Now we have a brand new digisingle out called “Trapped”, check it out:
Now we have a brand new digisingle out called “Trapped”, check it out:
This is exactly what I hate… Artificial! Synthetic! Virtual!:
Cyber-hugs and robot babies – a brave new world
Originally published:, &
29th June 2010Artificial! Synthetic! Virtual! These are the buzz words of the new millennium, buzz words that describe the brave new world it seems we cannot wait to reach. Every week there are blazing new technological developments towards this end. It seems that even over the past year the momentum has gathered blistering speed. We are all too happy for the natural to be replaced by the artificial. ‘Sim card man’ is truly on the horizon.
This week there are reports that a Tokyo University team has developed a robot designed to simulate the development and behaviour of a nine-month-old baby in an effort to better understand how humans grow. Creating a robot which can develop cognition in a way that a human baby does during its growth process should also help in achieving a society where robots and humans can live side by side, says Professor Kuniyoshi. “Our purpose is to build a system that can learn various behaviours and acquire various functionalities as it explores around the environment and interacting with humans,” 1 he said.
Noby is a highly accurate model with the sensory and motor functions of a nine-month-old human baby. The body is covered in a soft “skin” with 600 tactile sensors. It is flexible and its joints can move like those of a human baby.
Noby also has two cameras for “seeing” and two microphones for “listening to” the external world. The project is also part of attempts to make more human-like robots. Professor Kuniyoshi’s team chose a nine-month-old human baby as Noby’s model as this is the time of rapid development of movement and cognition functions.
There are two remarkable assumptions behind this experiment. First it is assumed that human beings will interact with a robot as they would with another human being and provide the robot with the same inputs that would reach a human baby. Second it is assumed that the development, behaviour and cognition of a human baby can be replicated if the same external signals that are received by a human baby are programmed into a robot. Is there a certain something that is being missed here, an ingredient that is non-programmable? What do you think?
It all reminds me of the special jackets were designed some years ago in Japan for children who are away from their parents. The idea was that if the child wears the jacket the parent can give him or her remote ‘cyber-hugs’ through it. If this makes you squirm then ask yourself why? If you feel something is missing from a ‘cyber-hug’ what could that something be?
In a recent New Scientist article entitled “Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die” 2 Linda Geddes reports the first steps towards creating digital avatars that are to all intents and purposes clones of their human sponsors. Huge amounts of information are programmed by an individual into a ‘mind file’ that will form the avatar’s data, likes, dislikes and mannerisms. A representative from an organization funding research into such avatars says: “If you spent an hour a day answering questions, it would take five years to complete them all, but the further you go, the more accurate a representation of yourself the mind file will become.” She goes on to say that: “Ultimately, however, they aim to create a personalized, conscious avatar embodied in a robot – effectively enabling you, or some semblance of you, to achieve immortality.” “If you can upload yourself into this digital form, it could live forever,” says Nick Mayer of Lifenaut, a US company that is exploring ways to build lifelike avatars. “It really is a way of avoiding death.”
Would you be happy with that kind of eternal life? Would uploading who you are as a human being into a robotic avatar give you a sense of a future scope and existence after your body dies? Would that robot to all intents and purposes be you? If you feel comfortable and somewhat hopeful about living on in this way cyber-hugs and robot babies should be no problem for you also.
“Second Life,” an online game offering life in a virtual world has acquired five million subscribers in just five years. Michio Kaku envisages that “by 2020 there will be an entire 3D universe in cyberspace with virtual countries and governments, virtual schools and universities, virtual properties and stock markets and virtual families and friends. Virtual reality is going to be more and more like real reality. Already more than 20 million people worldwide spend an average of 20 hours a week in virtual worlds and some actually prefer virtual communication to socialising in the real world.” 3 Well if it makes them happy why not?
