Ghosts captured in photographs

I’m going to go further with paranormal, negative forces and ghosts and here something more about ghosts:


Ghosts captured in photographs

The ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) exist in the subtle-dimension, that is, beyond the understanding of the five senses, mind and intellect. That is why they are not ‘seen’, ‘felt’ or ‘understood’ by most.

Photographic film can capture only something that is gross and dense. Among the five Absolute Cosmic Principles (Panchatattva) ghosts belong to the absolute Air Cosmic Air Principle (Vāyutattva). As a result, it is not possible to capture ghosts in their natural form on photographic film. However on some rare occasions when a ghost materialises it can be captured on film.

The reasons ghosts materialise are:

  • They want to perform some activity like a prank.
  • Just plain attention seeking.
  • To intimidate.


While they are made up of the absolute Air Principle, they materialise only when acting in conjunction with the Absolute Earth Principle (Pruthvītattva) and/or any of the other Cosmic Principles. Depending on the Principles they act through, the materialisation happens in various ways. The following picture shows the various combinations and their typical result.

Ghost photo - Mechanism behind materialisation of ghosts in photographs

Note: In all cases, in order to materialise, both the Absolute Earth Principle and its associated Tama subtle-component have to be present. Refer to the article on – What is the Tama basic component? Also refer to Why is there a protective border around the above picture?

  • When ghosts materialise while acting only through the Absolute Earth Principle their density increases and they are better perceived by the plain eye or the photographic lens. The photographs of apparitions which appear as a black shadowy presence are typical of materialisation acting through the Absolute Earth Principle.
  • If they materialise by acting through the Absolute Water Principle (Āpatattva) (along with the Absolute Earth Principle) they become visible in a flowing form. An example of this type of materialisation is ectoplasm, a vortex or an apparition which is whitish in colour.
  • If they materialise by acting through the Absolute Fire Principle (Tējtattva) (along with the Absolute Earth Principle) they appear as glowing objects, e.g. like orbs.
  • If they materialise by acting through the Absolute Air Principle (along with the Absolute Earth Principle) they appear in a very flowing form.
  • If they materialise into the Absolute Ether Principle (Ākāshtattva) (along with the Absolute Earth Principle) they appear as fog or mist.

The various ways ghosts materialise

The following are drawings based on subtle-knowledge of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies etc.) seen and drawn by Ms. Anjali Gadgil, a seeker of SSRF having a highly developed sixth sense. They provide a comprehensive view of all the various ways ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) can materialise when they do not take a specific form such as a human etc. These forms are subject to one of the five Absolute Cosmic Principles they are predominantly materialising in.

In some cases they are also captured in the same form on photographs. These drawings based on subtle-knowledge will give one an understanding of the Spiritual science behind the various shapes and forms one sometimes sees disfiguring pictures taken with a camera.


(Click on any one of the drawings based on subtle-knowledge below for more details)

Ghost photo - Earth element - Meshwork of black threads Ghost photo - Earth element - Meshwork of black threads - 2 Ghost photo - Earth element - Black frequencies, threads, masses - 1

Ghost photo - Earth element - Black frequencies, threads, masses - 2 Ghost photo - Earth element - Bursting materialisation Ghost photo - Earth element - Black threads

Ghost photo - Earth element - Circular motion Ghost photo - Earth element - sharp  Ghost photo - Earth element - Mass

Ghost photo - Earth element - Black current crossing each other


(Click on any one of the drawings based on subtle-knowledge below for more details)

Ghost photo - Water element - Flowing 1  Ghost photo - Water element - Flowing 2  Ghost photo - Water element - Flowing 3

Ghost photo - Water element - Flowing 4  Ghost photo - Water element - Flowing 5  Ghost photo - Water element - Flowing 6


(Click on any one of the drawings based on subtle-knowledge below for more details)

Ghost photo - Fire element - Shining mass  Ghost photo - Fire element - Shining  Ghost photo - Fire element - shining border

Ghost photo - Fire element - Sparks flying from all side  Ghost photo - Fire element - Circular motion sparks  Ghost photo - Fire element - Flames

Ghost photo - Fire element - Star  Ghost photo - Fire element - Flower like shining mass  Ghost photo - Fire element - Spring like whirls


(Click on any one of the drawings based on subtle-knowledge below for more details)

Ghost photo - Air element - Pyramid like spiral coils   Ghost photo - Air element - Rings  Ghost photo - Air element - Flowing 1

Ghost photo - Air element - Flowing mist/fog  Ghost photo - Air element - Flowing 2  Ghost photo - Air element - Flowing 3

Ghost photo - Air element - Flowing 4  Ghost photo - Air element - Non-flowing like hanging masses  Ghost photo - Air element - Non-flowing white layer fog/mist


(Click on any one of the drawings based on subtle-knowledge below for more details)

Ghost photo - Ether element - Particles  Ghost photo - Ether element - White flowing particles  Ghost photo - Ether element - White shining flowing particles

Ghost photo - Ether element - Absolute air and absolute ether element  Ghost photo - Ether element - Transparent echoing distressing sound


What are ghosts and how does a person become one?

Ghosts have fascinated me all of my life and all paranormal and here is pretty good info about how ghosts emerge and such:

What are ghosts and how does a person become one?



1. What are ghosts?

When a person dies only his gross body (sthūladēha) ceases to exist. His subtle-body (consisting of the subconscious mind, intellect, ego and soul, i.e. minus the physical body) however continues to exist and moves on to the other regions of the universe. Refer to the picture below for more detailed view of what we are comprised of and what we leave behind after death.

What are ghosts - What are we comprised of?

