I have noticed this development lately, that robots are taking people’s jobs. It’s very disturbing that AI is trying to convince you, that it’s a real person:

This is how it starts, people. First we get our chatbots to sound and act realistic — and then we get them to convince everyone they’re actually human. Listen to this crazy conversation between Time‘s Michael Scherer and a telemarketing robot who refuses to admit her true artificial nature.

**An update to this story can be found **

Recently, Time Washington Bureau Chief Michael Scherer received a phone call from an apparently bright and engaging woman asking him if he wanted a deal on his health insurance. But he soon got the feeling something wasn’t quite right.

After asking the telemarketer point blank if she was a real person or a computer-operated robot, she chuckled charmingly and insisted she was real. Looking to press the issue, Scherer asked her a series of questions, which she promptly failed. Such as, “What vegetable is found in tomato soup?” To which she responded by saying she didn’t understand the question. When asked what day of the week it was yesterday, she complained of a bad connection (ah, the oldest trick in the book).

Here, listen for yourself:

Several Time reporters called her back.

Her name, she said, was “Samantha West.” More from Time:

If you want, you can call her too. Her number is (484) 589-5611. This number, if you Google it, is the subject of much discussion online as other recipients of Samantha West calls complain on chat boards about the mysteriously persistent lady who keeps calling them. “A friendly sounded woman on the other end claimed I requested health insurance information,” writes one mark. “She doggedly refused to deviate from her script.”

After answering her questions, one Time reporter was transferred to an actual human who did not promptly end the call, as others had when asked about Samantha. Asked for the company’s website, the real human on the other end of the line said it was, the website of a Ft. Lauderdale company. “We’re here to help. . . because we care,” is the company motto on its homepage. A Time reporter called the company directly, identified himself and said Time was doing a story about the robot who calls people on the company’s behalf. “We don’t use robot calls, sir,” said the person who answered the phone, before promptly hanging up the phone.

Disturbing, no? This is a problem that’s only set to get worse. And just wait until these things are smart enough to start scamming unsuspecting victims.


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Sometimes I stumble with this nanobot/transhumanism issue and always the guy behind it is Ray Kurzweil. He just want to destroy the mankind and I have a problem with it. Here’s an article about how nanobot connect us to computers:


The Human Body Version 2.0 project features none other than arch-Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil as its main proponent. The goals have been openly stated for some time:

In the coming decades, a radical upgrading of our body’s physical and mental systems, already underway, will use nanobots to augment and ultimately replace our organs. We already know how to prevent most degenerative disease through nutrition and supplementation; this will be a bridge to the emerging biotechnology revolution, which in turn will be a bridge to the nanotechnology revolution. By 2030, reverse-engineering of the human brain will have been completed and nonbiological intelligence will merge with our biological brains.

Working toward the first Posthuman: courtesy of Ray Kurzweil and the Lifeboat Foundation

In fact, the reverse engineering of the human brain has already been announced to be well under way via new microchips and accompanying software. And, while full nanobot rewiring of the brain is not expected before 2020, has reported that our DNA has been successfully targeted by nanobots “for drug therapy or destruction.”

Taking this even one step further, Ray Kurzweil said in a new interview with The Wall Street Journal (see below) that our extension into non-biological realms will include nanobot computers that will enter our brain and connect us to Cloud computing.

From science fiction horror, directly to the human body, the nanobots are no longer speculation. Also unlike science fiction, they won’t arrive via immediate worldwide takeover — they are already here, and will be introduced incrementally, as Kurzweil has previously stated:

It will be an incremental process, one already well under way. Although version 2.0 is a grand project, ultimately resulting in the radical upgrading of all our physical and mental systems, we will implement it one benign step at a time. Based on our current knowledge, we can already touch and feel the means for accomplishing each aspect of this vision. (emphasis added)

Researchers from Columbia University have developed a fleet of Molecular  nanorobots that can deliver drugs to specific cells and also identify certain genetic markers by using fluorescent labeling. After such identification, a chain reaction can be initiated:

On cells where all three components are attached, a robot is functional and a fourth component (labeled 0 below) initiates a chain reaction among the DNA strands. Each component swaps a strand of DNA with another, until the end of the swap, when the last antibody obtains a strand of DNA that is fluorescently labeled. 

At the end of the chain reaction—which takes less than 15 minutes in a sample of human blood—only cells with the three surface proteins are labeled with the fluorescent marker.

Naturally, this type of targeted therapeutic approach could prove beneficial, as the researchers highlight — especially for cancer treatment which sweeps up healthy cells along with malignant ones, very often doing more harm than good (if one were to choose the establishment medical route).

This is always how new technologies are sold to the public, however, and it would be naive not to consider the darker applications as well.

Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.” Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule. Worse, these mini droids can autonomously self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever be put back in the bottle once unleashed.

Here is one scenario offered by Kurzweil for how these nanobots could enter our bodies:

A significant benefit of nanobot technology is that unlike mere drugs and nutritional supplements, nanobots have a measure of intelligence. They can keep track of their own inventories, and intelligently slip in and out of our bodies in clever ways. One scenario is that we would wear a special “nutrient garment” such as a belt or undershirt. This garment would be loaded with nutrient bearing nanobots, which would make their way in and out of our bodies through the skin or other body cavities. (emphasis added)

That might seem to offer a level of participatory choice — to wear or not to wear the garment — but Kurzweil reveals that the nanobots will eventually be everywhere:

Ultimately we won’t need to bother with special garments or explicit nutritional resources. Just as computation will eventually be ubiquitous and available everywhere, so too will basic metabolic nanobot resources be embedded everywhere in our environment.

In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Kurzweil highlights why Google has taken an interest in nanotechnology and the possibilities he sees for humans as they increasingly become non-biological and form direct connections with computers, augmenting and/or supplanting our natural processes as we head into the era of cyborgs and beyond:

And of course once our neocortex is uploaded to the Cloud, it positions Google perfectly for searching our every thought and pre-thought. While this might sound like an impossible amount of information to upload, let alone interconnect and search, it is being announced that researchers have designed the first nanocomputer that can push beyond the concept of Moore’s Law, which imposes a theoretical limitation on the expansion of computer processing power.

The team designed and assembled, from the bottom up, a functioning, ultra-tiny control computer that is the densest nanoelectronic system ever built. 

A technical paper has been published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the research. 

The ultra-small, ultra-low-power control processor—termed a nanoelectronic finite-state machine or “nanoFSM”—is smaller than a human nerve cell.


In their recent collaboration they combined several tiles on a single chip to produce a first-of-its-kind complex, programmable nanocomputer. (Source)

It shouldn’t be seen as coincidence that these developments are happening simultaneously. What appears on the surface to be discoveries in entirely different fields are coalescing rapidly as we approach the theoretical date of The Singularity – the full merger of human and machine – estimated to occur between 2029-2045.

Despite the benign language of futurists, we know that a concerted effort is already underway to manage and predict human behavior for a whole range of potentially anti-human applications. As our free will is also targeted like the cells of our body — for drug therapy or elimination — ethical concerns must be voiced loud and clear. Scientists seem content with opening Pandora’s Box, then worrying about negative consequences later … and that is only if we assume that their intentions are benign from the beginning. One should take time to examine the history of military experimentation on human populations to see all of this through a very different lens.

At the very least, instead of the fully realized vision of Human Body 2.0, this might be Big Pharma 2.0 — a new phase where conventional drugs are incrementally replaced by nanodrugs and nano-fleet delivery systems. Coupled with applications that directly enter our brain to connect us to the computer matrix, we are rapidly entering an entirely new human paradigm.

The funding is already there, and a massive amount of money is waiting to be made by companies like Google. Here again, for those who might only see the bright side to this technology, we ought to question who is really in control of it.



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Astral Dreamscape Manipulation, Part II

Astral Dreamscape Manipulation, Part II continues…

Part 2

Violence Promoted Within the Dreamscape

Violent and sociopathic behaviors can also be promoted through astral dreamscape manipulation. Children, teenagers and adults can be shown images of blood and gore in the astral dreamscape and can even be compelled to participate in violent scenarios in which the abductee is made to either watch or take part in horrific acts of violence.

The reptilians can use the image of a child’s parents whilst they perpetrate acts of physical and sexual abuse upon the child. (In case the reader is wondering, the descriptions of psychosexual abuse given by the children has been obtained by parents with a heightened sense of awareness about the abduction syndrome. The reptilians typically mete out their reprisals upon the children of abductees who are actively resisting them.) Later I will discuss in more detail how sexuality can be manipulated to the extent of altering the sexual orientation of certain humans.

Regarding violence as a conditioned response, I know personally an adult male who was made to kill his wife and children again and again in the astral dreamscape. The killings would always be done in a gory vicious fashion. His waking hours were no relief either as “voices in his head” urged him to act on the “fantasies” he’d been having and murder his entire family. He told me that he could understand how someone could be made to kill after they had been subjected to this type of treatment for awhile.

