Hitler’s role in New World Order plan

Everyone is trying to predict that who the Antichrist will be but here’s an article about real life Antichrist who killed millions of people:

Occult Reich

This article will be the exception on The Cutting Edge, because it will not be based upon a current news article; rather, we will be teaching you facts about Adolf Hitler that you probably do not know. We will briefly discuss the role that Adolf Hitler played in the grand Plan of the New World Order. Then, we shall go on to the spiritual training Hitler received from the Master of the Thule Secret Society, Meister Dietrich Eckhart. This information is crucial to your understanding of the coming New World Order, because, in every way possible, Hitler was the perfect picture of the coming New Age Christ, the Antichrist. In other words, the coming Antichrist will be like Hitler in every way, and will rule in the same ways, carrying out the same goals against the same people.

Before we get any further in our story, let us review some Biblical prophecies which foretell the spiritual attributes of the coming Antichrist.

1. Daniel 8:23-25 — “And in the latter time … a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many …”

This is a description of the coming Antichrist who will reign in the “latter time”. Most people have no idea of the description of witchcraft in this passage.

  • “A king of fierce countenance” is one very correct way to describe Adolf Hitler or anyone who is a witch. Make no mistake about the fact that Hitler was a practicing witch, and most of his outdoor spectacles involved active witchcraft. His countenance was severe, yet that was a huge part of his popularity.
  • “Understanding dark sentences” literally means, in the original language, “dark trickery and craftiness”. And, in the next sentence we read that “he shall cause ‘craft’ to prosper in his hand”. This clearly refers to witchcraft. Witches take great time and effort to understand and perfect the “dark” sayings and rituals they must know in order to become a practiced witch, to carry out spells and hexes. As far as the word, ‘craft’, referring to witchcraft, all you have to do to confirm that they refer to their religion as a ‘craft’ is to go into any New Age or Satanic bookstore and browse their books. They clearly and often refer to their witchcraft as the ‘craft’.

So, this passage clearly foretells that the Antichrist will be someone who is a most practiced adept in the craft of witchcraft.

2. Daniel 11:37-38 — “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not… ”

  • Antichrist will not regard the God of his fathers. In other words, he shall practice a religion that is not based upon the Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament.
  • Antichrist will not desire women. Scholars believe this either means he shall be sexually perverted or a homosexual, or both. Keep this fact in mind as we discuss some of the rituals of Satanism in a few moments.
  • Antichrist will honor the ‘god of forces’. All occultists, including Freemasons, Illuminists, and Satanists, teach that God is not a person, or a being; rather, he is a “Force”. The movie which did most to popularize this Satanic concept is the movie, “Star Wars”, where Black Magic duel White Magic, both of whom were using the “Force” to try to win the war. The phrase, “May the Force Be With You” was on everyone’s lips after that movie. This is classic witchcraft, and yet, most Americans are not aware.

3. Revelation 17:10-11 — “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.”

The “seven kings” of this chapter are seven Mystery Kings. What is a ‘Mystery King’? He is a unique leader in two respects: 1). Politically, he is an absolute dictator. This is truly nothing new, as history is full of such characters. 2). Spiritually, he is an ordained Satanic High Priest, and fills the unique role of daily ruling his nation according to the precepts of Satanism. When you put these two aspects together, you get a very short list of rulers who have ruled accordingly. At the time the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation, the world was under the heel of the sixth Mystery King, Nero of Rome, (this is the ‘one is’ above).

Prior to him, the world had five Mystery Kings, dating back to Nimrod of Babylon. But, after Nero, no one arose who fulfilled this unique role of ‘Mystery King’; until, Adolf Hitler!! Hitler was both the Absolute Dictator, and the Satanic High Priest for the entire nation. Remember Alice Bailey writing, in her book, ‘The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy’ that the Great One (The New Age Christ) will restore the Ancient Mysteries to outer expression? Bailey meant that he will restore the Ancient Satan worship to public practice; this is exactly what Hitler accomplished. Anyone versed in Satanism will tell you that his huge public spectacles were simply huge public Satanic ceremonies with Hitler as the High Priest.

So, Hitler was history’s Seventh Mystery King, and just as the Scripture foretold, he ruled for just 12 years, (a ‘short space’, above). Now, the antichrist will be history’s eighth ‘Mystery King’, and he will be ‘of the seven’; in other words, he will be just like the seven other ‘Mystery Kings’ that have ruler before him. He will be just like Adolf Hitler!

If we study the Satanism of Hitler, we can be assured that Antichrist will be just like him. Stay with me for some eye-opening truths. (Remember, finally, that this Kingdom of Antichrist, as terrible as it will be, will be immediately preceded by a period of ‘Peace and Safety’, and an apparent end to war and suffering. All the peoples of the world will be mightily deceived).

Immediately after World War II, stories began to appear about Hitler’s involvement in the occult, the deep, dark Black Magic Witchcraft. But, just as suddenly as they appeared, they abruptly disappeared. Historians and politicians seemed very reluctant to openly admit this Satanic side of Adolf Hitler. Yet, we must understand it, because much of what happened during World War II, especially the mass exterminations, cannot be understood apart from the Witchcraft in which Hitler and his cohorts were practicing. When I read accounts of the Holocaust, from earnest authors who were trying to understand “why” Hitler and his fellow German citizens, could have carried out such a monstrous and systematic campaign, I am struck that they have no clue. They will never understand this question unless they delve into the blackness of Satanic practices.

This type of study was simply not possible from the public sector, either from libraries or book lists. To gather material for this story, I had to go to New Age and Satanic bookstores, where the authors do not flinch in discussing Hitler’s Satanism. When I met Doc Marquis, the former Illuminist-Satanist that had converted to Jesus Christ, I checked these sources with him, to ascertain the truthfulness and accuracy of their reports. I was also able to verify, from other sources, the veracity of the material I am sharing with you.

I will be quoting material from two Occult sources:

  • “Hitler’s Ashes — Seeds of a New Reich”, by Col. Howard A. Buechner, M.C., A.U.S. (ret), Battalion Surgeon, 3rd BN, 157 Inf., 45th Inf. Division, WWII, and Capt. Wilhelm Bernhart, Reich Undersea Boat Service, Knoght of the Holy Lance, WWII, Thunderbird Press, Metairie, Louisiana, 1989.
  • “The Spear of Destiny”, by Trevor Ravenscroft, Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1973.

In “Spear of Destiny”, Trevor Ravenscroft stated that the Nuremberg Trials had totally failed to identify the real nature of evil which lay behind the “outer facade of National Socialism”; indeed, “initiation rites and black magic practices [lay at] the inner core of the Nazi leadership”. (Page xiii). Just a few pages later, Ravenscroft stated that, from 1909-1913, “Hitler attained higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs and made a penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic …” (Page xxi). Jesus Christ warned that a person must guard his heart, for out of his heart all the issues of life spring forth (Matthew 12:34-35; 15:18-19). Every decision Hitler made as Dictator of Germany sprang from his most evil, Black Magic heart, producing the monstrous person of which most of us think when we contemplate this man.

In 1904, when Hitler was 15 years of age, he was with a friend, August Kubizek, when suddenly, he grabbed Kubizek’s hands and held them extremely tight. His eyes turned feverish and he began to speak in a voice that was loud, hoarse, and raucous. Kubizek felt that some strange being had seized control of Adolf, and was inhabiting his body. Hitler began to speak eloquently about a Mandate to rule Germany, leading her back to her rightful glory. (P. 3)

The die was now cast; Hitler had been experimenting with the occult for about one year, and now he was demon possessed. Hitler was also, at this time, mightily influenced by two other men: Friedrich Nietzsche, who urged that Germany’s Christian values be reevaluated, and replaced by the values of evil. Richard Wagner, the great German composer, who “worshipped Lucifer cunningly disguised as an exclusive Aryan Christ”. Indeed, Wagner coined the term, “Final Solution” as the term for the elimination of all Jews. (Page 36)

Young Adolf was also spending much time in the public library, filling his mind with books on such varied subjects as Ancient Rome, Eastern Religions, Yoga, Occultism, Hypnotism, and Astrology. (Page 25) Many people today are not aware of the deeply Occult, Satanic basis that these religions and practices contain. If you are involved in any way with any of these occult practices, please immediately stop and repent, for these practices are evil to the core, even though they might not appear to be, and they formed a tremendous early influence on Hitler. Adolf was also deeply influenced by Hegel, that German Philosopher and College Professor, whose concept of Thesis battling Antithesis producing the hybrid system, Synthesis, so influenced Weishaupt, leading to the creation of Communism and the general flow of history in this 20th Century.

