Chemtrails – Total Control Part 2

Miniseries of chemtrails continues…:

Covert aerosol spraying (chemtrails) and electromagnetic operations (HAARP)

Environmental modification (weather war), geophysical operations (earthquake war)

Four of the seven applications include:

  1. HAARP, directed energy scalar weapons, weather warfare and tectonic warfare.
  2. Electromagnetic Operations, including HAARP directed mind control weapons applications
  3. Environmental modification and weather wars. Mr. Carnicom stated he has concluded that the covert aerosol-spraying program has transformed the atmosphere of the planet into plasma capable of sustaining weaponized applications since its acceleration in 1999
  4. Geophysical operations, including tectonic (earthquake) warfare

The HAARP-Atmosphere Plasma weapons system

There are reportedly up to 14 HAARP-like facilities around the planet, including,

One independent scientist notes:

“I identified the HAARP sites two years ago. They left some key ones out: Chile (HAARP earthquake as President was sworn in), Cyprus (Black Sea Storm), Dushanbe Tajikistan (Tien Shan gold belt), and ANTARCTICA – the most important one. Plus, they forgot all the Russian installations – more than any other country.”

Covert aerosol spraying (chemtrails) have transformed the Earth’s atmosphere into a plasma that is used for HAARP directed energy scalar weapons, mind control, weather warfare, and tectonic (earthquake) warfare weapons applications.

There is prima facie evidence that chemtrails and HAARP has in fact been used in each of these applications as directed energy scalar weapons, mind control, weather warfare, and tectonic (earthquake) warfare weapons.

HAARP is an exotic weapons system that is part of the weaponization of space, using “scalar wave interferometry” – a technology first discovered by scientist Nicola Tesla in the early 1900’s.

Two or more longitudinal, ultra-low frequency waves are “aimed” at an intersecting point, at which time they interact in a very unique way, “tapping” into the limitless plenum of energy surrounding the planet, and weaponizing this scalar energy.

HAARP has 3 major weapons-system components

  1. Space-based component (Ionosphere): HAARP weaponizes the Earth’s Ionosphere, the uppermost layer of the atmosphere before outer space.
  2. Atmosphere-based component (Atmospheric Plasma): HAARP uses aerosol-enhanced (chemtrails) atmosphere plasma as a plasma-based weapons system, and as a binary bio-warfare weapons system against the human population.
  3. Ground-based component (Disguised as research facility): HAARP ground stations disguised as “research facilities “energize HAARP” in at least 14 locations around the globe.

    HAARP – Reported electromagnetic and plasma weapons functions

  • SDI (Strategic Defence Initiative) Radiofrequency weapon
  • Environmental warfare – Weather & earthquake warfare
  • Space Warfare System
  • Missile Defense System
  • Scalar energy warfare against land and population targets, including cities, industrial sites, buildings, populations and individuals
  • ELF weapon with electromagnetic harassment and mood manipulation of target populations and individuals
  • Biological & Binary Weapons against populations (with chemtrails component)

The HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system is a weapon of mass destruction
The death toll of two recent probable Environmental Warfare attacks by HAARP is on the scale of the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack.

  • The estimated death toll of the May 3, 2008 Weather Warfare Myanmar Cyclone is 78,000 dead + 56,000 missing as of May 29, 2008.

  • The death toll of the May 12, 2008 Tectonic Warfare China Earthquake is 68,000 as of May 29, 2008, and expected to rise to 80,000.

Official Japanese figures at the time put the Hiroshima death toll at 118,661 civilians. But later estimates suggest the final toll was about 140,000 dead.

The death toll of the Haiti HAARP Earthquake tectonic warfare attack of January 10, 2010 was 230,000 dead, almost twice the size of the Hiroshima death toll.

HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system and tectonic (earthquake) warfare
There is prima facie evidence that HAARP and covert global aerosol spraying (chemtrails) were employed in the above tectonic (earthquake) warfare attacks as weapons of mass destruction.

Examiner readers can listen to the following 4 science-based radio programs on how the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system of mass destruction was employed to create the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2011 and the Chile earthquake of February 27, 2010.

All of these tectonic warfare attacks were by weapons of mass destruction and undertaken for covert economic, financial and political reasons on behalf of an international war crimes racketeering organization that controls the international HAARP-chemtrails network of installations and operations:

>> Radio shows can be found on this site

The evidence set out in the radio programs establishes prima facie that the HAARP-Atmospheric plasma weapons system was used in a weapons of mass destruction attack on Haiti in order to secure the enormous gold and petroleum deposits under and adjacent to the island of Hispaniola belonging to the government of Haiti, which was resisting exploitation of the same by companies controlled by the Rothschild family.