Why not indeed? Are you feeling a gathering sense of unease about all of this? Are the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end as mine are as I envisage the future that lies in wait for my children? If such is the case then somewhere inside you, you are sensing that there is something about natural humanity that cannot be digitally mastered and reproduced. If there is such a something then there must be an ingredient that is not formed of purely physical elements. Anything physical is potentially reproducible with the right technology.
In my books I suggest that the Grey aliens reported by so many reliable witnesses may well be the final product of a civilization that sought to avoid death with the same kind of technological developments I have just been describing. Could these entities be the epitome of artificial intelligence? Abductees have commented on their blank, emotionless faces as they carry out painful procedures on their human subjects many of which are centred on the reproductive system. The impression is that we are laboratory rats to them. They seem incapable of any emotion be it compassion and sympathy at one end of the scale or cruelty at the other. As such they cannot, it seems, be understood in anthropomorphic terms. From all accounts they are more like programmed machines, biological robots perhaps programmed to preserve the identity of their creators for eternity. This identity could be preserved in more than just a ‘mind file’ or avatar format. These entities could carry the DNA of their creators and clone it and re-clone it in an attempt to reconstruct the original genetic programme. They may have been designed with a view to space travel in order to find new fresh sources of DNA elsewhere in the universe to refresh their cloning process.
Scientists in the US have just succeeded in developing the first living cell to be controlled entirely by synthetic DNA. The researchers copied an existing bacterial genome. They sequenced its genetic code and then used ‘synthesis machines’ to chemically construct a copy. They copied this code and chemically constructed a new synthetic chromosome, piecing together blocks of DNA which they then transplanted it into a host cell. The resulting microbe then looked and behaved like the species ‘dictated’ by the synthetic DNA. The advance, published in Science, has been hailed as a scientific landmark, but critics say there are dangers posed by synthetic organisms.
Dr Venter (one of the researchers) told BBC News: ‘We’ve now been able to take our synthetic chromosome and transplant it into a recipient cell – a different organism. As soon as this new software goes into the cell, the cell reads [it] and converts into the species specified in that genetic code.’ 4
The new bacteria replicated over a billion times, producing copies that contained and were controlled by the constructed, synthetic DNA. Could the Greys themselves be created by an advanced technology using synthetic DNA. Could our hurtling progress towards technologies such as these mean that we are soon to produce our own type of Grey? Artificial DNA could be modelled on our own DNA pattern and modulated to cope more efficiently with the effects of a physical environment.
The implantation of chips in the human body is gaining acceptance, be it for the enhancement of intelligence or memory or as a type of medical alert bracelet implanted in the hand or wrist so that if you’re found unconscious you can be scanned and your medical history brought up.
Dr Mark Gasson from the University of Reading had a chip inserted in his hand which was then infected with a virus. The device, which enabled him to pass through security doors and activate his mobile phone was able to pass on the computer virus to external control systems. If other implanted chips had then connected to the system they too would have been corrupted, he said.Professor Rafael Capurro of the Steinbeis-Transfer-Institute of Information Ethics in Germany warned that “if someone can get online access to your implant, it could be serious.” However, Dr Gasson believes that there will be a demand for these non-essential applications, much as people pay for cosmetic surgery.”If we can find a way of enhancing someone’s memory or their IQ then there’s a real possibility that people will choose to have this kind of invasive procedure.” 5
By all accounts the Grey aliens featured in thousands of abduction reports are obsessed with our reproductive capacity. That they are conducting a hybrid program with humanity has been extensively reported and according to Professor David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins, (the world’s leading researchers into the alien abduction premise), that the hybrid program has been stepped up many-fold over the last twenty years. To quote Professor Jacobs: “All of these accounts, to put it bluntly, point to a future in which human-looking hybrids will be here amongst us. The evidence is now so strong I can no longer look at alternative motivations for them. Everything I have learned about this subject in the past 20 years inexorably points to this conclusion. I cannot escape it.” 6 It is interesting to note that the past twenty years has also seen exponentially greater developments in bio-technology and artificial intelligence than any other time period. Could these developments and the hybrid programme be inextricably linked?
