Mystery Cloaks Father Malachi Martin’s Death

This have bothered me since I posted about Malchi Martin and Alfred Kunz. There is something very odd going on in Vatican and I think we should know about it. Here’s the post before:


Here’s Malachi Martin’s last interview before he died:

>> Art Bell & Malachi Martin Last Interview 1998

Mystery Cloaks Father Malachi Martin’s Death

tragic fall, reportedly delivered by “an unseen hand”, caused Malachi Martin’s second stroke in twelve months. Now the world sadly bids a premature, “Adieu” to a great Irish American priest, distinguished for his life of selfless service to Christ as a long time champion of the underprivileged, a prolific, controversial author, and alike Pope Julius III in the days of Trent, a modern day apostle of the Tridentine Mass and reverential worship. On Tuesday, July 27th, Father Malachi Brendan Martin silently passed away in Manha ttan, only a few days after reaching his 78th birthday.

The invisible (preternatural?) force that shoved Father Martin into a stumble, wherein he hit and fatally traumatized his head remains unknown. Yet, before an accompanying stroke claimed his physical existence, while lying in critical condition, Father managed to convey to a close friend, prudently preferring to remain anonymous…

“I felt something push me,
but… no one was there.”

Coincidental or Related? In the months preceding his unsuccessful battle, Father was rehabilitating from a stroke brought on last Summer. This lesser health attack closely followed him granting his Website designer, Star Harbor of Texas, permission to post what is known as “the Medjugorje Hoax” note on the Internet. When politely asked beforehand for permission to use his words against this “Satanic” cult, Father Martin replied,

“By all means. Of course
you have my permission to use it.”

For the unfamiliar, Unity Publishing is a nonprofit, lay mission based in Southern California, singularly noted for going against the tide of the self-proclaimed, fraudulent, vainglorious, and those who’ve come to be known as “celebrity mystics”, and daring at great personal sacrifice and risk to expose the errors of such evil ways. In courageously battling the powerful, incestuous, worldwide clan and lobby of Medjugorje promoters, Unity Publishing has come under singular and ferocious fire, from con artists hiding behind the Church’s apron(1), and using God’s most hallowed institution for their own gain. Alike Father Martin, Unity has been and remains dedicated to cutting away every evil from the Church, that the true light of God’s Being — ever-present only in the Most Blessed Sacrament — might shine through the lives of every Holy Communicant.

“The Medjugorje Hoax” Note

Before we continue, Father Martin’s note to Unity Publishing contained a typical hearty thanks, congratulations and blessing for their work against what “has been a target of my criticism for fifteen years”, namely, what he called, “the Medjugorje Hoax”, and added, “It was Satanic from the beginning.”

Father’s casual correspondence, inflammatory to lovers of this, et al. false apparitions, came after he received and viewed “Visions On Demand”. This documentary was the first of two Unity Publishing videos to expose the lunacy and scandals spewing forth from the volcanic ash of Mount Medjugorje’s unholy dominion.

[Click here to see “the Medjugorje Hoax” note.]

The Conspirators

On the heels of Father’s initial stroke, a disgruntled, housewife and Medjugorje sympathizer, Denise Zuppe, his then “assistant” hired solely to help answer mail, joined forces with Mrs. Kakia Livanos, a woman the New York Times has sorely labeled Father Martin’s “companion”(2). While Father Martin laid in a New York hospital incapacitated from his August assault, united in purpose, intent, and concerted effort, these two subversive(3) women conspired, and ultimately collaborated, to deliberately rifle Father’s apartment of his business effects, personal computer, telephone, fax machine, stationary and yes, even his pens, pencils and stamps. In one of Father’s few private phone conversations with a close friend, he revealed that, his “handlers” had “taken away everything I had to write with.”

Why would anyone do such a thing? Why would two seemingly unrelated women perpetrate a second story job on a priest? Could their actions have had anything to do with the fact that Father Martin was finishing a book set to expose a pervasive evil in the Church — Satanic pedophilia? Was the spirit compelling them to violate the sanctity of Father Martin’s apartment and belongings little more than the same fallen power dominating the blind hearts and minds of those promoting Medjugorje? Were they sorely upset that he had gone “too public” in letting his anti-Medjugorje sentiments be made known to the world?

Furthermore, we ask… What prompted millionairess Livanos to enlist the aid of a housewife with a paper route (Zuppe)? What drove the former to shut Father Martin off entirely from the world — one might even say incarcerate him under house arrest — and deprive this gregarious priest, deeply in love with his fellow man, all human contact? What drove Zuppe to blindly work at discrediting the priest she claimed to love and serve?

We dare pose these questions, knowing that Mrs. Livanos disclosed long before Father’s first mishap that she wanted him to retire. Given Kakia Livanos’ furtive carpe diem conduct, in which she flew a Massachusetts housewife from Boston to Manhattan (on her dime) to be her burglary accomplice, and her insensitivity, to say the least, to Father Martin’s reaction to this crime, we cannot help but wonder how serious Mrs. Livanos was about imposing her will on God’s servant. That is to inquire, “Why should ending Father Martin’s ministry be of any concern to a landlord?” Was she moved by and part of some other scheme? Was she deliberately named Kakia(4) at birth, as part of a yet more nefarious plot to take out God’s privileged and persevering knight?