Violent tendencies within males can be fostered by this type of manipulation. It is especially useful if the male is the partner of a female abductee that the reptilians want to keep in a state of physical and sexual degradation. The reptilians will use Tarzan as their proxy handler. Often times, if Tarzan is hosted himself or if he is being plied with deviant erotic mental imagery, he will begin to manifest deviant sexual desires including acting out fantasies of bondage and discipline upon his hapless girlfriend or wife. Vulgarity, sexual perversion and the need to control others are hallmarks of the reptilian influence upon human beings.

Violent tendencies can also be promoted within male abductees undergoing the “Alien Love Bite.” Barbara Bartholic and Eve Lorgen have made in depth studies of this form of alien manipulation.

During the latter stages of the Love Bite manipulation, a male abductee can become enraged at the female he has become obsessed with. The aliens will send images into the mind of the male abductee of his targeted love bite partner having sexual intercourse with another man. It is as if a videotape is playing in the mind of the male abductee which is designed to drive him crazy with rage.

Abductees can be made to eat what appears to be raw meat, bloody “pancakes” or even human body parts such as hands in the astral dreamscape. Abductees have been known to suffer extreme nausea lasting for weeks or months after being subjected to this kind of manipulation. I cannot stress enough the importance of never eating or drinking anything in the astral dreamscape.

Sexual Conditioning of Abductees

The final part of this treatise deals with the most controversial aspect of the reptilian astral dreamscape manipulation of humans. This is the conditioning of a certain percentage of humans towards adopting homosexuality as well as Sadomasochism and its related behaviors as an alternative lifestyle. Pedophilism can even be programmed into the abductee via this dreamscape manipulation.

Here comes the disclaimer and I’d like the reader to read this part twice so there is no misunderstanding.


I will now describe how this is done. I mentioned earlier how the reptilians are able to “turn up” the sexual arousal mechanism in humans. This is an absolutely critical point to understand. Another is the fact that the reptilians and their alien vassals can ensure that an abductee remain single and celibate for extended periods of time. The reptilians have been known to alter the olfactory senses of female abductees to such an extent that they will react negatively and be immediately repulsed by the scent of human male pheromones.

By the same token a male abductee that has had his endocrine system altered can emit pheromones that will literally repel women. This is not conjecture or speculation. Thus we have male abductees who can have their libido manipulated at will by the reptilians and yet be unwittingly forced into extended periods of celibacy. This sets the stage for the astral dreamscape manipulations which may lead to this person’s conscious or unconscious adoption of AN alternative lifestyle.

A male abductee will find himself in an astral dreamscape environment that is highly charged with sexual energy. He himself becomes aroused as the reptilians manipulate his libido. The male abductee will find himself in a bedroom setting. Oftentimes the bed will be large and circular. There may be one or two beautiful women lying on the end.

As he approaches the women, they begin to assume very seductive postures and positions on the bed. The male will find himself extremely aroused. He may begin to hear telepathic suggestions encouraging him to engage in intercourse with one of the women.

He will position himself so as to penetrate the woman. AT EXACTLY THE SAME INSTANT HE PENETRATES THE WOMAN, HE FEELS AN INTENSE PAIN IN HIS ANUS AS A REPTILIAN BEING SODOMIZES HIM. At this point the male abductee often times wakes up from the pain he feels. He feels an icky tingling energy in the bedroom and feels this energy throughout his whole body as if it had tried to penetrate his very being, but is now exiting his body. The icky tingly energy seems to hover directly over him but gradually begins to dissipate and finally goes away.

He may ponder and reflect on what just occurred. His pain and discomfort is real enough but he may not be able to relate his discomfort to the unusual erotic “dream” he just had. Soon after, the male abductee has another dream. This time he may be walking around in a large sparsely furnished house with a number of rooms. He may wander into a living room area and see a very attractive woman wearing lingerie sitting on a lazy boy lounge chair. There may be other people wandering around the house too. The male begins to feel aroused and the scantily clad woman beckons him to engage in sexual intercourse but since there are others walking around the house, the male is reluctant to engage in intercourse.

Finally he submits to the entreaties of the sexy woman and begins to kiss and caress her. She adopts a sexually provocative pose on the floor or on the lazy boy. He positions himself to have sex with the “woman” (as we shall see later, often times these women are not really women at all) and once again, the moment he penetrates her vagina, he feels intense pain in his anus as he himself is penetrated by a reptilian. The sodomizing reptilian is often times invisible during these activities.

Once again the male abductee immediately wakes up. Again, the room and his body are saturated with this icky tingly energy which seems to ooze out of his own pores. This time he is concerned because this is the second time this has happened to him. He knows that something is going on but can’t figure out exactly what it is. He is concerned but he also begins to experience certain feelings and emotions during his waking hours.

He may begin to wonder what it feels like to engage in homosexual activity but quickly dismisses the thought from his mind. He may have “random” thoughts enter into his mind about the nature of pain and how it might be transformed into pleasure if a method is developed or introduced that will bridge the gap between the two. Of course, these are not HIS ideas. His reptilian “Familiars” are telepathically suggesting this to him. In a synchronistic fashion he may be exposed to certain types of literature or film which endorses or seemingly legitimizes in his mind this kind of lifestyle.

Soon the male abductee finds himself in another “dream.” He once again finds himself in an erotic dreamscape with one or more willing partners.The women once again adopt certain positions to facilitate sexual intercourse.By now, the abductee, because of his previous experiences in the astral dreamscape which he can now remember, has consciously or unconsciously associated Heterosexual Intercourse WITH PAIN because of what the reptilians have done to him in the past each time he attempted heterosexual intercourse. He may be reluctant to engage in sexual intercourse for fear of the possible consequences and resultant pain that heterosexual intercourse engenders. This is an absolutely essential point to understand about all this: The concept of Heterosexual Intercourse has become associated with PAIN in the mind of the male abductee being thus manipulated.

Now the male abductee is reluctant to engage in heterosexual intercourse. However he is still in a very aroused state of being. The women are there and he is being telepathically encouraged to engage in sexual activity with them. So the male abductee arrives at a compromise. Instead of engaging in coitus with the women he decides to penetrate their orifices with his fingers.

So he penetrates the vagina of one of the women with his fingers and again, he feels simultaneous pain in his anus! He quickly withdraws his fingers and realizes that the entity probing him from behind has simultaneously withdrawn its member from his anus. He soon realizes that he can regulate the rate of penetration and the depth of penetration into his own anus merely by inserting his fingers in the vagina of the woman. His actions with the woman seem to synchronize with the anal probing that he is experiencing. Meanwhile he is receiving telepathic suggestions encouraging him to go along with it. “Go ahead, you know you really want to do it” or “its just a dream, go ahead, nothing will happen to you,” or “it doesn’t hurt that bad, keep doing it, it gets better.”

He may continue in this fashion for a short while but then he stops, either out of revulsion or because he has reached a certain pain threshold.

The next time he finds himself in the dreamscape, he may find himself with women again but during the activity, one or all of the women “shapeshift” into a hermaphrodite type being i.e. one with both male and female sexual organs.

This “shapeshift” occurs whilst he is in a highly aroused state of being. This metamorphosis may occur as he is inserting his fingers into the vagina or anus of the “woman.” Sometimes the male abductee may be momentarily taken aback by this sudden transformation but due to the conditioning both in the dreamscape and the telepathic suggestions and erotic homosexual imagery in his mind’s eye during normal waking consciousness, he may decide to continue engaging in sexual activity. His reptilian familiars will still be encouraging him to continue this activity and will even encourage him to try this, that or the other sexual activity with the hermaphrodite.

Soon, whether it’s this dreamscape experience or the next, the hermaphrodites may completely shapeshift into males. The reptilian sodomizing the male abductee may also materialize in the visual spectrum but as a man instead of a reptilian. That will come later if they so choose.

All of this has taken place over a period of weeks, months and years. By now the male has lost any interest in heterosexual intercourse. If the reptilians intend to turn this individual into a practicing sado-masochist/bondage and discipline practitioner they will begin to emphasize these kinds of activities within the astral dreamscape and in the mental imagery he receives during his conscious waking hours. The male abductee may be sodomized quite violently or he may witness other male abductees violently sodomized. Reptilians have literally been described wearing studded leather jackets in some of these dreamscape scenarios.

It must be understood by the reader that reptilians, despite all the propaganda espoused by their hive consciousness muppets, are very much mired in the lower chakras of existence. These are beings that are absolutely driven to sexually control humans and manipulate every aspect of their existence if they have the opportunity. The astral dreamscape manipulation of human beings is just one aspect of their methodology.

We haven’t even discussed the relationship that crystal methedrine and “crank” have with the reptilians. Crystal methedrine and crank have a “Sympathetic Resonance” with the reptilians. Have you ever wondered why many cranksters and speed freaks become involved in acts of mayhem and sexual violence? It is because prolonged use of these kinds of amphetamines leads to the user becoming a “Host” for a reptilian entity.