It was at this time that Hitler began to delve into the New Age works of Madame Blavatsky, the head of the House of Theosophy, and one key leader to the drive to the New World Order. Blavatsky, writing through Tibetan Masters, wrote “Isis Revealed” and “Secret Doctrine”, from which Hitler derived his deep hatred for all Jews, considering them to be an inferior race which were threatening the “purity” of the German race. Alice Bailey, writing in her book “The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy”, calls the Jews a race of lower evolution, interested only in money, a theme Hitler struck often. Hitler became “aware” of his Karma and the “Karmic” situation concerning the Jewish Race.

Do not be deceived: Hitler’s early occult training relied heavily upon the same New Age and New World Order teachings that are so popular throughout the world today. Also like many New Agers today, Hitler was consumed by the stories of the “Holy Grail” and the “Spear of Destiny”. Hitler was also deeply involved in achieving ‘transcendent consciousness’ through meditations and drugs, so critical if he was to open his Pineal Gland, or the Third Eye of Eastern Mysticism. Hitler was also deeply interested in the Akashic Record and Reincarnation. (New Agers, are you listening? These are many of the occult interests in which you are interested).

In this period, 1903-1913, acquaintances also noted that Hitler changed from a shy, timid speaker who seemed to stumble over his words, to a most powerful, spellbinding orator, who seemed to be able to weave a spellbinding effect over his audience. Yet, his voice was not his own, and he seemed to be transfixed by a strange force, as he was speaking (Page 69). In the book, “Hitler’s Ashes”, the authors comment on the change in Hitler’s oratorical style, “Many people believe that the poorly trained Adolf Hitler became the most accomplished orator who ever lived … His technique has been compared to the gradual seduction of a beautiful woman applied to a whole nation.” (P. 95, “Hitler’s Ashes”) What a tremendous difference this demon pssession made in Hitler’s life. The women of Germany found him to be “polite, charming, polished and very handsome. Perhaps it was his hypnotic eyes that led many of them into a fatal attraction.” (Ibid., p. 96) My study of Satanic possession has led me to understand that the demon inside does seem to mesmerize, or hypnotise, other people. Hitler loved to get his enemies into a one-on-one meeting, because he could sway them easily, as he did British Prime Minister Chamberlain at Munich! His pale blue eyes radiated hypnotic power.

Hitler also became deeply immersed in stories of Pan-Germanic mysticism, old Nordic legends, of a people involved in a blood brotherhood, who had substituted the Swastika for the Christian Cross, and who participated in Black Magic rituals involving sexual perversions. All of this was a heady brew for young Adolf’s mind and soul, but it prepared him for the ultimate experience of all, joining the Satanic Brotherhood of Death Society, the Thule Society, in 1919. The Master at that time was Dietrich Eckhart who exercised a deep influence over Hitler. It was also at this time that Hitler became mesmerized by person, power, and office of the Antichrist. It was also at this time that Hitler’s eyes changed to a pale blue color (Page 40), a very common occurrence in people who are demon possessed!

As Eckhart lay dying in December, 1923, he uttered a most prophetic statement, “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine’, opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: for I shall have influenced history more than any other German.” (Page 91). Eckhart was one of Europe’s most dedicated and practiced Satanists. He repeatedly told his fellow adepts in the Thule Group that he had received a Satanic annunciation, that he was “destined to prepare the vessel of the Anti-Christ, the man inspired by Lucifer to conquer the world and lead the Aryan race to glory”. (Page 92) Eckhart led a series of seances attended by both Russian and German occultists, in which Alfred Rosenberg played a key role. Rosenberg, considered himself to be the prophet of Antichrist and interpreter of the Protocols of Zion, regularly called forth the “Beast of the Revelation — the Luciferic Leviathan which had taken over body and soul of Adolf Hitler”. (Page 104)

From 1919-1923, Eckhardt spared no effort to thoroughly train Hitler in all aspects of Black Magic, transforming him into one of the greatest occult Adepts in history. Thus, Eckardt selected Hitler for training in one of the highest forms of Black Magic, magic which had been perfected 1,000 years earlier and resurrected by Aliester Crowley. This Black Magic elevated sexual perversion, sexual illuminism, to a degree unheard of. The rituals and rites involved perverse and highly sadistic sexual practices, animal sacrifice, heterosexual orgies, bloody scourgings and sodomy, for Crowley had “discovered that indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers.” (Page 167) Hitler was greatly tortured during these rituals, including the initiation of “Hitler in a monstrous sadistic magic ritual” which made Hitler “smooth between the legs”, unable to “give pleasure to any woman”. This monstrous act rendered Hitler incapable of any normal sexual activity, but it did fill him with supernatural hatred and venom. So monstrous, so unnatural, was Hitler’s perversion now, that he was capable of planning and executing the most terrible deeds humanity was to ever see. Hitler’s monstrosity were so terrifying that historians and biographers could not, or would not, see and understand. As Ravenscroft so aptly stated, “..the other leading biographers of Hitler have been unable to perceive that sexual perversion took the central place in his life. They deal with the question in a fragmented way under such headings as ‘Was Hitler Impotent’, or ‘Hitler’s Attitude To Women’. They fail altogether to understand that a monstrous sexual perversion was the very core of his existence, the source of his mediumistic and clairvoyant powers, and the motivation behind every act through which he reaped a sadistic vengeance on humanity.” (Page 171)

“There can be no doubt that Adolf Hitler was equally as impotent as King Klingsor, who was ‘smooth between the legs’ for he, to, was incapable of achieving orgasm through normal sexual relations”. At this point, please understand that we are not talking about physical castration; rather Hitler’s “impotency had a deep psychological foundation. He only knew sexual fulfillment through the extremes of sadism and masochism, sexual delight either through inflicting pain on others or from suffering such pain himself .. [Hitler] would furtively retire to the red-light district of [Vienna] to have himself tied up and whipped by any prostitute who was willing … ” (Page 173). Hitler also had this type of relationship with Eva Braun, with whom he later committed suicide. “She suffered his tyranny at all other times except in the bedroom where she became the all-powerful mistress and he [Hitler] the groveling slave.” (Page 174) This type of Black Magic is officially known, among occultists, as ‘Astrological Magic’. (Page 155)

Hitler, in 1921, at age 33 years of age, was totally possessed by the Evil Hierarchies of Spirits, and prepared to take the leadership of the National Socialist Party. No one can understand the monstrosity of Hitler’s mass exterminations and his precipitation of World War II without understanding this Satanic perversion into which he eagerly plunged himself.

Remember, Hitler considered himself to be THE Antichrist, as did many other occultists in the world at that time. In reality, Hitler was the immediate forerunner of the true Antichrist. Hitler was the Seventh Mystery King of Revelation 17:10-11; the true Antichrist will be the Eighth Mystery King and will be exactly like him, just as prophecy foretold. Yet, this Eighth Mystery King will successfully hide his monstrosity from everyone in the world, convincing them he is coming as a “Loving” Christ, a bringer of “Peace and Safety” to a world that is so hungry for it. After he has convinced nearly everyone that he is Divine and worthy of worship, he will strip off his mask and initiate the monstrous events of the book of Revelation. Truly was the prophet Daniel correct when he said, “By peace he shall destroy many.” (Daniel 8:25).

The time is very close for him to appear.

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use this knowledge many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you are not born again, I encourage you to either E-Mail me so we can talk, or go to a Fundamental Bible-believing church in your area (we can help you find one), where someone can show you the blessed, and easy, Biblical way in which you are born again. Remember Jesus’ Words, “You must be born again …” (John 3:3-7).

