Something new about reptilians…
Reptilians…what exactly is the “genesis” or origin of these bloodthirsty, volatile killing machine creatures?
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Something new about reptilians…
Reptilians…what exactly is the “genesis” or origin of these bloodthirsty, volatile killing machine creatures?
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There are lots of evidence, that people have been programmed to be sex slaves tot the elite. It’s sad how lives are destroyed, because these monsters can’t get laid.
Usually they use Monarch mind control and sadly they use it to children. Here’s my post about Monarch mind control:
And here’s the book about Monarch mind control:
And now the article:
August 16, 2015
There is a Greek saying that a fish rots from its head downward.
If this article is correct, then our political leadership is far more rotten than we can ever conceive.
Warning: These accusations that Presidents sexually exploit children will cause cognitive dissonance. But the idea is consistent with the notion that our “leaders” are depraved satanists who are blackmailed.
(This reprises a key article that originally appeared on this site in 2003. My interview with “Mary Anne” who was an Illuminati insider can be heard here. I repost is by way of introduction as I plan to post testimony from another sex slave tomorrow.)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Two women tortured, brainwashed and prostituted by the Illuminati paint a disturbing picture of how the world is really run. Both say they were prostituted to world leaders as children.
They are Brice Taylor, author of Thanks for the Memories (1999) and Cathy O’Brien (with Mark Phillips) author of Trance-Formation of America (1995).
These books are consistent and confirm the revelations of Illuminati programmer “Svali” (“Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy.”) If you want to understand the world, you must read these three women.
Essentially every country is run by a shadow government, which owes its loyalty to the New World Order controlled by a 13-member Illuminati Council.
According to Svali, “each ruler represents an area of Europe held under its sway; and each one represents an ancient dynastic bloodline.” American leaders are often direct descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate.
According to Taylor, whose real name is Sue Ford, Henry Kissinger is the CEO for the Illuminati who naturally prefer to remain in the shadows. Our political leaders are chosen by their moral frailties, blackmail-ability, and willingness to advance the Illuminati plan. Strings are pulled and they mysteriously rise to prominence. It doesn’t matter which party they belong to. They secretly serve the “Cause.”
Many are products of a life that may include pedophilia, drugs, child pornography, bestiality, mind control, rape, torture, satanic rituals and human sacrifices. They are given many opportunities to indulge their vices, which ensures continued obedience and solidarity.
Drug trafficking, white slavery, prostitution and pornography finance secret New World Order programs. Elements of the CIA, FBI, Coast Guard, Military, and police are all involved, as is the Mafia.
This information may upset or enrage some people. I could not bring myself to read these books for over two years. The torture and depravity they describe is excruciating. My mental filters would not accept it. Writing about it is difficult.
The public has a child-like trust in its leaders, especially Presidents. The charge that they really belong to a sadistic, criminal, traitorous syndicate is a betrayal on the scale of incest.
We respond with denial and anger. We don’t want to admit that we are dupes and our perception of reality is false. Dumbed down, we are incapable of common sense and concerted action. We refuse to contemplate what they may have in store. Better to ridicule the messenger and change the channel.
These women could have remained silent and found some much deserved peace and happiness. Instead they are taking great risks to warn humanity of the danger. Are we going to listen?
Both Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor were victims of the CIA’s MK-Ultra mind control program, which is designed to create human robots to serve functions ranging from prostitutes to couriers to killers.
Their families belong to secret satanic sects that sexually abuse their children generation after generation to produce the trauma which causes multiple personality disorder. In this traumatized condition the mind splinters into many compartments. Victims exhibit extraordinary powers of recollection and endurance and can be easily programmed to do anything.
These cults operate within many organizations including charities, churches, boys/girls clubs, Masonic lodges, day cares and private schools.
Society is being subjected to the same type of trauma-based programming using constant war and atrocities that include Auschwitz, Hiroshima, the Kennedy assassinations, Sept. 11 and Abu Ghraib. We are being collectively desensitized on the one hand, and programmed to focus on sex, violence, trivia and empty social rituals on the other.
Both women were sexually abused as babies. Cathy O’Brien was often given her father’s penis instead of a baby bottle. Congressman Gerald Ford, who was involved in drug trafficking and child pornography with the Michigan mob, initiated her into the MK Ultra Program. (No wonder Betty Ford drank.)
O’Brien’s father prostituted her as a child to friends, business associates and politicians as a favor, or for money. She also appeared in numerous child pornography and bestiality films. When you read this book you will understand who Jon Benet Ramsay was and why there was no resolution to her murder.