The entity utilizes the host as a vehicle to wreak all kinds of mayhem and sexual violence and deviance upon society. Indeed crystal meth and crank use is the FAST TRACK TO BECOMING HOSTED BY A REPTILIAN ENTITY. Forget about occultic rituals and group meditations at vortex areas. This is the best (or worst) way to become a full on reptilian host. I have spoken to a mental health professional who told me that many people in the state hospital where this person worked were speed freaks who confidentially spoke of “the spirits” that told them to commit their crimes. Many people who use crank have confessed that their sexual desires became more and more deviant as time went on. They began to visit the child pornography sites on the internet or began to mentally sexualize women in a sadomasochistic and bondage and discipline fashion. I will discuss in more detail below how some abductees can be turned into pedophiles by the reptilians but this is a good opportunity to discuss how the reptilians and their alien vassals keep people addicted to certain forms of substance abuse.

Drugs in the Dreamscape

In my previous writings I alluded to the promotion of substance abuse amongst abductees by the reptilians. Sorcery by any other name is still sorcery. In the strictest sense, Sorcery refers to the use of natural or artificial substances by humans in order to attain a certain level of consciousness as a means of establishing and maintaining contact with non-human intelligences. I will now point out how astral dreamscape manipulation can and will be used to keep abductees of both sexes hooked on various drugs including but not limited to alcohol, crystal methedrine, crank, cocaine and marijuana.

If an abductee has given up alcohol for awhile, he may have dreams where he is drinking booze. Not just drinking beers but guzzling whiskey out of a bottle. The dreamscape environment might be simulated to look like a favorite pub or hangout. During this dreamscape experience, the abductee may be drinking with what appear to be old drinking buddies he hasn’t seen in years. He may wake up in the morning with a hangover or a tremendous headache.

The ritualistic aspect of marijuana usage is exploited big time by the reptilians in the astral dreamscape. An abductee will find himself in a dream where he is back in a “party house” he used to hang out at as a teenager for example. Again, the reptilians have scanned his memories and know exactly how to create a reasonable facsimile of this party house. Everything including the Led Zeppelin posters on the wall will be simulated.

The abductee’s party buddies as they appeared years ago will be present. Here is where the ritualistic aspect of pot use comes into play. The abductee will find a bag of pot in his pocket. He will pull it out and begin the ritual of removing the seeds and the stems or depending on the quality of the dreamscape pot, pull out little scissors and begin cutting up the buds. Every nuance of the joint rolling or pipe stuffing ritual is re-enacted in minute detail. Finally, the group gathers around in a circle and begins the ritual of smoking the pot and passing it around. The duration of these experiences are the same as if it were being done in real life with each smoker expectantly waiting for their next hit of pot.

When the abductee wakes up shortly thereafter (this is usually done in the late morning so the memory is still fresh) he may actually feel as if he’s high on pot for few minutes. The reason he may feel high albeit momentarily is because the reptilians can manipulate brain chemistry in order to simulate the feeling of being under the influence of any drug they choose. They will even inject or otherwise introduce the drug into the sleeping abductee.

Barbara Bartholic actually has cases where the abductee woke up with powder under their noses or remembered seeing grays injecting them and telling them they were being injected with Crank!

For this and many other reasons, crystal methedrine and crank are some of the most difficult drugs to quit. When an individual is on speed they resonate at a different frequency than they ordinarily would. Excess nervous frenetic energy oozes out of the crank user which is assimilated greedily by any and all reptilians that are present in or out of the visible spectrum. Speed makes people paranoid and easier to manipulate. Some crank users begin to develop deviant sexual thoughts and desires and may begin acting on them. In some cases, crank users have found it well nigh impossible to stay off of the child porno sites on the internet.

Crank users are manipulated into becoming violent and unpredictable thus creating an environment of high drama and tension for the other family members in the household. The wives or girlfriends of crank users who have become hosted have described how they suddenly realized that the individual they were living with “was not the same man I married.” This comes up so often that it cannot be ascribed merely to some kind of hundredth monkey effect. More like a hundredth reptilian host effect. The woman will notice that her crankster boyfriend or husband has developed extremely deviant sexual desires which he wants to try on “his” mate. “He’s not the same man I married.” No doubt.

When the speed user decides to quit using the drug, that’s when the astral dreamscape manipulation kicks in that is tailor made to keep him on crank or crystal meth. There really is no need to elaborate on it suffice to say that they ensure that the user in the dreamscape is always in a situation where the drug is being used by himself and others or he is always in possession of the drug. Whether he’s sitting in a dreamscape parking lot, theater, park or classroom, the former user will always find that he has his drug of choice in his possession. Pretty soon the crank user begins using again in “the real world” and the whole miserable cycle begins anew.

Pedophilism in the Astral Dreamscape

Pedophilism is promoted much the same way as mentioned above. A man may find himself in an erotic dreamscape scenario with a woman. He begins to caress and fondle the woman. He is in a highly aroused state of being. The woman he is with contrives to make the man lie on his back and she mounts him while he is in a fully aroused state. However, the moment the woman mounts him and he penetrates her vagina, the woman shapeshift into a young child. Sometimes the woman will shapeshift into the man’s own daughter.

Other times the man may be kissing and caressing a woman and then the woman will shapeshift into a young teenage boy. The man will be taken aback by this sudden change of events and pull back. Meanwhile a voice in his mind will be encouraging him to continue caressing this young boy. The voice will tell him things like “Go ahead. Its just a dream. Go ahead, no one will know.” The male’s erogenous zone is being manipulated by the reptilians all the while in order to keep him in this highly aroused state.

In the case of a female abductee, she may be having an erotic dream with her “ideal man” or someone she has a crush on in real life. One thing leads to another and right before she begins performing fellatio on the dream guy, he shapeshift into a young boy or in some cases, into her own son.

There are numerous variations of this form of astral dreamscape manipulation. Suffice it to say that it is all meant to encourage that individual to begin indulging himself or herself in pedophilism.

Heightened Awareness Prevents it from Working

I found this fascinating insight in the classic book “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu which was interpreted and translated by General Samuel B. Griffith USMC Retired.

“All warfare is based on deception. A skilled general must be master of the complimentary arts of simulation and dissimulation; while creating shapes to confuse and delude the enemy, he conceals his true dispositions and ultimate intent. When capable he feigns incapacity; when near he makes it appear that he is far away; when far away, that he is near. Moving as intangibly as a ghost in the starlight, he is obscure, inaudible. His primary target is the mind of the opposing commander; the victorious situation, a product of his creative imagination. Sun Tzu realized that an indispensable preliminary to battle was to attack the mind of the enemy.”

General Griffith might as well have been writing about Astral Dreamscape Manipulation by the Reptilians. All of the methods I’ve mentioned above have been used again and again by the reptilians and their alien vassals. Those abductees who haven’t developed nausea or suffered a migraine and have actually finished this treatise now have the information they need to protect themselves from this form of manipulation and behavior conditioning.

Intelligence, especially operational intelligence, is worthless if it doesn’t get to the people who have the most need for it. History has proven this time and again. The reptilians come out at night to assault us and manipulate us in the astral dreamscape. To paraphrase Mao:

“When humans sleep, the reptilians attack. When we are awake, the reptilians retreat”

The tide has turned. More and more spiritual warriors are awakening to the reality of the reptilian overlordship. Our ability to fight the reptilians on something approaching equal terms in the astral dreamscape is becoming more evident every night. Myself and the team I am a part of will continue to provide operational intelligence to the abductees with a heightened sense of awareness. I can assure the reader that they will not find this kind of information at a UFO conference unless my colleagues or myself is present. The UFO Research Community is a reptilian stronghold polluted with hive consciousness muppets spewing out hive cliches with boring regularity.

Our team has decided to bypass the mainstream UFO community and take this information straight to the people. So beware all of you Serial Rapetoids in the UFO research community and in the astral dreamscape. We are going to expose you for what you are. The TRUTH to a reptilian hybrid-reptilian hive consciousness muppet is like sunlight to a vampire or kryptonite to Superman. The Truth is anathema to the reptilians. Notice how the Hive Consciousness took over David Icke’s bulletin board until it became a propaganda organ for the reptilian-reptilian hive consciousness. It got so bad that Icke had to write a plaintive letter pointing out that he was only exposing the agenda of “the bad reptilians.”

I am not constrained by the need to be politically correct.

James Bartley

© 2000 All Rights Reserved


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Astral Dreamscape Manipulation, Part I

Now some technology how aliens are manipulating our behaviours etc. in our dreams.

By James Bartley, ©2000 All Rights Reserved

This treatise concerns the reptilian’s manipulation of the Human Astral Dreamscape for the express purpose of promoting particular behaviors within the abductee. This subject deals with issues regarding sexuality, aggression, physical, emotional and psychological stress. This treatise will provide the most accurate information regarding reptilian operational methods that has ever been presented in history.

Astral Dreamscape Manipulation is a very pervasive form of behavior modification that most abductees experience at one time or another. Sadly, most abductees are oblivious to the fact that this is an aspect of behavior modification that is routinely practiced by the reptilians upon certain categories of abductees. Most disturbing, this type of manipulation is being perpetrated upon children. Doubtless the information contained in this treatise will generate a firestorm of controversy. I could care less.

Again, my writings are meant to be read by abductees with a Heightened Sense of Awareness. The manipulated muppets can go off and oscillate at a higher frequency for all I care. This treatise isn’t meant for them. Their reptilian “familiars” would never let them read this and even if their familiars let them read it, the internet group list moderators and hosted abductee support group facilitators would not let them read it. So much for free will and choice. Just some more hive consciousness clich�s.