What are ghosts - Human subtle body after death

Some of these subtle-bodies become ghosts. Ghosts by definition meet all of the following criteria:

  • They are subtle-bodies.
  • They belong to the Nether region (Bhuvarlok) or one of the seven regions of Hell (Pātāl) but they are found on Earth region (Bhūlok) too. This is because ghosts from the more subtle-regions of the universe can travel to the more gross ones like Earth at will.

The entire universe is made up of fourteen regions or planes (lokas) of existence, comprising seven positive and seven negative planes. Earth is the only physical plane while all the other planes are subtle in nature. Heaven is just one of the positive planes we can go after death.

  • They do not exist in the positive planes of the universe i.e. Heaven (Swarga) and above.
  • They have unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol (things that they can only experience through a gross body), revenge etc.
  • They derive pleasure out of exerting control over and tormenting humans and other subtle-bodies. Their general aim is aligned with bringing about unrighteousness in society.

The subtle-body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.

What are ghosts - Ghost subtle body

2. What decides where we go and what we become after death?

When we die, our course in the after-life is decided by a number of factors. These factors include:

  • The number and type of impressions that are created in the sub-conscious mind depending on how we have lived our lives. Refer to the article on the impressions in our mind that decides our basic nature and personality.
  • Our ego: The word ‘ego’ is used in a spiritual context here. In addition to its everyday usage as self esteem and self conceit, it also includes the attitude of duality with God. Duality means thinking of oneself as having an existence separate from God. Ego is a function of the extent to which we identify with our 5 senses, mind and intellect instead of identifying with the soul or the God within us.
  • The type of deeds done during our life-time.
  • The extent and the type of spiritual practice we had undertaken during our lifetime.
  • Our Destiny
  • The type of death – natural and peaceful, violent or accidental.
  • The type of funeral.
  • The rituals as per Spiritual science done by our descendants after our death to help us in our after life.

3. Who are likely to become ghosts?

People are likely to become ghosts after their death when

  • They have many unfulfilled desires.
  • Many personality defects, such as anger, fear, greed, etc.
  • A lot of negative impressions in the mind.
  • A high amount of ego.
  • They have harmed others and have the basic nature of harming others.
  • They lack spiritual practice consisting of progressive level of surrender of mind body and intellect, done with the intention of God-realisation.

Samashti spiritual level refers to the spiritual level attained through spiritual practice for the sake of society (samashti sādhanā), while vyashti spiritual practice refers to the spiritual level attained through individual spiritual practice (vyashti sādhanā). In the current times, spiritual progress for the sake of society has 70% importance while individual spiritual practice has 30% importance.

Only people who have reached the 50% (samashṭi) or 60% (vyashṭi) spiritual level and have low ego are able to proceed to the higher regions of Heaven and beyond and do not become ghosts. The rest of humanity, when they die, finds themselves in the regions of the Nether world and Hell. Most subtle-bodies in the Nether region are highly likely to become ghosts. All subtle-bodies in Hell are ghosts.

In fact, even if one is a gentleman but doesn’t have enough spiritual strength through spiritual practice, he is liable to become a ghost when he dies. This is because he is attacked by higher level ghosts and is controlled by them. Just as on Earth, in the other regions of the universe also, ‘might is right’ and only the strongest survive. Ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) of a higher level, with their high spiritual strength, make the subtle-bodies of ‘gentlemen’ of lower spiritual strength, do things against their will and thus indirectly make them ghosts. Over a period of time, the subtle-body of the ‘gentleman’ too succumbs and becomes a ghost deriving pleasure through tormenting humans or fulfilling their worldly desires by possessing humans.

The moral here is that, if we do not undertake spiritual practice according to the universal six basic principles of Spirituality and do not reduce our ego, then the probability of us becoming ghosts, after our death is very high.

4. Who do not become ghosts?

They are typically people who:

  • Do spiritual practice with the intention of achieving God-realisation (the ultimate in spiritual growth).
  • Have less impressions in the mind, fewer personality defects, etc.
  • Have a low ego.
  • Are above the 50% ( samashti) or 60% ( vyashti) spiritual level.

When such persons die they move on to the higher regions, i.e. Heaven and beyond. Ghosts cannot influence or take them into custody due to their spiritual strength and protection from God.

5. Spiritual level and ghosts

Throughout the section on ghosts, we refer to higher level ghosts who have a lot of spiritual energy as a result of intense spiritual practice and penance. As a result, they have a high spiritual level and a lot of spiritual power. This may seem contradictory as one may ask, “How can one become a ghost when one has a high spiritual level?” The spiritual power of a Saint at the 70% spiritual level and a superior ghost such as a subtle-sorcerer (māntrik) from the 5th region of Hell may be the same. However, the key differences between them are:

  • The Saint does spiritual practice with the intention of surrendering his body, mind, wealth, ego, etc. to God so as to merge with Him.
  • The superior ghost or a person with high spiritual power (who after death becomes a ghost) does spiritual practice with the intention of gaining supernatural powers so as to play ‘God’ and thus has a lot of ego.

The Saint would identify more with the God principle or the soul within. The subtle-sorcerer on the other hand is very proud of the fact that he has the spiritual strength and identifies with his ego i.e. the 5 senses, mind and intellect.