Father Martin lived and loved to serve the Church. Anyone and everyone who ever met him, if even for only a few fleeting moments could easily see this. It is preposterous to think that Mrs. Livanos did not see and know this. It is even more incredulous to buy the guile that she was merely looking out for his own good by silencing him. After twenty-seven years of association, we can safely say that no one knew Father Martin lived for others more perfectly than Mrs. Livanos, but apparently, she did not care about crushing his spirit. Some who have spoken with her proclaim she seemed to take a delight in it.

“Will you shut down Father’s Website… for me?”

As a brief aside, after Father suffered his first stroke, the Livanos-Zuppe connection conspired and labored to coerce Star Harbor into shutting down Father Martin’s Website. When Star Harbor(5) refused to do so any such thing without hearing from Father Martin, Livanos and Zuppe then connived to dupe them into taking down Father Martin’s Website by emailing a letter forged to look like his hand. In truth, this note resembled another(6) sent to unity Publishing from Mrs. Livanos in her own hand. In a badgering after hours phonecall to Star Harbor, Kakia coyly inquired, “Will you shut down Father’s Website… for me?” Need we say, that the principals at Star Harbor were and remain aghast at her brazen behind-the-back tactics? They are not alone.

In the middle of the intrigue to undermine Father Martin’s work, name and reputation, and plot to emphatically close his Star Harbor Website, Livanos and Zuppe pretended that it was “too much for him to maintain”. However, they quickly proved this claim to be ridiculous and no more than an outright lie. This statement was ridiculous, because Father Martin did absolutely nothing to maintain his Website; Star Harbor did it all for him. It was a lie because, in a futile attempt to cancel the positive effects of “the Medjugorje Hoax” note, Livanos and Zuppe fraudulently registered a new domain in his name. Why start a new Website if his original site was “too much for him”?

Using “” as their handle and electronic base of operations, they promptly proceeded to redefine Father Martin’s persona and teachings by shamelessly daring to pose as him and author ludicrous statements in his name. For example, “Suicide is an act of God’s mercy.” Deliberately implying Medjugorje wasn’t so bad, Livanos and Zuppe unwittingly and proudly revealed their true colors by linking this bogus Website to the Medjugorian site of fellow thieves of Father’s good name, Ted and Maureen Flynn(7). A number of bystanders suspect the Flynns were complicit in the premeditated takeover of Father Martin’s identity from the beginning. They proudly boasted a return link from their site to “”… and proclaimed they knew Father was upset over his Star Harbor site. Given the fact that Father Martin wanted nothing to do with the Flynns, and avoided all association with them, this prevarication is most illuminating.

Taking a deep breath, need we ask…

“If Livanos and Zuppe weren’t tied to Medjugorje,
why did they create a Medjugorian Website
and associate with Medjugorian promoters
all in Father Martin’s name?”

Thank God, were it not for Father’s innate and cultivated brain power, skillful wordsmithing, and profound insights, these fumblers might have succeeded… but as fate would have it, their dim wits, impoverished grasp of the English language and incapacity for true spiritual insight swiftly demonstrated to all who had come to know and love Father throughout the years, that their bogus creation could not possibly be the work of a man so lettered and refined. After including forged articles and attributing them to Father Martin, their motives became unmistakably distinct. They were not concerned with Father’s interests in the least… only protecting their own. In essence, posing as Father Martin in the eyes of the public and making him out to be an idiot was not beneath them.

Unabated Ire

Insatiably outraged because Star Harbor and Father Martin’s technical advisors insisted on keeping his Website open until he instructed them otherwise, Livanos and Zuppe(8) mounted and waged a campaign of belligerent phonecalls, mail, email and Internet harassments(9), replete with profanity and unfounded threats of litigation and physical violence. While Star Harbor held the creative copyright to Father Martin’s Website, Livanos and Zuppe sought to intimidate them into closing the blinds on the intellectual property they had taken well over a year to build; all PRO BONO.

In an attempt to bend Star Harbor to their will and embarrass them into submission, i.e. shutting down, they posted an attorney’s letter on their phony site, disguised as Father Martin’s doing. The idiocy of such a libelous maneuver defies all sense. If Father Martin had distanced himself from the Flynns by merely leaving them alone, what makes any rational person think that he would take to the Internet to publicly humiliate personal friends into shutting down a Website he authorized and blessed?

All this angry move demonstrated was just how ugly and base the spirit behind Medjugorje is. How can we say this? Going back to the beginning, there was no “Website controversy” whatsoever until the Medjugorje crowd got wind of Father Martin’s public stance against them. From that point forward, Father’s health was smitten, thousands of copies of “Windswept House” were inexplicably destroyed, his personal effects were stolen, his friends were hounded to abandon him, he was kept mute under lock and key, and his final writings — God only knows where his last will and testament is — remain unseen, unspoken and unheard.

Truth – Greater than Fiction

Before we close, it should be clear to anyone with a grade one I.Q. and knowledge of human nature and Father Martin, that if he had truly wanted Star Harbor to shut down his Website he would have simply instructed them to do so. Instead, one day, when able to secretively secure a private phoneline, he had enough time to tell them in an uncharacteristically weak voice, “I’m having difficulty talking…. Let’s continue to do God’s work together.. and talk next Tuesday.” Tuesday’s phonecall never came, and that was the last time his servants at Star Harbor ever heard from him.