The Drac-reptilian hive consciousness will simply not allow the abductees under their control to read this caliber of information. This is unfortunate since many with reptilian DNA are going through changes at this time. Their reptilian familiars are always on hand to ensure that the reptilian hybrids develop along the lines the reptilians want them too. Even if a reptilian hybrid baby was adopted and raised by warm loving human parents, his or her reptilian familiars will sooner or later make their presence felt and will try to turn that child into an obnoxious obscene “human being.”

One of the principal methods of conditioning and behavior modification is through astral dreamscape manipulation. The Drac-reptilian hive consciousness will strive at all hazards to keep “their” hybrids under their control.

“A system that does not allow dissent also ignores dissenting information.”
A quote by General Markus Wolf, the former director for East German Foreign Intelligence.

He might as well be describing the Drac-reptilian control over humans in general and reptilian hybrids in particular. The ironic thing is many of these hybrid “starseeds” always brag about how special and spiritually evolved they are never realizing that they never had a choice in the matter. Their overwhelming contempt and arrogance reveals them for what they are not to mention some of the perverted practices in their private lives.

Some have slipped through the cracks however. Some of my closest colleagues are reptilian hybrids that didn’t allow themselves to be corrupted from within. It just shows that it is the quality of the SOUL that counts. Not the genetics.

I will describe how reptilians and reptilian host can invade the dreamscape and sexually assault humans.

The Reptilians Hold the Tactical High Ground

The reptilians hold the tactical “High Ground” in the astral dreamscape by dint of the fact that most humans are not lucid dreamers and the reptilians are “at home” in the astral dreamscape. Besides being paraphysical entities and mesmerizers par excellence, reptilians can shape and influence a dreamscape experience to suit their devious and sordid ends. Moreover the reptilians can further diminish what little lucidity and awareness humans may have in the dreamscape. The reptilians are intimately familiar with the way the Human Mind works and in particular how to create certain imagery or set the mood of a “dream.”

With their psychic third eye vision they quickly do an “experience scan” in your memory banks prior to the abduction or dreamscape manipulation. Acting upon this pre-abduction intelligence, the reptilian may appear to the abductee as someone he or she had a crush on back in high school. At the same time her libido is revved up artificially by the reptilians.

Not only are they able to manipulate a human’s erogenous zones but they are adept at manipulating the human endocrine system. Remember: Brain Wave function is regulated and controlled by certain hormones and alkaloids released into the brain and other parts of the body by certain glands.

Human Security Services are already using sonic waves to simulate particular brain wave patterns which trigger the release of hormones and alkaloids by particular glands nothing simpler. Humans can be made to have greater psi abilities merely by manipulating their brain waves and endocrine system. And all these New Age La Dee Dahs and Muppets think they have “developed” psychic abilities because of their contacts with their alien benefactors. As Barbara Bartholic points out, the reptilians know EVERYTHING about us.

They can manifest a credible simulation of a home from your childhood in order to set a certain tone, mood or feeling of familiarity. For example there can be two or more “human extras” standing around in your dreamscape childhood home. These “humans” are really reptilians assuming human disguises. (they wished they looked human) They will use familiar people in your dreamscape to lull you into a sense of security. Images of friends and relatives can be projected onto our dreamscape the same way electronic countermeasure pods on certain aircraft can project non-existent “bogies” onto the radar screens of the enemy in order to confuse or distract them from what is really going on. The are certain cues to watch for in the astral dreamscape.

Sometimes you can tell the “humans” are reptilians because there may be two that are about the same size and wearing the same or similar clothes as compared to a “leader” who may be slightly taller and always seems to be standing by your side or in front of you.

Often times they use the classic “interrogation” technique where they will sit directly across a table from the abductee and question them about their beliefs and propagandize them with the Reptilian Credo of Enlightenment through Physical and Spiritual Degradation. They can appear as humans, as military personnel, cloaked in robes or as full on reptilians. The lesser ranking reptilians usually stand behind the seated reptilian.

I along with a close friend who lives in the high desert was interrogated by three reptilians posing as high-ranking human military personnel. The “officers” were “seated” alongside each other in a high dais. They were flanked on one side by the federal flag with the yellow “admiralty maritime” braid and on the other side by some other flag. They kept “yelling” at us telepathically and directed most of their anger at me. I remember at one point turning to my friend and “thinking” to her: “Remember this. This is real, it’s not a dream.” Later we compared notes on the telephone. Based on similar accounts I have heard from other abductees and from what I remember from this particular experience, the entities were giving the impression of being “seated” behind a high dais as a means to conceal their tremendous height which is always a giveaway.

The leaders are usually conducting most of the psychic monologue to the abductee whereas the others just grunt or growl every now and then usually with a severe grimace or scowl on their faces. It’s so difficult for them to conceal their utter contempt for humans.

We must learn to recognize when a dream is our own and when it is a “Stage-managed dream.” The reptilians strive to immerse us in various dramas or scenarios which are meant to hold the attention of the percipient while at the same time weave in imagery and symbolism which is meant to promote certain behaviors and beliefs of which I will discuss in more detail later.

There is also a “filthiness factor” associated with the reptilians even though you may not see them in the dreamscape. The atmosphere seems to be saturated with their foul energy. What appears to be feces may be scattered on the floors. Bathroom or locker room scenes are typified by their filthiness. Large cockroaches and other bugs may be seen scurrying around in the astral dreamscape. Large Rats are often seen in a dreamscape polluted by the reptilians. These are just a few of the things that are described again and again in the astral dreamscape which create an atmosphere of foul malevolence whenever the reptilians are attempting to manipulate the human’s perceptions and emotions. It is altogether apt if you ask me. Vermin such as huge cockroaches and rodents are symbolic of the putrid essence of the reptilians, sewer scum that they are. Indeed they intentionally use these types of illusions precisely because of the natural revulsion and fear it engenders within decent human beings. Tip there.

Human Awareness in the dreamscape suffers from what military fighter pilots refer to as “Cognitive Saturation.” Cognitive Saturation occurs when a pilot of a high speed jet aircraft perceives too much visual stimuli at one time and in such a fashion as to not be able to properly control his speeding aircraft for a few critical seconds.

There may have been too many physical features that he perceived through his cockpit and Heads Up Display (HUD) at one time. Mountains, clouds, shimmering bodies of water, other aircraft, jet exhaust, flocks of birds, any or all of the above can contribute to momentarily flooding the visual senses of a human pilot. Add to this the stress of flying a high performance aircraft in realistic Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) training or in actual air to air combat and the margin for error is very slim indeed. Many pilots wind up dying in air crashes as a result of experiencing Cognitive Saturation for only a few seconds.

(The American public for various reasons is generally ignorant of the frequent air crashes suffered by the military. Some of the military’s aircraft should have been retired DECADES ago.)

The reader must remember the importance of retaining conscious awareness during our dream life. We spend fully 1/3rd of our life asleep.

No self disgusting reptilian or mind controller would allow such an opportunity to slip by without at least attempting to manipulate The Mind, Body and Soul of a sleeping human that the reptilians and mind controllers want to control. Each abductee has a certain degree of usefulness to the reptilians, some more than others.

As is the case with professional athletes in such high speed sporting competitions as Downhill Skiing or Race car driving WE MUST BE ABLE TO SLOW DOWN “TIME” WITH OUR EYES I.E. REGULATE THE INFLUX OF VISUAL STIMULI AND FOCUS OUR DEPTH PERCEPTION WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE ASTRAL DREAMSCAPE.

We’ve all heard accounts of great athletes describing the sensation of everything and everyone around them being in “slow motion” while they were performing some acrobatic feat in a football game or other athletic competition. They are accurately describing their ability to screen out extraneous or unnecessary visual stimuli and FOCUS THEIR WILL AND CONSCIOUS AWARENESS UPON THE IMMEDIATE TASK AT HAND.

Military Jet fighter planes have a very crowded “Heads Up Display” full of various computer graphics running simultaneously on their windshield. They can unconsciously block out all the unwanted data appearing on their screen and just focus their WILL and their Conscious Awareness on the data they want and the “bogey” they are after.

Keep all this in mind because the reptilians and their minions are masters of creating illusions, assuming disguises and dimming the awareness of human beings in or out of the astral dreamscape. In the dreamscape the reptilians can heighten the anxiety level of the abductee or promote mental sluggishness just as easily as if they were spinning the dial on an FM radio.

Reptilian Illusions in the Astral Dreamscape

The reptilians utilize illusion and disguises very frequently during physical abductions and in the astral dreamscape. Reptilians will often disguise themselves as old boyfriends, famous movie stars, musical artist etc. for the express purpose of raping human females. To provide an illustration of the ease in which the reptilians utilize illusions let us examine in close detail one of their favorite operational schemes.

Reptilians often bring human females to a place that has warm pools of water or what appear to be hot tubs or Jacuzzis. Human women are mass raped in these wading pool/hot tub environments. Artificial beach settings have been described by female abductees.