The DNA reference of the original creators of the Greys is long since likely to have broken down through the dispersive effect of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. So are they now seeking to refresh that reference through our DNA on our planet or the DNA of any sophisticated enough natural species they could find in the galaxy? Are they slowly and carefully melding their patterns into ours so that the two can be a viable match and their genetic programme can be reproduced? Just as our scientists copy the pattern of bacterial DNA are the Greys copying our pattern to create synthetic bio-mechanical entities like themselves. In doing so they would be simply following their programme to survive in as advantageous a form as possible in a physical universe. But what if we do have that extra something that is not of that physical universe, that same something that may have made you cringe when I spoke of robot babies and cyber-hugs, could they be interfering with that something? Could they be compromising a natural connection to a non-physical state beyond the physical universe? Could that connection which some might term a ‘soul’ be interrupted and delayed by artificial insertions that compromise its ability to translate the non-physical into the physical? Is this the price we pay for embracing the artificial, the synthetic and the virtual – the loss of the natural and the real?
I don’t wish to seem didactic or preach new meanings to anyone. But a mighty threshold is creeping up on us all. Particularly those of us in developed societies. A threshold that it seems we lose sight of all too often because it creeps up on us inexorably in our everydayness. That threshold is a sight of the importance of the distinction between the natural living aegis of our human condition and that of an artificially created one. The size, range, and potential of the human spirit in its natural harbour to soar to limitless horizons beyond the empirically definable is losing definition. The tendency to run with the impetus that science brings dominates our everyday lives and we deny ourselves those grand and inspiring perspectives that reach beyond the mundane and the ordinary. We only get rare glimpses of our true natural potential and these get rarer and rarer as we become more and more hitched up to the artificial reality that is thrown at us. How many cyber-hugs would add up to one real one? How many hours of virtual reality will add up to one moment of actual reality? Why is it that we are rarely if ever tempted to ask those questions these days?
© Nigel Kerner 2010
2 Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die (07 June 2010 by Linda Geddes, Magazine issue 2763)
3 ‘Visions of the Future’ – ‘The Intelligence Revolution’ (November 2007) BBC 4
6 David M. Jacobs, “A Picture We May Not Wish to Gaze Upon,” Journal of Abduction Encounters Research
I think also that Darwin’s theori is full of crap:
Is our species decaying?
Originally published:, &
10th April 2010Yes it all goes against human vanity and we’ll all struggle against accepting it but it may well be the way things are going.
On March 15th 2010 scientists announced that they have recreated a 28,000-year-old skull from remains found in France and have found indications that the human brain is shrinking.1 Cro Magnon1 was discovered among five ancient skeletons in 1868. An initial assessment of the fossil’s skull suggested that the brain it encased was up to 20 per cent larger than modern brains, reversing an earlier trend towards bigger brains. This assessment involved the creation of a three dimensional replica of the brain known as an endocast, made by scanning the interior of the skull to obtain a picture of the impression left by the brain on the neurocranium.
Although this new evidence does not suggest that our ancestors were more intelligent as studies have found that the link between brain size and IQ is not well defined, it does raise some very interesting questions.
The researchers have speculated that the shrinkage in brain size might suggest that our brains are becoming more efficient like shrinking computers. But this may also be a sop to our vanity because if this is indeed the case, why did the human brain ‘evolve’ to be so big in the first place?
Evolutionary theory suggests that advantageous adaptations to the environment are naturally selected through time, in other words those individuals in any particular species who have those advantages will survive longer and produce more offspring. The more the brain grows, the more energy and nutrients it takes away from other vital organs. In fact the brain only takes up 2% of our body weight, but uses 20-25% of our energy intake by far the most of any organ. Thus the natural selection of a larger brain which is to a certain extent redundant and unnecessary is in complete contradiction to the selective mechanism that is presumed to govern human evolution.
