular and objective definition of God as the natural implicate centre of all existence rather than the anthropocentric directive entity so many accept, was the logical solution Nigel arrived at. In that context and in concordance with his research into ancient religious texts and cutting edge science Nigel also arrived at a cohesive theory for the origin and agenda of the alien phenomenon.

The Alien Phenomenon

Image of a Grey Alien

With recent advances in bio-technology and cybernetics we are hurtling faster than ever before into what Nigel calls ‘Sim Card Man.’ Could it be that the Grey aliens that are a feature of almost all abduction experiences may themselves be the final product of a civilization at another location in the universe achieving this stage of technological advancement to its acme. Could this civilization have transformed their own natural bodies through artificial implants into bio-mechanical entities?

It was recently revealed that scientists in the US have succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. Nigel suggests that the Greys themselves may have been made in this way as synthetic copies of their creators but fortified with an inorganic chemistry to allow for the kind of space travel beyond the speed of light necessary to reach other life forms in the universe. Could our cells act as their host mechanism for their synthetic DNA just as a bacterial cell was the host for the synthetic DNA produced by our own scientists?

Could the Greys have been the final product of a civilization that sought to avoid death in this way? Could they be the epitome, in other words, of artificial intelligence?

Abductees have commented on the blank, emotionless faces of the greys as they carry out painful procedures on them. It is as though we are laboratory rats to them. There is no sympathy but no cruelty either. They are like biological robots perhaps programmed to preserve the identity of their creators for eternity, carrying their DNA and cloning and re-cloning it in an attempt to reconstruct the original programme.

Owing to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, otherwise known as entropy, all matter is subject to increasing states of breakdown and decay. The DNA held by the Greys would be breaking down with each cloning and re-cloning. However, to refresh their sample would not be simple. Human DNA, for example, is likely to be very different to their samples. The only way they could make use of our DNA would be a hybridisation process, converting us to be more like them.

This hybridisation process has been strongly affirmed by Budd Hopkins and Professor David Jacobs, the leading figures in abduction research. In fact in the last twenty years they have noticed that the hybridisation programme has been stepped up dramatically. Could this be connected intimately to our escalating progress in cybernetics, artificial intelligence and bio-technology? Are we emulating the highly advanced technology of the civilisation that made the Greys? If the answer is yes then do their famed abilities for mind control through implants and possibly genetic interception have something to do with it?

We are rushing headlong into a bio-technological revolution in which our natural status as human beings is more and more likely to be converted into a synthetic, artificial construct eventually. Nigel feels that if we let ourselves be carried along with this and don’t think about its implications we will lose our ability to think individually at all. This power to think may be the secret of a natural property we all have and has been identified by the teachers of all the main religions as a ‘soul’ that gives us the potential for an eternal existence beyond the confines of a physical universe. It’s a new take on the most basic existential paradigm of all.

It is Nigel’s assertion that this natural ‘Soul’ property may indeed be the ‘holy grail’ that the Greys are seeking in their agenda with humanity. As artificial entities they have no access to this natural quantum that provides a connection to a non-entropic state of existence beyond the physical universe and thus to an ability to survive physical death. Ironically as artificial creations they can never have access to this natural quantum but equally, as artificial creations they are unaware of this fact.

Here’s a Nigel Kerner’s interview:

Paranormal Odyssey Podcast

1st May 2013 Robert Luellen interviews Nigel Kerner.
Download MP3


Information packet provided by finnish doctor Rauni Kilde

I just have to post something about this great person called Rauni Kilde here from Finland. She has much information about paranormal, aliens, ufology, mind control etc.

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde.jpg

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde in 2012.

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (born Värtsilä, 15 November 1939) is a Finnish physician who has been an author and lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control since 1982. She now lives in Norway.

Luukanen-Kilde had to flee with her family in infancy during the Second World War and was raised in Helsinki.[1] She studied medicine at the universities of Oulu and Turku, graduating in 1967. She was at one point the only medical practitioner at the hospital in Pelkosenniemi, performing dental and veterinary work as well.[2] In March 1975, she became a provincial medical officer in Rovaniemi, Lapland;[1] she became chief medical officer for Lapland.[2][3]

In 1982, as Rauni-Leena Luukonen, she published Kuolemaa ei ole (There Is No Death).[4] She has been interested in the paranormal since she was a teenager, but her interest in UFOs may date to a 1985 car accident which led to her retirement. She has since been a featured speaker at UFO conferences, helped organize the first international conference on extraterrestrials in Finland[5] and authored books about UFOs, alien abductions, mind control and conspiracy theories. Luukanen-Kilde has claimed to have been “rescued” from danger by extraterrestrials, and to have esoteric skills and knowledge as a result of her relationship with them. She maintains that there is a secret exchange program between humans and aliens that is being deliberately suppressed by “powerful Western governments”, particularly the United States.[1] Luukanen-Kilde also claims there are secret military and intelligence agencies practising mind control technology on the world population using cell phones and supercomputers and that a plot to kill most of the Earth’s population using the swine flu vaccine is being carried out by the WHO, Henry Kissinger, and the Bilderberg Group.[6] Her article on cybernetic implants as a means of control is widely circulated.[7] She appears in the 1999 film Revelations: The End Times, Volume 2.