If you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order — Kingdom of Antichrist — in their daily news, then we need your support to stay on the Internet.

The sword is coming, and coming both quickly and with enormous power. But, most people, including most Christians, do not see it coming. Will you be a “Watchman On The Wall” with us? (Ezekiel 3:17-19, God’s most solemn warning)

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

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God bless you, and may He maintain a “Hedge of Protection” around you and your family.

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This is just horrible future if we don’t stop the mindset of our scientist brothers. Not everything that can be done should be done. Here’s an article about how we, in the future, make clone factories, which contain headless clones for harvesting body parts. Are these headless humans alive? Do their have a soul? If they do, then this is just a killing factory. Here’s the article:


NEWS BRIEF: “Fetuses will be grown to harvest, say experts: Ethicist sees development in 10 years,” The Sun Chronicle, Monday, October 20, 1997, p. 5.

“LONDON (AP) — Partial human fetuses will be grown to harvest organs for transplants in the next decade, and government oversight is urgently needed to prevent abuses, an ethics expert said Sunday. Dr. Patrick Dixon predicted that it is only a matter of time before cloning technology is used to create partial fetuses with missing heads, arms or legs ‘as organ factories for tomorrow’s people’. Dixon, author of The Genetic Revolution, made his prediction following a report in The Sunday Times over the weekend that British scientists have created a frog embryo without a head.”

“Scientists believe the technique used to create a headless frog can be adapted to grow human organs such as hearts, kidneys and livers in an artificial womb … it is only a matter of time — five to 10 years — before scientists grow partial fetuses to obtain human organs.”

Absolutely nothing demonstrates the Satanic Morality of this coming New World Order than this article. When the first story of the cloning of Dolly the sheep broke into the news, we predicted that the next, inevitable step was the cloning of humans. Certainly, that prospect is sufficiently frightening to force us down on our knees to pray to Almighty God that He either prevent such a horrible development, or that He take us out in Rapture before this scenario can occur. When man gets new capabilities, he injects murder, violence, and evil into it.

Certainly, we could see the development of a “superior” race in this new technology; and, if you are going to bring a new ‘superior’ race into this world, you must first ‘cleanse the earth’ of the old ‘inferior’ races. Hitler reached this conclusion years before he achieved power. He believed that all of Eastern Europe must be ‘cleansed’ of people, so that his Germanic Master race could realize their full potential, in both population numbers and in ‘Quality of Life’. Thus, Hitler created the huge killing chambers and crematoriums to kill many millions more than the Jews and the assorted ‘unfits’ he did kill. This was the ‘morality’ of Hitler’s New World Order.

This cloning issue is the ‘new morality’ of the coming Satanic, Antichrist, Neo-Hitlerian New World Order. It is no less than sheer terror to contemplate. Now, man does have the scientific capability to create exactly the Master Race envisioned by occultists for centuries. Now, man has the excuse to ‘cleanse’ the earth of the unfits before this Master Race is created. At this point, you might reread the Book of Revelation, because much of the killing that Antichrist is prophesied to do in the 7-year Tribulation period might be tied in to this Satanic vision of a Master Race brought about by cloning.

Now, let us spend a few moments examining this article; then, once we have accomplished this task, we can examine the startling fact that this scenario of deliberately growing human beings for human body parts was publicly printed 10 years ago!!

In this article, above, the first absurdity contained is that the “Government” can inject a measure of morality into this situation!! Who ever would think that the Federal Government, either ours or anyone else’s, could be “moral” enough to control this cloning situation? The most heinous crimes in history, responsible for the most numbers of people killed, have been initiated and waged by governments! In fact, you can get a great book on this subject, by R.J. Rummel, called “ Death By Government“. The fact of history, especially Twentieth Century history, is that governments are responsible for planning, and carrying out, of the most terrible crimes against humanity. The Russian Communist Government is responsible for killing tens of millions of its own people, and throwing tens of millions more into Gulag concentration camps. The Chinese Communist Government is responsible for killing over 100 million of its own people. The Japanese Imperial Government, acting in concert with Hitler’s Nazi Government, is responsible for planning World War II, and initiating the war; they are also responsible for some of the most heinous medical experiments of this century.

Our own American Government planned and carried out the atomic attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and for deliberately exposing some of her own citizens to atomic radiation in experiments following World War II, so scientists could discover what radiation could do to a human being. The President also apologized, not too long ago, for the American Government deliberately not treating blacks for certain diseases so they could discover human responses to them.

Our American Founding Fathers so distrusted governments of unlimited powers that they created our form of government, where the powers of the government are split into three branches, each of which is separate from the other. They further limited our government with the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, which severely limits the government in what they can do to its citizens. This is why we are seeing the deliberate destruction of our government, to get the American people discouraged about this wonderful system, so they will accept another form of government, believing that “things cannot get any worse”. This is why we are hearing calls for a Constitutional Convention, to rewrite our Constitution according to the Globalist concepts embodied in the United Nations Charter, and in the Plans of the New World Order. This is the reason we are seeing Impeachment talk of President Clinton. The Plan apparently calls for such incompetence and crimes committed by our government officials that, once the Antichrist arises to establish his own form of government, people will welcome this change, being so sick and tired of the crimes and misbehaviors of their elected officials. We detail this part of the New World Order Plan in NEWS1114, “Clinton Dealing With China”. We encourage you to read it, as it will help you understand why so many of our officials are acting the way they are today.

So, for this “ethicist” to suggest that the government ought to get involved in this plan of cloning of humans without heads, to inject some “morality” into the situation is ludicrous. I find it hard to believe that any thinking adult would actually propose such a thing. Of course, if this good Doctor Patrick Dixon is a Liberal, he would naturally want the Federal Government involved, because Liberals always think that the government can do things better and make things better for everyone, the abundant examples to the contrary notwithstanding.

Secondly, the idea that scientists could even contemplate, much less carry out, cloning of humans so that the babies [fetuses to the secular crowd] thus conceived would be without heads is so Satanic it defies the imagination!! But, why should we be too surprised? These doctors of today can contemplate this kind of ghoulish scenario because they no longer believe that God Almighty created human beings as a unique creation, created in “His own image”. They no longer have the Christian concept of the sanctity of human life. Can you imagine a “factory” with rows upon rows of specially designed machines that act like artificial wombs? Inside these machines are human beings that have been born without heads because their genetic makeup has been changed so that heads will not form! Can you imagine a “factory” with tens of thousands of such “artificial wombs”?

Certainly, this new industry would immediately eliminate the shortage of available human parts for transplantation. Indeed, this type of industry would be so very, very profitable that Wall Street would invest billions and billions of dollars into it. But, we are getting a little bit ahead of “the rest of the story”.

The final implication of this technology is that scientists, working for the Satanic New World Order Government, can change the genetic structure so that the PERFECT SUPERMAN race can finally be created. Today’s New World Order occult leaders want this perfect race as much as Adolf Hitler wanted it! As we stated above, if the forces of Antichrist have this technology, they will first go about “cleansing” the earth of the “inferior” races. Ruth Montgomery, in her book, “Herald of a New Age”, speaks repeatedly of a “cleansing” of the earth that must occur as the world is going from the Old, to the New, World Order. Other New Age authors, such as David Spangler, also discuss this cleansing repeatedly.

Now, we want to tell you the rest of the story.

The New Age magazine, Omni, is one of the most influential “agents of change” within the New Age community. Controversial issues divulged first in Omni, are then debated throughout society, becoming reality later. Omni Magazine is so influential that it can really be thought of as the Flagship of the New Age.