Portrait of A Lie

Are you receiving a clear picture? Do you see the reason for our questions? They remain unanswered. Can you comprehend the angst of his close friends, Spiritual Director and allies; all left completely in the dark over the last year of Father Martin’s imprisonment, only privileged to hear the propaganda Livanos and Zuppe would leak from time to time? Do you agree that something isn’t right with this picture? Why would Father Martin’s words, “Let’s continue to do God’s work together.” — uttered from his own mouth, in his own voice — contradict the words of Livanos and Zuppe, unless their scheme to silence him was, under the pretense of caretaking, nothing more than a PORTRAIT OF A LIE.

Under the guise of keeping their patient quiet, Livanos and Zuppe persistently labored to thwart EACH and EVERY person close with Father Martin away from him. They both evaded every question of his well-being, and even denied his friends the opportunity to speak with Father when he proved to be present at their call(10). These two ladies, Kakia Livanos in particular, made it their special interest and mission to especially deprive him contact from those who had brought him the most joy before his mishap. For certain, recovering from a stroke mandates rest and relaxation… HOWEVER… who ever heard of therapeutic solitary confinement? No one gets better in jail.

Over the course of Father’s rehab, it became manifest that he was healthy enough to speak with select individuals, e.g. an FBI investigator probing the death of Fr. Kunz… a young seminarian… and a token few others. After these visits, he was always reported as doing well and suffering no visible effects of his initial setback. Are we the only ones who take pause in asking, “Why was your Spiritual Director shut off, Father Martin?” Why did Livanos and Zuppe make a point of cruelly telling your former nurse of twenty-five years that she was “fired”? “How did you come to be surrounded by such evil, ill-intentioned souls?” “Were your forthright and challenging words — “IT WAS SATANIC FROM THE BEGINNING.” — too much for the Medjugorje powerbrokers to swallow, the beginning of your end?”
Words Never Spoken, Song Never Sung

Earlier this year, the meddling Medjugorian, Zuppe, told Unity Publishing that Father Martin would unravel the controversy regarding his Web presence on an Art Bell radio broadcast. [Father Martin held hopes of welcoming Art Bell into the Church.] Regrettably, alike so many idle threats, this one never materialized. C’est dommage! We would have welcomed the opportunity to hear Father explain the tale of the tape, and declare for all the world to hear where he truly stood regarding Medjugorje and the pretenders making him out to be one of them. And yet, under the circumstances of his solitudinous final days, unusual fall and lethal blow, it’s not a stretch of reason to wonder if those opposed to Father’s mighty, priestly pen might not have had foreknowledge — or at least a participatory premonition — of his demise. To think otherwise is to rule their threats utterly inane and insane. To suspect a sinister foresight controlled their proud tongues is more plausible. In criminal circles, this is especially so. Premeditation makes psychopaths more psychopathic.

Year of Silence

What remains most unfortunate, sad and unaccountable in all this is, “Why did Father Martin seemingly accept his imposed silence this past year? Was he merely utilizing this time to make his final peace with his Maker, was he simply unable to overcome his opposition, or is there an intrigue running far beneath any question we can wittingly compose? Did he know too much to speak? Did he know enough to keep quiet?” While the answers to these ponderances have seemingly gone to the grave with Father, his silence in time remains a mystery, not adequately explained away by the minor stroke preceding his enigmatic fall.

My father had five heart attacks and I am quite familiar with their consequences and debilitating factors. So exposed, I know that on the same day of a muscle damaging heart attack, heart patients are commonly able to talk. Although they should avoid overexcitement, they can, should be and are, in virtually every medical institution, allowed to talk.

Instead, as you now know, locked away from those closest to him, Father Martin was forced to remain speechless for nearly a year, and abide the debatable caretaking and blatant mishandling of Kakia Livanos and Denise Zuppe.

O God, Bless and Keep Thy Servant
in the Heart of Thy Loving Son

We prefer to let the great, witty, humorous and inimitable spirit of Father Malachi Martin rest in peace, but the unreliable answers tied to his last days compel us to speak out about what we’ve learned. Perhaps, armed with this little knowledge, Father’s true friends will discover the who, what, where, when and why of how he was taken. We doubt it was his ordained time, although our heavenly Father permits evil, that all may become stronger opposing it

At the time of Father’s first stroke, he was taking a stroke-inhibitor medication proven to be better than 90% effective. Of course, he could have simply been of the smaller percentile, but given his virility, verve, zest for life and indomitable will to serve, all who knew him concur that his spirit of love in and for God was strong enough to overcome any such statistical challenge.

After the first stroke, why was Father Martin silent so long without speaking with those who cared for him? Why did he seem to avoid his Spiritual Director and closest friends? Likewise, why didn’t he ever phone us? If he truly endorsed the Livanos-Zuppe Website, and truly wanted Star Harbor’s site(11) closed, we would have gladly obliged his will with a mere phone call.

Also… Why was Father Martin’s signature forged during his recovery? Why did Livanos and Zuppe conspire to forge “” using his name and credentials — without his knowledge — and contradict what he had already written and signed against Medjugorje, unless they stood against him and for the Croatian nightmare known as Medjugorje? Are we the only ones to suspect that Father was, figuratively speaking, sleeping with the Enemy? Logic prevents us from reaching any other conclusion.

