Manipulating Those of Us on the “Surface”

Here’s some piece to this reptilian agenda puzzle and as always, you decide what is the truth:

[Note: I have tried for several days to put together this post and send it to you, however in all seriousness it seemed as if someone or something was making every effort to prevent me from doing so. All kinds of computer glitches and obstacles appeared, far beyond coincidence as far as I’m concerned.

Twice the post was wiped out when nearly completed, and in fact I thought about giving up even trying to re-write it. Hopefully though THIS ONE WILL get through to you… and hopefully you will be able to benefit from it without any further “interference”…]

(Jan 25, 2000)

Dear Mr. Icke (David Icke);

The following information may help you to understand more fully just how the RH-negative reptilian hybrid genetic lines have been manipulating those of us on the “surface” of this planet for centuries.

First, of which you probably are aware, as a whole these reptilian hybrids often lead a double life involving duel personalities, one which leads a “normal” life in the outer world, and one that is deeply involved with the underground alien society on a nocturnal basis. This is especially true with “cocooned/hosted” individuals and “hybrids/abductees”.

I believe that I am one such “hybrid“.

My genealogical line intersects with the ancestries of the English Royal family, and from what I understand many of the hybrid lines have ended up in the neo-Masonic lodge known as the Mormon/LDS (later-day saints) church, which serves as a cover for many of the old reptilian blood lines… possibly the reason why LDS prefer large families, i.e. to “breed” out the normal human genetic lines to be replaced by reptilian/hybrid lines?

I am familiar with many, many Mormon cultured hybrid abductees who are also MPD’s, however I have also found that there is tremendous pressure placed on these people especially in Utah [one of the major underground nesting areas for both reptilians and hybrids] NOT to discuss their abductions, even though the Mormon church officially does teach in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. This is not to say that hybrids do not have souls, for I believe that many of them do [others though, I wonder about…]

There are however even more full-blooded reptilian and hybrid blood lines who reside permanently in the underground society, and who are sold-out Satanic worshiping, blood-festing, shape shifters.

In fact these reptilian genetic lines operate in a parasitic manner, the underground society acting as the “parasite” society and the surface society operating as the “host” society, similar to the scenario in the classic movie “THE TIME MACHINE”, regarding the parasite-host relationship which existed between the surface dwelling ELOI and the troglodytic MORLOCKS.

Another movie that depicts the hidden reality is “THEY LIVE”, produced by the inspired director John Carpenter. In almost every instance those which have access to the underground networks are members of the Masonic lodge, both on the surface and below… with those below for the most part having been initiated into the 13 Illuminati degrees — i.e. the 34-46 degrees.

Take note of the fact that the House of the Temple in Washington D.C. is not only at the top of the occultic pentagram-like street layout of the city, but according to the Rev. Jim Shaw in his book THE DEADLY DECEPTION, Shaw noticed definite signs of SERPENT WORSHIP within this “temple” during his own initiation into the 33rd degree… and no doubt there are also underground connections linking this headquarters of the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite to underground systems below.

Underneath most major cities, especially in the USA in fact, there exist subterranean counterpart “cities” controlled by the Masonic/Hybrid/Alien “elite”. Often surface/subsurface terminals exist beneath Masonic Lodges, Police Stations, Air Ports, and Federal Buildings of major cities… and even not so “major” cities.

The population ratio is probably close to 10% of the population [the hybrid military-industrial fraternity “elite”] living below ground as opposed to the 90% living above. This does not include the full-blood reptilian species who live in even deeper recesses of the earth.

Those in the underground society have access to interstellar technology and in fact our controlled society actually serves to FEED their ongoing conquests of other worlds [including the use of Montauk-like Stargate/time-tunnel technology which our planetary grid, which is unique in the universe, allows].

Many Federations throughout the galaxy consider planet earth to be the shit-hole of the universe, the source of MOST of the imperialistic atrocities being committed against other worlds by the Alternative-Three collective [consisting of fallen astral, reptilian, and human “elite” collaborators].

Many Federations are non-interventionist, and the reptilians below know it, which is why they have taken refuge beneath major population centers, essentially using us on the surface as “human shields“.

Some of the major population centers were deliberately established by the Masonic/hybrid elite of the Old and New “worlds” to afford easy access to already existence under ground levels, some of which are thousands of years old, and considering that Los Alamos Labs had working prototype nuclear powered thermol-bore drills that could literally melt tunnels through the earth at a rate of 8 mph 40 YEARS AGO, you can imagine how extensive these underground systems have become.

These sub-cities also offer close access to organized criminal syndicates which operate on the surface. They have developed a whole science of “borg-onomics” through which they literally nickel-and-dime us into slavery via multi-leveled taxation, inflation, sublimation, manipulation, regulation, fines, fees, licenses… and the entire debt-credit scam which is run by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. Then there is the “under ground Wall Street” scenario itself, which I will deal with shortly.

The “dracs” not only feed upon our outward society economically, but also emotionally [emotional vampirism], psychically [implants], and even bioplasmically [blood-fests]. They are parasites of the worst sort, vampires, and leeches on the back of humanity. They control us from cradle to grave via their global economic and electronic control system, and it will continue to be so until enough of us on the surface join together in an international resistance and literally invade the underground systems and begin to “kick ass and take names”. I see no other way that we can once again gain our independence.

After all, are not most of the military-industrial underground networks legally OURS, in that the common citizen is the one who initially PAID for their construction and maintenance? Our wealth has literally gone “down the tubes”. Are we just going to sit around, not make waves, and be good little Nazi drones, or are we going to DO SOMETHING about it?

I know that YOU are doing something about it, and I commend you. I know that you are a bit iffy on Biblical doctrine, but I consider myself a “blood bought” reborn Christian [A “Hybrid for Jesus” you might say…] and so I DO PRAY for your safety and success in exposing this “draconian” conspiracy never-the-less.

Parasitism is the very core foundation of draconian existence. IF and WHEN we collectively CEASE from giving them our power — by turning our freedom and self-responsibility over to their draconian “system” in exchange for temporary material gain — their whole pyramid system will collapse, for it is only as strong as the foundation which supports it.

Many peaceful ET groups blame US for the atrocities that are being committed against them by the underground military – industrial – alien collective, and I don’t blame them, because WE are essentially their servants, whether we know it or not. The “dracs” have learned that the most productive slave society is one which is not fully aware of the fact that it has been enslaved, one where the false illusion of “freedom” is maintained because of the subtle and consistent stealth through which their brand of slavery is imposed upon us, analogous to the old proverbial “frog in the boiling pot” story.

Do not expect an all-out alien invasion… no overt alien invasion will take place UNLESS of course a massive human resistance arises, one which might potentially place the underground networks in danger of being physically invaded by outside forces. But as it stands, the takeover is more or less complete, the draconians are already here among us and they are in control via the electronic monetary system upon which we have become totally dependent [as opposed to independent].

They in fact DO plan to implement computer chip control akin to the much feared “mark of the beast”. And indeed such a fate just MIGHT spell out ones spiritual destruction, since when/if one is totally “assimilated” they will have forever lost their power of free choice, and in so doing will have lost their “soul”. The takeover has not so much been an invasion as it has been an infestation… similar to the manner of a parasite.

New York City, I can confirm, is one of the largest draconian nests in the world. Or rather the ancient underground ‘Atlantean’ systems that network beneath that area. Revelation chapter 18 describes Wall Street / New York City as the nest or lair of “every foul and hateful bird”, or one might conclude every foul and hateful ALIEN. They literally control the entire Wall Street pyramid from below… with more than a little help from reptilian blood lines like the Rockefellers, etc.

And not withstanding the various “abominations” [see Rev. ch. 18] which this city, “Mystery Babylon”, has spawned [having financed Communism, Nazism, Corporate Imperialism, Abortion… and on and on] there is also the unsavory truth that it has also served as an engine to fuel the entire draconian military-industrial fraternity [at one time a joint effort between the military – industrial elite AND alien forces, but now as I understand it these “joint operational” facilities are now FULLY under the control of the “dracs”] and in turn to fuel the imperialistic atrocities throughout the galaxy which have been committed with the underground military industrial [alien] complex serving as a major base of operations.

As I understand it, maintaining control of planet earth is ESSENTIAL to the reptilian cause of conquest and control of the entire galaxy if not beyond, due to the uncommonly diverse and rare elements and resources that this planet contains, not to mention the grid-system which allows for the generation of time/space gates.

For instance, one couple who was initiated into the “cult of the serpent” [Alternative-Three operations, particularly] via a friend of theirs who was a very wealthy diamond merchant, was later approached by an agent of a major space “Federation”, who informed them of the many atrocities that the “Alt-3” forces of earth were committing against the peaceful inhabitants of other worlds…

I would assume they are referring to the black operations based beneath Neu Schwabeland Antarctica, Dulce New Mexico, Pine Gap Australia, and Montauk NEW YORK. An interesting connection I have found is the term ULTRA… Ultra is the name of a very high security classification dealing with alien interaction, it is also the name of a secret NSA agency dealing with the same, it is also the name of the [formerly] joint operational base-network beneath the Dulce – Los Alamos area of New Mexico, it is ALSO the name of a secret Nazi team during World War II which dealt exclusively with security for the German underground base projects in Antarctica.

As for the New York City / Wall Street “nest”, during the bombing of the World Trade Center [aka World Slave Center] wherein terrorists attempted to topple one of the towers into the other, a little known fact was briefly revealed. A SIX LEVELED SUB-BASEMENT controlled by the U.S. SECRET SERVICE suffered heavy damage.

These six sub-basements, one beneath the other, may not have ended there, based on other information that I’ve uncovered of massive alien infestation beneath the New York City area. These sub-basements may actually serve as a MAJOR terminal between the underground society of Masonic elite, and the surface society which it controls.

There is a claim, I do not know how accurate it is, that in order to join the secret service one has to be at least a member of the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Masonry. The Masonic connections resident within the architecture of Washington D.C., even to the phallic obelisk disrespectfully referred to as the “Washington Monument”, are legendary and extensive.

For more information on the underground empire, and the Masonic and Organized Criminal connections, please refer to the following information:

Respectfully yours [in the Resistance]


Details Concerning The Serpent Race

And the saga just continues…:

The following information was released by Leading Edge Research and describes some additional details concerning the serpent race/greys based upon the findings of several researchers who have pooled their investigations in order to find out more about this apparent enemy of mankind.

The following scenario emerged from this cooperative effort (emphasis ours – Branton):

“NOTES ON ALF (Alien Life Forms): Term used by the government to describe the Greys in terms of being a MALEVOLENT life form. The deal with the Greys is that their field around their body is different (from) ours to the point where merging of the fields ends up creating physical symptoms (the ’body terror’ mentioned by people like Whitley Strieber). The field around them is in direct opposition to ours.


They implant small devices near the brain which potentially GIVES THEM TOTAL CONTROL AND MONITORING CAPABILITY. These devices are very difficult to detect. The analysis of the devices by technical staff has produced a description that involves use of crystalline technology combined with molecular circuitry and these ride on the resonant emissions of the brain and the various fields of the human (body). Information is entrained on the brain waves.

It appears that all attempts to remove the implants (1972) have resulted in the death of the human. They perform surgery and other operations on human subjects. These abductions continue to be an ongoing matter. A list of abductees is provided periodically to MAJI, although IT IS KNOWN THAT MANY MORE ARE ABDUCTED THAN ARE REPORTED…

Various descriptions of the ALF’s relate the following characteristics. Between 3 to 5 feet in height, erect standing biped, small thin build, head larger than humans, absence of auditory lobes (external), absence of body hair, large… eyes (slanted approximately 35 degrees) WHICH ARE OPAQUE BLACK WITH VERTICAL SLIT PUPILS, ARMS RESEMBLING PRAYING MANTIS (normal attitude) which reach to the knees, long hands with small palm, CLAW-LIKE FINGERS (various number of digits – often two short digits and two long, but some species have three or four fingers), tough gray skin WHICH IS REPTILIAN IN TEXTURE, small feet WITH FOUR SMALL CLAW-LIKE TOES… a non-functioning digestive system; TWO SEPARATE BRAINS; movement is deliberate, slow and precise; ALIEN SUBSTANCE REQUIRES THAT THEY MUST HAVE HUMAN BLOOD AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES to survive. In extreme circumstances they can subsist on other (cattle, etc.) animal fluids.

Food is converted to energy by Chlorophyll, by a photosynthetic process (this supports results gained from autopsies at 29 Palms underground base where it was seen that their ’blood’ was greenish and the tissue was black). Waste products are secreted through the skin. The two separate brains are separated by mid-cranial lateral bone (anterior and posterior brain). There is no apparent connection between the two (could one be an ’individual’ brain while the other works as a ’collective consciousness’ brain? – Branton).

Some autopsies have revealed a crystalline network which is thought to have a function in telepathic (and other) functions which help to maintain the group consciousness between members of the same species. Functions of group consciousness in this species does have a disadvantage in that decisions in this species comes rather slowly as the matter at hand filters through the group awareness of those who must make the decision…”

In relation to the above description of ’implant’ devices, we will now quote from another short account which appeared in the N.A.R. (now L.E.R.) documents:

“…According to one source, Stan Friedman was either involved with or knew of the extraction of two spherical implants from two cadavers. The implants were examined and opened. Inside there were crystalline structures which were then examined under an electron microscope. Inside the crystalline structure were micro-miniature electronic circuits.”

Friedman has according to some researchers held the same views as Jamie Shandera and William Moore, i.e., that the ’Greys’ are actually ’benevolent’ and the animal mutilations, abductions, underground bases and similar scenarios do not exist. Since these men have allegedly been tied-in with the CIA, which in turn is–according to many sources–now partially or mostly under the control of the alien-grey powers, such statements against the facts would be in keeping with an organization that has been infiltrated via implantation, etc., by malevolent alien forces. Some suspect that Moore is either working for or being misled by certain members of MJ-12 to spread disinformation, while at the same time still admit the existence of UFOs and ’Greys’ which is now becoming impossible to refute, and also deny the malevolent aspects.

This suggests that in spite of the obvious predatory nature of the saurian greys, certain branches of the CIA are still abiding by the dubious ’treaties’ which call for a U.S. government’s denial of the abductions, implantations, mutilations, and so on. NAR in it’s May, 1989 issue, referred to yet another man who many believe is a blatantly deceiving disinformation agent:

Philip Klass, self-confessed UFO expert, gave his rendition of what UFOs really are on March 31 and April 1, 1989 at the Spring Valley Library in LAS VEGAS. Arthur C. Clarke, science fiction author, called Klass’s recent book ’UFO ABDUCTIONS: A DANGEROUS GAME’, a ’welcome breath of sanity in a field where it’s sadly lacking.’ Unfortunately for both Mr. Clarke and Mr. Klass, the sad fact is that the abduction process is neither a game nor has any degree of perceptible sanity.

Many doubt Klass, a former writer assigned to AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY has any conception about what the abductions really involve. Many view Mr. Klass in the same category as William Moore, who many believe to be employed by the Defense Investigative Service. Moore has, over the past year, been involved in diverting attention away from real issues towards MJ-12 documents and other literary busywork, while thousands of abductees struggle to discover their true involvement in ’alien’ activities.”

The following article, titled ’ALIENS ON EARTH’, was written by the Rev. Anthony G. Pike, a United Kingdom correspondent for NICUFO. This article appeared in the Fall, 1991 issue of ’UFO JOURNAL’:

“…I have recently received inside information from a British Government source who states that Britain is the World Headquarters for the storage of alien bodies. At present, there are about 300 alien bodies stored in various parts of Britain; of which, about 25 are in suspended animation. Throughout the rest of the world, however, there are only about 60 bodies – including the USA! I then enquired as to the reason why so many bodies were stored in Britain rather than the USA. The answer was that ’Britain can keep a better secret’. You see, Britain has probably more secrets stored away than any other nation on earth, & has numerous laws preventing people from gaining access to those secrets or publishing them through the media. This is illustrated in the fact that Britain has no UFO magazines available on the newsstands. However, a few years back Tim Green Beckley attempted to put ’UFO UNIVERSE’ out on the newsstands here, & it lasted for just 2 issues before the Government banned it. There are also very tight restrictions on the media – remember, Britain has only 4 main TV stations; which makes it easier for the Government to (control) what goes out. There is also a branch of M15 at the BBC who prevent any classified information from reaching the public.

I was told that the famous astronomer, Patrick Moore, was warned by MI5 that if he wanted to get on in life he better keep quiet about the alien bases he’s seen on the moon. I was also informed that there are 1000’s of live aliens among us on the earth; & that the aliens are divided up into 5 groups, ie. the human-looking ones, the 12 ft. Giants, small cat-eyes (or vertical-slit pupiled reptilian-eyed beings such as the saurian greys – Branton), wiry aliens & gnome-type aliens. Many of the aliens, however, are living in vast underground bases… Some of the more evil types, such as the ’Greys’ are also working hand in glove with the US Government on advanced genetics & mind control. This Secret Government is seeking to control & manipulate the human race for its own end.