In the September, 1987, issue, Omni ran a front cover story entitled, “Redefining Death”. This article was so shocking to me when I read it that it took my breath away. I felt that I could hardly believe it; yet, since I knew the Satanic nature of the New Age and its planned New World Order, I knew that this scenario laid out in this article was entirely possible. Later, when I included this story in Seminar 1, “ American Leadership of the New World Order“, certain people within every audience were highly offended by this story, feeling that I should not have exposed them to it, since no one in their right minds could ever conceive of this ever actually happening. My point at the time was that the Tribulation Period is a global moment in history where neither the leaders of government, nor the people, are in their “right minds”. People during this time period will be more influenced by demonic forces than at any other time in history. Since we are so close to the beginning of the Tribulation Period, we can assume that a vigorous campaign should be underway to subtly change people’s attitudes and values now. Remember the New Age premise that The Christ cannot appear until and unless a significant proportion of the peoples of the world have been preconditioned to accept him.

Now, let us review this Omni Magazine article, in the September, 1997, issue. The title was, “Redefining Death: Last Rights”, by Kathleen Stein, pages 59-60, 66-67, 114-117.

The scene opens in a hospital operating room, with the “patient” laying on the table. Quotations from this article will be within quotation marks, while our comments will be within brackets and in bold italic.

The “patient” is never given a name; rather, he is referred to only as “R.H.”.

“On his back, eyes shut, breathing rhymically, R.H. — six-three, 170 pounds — is a handsome man. Yet even as one admires the strong lines of his body, surgeons with scalpels incise the skin and muscle of his chest and abdomen with long, sure strokes. Using a small electric saw, they cleave the sternum as easily as if it were made of balsa. There is surprisingly little blood, but there’s a certain amount of disarray in the operating room (O.R.) when as many as eight doctors have their hands and arms inside the cadaver, working quickly to disconnect the organs from their many vessels. [What is happening here is that this living, breathing human being is being “harvested” of his organs! Further, this author writes about this awful scenario as dispassionately as if she were writing about eight mechanics, with their hands inside an engine cavity, systematically disassembling an engine!]

“Rib cage and thoracic cavity are splayed open and viscera held back with metal retractors known as ‘iron interns’. The organs reveal a marvelous power, as when someone lifts the hood of a fine car and sees the friction less workings of a precision-tuned engine. This ‘engine’ is awesome — glistening, organic, wet. Aesthetically, the liver is most pleasing, resembling some lustrous sea creature, smooth and supple with sharply defined edges. But a surgical error contaminates it. As a result, the liver loses its silkiness and definition, turning from coral pink to meat-market purple. The surgeons push the organ aside, and, struggling with their disappointment, proceed. R.H.’s heart suddenly begins an agitated dance, speeding from 100 to 200 beats a minute. The surgeons, alarmed, quiet it with a jolt of electricity from defibrillating paddles. Two hours later, it, too, is removed and slipped into a stainless steel bowl full of saline solution.” [Do you realize that this ‘journalist’ is calmly reporting the death of a human being? She is actually reporting the medical murder of a human being! Yet, she is not moved by any emotions, or any that she reports. She is not moved to revulsion because God’s Commandment against murder is being callously disregarded. This person is being murdered by medically removing his organs, undoubtedly ‘for the benefit of mankind’.]

“As soon as each organ comes out [of the body], it is carefully packed in an Igloo Playmate full of dry ice and rushed to a waiting helicopter for delivery to a distant transplant team. Finally, after the major organs are removed, a blond-haired surgeon from New York’s Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, his eyes rimmed by dark circles, tells the anesthetist to disconnect the I.V.’s and turn off the respirator.” [It is unbelievable that this kind of ‘human harvesting’ is going on at all in America, but the thought of it occurring in one of our most prestigious hospitals is true cause for alarm! You might rationalize that this type of ‘harvesting’ might be going on sporadically in a very few, probably backwater, hospitals, but it is truly sobering to discover that it is occurring in this elite hospital! I also find it interesting that this journalist would choose to describe one of the attendants as a ‘blond-haired surgeon. Is she trying, not too subtly, to draw our attention that this scene is straight out of the Nazi past?]

The author then tells us that R.H. was 42 years of age, and that he was a victim of an aneurysm that had rendered him “brain dead”. Whew! We feel better, don’t we? Now that we know he is “brain dead”, it is all right to brazenly “harvest” his organs. Right?! Isn’t it better to harvest his organs so that they can save other lives through transplantation, rather than just letting them rot in a grave, of no use to anyone. Right?!

Wrong. Since man is inherently evil {Jeremiah 17:9}, there are certain doors prohibiting certain behaviors under any and all circumstances; because to open those doors just a crack, would invite evil to come rushing in later, destroying much. This is the entire premise of the conditioning program called the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan [ CE1002 and 1007 Radio Transcripts, and NEWS1006 and 1005, Current Newsletter]. The purpose of this insidious, invisible attitudinal change plan is to just open the door a tiny, tiny crack. Once the door to the previously forbidden practice is opened just a tiny crack, then, over time, it can be expanded until the door is fully opened. We saw this occur in the battle over Abortion, which had been outlawed under any circumstance in most states prior to 1973. Advocates of Abortion argued that it should be allowed under any circumstances, while opponents argued that it should never, ever be allowed, no matter what circumstance might occur. A compromise was reached: Abortion could be allowed only under very narrow boundaries — only in the case of rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother. Proponents of unlimited Abortion lamented publicly that they had to ‘settle’ for this compromise; however, privately they cheered greatly, because they had opened the door to Abortion just a tiny crack. Opponents of Abortion were happy because their compromise, they believed, had prevented a more horrible tragedy. Little did they realize they had just set the stage for their delayed defeat. Then, in 1973, the Supreme Court kicked the door wide open, in Roe vs Wade. Now, Abortion is legal under any and all circumstances, right up to the point of the baby’s head coming out. Now, we are relegated to fighting the battle against Partial Birth Abortions, where a baby that is mostly out of the womb is killed, and his brain emptied of brain matter! This battle would never have been necessary to fight, had we Christians refused to accept the ‘compromise’ that allowed Abortion under very “narrow” circumstances.

This is the battle being waged in this Omni Magazine article of September, 1987. This article seems to be trying to show that ‘harvesting’ of human organs is perfectly fine under certain narrow circumstances. The next few pages of this article explains this position. The journalist, Ms Stein offers several statements which support this premise.

* “He was obviously dead” [This was the day before R.H. was harvested]

* “There is no moment of death” [This is an unbiblical statement, since God stated clearly that “the life of the flesh is in the blood”. Thus, if a person’s heart is continuing to pump blood throughout the body, God considers that person to be alive. But, if New Age practitioners can “redefine” death by stating that no one can actually know when a person is dead, then they can proceed with all sorts of neo-pagan death activities, like this one]

* ” ‘Brain death’ is only about 20 years old, the offspring of the ICY and its advanced life-support technologies … Bioethicists and members of the medical profession think the definition of death should encompass not only those who have no brain functions (the brain dead) but also those who have lost consciousness (the cognitive dead), ‘lost souls’ who linger mindlessly in what are called, ‘persistent vegetative states’.” [When Ms Stein states that members of the medical profession want to EXPAND the definition of death, I can only assume she means those medical professionals which have an economic reason to want such a redefinition, since they would be allowed to ‘harvest’ more organs, thus reaping the wealth that this ‘harvest’ would bring on today’s transplant market]

* ‘Cardiovascular death’ — “The heart stops beating. The doctor listens to the chest. Was that the moment of death? With modern equipment, you can detect signs of electrical activity in the heart forty minutes after it has stopped beating. The moment of death is fiction.” [Ah, yes, dear doctor, but is the heart actually PUMPING BLOOD? That moment is not fiction, and that is the Biblical moment of death]

* ‘The soul leaving the body’ — “Let’s assume there is a soul. When does it exit? When the heart stops? When the brain stops? When the reticular formation, the brain’s arousal system, stops? Does it exit all at once … or gradually? If gradually, then there’s no moment of death.” [Do you get the concept that New Agers desperately want a confused situation, not a clearly defined moment of death? In a state of confusion, they can proceed with their plan, the harvesting of organs]

After Ms Stein had told us graphically about the “harvesting” of organs, and after she has explored the New Age ‘ethical’ considerations, she is ready to shock us some more. She turns to a discussion of a bold new future, where harvesting of human organs is no longer shocking to the American people, thus allowing it to become BIG business.