O’Brien (born in 1957) says she serviced an array of politicians including the cocaine snorting Clintons (A Three-Way), Ronald Reagan, George H.W Bush, Dick Cheney, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, Governors Lamar Alexander and Richard Thornburgh, Bill Bennett (author of The Book of Virtues), Senators Patrick Leahy, Robert Byrd (her handler) and Arlen Spector. Notable by their absence were Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. Taylor (born in 1951) slept with JFK and LBJ as a preteen and teenager.
When O’Brien’s daughter Kelly was born in 1980, they often worked as a mother-daughter team. George H.W. Bush particularly liked Kelly. Cheney is not a pederast because his large genitals horrify children. (195)
Referring to George Bush, Dick Cheney told her: “A Vice President is just that, an undercover agent taking control of the drug industry for the President.” (158)
George Bush Jr. was present on one occasion but is not accused. (196) O’Brien was rescued by Mark Philips in 1988. It is likely that Bush Jr. is involved in this mind control, drug and sex scene. Rumors swirl around him and his behavior is erratic. Remember the pretzel incident? In 2003, Margie Schroedinger a woman who was suing the President for rape “committed suicide.”
Sen. Robert Byrd, who controls the nation’s purse strings, justified to Cathy his involvement in drug distribution, pornography and white slavery as a means of “gaining control of all illegal activity world wide” to fund Black Budget covert activity that would “bring about world peace through world dominance and total control.”
He said, “95% of the people want to be led by the 5%.” Proof is that “the 95% do not want to know what really goes on in government.” Byrd believed that mankind must take a “giant step in evolution through creating a superior race.”
Byrd believed in “the annihilation of underprivileged nations and cultures” through genocide and genetic engineering to breed “the more gifted, the blonds of the world.” (118)
O’Brien visited a series secret paramilitary compounds throughout the US like one at Mount Shasta in California. “I learned that this not-so-secret military buildup consisted of special forces trained robotic soldiers, black unmarked helicopters, and top secret weaponry including electromagnetic mind control equipment.”
At these compounds O’Brien and her daughter were often hunted like wild animals, tortured and raped for the amusement of CIA, military and politicians.
O’Brien worked as a sex slave at Bohemian Grove, the elite’s perversion playground on the Russian River in California. She says the place is wired for video in order to capture world leaders in compromising acts.
“Slaves of advancing age or with failing programming were ritualistically murdered at random in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove…There was a room of shackles and tortures, an opium den, ritualistic sex altars, group orgy rooms…I was used as a “rag doll” in the toy store and as a urinal in the “golden arches” room.” (169-170)
Strangely, mind controlled sex slaves are used as diplomats and lobbyists as well. At a Governor’s Conference, Secretary of Education Bill Bennett advised O’Brien to “persuade these Governors at their weakest moment, bring them to their knees while you are on yours, and convince them that global education [the Education 2000 initiative] is the way to the future if there is to be any future at all.” (173)
O’Brien’s book is available directly from her. It is also available from (search Mark Phillips).
I don’t have space to summarize Sue Ford’s claims, which includes having sex with JFK.
Her book is online here. There are interviews with her here .
Why did the Illuminati let these women live? I don’t know. I don’t know how many they have killed. Perhaps they want the truth to be known gradually. Perhaps they have a shred of decency left. Perhaps they are confident of their power, and think these women won’t be believed.
As the Kennedy assassination and 9-11 prove, the United States (and most countries) have been totally subverted by a Luciferian international criminal elite. The role of politicians, media and education is to keep the sheep deluded and distracted while the elite stealthily advances its goal of world tyranny. Western society today is a massive fraud.
It is tragic that brave young American soldiers have been brainwashed to believe they are advancing freedom when the opposite is the case. A reader tells me that this article is treason. Is it patriotic to obey traitors?
The populations of the West are spoiled, self centered and complacent. How can things be so bad when we have so much? We don’t realize that the goodies can be taken away in a second by tightening credit.
We don’t realize that we are being distracted while our political and social institutions, our bulwarks against tyranny, are being infiltrated and dismantled. Our children are being brainwashed.
Don’t ask, “What can we do?” That is conditioned helplessness. Figure it out yourself. Take responsibility. Send me your ideas. There is no quick fix to this mess. But we must stand up for truth. They may have the weapons of mass deception, but, as Cathy O’Brien says, “the truth doesn’t go away.”
“The CIA, Mind Control and Children” Testimony to Congress Committee on radiation confirms O’Brien charges. Hundred of children involved. Talk by Jon Rappoport.
See the video “Conspiracy of Silence” Illuminati Pedophiles in Washington
History of Mind Control Experiments
An Alternative VIEW of Tranceformation
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I was searching things about swineflu, which was used to terrify people couple of years ago and then this article shoved up. So it seems, that this has been done before and will be used again in the future, in my opinion.