“Et tu, Brutus!”

Who were the two women that Father trusted with his life and belongings? What spirit motivated them to perform seemingly bizarre, criminal and covert acts? In their minds, they may have believed they were loyal and loving souls with Father’s interests at heart, but their actions dramatically argue otherwise.

And now, according to informed sources, who value their anonymity, Father’s last book(s) will NOT be published. On the subject of publishing, thousands of copies of “Windswept House” were destroyed, and Father was prevented from speaking out or writing his mind about these incidents to anyone. Once more, his landlady, Kakia Livanos forbade it. Even when he lay dying, she forbade consoling words to reach Father and news about his condition to reach the public… right up till the day he died.

Reiteratively, Kakia Livanos was Father Martin’s benefactress (patron of the Arts) and landlady, who provided him room and board and the oratory where he said daily Mass. She was not Roman Catholic but Greek Orthodox, and of a family that owned several Greek shipping lines. We and all of Father’s friends are sincerely indebted and grateful that she gave him a sanctuary from which to do God’s work, but we wonder if her possession of her tenant became unduly harmful to his health.

Denise Zuppe emailed Phil Maguire, a reporter from Australia, that only select people were allowed to go upstairs to visit Father Martin. Why weren’t his friends so privileged? Was Livanos apprehensive the more enlightened among them would pick up on her hidden agenda? Furthermore, did Father know and approve of her restrictions and visitor selections? Because he was only able to smuggle out a few scant last words, we solemnly doubt it.

We’d like to think that Father Martin’s handlers cared for him and intended to protect him, but their methods of health care leave much to be desired, and cause rational men and women to ask, “What in God’s name were they thinking about?”
Father’s Parting Blow

In one of his last coherent acts, Father Martin fired his entire staff. Was he then healthy enough to arrest those who set out to damage his good name in defense of Medjugorje? We think so. We also propose that he was nevermore a threat to the evil he opposed then in that moment.

Soon after wielding Saint Michael’s Sword into the Heart of the Medjugorje camp, and vowing to expose the villains in his tell-all last book, Father felt a spectre push him… and then he fell.

Though he rests beyond time now, depriving many of his compassion, genius and warm presence, Father Martin’s final act of resistance substantiates the validity of this newsletter, and suggests that Livanos and Zuppe did much more than try to silence him. They kept him in the dark about their machinations. With good cause. Father Martin would have fired his staff months before had he known then what he discovered too late — the Enemy was within.

In facing the visible and invisible world undaunted, Father honored his holy ancestors. In fighting the good fight till the end, he honored God’s Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. His final act of opposition to his staff exposed their sheeplike cloaks as belonging to the genus WOLF, and declared that he would not stand still as long as evil existed anywhere. In letting them know he disapproved of what they had done, in calling the Devil by name as he was want to do within a Holy Exorcism, Father did not go out with a whimper (as his foes desired), rather he violently ripped a hole the size of an ocean through the veil of time like an atomic bomb delivered from a distant star; the fallout from his thunderous blast and parting left to come.

The Man Who Knew (and said) Too Much

Father Martin knew firsthand about the long-planned, Satanically-orchestrated infiltration of homosexuals and pedophiles into the American Catholic Church. He understood they were most likely behind the brutal, ritualistic murder of his friend, Father Kunz — butchered alive for not merely possessing like knowledge, but because he was prepared to reveal a list of names and events to Church authorities. In the same manner, Father Martin was readying to blow the whistle on this deviant subculture in his last book. As in a Grisham novel, Father was ever the archetypal hero, growing more courageous the greater the danger, yet ever-tested to not underestimate his opponent.

As we pine the loss of a great warrior for the salvation of God’s children, we’re left feeling uneasy with so many remaining questions. We cannot accuse or prove anyone deliberately set out to take over his identity. These things sometimes just have a way of happening when lesser plans go awry. Maybe the phrase “the Medjugorje Hoax” was simply too unbearable for the proud Enemy to swallow. Maybe God chose Father Martin to become a victim soul so the evil spirits of Medjugorje might be exposed and crushed. Who knows? But the fact that people in his immediate camp pretended to be him, while working to keep his wit and wisdom from reaching the world, cries for an answer.

And still, we hope and pray Father Martin rests in peace in the loving arms of Our Lord. May he more powerfully intercede for all who remain, that we may come to love what he did more than anything: defending God’s Church on earth and saving souls.

A Strange Coincidence

George Livanos, a leading ship owner and one of Greece’s wealthiest men, died a few days after Malachi Martin’s death. A member of this eminent shipping family from the Aegean island of Hios, Livanos was born in New Orleans in 1926. He founded the Greek hydrofoil company known as “Ceres”, a fleet of 110 vessels, all registered and sailing under the Greek flag.

Other Sources

For more information on the bizarre events and even more bizarre people shadowing Father Martin’s last days on earth, visit Catholic Viewpoints on the Web or our own site at A colorized prayer card photo and brief farewell can be found on our webmaster’s site at

Father Malachi Brendan Martin’s funeral Mass was offered at St. Anthony of Padua Church in West Orange, New Jersey. God’s servant was 78 years of age. A renowned theologian and best-selling author of 16 books, Father Martin’s writings may be obtained by emailing Catholic Truth Books at “” or visiting on the Internet.