Professor John Lorber did a study of individuals who somehow managed to function normally with an IQ over a hundred with only a sliver of brain tissue. One boy had an IQ of 126 and a first class honours degree in mathematics despite the fact he had “virtually no brain”. A CAT scan showed that his skull was lined with a thin layer of brain cells to a millimeter in thickness. The rest of his skull was filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
Of approximately sixty cases of hydrocephalus patients who had 95% of the cranial cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid, half were profoundly retarded. The other half had IQs greater than 100. He admits that CT scans are not easy to read with pinpoint accuracy but also points out: “I can’t say whether the mathematics student has a brain weighing 50 grams or 150 grams, but it is clear that it is nowhere near the normal 1.5 kilograms.” 2
So if a smaller brain is all that’s necessary how and why did it ‘evolve’ to be so big, keeping all that wasted capacity for so long and wasting huge amounts of energy to maintain it? What then prompted it to shrink about 28,000 years ago? Could the larger brain could have belonged to a superior species who used it to full capacity? Did we devolve from them?
One of our greatest scientists Dr. Paul Maclean, at the Laboratory of Brain Evolution in Poolesville, Maryland, discovered that the brains of higher living organisms were divided into three distinct schemes of tissue. In other words, we have three distinct brains in our body. Dr.Maclean called it the “triune brain.” The three distinct tissue schemes that make up our brain correspond to three distinct behavioural modes. He identified the three tissue schemes respectively as the neocortex, the limbic system, and the cerebellum. 3
Interestingly, despite the overall shrinkage in brain size there has been a growth in the size of the cerebellum, seen by Maclean as the most primitive reactive section of the brain. So any ideas that mankind is evolving into a species centred on the higher brained neo-cortex functions (which govern our ability to reason and think holistically) are without foundation. If the more advanced feature, the neo-cortex is more a feature of the past brain than the present brain then what does that say about the evolutionary premise.
Startling though it might be is it possible that humans and indeed all species once came from ancestries that devolved down from grander, perhaps more ephemeral forms? Forms that perhaps may have had incredible abilities to manipulate physical materiality (matter) as a function of mind empowered by a capacity maybe as much as twenty times larger than ours now.
Our universe is subject to the second law of thermodynamics that breaks all things up into greater and greater states of chaos with time. It could thus be argued that the ordered complexities of living systems could never have arisen from within this system. Sir Fred Hoyle has pointed out that the odds for the origins of life in the first place are outlandishly high. He calculates that the chance of the vital two thousand enzymes being formed in exactly the correct way, which they must be or else complex living organisms simply could not operate, is “about the same as the chance of throwing an uninterrupted sequence of 50,000 sixes with unbiased dice!” 4
Scientists studying mutational phenomena have discovered that there is a blueprint, “an ancestral body plan” that guides development from one species form to another. Instead of inventing a new set of body plan genes for each new type of animal, it seems that natural selection has simply tinkered with an old one, a set known as Hox genes.5 If all organisms that now exist had from their very inception into the evolutionary process a blue-print of how they should evolve, then where did that blueprint come from in the first place? How did the first multi-cellular animals evolving some 700 million years ago contain the basic template of information that only needed to be shuffled around in order to form a human being? All the myriad changing environmental factors and chance mutations-which allowed survival within changed environments and thus evolution through the survival of the fittest-had not yet occurred at that point. So where did the most basic of living organisms, or indeed the chemical soup that produced them in the first place, get this genetic blueprint?
How then can we explain the fossil record that seems to suggest an increase in brain size up to 100,000 years ago? Could it be that the fossil record does not present a single species line of development from Australopithecus to Homo Sapiens Sapiens but instead presents the end points of several species lines as represented by their hominid remains? Michael Cremo has presented evidence that over the past 150 years archaeologists have discovered forms of human skeletal remains, human footprints, and human artefacts tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of years old, going all the way back to about 2 billion years. According to Cremo the archaeological establishment have picked and chosen only those artefacts that conform with evolutionary theory.