The radio programs and accompany program notes can be accessed at

Likewise, the evidence set out in the radio programs establishes prima facie evidence that the HAARP-Atmospheric plasma weapons system was used in a weapons of mass destruction attack on the Chile in a February 27, 2010 earthquake as part of a strategic power play to keep petroleum deposits discovered under the Falklands Islands in the possession of the U.K. and not Argentina.

HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system and weather warfare
There is prima facie evidence that the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system as has been used a weapon of mass destruction to create or steer weather events such as cyclones and hurricanes to create catastrophic outcomes.

Readers can listen to the following science-based radio programs on how the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system of mass destruction was employed to create weather warfare events ranging from the Katrina Hurricane in New Orleans of August 29, 2005 to the Myanmar cyclone of May 2-3, 2008:

>> Radio shows can be found on this site

HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system and electromagnetic scalar warfare

Electromagnetic Operations

The global covert aerosol spraying program (chemtrails) has also permitted electromagnetic operations, including HAARP directed energy scalar weapons, using the atmospheric plasma created by chemtrails spraying for the operation of the scalar electromagnetic weapons of the HAARP system.

There is prima facie evidence that the HAARP-atmospheric plasma weapons system has been used as a weapon of mass destruction in electromagnetic scalar warfare against human populations.

Scientist – Directed energy weapons turned World Trade Center into nanoparticles on 9/11

Evidentiary sample

Directed energy weapons & WTC buildings

One researcher draws on Dr. Judy Wood’s work and sets out a sample of documentary and witness evidence sufficient to conclude that an advanced directed energy weapon was used on the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings on 9/11.

9/11 documentary evidence of use of directed energy weapons at WTC

  1. Seismic Record:
    • “The energy budget recorded in the seismic record on the day of 9/11 and the collapse of the WTC buildings did not reflect the mass of building materials involved in the collapse, nor the nearly freefall of the collapsing buildings. The seismic record demonstrates an event on the scale of a quarry blast. Where was the thud [that would have accompanied a WTC building collapse]?”
  2. Kinetic Energy:
    • “Two robust WTC buildings with very robust steel beam reinforcement would release a sizeable amount of kinetic energy from the buildings falling – that would be all of the energy that went into the construction of the WTC buildings. The release of that amount of kinetic energy is not reflected in the physical evidence on the seismic record. Into what physical process did that kinetic energy go?”
  3. Molecular Dissociation:
    • “The collapse of the WTC buildings produced the highest mass per volume of very fine particles (nanoparticles) ever measured in an air sample in the United States. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to dissociate or break the molecular bonds of steel, concrete and other building materials that were “powdered” into very fine particles during the collapse of the buildings. The largest mass per volume of metals ever measured in an air sample in the US were reported by Dr. Thomas Cahill who did air monitoring for 5 months. Metal is used in buildings because it is very strong – and would require large amounts of energy to reduce it to nanoparticles. Chemical explosives do not release enough energy to produce that volume of very fine particles. A much more energetic process was involved such as laser or beam energy which releases focused and concentrated energy as complex waveforms necessary to cause molecular dissociation.”
  4. Physical Evidence of Buildings Collapsing:
    • “In videos of the collapses on 9/11 the WTC buildings erupted into emulsion like a drinking fountain, and the rubble did not hit the ground. Even on tape huge pieces of aluminum building siding vaporized as they were freefalling, and never hit the ground.”
  5. Controlled Demolition:
    • “The [collapse of the WTC buildings] was not a ‘controlled demolition’ for the following reasons:
      • WTC Detritus Pile – “Should have been 1/3 the height of the WTC buildings. The 100+ story WTC buildings were about 1 story high when the collapse of the buildings ended. A fireman on one of the news videos said the antenna that had been on the top of WTC Building 1 was on the top of a pile of rubble about one story high. The rubble pile should have been 35 stories if it was a conventional controlled demolition.”

WTC Rubble Never Hit the Ground – “This defies gravity, where did the rubble go?”