A true history, defense and obituary of Father Malachi, written by his 20 year friend, Fr. Charles Fiore of Minnesota, can be found on

I would like to close by saying, that knowing the caliber of his friends — Father Charles Fiore, Dr. William Marra, Father Alfred Kunz, Stephen Brady, Paul Likoudis, Jerry Matatics, Michael Davies, Father Fitzgerald, Cecile Powell, Tom Fitzgerald, and many others — Father Malachi Martin must have been a great and holy man. Judged by the company we keep, he kept company with the brightest and best men and women of our day.

Eager to explore timeless and deep theological questions effecting our world, I regret we weren’t able to meet before his death. I’m also convinced, of like mind and spirit as Father’s God-fearing friends, that we would have come to perfect agreement on many subjects, and enjoyed spiritually slaying infidels together.

Father Malachi genuinely loved people and Holy Mother the Church. Gentle, sage and kind, he was ever ready to answer any question or attend to any need. He was a good and holy priest, a man after God’s heart. May he rest in the Light of God.


Read more from Auricmedia:


Donald Marshall: Vril lizard agenda

This is very important info!!! Donald Marshall’s story binds everything together and tells the Truth. Just look around you and all the ancient cultures. Please read and share:


Donald Marshall: Vril lizard agenda

Marshall claims that there is a secret that has been kept by members of the Illuminati for more than 70 years, a secret of such great importance, as to effect the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the planet. Marshall states that his mission in life is to share this secret with the world, so that all can know the truth and plan for the future.

In order to fully understand this secret, it will be necessary to return to the events of Postwar Germany, following the end of World War I, where, in 1923, Hitler was named the leader of the new Nazi party. Following a failed attempt to overthrow the federal government, Hitler was arrested for treason. While awaiting trial in Landsberg prison, he read Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 novel: Vril: The Power of the Coming Race about a master-race of beings who call themselves the Vril-ya. They claim to be the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, with access to an extraordinary force called Vril, an unlimited source of energy that supplies all their needs and can be controlled at will. Hitler believed the novel to be true and once made Chancellor of Germany, he would send teams of spelunkers into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya. He dispatched regular expeditions to Asia, especially Tibet, where Nazi explorers made significant connections with influential Tibetan lamas, who had expert knowledge about the underground tunnel and cavern systems around the world. Legend was these Tibetan lamas guarded a secret entrance to the Inner World, known as the Red Door, hidden within the Potala palace in the mountain city of Lhasa. Once a Nazi-Tibetan alliance was formed, the lamas agreed to share with them that for centuries, they had been helping to hide an indigenous race of lizard living deep within the planet since prehistoric times, known as Vril lizards. It seems that these lizards knew the location of an abandoned military base dating back from the time of Atlantis, filled with ancient aircraft, weaponry and technology hidden within the tunnels and caverns of Antarctica. The lizards had no use for the tech, but they were willing to trade for something else they wanted. The lizards were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. And so, a deal was made. The Nazis got the ancient Atlantean tech and sold out the human race.

But according to Marshall, this is not the first time Vril lizards have interacted with humans. He claims that for centuries, royalty, powerful heads of state and trusted religious leaders around the world have kept a secret pact with the malevolent lizards. World leaders would receive valuable resources buried deep within the planet, such as gemstones, gold and other minerals and, in exchange, these leaders would conceal all evidence of the Vril from the surface population, so no one would learn of their existence. In addition to helping them hide, Vril lizards required that they be provided with a steady supply of humans to consume.

However, Marshall says that keeping the Secret of Vril not only refers to hiding the lizards and denying their existence, but also refers to an even bigger secret. Being a parasitic race, Vril lizards have the unique biological ability to invade the human body, take over the brain, and by accessing their memories, they can look, act and seem human in every way. After a period of recovery, the human is able to return to its normal activities, except the brain is now under the complete control of the Vril parasite.

Much like the 1956 scifi classic The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which the inhabitants of a small California town are replaced, one by one, with identical copies of themselves, Marshall warns us that we’ve already been invaded, we just don’t know it.
Marshall explains that Vril lizards are essentially parasites, and like all parasites, have a biological drive to invade, dominate and take over. Marshall refers to this biological takeover as “bodysnatching” and explains that the human victim dies once the Vril lizard takes over.

Marshall says that with the help of the Illuminati, bodysnatching Vril lizards have infiltrated all levels of society and hold positions of power all over the world.

This is done in order to remove key people and replace them with Vril hosts. Marshall states that Vril hosts can be found everywhere, in all levels of government, business, banking, military, law enforcement, journalism, media and entertainment.

Just how is this bodysnatching process accomplished?

According to Marshall, Vril lizards have a natural proboscis at the top of their head, from which they eject a type of thick cerebrospinal fluid. When this fluid enters the human, usually through the eye and from there, to the brain, a chemical transformation immediately begins to take place. The victim essentially dies, leaving the lizard parasite in complete control of all brain function. After a period of recovery, the Vril host can return to its’ regular activities, looking, acting and seeming completely normal.

Marshall reports that the Illuminati even hold a special bodysnatching ceremony to celebrate this Vril lizard takeover. Guests watch as the victim, conscious, though usually bound, is restrained and forced to sit still, until the lizard transfer is complete. Marshall claims to have seen this sick bodysnatching ceremony many times.