A further implication of human devolution is the fact that only 2-3% of the human genome actually codes for the proteins that form the body. Of the remaining 97-98% a fraction has been found to have controlling or regulatory factors to this formation but the rest appears to be redundant. Could this spare DNA also be a remnant of the past, a fossil within the human genome of a superior genotype that used the full 100% of that DNA?
If devolution is the governing momentum that drives living species and prior states are superior to current states it would follow that the earlier state is existentially the more superior one. I am not saying that evolutionary processes like survival of the fittest have no place in ancestral demarcation. They quite clearly do. I am saying that Evolution within an overall Devolutionary process may be the truer and more accurate format of it all. The one that fits all the facts.
Does this imply creationism – would God create imperfect beings from his own state of perfection just to watch the fun? Intelligent Design starts from that same basic premise. Or does it imply instead a non-physical state that would explain the quantum reality that is now accepted by quantum physics? An implicit centre of perfection and therefore perfect freedom to know all options including the option to no longer be perfectly free, perhaps this could be a new frame for the concept of God, a concept that could unite physics, biology and religious belief.
© Nigel Kerner 2010
2 John Lorber, “Is Your Brain Really Necessary?” Science (1980) 210: 1232-1234
3 Maclean, Paul, “Ritual and Deceit,” Science Digest, (Nov/Dec 1980).
4 Hoyle, Fred, The Intelligent Universe, (Michael Joseph Ltd, 1983) 12, 19.
5 Reptiles Don’t Leave Evolution To Chance. (New Scientist 16 September 1995)
As you may know I have couple of different musical project in process. Now we have finished the recordings of Mind Crime’s Deadly Mistakes EP. Now we are in the mixing phase and I hope, that we can release the EP in March. We had some difficulties with bass, but now everything is looking good. More information to come…
You can follow our progress in our music biography page:
This Shroud of Turin has puzzled me many times and here’s Nigel Kerner’s opinion about it:
Brighter than the Sun (A photographic record of human transfiguration)
Originally published:, &
5th February 2010In 1988, three reputable laboratories in Oxford, Zurich and Tucson carried out radiocarbon tests on the Shroud of Turin and declared it a brilliant, medieval fake produced between 1260 and 1390. Since then startling new evidence has led Professor Christopher Ramsey of the University of Oxford and Head of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit which participated in the original 1988 carbon-14 dating of the Shroud to say, in May 2008:“There is a lot of other evidence that suggests to many that the shroud is older than the radiocarbon dates allow, and so further research is certainly needed. Only by doing this will people be able to arrive at a coherent history of the shroud which takes into account and explains all of the available scientific and historical information.” 1
The evidence to which Professor Ramsey refers includes:
1. Contamination by a fire in 1532 that could have skewed the results by thousands of years.
2. A difference detected in the dates of the different samples given to the three laboratories (in some cases as much as several hundred years).
3. The fact that some parts of the sample appear to come from a fabric that was used to repair the cloth at a later date.If the Shroud of Turin was indeed created by the same phenomenon that allowed Jesus to ‘glow brighter than the sun’ in front of James, Peter and John, known as the ‘Transfiguration’ then the remarkable features that this cloth has been found to possess could have a clear explanation.