(Could this U.S. “secret government” cooperation with the British Empire be tied-in with the allegations made by certain researchers that the 22 “Palladium” Masonic Lodges in charge of Illuminati world revolution originally were spawned from the Grand Lodge of England? Actually A-ALBIONIC RESEARCH., Box 20273., Ferdale, MI 48220., presents much evidence that the Grand Masonic Lodge of London and the Grand Jesuit Lodge of Rome have conspired together for centuries through the ’Illuminati’ to take over the nations of the earth and acclimate them into a ’New World Order’, including and especially the Christian Republic of America, since it’s birth. – Branton)…

I was also informed that our galaxy is governed by a group of beings who one might call an ’Angelis Command Corps.’ (fallen or unfallen ’angelics’? – Branton) In this sector they generally meet in the Pleiades & Sirius. My Government source also says that he has personally seen about 50 alien bodies stored in the UK; & that he was taken in a blacked out helicopter somewhere ’up North’ to a laboratory run by the British Security Forces where he saw a set of 3 transparent coffins containing 3 giant aliens about 10-12 ft. tall (could these be the human El-Anakim who are believed to have bases deep below the western U.S., Alaska and Mexico, etc.? – Branton).

However, the coffins are impregnable & the Government has been unable to break them open. I was also told that 13 sets of similar coffins have been discovered in different parts of the world. Also, the TIMES newspaper last year ran a couple of articles reproduced from Pravda stating that giant aliens have landed in SEVERAL locations in Estonia, Lithuania, & Hungary. In Hungary a whole regiment actually converged with the aliens face to face.

Timothy Good, the British UFO researcher, has been given three letters from the U.S. Government stating that in August 1992, the US government is planning to put UFOs & alien bodies on a show to the public in the COSMIC JOURNEY EXHIBITION. I was also told that the calamities that are taking place are for the good of the planet and are causing people to think about alternatives to the present system…

I was told that this collapse of the old order will include a collapse of the PRESENT MONETARY SYSTEM (a prelude to a ’New World Order’ inspired by the reptilian greys? – Branton), the IMF & the WORLD BANK. The space people themselves, say they have no frontiers, no passports, & no money. I was also told that the atomic bomb will be phased out; & that present day transportation & energy will be replaced by the LINEAR MOTOR & ELECTRO-MAGNETISM.

I was also told that there is a revolutionary new fuel which has been supplied by the aliens to someone in South America who is now running his car on it. I also know that it is possible to run cars on ordinary tap water (there’s someone in Australia doing it right now) & that all diseases can be cured with simple H2O2 (water with an extra oxygen molecule on it) including AIDS, cancer, colds & tooth decay (H2O2 is excellent for brushing teeth – it removes all plaque & decay instantly)… – further information on any of the above matters & much more can be obtained by writing to Rev. Anthony G. Pike., 141 Austen Road., South Harrow HA2 OUU Middex, U.K.”

The following list of ’entity types’ seems to correspond partially with the list given in the above letter. This list of ’aliens’ comes from the anonymous Intelligence worker ’Commander X’, as he received them from John Lear and other ’inside’ sources:


GRAY-1 – 3 1/2 feet tall. Large head. Large slanted eyes. Worship technology. Don’t give a damn about mankind.

GRAY-2 – Same type, different finger arrangement, slightly different face. More sophisticated than Gray-1… May not need secretions (large-nosed or large-muzzled grays? – Branton).

GRAY-3: Same basic type. Lips thinner. More subservient to other two grays.

BLONDES, SWEDES, NORDICS: Known by any of these monikers. Similar to humans (although it is unknown as to whether they are related to any of the nationalities mentioned). Blond hair, blue eyes. Will not break (so-called) ’universal law’ of ’non- interference’ to help us…

INTER-DIMENSIONAL: Entity that can assume various shapes… (most likely fallen angelic. These often apparently utilize androidal forms, temporary energy forms, forms constructed from restructured physical matter, or even physical ’shells’ constructed in forms similar to grays, humans or other configurations – Branton)

HAIRY DWARF’S: Four feet tall, 35 lbs. Extremely strong. Hairy (possibly a degenerate branch of humanoid Sasquatch – Branton).

VERY TALL RACE: Look like humans but seven or eight feet tall. United with Blondes.


MIB’S: (Men In Black). Wear all black. Sunglasses. Very pale skin. Do nor conform to normal accepted patterns; Extremely sensitive to light…”

Commander X also related the following concerning the ’Inter- Dimensionals’ who have obtained physical forms allowing them to operate in the physical world:

“…What the government didn’t realize was that they (the Grays) planned to abduct tens of thousands of individuals, plant monitoring devices in their brains, and program them with specific series’ of responses to direct commands.

“The EBEs–also behind our backs–began to mutilate cows and other animals because they wished to use their tissues TO CREATE A GENETICALLY ADVANCED RACE OF FLESH AND BLOOD ROBOTS. When the government realized what the EBEs had in mind, and wanted to back out of their agreement, THE ’ALIENS’ TOOK OVER SEVERAL UNDERGROUND BASES WHERE THEY HAD ALREADY INSTALLED UNDERGROUND LABORATORIES.”

Again, in reference to the ’serpent races’, John A. Keel, in his book ’OUR HAUNTED PLANET’ (1968. Fawcett Publications., Greenwich, Conn.) has stated:

“…The parahuman Serpent People of the past are still among us. They were probably worshipped by the builders of Stonehenge and the forgotten ridge-making cultures of South America.

“…In some parts of the world the Serpent People successfully posed as gods and imitated the techniques of the superintelligence. This led to the formation of pagan religions centered around human sacrifices. The conflict, so far as man himself was concerned, became one of religions and races. Whole civilizations based upon the worship of these false gods rose and fell in Asia, Africa, and South America. The battleground had been chosen, and the mode of conflict had been decided upon.

“The human race would supply the pawns. The mode of control was complicated as usual. Human beings were largely free of direct control. Each individual HAD TO CONSCIOUSLY COMMIT HIMSELF TO ONE OF THE OPPOSING FORCES…

“The main battle was for what was to become known as the human soul.

“Once an individual had committed himself, he opened a door so that an indefinable something could actually enter his body and exercise some control over his subconscious mind (this would be either the pure Spirit of Christ or the corrupting spirit of anti-Christ. Just as nature hates a vacuum, so does the human spirit. In other words, what Keel is saying is that the human spirit cannot work entirely of it’s own, but is a channel or a vessel of ’other’ powers, whether good or evil. The act of ’free will’ which is given to man is a ’choice’ over which of these powers to submit to, and to accept personal responsibility for that choice – Branton).

“…the Serpent People or Omega Group, attacked man in various ways, trying to rid the planet of him. But the superintelligence was still able to look over man… God worked out new ways of communication and control, always in conflict with the Serpent People.”

One of the classic examples of combined interaction between the physical Serpent Race and the other-dimensional ’Infernals’ in a common cause is given in the case of Brian Scott. According to Commander X, the area where Scott was abducted within the Superstition mountains of Arizona contains an underground base where, he alleged, at least five individuals had been abducted (to the underground base) that he is aware of, Brian Scott being one of them. The Superstition mountains are notorious for the many bizarre deaths and be-headings that have taken place there.

Many have alleged that in certain parts of this wasteland a sudden force or irrational impulse can come over a person and cause them to suddenly turn against others in their party. There have been several cases where strange ’voices’ have driven treasure-hunters insane and, in some cases, driven them to kill their partners. Even though the following account does not specifically mention the underground base described by Commander X, other sources who have talked to Mr. Scott do suggest that an underground installation was involved.

Brad Steiger, in his book ’THE UFO ABDUCTORS’ (1988., Berkley Books., N.Y.) describes Brian Scott’s experiences as follows:

“…Scott’s first abduction reportedly occurred in the Arizona desert near Phoenix in 1971, and he claimed that another had just occurred on December 22, 1975, in Garden Grove, California. In between, Scott said, there were three other terrifying sessions with the aliens and repeated visits to his home by balls of light and a transparent being that called itself the Host.

“Incredibly, Scott found that a friend of his was already inside the craft. The two of them were taken into a small room that began to fill with a fog or a mist. Then they were confronted by four or five ’very horrifying’ creatures. Scott described them as having gray skin like that of a crocodile or a rhino, with a thicker patch of hide over the front torso… The beings were seven feet tall, according to Scott, and… had three fingers and a thumb kicked over to one side.”

Steiger then records a conversation between Scott and researcher Timothy Green Beckley:

“TIM BECKLEY: What happened on the day when your wife was sent to the hospital?

“SCOTT: She had been to work, pretty much handling everything that was going on around her. Then I got a call that she wasn’t feeling very well. I brought her home, and after about fifteen minutes of sitting there talking with her, she was saying several things, none of which made any sense to me or to her. She said that she had been in the bathroom and suddenly felt hands all over her body. It was as if someone had broken into the house and molested her. When she calmed down and started making explanations to me about what the hell was wrong with her, it was as if, from her description, the guys I had seen aboard the craft in 1971 had visited her. This is odd, because she has never even seen any sketches that I made of those entities.

“BECKLEY: So this was an actual materialization–if you want to call it that–of the entities in the house?

“SCOTT: I don’t know what is was.

“BECKLEY: But she was so upset that you decided to take her to the hospital?

“SCOTT: Later that evening, it seemed as if she was okay. I was on the phone, and the baby was getting into everything so I couldn’t carry on the conversation. I got up and went looking for my wife. I heard a bumping sound and a moan coming from the bathroom. My wife was on the floor, hyperventilating. I got her up and onto a chair in the living room. I was on my way to call her mother when she just fell flat on her face. I called the paramedics, and while they were on the way, she got up and fell down again. Then she began to become hysterical. It took four paramedics to hold her down. She was throwing people around as if they were tissue paper. Guys were thrown backward against the furniture. Finally they loaded her up in the ambulance. I came back in the house, and the baby was not in the playpen. I panicked, because I couldn’t find our one-year-old baby who got out of a playpen!”

Steiger continued:

Tim Beckley asked Scott about the Host. ’There is one entity that comes through that calls itself the Host, whatever that means,’ Scott attempted to explain. ’It speaks in what sounds like some kind of computerized language. The voice seems to come out of me, an inner voice that is not mine. The entity says that I am one with it. It says, “I am; I am” or “You are one with me.” When asked if it has a name, it will just come back and say, “I am; I am.”

“’The other night we heard some strange sounds coming from the bedroom. I began to speak in a foreign language that we later found out was Greek. Where that came from, I don’t know. I wrote in Greek BACKWARD. On top of that, I was writing with my left hand, and I am right-handed.

“’This voice was talking. We asked who it was, and the name Ashtar came out.

“’Then it began to use the name Ashtar and speak to my wife. It told her things about her past that only she could know. This went on for a while, then it went on to say it would give her all the money in the world. It only wanted one thing in return–her soul.’

Beckley pointed out,” Steiger continues “that is sounded as though diabolical entities might be coming onto the scene, attracted by the extreme vibrations. He also observed that ASHTAR sounded very much like ISHTAR, an ancient Babylonian goddess (Note: Ashtar-oth was also the legendary ’consort’ to BAAL, the ancient Chaldean ’god’ two whom the ancients offered up human sacrifices – Branton).

“…Beckley asked J.D. (an investigator associated with a civilian UFO investigations group who studied the Brian Scott incident) how he would differentiate between what may have originally been an abduction case and the various types of poltergeistic phenomena that now seemed to prompt Scott’s resultant trance state. Are they one and the same? Are they closely related mysteries? Or are they entirely different aspects of a more general phenomenon?

J.D. indicated that he was aware that there had been other cases such as Scott’s. The manifestations of balls of light streaking through the homes of contactees and abductees apparently are more frequent than many investigators realize.

J.D. mentioned that one voice, a horrible voice, came through and claimed to be Beelzebub, the Devil. J.D. was convinced that the entity was simply trying to frighten away the investigators.” (we wonder – Branton)

Aside from the 3-fingered, 7 ft. tall ’Crocodilian’ creatures encountered by Brian Scott, there was another group involved in his abductions as well.

According to Steiger:

“…The secondary group was composed of beings who were small, with frail bodies, milky white skin, large bald heads, thin lips, and enormous eyes… supposedly this group, perhaps from the sixth or seventh planets around the star EPSILON BOOTES, placed a satellite in orbit around our moon… the taller… entities from ’time beyond all time,’ have the power to veto actions planned by those beings of the secondary world…”
In reference to the supposed ’mission’ these creatures had chosen Brian Scott for, Steiger states:

“…Scott was to design a transportation technology that would move matter through space. He was to master quantum displacement physics and begin to develop a mind transference machine TO BE USED TO UNITE ALL HUMANS. Such a machine would help to develop a philosophy of cosmic brotherhood (as well as kill all personality, individuality and privacy among humans – Branton). The above tasks, of course, would seem impossible for a combination of Einstein and Superman, but they are typical of the type of grandiose mission(s) assigned to so many contactees and abductees.”

“…The Master Ashtar appears in much of UFO contactee literature. One cannot help noting the ancient origin of the name Ishtar, Ashtar, Asta, described always as a god of evil and negativity in the Bible… Ashtar seems to belong more to the contactees than the abductees, but there are instances where those who claim to have been forcefully taken aboard UFOs describe an interaction with beings who represent themselves as emissaries of ’Ashtar’s Grand Plan.’”

Brian Scott seems to have encountered the same ’Lizard’ like or ’Crocodilian’ sauroids describes by others, the gan-greenish coloured creatures who are often described as being nearly 7 ft. tall, with reptilian features, and who are believed by many to be the overlords of the large-nosed and common ’Greys’, being second only in hierarchy to the pterodactylin ’Mothmen’ and of course the ’infernals’ themselves, of which the so-called ’Host’ seemed to have been a part. Following are still other documented encounters with different branches of this apparently hominoid-saurian race:

Arkady Leokum, writing in a nationally syndicated news article called ’TELL ME WHY’, revealed some important facts about the ancient Saurians. His article, titled: ’DINOSAURS DEVELOPED FROM REPTILES’, stated the following:

“…Since dinosaurs were reptiles, they must have developed from reptiles that lived before them.

“The first dinosaurs to develop resembled their reptile ancestors, who were like lizards, AND WHO COULD WALK ON THEIR HIND LEGS. Some kinds remained small, but others grew heavier and longer.

“In time, many of them were 6 to 8 feet long. There was even a few 20 feet long and weighing as much as an elephant. They had small heads and short, blunt teeth, which were only good for eating plants. They lived in low, swampy places.

“Then came the next period, the Age of Reptiles. Some of the plant-eating dinosaurs became so large that even four legs couldn’t support them on land. They had to spend most of their lives in rivers and swamps. One of these giants was the brontosaurus, 70 to 80 feet long and weighing about 38 tons!

“At the same time, other dinosaurs were able to walk about on land. One of these, allosaurus, was 34 feet long, had sharp teeth and claws, and fed on brontosaurus and other plant eaters.

“So, dinosaurs were a stage in the development of the reptiles..”

This article strongly suggests that the dinosaurs and other reptiles (including amphibians?) were/are an extremely adaptable race, capable of mutating to an incredible degree to “fit in” to whatever environment these creatures found themselves in. Also, the fact that some “dinosaurs” became sea-going beasts suggest that ALL (both reptilians and amphibians) may have originated from a single group of 6-8 ft. long bi-ped lizards which roamed the earth in ancient times.

There are indications that the original ’Nachash’ or ’Serpent’ of Hebrew tradition and history possessed both reptilian, draconian as well as amphibian features, and was in fact a hominoid creature. Even today, reptilians and amphibians possess similar characteristics scales, claws, webbed appendages, etc. Scientists tell us that snakes, pleseosaurs (such as allegedly dwells in Loch Ness in Scotland, former home of the satanist Aliester Crowley who expressed his own fascination with the ’beast’ of the Loch) and other aquatic or semi-aquatic reptiles–and amphibians–once possessed lizard-saurian like limbs before taking up an aquatic or semi-aquatic existence, after which the limbs became atrophied. This may explain why AMPHIBIANS of hominoid form have, like their reptilian counterparts, been seen on occasion, and have even caused serious physical injury, unprovoked, to witnesses on the scene.

The following accounts, which appear in ’CURIOUS ENCOUNTERS’, by Loren Coleman (Faber & Faber., Boston, Mass. 1985) pp. 70-76, describe encounters with reptilian and/or amphibian hominoid or bi-ped creatures of a semi-aquatic nature. We might conclude, based on the above, that the following accounts may involve yet another branch or branches of the “Serpent Race” which, although extremely adaptable like a mutating virus, nevertheless may have had a common root in the upright-walking lizards that preceded the dinosaurs thousands of years ago.

The author’s reference to “Bigfoot“, at least in these cases, refer to the reptilian-amphibian hominoids that have been observed, and should not be associated with the “hairy giants” or humanoids who, unlike the creatures described here, are apparently part of the human family.

Loren Coleman describes some encounters with these non-human beasts which have taken place near the west coast:

“One classic Bigfoot story, (discussed in some detail in MYSTERIOUS AMERICA) namely, the Wetzel/Riverside, California sighting on 8 November 1958, CLEARLY FITS THE REPTILIAN MODE better than the anthropoid one. Wetzel described, as you may recall, the fluorescent- eyed ’thing’ as having a protuberant mouth and a body COVERED WITH SCALES, looking like leaves. Wetzel’s ’thing’ emerged from the Santa Ana River underbrush.

