7 Reasons Why Genetically Modified Foods Will Never Be Labeled And Why It Won’t Matter In The Future

Just spreading the information about GMO foods…

There are many arguments in favor of mandatory labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMO). However, corporate lobbyists have been very effective in preventing any GMO labeling legislation from being enacted into law. The public is in favor of the idea, but politicians are only on board until voting polls close after which point they revert back to the corporate ideology preventing people from ever knowing the truth about what’s in their food. In the west, the probability of such laws ever being passed are very unlikely. Hate to be a party pooper, but here are 7 reasons why GMO foods will never be labeled.
At least 21 countries and the European Union have established some form of mandatory labeling, but the food industry in the EU and US are two different beasts.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration currently requires labeling of GMO foods if the food has a significantly different nutritional property; if a new food includes an allergen that consumers would not expect to be present (e.g., a peanut protein in a soybean product); or if a food contains a toxicant beyond acceptable limits.

Even though it does exist, the generally accepted science of GMO foods does not clearly distinguish between its nutritional properties and those of non-GMO foods. Allergens are also known to be present in GMO foods, but this is largely ignored by the FDA. Also, now that the EPA has allowed Monsanto’s glyphosate herbicide at levels 60 times above toxic exposure for canola, soy, sunflower, flax and peanuts, it’s a free pass to chemically spray most GMO foods beyond acceptable limits.

To government scientists, it’s all the same and they don’t see a difference, not because one doesn’t exist, but because they refuse to acknowledge it.

Monsanto writes “There is no need to test the safety of GM foods”. So long as the engineered protein is safe, foods from GM crops are substantially equivalent and they cannot pose any health risks.” The US Food and Drug Administration waived all levels of safety testing in 1996 before approving the commercialization of these crops. Nothing more than voluntary research is necessary, and the FDA does not even want to see the results. And there is certainly no need to publish any of it. If you remember 1996, the year that the first crops were commercialized, the research scientists of the US FDA all predicted that transgenic crops would have unpredictable hard to detect side effects, allergens, toxins, nutritional effects, new diseases.

Unless you are geographically located in a dozen or so countries in the world who have declared GMO (genetically modified organism) bans, then you’re likely eating GMO. It’s almost impossible to avoid all GMO foods, however educating yourself can make a big difference in the percentage of GMO foods you purchase as a consumer.

Although consumers have a right to know what’s in their food, especially concerning products for which health and environmental concerns have been raised, there are 7 reasons why they are unlikely to be be identified on any labeled food products:

1. Mandatory labeling would allow consumers to identify and steer clear of food products that cause them problems. This would cause a ripple effect on the entire food industry causing information campaigns on some of the largest and most successful brands in the world, effectively removing their popularity through incremental education.

2. For religious or ethical reasons, many people want to avoid eating animal products, including animal DNA. More GMO foods are now being engineered with insect DNA and more experiments are taking place with animal DNA. If consumers were more informed through labeling initiatives, it would cause a massive backlash on well known brands of processed foods by these groups. Transgenic animals and crops would also come under fire.

3. Labels on GMO foods would imply a warning about detrimental health effects, which would stir controversy among millions who strive daily to maintain or advance their levels of health and wellness through dietary strategies. There are significant differences between GMO and conventional foods in terms of side effects, allergens, toxins, nutritional effects, and new diseases. Although no nutritional or allergenic differences are acknowledged by the FDA, labeling foods as GMO would immediately place the decision making process back into the hands of the consumer by-passing the regulatory agency’s control.

4. Labeling of GMO foods to fulfill the desires of health conscious consumers would come at a consequence to all food manufacturers who use GMO ingredients. Experience with mandatory labeling in the European Union, Japan, and New Zealand has not resulted in consumer choice. Rather, retailers have eliminated GMO products from their shelves due to perceived consumer aversion to GMO products. Can you imagine what the effect would be in the US?

5. Consumers who want to buy non-GMO foods currently have an option to purchase certified organic foods, which by definition cannot be produced with GMO ingredients. Labeling GMO ingredients would also affect the entire organic foods industry now generating hundreds of millions in revenue. Many consumers would revert back to conventional foods if they learned they did not contain GMO ingredients. This would cause a loss in profits to some large food manufacturers who have organic divisions within their brands.