Could a momentary burst of radiant energy, a transfiguration account for these properties? In 2008 an Italian group of scientists researching this possibility presented their conclusions at the Ohio Shroud Conference:
“In summary, our results do not rule out the possibility that a short and intense burst of directional UV radiation, having a very narrow set of duration/intensity/wavelength values, may have played a role in the formation of the body image on the Turin Shroud. However more investigations and characterization work are still necessary to gain a deeper insight into the UV radiation effects on linen aging and image formation Finally, let us point out that the total UV radiation power required to color a linen surface corresponding to a human body, of the order of 16 × 106 W/cm2 × 17.000 cm2 = 2.7 × 1011 W, is impressive, and cannot be delivered by any UV laser built to date. The enigma of the origin of the body image of the Turin Shroud still “is a challenge to our intelligence” 2
Could this burst of laser-like radiation have been produced by the conversion of the very atoms of Christ’s body into light? If this was indeed the case it is no surprise that there is no laser powerful enough to deliver such a blast of radiation! Einstein’s famous equation describing the fact that mass is really an expression of energy E=MC² describes the fact that mass or matter is ‘condensed’ energy. Energy is an expression of force and force is a product of the state of separation of points. Levels of separation and therefore force are increasing in time due to the entropic momentums of a physical Universe. Based on this fact I am going to put before you a remarkable proposition:
Is it possible that through thought and behavior that binds and unites, in other words through that much misused word ‘love,’ Jesus Christ lessened the force of his own atoms such that their condensed energy was liberated in a blaze of transfiguration?
I propose that E=MC² suggests that matter is in fact no more than energy in a frozen state and energy is no more than thought in a frozen state. If the God state is infinite in extent then it is a state of timelessness without beginning or end. All finite states must therefore have their beginning in this infinite state. If the fabric of that infinite state is thought then all finite states are therefore fashioned from thought. With this in mind let’s take another look at how the image on the Shroud might have been formed.
The holographic properties of the Shroud are very important. A hologram is a pattern of interacting microscopic rings, or interference fringes, not unlike the pattern created when a handful of pebbles are tossed into a pond. Every area of the hologram sees and stores information about the whole image. If you break a hologram into multiple pieces, you have multiple holograms, each of which bears information about the whole image.
Dr. Petrus Soons has confirmed that it is indeed possible to glean holographic information from photographs of the shroud at the Eindhoven holographic lab in Holland. This he found quite remarkable, as photographs do not usually contain holographic information. In addition, Dr. Soons made the surprising discovery that this three-dimensional holographic information could only be found in the actual image of the body. The images of plants and flowers and the bloodstains also imprinted on the shroud did not contain this information. Thus the process by which the image of the body itself was formed allowed somehow for the record of information in holographic form. Holograms are produced two beams of coherent laser light at right angles to eachother. I propose that the laser light that created this particular hologram was of the utmost coherence possible and that the two beams at right angles define the two dimensional extent of that which I refer to as the Godverse. In two dimensions limitless extent is possible, it is only once three dimensions occur that limit and fixture can begin.
To return to Dr. Soons research, he is also trying to establish if each fiber of the shroud might contain holographic information of the whole image. In his preliminary research he has seen rings on the shroud to suggest that it could indeed be holographic at microscopic level.