How BIG? “But over the next 20 years, the overwhelming demand for organs may increase the pressure to simply declare the ‘brain absent’, dead. There is already something of a black market for buying and selling organs”. [No kidding. Remember in the first part of this story, when Ms Stein reported that other doctors were anxiously awaiting for the organs that the surgeons at Columbia were harvesting? This is the black market at work, now, today, in 1987]

Ms Stein continues. “If the cognitive-death definition were instituted, organ-merchandising corporations might establish enterprises beyond Wall street’s wildest insider fantasies. The world would find itself in a situation where death itself would be an industry — an economic incentive.” [We are already at that point, now. I heard on the radio several days ago a report that Dr. Kevorkian has offered to sell the usable organs from his suicide victims.]

Ms Steins graphically describes some various states in which we might see the emergence of a “Death Industry”, where human body parts could be grown until they are needed, and then harvested. She describes the following possible scenarios:

* “Vegetative Dead, someone who is in a “persistent vegetative state”, a state where the person is physically healthy but with little or no brain function or activity. “Many physicians foresee the massive proliferation of ‘Jefferson Institutes’ devoted to harvesting organs from the vegetative ‘dead’. [This term refers to the movie, “Coma”, where people who are declared ‘brain dead’ are shipped off to the Jefferson Institute, where their physical body is kept alive until their organs were needed. Then, when the need arose, their organs were ‘harvested’.]

Stein continues. “There is no end to possible scenarios. Female vegetatives, for example, might be employed as surrogate wombs … The vegetatives could even be mated to produce fertilized eggs or offspring … Society has a ways to go before we set up ‘human vegetable farms’.”

* Neo-Morts — the state where consciousness is gone. “Once consciousness is gone, the person is lost. What remains is a mindless organism. After the loss of person hood, the death of what remains is not the death of a human being but of a thing, the demise of a body that has outlived its owner.” [This redefinition of a human being to that of a THING is so essential to this new Death Industry. Just as the Nazis discovered that their most hardened soldier was troubled by killing people — which is why they starved them into skin and bones non-people before killing them — so will normal nurses and doctors will be troubled by killing people. People must be made non-people]

This brings us to a most interesting part of our story. Ms Stein speaks to this issue of creating non-people late in her article. “We also have the emotional stress of treating the legally dead … maintaining bodies for ‘harvesting’ often requires treating dead people as if they were alive, an upsetting experience for doctors and nurses. They must try to ignore the signs of vitality that bombard their senses …”

Did you fully understand what you have just been told in the last paragraph? Let us repeat it again for you:

1) “We also have the emotional stress of treating the legally dead … maintaining bodies for ‘harvesting’ often requires treating dead people as if they were alive, an upsetting experience for doctors and nurses.”

2) They must try to ignore the signs of vitality that bombard their senses …”

In other words, the doctors and nurses that would be called upon to perform the surgery to “harvest” the bodies of people would be very upset after a short while, because they would be killing people that looked healthy and normal. I have read enough material on the psychology behind the Nazi extermination campaign to know that the trauma felt by the German soldiers who were actually pulling the trigger in the early days of the campaign was extremely real and powerful. This emotional stress was strong enough to worry high Nazi officials, to make them contemplate having to stop the “cleansing” campaign. Therefore, Nazi officials concocted the plan whereby they would slowly starve their victims, at the same time they were forcing them to work extremely hard. This deadly combination would dramatically change the looks of their victims, so that they became just skin and bones. They almost appeared as apparitions of their former selves. But, the effect of these skin and bones people on the German executioners was salutary; they now looked upon these creatures as less than human. Therefore, they did not experience the great emotional stress and trauma when they killed them.

Now, stop to think for a moment: with what part of the body do most people associate when they consider a human being as a person — don’t most people think of the head when they think of someone? Of course, they do. Take a moment to look at the various family photos you have around your house; how many of them are taken so as to deliberately omit the head of the people in the photo? None, of course!

Take a look at a magazine, especially a beauty magazine; notice how many times the head is the dominant feature in the photo. Notice, also, the many, many products sold that are meant to be applied to the head.

The answer, of course, is that none of the photos was taken so as to omit the heads of the people. The attributes which we associate with personality and with a human actually being a person, are mostly affiliated with the head. The head smiles, laughs, cries with tears flowing down, and even shakes back and forth to express emotion. We hold the head of a loved one, we kiss the head, we caress the head, we run our fingers through the hair of the head. The eyes in the head express a great range of emotion, from fear to joy to deepest distress.

The head is THE KEY part of the body that expresses the human elements we all associate with personality and uniqueness. Therefore, if you want to set up human parts factories, you know from experience that the nurses and surgeons are going to be under severe distress because they are going to be deliberately killing virile, healthy, normal people; therefore, if you can eliminate the head of the victims, you eliminate the key part of the body with which people associate most of the attributes of being a human and of expressing personality. The eyes are probably the most important in this regard. In our romantic literature, the eyes are the most important expression of love, compassion, and concern. In horror literature, the eyes are most often used to convey feelings of fear, and of terror.

Therefore, the story behind the story is that there is a very REAL reason these scientists set out to produce frogs without heads. In this new Death Industry, where “factories” will hold human bodies in row after row of mechanical “wombs” and life sustainers, it will be essential that the victims look as non-human as possible, so that the nurses and doctors called upon to harvest them would not be so traumatized that they could not continue!! Therefore, the answer would be to genetically altar human embryos so that the body would grow without a head.

This is the real “rest of the story”. Isn’t it terribly interesting that human scientists have reached this capability of genetic engineering and cloning at precisely the same time as we see so many dozens of Bible Last Days’ prophecies occurring, and at the time when occult literature is so full of the Plans to produce their Antichrist? Believe me, this is no accident. The soon arrival of Antichrist and this development of headless humans is closely tied in together. You are looking at a key development in this coming “Brave New World” called the New World Order!

But, does the Bible speak to horrors such as these, occurring in the End of the Age? The Bible speaks of general changes in the attitudes of people that would allow for this type of horror to occur.

* 1 Timothy 4:1-2, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” While this prophecy is speaking directly to the apostasy from the Christian faith in the Last Days of time, it certainly applies to this situation. If society were still governed by Christian principles, no scientist would dare to attempt such genetic re-engineering. The only way any human scientists could carry out such a dastardly deed is if they had had their conscience seared with a hot iron.

* 2 Timothy 3:1-3a, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection”

Notice how exactly this prophecy applies to these scientists who will be producing these headless human victims for slaughter:

* “men shall be lovers of their own selves” — Certainly, these godless scientists are only thinking of themselves and their own pocketbooks. Otherwise, they would not even contemplate the deliberate conception, growing, and harvesting of human beings for body parts. I have never seen such an example of extreme greed! Even Hitler was motivated by religious conviction — Satanic conviction — as he plotted to destroy entire races and classes of people. But, these men are motivated only by incredible greed.

* “unthankful, unholy” — Again, these conditions of the human heart prophesied to exist in the Last Days are precisely the conditions which have given rise to this Human Harvesting issue. Instead of being thankful to God for the lives which they have been given, they are so unthankful to God that they deliberately set out to commit great, great sin, the murder of fellow human beings. Certainly, no one can argue that this development is one of the most unholy, un-Godlike developments in human history.

“Without natural affection” — Again, no one who possesses natural human affection could carry out, or support, or participate in, such heinous activity. These men, and the men who will follow them in this new industry, are without natural human emotion. I believe our great Abortion Industry is proof of this prophecy coming true. No woman could destroy her own baby, or participate in such slaughter, unless she lacked normal human affection. Certainly, no one could participate in this hideous Satanic activity unless they lacked normal human affection. We have just witnessed another example of Last Days’ Prophecy coming true, in front of your own eyes, in your daily news!!