  • Footprints“Geometrically Round Holes: contiguous round holes 24’ in diameter were in the footprints of the WTC buildings 1 and 2, and a 60’ deep geometrically round hole was in the middle of Liberty Street near the WTC. This is evidence of beam weapons. There was no debris inside the footprints of the two WTC buildings, only bare dirt with circles in the dirt.”
  • Dust“In videos of the collapse larger particles fell and cascaded down from the buildings under the forces of gravity, but before they hit the ground they vaporized and suddenly went up into the atmosphere like an antigravity demonstration. Nanoparticles are so tiny that they are not subject to the forces of gravity, so molecular dissociation occurred on the larger particles as they were freefalling, reducing them into nano-particles (0.1 microns in diameter and smaller) that suddenly obeyed other physical laws of quantum mechanics. More evidence of [directed energy weapon or] HAARP/beam weapon technology applied during collapse.”
  • 9/11 Satellite photos“[9/11 satellite photographs showed] dust going into upper atmosphere – which had to be nanoparticles and may have been enhanced by other technology because most very fine particles/dust would stay in the Troposphere and be rained out in 2 months as we know from depleted uranium particulate releases from battlefield already.”
  • 1400 Toasted Cars“Located blocks from the WTC buildings, with door handles missing, engine blocks missing, blistering on some parts of the car finish, strange rust patterns on the bodies of the cars.”
  • Paper Around Cars Not Burned“Whatever ‘vaporized’ the engine blocks and the door handles on 1400 cars did not ignite fragile and flammable paper lying all over the ground around the cars. If engine blocks and door handles selectively vaporized, why didn’t body of car vaporize?”
  • Pile of Cars Spontaneously Combusted“In a news video, the entire pile of cars started burning spontaneously at the same time with no visible cause, it was not a fire that started in one car and spread to others.”
  • Rust Occurred Immediately“On cars and trucks, and in FEMA photos there was heavy rust on steel beams – steel does not rust, and it is a slow oxidation process that results in rusting of iron. This rusting happened immediately.”
  • Basements of WTC Buildings Undamaged“Stuffed mannequins in the basement of WTC with clothing on were carried out of the basement undamaged. If a 100+-story WTC building collapsed into its basement and left a 35-story rubble pile, there would be nothing left in the basement. Even streetcars underground at the WTC were pulled out after the collapse and had no damage.”
  • Prof. Cahill Air Monitoring Samples“The hardest and most durable materials vaporized (steel, concrete etc), and the most fragile materials (paper) cascading out of WTC windows and all over the ground for blocks were undamaged.”
  • Truckloads of Potting Soil“Right after the WTC disaster, the ground was “fuming”, and sequential FEMA aerial photos show 130 dump trucks full of soil (filled almost to the top of the dump truck space) covered with tarps so that the dirt in the trucks was not visible to onlookers on the street, coming into the WTC area, dumping the soil and going out for more. This happened even before the rescues or cleanup started and it continued for some time. The piles of soil were left for a week and got higher each day in sequential photos. The soil ‘fuming’ lasted until March 2002 (8 months).”
  • Boots Disintegrated“Boots on emergency responders disintegrated after 2 hours. They had to get new boots every 2 hours – an effect of molecular dissociation. It was not from burning, their skin would have been damaged.”
  • No Ground Fuming During Rain“For 99 days the “burning” (fuming) continued at the WTC site, but when it rained there was no fuming. If it had been fires burning, the rain would have caused steam from heating rainwater.”
  • USGS – Iron versus Steel“The USGS analyzed the mineral form of the rust on steel beams and iron objects at the WTC. They did not address the ‘steel does not rust’ issue, but dodged it by referring to the rusted steel beams in the rubble pile as ‘iron beams’ and gave mineral analyses of iron minerals produced by oxidation.”
  • Official Sample Data Not Reliable“Spectral absorption images at the WTC indicated average particle size was about 1 micron, which is subjected to gravity and would have fallen with the collapsed buildings. USGS did not collect many dust samples and collecting samples by other different agencies did not agree with each other. No samples were taken at the toasted cars.”
  • Directed Energy Weapon Evidence“Evidence of use of a directed energy weapon was present at the top of the WTC buildings as ‘lathering up’ started before buildings started coming down. ‘Lathering up’ in videos preceded the collapse of all buildings, even Building 7 which supposedly Larry Silverstein when he said, ‘Pull it’ to firefighters meant controlled demolition. Color alteration and modification in news videos compared to other photos/videos at tops of buildings indicates “doctoring” of images. When the Seattle Dome was destroyed with controlled demolition, the dust created by the destruction did not get any higher than the top of the building. The WTC dust got into the upper atmosphere almost immediately – which indicates very tiny atmospheric dust sized particles (0.1 micron and smaller), in fact smaller than atmospheric dust that stays mainly in the Troposphere.
  • “Lathering Up” Incriminating“WTC Building 7 ‘lathered up’ even before WTC Building 2 went down. WTC Building 7 not damaged at all by WTC Building 2 going down – right next to each other.”
  • Freon tanks“Very odd, large tanks were removed from WTC building and OSHA made bogus statement about what and why they were removed. Was freon used in WTC takedown? A NYC cop whom the researcher met with Cindy Sheehan said he was injured in WTC Building 7 and removed on a gurney, but his eyes were covered so he could not see anything as they left the building. He reported he was able to see dead bodies lying all over the floor as he was being carried out – before building 7 had collapsed. Was this due to Freon asphyxiation put through ventilation system like in a recent Russian submarine disaster?

See: Four U.S. Black Ops in 9/11: Antigravity UFO – Tesla Time Travel – Directed Energy Weapon – Mini-Nukes