“The connection to water is a strong theme in all of these accounts so it is not so surprising that the next puzzle comes from the lake monster file. Trekking up the West Coast, the following report concerns a monster that actually looks like it stepped out of the wardrobe room of the Black Lagoon movie.

Thetis Lake is near Cottonwood, British Columbia, not far from Victoria, Cadboro Bay, off Victoria and Vancouver Island, (and) is well known for the perennial sea monster ’Cadborosaurus.’ So understandably a new creature in the neighborhood would be grouped under the same type of facade by the press. But the Thetis monster appears to be something else altogether.

“On 19 August 1972 Gordon Pike and Robin Flewellyn said a five-foot-tall animal appeared on the surface of Thetis Lake AND CHASED THEM FROM THE BEACH. Flewellyn was CUT on the hand by six razor-sharp points atop the monster’s head. A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer was quoted at the time as saying:

’The boys seem sincere, and until we determine otherwise we have no alternative but to continue our investigation.’

“The next Wednesday afternoon, 23 August, the Thetis Monster was encountered again. Mike Gold and Russell Van Nice said they saw ’it’ around 3:30 P.M. and on the other side of the lake away from the recreation area of its first appearance. Mike Gold noted: ’It came out of the water and looked around. Then it went back into the water. Then we ran!’ He described the creature as ’shaped like an ordinary body, like a human being body but it had a monster face, and it was all scaly (with) a point sticking out of its head (and) great big ears.’ It was silver.

“The Thetis monster account sounds similar to one from Saginaw, Michigan, occurring in 1937. A man-like monster climbed up a river bank, leaned against a tree, and then returned to the river. The fisherman who witnessed this appearance suffered a nervous breakdown. This Saginaw tale, the reports of clawed and three-toed prints from Wisconsin to Missouri, and other supposedly ’Bigfoot’ or ’manimal’ encounters perhaps should be reexamined in light of the REPTILIAN creatures from the Black Lagoon.

“The big Deltox Swamp, Wisconsin flap, investigated by Ivan T. Sanderson in 1979, for example, has always been shelved with Bigfoot reports. But what is to be made of the tracks of the creature, like footprints of ’a good-sized man with swim fins.’

“This trait is a more frequent characteristic in the so-called eastern Bigfoot reports than you might realize. For example, there’s the case of the creature of Charles Mill Lake in Mansfield, Ohio. A green-eyed, seven-foot-tall, seemingly armless humanoid, seen late in March 1959 by Michael Lane, Wayne Armstrong, and Dennis Patterson, came out of the lake and left behind ’tracks that resembled the footgear worn by skin divers.’ The thing was seen again in 1963 and described as ’luminous and green-eyed.’ I examined the site of these encounters and can testify to the Charles Mill Lake’s swampy affinities–certainly a good home for a Black Lagoon beast

“In 1973, during the summer, residents of New Jersey’s Newton-Lafayette area described A GIANT, MAN-LIKE ALLIGATOR they had seen locally. Newspaper reporters wrote about an old Indian tale from the region that told of a giant, man-sized fish that could never be caught. In 1977, New York State Conservation Naturalist Alfred Hulstruck reported that the state’s Southern Tier had ’a scaled, man- like creature (that) appears at dusk from the red, algae-ridden waters to forage among the fern and moss-covered uplands.’

“The New York-New Jersey record, however, cannot compare with the overwhelming series of narratives issuing from one place in the United States, the Ohio River Valley.

“Over twenty years ago, by digging into the back issues of the Louisville, Kentucky, COURIER-JOURNAL, I discovered one of those gems that has kept me pondering its meaning for two decades. The interesting little item was in the 24 October 1878 issue. A ’WIld Man of the Woods’ was captured, supposedly, in Tennessee, and then placed on exhibit in Louisville. The creature was described as being six feet, five inches tall, and having eyes twice the normal size. His body was ’COVERED WITH SCALES.’ This article now makes some sense.

“And then almost a hundred years later, again near Louisville, there are more stories of REPTILIAN ENTITIES. In October 1975, near Milton, Kentucky, Clarence Cable reported a ’giant lizard’ was roaming the forests near his junkyard. Author Peter Guttilla described the creature Cable surprised as ’about fifteen feet long, had a foot-long forked tongue, and big eyes that bulged something like a frog’s. It was dull-white with black-and-white stripes across its body with quarter-size speckles over it.’

“On-site field investigations by Mark A. Hall, however, indicated this ’giant lizard’ RAN BIPEDALLY, according to OTHER Trimble County, Kentucky witnesses. The Ohio River is Louisville’s, Milton’s, and Trimble county’s northern boundary.

“On 21 August 1955, near Evansville, Indiana, Mrs. Darwin Johnson was almost pulled forever into the depths of the Ohio River. In what seems to be a very close meeting with one of those creatures, Mrs. Johnson, of Godtown, Indiana, was swimming with her friend Mrs. Chris Lamble about fifteen feet from the shore when SUDDENLY SOMETHING GRABBED HER FROM UNDER THE SURFACE. It felt like the ’hand’ had huge claws and ’furry’ (or scaly?) palms. It came up from behind, grabbed her left leg, grabbed her knee, and pulled her under. She kicked and fought herself free. It pulled her under again. Although both women could not see the thing, they were screaming and yelling to scare it away. Finally, Mrs. Johnson lunged for Mrs. Lamble’s inner tube, and the loud ’thump’ apparently scared ’it’ away, and ’it’ released its grip. Back on shore, Mrs. Johnson received treatment for her scratches and marks on her leg.

“Fortean investigator Terry Colvin passed on the information that Mrs. Johnson had a palm-print-shaped green stain below her knee that could not be removed, and it remained for several days.

(Interestingly, Colvin learned the Johnsons were visited by an individual who identified himself as an Air Force colonel who took voluminous notes and warned them not to talk further about the incident. Of course, this sounds so similar to the ’Man-In-Black’ encounter that is goes almost without saying.)

“For anyone who has seen CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, the Ohio River encounter of Mrs. Darwin Johnson is already familiar, for her attack was foreshadowed in that movie…

“1972… In March of that year on two separate occasions, two Ohio policemen saw what has become known as the ’Loveland Frogman.’ Investigated by Ron Schaffner and Richard Mackey, these researchers interviewed the officers involved but have not published their names, instead using the fictitious names ’Williams’ and ’Johnson.’

“The first incident took place at 1:00 A.M. on 3 March 1972, on a clear, cold night. Officer Williams was on route to Loveland, via Riverside Road, when he thought he saw a dog beside the road. But when the ’thing’ stood up, its eyes illuminated by the car lights, looked at him for an instant, turned, and leapt over the guardrail. Williams saw it go down an embankment into the Little Miami River, a mere fifteen or so miles from the Ohio River. He described the thing as weighing about sixty pounds, about three to four feet tall, having a textured leathery skin, AND A FACE LIKE A FROG OR LIZARD. Williams went on to the police station and returned with Officer Johnson to look for evidence of the creature. They turned up scrape-marks leading down the side of the small hill near the river.

“On approximately 17 March 1972, Officer Johnson was driving outside of Loveland when he had a similar experience. Seeing an animal lying in the middle of the road, he stopped to remove what he thought was a dead critter. Instead, when the officer opened his squeaky car door, the animal got up into a crouched position like a football player. The creature hobbled to the guardrail and lifted its leg over, while constantly looking at Johnson. Perhaps it was the funny smirk on its face, but Johnson decided to shoot at it. He missed, he figured, since the thing didn’t slow down. Johnson later told how he felt it was more upright than the way Williams described it. One area farmer told investigators he saw a large, FROG-LIKE OR LIZARD-LIKE CREATURE during the same month of the officers’ sightings…”

In the March 13, 1990 issue of the SUN, writer Lou Tarragon alleged the following in his article ’UFO UNDERGROUND CITY FOUND IN BRAZIL’:

“A team of archaeologists probing ancient ruins in Brazil have discovered an underground city that was inhabited by aliens 6,000 year ago! The shocking discovery was made by Dr. Jorge Tejero and his team of 20 college students who were searching for ancient artifacts in the mountains near Sao Paulo.

“One of the students unknowingly came upon the underground city when he stumbled down a steep 20-foot incline deep inside the damp and dark caves. Tejero and his students all descended the incline, into a large chamber filled with pottery, jewels and four-foot skeletons.

“’I thought we had found the ruins of an ancient civilization,’ says Tejero, ’until I realized that the skeletons WERE NEITHER HUMAN BEINGS or animals. THEY HAD TWO FINGERS ON EACH HAND AND THREE TOES ON EACH FOOT, and one large ear protruding from their heads. THEIR SKULLS WERE VERY LARGE, and their eyes were set closer together than humans.’

“Startled by their unusual findings, the team probed further into the cave and discovered translator-like devices and communications equipment.

“’There is no doubt we’ve discovered an advanced alien civilization that thrived in ancient South America,’ says professor Tejero. Tests on the structures and materials inside the cave show they could have been living here 6,000 years ago! THESE CREATURES WERE NEITHER HUMAN BEINGS NOR THEIR (presumed – Branton) ape-like ancestors. Their bodies are markedly different.

Charles Berlitz, in his ’WORLD OF THE INCREDIBLE BUT TRUE’ (Fawcett Crest Books., N.Y.), related the following incident concerning another hominoid predator or ’Lizard Man’:

“There have been numerous Bigfoot sightings in the United States and around the world. The humanlike creatures are usually said to be large and hairy with glowing eyes. During the summer of 1988, however, residents of Bishopville, South Carolina, reported accounts of a rare breed of Bigfoot: A SEVEN-FOOT-TALL LIZARD MAN WITH GREEN SCALY SKIN. According to witnesses, unlike other Bigfoot creatures Lizard Man has only three toes on each foot, as well as long apelike arms that end in three fingers tipped with FOUR-INCH CLAWS. Only the second Bigfoot to have only three fingers on each hand, and the first (discovered by Berlitz – Branton) to also have three toes on each foot. Lizard Man is the most unusual Bigfoot ever reported.

“Seventeen-year-old Chris Davis first encountered Lizard Man around 2:00 A.S. on June 29. On his way home, the teen stopped near the brackish waters of Scape Ore Swamp outside Bishopville to change a flat tire. While replacing the jack in the car’s trunk, he glimpsed something running across the field toward him. Jumping into his 1976 Toyota Celica, he was quickly engaged in a tug-of-war with the reptilian creature as he tried to pull the door closed. Then Lizard Man jumped onto the car’s roof, where he left scratches in the paint as evidence of his attack.

“Hysterical, Davis returned home and told only his parents and a few close friends about the experience. Law enforcement officers, however, interrogated him after neighbors said the boy might know something about the strange bite marks and scratches found on another car.

Davis wasn’t alone in his report. Soon other reports were flooding the sheriff’s office. Teenagers Rodney Nolfe and Shane Stokes, for example, were driving near the swamp with their girlfriends when Lizard Man darted across the road in front of their car. Construction worker George Holloman also claimed Lizard Man jumped at him as he was collecting water from an artesian well.

“Investigating the area around the swamp, state trooper Mike Hodge and Lee County deputy sheriff Wayne Atkinson found three crumbled, forty-gallon cardboard drums. The tops of saplings were ripped off eight feet above the ground. And there were, according to Hodge, ’humongous footprints,’ fourteen-by-seven-inch impressions in hard red clay. Following the tracks for four hundred yards, the officers backtracked and found new prints impressed in their car’s tire tracks. According to state wildlife biologists, the footprints matched no known animal species.” (This “Lizard Man” sighting was covered in one of the episodes of Tim White’s “SIGHTINGS” documentary, “MONSTERS” segment, on the Fox Network – Branton).

A letter from researcher Jason Bishop to another researcher stated the following concerning some ’Reptoid’ encounters he had investigated:

“…The others who have contact with the Reptoids are very secretive and work with me, very close. They have photos of marks on their bodies after abductions (which are on-going). 3 of them are in one family and now they (Reptoids) even recently abducted the new baby TOO!

“Since two of these people have also had M.I.B. experiences, where they entered the house ’THROUGH’ a locked door, and the other (has) contacts with government agents… I must be true to my promise NOT to make public info related to their experiences. But one of these people (had been) documenting the reptoid events of this family and OTHERS ON THEIR BLOCK and I’m trying to get them to publish this under another name and have other people handle the sales of the booklet. Will keep you posted.

“One of the experiences, involved 3 people and a cave (in Black Mountain, between Las Vegas, Nevada and Kingman, Arizona)… Another was at a dam, while a group was camping in Nevada. More recent (this year, near L.A., California) are Reptoids materializing in two peoples homes (glowing green) and are VERY similar to my experiences in 1979!”

What may well have been the most notorious of all “scares” involving reptilian beings, involved a combined “invasion” of pterodactylin-hominoidMothmen” and “Men In Black“. These creatures have been referred to as Mothmen, Winged Dracos, and Winged Serpents, depending on the source involved. They reportedly terrorized a particular area in West Virginia, according to John A. Keel, in the mid-1960’s.

Keel is convinced that these malevolent entities were involved in the tragic “silver bridge” disaster in which several UFO witnesses perished, based on certain strange circumstances surrounding the event. In his book ’THE MOTHMEN PROPHECIES’ (Signet Books., N.Y.) Keel reveals the following:

“The moment I met Mrs. Hyre’s niece Connie Carpenter in 1966, I knew she was telling the truth because her eyes were reddened, watery, and almost swollen shut. I had seen these symptoms many times in my treks around the country investigating UFO reports. Witnesses who were unlucky enough to have a close encounter with an unidentified flying object, usually a dazzlingly brilliant aerial light, are exposed to actinic rays…ultraviolet rays…which can cause ’eyeburn,’ medically known as KLIEG CONJUNCTIVITIS.

These are the same kind of rays that tan your hide at the beach. If you lie in the bright sun without protecting your eyes you can get conjunctivitis. Whatever they are, UFOs radiate intense actinic rays. There are now thousands of cases in which witnesses suffered eye-burns and temporary eye damage… even temporary blindness… after viewing a strange flying light in the night sky.

“…What puzzled me about Connie’s case, however, was that she had not seen a splendid luminous flying saucer. She had seen a giant ’winged man’ in broad daylight.

“According to her story, Connie, a shy, sensitive eighteen-year- old, was driving home from church at 10:30 A.M. on Sunday, November 27, 1966, when, as she passed the deserted greens of Mason County Golf Course outside New Haven, West Virginia, she suddenly saw a huge gray figure. It was shaped like a man, she said, but much larger.

It was at least SEVEN FEET TALL and very broad. The thing that attracted her attention was not its size but its eyes. IT HAD, SHE SAID, LARGE, ROUND, FIERCELY GLOWING RED EYES THAT FOCUSED ON HER WITH HYPNOTIC EFFECT.

“’It’s a wonder I didn’t run off the road and have a wreck,’ she commented later.

“As she slowed, her eyes fixed on the apparition, a pair of wings unfolded from its back. They seemed to have a span of about ten feet. It was definitely not an ordinary bird but a MAN-SHAPED THING which rose slowly off the ground, straight up like a helicopter, silently. Its wings did not flap in flight. It headed straight toward Connie’s car, its horrible eyes fixed to her face, then it swooped low over her head as she shoved the accelerator to the floor-boards in utter hysteria.


“Connie’s conjunctivitis lasted over two weeks, apparently caused by those glowing red eyes. At the time of my first visit to Point Pleasant in 1966 I did not relate the winged weirdo to flying saucers. Later events not only proved that a relationship existed, but that relationship also is a vital clue to the whole mystery.

“Max’s Kansas City is a famous watering hole for New York’s hip crowd. In the summer of 1967 an oddball character wandered into that restaurant noted for its oddball clientele. He was tall and awkward, dressed in an ill-fitting black suit that seemed out of style. His chin came to a sharp point and his eyes bulged slightly like ’thyroid eyes.’ He sat down in a booth and gestured to the waitress with his long, tapering fingers.

“’Something to eat,’ he mumbled. The waitress handed him a menu. He stared at it uncomprehendingly, apparently unable to read. ’Food,’ he said almost pleadingly.

“’How about a steak?’ she offered.


“She brought him a steak with all the trimmings. He stared at it for a long moment and then picked up his knife and fork, glancing around at the other diners. It was obvious he did not know how to handle the implements! The waitress watched him as he fumbled helplessly. Finally she showed him how to cut the steak and spear it with the fork. He sawed away at the meat. Clearly he really was hungry.

“’Where are you from?’ she asked gently.

“’Not from here.’


“’Another world.’

“Boy, another put-on artist, she thought to herself. The other waitresses gathered in a corner and watched him as he fumbled with his food, a stranger in a strange land.

“A large white car with a faulty muffler wheezed and rattled up the back street in New Haven, West Virginia, where Connie Carpenter lived, and Jack Brown knocked at her door.

“’I’m a–a friend of Mary Hyre’s.’

“His strange demeanor and disjointed questions distressed her and disturbed her husband, Keith, and her brother Larry. It quickly became obvious that he was not particularly interested in Connie’s sighting of the man-bird the year before. He seemed more concerned with Mrs. Hyre and my own relationship with her (we were professional friends, nothing more).