According to Dr. Soons another unusual feature of the Shroud image is that no external light source was involved in producing the image: When we look at the Shroud we see what looks like a picture. What to our eyes seems like the highlights, lowlights, and cast shadows of reflected light on a human form is not light at all. It is certainly not light as a camera would detect it, or an artist would see it and translate it to canvas. Technical image analysis reveals no directionality to the implied light of the highlights and shadows. The brightness does not come from any angle. It is not from above or below, nor from the right or the left, nor from the front. The light emerges from within all of the body evenly everywhere at the same time. Thus he concludes that the most probable cause of the image would have been a flash of very short duration, which in some way allowed for distance information to be encoded in the image.3
Giles Carter, an eminent scientist, believes that the image, which is confined to the top-most fibers of the cloth, was caused by an “auto-radiation” effect emanating from inside the cloth.4 Several physicists, including Dr. John Jackson of the Colorado Shroud Center, point to a form of possible columnated radiation as the best explanation for how the image was formed, representing a scorch like appearance (the scorch caused by light versus heat, as the image does not fluoresce). Dr. Thomas Phillips (nuclear physicist at Duke University and formerly with the High Energy Laboratories at Harvard) points to a potential miliburst of radiation (a neutron flux) that could be consistent with the moment of resurrection. Such a miliburst could have caused the purely surface phenomenon of the scorch-like (scorch by light) images and a possible key to the addition of carbon-14 to the cloth. As Dr. Phillips points out: “We never had a Resurrection to study,” and more testing can be done to ascertain whether a neutron flux occurred.5
Distinguished particle physicist, Dame Isabel Piczek, has identified the remarkable fact that there seems to be no distortion in the image on the cloth, a distortion that should have resulted from the pressure of the body on the stone floor of the tomb and the inevitable irregularities that would have occurred due to the folds and wrinkles of the wrapping:
“There is a strange dividing element, an interface from which the image is projected up and the image is projected down. The muscles of the body are absolutely not crushed against the stone of the tomb. They are perfect. It means that the body is hovering between the two sides of the shroud. What does that mean? It means that there is absolutely no gravity. The image is absolutely undistorted. Now if you imagine that the cloth was wrinkled, tied, wrapped around the body and all of a sudden you see a perfect image, which is impossible unless the shroud was made absolutely taut, rigidly taut. A heretofore unknown interface acted as an event horizon. The straight, taut linen of the shroud simply was forced to parallel the shape of this powerful interface. The projection, an action at a distance, happens from the surface and limit of this, taking with itself the bas-relief image of the upper and, separately, the underside of the body.”
This, “heretofore unknown interface” she says, would have been the result of a “collapsed event horizon,” in the center of which, “there is something which science knows as a singularity. This is exactly what started the universe in the Big Bang.” Thus, she goes on to say: “We have nothing less in the tomb of Christ than the beginning of a new universe.” 6
A second ghostly image of a man’s face has been discovered on the back of the linen, according to a report published by London’s Institute of Physics. The back of the shroud has rarely been seen, as it was hidden beneath a piece of cloth sewn on by nuns in 1534, after it had been damaged by fire. But the back surface was exposed during a restoration project in 2002. A professor at Italy’s Padua University, Giulio Fanti, thought he saw a “faint image” in the photographs from this project and decided to investigate it further. Professor Fanti has dismissed claims that the image on the back confirms that the shroud is a fake, with paint soaking from the front to the back: “This is not the case of the Shroud. On both sides, the face image is superficial, involving only the outermost linen fibers,” he said. “It is extremely difficult to make a fake with these features.” 7
Could the fact that the image is formed on the surface fibers of both sides of the cloth without penetrating through the intervening layers suggest that Christ was able to be in two places at once from that interface? In other words the separation of points and therefore force and energy were no longer relevant for him. He had converted the atoms of his body to a form of ‘educated light,’ a light that had no component of force or energy to it. A light that held all the information about what and who he was with such purity and power it could create the living semblance of himself. In other words the form of himself that could account for the phenomenon we call the Resurrection. Could this form of educated light be what we call a soul? A mechanism we cannot yet quantify and qualify through science but nevertheless exists and accounts for the continuation of a personal living individuality past death.
© Nigel Kerner 2010REFERENCES
2 A Physical Hypothesis on the Origin of the Body Image Embedded into the Turin Shroud
Paolo Di Lazzaro*, et al 2008
3 The Fabric of Time, Grizzly Adams Productions DVD (April 24, 2007).
4 Giles F. Carter, “Formation of Images on the Shroud by X-rays: A New Hypothesis”, ACS Advances in Chemistry No. 205: Archaeological Chemistry, (1984) 425-446.