There is also no Scriptural basis for assuming that the eternal soul of a person is contained within the head. If this were the case, then the argument could be made that headless human victims would be born without eternal souls. Nowhere in the Bible does God say that the soul is located in any specific part of the body. Therefore, each of these headless human victims would be conceived with an eternal soul; you could probably make the case that these victims would perpetually remain innocent, since they would be deprived of their Godlike quality of thinking, reasoning, and understanding. That means, whenever they are killed for their organs, their souls would go to Heaven, thus making the crimes against them all the more heinous, and worthy of judgment.

Before we close on this note of judgment, let us examine for just one more minute the issue that the head contains the seat of thinking, of reasoning, and of understanding. These characteristics are undoubtedly those characteristics of which God was speaking in Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:” Therefore, in creating these headless humans, Satan would finally achieve that for which he has long been seeking, i.e., creating humans that were not in the exact image of God! He cannot stop the fact that they will have eternal souls, but they will not have the Godlike abilities of thinking, reasoning, and knowing right from wrong.

Of course, this increases the surety of God’s national judgment on this country and this world to the point of inevitability. Listen to God’s pronouncement, In His Own Words:

* Revelation 18:5, “For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” In this passage, God is moved to judgment against this Economic Babylon because her sins have reached unto heaven. The picture here is of wood stacked up like cork wood, until the pile reaches from the surface of the earth, through the seemingly limitless reaches of Outer Space, and into Heaven itself. Those are a lot of sins!!!

* Revelation 18:6, “Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.” God is going to double His judgment of Economic Babylon because of her mighty sins.

* Revelation 18:8, “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.” This Economic Babylon shall be utterly consumed with fire, in one day. Later in this passage, this time frame is shortened to one hour of one day. Certainly, one logical way in which this judgment could literally be fulfilled is with nuclear weapons. Now join this prophecy with Joel 2:30-31, “I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” This is a Latter Days’ prophecy that accurately describes the physical effects of a nuclear explosion.

The End of the Age is truly upon us, with all its Satanic fury. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order — Kingdom of Antichrist — in their daily news.

God bless you.


Special Report On Cloning

Here’s rather biblical article about cloning, but good to read:


Now that the cloning of animals is a new reality, cloning of humans is absolutely inevitable. Remember our earlier articles showing that this coming New World Order is Nazism behind a very clever mask? Can you imagine this technology in the hands of an Adolf Hitler? It WILL BE in the hands of Antichrist; when you understand the Biblical prophecy of his kingdom, you will understand the “Rest of the Story”!

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

NEWS BRIEF: “Special Report On Cloning”, Charles Krauthammer, Time Magazine, March 10, 1997, Vol. 149, No. 10, Pages 60-61.

“One doesn’t expect Dr. Frankenstein to show up in wool sweater, baggy parka, soft British accent and the face of a bank clerk. But there, in all banal benignity he was: Dr. Ian Wilmut, the first man to create fully formed life from adult body parts since Mary Shelley’s mad scientist. The creator wore chinos. Wilmut may not look the part, but he plays it. He took a cell nucleus from a six-year-old ewe, fashioned from it a perfect twin — adding the nice Frankenstein touch of passing an electric charge through the composite cell to get it growing — and called it Dolly. Dolly, the clone, is an epochal — a cataclysmic — creature. Not because of the technology that produced it. Transferring nuclei has been done a hundred times. But because of the science. Dolly is living proof that an adult cell can revert to embryonic stage and produce a full new being. This was not supposed to happen.” [Page 60]

Public reaction to this news was at once shocking and revealing. According to a TV poll, released March 7, 51% of the adults surveyed thought that the technology should be destroyed, while only 10% were so crass as to say that they would pursue this technology to the human application if there was profit to be realized. Americans seem to sense, deep within their souls, that this cloning technology possessed such potential for evil that they were very, very troubled.

Indeed, the technique of cloning raises the specter of man re-creating humans with precisely the characteristics that the predominate culture at the time desires. When you couple this re-creation with the new, low view of man as simply an advanced animal, you have the specter of Eugenics being run by an Adolf Hitler!! This science promises political power to the man who can first successfully use it, and since we know that “absolute power corrupts absolutely”, we know there is no man with whom we can trust with this technology. Since we know that all men and women are inherently, desperately evil [Jeremiah 17:9], we know that an Adolf Hitler can arise at any time to take control of any technology the world has created.

Since the coming New World Order is Nazism to its core, we need to look very carefully at this cloning technology from this perspective. In future articles, we will touch on the areas that other authors will expound upon, i.e., the ethics involved, but we want to go immediately to the New World Order implications. These are the implications that are truly critical to understand, for they will drive all other implications.

We will discuss this most traumatic event from two (2) major tenets in this article and the next article, NEWS1062, will discuss the next step in the development of this story, i.e., changing people’s attitudes toward cloning using the technique of the Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan.

The two major tenets in this article will be:

1) Biblical Doctrine

2) Biblical Prophecy about Antichrist’s kingdom

First, let us look at Cloning from a doctrinal Biblical perspective. I am not about to suggest that the Bible has anything to say specifically about Cloning; what I am about to share with you, however, may be almost as explosive! Most of the necessary changes in Western culture that have been needed to prepare the population for the appearance of Antichrist could not have occurred without the gradual moving away from Biblical Truth and knowledge. Today, most people are so Biblically illiterate that they would not recognize Satan if he grabbed them by the throat on a public street! And, believe me, Satan does have the peoples of the world by the throat, and no one will understand this fact, even when the death toll begins to mount!!

The first thing we must understand about this story of the cloning of the sheep is that Satan is in charge here. I am not saying that Dr. Wilmut, or any of his staff, are Satan worshippers, for I have no evidence to suggest that this might be the case. However, I do know that Satan is controlling events here, working through men who are not saved, to achieve his goals. The picture which portrays this reality is of a master marionette pulling on the strings, sometimes gently and sometimes roughly, to make the puppets [humans] perform as he wishes.

Let us examine the Biblical doctrine which teaches us that Satan is manipulating events on his planet, Earth.

Job 1:6-7, ” Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.”

Read carefully what Satan told God he was doing just before being “presenting himself” before God. Satan told God he was “going to and fro in the earth, and walking up and down in it”! We all think of this Earth as a pretty big planet, and we certainly have some degree of difficulty in getting around in it. But, Satan looks upon the Earth as a very small planet, one that he gets around easily and with a cavalier attitude. Satan must view the Earth as we would view our garden plot. When the owner of a small garden plot wants to survey his handiwork, he “goes to and fro” in it, and walks “up and down in it”. The owner is in complete control of his tiny garden plot. This is the picture of Satan controlling this Earth.

Do not be deceived at this point: Satan is the Lord of this world. Jesus said of Satan, “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” [John 12:31] Jesus called Satan the “prince of this world”. Then, in Ephesians 2:2, Paul says, “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience …” Paul called Satan the “prince of the power of the air”. Thus, Satan is pictured here as controlling the Earth and the air around the Earth. Therfore, it is highly significant that Jesus Christ will return to the air of the Earth to call His believers home in the Rapture, because He will be invading Satan’s territory!! Is this what Jesus had in mind when He said, “Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.” {Matthew 12:29] Certainly, Jesus will bind Satan at the time of the Rapture and “spoil his house”!

Finally, we see Satan’s control of the world in Matthew 4:8-9, where he tempted Jesus Christ three times to sin. One of these temptations shows Satan’s knowledge that he controls this world, and Jesus’ tacit acceptance of this fact. “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” [Parallel passage in Luke 4:5]

Satan controls this Earth, during this time period, and most of the people in it. Most people are not active Satan worshippers, but they either worship false religions which Satan has created to draw men away from God’s Truth, or they subscribe to Satan’s values of lust, greed, hatred, love of self, and love of material things. Finally, Satan controls both the leaders of this world [Revelation 16:13-14] and the events of this world [although both types of “control” are, in turn, controlled by God’s prophecies [Revelation 17:17].

Satan can do anything he wants to do on this Earth, unless God specifically intervenes to stop him! Do not ever forget this doctrinal Biblical fact.