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
(From July 16, 2008)
In 1948 Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, told his CIA Interrogator that the influenza pandemic of 1918-19, the most devastating plague in human history, was man-made.
Mueller said the flu started as a US army bacteriological warfare experiment that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley KS in March 1918, and spread around the world. He says that it “got out of control” but we cannot discount the horrible possibility that the “Spanish Flu” was a deliberate elite depopulation measure, and that it could be used again. Researchers have found connections between it and the recurring “Bird Flu.”
It was called the Spanish Flu because the first human case was identified there. Understandably there was panic worldwide, as influenza was not discovered until 1933, so the mystery was rather frightening.
According to Wikipedia: “In the U.S., about 28% of the population suffered, and 500,000 to 675,000 died. In Britain 200,000 died; in France more than 400,000. Entire villages perished in Alaska and southern Africa. In Australia an estimated 10,000 people died and in the Fiji Islands, 14% of the population died during only two weeks, and in Western Samoa 22%. An estimated 17 million died in India, about 5% of India’s population at the time. In the Indian Army, almost 22% of troops who caught the disease died of it.”
“Indeed, symptoms in 1918 were so unusual that initially influenza was misdiagnosed as dengue, cholera, or typhoid. One observer wrote, “One of the most striking of the complications was hemorrhage from mucous membranes, especially from the nose, stomach, and intestine. Bleeding from the ears and petechial hemorrhages in the skin also occurred. …Another unusual feature of this pandemic was that it mostly killed young adults, with 99% of pandemic influenza deaths occurring in people under 65 and more than half in young adults 20 to 40 years old. This is unusual since influenza is normally most deadly to the very young (under age 2) and the very old (over age 70). ”
At a 1944 Nazi bacteriological warfare conference in Berlin, General Walter Schreiber, Chief of the Medical Corps of the German Army told Mueller that he had spent two months in the US in 1927 conferring with his counterparts. They told him that the “so-called double blow virus” (i.e. Spanish Flu) was developed and used during the 1914 war.
“But,” according to Mueller, “it got out of control and instead of killing the Germans who had surrendered by then, it turned back on you, and nearly everybody else.” (“Gestapo Chief: The 1948 CIA Interrogation of Heinrich Mueller” Vol. 2 by Gregory Douglas, p. 106)
The interrogator, James Kronthal, the CIA Bern Station Chief asked Mueller to explain “double blow virus.” It reminds me of AIDS.
Mueller: “I am not a doctor, you understand, but the ‘double-blow’ referred to a virus, or actually a pair of them that worked like a prize fighter. The first blow attacked the immune system and made the victim susceptible, fatally so, to the second blow which was a form of pneumonia…[Schreiber told me] a British scientist actually developed it…Now you see why such things are insanity. These things can alter themselves and what starts out as a limited thing can change into something really terrible.”
The subject of the Spanish Flu arose in the context of a discussion of typhus. The Nazis deliberately introduced typhus into Russian POW camps and, along with starvation, killed about three million men. The typhus spread to Auschwitz and other concentration camps with Russian and Polish POWS.
In the context of the Cold War, Mueller says: “If Stalin invades Europe…a little disease here and there would wipe out Stalin’s hoards and leave everything intact. Besides, a small bottle of germs is so much cheaper than an atom bomb, isn’t it? Why you could hold more soldiers in your hand than Stalin could possibly command and you don’t have to feed them, clothes them or supply them with munitions. On the other hand, the threat of war…does wonders… for the economy.” (108)
Is Mueller credible? In my opinion he is. Gregory Douglas apparently is a pseudonym for his nephew with whom he left his papers. Normally a hoax would not run to thousands of pages. The Interrogation is 800 pages. The Memoirs are 250 pages. The microfilmed Archive apparently covers 850,000 pages. Finally, the material I have read is incredibly well informed, consistent and full of plausible revelations .
The Illuminati have made no secret of its desire to decrease the world population. (See Alan Stang, Population Extermination: How Will it be Done? )
It’s possible that World War One was a disappointment in terms of the numbers killed. Whether the “Spanish Flu” was deliberate or not, we cannot say. But apparently the US Army has a record of experimenting with drugs/chemicals/bacteria on unwary soldiers. Did such an experiment get “out of control” at Fort Riley? Or was that its purpose in the first place?
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Hello folks! I have studied this before in my previous post and I thought it would be nice to bring the idea of artificial and hollow Phobos moon back to life.
