I have always thought, that there is something odd about England’s queen. And I were right. She is the leader of horrific cult that murders and tortures people:
OK, where is she?
“I love life, that’s my secret.” The Queen Mother.
A bum title? No, its actually a quote from HM Queen Elizabeth II. The statement, in the context of the rest of her speech was supposedly aimed at her disastrous year of 1997 -annus is Latin for year. But then, anus is Latin for old woman and the term might equally have applied to the woman who had never relinquished her grip, the Queen Mother.
Royal Families, aristocracy, Heads of State and High Clergy occupy a very different space than the rest of us. Their forebears plotted, bribed, raped and murdered their way up to the high positions their offspring enjoy today; their gene pools are awash with these nasty propensities, yet they are considered incapable of such practices now. Why is that? If you had a killer dog and then bred it with another killer dog, would you leave its progeny alone in the same room with your children?
If you were to witness a member of the Royal Family abusing and murdering a child and somehow escaped with your ability to breath, where would you go? If you went to the police would they listen and conduct a whole-hearted, incisive investigation? Or would they roll their eyes, say they will look in to it, thank you for your information and chuff you out the door?
Well, just such allegations have been made, and plenty of them. Witnesses have bravely and constantly reported the sadistic antics of people like the George Bush’s, Bill Clinton, Ted Heath and Lord McAlpine. How many of these have been hauled before he courts to defend the charges against them? Royalty which has a long proven history of murder and mayhem are named time and again. But noooo, members of the present royal family would never do it now? That’s preposterous! I’ve a dam good mind to write to the Times, you bounders.
’It is not normal to doubt the word of members of the royal family.’ Harold Brooks-Baker in 1986, editor of Burke’s Peerage.
The cuckolded Mr Brooks-Baker, was defending the honour of Burke’s Peerage. Buckingham Palace had lied to them. Royal consent had been bestowed upon a lie. The Palace had said the QM’s neices, Katherine and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon had died in 1940 and 1961. They had, in truth been shuffled off, in secret, into Royal Earlswood Mental Hospital in Surrey. Nerissa Bowes-Lyon died in 1986. The dear old, caring, nation’s grandmother type hadn’t visited them once, in 46 years.
People wonder at the callousness of the Windsors. For heavens sake, they’ve been forcing people they don’t know off to die horribly in their diabolically instigated wars for generations. They’ve slashed their way to the top of royal piles, massacred native peoples and stolen untold fortunes. Wake up, they don’t give a shit. They don’t care; their emotions have been bred out of them.
Once emotion becomes extinct in a person, what takes its place? Something has to. A person such as this is wide open to possession or control by an independent energy or entity. Imagine what could happen if an entire bloodline lost its ability to feel? Imagine other bloodlines in the same condition and these bloodlines (families) coming together to produce children. What do you have then? The Queen Mother came from these very conditions. Right now her body is supposed to be lying in State at Westminster, draped with her lion-emblazoned banner. Can anyone filing past see her body? No.
Where is the Queen Mother?
This stone serpent and sun cross carving on a rock at Meigle, is about 5 miles from Glamis. At this same place is the supposed grave of Guinevere, who was Ar-Thor’s wife in the Edda, the real Eve and sworn enemy of the Serpent El.Guen-Ever was originally from the Wierds, Valkyrs of El. At Meigle, she changed her name to Vanore.From The British Edda700 years ago the Queen Mother’s family; the Lyons (line of the sun), now the Bowes-Lyons (The arch line of the sun; but in this case it is the reverse, or dark sun, see later note ), agreed to become a generational host for evil possession. The QM, destined to be the most influential and powerful of the clan became the prime host; enabling the possessor to successfully infiltrate incalculable bloodlines and poison every institution and organization she was associated with.
OK, where is she?