Satan is acting as the master marionette, pulling the necessary strings on the necessary people on Earth to achieve the Kingdom of Antichrist. Certainly, the Kingdom of Antichrist is greatly enhanced by the development of Cloning. We should not be surprised that this development comes at just the same time as many other indicators are flashing a warning that Antichrist may be very close to staging his appearance.

Cloning accomplishes the following objectives for Antichrist (This is not a master list, but one which readily comes to mind):

1) Satan has always wanted to be like God, and so he must come as close as he can to being a Creator of Life. In Isaiah 14:13-14, God describes Satan’s desire to be just like God. “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God … I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” This is the attitude which led to Satan’s rebellion against God before God created the universe as we know it today, and it is the rebellious attitude Satan and his followers have today. The New World Order is nothing more, nor less, than the final exhibition of this rebellious spirit.

Certainly, Cloning gives the appearance of creating life. Even though these scientists did not “create” life out of no life, they did create a new type of “procreation”. At the bottom line, a new form of “procreation” was originated. But, scientists started with an alive cell. Still, most of the people can be convinced that man “created life”. Charles Krauthammer stated this very lie in his article, above. Therefore, wicked man will have yet another false reason to disbelieve in the God of the Bible, and His judgment.

2) Satan is setting the stage where people will be most enthralled by the powers and the abilities of Antichrist. Since many Bible commentators have long lamented the fact that people seem to be worshipping Modern Science rather than the God of the Bible, we should not be too surprised that Modern Science has elevated man almost to the point of being Creator. Remember, the Kingdom of Antichrist is simply the elevation of man to the pinnacle of worship. Antichrist will present himself as the ultimate man, with ultimate wisdom, and ultimate power. The religion of Antichrist will be the New Age religion, which is self-worship.

Consider these prophecies concerning the seemingly “supernatural” powers of the Antichrist during his reign on the Earth.

(a) Matthew 24:24, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” In other words, the era of Antichrist shall be unprecedented deception!

(b) 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” Notice the words of strength in this passage. “All power and signs and lying wonders“. The forces of Antichrist will deceive the unsaved on the Earth because he exercises this deception with “all deceivableness of unrighteousness”. Then, we see that God sends a “strong delusion” on those of the Kingdom of Antichrist, who rejected the Truth of the Bible that they might be saved.

The context of this passage is the Kingdom of Antichrist and the struggle Satan is waging to get him revealed. Of course, Satan works through men to achieve his goals, so we should expect his battle to get Antichrist revealed would be waged through human followers. The New Age follows this scenario precisely. I believe that, when Antichrist is revealed, God will send a strong delusion upon all New Agers who are now doing everything in their power to “meditate” The Christ [Antichrist] into power. I do not believe this passage means that no one who heard the Gospel, but rejected it, will receive this “strong delusion” so they cannot be saved. The context is wrong for this interpretation.

But, the true meaning is powerful enough. Working through Antichrist, Satan will deceive the world mightily, with all power, lying wonders and signs, and “all deceivableness of unrighteousness”. What can this possibly mean? It means that people who have already rejected God and His Word and His Son, Jesus Christ, will be given more deception by Satan to further believe the lie. Most people believe in the theory of Evolution because they want to believe it. They want to believe that there is no Sovereign God Who will call them to judgment for their actions, thoughts, beliefs and motives. As God lamented over the Israel that was about to be destroyed in judgment, “… this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, ‘See not’; and to the prophets, ‘Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.’ ” [Isaiah 30:9-11] Can’t you hear the American people saying this today? “Stop preaching the Bible to us; speak to us smooth and comforting words [even though they are lies]. Tell us we are inherently good; tell us there is no such thing as sin, or a God. Cease holding Jesus Christ up before us”. Isn’t this what we are hearing today? The world hates us Fundamentalist, Bible-believing Christians with furious hatred, because we refuse to lie to them, refuse to speak smooth things to their ears. They do not realize it, but the sound in their ears is God’s approaching judgment.

Well, they will now have the argument of Cloning on their side, to argue that man can now “create” life, without a God!! These people will be further encouraged to disbelieve in God, in the Biblical Creation story, and in the Truth of God’s Gospel. I believe it likely that Cloning is setting the stage whereby Satan will be allowed to infuse his occultic, supernatural strength into the situation, possibly creating the scenario where people can actually believe that Antichrist is God. What does prophecy say? “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” [2 Thessalonians 2:4]. Antichrist might show himself to be God by “creating” life through cloning, or a derivative thereof!

Now, let us return to prophecies which describe Antichrist’s ability to deceive people by his supposed miracles and powers.

(c) Revelation 13:13-14a, “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast;” Satan will deceive the rebellious unsaved “by the means of those miracles which he had power to do”. In the context of this verse, the person deceiving the people by signs and wonders is that partner in crime with Antichrist, the False Prophet.

(d) Revelation 13:2b-4, “And the beast which I saw … the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” The Antichrist will somehow miraculously recover from a fatal head wound. As a result, the peoples of the world will be totally blown away by his supernatural authority and power. They will fall down and worship him as God. Then, just a few verses later, we see the ultimate extension of this reverence for the Antichrist, as these deluded people take the “Mark of the Beast” as a symbol of their spiritual loyalty. I do not know if Cloning will play a part in this final deception, but my heart of hearts tells me that it will have some bearing on it. At the very least, we are being given a glimpse of the tremendous, unprecedented ability of man in these Last Days of Time.


This brings us to our final Biblical point. How is it that God could have allowed man to come into possession of this knowledge, and come into it at the very time in which the Antichrist is about to appear? Certainly, the majority of American people instinctively understand that Cloning gives unprecedented ability for unfathomable evil in the hands of a truly evil man. Why would God allow this to happen? To understand this principle, we need to turn to Bible prophecies that are very unique.

A unique phrase occurs only in the Book of Revelation, and once we understand this phrase, we will understand events like Cloning. This phrase occurs five (5) times in the Bible, all of them in Revelation, and four (4) of the five speak of the Kingdom of Antichrist. This phrase is, “and power was given“.

Let us review these Scriptures.

(a) — Rev 6:4 KJV — And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. [Political power]

(b) — Rev 6:8 KJV — And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. [Political and Economic Power]

(c) — Rev 13:5 KJV — And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. [Spiritual Power]

(d) — Rev 13:7 KJV — And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. [Political and Spiritual Power]

“Power was given” unto Antichrist, by God Himself, to accomplish all of God’s prophetic words, and to demonstrate, for eternity, that man left to himself is incredibly evil just as the Bible states. At the White Throne Judgment, Jesus does not want anyone to say to Him, “If you would have just let us alone, we could have created Utopia on Earth”. God is going to leave man alone for a maximum of 7 years, and will allow the results of those 7 years to stand for eternity as THE monument to man’s inherent evil.

When we look at Strong’s Dictionary definition of this word, “power” we complete our understanding. In the original Greek, this word, “power” was #1849, exousia,

ex-oo-see’-ah ; from G1832 (in the sense of ability); privilege, i.e. (subj.) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (obj.) mastery (magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control), delegated influence:–authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength.”

So, these Prophecies are saying that, at the Time of Antichrist, God will give him the “superhuman ability” to do many things that will enhance his kingdom and his absolute control over mankind.

Now, let us look at Strong’s Dictionary at the Greek meaning of the word, “given”. This word is #1325. didomi, did’-o-mee; a prol. form of a prim. verb (which is used as an altern. in most of the tenses); to give:–adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive, set, smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.”

Isn’t it revealing that God used the Greek word which denotes delivering with violence? Smiting with the hand or striking with the palm of the hand certainly denotes violence. Yet, we should not be too surprised, because the Kingdom of Antichrist is foretold to be full of violence and bloodshed and unprecedented warfare, and genocide.

Therefore, the basic meaning of this phrase, “power was given” literally means that God will allow Antichrist the “superhuman ability” to deliver his kingdom to the inhabitants of the Earth with the greatest of violence possible. This certainly fits the Kingdom of Antichrist as foretold in Scriptural prophecy. I submit to you that this issue of Cloning delivers “superhuman ability” to do the greatest amount of violence, genocide and Eugenic engineering that mankind has ever imagined!!