Life, death and afterlife

I found this great website with tons of information and I will be posting some of it in my posts. Let’s start with the topic of life, death and the afterlife:


Every now and again, we hear the clichéd question, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ or ‘What is the purpose of life?’ or ‘Why are we born?’. In most cases, we have our own agenda on what our purpose in life is. However from a spiritual perspective, there are two generic reasons why we are born. These reasons include to complete the give-and-take account we have with various people and to make spiritual progress with the final aim of merging into God. Once we merge with God we come out of the cycle of birth and death. But what happens after death if we remain in this cycle? Is there an afterlife? The innumerable recorded and researched cases of past life experiences clearly point to life after death. In all the recorded cases of reincarnations, it was found that there was a variable time lag between the death of the person and his next reincarnation on Earth. So, where do we go after death till our reincarnation on Earth? Is it a single plane of existence or are there a variety of planes of existence? If so, what are the factors that decide where we go after death? In the following articles, we present the answers to these and other questions about this topic. These answers are obtained through spiritual research done by seekers of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) with highly developed sixth sense (ESP).

Introductory articles to life, death, and the afterlife

Life before birth: the time before conception

After we die on Earth, we (i.e. our respective subtle bodies) go to one of the various subtle regions of the Universe depending on our spiritual level and merits and demerits.

Life before Birth: The time in the womb

A person’s designated life on Earth starts at the time of conception. This is in accordance with his destiny.

What happens after death?

Time of death

All of us have to die at some point and this is decided as per our destiny. There are some pre-destined time periods in our lives in which death can occur as per our destiny.

Where do we go after death

Where do we go after death until our reincarnation on Earth? Is it a single plane of existence or are there a variety of planes of existence?

What is the Region of the Dead?

Immediately after we die, we all go through an interim region in the Universe which is known as the Region of the Dead. In this region, the subtle-body gets accustomed to its new state without a gross body.

Can we meet our ancestors and loved ones in the afterlife?

Almost all of us have at some time wondered if we can meet our departed ancestors and loved ones when we leave this Earth at the time of death. The purpose of this article is to explain the factors and principles governing who we can meet and who we cannot in the afterlife.

A spiritual perspective on ’going towards the light’

This article explains why we commonly hear the phrase of ‘going towards the light’ and what actually happens at a spiritual level.

Why would the deceased require help in the afterlife?

What happens after the death of a person that causes him to need help?

After death the subtle-body becomes heavy due to sins and excessive ego and as a result gets stuck in lower subtle-planes of existence such as the Nether region. If the sins are intense then the subtle-body goes to Hell.

How can we help our ancestors in the after-life?

When family members die, we pay tribute to their lives by offering flowers at their grave, by publishing kind words about them in their memory in the obituary section of a newspaper or hanging the photograph of the deceased in one’s house. However, all these have no significance in helping our ancestors in the afterlife.

Disposing belongings of the deceased

After a loved one dies, many people are unsure what they should do with their belongings. This article provides a guide to the surviving relatives.

Other articles on life, death, and the afterlife

Colour of clothes to wear in a funeral

From a spiritual perspective what is the best colour of clothes to wear to a funeral? From a spiritual perspective, any sober colour other than black can be worn by relatives and well-wishers in the event of the death of a person.

What is the effect of keeping objects in the coffin?

The favourite objects of the dead person kept in the coffin are attacked by ghosts in the same way as the corpse is attacked. This includes even dressing up the dead body in their favourite clothes. The subtle sorcerers can use these objects to do black magic.

What is the effect of kissing the hand or forehead of the dead body?

Losing a loved one is a traumatic experience for anyone. Sometimes people who are emotionally upset, hug and kiss the body of the deceased. This may however be harmful for both the person and the subtle-body of the deceased

Spiritual perspective on funeral etiquette at a funeral reception

It is common funeral etiquette in today’s world to have a funeral reception. From a Spiritual science perspective, this can be highly detrimental for the people involved as well as for the subtle-body of the deceased. But as it is not always possible to avoid attending a funeral reception, this article provides information on what to do or not to do.

Planning one’s wedding after the death of a close relative such as one’s parents

For those who are in a quandary about wedding plans due to the sudden death of a close relative such as one’s father or mother, this article provides spiritual perspectives to keep in mind.


Basic principles of spiritual practice

Now some info how we can prevent the intensity of Armageddon:

Basic principles of spiritual practice

How can we ensure rapid spiritual progress towards achieving Bliss?

Spiritual principles

Rapid spiritual progress can be achieved when we do spiritual practice according to the basic principles of Spirituality. Even though there are many different types of spiritual practice, whether our spiritual practice adheres to the basic principles of Spirituality is a true litmus test for its effectiveness. If not, we run the risk of putting in a lot of effort but not seeing the results that match that effort.

The six basic principles of spiritual practice are:

1. There are as many paths to God as there are people




When undertaking spiritual practice it is important to bear in mind that each individual is different and so what works for one person may not work for another. When climbing a mountain each climber thinks his way is the only way. But when he reaches the top of the mountain, he realizes that there were an infinite number of ways that could have taken him to the top. Likewise there are as many paths to God as there are people.

If five patients were to go to a doctor and each was suffering from a different ailment, then giving all five the same medicine would not result in each of them being cured. So also each of us are different and hence the same spiritual practice cannot be recommended for all. In a spiritual context each of us is unique across the following parameters.

2. Go from many to one

The impact of our efforts is much more powerful when we concentrate our efforts on the one, instead of the many.

Which is more effective?

  • Digging one well to access water which is 10 meters deep or digging 10 wells of 1 meter each.

  • Accruing frequent flyer miles from various airlines or sticking to just one airline.

The following is how this principle works depending on the various generic paths to God.

Path of Action (Karmayoga): In the initial stage, a seeker gives alms to several beggars. In the next stage, he focuses his efforts on a single cause such as a donation to a school or a hospital.

Path of Knowledge (Dnyānyoga): After studying various spiritual texts from new age philosophy to religious texts, a seeker finally turns to a single one that has the most percentage of spiritual truth in it.

Path of Devotion (Bhaktiyoga): A seeker progresses from worship of several Deities to that of one, goes to one place of pilgrimage rather than to many, reads one book of Holy verses rather than many.