“’What do you think–if–what would Mary Hyre do–if someone told her to stop writing about UFOs?’ he asked.

“’She’d probably tell them to drop dead.’ Connie replied.

“Most of the questions were stupid, even unintelligible. After a rambling conversation he drove off into the night in his noisy car. Connie called her aunt immediately, puzzled and upset by the visit. He was such a very odd man, she noted, and he wouldn’t speak at all if you weren’t looking directly into his dark, hypnotic eyes. Connie, Kieth and Larry not only noticed his long-fingered hands, but there was also something very peculiar about his ears. They couldn’t say exactly what. But there was something…

“Another kind of Man in Black haunted Brooklyn, New York, in 1877-80. He had wings and performed aerial acrobatics over the heads of the crowds of sunbathers at Coney Island. A Mr. W. H. Smith first reported these strange flights in a letter to the NEW YORK SUN, September 18, 1877. The creature was not a bird, but a ’winged human(oid) form.’

“This flying ’man’ became a local sensation and, according to the NEW YORK TIMES, September 12, 1880, ’many reputable persons’ saw him as he was ’engaged in flying toward New Jersey.’ He maneuvered at an altitude of about one thousand feet, sporting ’BATS WINGS’ and making swimminglike movements. Witnesses claimed to have seen his face clearly. He ’WORE A CRUEL AND DETERMINED EXPRESSION.’ The entire figure was black, standing out sharply against the clear blue sky…

North American Indians have extensive legends about the Thunderbird, a huge bird said to carry off children and old people. It was accompanied by loud noises, hums, buzzes and, apparently rumbles from the infrasonic and ultrasonic levels. Known as PIASA to the Indians of the Dakotas, it was supposed to have terrifying red eyes and a long tail… a monstrous demon with… bat’s wings, and a body closely in human form.

“…In May 1961, a New York pilot was buzzed by a ’damned big bird, bigger than an eagle. For a moment I doubted my sanity because it looked more like a pterodactyl out of the prehistoric past.’ The thing had swooped at his plane as he cruised up the Hudson River valley.

“Far away, in the Ohio River valley, another startled pair had an even more breathtaking experience. A woman prominent in civic affairs in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, was driving on Route 2 along the Ohio River with her elderly father. As they passed through a sector on the edge of the park known as the Chief Cornstalk Hunting Grounds, a tall manlike figure suddenly appeared on the road in front of them.

“’I slowed down,’ she told me years later, ’and as we got closer we could see that it was much larger than a man. A big gray figure. It stood in the middle of the road. Then a pair of wings unfolded from its back and they practically filled the whole road. It almost looked like a small airplane. Then it took off straight up…disappeared out of sight in seconds. We were both terrified. I stepped on the gas and raced out of there.

“…A businessman in Arlington, Virginia, wrote to me recently, describing an experience he and three friends had in the winter of 1969-69. They were at a farm near Haymarket when they heard a strange rushing sound near a small lake. Intrigued, they set out with flashlights and a couple of dogs to investigate. Suddenly the dogs howled, turned tail, and ran. There, standing by a tree was a huge dark shadow between eight and twelve feet tall. The quartet scurried back to their car, turned on their lights, and swung toward the shadow. ’All we saw,’ he reported, ’was this huge thing with large red-orange eyeballs and winglike arms. We couldn’t get out of there fast enough.’”

Keel goes on to relate the experience of Woodrow Derenberger, who experienced a weird encounter on November 4th (1966?) while driving on Route 7 outside of Parkersburg “when he suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his forehead.” Then thoughts from a being that identified itself as Indrid Cold from the planet ’Lanulos’ “began to spring full-blown in his mind.”

According to Keel:

“Two weeks later, though Woody wasn’t aware of it at the time, two salesmen visited Mineral Wells and went from house to house with their wares. They weren’t very interested in making sales. At one house they offered bibles. At another, hardware. At a third they were ’Mormon missionaries from Salem, Oregon’ (a UFO wave was taking place in Salem at that time). One man was tall, blond, and looked like a Scandinavian. His partner was short and slight, with pointed features and a dark olive complexion. They asked questions about Woody and were particularly interested in opinions on the validity of his alleged contact…”

“High explosives were manufactured in Point Pleasant during World War II. Seven miles outside of town part of the 2,500-acre McClintic Wildlife Station, an animal preserve and bird sanctuary, was ripped up. MILES OF UNDERGROUND TUNNELS WERE DUG, linking camouflaged buildings and factories. One hundred ’igloos’ were scattered across the fields and woods–huge concrete domes with heavy steel doors where the finished explosives could be safely stored. Dirt and grass covered the domes so from the air the whole area had a harmless, pastoral appearance. A few scattered buildings linked by improvised dirt roads with no suggestion of all the activity going on below ground. It looked like nothing more than what it was supposed to be, a haven for birds and animals in the Ohio River valley.

“After the war most of the explosives were carted away. The factories were dismantled. THE ENTRANCES AND EXITS OF THE TUNNELS WERE PLUGGED WITH THICK CONCRETE SLABS. Some of the igloos were given to the Mason County government as possible storage vaults. They still stand empty. Others were sold to the Trojan-U.S. Powder Co. and the LFC Chemical Co. Some were leased to American Cyanamid.

“…At 11:30 P.M. on the night of November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point Pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scarberry and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mallette, were driving through the TNT area in the Scarberry’s 1957 Chevy. They were looking for friends but no one seemed to be out that night. All of the twisting back roads were deserted. The few homes scattered among the igloos were dark.

“Roger, then a strapping blond eighteen-year-old, was driving. They aimlessly made the circuit of the roads around the igloos, returning to the old generator plant near the unlocked gate. As they pulled alongside the plant, Linda Scarberry gasped. They all looked into the blackness and saw two bright red circles. They were about two inches in diameter and six inches apart. Roger slammed on his brakes.

“’What is it?’ Mary Mallette, a strikingly attractive brunette, cried from the back seat.

“The lights bobbed away from the building and the startled foursome saw they were attached to some huge animal.


“’But it was those eyes that got us,’ Linda declared. ’It had two big eyes like automobile reflectors.’

“’They were hypnotic,’ Roger continued. ’For a minute we could only stare at it. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.’


“’Let’s get out of here!’ Steve yelled.

“Roger stepped on the gas and they shot through the gates, spun onto the exit road, and headed for Route 62…”

“At 7:15 A.M. on November 25, a young shoe salesman named Thomas Ury was driving along Route 62 just north of the TNT area when he noticed a tall, gray manlike figure standing in a field by the road. ’Suddenly it spread a pair of wings,’ Ury said, ’and took off straight up, like a helicopter.

“’It veered over my convertible and began going in circles three telephone poles high.’

“He stepped on the gas as the creature zoomed down over his vehicle. ’It kept flying right over my car even though I was doing seventy-five.’

“Mr. Ury sped into Point Pleasant and went straight to the sheriff’s office thoroughly panicked. ’I never saw anything like it,’ he confided to Mrs. Hyre later. ’I was so scared I just couldn’t go to work that day. The thing had a wingspan every bit of ten feet. It could be a bird, but I certainly never saw one like it. I was afraid it was going to come right down right on top of me.’

“The old familiar symptom, unreasonable terror, took hold of him. ’I’ve never had that feeling before. A weird kind of fear,’ he said. ’That fear gripped you and held you. Somehow, be best way to explain it would be to say that the whole thing just wasn’t right. I know that may not make sense, but that’s the only way I can put into words what I felt.’

John Keel related still other incidents of encounters with these fearful pterodactylin hominoids…

“’Look at that crazy character coming downwind in that plane,’ Eddie Adkins commented. He and four other men were standing on the field of the Gallipolis, Ohio, airport, just across the river from Point Pleasant on Sunday, December 4, 1966.

“At 3 P.M. that afternoon a large winged form came cruising majestically along the Ohio River, just behind the airport. The pilots later estimated that it was about three hundred feet in the air and was traveling about seventy miles an hour. As it drew closer they realized it was not a plane but was some kind of enormous bird with an unusually long neck. It seemed to be turning its head from side to side as if it were taking in the scenery

(Note: Scientists believe that saurian-reptilian pterodactyls used their heads and neck as a ’rudder’ while in flight, moving them from side to side, constantly readjusting in order to remain aloft – Branton).

The wings were not flapping.

“’MY GOD! IT’S SOMETHING PREHISTORIC!’ one of the men cried.

Everett Wedge grabbed his camera and sprinted to his small plane. By the time he was airborne the giant creature had vanished somewhere down river.”

John Keel personally investigated the TNT area and claimed that in one area an irrational “fear” gripped him. He would step out of the large circle and the sensation would cease. He again entered it and soon the induced atmosphere of fear and terror would almost overcome him until he was forced to leave it. Could this have been the site of an underground lair? Remember, the entire area is honeycombed with tunnels which have for years been sealed off to the public.

Keel related other accounts of encounters where witnesses saw these pterodactylin ’mothmen’, one of which entered one of the old buildings that led to the tunnels. Investigators followed the creature into the dome but the winged reptile seemed to have vanished. Keel related other incidents involving the ’Men In Black’ (who seemed to have a definite connection with the so-called ’mothmen’) Referring to the investigations of a fellow researcher by the name of Dan Drisin, he reveals:

“…During his second visit to Point Pleasant Dan uncovered some Mothmen witnesses I had missed. And he also came across some more baffling Men-In-Black-type reports. People up in the back hills has been seeing mysterious unmarked panel trucks which sometimes parked for hours in remote spots. There seemed to be several of these trucks in the area and the rumor was that they belonged to the air force. Men in neat coveralls were seen monkeying with telephone and power lines but no one questioned them.

“A woman living alone on an isolated island north of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, had two curious encounters with the same kind of beings. She had moved to a tiny one-room cabin on Keats Island in October 1967 and was soon seeing UFO lights nightly. On January 29, 1968, following a close sighting of ’a long dark body with dim red and yellow lights at both ends,’ she was surprised by two visitors. Both wore ’neat, dark coveralls’ and claimed to be employees of the hydroelectric company. They offered to help her put up a stovepipe. The younger of the two climbed on the roof of her cabin while the other handed him the pipes. ’I could hear the man on the ground directing him and the one on the roof would answer, “Yes, Master”.’

“After the pipe was installed, the pair joined her for tea. They seemed ’a little stiff.’ When they left she wondered how they had known she was there because ’the cabin couldn’t be seen from the road (and) the stove was out when they arrived, so there was no smoke from the chimney.’

“On May 2, she again encountered two men. ’One was the ’boss’ Hydro man in his neat coveralls,’ she reported (CANADIAN UFO REPORT, #13, 1972-73). ’The other was different, younger and about 19-20. As I entered the path, the boss man indicated with his hand for the young man to get behind him. They got well off the path and waited for me, the young man a little behind his boss. The fellow stared at me as if I were some kind of freak…’

“This time she didn’t invite them for tea. One odd thing she noticed during both meetings was their slow, careful way of walking. They looked at their feet and stepped uncertainly.

“The next day a jeep came along the road, containing four men inspecting lines… ’carelessly dressed, workaday men, none in coveralls. The boss wasn’t obviously so. They expressed no surprise at seeing me there, no concern or any particular interest. I told them two of their men had already been around the day before, inspecting the lines. They assured me yesterday’s men weren’t Hydro men, that somebody had been “pulling my leg.”’

“Somebody was also pulling a lot of legs in cosmopolitan Long Island. In West Virginia I had heard some stories about three men who looked ’like Indians’ and were accompanied by a fourth man, more normal-looking and very shabbily dressed in contrast to the other three. So I was nonplused when I heard identical descriptions from people on Long Island.

“An elderly woman who lived alone in a house near the summit of Mount Misery, the highest point on Long Island, had received a visit from this quartet in early April 1967, immediately after a severe rainstorm.

“’They had high cheekbones and very red faces, like a bad sunburn,’ she told me. ’They were very polite but they said my land belonged to their tribe and they were going to get it back. What frightened me was their feet. They didn’t have a car…they must have walked up that muddy hill…but their shoes were spotlessly clean. There was no trace of mud or water where they walked in my house.’

“That same week another visitor came to Mount Misery. This was a woman with striking white hair who claimed to represent a local newspaper. She carried a book ’like a big ledger’ and asked the witness a number of personal questions about her family background. When I later checked with the newspaper I found they employed no one of that description.

“The local Mount Misery expert was Miss Jane P. Paro, a radio personality then with station WBAB in Babylon, New York. Miss Paro is a dark-haired, dark-eyed young lady with a soft, haunting voice. At that time she conducted an interview show, largely devoted to the historical psychic lore of the region. Soon after she reported some UFO sightings around Mount Misery she began to receive all manner of crank calls, both at the station and on her UNLISTED home phone. METALLIC VOICES ordered her to meet them on ’the Mount’ (she didn’t go).

“…Mount Misery is a heavily wooded hill with a few narrow dirt roads slicing through it and a number of large mansions set back among the trees. The late Henry Stimson, secretary of war during World War II, maintained a lavish estate on the summit. For decades the Mount was known as a haunted place, THE SITE OF A NUMBER OF MYSTERIOUS DEATHS AND DISAPPEARANCES. In the spring of 1967, young couples necking on the back roads began to see low-flying UFOs, particularly around a field that was used as a junkyard for old cars. Others claimed to see a giant hairy monster with gleaming red eyes…”

Some sources have indicated that the large 7-ft. Tall “Lizard Like” beings such as were described earlier in this File, have been seen in deep underground tunnel networks below the general southwestern areas of Albuquerque, New Mexico (Dulce); Las Vegas, Nevada (Groom Lake), and Salt Lake City, Utah, among other areas. One source, a worker, reported to the 20/20 group (an aerial- conspiratorial-subsurface research organization) that he had seen, quite by accident, a large 7 ft. tall green-skinned Lizard-like sauroid with a group of (controlled?) human scientists in an elevator some 30 STORIES underground within the underground base complex that runs under southern Nevada and California.

He was convinced that the sighting was somehow an ’accident’, and that the elevator door should not have opened on that particular level! The following article describes what might be a similar group of beings, although these creatures seem to have been somewhat more human-size in their configuration and apparently intent on passing themselves off as human-like entities. The account appeared in the Omaha, Nebraska ’METRO UPDATE’ for Oct. 29 – Nov. 4, 1990.

Written by reporter Patricia C. Ress, the article was titled: ’LINCOLN MAN RECOUNTS ABDUCTIONS BY ALIENS’:

“People have been talking about flying saucers for about 45 years now — longer if you count the reports of the so-called ’foo fighters’ seen by pilots on both sides during World War II. But within the past 20 years we’ve been hearing more about a more frightening side to these visitations – abduction by aliens.

“The most famous case was that of Barney and Betty Hill, two New Englanders returning home from vacation and unable to account for a large block of missing time. Under hypnosis, a very frightening and detailed account of alien abduction emerged. Later there was Betty Andreason, who told of aliens who took her through walls and closed doors.

“Then came Budd Hopkins, who made a study of such abductions and chronicled one case in ’INTRUDERS-THE INCREDIBLE VISITATIONS AT COPELY WOODS.’ Next came the ’Gulf Breeze Sightings’ in Florida, and most recently author Whitley Strieber’s accounts of his own abductions in his books ’COMMUNION’ and ’TRANSFORMATION.’

“While most of these abductions took place in the East, some say that visiting aliens have been just as busy in the Midwest — even Nebraska. A Lincoln man recently recounted his experiences during a talk at the Oakcrest Institute in Elkhorn.

John Foster has been an engineer in Lincoln for a number of years. Lincoln, in fact, is his home town and the place where his abduction experiences began back in 1950. A soft-spoken down-home type of man, Foster reminds people of a young Joel McCrea.

“’Alien abduction is a terrifying and traumatic experience,’ Foster told the audience. ’Psychiatric counselors don’t know how to deal with this — even if you can get them to believe you.’

“Foster has gotten help and understanding from people like Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the University of Wyoming, who has dealt with numerous alien abduction cases. He also has been the subject of ridicule and rejection by both family and friends.

“’Often in a UFO abduction experience, things happen that are absolutely unbelievable. I have been told that IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR FAMILIES TO BREAK UP AFTER SUCH AN EXPERIENCE. I finally reached the point where I no longer care what people think of me.’ Foster said.

“He said he wasn’t fully aware of what had happened to him over the years until the 1980s. In 1981 he was sitting outside his home in Lincoln with a friend and on a lark, they both said a prayer (or incantation? – Branton) that they would see a flying saucer and soon after, one appeared, he said.

“On another occasion in March, 1966, he saw a light out behind the trees as he sat on his patio, he said, and the sight triggered a distant memory of something that had happened to him when he was in grade school in Lincoln in 1950.

“He said 40 or 50 people were outside watching a movie when swirling lights suddenly appeared, ALONG WITH A CRAFT THAT INITIALLY LOOKED LIKE A HELICOPTER.

“Foster recalled being INCAPACITATED AND FEELING STRANGE. He said he saw a craft appear WITH THREE LITTLE MEN who appeared to be fixing it. He felt an overwhelming desire to get inside the craft, but once he did, he discovered it was in a different form. ’We got a lesson about history, mankind and something about Indians and buffalo,’ he said.