Marshall claims that the Illuminati bodysnatch many people, in every country, all over the world. They sometimes choose victims from incarcerated prisoners or longterm patients in hospitals and medical facilities; anywhere they have easy access to people, they will bodysnatch and replace them with a Vril host.

Anyone can be bodysnatched and, according to Marshall, he’s even seen this done to young children. Furthermore, Marshall claims that all loyal families within the Illuminati are expected to offer one of their children to be replaced by a Vril host. They comply since there is the unspoken threat that should they prove to be difficult, they can be bodysnatched at any time. Marshall says he has even seen bodysnatching done with just a couple of guys holding someone down while the victim is screaming, no ceremony required.

According to Marshall, the Illuminati utilize this unique parasitic ability of the lizards to further their own dark agenda. They are able to remove those resistant to their goals without anyone even noticing, and with Vril bodysnatching, the troublesome person is now replaced with an Illuminati spy, infinitely loyal and willing to report back everything they see and hear.

It is crucial to understand Vril lizard psychology, since Marshall maintains that all Vril lizards want to be human. They admire human intelligence and the beautiful human form. They want to crawl out from deep underground into the light and walk unnoticed among humanity. However, they are not human and have no capacity to feel human emotions. In fact, as malevolent lizards, they enjoy causing pain and suffering. Marshall reveals that Vril hosts are responsible for much of the senseless crimes and spree killings that occur. However, Vril hosts are excellent mimics and make convincing humans. And since there is no way to detect the presence of a Vril host, except with an MRI scan of the brain, most members of the Illuminati pretend to like the lizards and are friendly to Vril hosts, since no one is ever certain if they are talking to a host or human.

According to Marshall, prehistoric Vril lizards have been bodysnatching humans throughout history, even during ancient times. He claims that they are, in part, responsible for the destruction of the island of Atlantis, where legend tells lived an advanced civilization that existed in the Atlantic ocean. Marshall reports that Vril hosts had bodysnatched and infiltrated their way into positions of power throughout Atlantean culture, where they destroyed themselves with advanced weaponry, causing cataclysmic flooding and earthquakes.

Marshall asserts that Vril lizards often infiltrate human societies, by targeting individuals in the ruling class, royalty or priesthood. Once they are in positions of power, Vril lizards attempt to convince the humans to worship them as either gods or demons; something to be feared and obeyed without question.

As gods, Vril lizards would demand human sacrifices as a show of loyalty and devotion. In these cultures, it was considered an honor to be bodysnatched and chosen to become a god. The people didn’t understand the biological nature of the takeover of the brain, and thought it was some kind of mystical or magical transformation.

As demons, Vril lizards were deeply feared. Old legends warn travelers against going into certain haunted caves and mountains, and to beware when darkness falls as this was the time when demons would creep about, stealing babies and livestock. When Vril lizards would bodysnatch a victim, the person was later said to be demon possessed and various means would be attempted to drive the demons out.

Many cultures around the world attempted to limit Vril lizard infestation, and Marshall says most, at some point, “start sharpening pointy sticks”. For example, The Hopi Indian culture successfully drove off Vril lizards, while the ancient Anasazi Indians of New Mexico, were forced to leave behind their elaborate cliff dwellings in order to relocate far away from nearby Vril infested caves.

Throughout history, the lizards stayed hidden underground, in dark caves and tunnels, trying to avoid discovery. Some royal families kept Vril lizards as pets, and used them to instill fear in those not showing the proper loyalty to the crown. Some world religious leaders also knew of the lizards, had secret alliances with them, and agreed to help them.

In the 1940’s, a secret pact was forged between the Nazis and the lizards making them mutual allies. Conditions of the pact required directing tremendous resources to assist the Vril lizards, including the building of deep, underground military bases worldwide. This would allow the lizards a way to interact directly with humans which, in turn, would permit the massive, government sponsored bodysnatching so prevalent around the world today.

If we can assume that all this is true, that bodysnatching malevolent lizards have infiltrated human society and are replacing us, one by one, without raising any alarm, one might ask: Wouldn’t someone try to tell people and save humanity?

According to Marshall, President Ronald Reagan tried to warn the public on numerous occasions from 1985 to1988. In an important speech to the United Nation General Assembly on September 21st, 1987, at the height of the Star Wars space race with Russia, Reagan mused, “In our obsession with the antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask: is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people then war and the threat of war?”

Marshall states that the Illuminati forgave Reagan’s comments at first, but when he continued to talk about aliens living among us, they “blew his mind and called it Alzheimer’s”.

Marshall encourages us to remember the ultimate Vril lizard agenda, which he claims has remained unchanged for centuries: to infiltrate human society and take over the planet. Marshall warns us to act quickly to spread the news, as anyone can be bodysnatched. As the ending from “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” warns us: They’re already here. You’re next.



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Beware of sexually transmitted demons

Interesting info to know for people who are sexually active:

Each time a man connects with a woman sexually and releases his life form energy within her, he leaves a part of his information (DNA) in her birth canal. If she doesn’t clean herself, his energy
remains inside of her.

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That imprint can often create illusion sexual addiction to the individual. When some one decides to have multiple partners, it can sometimes send mixed emotional signals within the inside of the body’s vibration system. Women must be careful of different energies or spiritual forces polluting their internal temple. You are a sacred doorway, where life is intended to pass through, respect yourself, use your gifts wisely! (Wait till marriage? As God intended).