Path of Chanting the Name of God (Namsankirtanyoga): Here, the seeker chants the Name of only one Deity instead of many.

Path of Guru’s Grace (Gurukrupāyoga): After visiting several Saints, a seeker finally visits only one Guru. Irrespective of the path of Spirituality one follows, spiritual progress does not really occur beyond a certain level without the grace of a Guru.


3. Progressing from gross (tangible) to subtle (intangible)

This principle states that we need to improve upon our spiritual practice by going from just physical actions, to a practice at a more subtle level.

A subtle spiritual practice is more powerful than a gross one. Take for example, a relationship where two people shake hands in friendship, while in reality, they may not like each other. The physical display of friendship is merely a façade. On the other hand, two people may feel genuine goodwill towards each other even though there may be no physical contact.

Likewise, when it comes to practicing Spirituality, going through the motions of external ritualistic worship (physical level) with no devotion needs to be replaced by having real inner devotion for God, or intense desire for spiritual growth.

4. Undertaking spiritual practice as per the spiritual level or spiritual capacity

We must check that the spiritual practice we choose is as per our spiritual capacity or spiritual level. A student, who has passed grade 3, will not be able to sit for the grade 4 exams if he has been continually studying only the grade 3 syllabus.

So too spiritual seekers should try to improve their capacity to do spiritual practice so as to not get stuck at one level of spiritual practice.

Let us go through the various stages of development from more gross forms of worship to more subtle forms as per the level of the seeker:

  1. At an initial level we feel that we can make contact with the Divine only by going to a place of worship and through praying to a statue of God or a Divine Being.
  2. Next we feel a connection with the Divine not just through rituals but through reading spiritual books whilst sitting in the place of worship.
  3. In the next stage we feel that even words are too gross, and just experiencing the vibrations in a church or temple are enough to spiritually nourish a person.
  4. After this we do not need to even go to a place of worship, but can experience God in the beauty of Nature; high up in the mountains, at a serene lake, etc.
  5. At an even higher level, we do not need nature anymore but can experience God in daily living. Even if we are in an unpleasant place such as a filthy slum or in the middle of a war zone, we can perceive the comforting blanket of God’s presence, and can worship Him there in the quiet presence of our hearts.


5. Doing spiritual practice relevant to the times

In all things in life there is a time for them to happen. If the right thing happens at the wrong time then the desired result is not achieved. For example, if seeds are sown in the dry months instead of the rainy season, they do not take root no matter how fertile the land is. Similarly, certain spiritual practices are conducive according to the time or era.

Spiritual practice and levels in the different Eras

Satyayug: This was a very pure era when the average spiritual level of a person was 70% (this is the level of a Saint). These people were so pure spiritually that the Path of Knowledge was best suited to them as they had the potential to spontaneously understand the implied meanings of all spiritual scriptures.

Trētāyug: This was the era when the spiritual level of the average person dropped to 55% and so they lost their potential to follow the Path of Knowledge. But they were spiritually capable enough to undertake penance (the kind that allowed a seeker stand on one foot for 12 years) and meditation (the kind that made a seeker meditate long enough for an ant hill to grow all over him).

Dwāparyug: There was a further decline in spiritual levels and people lost their potential for rigorous penance and sustained meditation. So it was divinely ordained such that they would be able to make progress through ritualistic worship. These rituals and sacrificial fires (yadnyas) were very time consuming and laborious as they had to be done after searching for the right ingredients. Along with this there were numerous steps which had to be followed to the last detail. But people were religious-minded enough to spend the time, effort and money to do them.

Kaliyug: This is translated as the ‘Era of strife’ and is the current period. The average person’s spiritual level has dropped to only 20%. Our capacity to do any of the above spiritual practices has greatly reduced. But considering the turbulent times we live in and the extent of the spiritual pollution – God has made a simple provision for us to still grow spiritually. All He wants of us to do as spiritual practice, is repeat His Name.


6. Offering to God as per your talent or capacity

All of us have some kind of resources at our disposal. These have been given to us by God. A basic principle in spiritual practice is that we use these same resources to serve Him as part of our spiritual practice and grow spiritually. The resources we have fall broadly into four categories:

1. Our body

2. Our wealth and worldly connections

3. Our mind and intellect

4. Our sixth sense

Let’s look at these four aspects in a little more detail:


1. Our body

6th basic principle of spiritual practice Serving by our body’ means using our body to serve God. For example:
  • Cleaning a venue and getting it ready for a lecture on Spirituality
  • Driving seekers to the venue
  • Putting up posters to advertise a lecture on Spirituality


2. Our wealth and worldly connections

6th basic principle of spiritual practice An example of serving God by offering our wealth and worldly connections respectively would be:

  • Paying for the venue where a spiritual discourse is to be conducted
  • Arranging for a lecture on Spirituality at an institute which one is associated with


3. Our mind and intellect

6th basic principle of spiritual practice Using our mind and intellect is about using our creative and intellectual processes to serve God. Examples of this would include:

  • Using our intellect to study Spirituality, put it into practice and then tell others about it
  • Using our writing skills to spread Spirituality by writing articles on Spirituality
  • Helping in the maintaining of records and administration of an event


4. Our sixth sense

6th basic principle of spiritual practice Some of us have been gifted with sixth sense from an early age. This is due to spiritual practice from either a previous birth or from this birth. The onus is on us to use it only to facilitate spiritual growth in us and others. The use of our sixth sense needs to be under the guidance of a Spiritual Master.