“When he looked around him, Foster said, he noticed that everyone else seemed to be FROZEN IN TIME. ’They all looked like statues,’ he said, he saw a woman who told him she had FIXED HERSELF UP SO THAT HE WOULDN’T BE TRAUMATIZED.

“He said he was taken to an examining room BY CREATURES THAT LOOKED ’LIKE FROGS OR LIZARDS.’ The ’woman’ told him they were the educators and would supervise his learning experience, he said. Among other strange things, Foster recalled THAT THE LIZARD MEN ENCOURAGED HIM TO JOIN THE MASONIC LODGE.

“After he was examined, Foster said, he was sent back out of the craft to the crowd below. The woman (ie. the being that had ’fixed’ itself up to appear as a ’woman’ – Branton) spoke to him in almost a scolding tone, saying that from then on he would be a good boy and mind his parents, he said. The woman seemed to know a lot about him, including the fact that he and some friends had stolen some pop and candy from a store across the street, he said.

“In October 1986 Foster went camping with his wife and children at Niobrara Park and he had a short visitation which awakened more memories of previous abductions, he said.

“By mid-December he recalled 50 abduction experiences, he said, and by January that number had grown to 2,000 and by January 1987, he had recalled 3,000 abductions.

“Foster has recorded memories of 50 of the abductions in detail, another 450 in short notations and many others by locations only, he said.

“’There are roughly two areas of the so-called close encounters,’ Foster said. ’These may mesh together, but there are the abductees who seem to be taken aboard a craft to be examined and the contactees who appear to be contacted throughout life and seem to have an assignment.’

“In June of 1987 Foster and his daughter met with several other contactees and he had the feeling that he had known them all his life, he said.

“They helped him recall experiences from coast to coast and from Canada to Mexico, he said.

“’I believe the UFO experiences are directed at you personally,’ Foster said, ’but there are times when they can seem to address the population in general.


(Note: Many of these symbols are very intricate and are meaningless to most. Could they be some type of ’signal’ to those who have been abducted-programmed that are intended to ’trigger’ some subconscious reaction in certain abductees? Admittedly, this is only one of many possibilities – Branton)

Foster said profound things happened to him during his abductions and the world should know about them. HE WAS SHOWN HOW THE ’VISITORS’ CAN MANIPULATE ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND CHANGE THINGS DIRECTLY AT WILL, he said, and was told things about scientific matters over the years, only to see them discovered afterward.


(Note: Notice the remarkable similarity between this encounter and the Brian Scott encounter cited earlier, where the Reptilians and the para-physical ’Host’, or the ’Infernals’ were working together – Branton).

“On the initial level of the abduction experience there is a kind of excitement, Foster said, while on the deeper level, life plans emerge and there is interaction with people who have had similar experiences. Foster said there are four witnesses who can recall parts of at least three of his encounters.

Foster said that to document his experiences, he has made several drawings and paintings. He believes he has encountered at least 13 different kinds of crafts.

Foster said he remembers abductions that involved his friends when they were teenagers. A large floating phone booth would descend from a dark fog, he said, and a voice seemingly from a loud speaker would urge them to ’gather around for eternal wisdom and knowledge — and something else about Indians and buffalo,’ he said

(Note: was the promise of ’eternal wisdom’ the bait used to entrap them into the Reptilian agenda? We realize this sounds rather simplistic but traditions do say that this exact same strategy was used by the original ’Serpent’ to destroy man’s connection with the Almighty and, subsequently, his divinely-given authority over creation, including his dominion over the BEASTS!? – Branton).

“The voice over the loudspeaker would call them by name AND COULD AT TIMES SOUND SARCASTIC (as a manipulator might sound? – Branton). On one occasion, his friends SHOT AT THE BOOTH WITH RIFLES AND THREW BEER CANS AT IT.

“When he was at Mahoney Lake in 1987, Foster said, he again saw both the booth and the saucer. He asked the entities to quite bothering him because he was disturbed when he couldn’t recall his abductions, he said, AND THEY TOLD HIM IF HE REMEMBERED THE EXPERIENCES, IT WOULD NEGATE THEIR PURPOSE.

“They also told him that if he didn’t want to have any more abduction experiences, he would meet some people who would ’HELP HIM BECOME MORE METAPHYSICAL,’ he said, and he later met such people.

“He said he recalls being pulled up into a kind of floating bus and being taken into the future. He declined to say what he saw

(Note: Since the future depends in individual decisions, it would be impossible for anyone other than God himself to ’see’ the future as this would require an ability to see what ’free will’ decisions people would make. Is it possible that a ’virtual reality’ device was used in this instance for some manipulatory purpose? – Branton).

Foster said he was given experiments to do as an engineer. ’They worked, but they shouldn’t have, according to what we know,’ he said.

“He said the ’guides’ told him they were preparing people for a time when the chosen would be taken away.

“…’I was told to awaken people to other dimensions and to participate in these realms,’ he said…”

(i.e. open themselves to the occult and supernatural powers in order to more easily be controlled and manipulated by such powers? – Branton)

The following information was sent to us via a researcher who is investigating a continuous abduction of a young (at the time) nine-year-old boy in southern Nevada, possibly to underground levels below that same area. Names, addresses and other details have been deleted on request to protect the sources.

We quote from a series of notes exactly as they were sent to us, with our emphasis added:

“1: The ’greys’, he says they don’t use words but communicate THROUGH him. THEY SHOW THEIR DISPLEASURE BY WRINKLING THEIR NOSES AND PURSING THEIR LIPS WITH A SLIGHT HISSING SOUND AT HIM (possibly the ’large-nosed’ grays or smaller reptoids being referred to here? – Branton).

“2: HE SAYS HE FEELS LIKE HE’S BEING WATCHED WHEREVER HE GOES (Note: This is a common observation made by people who claim to have been abducted to aerial AND/OR subsurface realms – Branton).

“3: This is what they look like to him (a drawing was included depicting a traditional ’gray’ of somewhat ’wiry’ build – Branton).

“4: This is what the uniform they wear looks like to him. He says the box in the middle has different colored flashing buttons.

“5: This is the large ’boat’, A SORT OF FLOATING ISLAND HE WAS BROUGHT TO (Note: Some aspects of the abduction suggest that this was located in large water-filled subterranean caverns – Branton). THERE WERE MANY ’HYBRIDS’ ON IT ALSO.

“6: These are the hybrids he sees. He says that they sit in a large circle holding hands. There is one small candle with a very large flame going. HE SAYS HE IS NOT AFRAID OF THE HYBRIDS

(Note: probably hu-brids with a human soul-matrix, which according to certain accounts are more or less ’slaves’ to the grays and reptoids from birth. Many of the women who have been impregnated during abductions and who have had their child removed from them a few months into its term are allegedly carriers to these hybrids or hu-brids, although it is possible that re-brids or ’hybrids’ without a soul-matrix–i.e. sauroids — might be gestated in this manner also. The hu-brids are allegedly taken to bases underground and/or possibly installations on or below other planetary spheres – Branton).

THERE IS A FEMALE (hu-brid – Branton) who BLENDS with him and he says it feels very peaceful and good. When asked if the greys were the only aliens he sees, HE DREW THE REPTILIAN, THESE ARE THE UNIFORMS ON THEM ALSO. HE SAYS THE GREYS COME TO GET HIM, BUT THEY FOLLOW THE LEADERSHIP OF THE REPTILIANS. HE CALLED IT A LIZARD.


“Please share with us your input on how to help this boy. We know what is happening here and we are ready and willing to do anything we have to. Love & Light, sincerely (Names deleted by request).”

The following letter was sent to researcher Val Valerian and was dated May 13, 1992. It states in part:

“…The stranger who has been in the house with his unknown monitoring device apparently is not pleased with the fact that I placed a magnet in the vicinity of the monitoring device… I put the magnet next to the place… and within 24 hours there was a generalized feeling of freedom and relief in the air. My thinking processes seemed to flow easier and clear. I guess one could say that there was less tension in general wherever I happen to be. On May 7th, I was in the parking lot to pick up Sheila from work (about 9:30 a.m.) reading a book.

A strong feeling came over me to doze off. As I did, I dreamed that I was in my car reading my book when my ’visitor’ fellow opened the door, but rather brought the monitoring device and left it in the back seat of the car. He then jumped out and slammed the door with a pop that woke me up! Strange. The ’dream’ and dozing period lasted less than 10 minutes and the ’dream’ is one of those rare types that one does not forget. What I found was particularly curious was that I knew who the fellow was, what the device was, and I actually saw the device well enough to describe it. Two days later the right brake system failed. And, that indescribable weight seems to be back in the air, again. Now, I shall place another magnet in the back seat of the car…”

This person described the ’entity’ as follows:

“…Face is sort of wrinkled and yet SNAKELIKE EYES ARE DARK WITH VERTICAL PUPILS. Eyes are round. Nose is small with vertical slits. Ears are very small and flat against head. Symbol (can’t remember) on left side of chest garment. Garment looks like confederate grey uniform. Doesn’t fit tight. Rather like sport coat. Skin color is light brown. Face is expressive and shows fear. Device was black on round pedestal and appeared to be solid metal.”

In early 1992 the UNIVERSAL Company’s Debut Network aired a made- for-TV version of John Carpenter’s movie ’THEY LIVE’, which was based on the premise of an alien race of bulge-eyed (saurian-reptilian?) creatures that had infiltrated human society, disguised as humans, and which were in the process of subtly taking control of powerful social positions. They were assistance of a small group of ’human power elite’ who through deception, hidden altered frequency transmitters, television, etc., helped to keep the masses in a constant state of semi-consciousness, in which they went about their business in a slightly catatonic state sufficient to keep them ’blind’ or ’asleep’ to the point that the aliens and their subversive activities remained just outside of their conscious perception.

Also in the movie, secret subliminal messages via all branches of the media were broadcast throughout all levels of society, keeping the sleeping masses in a constant state of tranquilized apathy and subservience. A HORRIFYING prospect to say the lest. Also in the movie, the aliens utilized ’joint’ underground bases beneath major cities which were more-or-less the back-stage of the alien control scenario.

Incidentally, Disneyworld in Florida contains an underground tunnel network with hidden entrances which the employees of the park use as a ’back stage’, dressing rooms, and other facilities necessary to keep up THE ILLUSION of ’Disneyworld’. This is of course all innocent enough, yet John Carpenter in his movie reveals the idea that the huge underground ’bases’ beneath major cities are being used as ’back stages’ in order to keep an infinitely more diabolical ’illusion’ going, with the help of power-elite who are assisting in the subjugation of the masses for personal gain. The movie ’THEY LIVE’ was based on the short story by Ray Nelson, ’Eight O’Clock in the Morning’. One might wonder where Nelson got the inspiration for his story, especially when we realize that the subject of the story and the movie is very similar to events which, according to numerous sources, are actually taking place as we have seen in these Files.

The anonymous Intelligence worker, Commander X, publicly released details of an incident which may well have come right out of a John Carpenter movie, if not for the fact that the Commander himself, from his own high-security position within the Intelligence Community, is convinced that it might be a reality:

“…Another story comes from a private stationed on the surface at Dulce. He soon realized something mighty ’odd’ was going on around there, but it took a while to put his finger on it.

“’One morning last September, I was working on a routine job when another of the young enlistees, a mechanic, came in with a small rush job he wanted welded at once. He had the print and proceeded to show me exactly what he wanted. We are both bending over the bench in front of the welder when I happened to look directly into his face. It seemed to suddenly become covered with a semi-transparent film or cloud. His features faded and in their place appeared a ’thing’ with bulging eyes, no hair and scales for skin. I stood and looked at it for about 20 seconds. WHATEVER IT WAS stood and looked at me without moving. Then the strange face seemed to fade away, and at the same time recede into the ordinary face of the young man underneath. The dissipation of the imposed face lasted or took about five seconds before it was completely gone and I was standing there weak, my mouth open and staring at the young man who had come in with the rush order. The young man did not seem to be conscious of the elapsed time when I had observed all this but went right on talking about the job as if nothing had happened.

“’This is hard to take but I assure you it was still harder for me. No one can realize a jolt you could get from seeing anything like this until they have experienced it for themselves. It was several days before I had myself convinced that maybe after all what I had seen was real and that I was not suffering from illusions and the beginning of insanity. Days passed before I saw this particular phenomena again. The next time was later at night at the guard house near the front gate, on the way to work. I had purchased some small items and on arriving I went around to the guard house with my slip to retrieve my package. There was only one guard on duty. I handed him the check and he began to look at the package, taking his time. I waited a minute, then happened to look directly at him again. His face began to change. Again a face of a strange creature was imposed. You could see through the imposed face for a few seconds and then it became the only one visible (solidified is the word) and again about 20 seconds duration. Again five seconds for dissipation and the guard started to move normally again, found my package and gravely handed it to me and I walked out without a word being said.’”

Researcher Val Valerian has, incidentally, described a very similar event. Valerian has researched alien phenomena and interaction with human beings since 1969. He spent 18 months in Southeast Asia from 1970-71 as a combat photographer, where he saw much UFO activity. After spending four years in England from 1980 to 1984 he gathered all the top research at his disposal and released what became known as ’The Krill Papers,’ forerunner of the 381-page book, ’The Matrix’, published in 1987. He began networking with researchers worldwide and started an organization known as Nevada Aerial Research Group. Between 1988 and 1989 he functioned as Nevada State Section Director for MUFON.

In 1990 he was appointed interim Associate Director for UFO Contact Center International and was a member of the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. In 1988 NAR began issuing a small newsletter detailing research findings. By 1990, this newsletter became known as ’The Leading Edge’ and has grown to a monthly 100-page publication. The massive 581 page work entitled MATRIX II was released in 1990.

In April of 1991, NAR moved to Washington State and was renamed as ’Leading Edge Research Group’. Valerian has a degree both in Civil Engineering and Psychology and had significant input into Nippon Television investigations on alien activities, the research that stimulated the production of the 1989 KLAS award-winning program entitled ’UFO’S: THE BEST EVIDENCE’.

In June of 1992 Valerian released the following information through his Newsletter:

“ALIEN INFILTRATION OF THE MILITARY MEDICAL SYSTEM: MADIGAN HOSPITAL IN WASHINGTON — Many of you will recall the film ’They Live’ that came out several years ago, in which human society was portrayed as having been thoroughly infused with alien humanoids. The movie dealt with this topic rather well, and included the additional viewpoint that humans have been manipulated to the point where even the idea of alien manipulation of human society would be viewed as impossible. For this to even occur, there would have to be an ongoing relationship between various alien humanoid species and covert elements of the government. This concept is usually met with some degree of disbelief – surely nothing like this could ever happen – we would know about it, wouldn’t we? Or would we? How do you go about proving to the satisfaction of empirical rationalists that such a thing could in fact be the case? Since a significant percentage of humans view even the possibility of alien life as ridiculous, it is no easy task to breach the barrier of human ignorance, superstition, and unconsciousness.

“Despite the general condition of human ignorance, there is a significant body of information that has accumulated over the past decade that indicates that there have been many scenarios in which human covert factions have more or less reluctantly cooperated with various alien species, due to overlapping transitional purposes. Much of this information has been forthcoming because of the nature of the LE Group and its function as a major focal point for worldwide networking. A lot of information has been coming our way for a long time.

“About a year ago, we ran into SEVERAL PEOPLE who stated that they ’had heard’ that ’REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS WERE WORKING AT A U.S. ARMY HOSPITAL’ NEAR FORT LEWIS, WASHINGTON. At that point, these statements were simply filed away in ’rumor’ status, pending the arrival of something more substantial. Descriptions of the nature of and appearance of alien humanoid forms that could be termed ’REPTILIAN’ vary widely. REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS HAVE BEEN DESCRIBED IN ITALY AS LOOKING VERY LIZARD-LIKE, EVEN WITH TAILS. Pictures showing some of these entities were published in an ITALIAN magazine and eventually ended up in the United States in The Leading Edge. Logic would seem to tell us that if alien humanoids were in fact in collusion with military medical personnel at a hospital, they would not in fact have the appearance of anything other than humans, or be close enough to humans to blend in.

“About a month ago, the nature of synchronicity brought me to an espresso bar, where I chanced to engage a lady in her early 50’s in some small conversation about an entirely unrelated matter. She had been a nurse for some twenty years, and sixteen of those twenty years had been spent working for the U.S. Army. She retired from the service and was now job hunting in the local area. She was very professional, and seemed to know a lot about the nursing field. Gradually, her conversation got around to a ’very unusual place’, Madigan Military Hospital, which is located on Route 5 south of Seattle. She had applied for work at the hospital and noticed that it was indeed a hospital unlike any she had ever seen before.

Madigan is a brand new $150 million dollar facility, built about a year or so ago. From her description, there are small R2D2-type robots that shuttle prescriptions between floors, all the equipment is prototype ’one-of-a-kind’, like laser x-rays and a lot of equipment that was extremely high tech. It was not this alone which peaked my interest, but a comment she made later. She made the statement that when she entered a specific lab in the hospital, she noticed that all the personnel were extremely absorbed in their work – nothing too uncommon about that. But then she stated that she had the thought that some of the equipment looked quite ’alien’, AND TWO MEN WHO LOOKED EXACTLY ALIKE TURNED AND LOOKED AT HER IN RESPONSE TO HER THOUGHT.