Young Elizabeth and her family did venture north to their Scottish castle home, the malevolent environs of MacBeth’s haunting Glamis. But lustful, eyes kept watch on the young child. Often she was invited to play with the royal children; one was a shy, troubled, tongue-tied child, Albert, known as Bertie. In later years she would beguile him into marrying her. The beautiful young Elizabeth appeared to have been snared by the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s (Goths the avowed enemies of the El-ites), when Buckingham Palace announced their engagement in January 1923. In truth, it was the Serpent El who had contrived the whole thing.
Their marriage (the public one) took place later the same year, on 26th April, at Westminster Abbey.
On 12th May 1937, Prince Albert and Princess Elizabeth were manipulated onto the Throne of England. Albert became King George VI. George and the Dragon sat on the Throne of England, and nobody noticed. They produced two children from somewhere, Elizabeth and Margaret Rose. They were both rumoured to have been artificially conceived. (This could support a Virgin Princess -future Virgin Queen notion.) The eldest, also Elizabeth, was born on 21st April (St George’s Day, that is Ar-thor’s day. -perhaps a swipe at her auld enemy Arthor, leader of the Goths.) The Old Deceiver, El inhabiting the human frame of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon had accomplished her thousands years agenda. She had crept into the enemy camp of the Goths (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) and wrested their throne. For. El-izabeth, the Serpent Queen of the Wierd cult, revenge was sweet. For centuries she had carefully placed her sleepers in prominent families amongst the European aristocracy. A celebration was called for. 16 months later her newly acquired British subjects would be propelled into 5 years of the bloodiest sacrifice ever known. A suitable tribute she felt, for the all-conquering Great Queen, World War II.
(The Queen Mother’s role in the abdication crisis will be revealed in 2017. Uhhhh, don’t hold your breath.)Nobody noticed Elizabeth’s possession, so completely was her publicity monitored and controlled. Careful stage-management paid dividends. With no effort she became the darling of the fawning British press who bowed to her every whim. Revitalizing her flagging monarchy’s popularity was a breee-s-s-s. The press didn’t ask tricky questions, they’ve never revealed much of any interest about her. Right to the end she was the nations grandmother to them… Ask yourself, what do you really know for sure about any of the family that exists ’to rule over us’?
Now and again El-izabeth let slip her insensitivity. Once during the blitz, whilst touring devastated London in high-heels, pearls and expensive threads, she remarked to a distressed unfortunate, ’ One has to take care, one doesn’t ladder one’s stockings when walking here.’
And on another occasion, after the sore-thumb, Buckingham Palace received a harmless hit, remarked, “Nare ay cen look the East End in the face.” – Which has other connotations for students of the occult.
Much later the Royals had another blitz to deal with. This one caused severe damage. Their younger daughter, Margaret Rose set her lily-white cap at a decidedly unsuitable suitor. Elizabeth had ambitions for Margaret and that did not include marrying a ne’er-do-well, ’out-of-the-loop’ divorcee. The blighted Margaret Rose sought solace in a doomed marriage to society flicker, Anthony Armstrong-Jones. They managed to produce two children before Margaret became the first royal since Henry VIII, to divorce. Margaret drifted into the shadows and rarely did much else than lounge around in the Caribbean. She died aged 71, two months before her mother.
The most damaging blows however were yet to come. A real-life Princess in the Tower, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, packaged in the exquisite frame of Diana turned and bit their royal arses big-time. Smug court advisors had misjudged popular mood; the people weren’t about to discard Diana after her separation from the wing nut. They loved her – An emotion The Family had never been acquainted with, Love swept through the world as Diana danced the Samba across the global ballroom. They, had only empty rooms and hardened hearts. Diana knew too much. Although Diana was never going to risk her children’s lives by exposing the old Serpent, El-izabeth was not in the mood for chances. Diana had proved to have loose lips. Simba and her slavering pride plotted their attack.
“I love life, that’s my secret.” The Queen Mother.
