Here’s some interesting breakthrough research on for example canser and AIDS:
From Ken Adachi <Editor> (Profound, Pioneering, Breakthrough Research) Books of Dr. Hulda Clark
Special Addendum, April 6, 2012. I’ve added four other books below by other authors that will greatly benefit your understanding of how the body works and how to successfully treat the body for modern ailements that we are all experiencing, partly due to intentional poisoning of the atmosphere (chemtrails) with pathogens and toxins, resulting in the contamination of crops, soil, and ground water. I especially urge you to obtain the Healing is Voltage book by Dr Jerry Tennant; remarkable information.
1. Healing is Voltage by Dr Jerry Tennant (Very important information in this wonderful book. Read it and understand how to help the body maintain its health and longevity)
2. Hypothyroidism Type II by Dr. Mark Starr
3. Iodine, Why You Need It, and Why You Can’t Live Without It by Dr. David Brownstein
4. Bioenergetic Basics by Janice Bailey (This is an incredible and amazing book that discusses a NEW therapy developed in Mexico by Dr Goiz based on the use of a pair of magnets to correct all sorts of energetic imbalances in the body and in so doing, correct and eliminate most disease conditions. Everyone should study this book by Janice Bailey. Fabulous information)
**Some of Dr. Hulda Clark books are now available on-line as free downloads (see further below) **
Update Sep. 19, 2010: I’ll be creating a special section of this web site devoted to the work of Dr. Hulda Clark, which will include the listing of her books of course. For the time being, I’ll append new postings and articles about Hulda’s work to this page, but eventually I’ll have it collated on a separate index page. I’ve added a 3 part video further down this page (after the info on her books) of Hulda’s last video interview in 2007 with Kirk White called a Conversation with Dr. Clark. The 30 minute video was included with Hulda’s last book, The Cure & Prevention of All Cancers (2007). It’s an extremely important video interview as Hulda demonstrates on camera the simplicity of the Syncrometer test and how this simple resonance detection device has opened up a cornucopia of New Knowledge about the sequence of events in the body that lead to cancerous growth. If fact, all known disease conditons are established in a similar pattern of etiology.
Relatively few people in the world understand the importance and significance of Hulda Clark’s discoveries using the Syncrometer. She had accomplished more astonishing medical discoveries in the past 17 years of her life than all of establishment medical science had achieved in the past 100 years (and I’m not exaggerating) using this simple detection device. The only way you’re going to realize the truth of what you just read, is to read her books yourself. Start with her most recent book (2007) and work your way backwards..Ken Adachi
One of the best sources of information to cure yourself of any health problem is “The Cure for All Disease” by Dr. Hulda Clark (available as a free online download further below). It explains the role of pollutants, metals, and solvents in the body that act in concert with certain species of parasites, bacteria and viruses which in turn sets the stage for disease pathology. By eliminating the solvents and metals which allow these parasites to settle in certain organs or tissues (nerve sheath for example), you can knock out the bugs that essentially create the disease symptoms. Her information is top rate in my opinion Her most recent books on cancer include her lastest discoveries. The Syncrometer is the greatest advancement in body analysis in the past century. Learn about it and learn how to use one. You’ll be glad you did (see articles on the Syncrometer below). Anyone can be their own doctor and do a far better job of it than the drug pushers with the white lab coats.
The Books of Dr. Hulda Clark
1. The Cure And Prevention of All Cancers (2007-Her Last and Greatest Contribution; extremely important information pertaining to all disease conditions**)
2. The Prevention of All Cancers (2004-Profound discoveries on how & why cancer grows)
3. The Cure for Advanced Cancers (1999-accelerated 21 day program for advanced cancers)
4. The Cure for All Cancers (1993-first book identified critical role of parasites & solvents in cancer)
5. The Cure for All Disease (1995)
6. The Cure for HIV/AIDS (1993)
7. The Syncrometer Lab Manual (2000)
8. The Syncrometer Lab Manual 2 (2011) 61 NEW experiments added after Dr. Clark published her first Syncrometer Manual in 2000, currently on sale for $19.95 from New Century PressSyncrometer Training Video
Syncrometer Basics with Carmen Myers and Dr Hulda Clark, DVD (1996) Basics with Carmen Myers and Dr Hulda Clark, VHS Tape***
Note concerning downloading of Hulda Clark books, Feb. 27, 2014:
I have temporarily disabled downloading of Hulda Clark books available online from this web site. You can find her downloaded books at other web sites by using a search engine.