6. If GMO foods were segregated from non-GMO foods, the food system infrastructure (storage, processing, and transportation facilities) would need to change drastically in a short period of time to accommodate the need for this change. The cost of labeling involves far more than the paper and ink to print the actual label. Accurate labeling requires an extensive identity preservation system from farmer to elevator to grain processor to food manufacturer to retailer. Either testing or detailed record-keeping needs to be done at various steps along the food supply chain. It would be very chaotic and the expense would go down the tubes if the majority of consumers avoided foods labeled as containing GMO ingredients. It’s a process the food industry knows would be extremely painful if it were to ever materialize.

7. If anti-GMO activists won the fight to pass GMO labeling legislation, it would set a precedent to every other highly controversial health topic in the hands of regulatory agencies. What next? Public health agencies would then be at risk at losing their credibility on other hot topics of debate such as fluoride in drinking water or vaccination. If populations were to win one huge battle that would free them from being incrementally poisoned, all government policy would be then be scrutinized and consumer advocate groups would stop at nothing to ensure all toxic public health policy would be dumped. It’s a loss of control and that’s something the cartels of the world are not interested in.

What’s The Solution and What Does The Future Hold?

If you haven’t figured out yet that our governments are not our best health and safety advocates, you haven’t been paying attention. We need to take the control away from the government and put it back into the hands of the people.

Content-based verification requires testing foods for the physical presence of foreign DNA or protein. A current application of this type of procedure is the analysis and labeling of vitamin content of foods. Methods for detecting the presence of GMO components in crops and processed foods are being discussed all over the world.

As the number of transgenes in commercialized crops increases, the techniques for detecting an array of different transgenes are becoming more sophisticated and even portable.

In the not too distant future, consumers will be able to run on-the-spot tests for environmental toxins, GMOs, pesticides, food safety and more with their smartphones and other hand-held devices.

“Modern biological research is also allowing an extension of laboratory devices on to small computer chips to detect biological information within DNA sequences,” said biotech specialist Dr. Marek Banaszewski. “Bioinformatic algorithms within programs will aid the identification of transgenes, promoters, and other functional elements of DNA, making detection of genetically modified foods on-the-spot and real-time without transportation to a laboratory.”

In a paper published in the journal Lab on a Chip, the team demonstrated sensing of an immune system protein, but the slide could be primed for any type of biological molecule or cell type. The researchers are working to improve the manufacturing process for the iPhone cradle and are working on a cradle for Android phones as well. They hope to begin making the cradles available next year.

Other handheld devices currently in development are portable chemiluminescence detectors, but based on enzyme-catalyzed reactions emitting light. The detection devices for nucleic acids, biotin associated with the target DNA provides the handle for the chemiluminescent detection. The non-radioactive DNA detection chemistry will be able to readily identify single-copy genes in transgenic plants making them suitable for GMO detection.


Natasha Longo has a master’s degree in nutrition and is a certified fitness and nutritional counselor. She has consulted on public health policy and procurement in Canada, Australia, Spain, Ireland, England and Germany.



Here is a documentary about Monsanto and you soon realize that it’s the Beast from Hell…



“Truth has rough flavours if we bite it through.”

The Clementine conspiracy – a.k.a. Project Golden Dragon

I have always has some thoughts, that NASA isn’t telling the whole truth about moon and all the space missions. So here is another interesting case called “Project Golden Dragon”.

This is an updated version of “Project Golden Dragon”.

Before you watch this video please read this message:

This project is based on a personal “theory” about a major conspiracy by the US Department of Defense, a whistle-blower who left cryptographic clues and finally complete exposure of an obfuscated object found in the Zeeman crater.

* * * This is no scientific build disclosure (yet). * * *

This presentation is the result of 14 years of research; collecting data, analyzing and making enhancements using high-end forensic image enhancement software. I needed a very long time myself to look past the strange shape. Do not expect to see the machine immediately. Your eyes and mind need time to adapt so take your time and try not to think too hard of alien technology. You probably have an expectation what “technology on the Moon” may look like but this machine is unlike anything you have ever seen. In order to see it you must A) be willing to accept the impossible, B) free your mind and C) capable of “out of the box” thinking. Note: I cannot promise that you will see the alien technology. All depends on your willingness to accept that there is life outside Earth atmosphere. Only users who are fully open to extraterrestrial technology and who are able to watch this video without prejudice will have a better chance to comprehend the images.