In summary, the following points can be kept in mind:

  • By consistently offering what we have to serve God as part of our spiritual practice, we grow spiritually.
  • Even if one does not have wealth or a high intellect he can still offer his body in service to God and thereby grow spiritually.
  • The four types of offerings mentioned above are not mutually exclusive. If a person has a good intellect and a strong understanding of Spirituality he may be inclined just to offer his intellect. However the principle is about ‘offering all what one has’. As the person has a body and also may have some wealth, he should offer that along with his intellect.
  • Out of all offerings, the mind and intellect is the most superior as through that medium one can help others understand and practice Spirituality.


Battle of Armageddon for establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind

This is very important information to us all:

Battle of Armageddon for establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind

Definition of Armageddon: A subtle-battle of catastrophic proportions between good and evil at the end of an era.


Unknown to most of us, the world is in the midst of a subtle-battle of good versus evil also known as Armageddon. It is being fought mostly in the subtle-dimension in all the regions of the universe including the Earth region (Bhūlok). The fraction of this battle that will play out in the physical plane will have catastrophic consequences for us. There is a possibility of reducing the effect of this Armageddon on humankind if we undertake spiritual practice, which is according to the six basic principles of spiritual practice.

Note: To understand this article it is recommended that you read the following articles:

1. Sattva, Raja and Tama, the three subtle basic components that make up the universe
2. Battle of good versus evil

This article has been updated as of 30 Jun 2013.

1. Introduction to the battle of Armageddon and World war 3

The world has been experiencing an increasing trend of natural disasters, terrorist activities, war and political upheavals over the recent past. There is no respite to this trend or any signs of slowing down. Quite a number of us may feel a sense of helplessness as we see our world lurch forward uncontrollably towards even tougher times. A number of seers such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce etc. have predicted turbulent and distressing times of cataclysmic proportions. There has also been much talk about a battle between the forces of good and evil that will play out around the times we live in.

We conducted spiritual research to explore the events in the subtle-dimension behind these alarming trends and what lies ahead for us.

The purpose of this article is to provide information uncovered through spiritual research about:

The SSRF defines the word ‘subtle world’ or ‘subtle dimension’ as the world which is beyond the understanding of the five senses, mind and intellect. The subtle world refers to the unseen world of angels, ghosts, heaven, etc. which can only be perceived through our sixth sense.

  • The spiritual forces at work that are orchestrating worldwide events and the times to come.
  • Measures that can be taken by humanity to minimise the impact of these events.

To some of us due to lack of any understanding about the spiritual realm, this article may seem fictional or almost like a fairy-tale. We have tried to be as objective as possible in narrating what we have perceived through an advanced sixth sense. It is also not our intention to alarm society, but to alert and caution it. It is our plea to society to take the time to understand this article and commence their spiritual practice.

These facts have been obtained from the Universal Mind and Intellect through the medium of the highly activated sixth sense of Mrs Anjali Gadgil, seeker of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF). The information has been checked by H.H. Dr Athavale for accuracy. Along with this article, we recommend that you also read the article on the ‘Battle of good versus evil’.

2. What is a subtle battle?

Forces of good and evil have existed since the beginning of the universe. These forces exist mainly in the subtle-regions of the universe and influence the positive and negative forces on Earth almost completely. From time to time the subtle-forces of evil gain enough spiritual energy to attempt to establish a demonic kingdom in the universe. In current times, the balance of power between the forces of good and evil is 70% and 30% respectively. However the forces of evil in the universe have once again derived enough spiritual energy to attempt to establish a demonic kingdom. The fight that ensues is known as a subtle-battle or an Armageddon and its effects are being felt through all the regions of the universe. This battle began to erupt in the subtle in 1999 and a fraction of the battle will increasingly play out on the Earth plane with catastrophic consequences for humanity.

The seriousness of this subtle-battle (Armageddon) and the consequences for humanity will be of unprecedented proportions. It is for this reason; we have named this article Armageddon, which means a conflict of catastrophic proportions between good and evil. The result of the battle will be a defeat of the forces of evil and the establishment of an era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind in the Universe and on Earth also known as the Divine Kingdom. The era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind on Earth will last for about a thousand years. We have explained the salient features of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind further down in this article.

3. Principle behind the subtle battle of Armageddon

Most of us are unaware of the fact that many of the events on Earth, which affect us at an individual or collective level, have their root cause in the spiritual realm. Let us take the example of the recent rise in natural disasters.

The primary factor contributing to the increasing trend of natural disasters is spiritual in nature. Physical factors such as greenhouse gases contribute to only 30% of the problem. In other words, the governments of the world and non-government organisations (NGOs) policing the international community’s adherence to the Kyoto protocol, though highly commendable, would at best address only a fraction of the problem. Most attempts to fix problems only at a physical and mental level without taking into account the spiritual realm will be clumsy and inefficient.

The single most important spiritual factor contributing to the rise of natural disasters, terrorism and political upheaval is a rise in the Raja and Tama subtle basic components. This increase is primarily due to:

The entire world is like a puppet in the hands of positive and negative forces from the subtle-realm. Good people act as per the will of God, whereas the evil people are puppets in the hands of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). The good people on Earth will not be able to live in peace unless negative energies are overpowered. People with lower spiritual energy who are not necessarily good or bad are easily affected by ghosts and controlled by them. As a result, they too are under the control of ghosts and contribute to the Raja and Tama. In any case, they get caught in the crossfire between the good and forces of evil.

Another major cause for the rise in Raja and Tama is the state of society with regards to Righteousness (Dharma). According to an evolved Saint Adi Shankaracharya from India (8th – 9th century AD), Righteousness is that which accomplishes three tasks:

  1. Keeping the social system in an excellent condition
  2. Bringing about the worldly progress of every living being
  3. Causing progress in the spiritual realm as well

Spiritual progress is said to occur only when spiritual practice happens in accordance with the six basic principles of spiritual practice. More often than not, societies of the world have failed in meeting these three conditions. Negative elements in society significantly increase the rot eating away into the fabric of society.