The critical reasoning faculty of the women has been switched off. It doesn’t occur to them to question the possibility or likelihood that they are having a sexual encounter with a famous singer or actor. It’s just an operational illusion that the reptilian is utilizing at the moment. Unless the woman wakes up with vaginal or anal soreness, involuntary discharges, bleeding, or a urinary tract infection, the woman may just brush off the memory as a strange erotic dream. Even then she may not associate the symptoms with the strange dream, if indeed she can even remember the dream!

Again we can borrow a term from military fighter pilots. In our example above, the abductee has lost “Situational Awareness” in the astral dreamscape because of the various and sundry methods of deception and manipulation and have become fair game for the reptilians.

It must be understood by the reader that there is PHYSICALITY in the astral dreamscape. Notice how a reptilian can seduce a woman or sodomize a man through layers of bed sheets, comforters and night clothes. They densify only those parts of their anatomy where and when they need to. They can be invisible in the visible spectrum and yet conduct forcible rape or sodomy that is a very real physical traumatic event to the human. The woman may see only an illusion of a famous entertainer or musical artist. There have been numerous cases of raping reptilians disguising themselves as Bruce Springsteen, Sting from the police, Tom Cruise and Tommy Lee Jones. Even Michael Jackson has been reported by credible female observers! On the other hand some woman may only see a close up of a hideous reptilian face and not be able to move or utter a sound.

And all this can go on with Tarzan lying sound asleep or otherwise immobilized and completely incapable of helping his significant other that is being sexually assaulted right next to him in the bed. If he’s been properly programmed he will be of no help or support to his Lady and indeed can be quite abusive if that is what the reptilians want. In short Tarzan is a complete NO LOAD. Emotionally unavailable and even irritable when the subject of these “nightmares” and “experiences” are brought up, Tarzan becomes part of the problem instead of being a part of the solution.

Various Purposes for Dreamscape Manipulation

Promoting fear is one of the most common and pervasive forms of reptilian dreamscape manipulation. This is ironic when you consider how often the Hive Consciousness tries to compel humans to “get over their fear.”

From the standpoint of what I call “Psychic Security” it is dangerous and reckless to send photographs by mail or internet to people who may be reptilian hosts. The reptilian host can detect the residual energy signature in the photograph and subsequently develop a psychic link with the person in the photo. In occultic circles, this is known as an “Object Link.”

If the abductee is in e-mail or telephonic communications with this host they are actually making it easier for the reptilian host to enter their dreamscape and perpetrate all manner of vile and perverted actions.

I once had the energy drained out of me after listening to a ten minute message on my phone machine left by an angry and frustrated female reptilian host that I had identified years ago. For some reason I make reptilian host very agitated. The telephone and the internet are merely electromagnetic conduits and the reptilians make full use of this when trying to manipulate and control humans. A common ploy is to have manipulated muppet abductees call up the hard core spiritual warrior abductees on the phone several times a day to waste their time and drain them of energy.

Astral Sex is physical sex. Although it may sound like a paradox, it isn’t if you understand how frequency and resonance works. Many women wake up in the morning after being raped by a reptilian feeling soreness in their vaginas and sometimes in their rectums as well. The entire sordid experience may seem to the female abductee as merely an unusually erotic “dream” despite the physical discomfort. If that isn’t mind control I don’t know what is.

I call a drac or reptilian human-hybrid that frequently indulges in astral rape a “Serial Rapetoid.” There are a number of serial rapetoids active in the ufo community.

These kinds of unwanted nocturnal rapes can create much fear and trepidation and be seriously disruptive of normal sleep patterns. Other women develop effective countermeasures and have even been known to exact some measure of revenge against these reptilian hosts.

Fear is also promoted through a seemingly endless stream of “mind games” perpetrated to confuse or intimidate the female abductee going through these astral rapes. The reptilian may create dreamscape scenarios where he lurks in the background and observes as the human goes through one manipulated drama after another. The reptilians like to stand off to the side and laugh amongst themselves at the psychodramas they are putting the abductee through. The reptilians literally feed off of our fear and anxiety which is reason enough for them to create these types of dreamscape scenarios.

Promiscuity is also programmed into abductees including pre-teens. The reptilians can turn up the sexual arousal mechanism in humans with little or no effort. The sexual arousal mechanism is activated within humans while at the same time, the human finds himself or herself in an “erotic” dream.

Through telepathic suggestion and perceptual manipulation the abductee is led into a scenario where they are encouraged whilst in this highly aroused state, to engage in sexual activity. The sexual activity the abductee is led into may involve reptilians, grays, alien-human hybrids and in some cases with other abductees. There are numerous variations of this type of scenario.

These erotic dreamscape manipulations can occur for several nights running. Or they can occur intermittently over a protracted period of time lasting weeks, months and years.

Not only will the abductee have these kinds of erotic dreams and act upon them in the dreamscape but also he or she will receive erotic mental imagery even during their waking hours. Telepathic suggestions will be utilized to encourage the abductee to engage in sexual intercourse. This particular form of conditioning is particularly effective on women.

A human female that has been conditioned in this fashion can become extremely promiscuous for an extended period of time. Needless to say, this creates a situation where the woman can be set up in a series of self-destructive negative relationships full of high drama and conflict. Not only will the reptilians feed off the anxiety and stress engendered within the woman but they will also feed off the sexual energy generated during the woman’s many sexual experiences with different partners.

I know of cases where young pre-adolescent girls have undergone this kind of astral dreamscape manipulation. Night after night they are having “dreams” involving sexual activity to the point where they become preoccupied with thoughts of sex at all times of the day. They may begin to masturbate to such an extent that their parents notice this change in their behavior. They may even ask their parents questions involving sexuality.

There have been instances when young girls undergoing this kind of manipulation have been known to hide beneath the bed of their parents hoping that the latter will engage in sexual intercourse. The young girl may become an exhibitionist, walking around the house nude in front of her siblings.

We are talking simple cause and effect here. Since the reptilians have the ability to stimulate the erogenous zones of even pre-adolescent girls and bombard the mind with erotic imagery, the young girl in our example is incapable of doing anything except act out all the feelings and implanted suggestions she is given by her reptilian handlers. In a situation such as I have just described, it is incumbent upon the mother to be a source of guidance and support to the child who is undergoing these evil manipulations by the reptilians.


Read more from Auricmedia:


Interview with a Male Abductee about Reptilians and Hybrids

I have posted before Donald Marshall info about Cloning centers and how military make abductions and use virtual reality and drugs to make people believe, that aliens have abducted them. Here’s another article, which backs up this information:

Interview with a Male Abductee about Reptilians and Hybrids

James Bartley
November 2, 2007

The following is an interview I had with an abductee who was referred to me by my mentor, Barbara Bartholic. This abductee, “P.R.” had sent Barbara an audiotape of electronic sounds allegedly made by the reptilians during one of his abduction experiences. P.R. called Barbara and they had a lengthy phone conversation during which Barbara independently confirmed many of the experiences reported by P.R.

Barbara tried to play the audiotape on three different tape recorders and each time the tape recorder in question malfunctioned and never worked properly again. After the third abortive attempt Barbara decided to call me into the case since P.R. had mentioned having read some of my writings and had himself undergone many of the experiences which I described in detail.

I subsequently had a lengthy phone conversation with P.R. and exchanged numerous e-mails with him. I was impressed with P.R.’s candor and the astute observations he made about his abductions. He described many things which I was already familiar with such as the astral dreamscape manipulation and the various and sundry ways the reptilians manipulate abductees.

Barbara Bartholic told me before my first conversation with P.R. that she was flabbergasted that P.R. knew so many intimate details about the reptilians and their modus operandi. Barbara has documented many of the details provided by P.R. from her work with several hundred abductees over a span of thirty plus years.

What I was particularly interested in was his close observations of the human appearing hybrids. These human hybrids have been described by other abductees but only a relative few (including a female abductee named “Karen” whom I also interviewed) have described their activities in any detail. Other facets of P.R.’s revelations which greatly interested me was the reptilian’s ability to siphon off human life force energy as well as their ability to transfer the consciousness from a reptilian into a human being or human appearing hybrid.

Due to the malign influence of the well known abduction researchers, many people within the UFO Community think that all alien abduction experiences are identical with absolutely no variation between them. The “high strangeness” aspects of the experiences are almost completely left out of the equation. We must never forget that phenomena which appears to most humans as “high strangeness” is nothing more than routine everyday events within the context of a civilization far older than ours and with technology and brain power far in excess of ours. The aliens and reptilians display a thorough understanding of human physiology and neurology.

Unfortunately the human race has been poorly served by the “Scientific Community.” This should come as no surprise considering the disproportionate amount of funding the Scientific Community receives from Tax-Exempt Foundations, Multinational Corporations, the Department of Energy and the Pentagon just to name a few. To provide such funding and then encourage real scientific study of UFOs would defeat the purpose of the longstanding well documented debunking and disinformation campaign against UFO reality. Since scientists are conditioned and trained to discount the reality of UFOs, it is relatively easy to convince some of them to be UFO debunkers, especially if they will be paid for their debunking efforts. Scientists cannot be expected to think or behave any differently. They have been indoctrinated and are in need of funding.