She said that THE EYES OF THESE TWO MEN WERE QUITE PENETRATING AND THAT THEY BOTH MOVED IN UNISON. That got my interest. She then stated that during the tour of the facility, the individual who was escorting her said that the top floor of the hospital AND TWO OF THE SUB-BASEMENT FLOORS were Top Secret R&D areas and were off limits to both military and civilian personnel. That really got my attention.

“Subsequently, I ran into a cable repairman who was installing cable TV in a nearby town, and decided on a hunch to mention to him about the strange nature of Madigan. The hunch paid off. He said he has been involved in the installation of fiber optic networks between the floors of the hospital when it was in its construction stage, and that there was a three foot space in between the floors where the optics ran.

“Since these observations were the result of her (the nurse’s) preliminary interview, I talked to her about the idea of getting more information, since she would be going back at least one more time. She agreed to make some tapes of her observations. The transcript of these tapes is as follows:


The entrance to Madigan hospital is off of Interstate 5 past Olympia, Washington. The exit is marked as Madigan Hospital, Camp Murray Exit. As you enter the area the hospital sits to the right – a massive white structure. As you enter the parking lot, there is a pond and sunken area that runs through a bridge which connects the ’medical mall’ area to a three story building that serves as the main core of the hospital, where the services like x-ray, nuclear medicine and other services are performed.

“The three story complex is connected to an eight-story tower dubbed ’the nursing tower.’ The tower has a floor that is closed off, and I could find no access to it.

“I entered the front of the hospital, and the lobby was very typical, but not typical of a hospital of this size. I then went to the information desk and was greeted by an oriental Specialist 4th Class, who was seated. He seemed very low key and laid back. I was directed to Human Resources.

“As I walked through the corridors, I noticed how beautiful and calm I was beginning to feel. The colors are very soft and conducive to feeling mellow (a ’tranquil-ized’ atmosphere designed to negate any apprehensions or suspicions? – Branton).

“The military personnel WERE VERY SLOW-MOVING (which has not been my experience in the past, having served five years as an Army nurse) and LOW KEY. I went to the Human Resources and asked about an application, and was directed to a Master Sergeant – director of personnel.

“Having been a medical technologist for the better part of 25 years, the equipment I saw at the hospital was far beyond anything I have ever seen. I was shown an area where there was a long room with computer banks on both sides where both civilian and military personnel were working. Before entering the room, I was asked to stand in front of the door, where I was scanned by some beam-like light. I was told that my thermal pattern was being recorded in order to permit my entry to the room.

“Off this room was another room where procedures were conducted on patients, and I noticed that a patient walked over and climbed on an exam table. The procedure they were doing always requires that the patient must be sedated, HOWEVER I NOTICED THAT THE PHYSICIAN LEANED OVER THE PATIENT AND TOUCHED THE PATIENT IN THE CENTER OF THE FOREHEAD WITH HIS INDEX AND MIDDLE FINGER OF ONE HAND. IMMEDIATELY, THE PATIENT FELL INTO A STATE OF SEDATION AND THE PROCEDURE WAS STARTED. What kind of doctor can touch a patient in that way and sedate him?

“I looked around at the other personnel in the room at this time. There were two, a Private First Class and a Specialist 4th Class at opposite ends of the room from where I was standing. BOTH OF THESE MEN WERE THE SAME SIZE, HAD THE SAME SKIN COLOR, AND MOVED IN A VERY DELIBERATE MANNER. I was talking with the Sergeant and happened to say something to myself very softly while having the thought how strange these people seemed. BOTH OTHER MEN TURNED AND LOOKED AT ME ALMOST AS IF TO STARE AT ME. I GOT THIS STRANGE FEELING. I had heard before from a friend whose brother had made the uncharacteristic comment that ’ALIENS WORKED AT MADIGAN’. ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE ROOM AND THE MILITARY PERSONNEL IN GENERAL THAT I HAD SEEN IN THE HOSPITAL SEEMED TO MOVE VERY VERY SLOWLY, ALMOST IN SLOW MOTION. I left the area and went back to the Sergeant’s office

(Note: This brings up the disturbing question: If many or most of the high-level workers at Madigan are of a hominoid sauroid-reptilian or ’chameleon’ nature and are operating via a type of ’collective consciousness’, then where are/were the true humans majority that should have been there? As science fiction as this might sound, is there a slight possibility that they might have been terminated-eliminated and replaced by alien ’counterparts’. As they say ’The truth is often stranger than fiction!’ – Branton).

“A month later, I returned to Madigan with a friend to see, without telling her anything of my experience, if she saw and felt the same things I did. She is very sensitive to variations in electromagnetic fields, and eventually had a headache and became nauseated.

“There are many other things about this place. Between the floors there are spaces where small robots move to deliver supplies to all the wards and other areas in the hospital, according to the Sergeant. I was told that there is no reason for personnel to go into these areas – that the robots do all that. I did see one of the robot devices. It looked like the R2D2 character on ’star wars’.

“My friend and I entered through what is known as the clinic mall. This area houses the outpatient clinic. THERE WERE VERY FEW PEOPLE THERE FOR SUCH A LARGE CLINIC. We were told that THERE ARE THREE FLOORS BENEATH THE HOSPITAL and one floor above that are off limits to all personnel, military and civilian, and that these areas were classified Top Secret and were research and development areas

(Note: On an earlier visit as the reader may recall this nurse was told that there were only two ’levels’ below the hospital. Or could it be similar to the case surrounding Dulce, New Mexico and Groom Lake, Nevada – that the more ’inside’ knowledge of a high-security nature one has, the more they become aware of ’even deeper and deeper’ levels to the installations. We are not suggesting that there are more than 3 sub-levels to Madigan, but merely noting a strange phenomena concerning the apparent inconsistencies in stories of witnesses around such installations when the subject of underground levels and the number of those levels comes up – Branton).


“The three-story main service area has a complex on top of it THAT APPEARS TO HAVE NO ENTRANCE AND NO WINDOWS. Judging from the way the hospital is built, there are a lot of ’DEAD AREAS’ that comprise spaces THAT CANNOT BE ACCESSED FROM THE MAIN SERVICE AREA.

“The personal feeling we both got being in the hospital WAS THAT WE STARTED TO FEEL VERY DRAINED, AND WE BOTH EXPERIENCED GETTING A DULL HEADACHE. It wasn’t until we had driven SEVERAL MILES from the facility that we started to feel better.”


Reptilian Characteristics and Carl Jung’s Serpent ID-Entities

Almost in every culture there are pictures and tales of reptilians, snakes or dragons, why? That’s what we are trying to find out and here’s again some info about the puzzle:

The following is a list of characteristics regularly manifested by the reptilian possessed or reptilian hybrid (those sharing equal amounts of human and reptilian DNA).

These “people” are not rare, and in fact, humans with very little reptilian DNA are becoming exceedingly rare. (A recent series on the History Channel did a good job of explaining the interbreeding with humans that aliens have done for thousands of years.)

These “people” are also called snake people and the serpent seed.

  1. If questioned they respond to only that which they choose to respond to or not at all. This is very easily recognizable in e-mail communications.

  2. They are expert manipulators. They often leave out crucial information rather than lie outright because then they can come back and appear to be blameless later on.

  3. They are highly sexual, because they are energy vampires and sex is one of the easiest ways to harvest the human energy field.

  4. They are compartmentalized. They do not want the people they know to meet. They split off people and groups so that they can present differently to different people.

  5. They are greed-based. They value money above all things.

  6. They are experts at projecting. Whatever they are, they accuse others of being/doing. i.e. If they are having an affair they will accuse their partner of having an affair. People who are in relationships with reptilians often feel crazy.

  7. They are emotionless, even robotic. Their facial expressions are plastic and often cold.

    They are, however, masters of mimicry so they know what they are supposed to be feeling or what humans feel, so they will make believe they are feeling real emotions, including fake crying.

    They harvest the human energy field by making those around them upset/angry/afraid/sad. They almost appear high in these situations as they get to vicariously feel instead of experiencing only their natural numbed state.

  8. They use mind control to get what they want and to control all situations. People obey them and they are highly magnetic. They are programmed that those who can discern them must be destroyed, hence those who know the truth and are in grave danger.

  9. When they consume meat they exude a foul body odor (this begins to occur as full reptilian possession occurs.)

  10. They are cruel and care about no one but getting their way.

  11. While found in all walks of life, they are most prevalent in positions of power and control:

    • police officers

    • administrators

    • bankers

    • attorneys/judges

    • school administrators and often teachers

    • clergy (where there is hierarchy)

    • politicians

    They are also found wherever children are, as children provide a pure food source (energy) for them and can be used as bait to lure and destroy light being parents.

    Look for fully incorporated demons/reptilians as court-appointed custody evaluators, teachers, coaches, principals, club leaders, church youth group leaders, pastors, etc. these inhabited people are magnetic, charming, and beloved by their unconscious communities.

    Reports of abuse are denied and covered. The recent exposure of the pedophile at Penn State is typical of the millions of occupied individuals who interface with the children all over the planet.

  12. Both men and women are highly misogynistic.

  13. If left unchecked they are pedophiles, as are reptilians within their own species.

  14. They are extremely dangerous. Psychology has attempted to understand this phenomenon by using the labels of narcissism, sociopath and psychopath.

  15. They do not like the sun and prefer cold, dark rooms. They overheat easily and will wear sunglasses indoors and sit in the shade.

  16. They are hierarchical and seek positions within hierarchy where power and control can be increasingly exerted as they are promoted. They are obedient to corrupt authority and are mechanically unquestioning of those above themselves in the hierarchy.

  17. Related to #16 above, they have a “hive mentality”. They cannot function alone. They prefer work settings where they operate in networks such as,

    • government agencies

    • the military

    • legal systems

    They will always outnumber their victims.

  18. They despise True Light Beings and feel intensely superior to humans whom they view only as a food source, breeding vessel and slave force. The hatred they feel is palpable.

  19. When enraged, they will involuntarily shapeshift. This may be experienced as a momentary flash of green skin or scales or claws, often leaving the viewer disbelieving what they saw.  They are duplicitous, and regardless of all attempts to point out their contradictions, they appear unphased.

  20. They know the majority of the population is under mind control and so they will appeal to factions of polarized interests without any concern for their own blatant incongruities.



Jung’s Ring and Serpent ID-Entities

World renowned Swiss born psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung (1875-1961), was one of the finest explorers of the ever mysterious human mind. He was a pioneer in the field of human psychology and an expert in interpreting the symbols that our subconscious brain uses when communicating with our higher, awakened consciousness. So remarkable was Jung’s insight into human psychology that his numerous books were translated in several languages and distributed around the world.

Carl Jung’s work introduced the world to the concepts of synchronicity and the three part psyche (ego, personal unconscious, and collective unconscious). Over the years, his books and articles have shared with us his deep understanding of aspects of human psychology and their relationships with spiritual nature.

According to Jung, the most fundamental symbols that our brain uses to communicate subconscious messages are known as Archetypes. Some of these primordial symbolic images are:

  • the Ego (me, myself and I)
  • the Anima-Animus (gender role playing)
  • the Persona, (the image a person “acts out” or outwardly projects)
  • the invitingly mysterious, yet inherently frightening, Shadow Self or veiled side of our Ego.

What this author finds most interesting about Carl Jung, the ’father of modern psychology,’ is that the serpent was one of the most important symbols that he ever discovered during his personal spiritual journey through life. To Jung, it was a reflection of the Omnipotent and Omnipresent power of “God” that lives within every human. In fact, the serpent was such an important image to him that, despite the social risks of bearing such a maligned and misunderstood symbol, he proudly displayed it on the ring that encircled his finger.

When asked about the ring on his finger during an interview, he said…

” It (the ring) is Egyptian. Here the serpent is carved, which symbolizes Christ. Above it, the face of a woman; below the number 8, which is the symbol of the Infinite, of the Labyrinth, and the Road to the Unconscious. I have changed one or two things on the ring so that the symbol will be Christian. All these symbols are absolutely alive within me, and each one of them creates a reaction within my soul.”
C.G. Jung

from ” Interviews and Encounters,” W. McGuire and R. F. C. Hull p.468

Shamans around the world, by whatever cultural label they are called, have often spoken of how important the image of a serpent is in their worship of God and their visions of the “other side.” Whether stirred from slumber by meditation or dreams, once this primordial living symbol within man is awakened, it can provoke extremely powerful emotional reactions of either paralytic fear or enduring fascination and love.

For many years, anthropologists have been puzzled as to why the serpent image was the most common symbol used by ancient man to represent the image of God. How is it that this wondrous creature came to play such a powerful role in human psychology and spirituality? Why did Carl Jung, Moses, the Freemasons, the Baptists and so many other groups of people throughout history looked upon the image of a serpent and, through handling the image without fear, represented it as a symbol of our our unquestioned love for God and our divine spirituality. Why are dreams of snakes, dragons, lizards or other reptilian animals seem so real and provocative at times?

The answer to these questions may be found in the fact that, according to evolutionary science, reptiles were at the root of a genetic matrix from which all land vertebrate life evolved. Millions of years of biological divergence from the trunk of the vertebrate “Tree of Life” resulted in a world full of back boned animals that, despite their dissimilar outward appearance, share the same parental lineage—an encoded past locked in their DNA. A code which we humans share with other land vertebrate life forms.

Considering the entire history of our human emergence into the animal world is forever recorded (repressed) deep within our genetic code, certain aspects of our ancient animal nature may lay dormant, just under the surface of our expression, ready to be drawn upon by accident or intentional focus.

By embracing the Gnostic (serpent symbolized) Christian faith, Carl Jung himself may have been intuitively drawing upon the very best of his own pre-human inheritance while searching for the source of the human soul. By spending untold thousands of hours studying tradition religions and symbolism, Jung just might have discovered why the Serpent / Dragon image was humanity’s most powerful psychological motivator; the spark that had the potential to illuminate the face of one’s own inner ID-Entity.

The ancient tenet of “Know Thyself,” to “Seek the Kingdom of God within” and even the modern word “Insight” all point those on the spiritual path in the same direction: inwards. By recognizing or re-imagining ourselves as descendants of the ancient reptiles, we might be able to rekindle a relationship between who we are today and the animal we used to be, but have been conditioned to fear, namely the reptiles of the ancient past.

Could Carl Jung have realized through his studies that the ancient Hebrew, Egyptian, Aztec, Hopi and Far Eastern priest-kings (amongst others) either knowingly or unknowingly evolved snake symbolism so as to promote psychological and possibly psychical stimulation? Although we may never know for sure, the symbol of a serpent on Jung’s ring and his own comments as to their meaning in his life quite obviously touched something deep within him and spiritually propelled him along his journey though life.

Carl Jung rejected the traditional (old fashioned) interpretation of the serpent’s role in Christian religion and embraced it as a symbol of the power of Jesus within his soul. Could a man so educated in human psychology and religious symbolism, so respected throughout the world by millions of people, have been secretly entertaining evil in his heart? No, it’s much more than that. Jung found a secret that religious leaders and secret societies have withheld from the ’common man’ for far too long. His peaceful, patient nature, along with his courage to search beyond the borders of entrained perception, provided him a window through which he leaned the benefit and powerful side of our mysterious and provocative reptilian subconscious.

It is interesting to note that, according to the ancient Tibetan Book of the Dead, the darker side of one’s own nature (their “Shadow”) sometimes reveals itself in the serpentine form in the afterlife. It becomes a form of mirror through which a person can encounter the feelings or thoughts they repressed when alive. In other words, the frightening serpentine forms we see in the afterlife, are not symbols of evil, as western tradition has conditioned us to believe, but they are symbol of all that we fear to see in ourselves.

Tibetan priests teach people who are about to die that, unless they act neutral or passive towards these reptilian forms in the afterlife, they will become engaged in conflict with something that can never be ignored or destroyed and they will forever be trapped in that particular stage of the afterlife.

“You will hate them! You will panic! You will faint! Your own visions having become devils, you will wander in the life cycle.”
The Tibetan Book of the Dead

Translation: Robert Thurman, Bantam 1994. p162

If this psychological mirroring is true after death, then it might also apply to our “Dream life.” So, if you or someone you know constantly dreams of dragons, snakes, lizards, or even Reptoids, it might be wise to follow this ancient Tibetan advice. Don’t fear these reptilian images, but rather recognize them, not as foreign or independent life forms, but as reflections of your own Self ID-Entity which must be embraced to reach total spiritual balance.

When our conscious mind shuts down during sleep, our subconscious reptilian ’R-Complex’ brain (which regulates respiration and heart rate) rules the darkness of our dreams. It could be that in some dreams we have, the most powerful, healing and loving archetypal symbol that Jung discovered occasionally stirs to life, emerges from the cave of our subconscious and acts as a stimulant to psychological and spiritual transformation.

There is no greater form of personal transformation than from a physical reality to a non-physical afterlife. In considering this remarkable journey in which we all will embark one day, two things come to this author’s mind:

First, the scientific fact that free energy in a vacuum never travels in a straight line. It always moves forward while oscillating as a waveform. This forward, oscillating motion results in an elongated spiral or vortex of energy. The ancients somehow intuited this knowledge and symbolized it as a serpent moving along the deep waters of space.