When it came, it was ferocious, it was certain and it was cruelly appropriate. Whilst Britain slept, a black car named ’grace’ slammed into the 13th pillar of the Pont d’Alma tunnel in Paris. The young Virgin Moon Goddess, wannabee Mother Goddess died on the sun’s day, Sunday 31st August 1997, with the sun in Virgo, the virgin. This was 27 days, a moon cycle, after the Queen Mother’s 97th birthday.
Alma – Hebrew: unmarried woman. Diana was unmarried when she died.
Al-mah – Persian: the unmated Moon goddess.
The elements were all there, the sun, moon, virgin and blackness, the numerology, a black steed and a white steed (cars). The black car, a Mercedes, meaning grace (god’s favour -moon) carried her into the tunnel (moon symbol symbollically as well as by name) to meet the white Fiat Uno (Fiat-order, Uno – number 1. So an order from the top – a royal command?), which vanished in to thin air – or into the back of a truck.
A year and a day passed between the Full Moon of Diana and Charles’ divorce (28th August 1996, divorce No. 5,029 -both the date and the number add to 16 ) and her death in the tunnel. (The Full Moon shone into the 29th -the ominous 29th) The notion of a year and a day is a measure of time with significant magical, often ominous implications. It derives from the motions of the moon – surprise, surprise. There are 13 moons of 28 days in a lunar calendar. 13 days waxing, 1 day full, 13 days waning, 1 day dark. So a lunar year has 364 days, one more day is added to equal the number of days in a solar year. The day of the divorce was a Full Moon (17:52)
In days of yore the New Year began in March. August 31st sits precisely at the middle point of the year. From March 2nd. until August 30th inclusive there are 182 days. August 31st being the soltary (sun) middle day, with a further 182 days from September 1st until February 28th. This matches up with the Lunar calendar; 182 + 182 being 364, the length of a lunar calendar. In ancient Rome, March 1st is/was an ancient feast day called the Matronalia, a day of protection for women, children and the family. Why begin on the 2nd March? Remember this is a dark agenda. The 2nd March at 09:37 was the beginning of the Crone Moon, Moon of the Dark Mother, Black Isis, Kali, Hecate, the Morrigan and all the other aliases for the old Serpent Queen, El. Dark spells and evil agendas were set that night.
The signature of the instigator is there for all to see. This was a sacrifice by a Moon Goddess of a Moon Goddess. The sacrifice occurred in a tunnel called moon, in a place where the moon cannot shine – it is dark, a dark moon. The Moon has three occult phases, Virgin (New to first quarter), Mother (Full) and Crone (last quarter to dark). At the time the Virgin Moon was Diana, The Mother was Queen Elizabeth II and the Crone or old Woman Moon was The Queen Mother. It’s all death and rebirth stuff in reverse, where the old is reborn through taking the energies of the new.
Diana was sacrificed; it’s one of the few things I am certain of. I am certain too that missing children are used to perform the same function.
“(Queen Elizabeth) is the most dangerous woman in Europe.” Adolph Hitler
The Queen Mother was born on the 4th. Her full birth date adds to 4. Her full name adds to 22/4. 13th (as in pillar) adds to 4. 31st (as in sacrificial date) adds to 4. This was 4 years before her death at the age of 101 (Diana has a value of 29/ 11), approximately 4 months before her 102nd birthday (adds to 3. Diana’s middle name, Frances is worth 3.) Diana’s full name adds to 22/4 the same as the Queen Mother’s. She accepted Prince Albert’s proposal on January 13, 1923 (13 adds to 4). Her husband Albert was a 4. She was a member of the Royal Household for 13 years (4) before she became Queen. 2nd March 1997, the night black magic was summoned was a 4-day. The 182 days either side of August 31st total 11 each. Together they total 4. No doubt there are oodles more 4’s in her life.
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother expired at the end of the15th month of the new millennium, at 15 minutes past the 15th hour, which is 666. It was Saturday (Saturn’s Day – Satan), the 6th day. The actual date was 3003 2002 (30/03/2002. It was a 55/1 (sun) and an 11/2 (moon) day (Diana died in a Mercedes 600 in a 660 foot long tunnel again 666. Official claims say that Diana died at 4.a.m Paris Time in a hospital).