I have to laugh when skeptics and debunkers demand scientific proof for UFO sightings and alien abductions. How can “science,” as controlled as it is today, possibly explain the types of phenomena described by UFO witnesses and alien abductees? Witnesses have described seeing a beam of light descend in a telescoping fashion from a UFO down to the ground. UFOs have been seen to divide into numerous parts and fly off in different directions. Conversely two or more UFOs have been seen to fly towards one another and merge into one object. UFOs have been seen to change shape in mid-flight.

Abductees and military and scientific “insiders” have described a paradox wherein the interior of a craft appears to be far larger than the exterior of a craft. UFOs have been known to be visible in the visual spectrum but invisible to radar and vice versa.

Alien abductees and workers within underground facilities describe self navigating, luminous orbs of light which despite their brilliance, do not cast reflective light off of nearby surfaces. Once I was abducted after midnight and was returned at approximately 10:15PM. In other words I was returned to a point in time before I was abducted in the first place. “Modern Science” does not have an explanation for any of these events. Countless scientists have proven themselves to be nothing more than opportunists who bow and scrape before Corporations, Foundations and the Federal Government in order to obtain funding for research projects that are trivial in comparison to the study of UFOs and alien abductions. Debunking scientists have played a key role in holding back the technical and indeed the spiritual development of the Human Race. As far as I’m concerned, these debunkers are “War Criminals” no different from the establishment shills in the corporate media and academic community who promote perpetual war abroad and crass stupidity and a police state at home.

The same goes for the bought and paid for “psychologists” and “psychiatrists” who work as debunkers against alien abductees. When you consider how many “mental health professionals” have actively participated in government mind control programs like the late and unlamented Dr. Louis Jolyn West, and Dr. Ewen Cameron just to name two, psychologists and psychiatrists are literally the last people you want to consult regarding traumatic experiences such as alien abductions and reptilian rapes.

So keep all this in mind when you read P.R.’s account of his experiences with the reptilians and the sadistic hybrids. During the interview portion of this paper, I am “J.B.” and the eyewitness is “P.R.”

The stage is set for the mass deployment of these human appearing hybrids.

J.B. – From your perspective, what are these reptilians doing here and what are
they trying to accomplish?

P.R. – The Reptilians view humans as a resource, food, slaves, breeding stock, and their property. They are here to eventually take complete control of the Earth after a number of Reptilian engineered natural catastrophes (such as new diseases and weather changes) and other catastrophes that appear to be man made (such as wars,). Then they plan to turn the surviving inhabitants into mind controlled slaves that are intended to be used for various purposes including the ones listed above. Something of equal importance if not more so is the fact that they are attempting to retard and keep humanity from spiritually evolving. As a matter of fact they want humanity to spiritually devolve to a point where we are unable to break free of them.

J.B. – Can you mention some of the ways that the reptilians manipulate humans?

P.R. – They use their very advanced telepathic abilities and their technology to create manipulated artificial dreamscapes within a sleeping abductee’s mind. They also use astral abduction where the abductee is placed in virtual reality scenarios. Some of these scenarios are used in combination with their telepathic abilities and mind control technology to make the abductee resort to self destructive behaviors such as drug abuse or sexual promiscuity. I guess they can even turn someone into a serial killer. They also use implants that are designed for the sole purpose of mind control. They use their telepathic abilities to influence and mind control the abductee. They also have technology to remotely mind control the abductee. They can also make the abductee experience great pain. For example severe headaches and abdominal pains. The headaches and abdominal pains can be so severe that they can incapacitate the abductee. They can cause an abductee to be chronically ill. They use both physical and psychological torture. They use sleep deprivation. They also resort to rape.
J.B. – Can you describe the process of energy and consciousness transference from reptilians into genetically engineered human bodies?

P.R. – I have only seen this process once. I saw what appeared to be a human body lying on a table. Next to it was a reptilian that was also lying on a table. Above both the Reptilian and human body was what looked to be electronic devices and machinery. Somehow the Reptilian’s energy body, astral body, soul (I must say here that I don’t think that they possess true souls) or whatever you want to call it was transferred from the Reptilian into the human appearing body.

J.B. – Does the above process have anything to do with the sadistic human looking hybrids that have been described by abductees?

P.R. – The hybrids were present during the procedure but I do not know if they were involved with the process.

J.B. – Do you believe that some of the human looking hybrids are connected to the reptilians?

P.R. – Yes, they were created by the reptilians.

J.B. – Can you describe some of the acts of cruelty and sadism perpetrated by both the reps and the hybrids?

P.R. – They sometimes feed on people’s life forces to the point where it is difficult for the abductee to walk because the feeding process leaves the abductee in a weakened and lethargic condition. Sometimes they feed on the heart area to the point of causing the heart to race so fast that it feels as if it is going to burst. They rape abductees. They insert large needles into the abdomen which is very painful. They beat abductees. One time I remember the hybrids had me in a paralyzed state. I was conscious but I could not move. One of the human appearing hybrids produced a butterfly knife and sliced my abdomen with the knife. Soon thereafter another hybrid produced a hand held device and pointed it at the wound and the wound completely healed. They can cause the abductee physical pain 24/7. For example I have severe headaches 24 hours a day. They are so painful that they sometimes leave me in an incapacitated state. Many times the headaches are accompanied by severe abdominal pains and nose bleeds. What I just described are just some of the ways the reptilians and their hybrids torture people.

J.B. – How have the reptilians messed with your sexuality?

P.R. – On many occasions they have raped me. They have even tried to alter my sexual orientation by using dreamscape manipulation, sexual stimulation devices, mind control technology, and their telepathic abilities.

J.B – 4) Can you describe the process of energy harvesting and what if any connection (if there is one) between the energy harvesting from humans and the torture and cruelty the reptilians and hybrids inflict on people?

P.R. – As I described above they feed on human life force energy. As hard as it may be to believe they put their hands on the body area they want to feed on, and then siphon off the energy in a vampiristic fashion. The reptilians and their hybrids directly feed on their victims because it gives them a bigger rush than consuming energy obtained from the second method described below. They also force the abductee to experience certain emotions such as fear. They then directly feed on the abductee. The same thing is true for sex. They will torture their victims to put the abductee in the desired state. They will torture, forcibly sexually stimulate, and mind control their victim in order to put the abductee in the desired state.

They also have chambers in the form of transparent rectangular boxes. The abductee is placed in the chamber. Then some kind of electronic equipment and machinery are activated. The abductee’s life force is then extracted and transferred into storage containers. They also extract biological tissues and fluids.

J.B. – Can you describe the times that the reptilians had drained the life force from a human baby and then consumed the baby?

P.R. – I saw the reptilians feed on a newborn baby. They fed (siphoned its entire life force) on the baby until it turned a very dark color and shriveled up like a dried up prune. The baby died. The reptilians then ate the baby’s body.

J.B. Have you perceived any kind of hierarchy amongst the reptilians and the human hybrids? You described the “exalted ones,” “the middle management” and the “Low level thugs.”

P.R. – There is a hierarchy. It is arranged with the leaders at the top. I once heard one of their leaders referred to as an “exalted one.” Then there is the mid-management. It is their job to direct the lower reptilians and the human appearing hybrids. Then on the bottom of the ladder are the lower order reptilians and the human appearing hybrids.

J.B. – Can you describe the psychic and paranormal abilities of these hybrids? They seem to be genetically imbued with sadistic qualities. Can you describe the hybrid that appeared to you wearing a suit?

P.R. – They have telepathic abilities that enable them to read people’s minds and communicate with each other. They have the ability to leave their physical bodies and travel about in their parasitic energy bodies. When in that state they can remain invisible or lower their density to the point where they can materialize and appear just as solid as you or I. The same is true for their ships materializing and de-materializing.

The one in the suit was not as sadistic as the other human appearing hybrids or the lower order reptilians who can only be described as psychopaths and sociopaths, although they can mask those traits (psychopathic and sociopath) in public very well. The one in the suit was more business like.

J.B. – Please describe how the hybrids have infiltrated society and how they own and operate businesses and real estate. You’ve described these hybrids as having infiltrated into ALL strata of human society. Describe some of the places you have seen these hybrids.

P.R. – I have seen them in law enforcement, running and working in restaurants, in libraries, bar and grills, clubs, antique shops, and art galleries. I am sure that you could find them in every area of human society. The hybrids are psychopaths and sociopaths, although like I stated earlier they can mask those very disturbing traits extremely well while operating in public. Some do not demonstrate any emotion at all, and are very business like. Others are very cruel. Some like to torture the abductee. Still others only want to feed on the abductee; but then again they all want to feed on humans. It all depends on the genetic and psychological make up of the reptilians, as it appears they (the hybrids) are genetically programmed to exhibit specific traits and behaviors. I would like to state one last thing. It appears that it is very important to the reptilians and their hybrids to have complete control over the abductee. I mean complete control over all areas of the abductee’s life. Complete control over the abductee is extremely important to them.
J.B. – Describe the “transports” which are used to bring in more hybrids and the locations these events took place and the manner in which you were brought there.