I received an email in early February 2014, from Carmen Meyers, manager of New Century Publishing, publisher of Hulda Clark books, falsely claiming I was illegally posting copyright protected books. She contacted Google claiming infringement and said Google would block listing of EY pages if books not removed by Feb. 28, 2014. I told her in my reply that the books which I had posted as downloadable were clearly made copyright free by Hulda Clark and that anyone could copy them and make copies available to others in any manner, legally. She did not respond to my email. After I present the evidence to Google and clear up the matter, I will re-establish the online downloads of Hulda’s books. Ken Adachi****************************************************************************
Hulda Clark permitted people to copy her books and make them available free, as long as there is no cost or charge involved and her copyright notice is acknowledged and mentioned. Here is the statement found in ALL of her books published before 2007:
“Permission is hereby granted to make copies of any part of this document for non-commercial purposes provided this page with the original copyright notice is included”
Only her last book, The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers, published in 2007, contains an additional limitation on free distribution as an electronic download. The 2007 book contains an additional line which says: ” No electronic copies of any kind allowed.” That means that the 2007 book alone, has this limitation for on-line posting, while all of her other books DO NOT have this limitation and therefore can be lawfully and legally posted on line. I am not in favor of down-loading pirated books in which the author and/or the publisher are being robbed of their profits from book sales by the illegal uploading of a copyrighted book to the Internet. However, it was Dr. Clark’s desire to have her books freely copied and distributed-without limitation-except for the non-allowance of profiting from copies made from her books. And since her information (and discoveries) can save the lives of untold numbers of cancer victims especially, IF her incredible research is widely available and accessible to anyone in the world with a computer, I decided to search out the links below and make them easily accessible to motivated readers.
Nevertheless, I still prefer to read a real book which I can hold in my hand and carry with me. It’s far more convenient than reading a book from a computer screen. If you can afford to buy Hulda’s books, then I urge you to buy them and read them from the printed page. It’s so much more rewarding than reading on-line.
1. The Cure for All Diseases (pdf) (1995) The Cure for All Advanced Cancers (1999) The Cure for All Cancers (1993) the Syncrometer Manual to learn how to make and use the Syncrometer and possess your own world class, research laboratory at home. The Syncrometer is a revolutionary research invention, discovered and pioneered by Dr. Hulda Clark, that allows an experienced tester to determine the presence, identity, and location of ANY living or non-living organism, molecule or substance down to a part per trillion found anywhere in the body and without the need of the test subject to be physically present. There is NO laboratory in the world that can match the investigative/diagnostic capabilities of the Syncrometer. This magnificient invention should have earned Dr. Hulda Clark the Nobel Prize in medicine for the importance of its contribution to the science of health and to a new understanding which could lead to the eradication of most disease conditions and human aliments when fully embraced.
4. Syncrometer Science Laboratory Manual (Pub. 2000)
© Copyright 2000 by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.
All rights reserved, except permission is hereby granted to make copies of any part of this document for non-commercial purposes provided this page with the original copyright notice is included.Here’s a short 1 minute and 15 second video clip ( from the 1996 Sycrometer Basics instructional video showing Dr Hulda Clark demonstrating the baisc resonant frequency response sound of the Syncrometer in action.
Related Articles
A Syncrometer Demonstration with Dr. Hulda Clark & Carmen Myers Video Interview with Dr Hulda Clark
Conversation wtih Dr Clark (and Kirk White)
(Click the four arrow box in the lower right corner of the video to enlarge the video to full screen size. You need to see what’s she’s doing and to listen to her explanations carefully. There is a great deal of phenomenal research discoveries being presented in this short 30 minute video. I’ve replayed this video at least 30 times and I’m still learning new things with each review…Ken)
Part 1