Life, death and afterlife

I found this great website with tons of information and I will be posting some of it in my posts. Let’s start with the topic of life, death and the afterlife:


Every now and again, we hear the clichéd question, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ or ‘What is the purpose of life?’ or ‘Why are we born?’. In most cases, we have our own agenda on what our purpose in life is. However from a spiritual perspective, there are two generic reasons why we are born. These reasons include to complete the give-and-take account we have with various people and to make spiritual progress with the final aim of merging into God. Once we merge with God we come out of the cycle of birth and death. But what happens after death if we remain in this cycle? Is there an afterlife? The innumerable recorded and researched cases of past life experiences clearly point to life after death. In all the recorded cases of reincarnations, it was found that there was a variable time lag between the death of the person and his next reincarnation on Earth. So, where do we go after death till our reincarnation on Earth? Is it a single plane of existence or are there a variety of planes of existence? If so, what are the factors that decide where we go after death? In the following articles, we present the answers to these and other questions about this topic. These answers are obtained through spiritual research done by seekers of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) with highly developed sixth sense (ESP).

Introductory articles to life, death, and the afterlife

Life before birth: the time before conception

After we die on Earth, we (i.e. our respective subtle bodies) go to one of the various subtle regions of the Universe depending on our spiritual level and merits and demerits.

Life before Birth: The time in the womb

A person’s designated life on Earth starts at the time of conception. This is in accordance with his destiny.

What happens after death?

Time of death

All of us have to die at some point and this is decided as per our destiny. There are some pre-destined time periods in our lives in which death can occur as per our destiny.

Where do we go after death

Where do we go after death until our reincarnation on Earth? Is it a single plane of existence or are there a variety of planes of existence?

What is the Region of the Dead?

Immediately after we die, we all go through an interim region in the Universe which is known as the Region of the Dead. In this region, the subtle-body gets accustomed to its new state without a gross body.

Can we meet our ancestors and loved ones in the afterlife?

Almost all of us have at some time wondered if we can meet our departed ancestors and loved ones when we leave this Earth at the time of death. The purpose of this article is to explain the factors and principles governing who we can meet and who we cannot in the afterlife.

A spiritual perspective on ’going towards the light’

This article explains why we commonly hear the phrase of ‘going towards the light’ and what actually happens at a spiritual level.

Why would the deceased require help in the afterlife?

What happens after the death of a person that causes him to need help?

After death the subtle-body becomes heavy due to sins and excessive ego and as a result gets stuck in lower subtle-planes of existence such as the Nether region. If the sins are intense then the subtle-body goes to Hell.

How can we help our ancestors in the after-life?

When family members die, we pay tribute to their lives by offering flowers at their grave, by publishing kind words about them in their memory in the obituary section of a newspaper or hanging the photograph of the deceased in one’s house. However, all these have no significance in helping our ancestors in the afterlife.

Disposing belongings of the deceased

After a loved one dies, many people are unsure what they should do with their belongings. This article provides a guide to the surviving relatives.

Other articles on life, death, and the afterlife

Colour of clothes to wear in a funeral

From a spiritual perspective what is the best colour of clothes to wear to a funeral? From a spiritual perspective, any sober colour other than black can be worn by relatives and well-wishers in the event of the death of a person.

What is the effect of keeping objects in the coffin?

The favourite objects of the dead person kept in the coffin are attacked by ghosts in the same way as the corpse is attacked. This includes even dressing up the dead body in their favourite clothes. The subtle sorcerers can use these objects to do black magic.

What is the effect of kissing the hand or forehead of the dead body?

Losing a loved one is a traumatic experience for anyone. Sometimes people who are emotionally upset, hug and kiss the body of the deceased. This may however be harmful for both the person and the subtle-body of the deceased

Spiritual perspective on funeral etiquette at a funeral reception

It is common funeral etiquette in today’s world to have a funeral reception. From a Spiritual science perspective, this can be highly detrimental for the people involved as well as for the subtle-body of the deceased. But as it is not always possible to avoid attending a funeral reception, this article provides information on what to do or not to do.

Planning one’s wedding after the death of a close relative such as one’s parents

For those who are in a quandary about wedding plans due to the sudden death of a close relative such as one’s father or mother, this article provides spiritual perspectives to keep in mind.