4. The severity of the battle of Armageddon and World war 3

Unknown to most people, the Universe is in the midst of a subtle-battle of epic proportions. Most of this Armageddon is and will be fought in the subtle-realms. The battle in the physical realm i.e., on Earth is also mostly due to the subtle-dimension. Hence awareness about its occurrence is limited only to those who are highly spiritually evolved people on Earth.

Only a fraction of Armageddon will be experienced on Earth. But this fraction itself will be catastrophic and the cause of mass destruction. We will physically witness this fraction of Armageddon in the form of the unleashing of forces of nature and World War 3 where weapons of mass destruction will be used. The rise in natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanoes will be primarily due to the rise in Raja and Tama fuelled by unrighteousness on Earth. The people who precipitate the World War 3 will be under the control of higher level negative energies known as subtle-sorcerers (māntriks).

World war 3 intensity prediction

The following table shows the comparison in severity between the various World Wars taking into account both the subtle and physical aspects.

Name of the war


Severity of the subtle and physical battle

World War 1 1914 – 1918 30
World War  2 1939 – 1945 50
World War 3 2015 – 2023 70
Dissolution of universe End of Kaliyug 100

The above graph and chart gives us an understanding of the scale of the battle. To put things in perspective the combined physical and subtle-elements involved in World War 1 and World War 2 at its peak had a severity of 30 and 50 respectively. All the major disasters and terrorist activities of the past few years are tell-tale signs directly related to the subtle-battle. Higher level negative energies such as subtle-sorcerers possess individuals that have a mentality to harm society and carry out terrorist activities through them on mankind. The fact that the intensity of the battle will increase up to 70 units in 2017 gives us an indication of the severity of the battle. It will then rapidly come down to zero by 2023. 100 units is the intensity of the subtle-battle at the time of the dissolution of the Universe.

5. Who are the forces of good fighting this battle of Armageddon?

1993: In the ensuing battle of Armageddon, the forces of good are led by a Parātpar Guru (evolved spiritual guide of above 90% spiritual level) living on the Earth plane. At the start of the battle in 1993, only the Parātpar Guru and a few seekers were fighting the battle.

Their participation was entirely at a subtle-level. This means that all participants’ act automatically according to God’s wish without being aware that their acts were in fact a part of this battle of Armageddon. Thus all the participants are not conscious at the physical level of their involvement in the battle. The various acts during the course of the battle happen through them automatically as per God’s wish mostly at the subtle-level and to some extent in the physical dimension, like efforts for the spread of Spirituality.

2003: By 2003 the number of seekers of God accompanying the spiritually evolved guide in the fight rose to 35. Their role was mostly one of implementing God’s wishes in the gross tangible dimension. The forces of good progressively increased in quantity and quality as the subtle-battle intensified. The battle in the subtle is fought purely with spiritual power and has no physical element to it.

2004: From 2004 onwards the severity of the forces of evil and consequently of Armageddon stepped up considerably. Hence positive forces from the subtle-region of Heaven (Swarga) joined the battle. They helped in various forms beginning from yellow Divine Particles and progressing to particles of Divine consciousness (Chaitanya), frequencies of light and frequencies of colour of deities to counter the negative forces. This progressive change in form of the positive energies basically signifies that the forces from Heaven joining the battle are becoming more and more subtle and hence more powerful.

2008: From 2008 as the severity of Armageddon rose further, the forces from Heaven proved to be insufficient and hence their participation ceased.

2009 – 2013: In 2009, two spiritually evolved beings from the subtle-region of Maharlok (a higher region in the Universe) also joined the battle. By then approximately 400 seekers of God were fighting alongside the Paratpar Guru. In 2010, a third evolved being from Maharlok joined the battle. The participation of the evolved beings was in the form of Divine Particles progressing to subtle-frequencies, subtle-rays, divine frequencies and brilliant subtle-constellations in 2013. This meant that Divine help was getting progressively more subtle and powerful.

2014 – 2018: As the subtle-battle intensifies to 61 units in 2014, seekers fighting in Armageddon at a subtle-level will not be able to participate any longer as it would be beyond their spiritual capacity. They would not be able to receive and tolerate the immense spiritual energy supplied by God in order to meet the need of that level of battle.

In 2014, two more divine beings from the next higher region i.e., Janalok (a higher region in the Universe) will join the subtle-battle. Their participation will be in the form of divine particles progressing to subtle-frequencies, subtle-flames, auras of light to frequencies of light by 2018.

2019: Over the next few years up to 25 divine beings from up to the region of Tapolok (a higher region in the Universe) will join the battle against forces of evil from the 7th region of Hell. After that the number will gradually reduce because at this stage many Saints on Earth itself will have evolved.

Despite the reduction in the severity of the battle from 70 in 2017 to 48 in 2019, the number of divine beings participating in the battle will be 25 in 2019 compared to just 10 in 2017. This is because in 2019 in addition to the destructive work against the negative evil forces, positive work for the establishment for the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind also needs to be undertaken.

2021 2023: In 2021, the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind will begin. In 2023, there will be arrival of particles from Satyalok, the subtlest and purest of the 14 main subtle-regions to help with the positive work taking place towards establishment of the Divine Kingdom.