Secondly, numerous ancient cultures picture the “Tree of Life” as having serpents entwined around its trunk or at its roots. While the leaves reach out to receive the energy of the sun, the roots receive the nutrition of the soil and water. One cannot exist without the other. In life we often acknowledge the leaves, but ignore the roots of our existence.

So, as Carl Gustav Jung exhaled his final breath, his life energy was released from his physical form and he embarked on an even more fascinating journey than life. He ventured forth, at peace knowing that…

The image of the serpent has been corrupted by the will of man,
yet beyond the scope of his vision, it readies itself at his root,
preparing to return him to the Godhead upon his death.


Prince of EArth and The Brotherhood of The Snake

Saga of Brotherhood Of The Snake  continues…:

Prince Ea was a very important figure in the ancient world, as you have learned from the Gods of Eden page. Ea was the one who suggested that the Neanderthals be used as a base for a new creation. This creation would take over their work load. Ea basically said,

“all we (Elohim) have to do is upgrade them using our own genes.” (Genesis 1:27)

Ea was a genetic engineer. Within ancient Sumerian writings he is given credit for many other accomplishments other than engineering Homo sapiens. It is said that Ea drained marshes by the Persian Gulf and replaced them with fertile agricultural land. Ea also supervised the building of dams and dikes.

Ea didn’t engineer Homo sapiens without trial and error though. His character was flawed as ancient Sumerian writings reflect. He was somewhat careless at times.

Goodhearted is what Ea was, at least in regard to his creation. Ea spoke before the councils of the gods on behalf of the new EArth race. Ea was against the cruelties the other gods were imposing on humans. Ea’s wishes were overruled by the other faction. Ea did not intend for the human race to be treated harshly.

The rebellious god Ea formed an organization called, “The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake.” Ancient Egyptian writings tell us its ORIGINAL purpose was to educate the human race in TRUTH and to liberate the human race from its bondage, the same bondage portrayed within the movie, “The Matrix” , where “AI”/Satan is the controller of the human race.

No other animal within ancient civilizations was more prominent or as important… than the SNAKE. The snake is just one among many other symbols of the Brotherhood. The snake is also a symbol used within Freemasonry, the Devils religion. It is important for me to say again, not all Masons worship Satan, only the top 5% do.

Ea and his father Anu were said to of possessed profound ethical and spiritual knowledge. This is the same knowledge that was later symbolized as trees in the biblical Adam and Eve story. The biblical tree symbol (left) came from pre-Biblical Mesopotamian works, such as one showing a snake wrapped around the trunk of a tree, identical to later portrayals of the snake in Eden. The picture on the left depicts the biblical Adam & Eve in Eden with the Serpent (Ea) wrapped around the tree.

From the tree in the Mesopotamian depiction hang two pieces of fruit. To the right of the tree is the half-moon symbol of Ea; to the left is the planet symbol of Anu. What this drawing indicates is that both Ea and his father Anu were associated with the snake and its teachings.

The ones who wanted to control the human race didn’t want this knowledge to be known to humans, so it became THE FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE. The evil faction overthrew Ea. The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake was then turned against him. They taught falsehoods about Ea. Because of all the LIES that were taught, many people today think the Serpent in Eden is Satan (a liar and evil doer) and not Ea (a freedom fighter).

Ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and biblical texts relate that the “snake” or Prince Ea was quickly defeated by other factions.

Ea’s title was no longer “Prince of EArth.” It changed to “Prince of Darkness.” Other horrible names were attached to him as well such as,

  • Satan
  • the Devil
  • Evil incarnate
  • Monarch of Hell
  • Lord of Vermin
  • Prince of Liars

This of course is where Satan fooled everybody into thinking he was God and God was Satan. (God = Satan, Satan = God)

In modern day, Ea and his father Anu are represented within the seal of the American Medical Association (AMA) (left) as two snakes coiling up a rod. The AMA’s current seal(1991;below right) features a snake with no fangs. Brotherhood teachings included physical healing through spiritual means.

The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake has been the worlds most effect tool for keeping the human race spiritually ignorant. Ea wound up giving his enemies a powerful tool of spiritual repression. EArth became a place where spiritual beings can be trapped, enslaved, and made to suffer.

The Brotherhood has been with the human race all through history. In Ancient Egypt it was known as “The Mystery Schools.” This secret society Brotherhood also includes Freemasonry.

Ran by evil The Brotherhood continues to dumb down the human race via repetitive mind control tactics, in an effort to forever control the human race. And we must all work towards putting an END TO IT!


Brotherhood of The Snake

Have you ever wondered the snake symbolism in everywhere? IN buildings, books, medicine, through all history there are references to snakes and reptilians. Here’s a nice article about the Brotherhood of The Snake, which leads us in to far back in ancient Egypt:


Image Source

Brotherhood of the Snake

OF ALL THE animals revered in ancient human societies, none were as prominent or as important as the snake. The snake was the logo of a group which had become very influential in early human societies of both Hemispheres. That group was a disciplined Brotherhood dedicated to the dissemination of spiritual knowledge and the attainment of spiritual freedom. This Brotherhood of the Snake (also known as the “Brotherhood of the Serpent,” but which I will often refer to as simply the “Brotherhood”) opposed the enslavement of spiritual beings and, according to Egyptian writings, it sought to liberate the human race from Custodial bondage.*

* Because Brotherhood teachings included physical healing through spiritual means, the snake also came to symbolize physical healing. Today the snake is featured on the logo of the American Medical Association.

The Brotherhood also imparted scientific knowledge and encouraged the high aesthetics that existed in many ancient societies. For these and other reasons, the snake had become a venerated symbol to humans and, according to Egyptian and biblical texts, an object of Custodial hatred. When we look to discover who founded the Brotherhood, Mesopotamian texts point right back to that rebellious “God,” Prince Ea. Ancient Mesopotamian tablets relate that Ea and his father, Anu, possessed profound ethical and spiritual knowledge. This was the same knowledge that was later symbolized as trees in the Biblical Adam and Eve story.

In fact, the Biblical tree symbol came from pre-Biblical Mesopotamian works, such as one showing a snake wrapped around the trunk of a tree, identical to later portrayals of the snake in Eden. From the tree in the Mesopotamian depiction hang two pieces of fruit. To the right of the tree is the half-moon symbol of Ea; to the left is the planet symbol of Anu. The drawing indicates that Ea and Anu were associated with the snake and its teachings. This connection is affirmed by other Mesopotamian texts which describe Anu’s palace in the “heavens” as being guarded by a God of the Tree of Truth and a God of the Tree of Life.

In one instance, Ea reportedly sent a human to be educated in that very knowledge:

Adapa [the name of an early man], thou art going
before Anu, the King;
The road to Heaven thou wilt take.
When to Heaven thou has ascended, and hast

approached the gate of Anu, the “Bearer of Life” and
the “Grower of Truth” at the gate of Anu will be

We therefore find Ea designated as the reputed culprit who tried to teach early man (Adam) the way to spiritual freedom. This suggests that Ea intended his creation, Homo sapiens, to be suited for Earth labor, but at some point he changed his mind about using spiritual enslavement as a means. If Ea was a true historical personality as the Sumerians claimed, then he was the probable leader of the Brotherhood at its founding on Earth. The Brotherhood may have adopted the snake as its logo because Ea’s first home on Earth was said to have been constructed by a serpent-infested swampland which Ea called Snake Marsh. Another possible explanation for the snake logo is offered by Mr. Sitchin who says that the biblical word for “snake” is nahash, which comes from the root word NHSH, meaning “to decipher, to find out.”

Despite all of their reported good intentions, the legendary Ea and early Brotherhood clearly failed to free the human race. Ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and biblical texts relate that the “snake” was quickly defeated by other Custodial factions. The Bible informs us that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was overcome before it was able to complete its mission and give Adam and Eve the “fruit” from the second ”tree.” Ea (who was also symbolized as a snake) was banished to Earth and was extensively villainized by his opponents to ensure that he could never again secure a widespread following among human beings.

Ea’s title was changed from “Prince of Earth” to “Prince of Darkness.” He was labeled other horrible epithets: Satan, the Devil, Evil Incarnate, Monarch of Hell, Lord of Vermin, Prince of Liars, and more. He was portrayed as the mortal enemy of a Supreme Being and as the keeper of Hell. People were taught that his only intentions were to spiritually enslave everyone and that everything bad on Earth was caused by him. Humans were encouraged to detect him in all of his future lives (“incarnations”) and to destroy him and his creations whenever he was discovered.

All beliefs and practices named after his various appellations (“Satanism,” “Devil Worship,” etc.) were to be made so horrific and degrading that no right-thinking person would (or should) have anything to do with them. He and his followers were to be viewed by human beings with nothing but the utmost loathing.

This is not to say that Ea was actually portrayed by ancient Sumerians as a saint. He was not. He was described in Mesopotamian texts with distinct character flaws. If Ea was a real person, then he appears to have been a genius who could get things done, but who was often careless about anticipating the consequences of how he went about accomplishing his goals. By engineering a work race (Homo sapiens), Ea wound up giving his enemies a powerful tool of spiritual repression. Ea then appears to have compounded the blunder by founding and/or empowering the early Snake Brotherhood which, after its reported defeat, continued to remain a powerful force in human affairs, but under the domination of the very Custodial factions that Ea and the original Brotherhood were said to have opposed.

History indicates that the Brotherhood was turned under its new Custodial “Gods” into a chilling weapon of spiritual repression and betrayal, despite the efforts of many sincere humanitarians to bring about true spiritual reform through Brotherhood channels all the way up until today. By reportedly creating a work race and the Brotherhood of the Snake, the “God” Ea had helped build a trap for billions of spiritual beings on Earth.

As we shall now begin to carefully document, the Brotherhood of the Snake has been the world’s most effective tool for preserving mankind’s status as a spiritually ignorant creature of toil throughout all of history. During all of that time, and continuing today, the Brotherhood and its network of organizations have remained intimately tied to the UFO phenomenon. This corruption of the Brotherhood, and the overwhelming effect it would have on human society, was already apparent by the year 2000 B.C. in ancient Egypt— the next stop on our journey.

The Pyramid Builders

PERHAPS THE MOST impressive and controversial relics to come out of ancient times are the pyramids of Egypt. The remains of at least seventy to eighty of those structures are scattered all along the upper Nile region as silent reminders of a once powerful civilization.

The largest and most famous Egyptian pyramid is the Pyramid of Cheops (the “Great Pyramid”). It stands today beside several others on an elevated plateau in Gizeh, Egypt. The dimensions of this pyramid are impressive. It towers nearly five hundred feet high and covers thirteen acres of land at its base. Built of stones weighing an average of 2½ tons each, the entire structure is estimated to weigh 5,273,834 tons.

A remarkable characteristic which makes the Great Pyramid one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World” is the precision of its construction. The stones of the pyramid were cut so perfectly that a sheet of paper cannot be inserted between the blocks in many places. This precision, coupled with the enormous bulk of the structure, helps account for the pyramid’s long life and durability. The pyramid was built to last.

Perhaps the greatest mystery surrounding the Great Pyramid was its purpose. Most pyramids are thought to have been burial tombs. History tells us that the Great Pyramid was employed for other purposes, as well. For example, some of its inner chambers had been used for mystical and religious rites. Yet a third and infinitely more practical use can also be found: The Great Pyramid is an excellent marker for aerial navigation.

The four sides of the Great Pyramid precisely face the four compass points: north, south, east and west. The sides are directed so exactly that the widest deviation is only one twelfth of a degree on the east side. In addition, the Great Pyramid is situated less than five miles south of the northern thirtieth parallel. The Great Pyramid can therefore be used as a reference point for sectioning the entire planet into a three-dimensional grid of 30-, 60-, and 90degree angles with the North Pole, South Pole, Equator and center of the earth as reference points. This feature is especially useful because the Great Pyramid is located at the center of the Earth’s land masses. Knowing only the dimensions of the Earth and having a method of calculating how far one has traveled, one can very effectively navigate, especially by air, from the Great Pyramid to any point on Earth using the 30-60-90 degree grids and the compass directions indicated by the pyramid.

The only deviation comes from the fact that the Earth is not a perfect sphere, but is slightly flattened at the poles and widened at the Equator. However, this deviation is so slight, amounting to only 26.7 miles (.0003367 or the fraction1/298), that it is easily compensated for. Interestingly, when the Great Pyramid was first built, it was even more valuable as an aerial navigation marker than it is today because it had been covered with a casing of fine white limestone.

The limestone blocks were carved so precisely that the pyramid looked from a distance as though it had been hewn from a single white rock. The limestone reflected the sun, making the pyramid visible from a much greater distance.*

The unique characteristics of the pyramids at Gizeh raise interesting questions about those monuments. Since they serve an aerial navigation function so well, were they built at least partially for that purpose? If they were, who could have possibly had use for them in 2000 B.C.? A possible clue to the riddle may lie on the moon.

On November 22, 1966, the Washington Post ran a front-page headline proclaiming: 

“Six Mysterious Statuesque Shadows Photographed on the Moon by Orbiter.” 

The Post story, which was picked up later by the Los Angeles Times, described a lunar photograph snapped two days earlier by U.S. space probe Orbiter 2 as it passed twenty to thirty miles above the moon’s surface.

The photograph seems to reveal six spires arranged in a purposeful geometrical pattern inside a small portion of the Sea of Tranquility. The pointedness of the lunar objects’ shadows indicates that they are all either cone – or pyramid-shaped. Although the official NASA press release mentioned nothing unusual about the photograph, other people found the picture remarkable.

Dr. William Blair of the Boeing Institute of Biotechnology stated:

“If the cuspids [cone-shaped spires] really were the result of some geophysical event it would be natural to expect to see them distributed at random. As a result, the triangulation would be scalene [three unequal sides] or irregular, whereas those concerning the lunar object lead to a basilary system, with coordinate x, y, z to the right angle, six isosceles triangles and two axes consisting of three points each.”

“Most of the limestone is gone today. Except for a few blocks found at the base of the Great Pyramid, the limestone casing had been excavated away from the pyramids beginning in the first millennium A.D.”

In Argosy magazine, Soviet space engineer Alexander Abromov went a step further by stating:

The distributiori of these lunar objects is similar to the plan of the Egyptian pyramids constructed by Pharaohs Cheops, Chephren, and Menkaura at Gizeh, near Cairo. The centers of the spires of this lunar “abaka” [arrangement of pyramids] are arranged in precisely the same way as the apices [tips] of the three great pyramids.2

Assuming Drs. Blair and Abromov have not grievously miscalculated, it appears that some of the pyramids of Earth may be part of a permanent marking system that extends to more than one planet of our solar system. The system may even extend to Mars. Pyramid like objects have been photographed on the Martian surface. Pictures snapped by the U.S. Viking mission in 1976 show the Martian region of Cydonia to contain possible pyramid like objects and what appears to be a huge sculpted face nearby staring skyward.

It is easy to argue that the Martian pyramids and face are natural formations not unlike some found on Earth; however, one, and possibly two, other “faces” have been discovered elsewhere on Mars with strikingly similar features, such as the “helmet,” cheek notches, and indentation above the right eye.*

*For an interesting scientific evaluation of the Martian objects, I recommend Unusual Martian Surface Features by Vincent DiPietro, Greg Molenaar, and John Brandenburg. It is published by Mars Research. Please see bibliography for address.

Perhaps equally interesting is the fact that one pyramid in Cydonia has a side pointing due north towards the Martian spin axis. Is this alignment chance, or is there a connection to the Great Pyramid at Gizeh which is also aligned according to precise compass directions?

It is, of course, possible that the objects on the moon and Mars will prove to be rock formations after all. Available photographs seem inadequate to establish the formations as artificial. If they are artificial, it is clear from the photo graphs that they have undergone a fair degree of erosion.

Only a closer look during future missions to the moon and Mars will resolve the controversy. The objects are certainly worth closer investigation because the moon has hosted UFO phenomena for centuries, including inside the Sea of Tranquility.3

Even if the Martian or lunar objects prove to be natural formations, that would not change the clearly artificial nature of Earth’s pyramids. This compels us to return our focus to the pyramids of Egypt. For whom did the ancient Egyptians say they were building their magnificent structures?

Like the ancient Mesopotamians, the early ancient Egyptians claimed to be living under the rule of humanlike extraterrestrial “Gods.” The Egyptians wrote that their “Gods” traveled into the heavens in flying “boats.” (These “boats” were later mythologized to explain the movement of the sun.) The “Gods” of Egypt’s early period were said to be literal flesh-and-blood creatures with the same needs for food and shelter as human beings. Actual homes had been built for them. Those homes were furnished with human servants who later became Egypt’s first priests. According to renowned historian James Henry Breasted, the earliest servants of the “Gods” were laymen who performed their duties without ceremony or ritual. Their jobs consisted simply of providing the “Gods” with,

“. . . those things which formed the necessities and luxuries of an Egyptian of wealth and rank at that time: plentiful food and drink, fine clothing, music and dance.” *

Many people identify ancient Egyptian religion with the worship of animals. This type of veneration was unknown during the early period of the Egyptian civilization.