Let us speak very briefly of Eugenics, of which Cloning will the ultimate tool to accomplish. Eugenics is defined as “the study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding”. [The Tormont Webster’s Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary]. We have already mentioned, above, the tremendous tool Cloning would have been in Adolf Hitler’s hands. He could have scientifically created his “Super Race” of Germanic beings. And, once he started creating these Germanic Supermen, he could have created a number as large as he desired to create.

Of course, he first would have had to kill all the “undesirable” peoples to make room for his Germanic Supermen to live and to be comfortable! This is the crux of the matter: Eugenics always kills. Eugenics always kills those people who do not fit the description of the “perfect” human being that is under construction! In NEWS1058, “Death Marches On In The Netherlands”, we spoke at some length as to how societies first “devalue” those groups of people they later begin to kill. Hitler carried out an extensive campaign of devaluation of all the groups he later began to kill, like the Jews, the Gypsies, the handicapped, retarded, just to name some of them. Then, we discussed that American society, actually, Western society, has begun to also devalue certain groups within its midst, like the pre-born baby, the elderly, the terminally ill, and the Born Again Christian. We have already started to kill the pre-born and the elderly openly, and if Professor Wolfensberger is to believed, America has already began to secretly kill the terminally ill.

Cloning will accelerate this process of killing the devalued; in fact, Cloning will create other devalued groups. Why? Because it will prove very difficult to compete with the perfect beings that Cloning can supposedly provide. We will start to hear people saying, it is too bad that everyone cannot be as perfect as the clones we could turn out. Once this starts to be heard, it will probably not be too long before we actually start the killing.

As we finish this article, let us turn back to this Biblical perspective. As we mentioned earlier, Satan is in absolute control of the events leading up to the New World Order, because God has allowed him this temporary control. This is the Time of the End of the Age, where God is going to allow Antichrist to appear as prophesied. Therefore, those four (4) prophecies in Revelation 6, mentioned above, come to life. For the only time in history, God is going to allow Satan to accomplish things on Earth that are not only unprecedented, but things which God heretofore reserved to Himself. What do these Scriptures say?

Power was given“! power was given !! power was given !! power was given “!!

Four times God says He is going to give unprecedented power to Antichrist. While Cloning is not mentioned as being one of those instances specifically mentioned, I believe it highly likely that the power over life and death is generally given to Antichrist in Revelation 6:4. Antichrist is given the “power” to kill.

But, God’s choice of words here is magnificent! “Power”, in the original Greek, can mean “superhuman ability” and “given” in the Greek can mean “smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand)”!! This is the key defining characteristic of the Kingdom of Antichrist. Antichrist is going to possess “superhuman ability” to rule the world for 7 years, and his rule will be characterized by unbelievable cruelty, literally a “smiting with the hand“.

This is the core meaning of this issue of Cloning. When Antichrist arises, he will use all technology available to him to wreak havoc upon the world. One of the issues near and dear to his heart is Eugenics. After he has “cleansed the Earth” — a key New Age phrase — he will begin to create his super race in the laboratory.

The End is truly here. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.


We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order — Kingdom of Antichrist — in their daily news.
Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write us at:
God bless you.


What can I do as a citizen of this world to help minimise the impact of climate change and world war 3?

Sometimes when the World goes mad, you might ask, that “Hey I’m a good person, what I can do about this?” Here’s a little spiritual article of things you can do:

What can I do as a citizen of this world to help minimise the impact of climate change and world war 3?

For those of you who read the articles on Climate change and World war 3 and Armageddon and think to yourselves ‘now what?’, we have provided some practical information on what each of you can do to help the situation. The basic aim is to reduce the Raja and Tama in the environment and to increase the subtle basic Sattva component in society.

We have separated the plan of action into 4 quadrants:

What can I do? Plan of action for myself and to help others

Note: Each quadrant needs to include solutions at a physical, psychological and spiritual level. For the purposes of the physical solutions, such as efforts to reduce carbon emissions, we recommend visiting other websites such as climatecrisis.net. The below solutions are written mainly from a psychological and spiritual point of view.

Table of Contents [show]

Quadrant 1: What can I do at a basic level?

  • First, please take the time to familiarise and understand the articles on Climate change, World war 3 and Armageddon and Good versus Evil. Also do study the related articles as it will give you a more well-rounded understanding of the issue.
  • Spiritual practice that is according to the six basic principles of spiritual practice is a sure way to increase the Sattva in oneself and also to gain a higher level of protection from God.
  • If you are not doing any spiritual practice, we have provided you with some simple spiritual practices to get you started on your spiritual journey. There is no better time to start than today. Each one of us starting spiritual practice that conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice helps the overall increase in the Sattva component and concomitant decrease in the Raja and Tama components.
  • If you are currently doing some spiritual practice, check if it conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice. Do ponder deeply over the six basic principles of spiritual practice. Though they may seem deceptively simple, it is in the application of these principles that most people stumble.
  • Spiritual practice has to be complemented with an open minded study of spirituality. The study has to be without cultural bias such as we study in a university or college. Only when we are clear about spiritual principles can we make decisions about how to guide and direct our spiritual practice. To facilitate a seeker’s spiritual understanding, we are conducting various lectures worldwide and have provided some of these lectures in our SSRF classroom.
  • If you have any questions please e-mail us by clicking on the ‘contact us‘ link.

Quadrant 2: What can I do at a basic level to help others?

No man is an island, and we are all a part of society.  No man can remain unscathed when the entire world is severely affected. Hence, it becomes imperative, that we take steps to positively influence the world because it consists of our loved ones, relatives, friends, associates, colleagues, etc.

  • Pass this article on to your friends, family, acquaintances and interested groups. Every one of us needs to know about the root cause of these events. What we do then is up to each one of us.
  • Once you learn, practice and understand a spiritual principle do tell others about it. Do not wait to be proficient yourself before you start sharing it with others. Remember, when you learn ‘A’ share ‘A’, do not wait until you go to ‘Z’.

Quadrant 3: What are the next steps at an individual level?

  • After we start spiritual practice, we need to progressively improve the quality and quantity of our spiritual practice. For example, if one is able to chant the Name of God for one hour a day, in the next month one can try and increase it to two hours.  In short, we need to become a seeker of God. We define the stage of seeker as one where:
  • One does spiritual practice with a definite goal of God-realisation.
  • Spiritual practice and spiritual growth take centre stage in our life even when going about our everyday life.
  • One does spiritual practice daily.
  • The spiritual practice conforms to the basic principles of spiritual practice.
  • One remains in regular contact with other seekers with the objective of being in the company of the Truth (satsang) and learning spiritual principles.
  • One aims to make definite spiritual progress regularly and is alert to stagnation in his or her spiritual practice.
  • One makes efforts to reduce personality defects and ego.
  • One conducts the ritual of Agnihotra to reduce pollution.

When one is at this stage, one can begin to contribute more effectively to increasing the Sattva component on Earth.

Quadrant 4: What are the next steps to help society?

  • Once we have gained the qualities of a seeker as described above, we become more efficient instruments to do God’s work.
  • Helping spread spiritual awareness that is of a universal nature in society, is the fastest way to earn the grace of the Teaching Principle of God i.e. the Guru.


Project Blue Beam/Alien Technology 2014

This is very important subject, because I think that all of these technologies exist and can be used against humanity. Here’s my post about Project Blue Beam:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/silenced-people-serge-monast-project-blue-beam-murdered/

And here is a nice video, which collects all nicely to together:

Published on Feb 15, 2014

This movie goes about Project Blue Beam and have a audio voice that explain it more clearly.



Also look at this one Project H.A.A.R.P

Project Bluebeam/Alien Technology

Global Slavery

Creature Caught on Tape in Holland – The Investigation (HD)

The Illuminati Subconscious Mind Control

The Illuminati Subconscious Mind Control Programming Vol 2

GTA 5 Illuminati Or Not?

All Video Material and music only for this movie are the property of Verbalkint2013 , music created with copyright free VTS files, software used: Magix Music Maker 13.