2024: From 2024 onwards participation from the subtle positive regions will stop as it will no longer be required

6. Main stages in the battle of Armageddon

The battle of Armageddon being waged is mostly in the spiritual dimension. In addition it is also adversely affecting the world albeit mostly at an intangible level. The consequences of the subtle-war are mainly in the form of seeds sown for further rapid and progressive deterioration of the world at various levels. This works in two ways:

  • It decreases the overall sāttviktā in the world.
  • It enhances the hold of the forces of evil on mankind.

The main stages of Armageddon are described below:



1999 – 2012


  1. Battle of good versus evil in the subtle-world with some incidents in the physical realm which indicate its commencement.
  2. Battle at the physical level – negative energies prevent seekers from undertaking spiritual practice and creating obstacles in it.

2013 – 2015

Start of the battle in the gross

  • The tide of the battle of good versus evil at a subtle-level begins to change and the forces of good start to win.
  • Internal quarrels taking the form of small wars or clashes, commencement of riots within nations, revolt of the people against the system at a national level; though each incident may appear to be independent the root cause are higher level negative energies from the subtle-world.

Natural disasters

  • Increase in natural disasters

Battle in the physical realm

  • Commencement of the war with the evil-doers and anti-social elements at a physical, psychological and spiritual level.

2016 – 2018

Main battle in the gross

  • Third World War will take place
  • Large scale loss of life

Natural disasters

  • Natural disasters on a large scale

Fight with anti-social elements

  • Evil-doers and anti-social elements in society are eliminated at a physical, psychological and spiritual level.

2019 – 2022

Preparation for the Divine Kingdom

  • The tide of the battle of good versus evil at a physical level begins to change and the forces of good start to win.
  • Learning governance of the Divine Kingdom


Establishment of the Sattva predominant (Divine) Kingdom

From 1993 onwards, subtle-sorcerers began to sow the seeds for the degradation of society and acceleration of unrighteousness. In most cases, the world had already set the process of degradation in place. This was due to a rise in man’s materialistic nature and lack of Righteousness. Aided by higher level negative energies, the downslide increased in intensity and speed. Over time these seeds would take root and increase the rot in society. As society becomes more and more unrighteous, they play right into the hands of negative energies increasing the Raja and Tama in the environment. This increase in Raja and Tama will cause the destabilisation of the world as we know it and will culminate in natural disasters and  World War 3.

The following are examples of a few mechanisms that have already been set into motion by higher level negative energies. The chart also gives other events that will come to pass in the run up to the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind.




The seed of intense domestic quarrels sown in society


The seed of increase in anti-social elements in society


The seed of increase in malpractices in places of worship which accelerate the increase of Raja and Tama. Places of worship contribute to the Sattva component in society. When malpractices happen there it reduces the sattvikta and thereby helps increase the Raja and Tama.


The seed of beginning of destruction of places of worship


The seed of steps by terrorists under the control of ghosts to destroy spiritual organisations


A high incidence of natural calamities


Havoc by floods and volcanoes


A massive earthquake in Pakistan


Countries in the Middle East razed to the ground in bomb blasts


America, China and Japan hit by war and an unprecedented loss of innumerable lives


Loss of supremacy of politicians and rush of mankind to Saints for their rescue


Decrease in the destructive process and predominance of particles of Divine consciousness in the environment


The seed of times conducive and complementary to the establishment of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind created


Experience of pleasantness and enthusiasm in the environment


Settling down of the environment


Internal and external settling down of life


The seed of improved spiritual practice and spiritual journey towards God-realisation by seekers. Commencement of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind.


Note: At the current rate the world is going:

  • The probability of this catastrophe being avoided is 1%
  • The intensity may vary by +/- 10%
  • The timing of the event may vary by +/- 10% within the overall 25 year time frame.

6.1 World War 3

The Third World War will begin in 2015 and continue for about 9 years till 2023. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked. However it may not be readily apparent to the world. Towards the end of this period, weapons of mass destruction will be used. There will be an unprecedented loss of life where approximately 1/3rd of the population will perish and 1/3rd will experience suffering.  Some countries will be affected more than others. Needless to say in a highly interconnected world all countries will be affected. The Third World War will be triggered mainly due to religious fanaticism. Higher level negative energies will use this vulnerability in humans to push them over the edge and instigate nations to go to war with each other.

In all the three world wars (i.e., from World War 1 to World War 3) powerful negative energies from progressively higher regions of Hell have been the actual root cause instigating countries to go to war with each other. The following points elaborate on which subtle negative forces from the regions of Hell were responsible for instigating the World Wars.

  • World War 1: Subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) from the 2nd region of Hell.
  • World War 2: Subtle-sorcerers primarily from the 3rd region of Hell took part in the orchestration of the Second World War. Hitler for example throughout his tenure in power was possessed by a subtle-sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell. This was also the reason for his dramatic rise to power. Throughout his reign the subtle-sorcerer was fully manifest.
  • World War 3: Subtle-sorcerers from the 4th region of Hell will be behind the Third World War that will play out in the physical realm. However in the subtle-battle, subtle-sorcerers from the 7th region of Hell will take part.

Timetable of the 3rd World War and the establishment of the ‘Divine Kingdom’


Stages of World War 3
2015 Commencement
2016 – 2018 Rising victories of the unrighteous people under the forces of evil
2019 – 2021 Righteous and the unrighteous forces at par
2022 – 2023 Rising victories of the righteous people under the forces of good
2023 Onwards Establishment of the ‘Divine Kingdom’

‘Depending on the devotion of seekers to God, the timetable of the war between devotees (righteous) and the demonic forces (unrighteous) can change.’

– His Holiness Dr Athavale


6.2 Role of India in World War 3 and the battle of Armageddon

From times immemorial, India has been the spiritual centre of the world. Spiritual research has revealed that in the Armageddon that is unfolding, India will hold centre stage from a spiritual perspective. In the course of the war, negative forces will instigate neighbouring countries to attack India to destabilise the pivotal role that it will play. Approximately 50% of the Indian population will perish as a result.