According to Professor Breasted:

An interesting compilation of unusual lunar phenomena is found in NASA Technical Report R-277 entitled “Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events” by Barbara M. Middlehurst. It briefly lists 579 unusual lunar sightings considered to be reliable beginning in the year 1540 and ending in 1967.

… the hawk, for example, was the sacred animal of the sun-God, and as such a living hawk might have a place in the temple, where he was fed and kindly treated, as any such pet might be; but he was not worshipped, nor was he the object of an elaborate ritual as later.4

The records of ancient Egypt have given us many clues as to who might have had use for a permanent marking system to navigate various planets of our solar system: the Custodial society. The first pyramid of Egypt was designed by Imhotep, Prime Minister to Egyptian king Zoser-Neterkhet. Imhotep was said to be the son of Egypt’s most important Custodial “God” during his day: Ptah. Egyptian lore written after Imhotep’s time adds that Imhotep had received the pyramid design in a plan “which descended to him from heaven to the north of Memphis [a city in ancient Egypt].” 5

The Great Pyramid at Gizeh, which was built several generations later during the “Age of the Pyramids,” was constructed according to the methods established by Imhotep. It was during the Age of the Pyramids, which began around 2760 B.C., that worship of the humanlike “Gods” reached its height; more than 2000 Gods then existed. It was for their “Gods” that the Egyptians had ultimately built their most important pyramids. The many pyramids built after those at Gizeh are generally inferior and are viewed as imitations.

Some theorists believe that the “ancient astronauts” of Egypt had used their space age technology to lift stones and to otherwise assist in the construction of the Gizeh pyramids. This hypothesis is neither certain nor necessary to sustain the “ancient astronaut” theory. Egyptian records tend to support the idea that human labor had provided the primary muscle for the pyramids’ construction. This would have been in keeping with the Mesopotamian contention that Homo sapiens had been created to be a labor pool for the Custodial “Gods.”

It is hardly surprising that the pharaohs and priests who acted on behalf of the “Gods” were often immensely unpopular with the Egyptian people. The Old Kingdom (ca. 2685-2180 B.C.) was followed by a period of weakness and unrest. Even the Great Pyramid of Cheops had been broken into by unhappy Egyptians.

According to historian Ahmed Fakhry:

The Egyptians so hated the builders of the pyramids that they threatened to enter these great tombs and destroy the mummies of the kings.6

Such intense loathing is certainly not surprising. In order to get the great pyramids built, Egyptian society was made more repressive in order to make human labor operate with greater machinelike efficiency. Occupations became rigid so that it was difficult to move from one type of job to another. Laymen ceased to serve the “Gods”: an impenetrable priesthood was erected instead. Personal happiness and achievement were sacrificed in the name of labor productivity. Feudalism had arrived in Egypt.

As the pharaohs were busy helping to make slaves out of their fellow humans, the “Gods” were making fools out of the pharaohs. Imhotep, reputed son of the “God” Ptah, instituted the concept of the pharaoh as “God-King.” This elitist title was little appreciated by most Egyptians. As “God-Kings,” the pharaohs were made to think that they were elevated above the toiling human multitudes. The pharaohs were taught that if they cooperated with Custodial plans, they would escape the human predicament by joining the “Gods”in the heavens.

There was just one catch.

The pharaohs would be allowed to escape Earth only after they had died! Pharaohs were taught the silly idea that if they had their dead bodies carefully preserved, the bodies would be brought back to life and they could join the Custodial “Gods” in the heavens. Some pharaohs, like Cheops, also buried large wooden boats near their tombs. According to some scholars, the pharaohs believed that their entombed boats (“solar barks”) would be magically exhumed and endowed with the same power that caused the “boats” of the “Gods” to fly. The pharaohs believed that they would be whisked away after death in their magically-powered wooden boats to the home of the “Gods” in the heavens.

Although Egyptian preservation techniques were quite good, it is clear that the pharaohs’ minds were being filled with nonsense. The wooden “solar barks” never flew. Few, if any, mummified bodies of the great God-Kings reached the heavens. Instead, many mummies have become macabre museum curiosities for the titillation of the human multitudes that the pharaohs so fervently hoped to escape. Other mummies suffered an even more humiliating fate: they were ground up and used as an ingredient in medicines. Pulverized mummies also became paint additives because of the preservatives used in the mummification process.

The puzzle is why the pharaohs believed the cruel joke which had been perpetrated on them. Some historians suggest that mummification was an attempt to imitate the life-cycle of the butterfly. Others believe that the pharaohs wanted to maintain their wealth and position in their next lifetimes and therefore desired to be resurrected in the same bodies. One UFO writer has suggested that they were striving to duplicate body preservation techniques used by Egypt’s technologically-advanced “Gods.” Ancient Egyptian records, however, reveal an even more compelling reason why the pharaohs mummified themselves: spiritual knowledge had been twisted.

Ancient Egyptians believed in a “soul,” or “serf,” as an entity completely separate from the “person” (meaning “body”). Egyptians labeled one such spiritual entity the “ka.” The Egyptians believed that the “ka,” not the body, was one of the spiritual entities that constituted the true person and that the body itself had no personality or intelligence without a spiritual entity. This generally enlightened view was given a false twist, however. The Egyptians were made to believe that the spiritual well of the “ka” after death depended upon the “ka” maintaining contact with a physical body.

According to historian Fakhry:

The Egyptian wanted his Ka to be able to recognize its body after death and to be united with it; for this reason he felt that it was very important to have his body preserved. This is why the Egyptians mummified their bodies and excelled in embalmingthem.7

The pharaohs went even a step further. Mr. Fakhry explains:

The Egyptians also made statues and placed them in tombs and temples to act as substitutes for the body if it should perish.8

These practices had a devastating impact on spiritual understanding. They caused people to wrongly equate spiritual wholeness with spiritual attachment to human bodies (or to body substitutes). Such teachings encouraged humans to accept the Custodial intention to permanently join spiritual beings to Homo sapiens bodies. The powerful human drives for spiritual integrity and immortality were twisted into an obsessive quest to preserve bodies. Philosophies of materialism were thereby hastened.

Materialism, by one of its definitions, is the over preoccupation with things at the material level and neglecting important aspects of ethical and spiritual existence. This often leads to the second definition of materialism: the belief that everything, including thought and emotion, can be explained entirely by movements and changes in physical matter. Although the Egyptians had not embraced the latter definition as a philosophy of life, they had helped move the world a step in that direction.

The derailment of spiritual knowledge in Egypt was caused by the corruption of the Brotherhood of the Snake, to which the pharaohs and priests belonged. As mentioned earlier, after its reported defeat thousands of years ago by its Custodial enemies, the Brotherhood continued to remain dominant in human affairs, but at the cost of becoming a Custodial tool. To understand how the corrupted Brotherhood began to distort spiritual truth and perpetuate theological irrationality, we must first look at the early inner workings of the Brotherhood and its method of teaching.
The original uncorrupted Brotherhood engaged in a pragmatic program of spiritual education. The organization’s approach was scientific, not mystical or ceremonial. The subject of the spirit was considered to be as knowable as any other science. It seems that the Brotherhood possessed a considerable body of accurate spiritual data, but it had not succeeded in developing a complete route to spiritual freedom prior to its defeat.

Brotherhood teachings were arranged as a step-by-step process. A student was required to satisfactorily complete one level of instruction before proceeding to the next one. All pupils took oaths of secrecy in which they swore never to reveal the teachings of a level to any person who had not yet graduated up to that level. This style of instruction was designed to ensure that a student did not prematurely attempt difficult spiritual feats or become overwhelmed by advanced level-information before he was ready for it, in the same way that one does not take a student driver on treacherous mountain roads before the student successfully navigates easier, but increasingly difficult, highways first.
Imparting spiritual knowledge in this fashion will be effective as long as the levels are ultimately open to everyone. When arbitrary or blanket restrictions are placed on who may have access to the teachings, either through overregulation, elitism, or by setting near-impossible conditions for admittance, the system of confidential step-by-step levels changes from an educational tool into an instrument of spiritual repression. The Brotherhood underwent just such a change.

The teachings of the Brotherhood in ancient Egypt were organized into an institution known as the “Mystery Schools.” The Schools furnished the pharaohs and priests with most of their scientific, moral, and spiritual education. According to Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, founder of the Rosicrucian Order headquartered in San Jose, California,* the first temple built for use by the Mystery Schools was erected by Pharaoh Cheops.

* Rosicrucianism is one of the mystical systems which arose out of Brotherhood teachings. Dr. Lewis’s Rosicrucian Order is called The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (“AMORC” for brevity). AMORC was founded in the early 1900’s. It is best known today for the popular Egyptian Museum it owns and operates in San Jose, California.

There is another American Rosicrucian order headquartered in Quaker-town, Pennsylvania. It is called the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross, or The Rosicrucian Fraternity in America. The Rosicrucian Fraternity in Quakertown does not recognize AMORC as a valid Rosicrucian body. In the 1930’s and 1940’s, R. Swinburne Clymer, Supreme Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Fraternity in Quakertown, published a number of writings denouncing AMORC. Dr. Clymer and Dr. Lewis have each claimed that his organization is the true Rosicrucian system.

In this book, I have utilized the extensive historical research of both Dr. Clymer and Dr. Lewis. When I cite either of them by name as a source of historical information, I am not taking sides in their controversy.

Inside those temple walls, spiritual knowledge underwent the deterioration which caused pharaohs to mummify their bodies and bury wooden boats. According to old Egyptian lore, the distorted teachings of the Mystery Schools were created by the “great teacher,” Ra, an important Custodial “God.”

The Mystery Schools not only twisted spiritual knowledge, they greatly restricted public access to any theological truths still surviving. Only the pharaohs, priests, and a few others deemed worthy were accepted into the Schools. Initiates were required to take solemn vows never to reveal to any outsiders the “secret wisdom” they were taught; students were threatened with dire consequences if they broke the vow. These restrictions were reportedly established to prevent misuse of high-level knowledge by those who might degrade that knowledge or use it harmfully.

While this is a legitimate reason to develop safeguards, the restrictions imposed by the Mystery Schools went far beyond simple security. Entire social and occupational groups were denied membership. The vast majority of the human population had no hope of entering the Schools; their access to any surviving spiritual knowledge was therefore severely limited. The Biblical “revolving sword” preventing access to the “tree of knowledge” was being put into place by those who ran the Mystery Schools.

The Mystery Schools caused spiritual knowledge to evaporate in another way. The Schools forbade its members from physically recording the Schools’ most advanced teachings. Initiates were required to relay the information orally. There is no faster way to lose knowledge than to forbid its being written down. No matter how sincere and well-trained people may be, word-of-mouth will invariably result in changes to the ideas being relayed. With a word substituted here and a sentence omitted there, the semantic precision needed to communicate an exact scientific principle will be lost. This is one way that a functional science can quickly degrade into an untenable superstition.

As time went on, the Brotherhood became so restrictive that it excluded most of Egypt’s own priests from membership. This was especially true during the reign of King Thutmose III, who ruled about 1200 years after Cheops. Thutmose III is best known for his military adventures which expanded the Egyptian empire to its greatest size. According to Dr. Lewis, Thutmose III took the final step of transforming the Brotherhood into a completely closed order. He established rules and regulations reportedly still used by some Brotherhood organizations today.

Changes in the Brotherhood continued. Less than one hundred years after the reign of Thutmose III, his descendant, King Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV), spent the last year of his 28-year life transforming Brotherhood teachings into mystical symbols. Akhenaton’s symbols were intentionally designed to be incomprehensible to everyone except those Brotherhood members who were taught the symbols’ secret meanings. The Brotherhood ostensibly created this new system of visual images to be a universal “language” of spiritual enlightenment transcending human languages, and to prevent misuse of knowledge. In real fact, the intention was to create a secret code designed to make spiritual knowledge unattainable to everyone except those admitted into the increasingly elite Brotherhood, and apparently to eventually obliterate spiritual knowledge altogether. The translation of spiritual data into bizarre and incomprehensible symbols has brought about the spectacle of honest people trying to decode garbled symbols in a quest for spiritual truths which can, and should be, communicated in everyday language understandable by anyone.

Despite the obvious sincerity of Akhenaton, we discover that the transformation of spiritual knowledge into a system of obscure symbols has had a devastating impact on human society. As this manner of relaying spiritual knowledge was disseminated throughout the world by members of the Brotherhood, all knowledge of a spiritual nature became misidentified with bizarre symbols and mystery.

This misidentification is so strong today that almost all studies of the spirit and spiritual phenomena are lumped into such disgraced classifications as “occultism,” “spiritualism,” and witchcraft. The attempt thousands of years ago to keep spiritual knowledge out of the hands of the “profane” has almost entirely destroyed the credibility and utility of that knowledge. Brotherhood symbolism was another piece of the Biblical “revolving swordblocking human access to spiritual knowledge. It has left only the confusion, ignorance and superstition which have come to characterize so much of the field today.

Akhenaton presided over another important development in the Brotherhood. Although the young ruler had fared poorly as a political leader, he achieved everlasting fame for his efforts to champion the cause of monotheism, i.e., the worship of a “one only” God. Monotheism was a Brotherhood teaching and many historians cite Akhenaton as the first important historical figure to broadly promulgate the concept.

To aid in the establishment of the Brotherhood’s new monotheism, Akhenaton moved the capital of Egypt to the city of El Amarna. He also relocated the main temple of the Brotherhood there. When the Egyptian capital was moved back to its original situs, the Brotherhood remained in El Amarna. This signaled an important break between Egypt’s established priesthood, which resisted Akhenaton’s monotheism, and the highly exclusive Brotherhood which no longer admitted most priests to membership.

The ancient Egyptian empire eventually decayed and vanished. The Brotherhood of the Snake fared much better. It survived and expanded by sending out from Egypt missionaries and conquerors who established Brotherhood branches and offshoots throughout the civilized world. These Brotherhood emissaries widely disseminated the Brotherhood’s new “one God” religion and eventually made it the dominant theology throughout the world.

In addition to launching “one God” theology, the Snake Brotherhood created many of the symbols and regalia still used by some important monotheistic religions today. For example, the Brotherhood temple in El Amarna was constructed in the shape of a cross—a symbol later adopted by the Brotherhood’s most famous offshoot: Christianity. Some Brotherhood members in Egypt wore the same special outfits with a “cord at the loin” and a covering for the head as later used by Christian monks. The chief priest of the Egyptian temple wore the same type of broad-sleeved gown used today by clergymen and choir singers. The chief priest also shaved his head in a small round spot at the top—an act later adopted by Christian friars.

Many theologians hail monotheism as an important religious breakthrough. Worshipping a spiritual “one-only God” is indeed an improvement over the idolization of stone statues and clumsy animals. Unfortunately, Brotherhood monotheism still did not represent a return to complete accuracy; it simply added new distortions to whatever spiritual knowledge still remained.
Based upon what we are coming to know about the nature of the spiritual being, we find that two false twists appear to lay in the Brotherhood’s definition of a Supreme Being:

  • Firstly, Brotherhood monotheisms, which include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, teach that a Supreme Being was the creator of the physical universe and of the physical life forms within the universe. In an upcoming chapter we will discuss the likelihood that spiritual beings were born of a Supreme Being of some sort, but physical creatures and objects probably were not. As some other religions have noted, if our universe is the product of spiritual activity, then it appears that all individual spiritual beings within the universe are responsible for its creation and/or perpetuation. The scope of a Supreme Being would actually extend far beyond the creation of a single universe.
  • Secondly, a Supreme Being is usually portrayed as a spiritual being capable of possibly unlimited thought, creativity, and ability. A Supreme Being is said to be an entity which can make and unmake universes. The big question is this: Why must we be limited to only one such being?

Is there any reason not to suppose the existence of ten such beings? Or a hundred? Or an almost infinite number? It appears that the Brotherhood definition of a “one God” actually describes the native potential of every spiritual being, including those spiritual beings who animate human bodies on Earth. The true nature and capabilities of every spiritual being would therefore be hidden by doctrines which state that only a Supreme Being may enjoy pure spiritual existence and unlimited spiritual potential. Brotherhood monotheism would actually hinder human spiritual recovery and prevent people from grasping the true, and probably much broader, scope of a Supreme Being.*

* A fuller discussion of the possible nature of a Supreme Being and its relationship to individual spiritual existence is presented in Chapter 40.

Brotherhood monotheism was another piece of the Biblical “revolving sword” to prevent access to spiritual knowledge. It also allowed the Custodians to greatly elevate then-own status. As part of its new monotheism, the Brotherhood began to teach the fiction that members of the Custodial race were the physical manifestations of a Supreme Being. In other words, Custodians started pretending that they and their aircraft were the “one-only God.” History records that they used extraordinary violence to make Homo sapiens believe the falsehood. Few lies have had as devastating an impact on human society, yet it became a prime mission of the corrupted Brotherhood, from the time of Akhenaton the modern day, to make humans believe that the Custodians and their aircraft were “God.”

The purpose of this fiction was to enforce human obedience and to maintain Custodial control over the human population. In no case is this clearer, or the results more visibly tragic, than in the Biblical story of the ancient Hebrews and their “one God” named Jehovah.