P.R. – I have seen the types of ships that Adamski and Van Tassel reported observing. I saw one of these ships land on a small rural island just off the Texas Gulf Coast. The ship appeared out of thin air and was glowing white. After it landed a group of “new arrivals” departed from it in an orderly line. The new arrivals appeared to be human, although I know they were reptilian hybrids. They were loaded into dark colored, dark tinted passenger vans and then driven off.I don’t know why I was brought there.

A young man came to my door in the early morning hours on a summer night in 1994. I could not sleep that night and had my door open to let in some fresh air since I didn’t have any air conditioning. The young man told me that someone wanted to see me. At that time I didn’t know who or what they were and thought them to be benevolent. We then went outside to a parked car. The car looked to be a Chevy Caprice. It was dark in color and had dark tinted windows. There was an antenna on the back of it. It looked like an unmarked police car. Inside the car was a man dressed in a black suit. He drove me to a bridge which connected the island I lived on to the island in question. We then drove to a secluded road until we reached a gate with two men standing on each side of it (the gate). The gate was raised and we proceeded down a dirt road for about 1/2 mile until we reached the landing site.

J.B. – Can you describe some of the technology you have observed?

P.R. – I have seen devices that heal wounds. I have seen the sexual stimulation devices that they forcibly use on male abductees. I have seen an instrument that displays the activity that occurred in a certain location throughout the day. I have seen a stun gun-like instrument that is placed to the side of the head of a sleeping abductee that discharges energy into the abductee’s brain which renders him or her completely unconscious and immobile. They also have a device that resembles a small black box with a button on the top of it. It can render an abductee unconscious and paralyzed. They also have a device that emits some kind of energy field that engulfs the abductee and renders him or her unconscious and immobile. I have seen the black boxes that are used to store the astral bodies of abductees. I have seen a device that captures the astral body of an abductee. It emits a beam of energy that engulfs the abductee; then the abductee’s astral body is drawn into the device for storage. Finally I have seen devices that erases the memory of abduction from an abductee’s mind.
J.B. – Can you describe other craft that you’ve seen?

P.R. – I have seen a silver disk shaped craft. I have seen a saucer shaped ship that was transparent except its outline and a bright white light located on the top of its dome.

In closing I would like to emphasize that the reptilians and their allies are capable of committing many heinous atrocities such as mass rape, murder, mind control, slavery, life force vampirism, theft of human biological tissues and fluids, genocide, butchery, mutilation, genetic engineering, cannibalism, and much more.


If someone has only been exposed to the abduction research propagated by the well known mostly East Coast researchers, it would be easy to dismiss out of hand the testimony provided by “P.R.” Unfortunately these big name researchers have for all intents and purposes established parameters which have effectively defined the entire alien abduction syndrome. We have been led to believe that ALL alien abduction experiences are nearly identical, and that they follow a predictable sequence. The only aliens which seem to be described by the abductees who work with these big name East Coast researchers are the ubiquitous “Greys” or cross-breed variants thereof. If Human-appearing beings are described it is always assumed they are cross-bred with or are genetic off-shoots of the Greys.

Not only have eyewitness accounts of reptilians been downplayed and marginalized but accounts of beings that appear perfectly human are likewise dismissed out of hand. Most “serious” researchers liken any reports of aliens that appear human to the much maligned “contactee cases” of the 1950s and 1960s. It is my considered opinion that at least some of those “contactee cases” need to be re-evaluated. It is not uncommon for people in the Latin American countries, Europe and the former Soviet Union to describe encounters with beings that appear perfectly human. There were beings which appeared human in the famous Travis Walton case but that fact is seldom if ever mentioned in documentaries and was omitted entirely in the movie based on Travis Walton’s experiences.

Many of the elements that are described by P.R. have been documented on numerous occasions by Barbara Bartholic, the Dean of Alien Abduction researchers. The energetic harvesting of abductees, the infliction of pain and suffering upon the abductee and the transfer of the astral-soul matrix from one body to the next have all been documented by Barbara Bartholic time and again. The aliens and reptilians in particular seem to have an abiding interest in what we think of as the Human Soul. P.R. has expressed his belief that the reptilians (whom he also refers to as “parasites”) don’t possess Souls as we understand the term. The key elements to P.R.’s testimony can be divided into the following:

1) The Reptilians manipulate and exploit humans in a variety of ways including but not limited to sexual manipulation, energetic harvesting, infliction of physical and psychological abuse, mind control, and the collection of genetic material.

2) The reptilians have imbued certain behavioral and physical characteristics into some of the abductees they are taking.

3) At least some of the Human appearing hybrids have been created or are otherwise under the control of the reptilians. There seem to be many of these human hybrids and they have infiltrated all strata of human society.

4) These human appearing hybrids can be extremely cruel and sadistic and frequently manifest utter contempt for abductees. They have the ability, whether through metaphysical means, technological or both, to manifest instantly in the home of an abductee. The hybrids can read minds and download imagery and information into an abductees mind. (Another abductee named “Karen” has provided much information about the psychic and metaphysical capabilities of hybrids.)

5) The reptilians and the human hybrids working for the reptilians utilize advanced hand held technology.

P.R. described a hand held device that somehow records all the activity in a particular location. The hybrids return to a location such as an abductee’s living room or bedroom. They activate the device and all the events which transpired at this location will appear on a small view screen on the hand held device. P.R. witnessed the hybrids utilize this device on more than one occasion.

P.R. described the small black box that renders abductees immobile or unconscious. This has been described by numerous abductees during encounters with aliens. Milabs have also reported military black ops personnel utilizing a similar device to render all the occupants of a household including pets unconscious. The frequency emissions of this device can be modulated so as to not affect the milab who is to be kidnapped.

One of the hand held devices which P.R. described to me but didn’t mention in this interview is a device that can render everyone in a large room completely inert. P.R. described an incident when he was taken to a restaurant during the lunch hour by one of the hybrids. There were many patrons in the restaurant. The hybrid pulled out a hand held device and activated it and everyone in the restaurant was instantly frozen in place, as if Time had stopped for them. The hybrid also told P.R. that this restaurant was one of a number of businesses that were owned by them.

How do the Hybrids fit into all this?

There can never be enough credit given to P.R. for coming forward with this information. He has already been tortured countless times by the reptilians and the hybrids. Yet he chose to share this information with the world despite the inevitable backlash and reprisals which are sure to come his way. All of us owe a debt of gratitude to P.R.

This part of the paper consists of conclusions and theories which are my own. Barbara Bartholic provided no input for this part of the paper.

There are essentially three types of “hybrids.” Type 1 Hybrids are alien abductees who have been genetically altered by their alien controllers. I personally know and am friends with many examples of the Type 1 Hybrids. Some are reptilian-human hybrids but that fact doesn’t make these people “negative” or evil. It is the Soul within that is the overriding factor which determines the behavior and characteristics of an individual. There are Mantis-Human hybrids as well as Grey-Human hybrids. Some abductees are genetically descended from beings that are perfectly human in appearance.

There are probably some “serious” abduction researchers (chuckle) who might object to my characterization of mere abductees as being “hybrids” but when you consider the heightened psychic abilities of some abductees, the fact that some of them have been trained to operate alien technology and even fly certain types of alien craft and have been known to manifest metaphysical capabilities, I believe the characterization is apt. There are times when reptilian hybrids will inadvertently or sometimes intentionally shape shift momentarily into reptilian form. Other times the round pupils of the reptilian hybrid will momentarily shift to vertical pupils. Some of the full blooded reptilian hybrid bloodlines have pupils that are diagonal and even completely vertical when in their normal state. If you get a chance, watch the interview of former MI5 Officer Victor Rothschild when he tries to explain away his connection to the Cambridge Spies. His pupils are nearly vertical.

I am convinced that the military seeks out hybrids within their ranks and utilizes some of them in deep black ops involving Aliens, Mind Control and ET technology. Reptilian hybrids imbued with an authoritarian mindset are routinely placed into positions of power and influence within the Federal Government and Defense Department.

A second type of hybrid (Type 2 Hybrid) is the type that is half grey-half human. This is most commonly reported during alien abductions where the abductee is taken to a “nursery” where her or she is shown grey-human babies and is sometimes told that the baby was developed from genetic material taken from the abductee. The abductee may be presented with this hybrid child at various stages during its lifespan.

The third type of hybrids are the aforementioned human appearing hybrids (Type 3 Hybrid). In most cases they are described as appearing perfectly human. Other times they have been described with vertical slit pupils indicating a reptilian heritage. Sometimes the hybrid will wear dark glasses in order to conceal the vertical pupils. As others have pointed out, the reptilians have genetically manipulated the surface population to ensure that their hybrids are in positions of power here on the surface. Some obvious reptilian bloodlines are the Harrimans, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. The genetically engineered hybrids that are the focus of this paper are trained to blend into human society but may appear quite awkward and clumsy in social settings. Some blend in quite well. Many of them have a sadistic streak which they can hide in public. P.R. and the aforementioned “Karen” have described human appearing hybrids of all ages.

What will these hybrids do?