Look at the official time of the Great Queen’s death, 1515, perhaps I need glasses, but doesn’t it look like ISIS to you? How many clues do we want?It’s not beyond possibility that the Queen Mother actually died on the 29th March, because that would total 13/4 as well. That would also make it Friday – Freya’s Day, a shape-shifting goddess, leader of the Valkyries, whose sacred number was 13 (see above for 13’s). There are esoteric reasons why this is a more probable date, one of which is that the 29th is the 88th day of the year which means what happened and agrees with her first name, Elizabeth which also totals 88.
Oh, and the night of 28th/29th was a Full Moon (Mar 28 18:25). The Moon projects its most potent energies towards Earth when it is Full. Either this Moon was used to help to revitalize the Old Serpent or it was employed to transfer the evil spirit, to possess its next host. Both would have required rituals, and more than likely child sacrifice. The victim(s) energy (numbers, name etc) would need to be congruent with hers, so mainly 4’s.
88 also totals 16, the Tarot Tower (image right). 16 is another number that frequently pops up in the Queen Mother’s life. Glamis totals 16. Prince Albert first proposed to El-izabeth on December 2, 1921, a 16 day. (The second time he proposed was 26 December 1921 another 4 day) The prince proposed 3 times, which, as most people know is a magic formula. She married him on 26th April 1923, which adds to 16. Her husband died February 6, 1952, a 16 day. Elizabeth was 97 (9+7=16), when Diana died. Amanda Dowler disappeared at approximately 1600 hrs, 4 0’clock in the afternoon on the Spring Equinox, 7 days (an occult cycle of 6 days for preparation plus one) before the Queen Mother died.
Diana had died on the final night of the Dark Moon. This sacrifice was purposely timed to prevent Diana’s absorption of the New Moon’s vigour on September 1st. Another coveted this energy, all of it; a waning moon goddess, the Old Hag. This ritual killing was to help sustain the evil entity for another 4 years.
’Life had been sweet for the Old Serpent. Everything was working out according to plan. She could relax – or so she thought but unexpectedly, and out of nowhere came a whirlwind… Dianaarghhhh !!!Diana, in many ways mirrored Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon; like her, she blossomed from a purported commoner’s background, although in truth, like her, oozing with primordial royal genes; likely more than the incumbents in fact.
Publicly, the old matriarch had appeared to approve of Diana for the new Virgin Moon Princess at the court of the Sun. However the relationship became increasingly frosty after Diana had fulfilled her duty producing techno-age sprogs named after tyrannical British monarchs, William and Henry.
Diana, like Elizabeth was of the Royal Stewart bloodline. Being blond, blue-eyed and beautiful enhanced her CV, but it was her youthful naivety which clinched her credentials. It was too good for the London Pride to resist, it moved out to circle its prey.
Diana gave them glamour, humanity and new impetus. They gave her hell.
Diana, at last acknowledging her instincts; realizing she had been lured into the lions’ den purely to satisfy their inhuman lust and cruel agenda rebelled and embarked on her own mission. Much to the chagrin of the snarling pack she touched the hearts of humanity. In becoming a champion of the downtrodden and others with no voice, she became a giant thorn in the septic paws of the mane-line. QM, Alpha female in the Windsor pride (or as Diana referred to her, ’chief leper at the leper colony’) menaced and roared, as she had done with her daughter Margaret, so many years before. Diana had to go. ’The hunter became the hunted’, as her brother, Charles Spencer explained.
At the same time, the Dark Queen realized this storehouse of energy, which had somehow managed to elude much of the inbred corruption in Illuminati bloodlines was far too valuable to scuttle into the ever after. Rapidly approaching her victim’s used-by-date, the entity that had crawled into the young and beautiful Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon now feared for its own future. Fast approaching her host’s 100th birthday, she plotted to gather this vigour for herself. Throughout her life she had flourished by usurping the energies of many victims. Children were a special favourite. No one suspected the beautiful young courtier who had grown into the smiling old woman was under the control of the Great Serpent Queen, El, who had existed since the beginning of time. No one guessed she was the cunning deceiver responsible for so many murdered and missing.