5 The Fabric of Time, Grizzly Adams Productions DVD (April 24, 2007).
6 Ibid
7Giulio Fanti, Francesco Lattarulo, Oswald Scheuermann, Body Image Formation Hypotheses Based on Corona Discharge
THE SHROUD OF TURINAUTHENTIC OR FALSE?The truth about the Shroud of Turin.The “Sacred Shroud,” which has brought a lot of controversy, is indeed the authentic shroud that covered the body of Jesus after his crucifixion, but it is not a sacred cloth as naively Catholics claimed, nor a rag, as skeptics derogatory categorized it. The figure of the Master was impressed by the radiation used by the aliens who resuscitated him.Why something so simple is so difficult to understand?More information: Resurrection of JesusEmail received:Dear Professor: From the point of view, we might call it “official”, there are doubts regarding to the cloth we known as the “Sacred Shroud of Turin,” it is said that it was the cloth that wrapped the body of Jesus after he was removed from the cross by Joseph of Arimathea. What is the opinion of Grupo Elron?Alexander V.Dear Alexander: Grupo Elron doesn’t need to hold an opinion because the actual data of this enigma was revealed by the Master Jesus himself, who explained that the cloth which was used to wrap his face and his body is genuine, in this case a fortuitous event happened through the radiation used by the extraterrestrials who resurrected him.We know it, because it was also revealed by the Master Jesus; that after having been resuscitated successfully, Jesus fulfilled another mission, even shorter than his mission on Earth.When Jesus finally disembodied, he was subsequently appointed as Solar Logos, a very high position he still has.His lifeless body was brought back to Earth by these aliens and it was buried in Judea. Obviously, there is no trace of his remains.SESSION 03/MAY/98Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.Entity that came to dialogue: Master Jesus, current Solar Logos.Interlocutor: Was the resurrection made by terrestrial or extraterrestrial hands?Master Jesus: Extraterrestrial… They lift me from level because I had to fulfill another mission in another world that will be explained later on.That radioactivity is left in that cloth that wrapped me; with this, I am saying that the so-called “Sacred Shroud”, is real.Interlocutor: Was it something deliberate somehow, or it was a fortuitous fact?Master Jesus: No, it was not something premeditated; the radioactivity was simply impregnated fortuitously.I will leave to give place to another entity. All my blessings to you. Know that I am always with you.IS THERE A SECOND FACE ON THE SHROUD OF TURIN?SESSION 27/APR/04Medium: Jorge Raul Olguin.Entity that came to dialogue: Master RuanelInterlocutor: Recently it has been said that scientists who have examined the shroud have found a second face of Jesus. Is there any truth on this?Here I have the information about it:Ruanel: No, everything is false; there is no second face.Interlocutor: Is it a total fantasy?Ruanel: Correct.Interlocutor: And why did they do this?Ruanel: Just to gain popularity, nothing more.Interlocutor: Then, they are idiots?Ruanel: It’s the word that fits better.Interlocutor: It’s hard to believe that they have done something like that.Ruanel: You believed it, didn’t you?Interlocutor: Well, I admit that I did. I thought that it might be true. Then, everything is just a trick?Ruanel: Yes, there is no second face.Interlocutor: Was there intervention of the spirits of error?Ruanel: Yes, they influenced in their ego.Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understood well. Do they know it’s a trick or were they deceived?Ruanel: One of them knows that the second face is false, but the others don’t know it and they were dragged. It’s like one of them said “Look! There is a second face of Jesus,” and everyone else, with their feverish minds, nodded and were dragged and also “saw” the second face.This often happens in spiritualistic schools, where one of them says: “I see a figure behind the medium of such and such features, using clothes, with long pointed beard, eyes of that color.” and it turns to be that all of them see the same thing, being that it is only their imagination in their mental decoders.Interlocutor: Another point is clear.Sacred Shroud: Gr. Elron. The burial cloth which was impressed by the face and body of Jesus. It was a fortuitous event produced by the radiation used by the aliens who resuscitated him. The Master Jesus, after being raised, fulfilled another mission successfully in other world, which was even shorter than his mission on Earth. After Jesus died, he was appointed as Solar Logos, a very high position he still has.