Just think about it and ask yourself… Ever wonder why they call it sexual intercourse (INTER-Course)? It’s an internal course that unites man and woman, mind with mind, spirit with spirit, or energy with energy. This is something that a condom can’t protect you against because energy is behind the elements of all flesh. There is no such thing as “Casual” Sex or “Friends with Benefits”… No, No, No, I Don’t Think So!!! Intimate activity intricately entwines the energies between two people.

Sex creates a powerful exchange of energy between those involved. These connections, imprints and debris are left upon the mind, soul and spirit for a long time because they are not easily purged or cleansed. ‘Casual sex’ with multiple partners can intertwine the energies and spirits of a lot of people into your own aura if they are not severed and cleansed. You become joined to every person with whom your partner has slept, as well as all the partners those people had. This type of “soul clutter” can be felt by your partner’s subconscious. Even if they are not completely in tune or aware of the extra-curricular sexual activities, they still are able to sense the subtle disturbances of multiple energies and/or familiar spirits that have entered causing restlessness and inner turmoil. The longer and more intimate the contact with another person, the more powerful the reinforcement and the interaction of the bond becomes, and all the more difficult it is for them to untangle and leave. Soul stains, transference of odors, perceptive connections and even mutually formed habits are now left to burden the psyche long after that relationship has ended.

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Philip Schneider: “If I ever ‘commit suicide’, I’ll have been murdered.”

And so ti happened… he was murdered. Here is something before:




And something new…

The True Story of Philip Schneider

Philip Schneider died on January 17, 1996, shortly after conducting several controversial lectures throughout the US, including Denver where he covered topics such as, Space-Defense, black helicopters, railroad cars built with shackles, extraterrestrials and the secret black budget.

He was reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck – the bizarre death being dismissed by the authorities as suicide.

If the circumstances of his death seem highly controversial, they are matched by the controversy over his public statements uttered shortly before his death.

Philip Schneider was a self-taught geologist and explosives expert. Of the 1,477 underground bases around the world, 129 deep underground facilities of which were located in the United States, he claimed to have worked on 13.

Two of these bases were major, including the much rumored bioengineering facility at Dulce, New Mexico.

At Dulce, Schneider maintained, “gray” humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “grays”.

It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer many have confirmed that a large scar indeed existed.

Philip Schneider recounts his encounter with extraterrestrials in the following excerpt:

“I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular rock.

“As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them.

“At that time, there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens.

“Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.”

An fire exchange occurred between gray aliens and secret service personnel.

In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “grays”. It was here he received a beam-weapon blast to the chest which caused his later cancer; many have confirmed that a large scar indeed existed.

Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life, including the removal of the nuts from one of the front wheels of his automobile.

He had stated publicly he was a marked man and did not expect to live long.

“If I ever ‘commit suicide’,” Schneider told a close friend, “I’ll have been murdered.”

Some of Schneider’s more major accusations are worthy of attention:

1) The American government concluded a treaty with “gray” aliens in 1954. This mutual cooperation pact is called the Grenada Treaty.

2) The space shuttle has been producing special alloys in orbit. A vacuum is needed for the creation of these special metals, thereby justifying the mandate for a large, permanently manned space station.

3) Much of our stealth aircraft technology was developed by back-engineering crashed alien craft.

4) AIDS was a population control virus invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory, Chicago, Illionois.

5) Unbeknownst to just about everyone, the US government has an earthquake device. Neither the 1995 Kobe earthquake nor the 1989 San Francisco quake had a pulse wave.

6) The World Trade Center bomb blast and the Oklahoma City blast were achieved using small nuclear devices. The melting and pitting of the concrete and the extrusion of metal supporting rods indicated this. (Schneider’s forte, he claimed, was explosives.)

Finally, Phil Schneider lamented that the democracy he loved no longer existed: we had become instead a technocracy ruled by a shadow government intent on imposing their own view of things on all of us, whether we like it or not.

He believed 11 of his best friends had been murdered in the last 22 years, eight of whose deaths had been officially explained as suicides.

Whatever one might think of Phil Schneider’s claims, it’s clear that he was of particular interest to the FBI and CIA.

His widow has stated that intelligence agents thoroughly searched the premises shortly after his death and made off with at least a third of the family photographs.

In the following video Philip Schneider talks about his experience and what the government is trying to hide, furthermore, the history of underground bases told by Richard Dolan and Richard Sauder.

In closing, I will reiterate what Phil said to a close friend:

“If I ever ‘commit suicide’, I’ll have been murdered.”


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10 Universal Problems Old Souls Experience

I have to add this article, because I consider myself as a so called “old soul”, whatever that means. If you think the same, check these out:

by Mateo Sol,
Loner Wolf

There was something almost mysterious about this woman. Her face had lots of wrinkles. These were the first things to catch your eye, but they didn’t make her look old. Instead, they emphasized a certain youthfulness in her that transcended age. The wrinkles belonged where they were, as if they had been part of her face since birth. When she smiled, the wrinkles smiled with her; when she frowned, the wrinkles frowned, too. And when she was neither smiling nor frowning, the wrinkles lay scattered over her face in a strangely warm, ironic way. ~ Haruki Murakami (Norwegian Wood)

 My first insight into the feeling of being internally old occurred during adolescence. I felt unusually different from the kids around me, somehow older, but ‘mature’ wasn’t exactly the right word. The best way I could describe it back then was as though I had lived hundreds of years of life which had been condensed into 16 years of time.