English is not my native language, so perhaps Roc Hatfield, author of 2 books “Ancient man On the Moon” and “Moon Base Cover Up?” may have a proper description of what to expect:

“Our brains are not used to seeing Alien Technology so it might take a few minutes to see it. It is clearly a vast machine. I was able to make out a number of features after looking at it for a long time. It is made of thousands of inter-locking plates, like scales on an alligator. I believe this allows it to undulate like a snake or caterpillar. The machine is so long that it needs to flex in order to set flat on the lunar surface. If it was ridged it would be like a pencil on a basketball, both ends would be in the air when the middle was on the ground. By being flexible it can wrap it’s huge length around the curvature of the Moon’s surface.

The machine is a mining crawler that takes in moon material at the front using a giant gantry and processes it on board in a massive on board factory. I believe the machine can fly and has been to earth in the past. Could be the dragons seen by ancient Chinese people. It looks like a dragon from the side”.

That really was a thorough description. Before people start telling me that this is all fantasy: My conclusions are based on facts (though non-scientific build) and for those who watch the video entirely they will know that I did not build my theory on a single gray-scale picture. There are still a lot of unanswered questions for which I too do not have an answer.

From ALL your comments I will create a sequel and try to give throrough explanations but I might not have an answer for every question. I am still full of questions myself.

At the time I finished this video I had serious vocal problems and therefore used a text to voice application. This resulted in a “robotic sounding voice” for which I must apologize.
For those who still think that I am hiding myself behind a synthetic voice, just watch my other videos. Furthermore do not believe any disinfo agent comments about me. I have no political agenda. I am just interested in the truth.

Your comments are appreciated but do not lecture me on how I should (have) perform(ed) my research, do not question my honesty, don’t act like an imagery expert when you are not, no swearing, insults, fascist remarks, off topic commentary, criticize narration or presentation, do not compare my videos with Luna Cognita’s – we are different and work in a different manner. I will ban annoying photoshop-experts, trolls, black-listed debunkers, shills, religious fanatics, vague people, saboteurs, drunk- and drugged Youtubers, musicians (I am neither interested in you nor your music) and finally money makers!

I am NOT doing this for the money: My Playback-based gross revenue $0.00*

Enjoy the presentation and spread the news! Make this disclosure to a success!




“In all perception of the truth there is a divine ecstasy, an inexpressible delirium of joy, as when a youth embraces his betrothed virgin.”

Something from the history…

This video is from 1964. It just makes you wonder why we have to be suppressed all of this information. There must to be an end to this dark cabal and it seems that we have to demand disclosure. Otherwise we just have to keep on going in the darkness…

This recording is from the KVOS Channel 12 Films, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University, Bellingham WA.

700 year old Nordics, Space Travel, Time travel (f =1/T), technology swap.

In 1952, over a week before the events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident George-Van-Tassel notified the US air force, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and the Life (magazine) of the future events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident via registered letters.[6] This event was witnessed by thousands of people in and around the Washington D.C. area. It is one of the most publicized sightings to have ever taken place.

Author, inventor and controversial UFO advocate. Some agreed, some disagreed with his philosophy.
None found him boring.

FAIR USE NOTICE: These pages/video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, POLITICAL, HUMAN RIGHTS, economic, DEMOCRACY, scientific, MORAL, ETHICAL, and SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational.



“They frequently find the truth who do not seek it, they who do, frequently lose it.”
FANNY KEMBLE, Further Records, Feb. 8, 1875

Information packet provided by finnish doctor Rauni Kilde

I just have to post something about this great person called Rauni Kilde here from Finland. She has much information about paranormal, aliens, ufology, mind control etc.

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde.jpg

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde in 2012.

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde (born Värtsilä, 15 November 1939) is a Finnish physician who has been an author and lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control since 1982. She now lives in Norway.