Chief of the Goths, Adam-Thor as Andara (St Andrew), Bur, Geir, Goerdi or George, slaying the Dragon (El).
From a Hittite seal of about 2500B.C. The British Edda.p191
(notice Adam-Thor (Arthur) wears the Saltire cross.
Behind El is the sun cross now seen on the Union flag.)MORE VICTIMS
The Great Serpent Queen, El, mother of Baldr, Loki or Satan set up homes at Buckingham Palace (Buck the Unicorn, deer or goat totem of the Goths – sworn enemies of the El-ites 2 ), Clarence House, Windsor Castle, The Castle of Mey and Walmer Castle, Kent. Carefully she assured her homes would lie on significant energy veins, ley lines, in order that she could manipulate and harvest them. Windsor and Mey lay on a significant ley involved in the murder of Sarah Payne. Walmer Castle lies on the same latitude (51 degrees north 10 west) as Stonehenge, which is implicated in the same murder.
Sarah Payne was abducted from Kingston Gorse (50n 48 0w29). Sarah’s body was discovered at a place called ’The Bury’, near Pulborough (50n 58 0w.29), which is almost directly south from where Amanda Dowler was spotted last, near Walton-on-Thames (51.24n 0w25) railway station. (A railway line is symbolic of energy lines Virgin trains travel on it) Sarah Payne lived in Hersham (51n22, 0w23). According to her father, Lord Glamis, The Queen Mother was born at a place called ’The Bury’ in St Paul’s Walden, Hertfordshire.
A Payne connection also exists at this ’The Bury’. One James Paine, a prominent architect of his day worked on The Bury, St Paul’s Walden. He also worked extensively at Chatsworth for the Cavendish’s, relations of the Queen Mother’s.
Buckingham Palace, The Bury at St Paul’s Walden, Glamis and Balmorral form a straight line at 33 degrees to the horizontal. The line crosses the Scottish coast (near Bettyhill, would you believe?) at the decommissioned St Columba (him again) kirk, where an unusual carved stone, brimming with sun symbols, is located. Farr Stone (image left). This suggests that the site is an ancient sacred site. The kirk is now a museum. Try it yourself with a protractor and ruler on a map of Britain. You’ll find the line passes through numerous other significant sites as well, including the oldest university in Scotland, eclesiastical centre and golfing mecca, St Andrews. This line meets the afore-mentioned line from Stonehenge near Pevensey Castle, near the south coast of England, where William the Conqueor landed in 1066. And surprise, surprise, who do you think are the Lords of the Manor there? Go on, guess… the Cavendish’s, Dukes of Devonshire, the QM’s maternal family. Oh, and the angle of the arc between this line and a line drawn to her other nearby residence Walmer is 130 degrees (13 and 4 again – 1+3). All a coincidence, of course, and another – The Sarah Payne – Diana Line
Sarah was a 4 and although I don’t know, I will guarantee that Amanda is as well. Just like the QM and Diana. Oh, and the little child found in the river near the Tower of London, he will be a 4 and a 7. I will guarantee that as well. she was
Can you see the energetic correspondences? One Moon Princess is born at The Bury and another dies at The Bury. And everything else corresponds with Moons and magic as well.
Danielle van Dam is another suspicious abduction and murder having a possible Queen Mother connection. Police claim her abductor took her into the desert, to a place called Glamis (33n0 115w04) in California. Note this town is smack on the 33rd degree. Both QM’s father and husband were freemasons. 33 is a number associated with energy transference and separations of children. Danielle’s mutilated body was discovered in a place called De Hesa Road, El Cajon. Everything about her disappearance and discovery can be interpreted as occult. Like the Queen Mother, Danielle’s name totals 22 or 4. See Danielle van Dam.