As the years went by, I encountered a few Old Souls who I shared my experiences with. I would talk about my insights and introduce them to the concept of Old Souls. One of these people was Luna. She was so excited about it that she eventually wrote the well-received article 9 Signs You’re An Old Soul as well as a subsequent Old Soul Book.

Recently, many other websites have started writing on the subject of Old Souls as well. In fact, so many people seem capable of relating to this experience that I thought it would be a good idea to create a community specifically dedicated to Old Souls, and this was when the Old Soul Facebook Group was born. The lack of conflict within such a large group of members is proof of the maturity that exists among them.

But in the real world having people of different levels of soulful evolution co-existing with each others comes with its problems. Not only that, but having an Old Soul doesn’t necessarily equate to being ‘all-knowing’ or perfect. Rather, it’s an indication of the age of the energy known as your soul.

In my years of mentoring Old Souls and helping them through their spiritual development, these are some of the biggest problems I’ve seen, and personally experienced:


As with anyone who perceives the world differently from others, Old Souls can experience a great (and unending) sense of isolation. Because they fail to fit into the standards that society admires and values (careers, materialism, status and so forth), they’re commonly seen as strange, offbeat and unconventional.


While Old Souls can build many strong relationships with people, their penetrating ability to connect with the depths of the people in their lives can create many enemies. Seeing deeply into the core issues of the people around them, Old Souls feel an innate desire to be truthful, even if this means revealing uncomfortable truths such as the fact that many problems are caused by immaturity, or a failure to take responsibility.

Those who are willing to change will listen and like you, while the rest will feel great disdain towards you. This is why Old Souls often become the “devils advocates” or “black sheep” of their friends or family.


If there’s something we all love and are good at, it’s labeling people. We fool ourselves into thinking we can “know” someone by attributing a label to them. However, humans are far too complex to be boxed into a specific and unchanging group of people. In this case, Old Souls will often be given different labels, from “beatniks” to “hippies”, “anarchists” to “new age freaks”.

While you can’t fight labels, you can try to use them in a positive way. Labels can be used as sign posts, as directions towards awareness of some quality many of us share. These qualities will be different in intensity and strength in each of us, but at least they will help us understand ourselves (and the people around us) a bit better.

This is partly why I called the Old Soul Group “I’m an Old Soul” – not so people can gain egotistical pride with such a label, but to create a sense of self-awareness, to allow people to better understand themselves.


Words are symbols we each load with our own unique definitions according to our own unique life experiences that are associated with each word. What I associate with love might be entirely different from what you associate with love. For example: When someone thinks about love, they might remember their old failed relationship and feel a terrible sense of vulnerability when the word arises, while others might associate love with loyalty and friendship.

Old Souls realize this limitation, and therefore greatly struggle to express entirely what they want to say, knowing that it’s as though they are speaking an entirely different language from others.


I have sometimes witnessed cases where Old energy is born into the body of a person who does not have the matching mental maturity to embrace it. This can result in depressions, substance abuse and existential crisis’s.

When a person realizes that everything is transitional and passing, life can become pointless. This person sees that our bodies are temporary vessels that don’t really matter, and without the ability to cultivate Self-Love, self-destructive habits can result.

In this case, it’s necessary to undergo intense spiritual-growth, to cultivate existential meaning and inner-understanding through paths like Involution in order to learn how to embrace your soul.


With the wisdom and patience that comes with being an Old Soul, there also comes others people’s desire to use you as a dumping ground for their emotions. I’ve experienced this a lot in my own life, often experiencing emotionally-charged conversations that last for hours at a time. Some Old Souls also double as Empaths, which can also take a great tole tole on your energy.


In the search for truth, deeper understanding and inner exploration of yourself and the world around you, it is common for the Old Soul to experience a lot of mental fatigue. Double this with acting as a mediator between people and their problems, and you’ll end up exhausted at the end of the day.


If making friends who connect with you is difficult, finding a Soul Mate, or life partner, can be even more of a challenge. It took me living in 6 different countries to find Luna.

But it’s not always as hard as that. Having the wisdom to discern the true depths of your connection with a person will be your greatest asset in the area of love.


As we grow in maturity our perception of possibilities and explanations expands: we see life from limitless angles. This means that we see more than one way of doing things which makes us unfailingly indecisive as we see the full expanse of possibilities, and the lack of absolutes. Although making decisions and judgements can be a crippling experience, this can double as a virtue, allowing us to understand that we can’t simply judge people by face value, and that they are the result of millions of internal and external influences.


For some Old Souls, the world feels alien. They find it hard to understand people, why such chaos and misery exists and how it is allowed, and sometimes encouraged, to continue. They long to find a place where they feel like they belong, a space filled with freedom and liberation. This often results in the feeling that this world is not their true home.


Regardless of which of the above problems you may come across, these struggles will affect your life a lot less when you grow in inner understanding and acceptance.

The stronger your ability to channel and use the Old energy that is latent within you, the greater your capacity will be to aid in the continuation and evolution of your soul.

Please feel free to share your experiences below.

Photo by: Elvin


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