Here’s the previous post:
And here’s something new, but unfortunately no real answears:
The prestigious European Space Agency has declared Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon, to be artifical. At least one-third of it is hollow and it’s origin is not natural, but alien in nature. The ESA is Europe’s counterpart to NASA. Could this revelation motivate NASA to release the secrets it’s harboring? Don’t count on it…
Proven right: Dr. Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky
Phobos first believed artificial by famous astrophysicist
Astrophysicist Dr. Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky first calculated the orbital motion of the Martian satellite Phobos. He came to the inescapable conclusion that the moon is artificial and hollow–basically a titanic spaceship.
The Russian astronomer, Dr. Cherman Struve, spent months calculating the two Martian moons’ orbits with extreme accuracy during the early 20th Century. Studying the astronomer’s notes, Shklovsky realized as the years progressed into decades Phobos’s orbital velocity and position no longer matched Struve’s mathematically predicted position.
After lengthy study of the tidal, gravitic, and magnetic forces, Shklovsky came to the firm conclusion that no natural causes could account for the origins of the two odd moons or their bizarre behavior, particularly that exhibited by Phobos.
The moons were artificial. Someone or something built them.
How Mars appeared many millions of years ago
During an interview about the mysterious Martian moon Shklovsky explained: “There’s only one way in which the requirements of coherence, constancy of shape of Phobos, and its extremely small average density can be reconciled. We must assume that Phobos is a hollow, empty body, resembling an empty tin can.”
For decades most of mainstream science ignored Shklovsky’s breakthrough work, until the ESA began to take a closer look at the odd little moon.
ESA study declares Phobos not natural
The ESA study abstract that appeared in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Research Letters reveals that Phobos is not what many astrophysicists and astronomers believed for generations: a captured asteroid.
“We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos. New values for the gravitational parameter (GM=0.7127 ± 0.0021 x 10-³ km³/s²) and density of Phobos (1876 ± 20 kg/m³) provide meaningful new constraints on the corresponding range of the body’s porosity (30% ± 5%), provide a basis for improved interpretation of the internal structure. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid.”
Casey Kazan writes in ESA: Mars Moon Phobos ‘Artificial,’ that “…the official ESA Phobos website contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly ‘supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside ‘a huge…geometric… hollow spaceship’. In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly ‘internal, 3-D geometric-looking’ radar signature. The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments- ‘imaging,’ ‘internal mass distribution,’ (tracking) and ‘internal radar imaging’ now agreed that ‘the interior of Phobos’ is partially hollow with internal, geometric ‘voids’ inside it.’ Meaning that Phobos is artificial.”
In other words, phobos is not a natural satellite, is not a “captured asteroid,” and is hollow. This is exactly what Dr. Shklovsky found back in the 1960s.
Phobos was artificially constructed and placed into Martian orbit by…what?
Phobos: what is it?
Data reveals Phobos is not natural. As of now there isn’t enough information to discover exactly what the Martian moon is, but there are several intriguing possibilities.
1. It’s a gigantic spaceship possibly built as an orbiting station or space observatory.
2. It’s a generation starship that arrived from another star system and was placed in parking orbit around Mars.
3. It was being built in Mars orbit for insterstellar travel but was never completed.
A fourth possibility is more ominous and deeply disturbing.
4. It is a functional (or non-functional) gargantuan planet-killing space bomb, perhaps left over from some interplanetary space conflict millions of years in the past. (Some researchers are actually proposing this hypothesis.)
Alien ship, superbomb, or uncompleted project?
Whatever Phobos actually is its origin and purpose are completely unknown.
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Just some interesting interview about CERN Hadron Collider:
Josh Peck will talk to Daniel about his research on CERN‘s Large Hadron Collider and the possibility of opening interstellar and inter dimensional doorways. His newest book will be the subject of this interview. Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis Foreword by Mark A. Flynn Includes interviews with Cris Putnam, Sharon K. Gilbert, and S. Douglas Woodward.
For years, the extraterrestrial hypothesis has dominated the field of ufology. However, there is another theory that might provide more substantial answers to the UFO phenomenon. In Cherubim Chariots, researcher and author Josh Peck explores the fringe of the extradimensional hypothesis to show the stunning possibility that UFOs and their pilots originate from a higher dimension. Discover answers to paradigm-shifting questions, such as:
Were extradimensional craft and other-worldly beings reported in antiquity?
Who are the mysterious cherubim and what is their role in the affairs of mankind?
Did nonhuman entities leave behind evidence showing their extradimensional nature?
Are higher dimensions interacting with our own?
Are there prophecies pointing to a possible return of extradimensional beings?
What is our true origin?
How do we prepare for what is ahead?
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