Luukonen-Kilde has lived in Norway since 1992;[8] she married a Norwegian diplomat in 1987.[1]


Lucas Alexander presents for “Age Of Truth*TV” – Dr. RAUNI KILDE ~ “The Grande Dame Of Consciousness” an exstraordinary interview-documentary with former Medical Chief Officer Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, who worked as a highly acclaimed physician in Finland and was also a representative for WHO and Red Cross. She has worked professionally all over the world and has done extensive research.

She is a widely published author of several books translated into 6 different languages, focusing on the Paranormal, Parapsychology, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, UFOlogy, Conspiracy & Truth Research, Medical and Pharmaceutical Awareness, Natural Medicine, Vaccinations, Politics, Banking System, Consciousness, Secret Societies, Elite Rituals, Astronomy, Science, Alien Technology, Free Energy, Teleportation and Mind Control.

Dr. Rauni Kilde is known as the female David Icke and has been one of the first to publically write books on controversial topics not reported in the media. She was married to a Norweigian diplomat and has spent a great deal of time in the United States. She travels the world to give lectures and speeches, interviews and debates with other truth researchers.

Age Of Truth Presents
Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde
Presented by
Lucas Alexander
for Age Of Truth TV


Little bit food for thought…

 “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant–
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise.”
EMILY DICKINSON, Tell all the Truth but tell it slant–

Silenced people, Dr. Karla Turner (murdered)

Too dangerous information lead to one more death… Here is the story of Karla Turner:

Welcome to KarlaTurner.org

An online memorial and tribute to a brave researcher of covert “alien” abductions and mind control. Dr. Turner paid the ultimate price for trying to defend herself and her family, and to alert other innocent citizens to the danger that we all now face.

About Dr. Karla Turner …

Dr. Karla Turner died of cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers. Several of her case studies are now dead.

Karla was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at the university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a shocking series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees.

Karla’s response was to drop her professional university career and turn her full attention to abduction research. Her first book, Into the Fringe (Berkley Books, 1992), told of her own experiences and those of her family. Her second book, Taken – Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (Kelt Works, 1994), profiled the abduction stories of eight women whose experiences included both “alien” and human intrusions, and both benign and negative elements, illustrating the profoundly complex nature of the abduction mystery. Her most recent book, Masquerade of Angels (Kelt Works, 1994), was co-written with psychic Ted Rice and recounts Ted’s lifelong encounters with strange entities whose identity hovered in a shadowland between angelic and demonic. Karla was working on another book when she became ill in early 1995. 

(Excerpted from ISCNI*Flash 1.21 – January 16, 1996)

… and the Bartholic Killings

Dr. Turner’s research associate Barbara Bartholic and Barbara’s husband Bob were involved in a high-speed automobile collision in 2010.   The news reported that the other vehicle was being driven by a carjacker who had just stolen it not long before, but somehow managed to flee the scene and disappear despite a reported impact speed of over 100 MPH.  Bob died from his injuries shortly thereafter, and Barbara spent several weeks in the hospital.

Following her discharge, Barbara told me on the phone that she was certain that the accident had been deliberately engineered in order to punish her for having allowed me to visit her and Bob at their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma for three days in 2009 and view her private research materials.  She also stated that when she was in the hospital, several acquaintances of hers visited her, speaking sympathetic phrases such as “how ARE you?” in a mocking tone.

In October 2010, the creator of the present website was subjected to a premeditated severe physical assault followed by a series of events that were designed to instill in him a sense of mortal fear, and to provoke him if possible into a reaction that might be ruinous to his life and future.  Barbara Bartholic died (reportedly by stroke) at the same time that this situation was unfolding.   The threat of malicious arbitrary psychiatric diagnosis is in effect to prevent further disclosure of details from being made or any remedies (medical, legal or otherwise) from being obtained.1

Subsequent events have demonstrated beyond any doubt that all of this has nothing whatsoever to do with “aliens” but rather to continuing government mind-control operations (the term “operations” being specifically chosen as opposed to “experiments” — there is nothing at all “experimental” about what is being done).   The reports of the abductees contained in Dr. Turner’s work therefore remain extremely important in the context of shedding light on the nature of the crimes which have been perpetrated against innocent civilians during the last several decades.

I suggest that “alien abductees” are in reality merely one sub-group of a larger population of targeted individuals.  Their experiences constitute the little-known symptoms of a covert long-term military campaign whose goal, global in scope, is to redefine the nature of government on Earth and to utilize extremely advanced technologies to control the human population in ways not even considered possible by the general public.   For more information about these subjects, I invite you to explore the rest of this website, beginning with Special Exhibits: Mind Control.

Jeff Polachek


Here is the Karla Turner testimony (12 Parts):


Here are Karla Turner’s books. You can find these on the left side under “Downloads”:

>> Masquerade Of Angels by Karla Turner

>> Into The Fringe by Karla Turner

>> Taken: Inside The Alien-Human Agenda by Karla Turner

Study this and spread the info so that Karla didn’t die in vain.