P.R. told me in a phone conversation that the hybrids were “everywhere…EVERYWHERE.” He has seen them in practically every social setting that he has found himself in. In their arrogance, the hybrids frequently reveal themselves to P.R. in public. The hybrids had shown P.R. the real estate, apartment complexes, restaurants and other businesses they own. They have taken him to these establishments. The hybrids have also taken him to apartments where hybrids live.

The key to determining what these Type 3 Hybrids may be used for is their observed behavior and their reptilian genetic lineage. Since America is well on its way to becoming a police state, I believe some of these hybrids will be used in agencies and bureaucracies where their sadism and thuggish behaviors will be utilized to maximum effect. I believe these hybrids will be used to ride herd on unwitting law enforcement and military personnel who refuse to “get tough” on the citizens of this country. The hybrids will be seeded throughout the bureaucracies of local, state and federal agencies and likewise ride herd on recalcitrant or unenthusiastic bureaucrats who refuse to go along with “The Program.”

It’s a known fact that former members of the Soviet-era KGB such as General Yevgeny Primakov and General Aleksandr Karpos as well as former East German STASI HVA chief Markus Wolf are now working for the U.S. Government in a counterintelligence and security capacity within the United States. It should therefore come as no surprise to find these sadistic human appearing hybrids in law enforcement or the military.

Back in the early 1990s I had an encounter with a tall blonde square-jawed hybrid at the Naval Air Station I worked at. This hybrid was wearing a grayish flight suit and sat in the passenger seat of a white United States Marine Corps sedan. Sitting in the driver’s seat was a tall man wearing camouflage fatigues who was speaking into a walkie-talkie. This blonde hybrid used its psychic ability to telepathically send messages of extreme malevolence and hatred at me. It’s a long story but I was quite intimidated.

In the mid 1990s through a serendipitous chain of events I met a woman named “Peggy” who was a computer programmer who had previously worked at both the U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Depot (MCRD) in San Diego and Camp Pendleton in Oceanside California. Peggy had also worked with some police departments as a computer programmer. She told me that she and a girlfriend kept encountering these tall blonde square-jawed marines at night clubs near Camp Pendleton in Oceanside California north of San Diego. She said she found these “marines” unusual because they didn’t want to engage in any kind of discourse or interaction with the many women at these night clubs despite the fact that these women seemed very interested in them.

These marines all looked nearly identical and were socially ill at ease and at times seemed very awkward. Out of curiosity, Peggy accessed the personnel database at Camp Pendleton and found out that every single one of these tall blonde square-jawed marines were allegedly born in small towns near Los Alamos New Mexico. As far as I knew, Peggy was unaware of cloning or the fact that the Department of Energy ran the Human Genome Project out of Los Alamos National Labs. I never mentioned the subject of aliens or hybrids with her. All this information she gave me was entirely unsolicited.

Peggy had independently confirmed that the personnel database of the United States Marine Corps listed the places of birth for these human appearing hybrids as small towns near Los Alamos New Mexico. I happen to believe that at least some of these hybrids are genetically engineered in a number of places above ground and below ground. From my personal perspective I can only tell you the following: A sadistic hybrid that was telepathically beaming malevolent thoughts at me was wearing a grayish flight suit and was sitting in a white U.S. Marine Corps sedan which was parked in the Admiral’s parking spot. No one parks in the Admiral’s spot.

I was sitting in my office within the headquarters of a three star “type” command for Naval Air Forces. Although I didn’t see the face of the driver wearing the camouflage fatigues I suspect he was a human military handler of the hybrid. These hybrids do indeed exist. They are everywhere including military installations.

So no one can ever tell me that these hybrids have not infiltrated or have otherwise been brought into the military. In all likelihood, deep black military controllers had sent that hybrid to intimidate me. The reason I was getting harassed was because of a particular case I was working on. That’s another story.

The bottom line is that these hybrids are already here and according to P.R. and others like him, more hybrids are arriving all the time. Many of these hybrids are imbued with a sadistic mindset and derive pleasure out of torturing and raping humans. P.R. has stated these hybrids were created by the negative reptilians and in some cases have had the consciousness of reptilians transferred into them. P.R. merely confirmed information that had already been obtained from other sources.

The hybrids, like certain factions of the grey aliens, are acting as front men for the negative reptilians. Their sadistic attitude towards humans is ideally suited for this burgeoning police state. This is why I cannot believe their sadistic talents won’t be utilized to the fullest degree.

How do you spot a hybrid?

Hybrids have dark hair, red hair or blonde hair and are in different stages of development i.e. children, teenagers and adults. According to both P.R. and “Karen,” the “security thugs” and “rapists” tend to be dark haired. Some of the hybrids appear awkward and ill at ease in public. Their awkward behavior may be an indication that they have not fully acclimated themselves to human society.

Hybrids can appear inside of a home instantly without any prior notice. Whether this is the result of technology or inherent metaphysical capabilities on the part of the hybrids is open to question. Some abductees believe the hybrids use the same technology that the greys use when they appear inside a house. The fact of the matter is that they can suddenly appear in the house of the abductee and harass and even rape the abductee. “Karen” stated that hybrids held her head underwater in her bathtub and in the swimming pool for extended periods for not cooperating with them. Usually everyone else in the house is asleep and cannot wake up no matter how much noise is made by the hybrid and the abductee. Often as not the hybrids will appear when the abductee is alone or after everyone has gone to sleep.

The hybrids have been known to appear at the front door of an abductee and take the abductee away in a motor vehicle. Hybrids have been known to “car jack” an abductee. The abductee will be driving along and suddenly a hybrid appears on the side of the road and the abductee is compelled to pull over and let the hybrid in. If there are other passengers in the car at the time, the passengers will be placed into an altered state and will not remember anything that occurred in the presence of the hybrid.

Hybrids are extremely psychic and telepathic. I will elaborate on these capabilities at length in the interview with “Karen.” They can look into the eyes of an abductee and “download” huge amounts of information. They can telepathically command an abductee to either forget an experience or to not learn more about their experiences.

The hybrids are part and parcel of the Reptilian Overlordship and the New World Order. They are already being used in deep black military operations including but not limited to harassing abductees and researchers. In all likelihood the hybrids are already working in various local, state and federal agencies. P.R. himself has observed hybrids working as police officers. As P.R. says, “They are everywhere…EVERYWHERE.”

People need to wake up and recognize this threat in their midst. The hybrids and their reptilian masters will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of total control and subjugation of the surface population. A decision to remain ignorant about the reptilians and their hybrid minions is an automatic decision to submit to their will and control. Many people have unwittingly encountered hybrids because they can be found in all walks of life. And more and more of them are arriving from their off-world bases.

P.R. was told by the reptilians that they have “found another planet.” P.R. inferred that the reptilians are going to start this whole process anew on another planet. In all likelihood they will begin by genetically upgrading a native hominid species or conversely they may transplant hominids there. These hominids will be genetically upgraded with human and reptilian DNA. Or they can bypass that step altogether and bring primitive homo sapiens there. The human DNA will come from this planet or other planets similarly enslaved by the reptilians.

In this fashion, as was the case on Earth, they can create the Cosmologies, Religions and Belief Systems of the targeted planet in order to create strife and conflict within the various “tribes” and developing “nations.” Secret Societies made up of reptilian-human bloodlines will covertly steer the direction of the surface population’s development. The reptilians will closely monitor and control the technological development of the “natives” to ensure the latter’s development is similar or identical to what we have observed on Earth. “Advanced Alien Technology” will eventually be introduced but only as a means to further control the surface population. The Alien Technology will be strictly controlled as it is here on Earth. Eventually Global Governance will be attained by the reptilians.

Remember: These reptilians, due to their inherent interdimensional and technological capabilities, are essentially immortal. A number of abductees have described how interdimensional reptilians possess human bodies that have been prepared for them. They utilize these bodies until the bodies become too old or infirm. Then their consciousness is transferred into another specially prepared body. Moreover other technologically advanced species such as some of the Grey and Nordic factions are essentially cosmic vassals of the reptilians and do the latter’s bidding. From the standpoint of attaining total control of a subservient population the above model is the ideal modus operandi rather than invading an already advanced or semi-advanced civilization which would view any species arriving from beyond their world with fear and mistrust. This fear and mistrust may translate into fierce resistance against the reptilian invaders.

It is up to us to throw off the yoke of reptilian and hybrid oppression on this planet. We must also ensure that this process is not continued elsewhere in the Cosmos. If human DNA is utilized to genetically upgrade an existing sentient hominid species on another planet in order to make them genetically compatible and subservient to the reptilians, than in a very real sense, those future slaves are our genetic descendants or at the very least our cousins. We cannot allow this process of reptilian domination and control to continue endlessly throughout the Cosmos. We have to make a stand somewhere. This planet Earth is as a good place to start as any.

James Bartley is an Alien Abductee who has had numerous encounters with the Reptilians and the Greys. He is a student of Military History with an emphasis on Intelligence, Counterintelligence and Special Operations. He has also studied the corporate, financial, military, occultic and political aspects of the reptilian inspired New World Order. He has worked in an intelligence-related capacity with Naval Air Forces (NAVAIR) in Southern California.


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