7. Can this catastrophe be avoided?

The catastrophe that is predicted to take place is mainly because the basic subtle Raja-Tama component in the world has increased to such unprecedented levels, that urgent intervention by God is needed so that the world can be cleansed in order to be able to continue peacefully. It follows that if mankind makes a supreme effort to adapt its lifestyle to a more Sattva predominant one, the cleansing process will happen only in part. This can be achieved if the majority of humankind mends its ways drastically and reduces its contribution to Raja-Tama. It can be better and earlier done, if people focus on increasing the basic subtle Sattva component. Thus the catastrophe can only be avoided if people earnestly start to practise Spirituality. It is imperative that in order to make a difference, their spiritual practice needs to take a more universal form rather than a sectarian form.

Spiritual practice according to the six basic principles of spiritual practice is the most conducive means for growth in the current era. Religions that preach that their way is the only way to God run the risk of violating the six basic principles of spiritual practice.

Depending on our collective spiritual practice and also if some highly evolved Saints intervene, the year and severity of the events may change to some extent. Higher level Saints are able to change the destiny of the entire human race as They can change the course of events or even shorten the difficult times if they are pleased with the sincere efforts of seekers in their spiritual practice. Seekers of God who have through their spiritual practice attained a spiritual level of 60% and above will be protected to varying degrees.

8. Salient features of the era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind

The upside of the battle of Armageddon is that humanity will finally experience peace on Earth which will last for almost 1000 years and this era will be known as the ‘Divine Kingdom’. The battle will be a spiritual cleansing of the world preparing people for a new kind of sāttvik world which will be very different from the old one. In a way, this will be an ushering of a mini Satyayug within the main era of Kaliyug. While it will be nothing compared to the sattvikta of the main era of Satyayug (at the beginning of the universe), it will be a period of spiritual renewal for mankind.

The following are some of the features of the new era that some of us will have the privilege to usher in.

  • Spiritual level: After the reduction in the world’s population with Armageddon, the mode spiritual level of the world will rise to 30% compared to its present 20%. A dramatic 10% rise in spiritual level across the world’s population will be due to people at a lower spiritual level losing their lives during the war on Earth. Please read our article on spiritual level, which gives the current breakdown of the world population by spiritual level.
  • Importance in life: A high degree of importance will be given to spiritual knowledge and spiritual maturity in assessing a person’s ability. The objective of life for people will be skewed towards spiritual growth for the realisation of God.  There will be importance given to spiritual rather than physical or intellectual strength. Accordingly progress will not be measured in terms of riches. The view about wealth will change. It will be viewed as purely a means and not an end in itself.
  • Governing system: Democracy will lose its status as the preferred type of governing system. For example in India, a benevolent leadership under the guidance of a Saint will form the government. The modus operandi of leadership will be in line with Righteousness. There will be no need for elections. The seer guides of the governing body will transparently point out the leaders. The rest of the world frustrated with its failed experiments at communism, dictatorship and democracy will look to India’s example and try to implement this new type of government to the extent possible for them.
  • Closeness: There will be unity amongst all nations. People will feel a genuine closeness with other cultures and nationalities. This will stem from the spiritual maturity of the world’s population. It will be the basis of an innate spiritual understanding of the oneness of all of mankind.
  • Education: Education systems will include Spiritual science and codes of Righteousness in their curriculum. Modern science will expand its viewpoint to take into account the spiritual dimension.
  • Medical science: Medical sciences will be rewritten. They will now include the spiritual dimension in analysing the root cause of a problem. Āyurvēda will become commonly accepted in the western world. The attitude and perspectives of people practicing medicine will change. For example, they will begin to question if a patient is spiritually deserving of an organ transplant or a heart bypass. What will a person do with the reprieve granted to him by a successful surgery? Will he squander the extra years that he has by watching television, aimless chit-chatter, parties etc? Even after getting a reprieve people rarely think of utilising life for realising God (the basic goal of life). In other words they will be considered as increasing the burden on Earth. If one needs an extended lifespan for spiritual practice, God grants it automatically.
  • Judicial systems: Judicial systems and processes will change dramatically. Now we have courts of law, later we will have courts of justice. There will be no need for lawyers as judges will be spiritually evolved and will be able to intuitively perceive the truth in the issue at hand. Their highly activated sixth sense (ESP) will allow them to plainly see who is lying and who is telling the truth. In short justice will be served instantly and without spending a cent.
  • Art: Artists will not undertake art for the sake of arts, but as spiritual practice to get closer and take others closer to God.
  • Security: As a nation based on Righteousness is God-made, God only takes care of its security. This means that God Himself guides the leaders about the appropriate measures to be undertaken.
  • Environment: Nature is influenced heavily by man’s actions. As man becomes progressively sattvik through spiritual practice nature automatically becomes conducive to man. There will be a complete reduction in weird weather phenomenon that we are experiencing in current times.
  • Family planning: Governments will not need to undertake family planning policies.  There will be an automatic adherence to family planning in society. The holy Vedic scriptures have also advocated a single child but not because of fear of scarcity of food etc., but to impress the importance of control on lust so as to grow spiritually.

8.1 The importance of this era of rekindling Spirituality in mankind

We live in momentous times amidst changing of an era. This era is also very conducive for spiritual growth as detailed in the article on good and evil. Our prayer is that the seekers of God in this world reflect on this knowledge. We must bear in mind that with intense spiritual practice according to the six basic laws of spiritual practice we can reduce the intensity of Armageddon.