Luukanen-Kilde had to flee with her family in infancy during the Second World War and was raised in Helsinki.[1] She studied medicine at the universities of Oulu and Turku, graduating in 1967. She was at one point the only medical practitioner at the hospital in Pelkosenniemi, performing dental and veterinary work as well.[2] In March 1975, she became a provincial medical officer in Rovaniemi, Lapland;[1] she became chief medical officer for Lapland.[2][3]

In 1982, as Rauni-Leena Luukonen, she published Kuolemaa ei ole (There Is No Death).[4] She has been interested in the paranormal since she was a teenager, but her interest in UFOs may date to a 1985 car accident which led to her retirement. She has since been a featured speaker at UFO conferences, helped organize the first international conference on extraterrestrials in Finland[5] and authored books about UFOs, alien abductions, mind control and conspiracy theories. Luukanen-Kilde has claimed to have been “rescued” from danger by extraterrestrials, and to have esoteric skills and knowledge as a result of her relationship with them. She maintains that there is a secret exchange program between humans and aliens that is being deliberately suppressed by “powerful Western governments”, particularly the United States.[1] Luukanen-Kilde also claims there are secret military and intelligence agencies practising mind control technology on the world population using cell phones and supercomputers and that a plot to kill most of the Earth’s population using the swine flu vaccine is being carried out by the WHO, Henry Kissinger, and the Bilderberg Group.[6] Her article on cybernetic implants as a means of control is widely circulated.[7] She appears in the 1999 film Revelations: The End Times, Volume 2.

Luukonen-Kilde has lived in Norway since 1992;[8] she married a Norwegian diplomat in 1987.[1]


Lucas Alexander presents for “Age Of Truth*TV” – Dr. RAUNI KILDE ~ “The Grande Dame Of Consciousness” an exstraordinary interview-documentary with former Medical Chief Officer Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, who worked as a highly acclaimed physician in Finland and was also a representative for WHO and Red Cross. She has worked professionally all over the world and has done extensive research.

She is a widely published author of several books translated into 6 different languages, focusing on the Paranormal, Parapsychology, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, UFOlogy, Conspiracy & Truth Research, Medical and Pharmaceutical Awareness, Natural Medicine, Vaccinations, Politics, Banking System, Consciousness, Secret Societies, Elite Rituals, Astronomy, Science, Alien Technology, Free Energy, Teleportation and Mind Control.

Dr. Rauni Kilde is known as the female David Icke and has been one of the first to publically write books on controversial topics not reported in the media. She was married to a Norweigian diplomat and has spent a great deal of time in the United States. She travels the world to give lectures and speeches, interviews and debates with other truth researchers.

Age Of Truth Presents
Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde
Presented by
Lucas Alexander
for Age Of Truth TV


Little bit food for thought…

 “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant–
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise.”
EMILY DICKINSON, Tell all the Truth but tell it slant–

9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain

I just found this great presentation about Pentagon attack. It just backs up th 9/11 conspiracy:

Barbara Honegger’s presentation titled “Behind the Smoke Curtain” in Seattle’s Town Hall Theater, January 12, 2013, on what happened and what didn’t happen at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

To purchase the DVD please send an email to bshonegg@gmail.com with the subject “DVD Request”. To request a speaking event with Barbara Honegger please use the same email with the subject “Speaking Event”.

You can also purchase the “Behind the Smoke Curtain” DVD at http://911ts.org

You can download this video for free at http://archive.org/details/BTSC-051113D

Links mentioned in this video:

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: http://ae911truth.org

Patriots Question 9/11: http://patriotsquestion911.com

Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth: http://pl911truth.com

Aaron Russo’s offer from Nicholas Rockefeller: http://youtu.be/iSii-xWoyKM

Another version of Wesley Clarke’s statement: http://youtu.be/SXS3vW47mOE

International Conference in Malaysia, 2012, “9/11 Revisited — Seeking the Truth”:

9/11 Truth Seattle: http://911ts.org

A Video by Mark Snyder
File: BTSC051113D.MP4

A presentation by Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) used under creative commons license.

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Honegger and Mark Snyder
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – Permission is granted to reproduce, distribute and/or embed this video as is, in its entirety, and unaltered in any way.

And here is the presentation:


And as always you decide…

 “Truth will only make you unpopular.”