Donald Marshall talks about Mike Tyson

I was watching a documentary about neanderthal people and what got my eye was, that they had high pitched voice. Then I stumbled against this info from Donald Marshall and again everything makes sense…

Donald Marshall (Sun. June 30, 2013) – This mans name is Mike Tyson. He is the ex heavyweight boxing champion of the world. I was told years ago by him and the illuminati (when they trusted me) that he is a clone of someone’s remains… A famous Pharoah’s most trusted personal bodyguard. Anyway this Neanderthal is a remake of a primitive human being and doesn’t think like you and I. Unknown if he is a parasite host or not BUT Mike is a terrible thing… He tried to molest one of his daughters, she thought he was disgusting and was going to tell others and never speak to him again… Mike then strangled her to death with a skipping rope… The illuminati helped him cover this up and get it rushed through court, they came up with the excuse that she was on a treadmill and there was a dangling skipping rope on the treadmill and she fell while running and strangled herself in the loop of this skipping rope… Mike Tyson killed her. NOW I HAVE to point out… Celebs that get talked about like this IMMEDIATELY seek legal vengeance… This post will be ignored by him police and the government… They don’t want me in a courtroom, I won’t be like James Holmes batman shooter guy, ill be doing a whole LOT of talking… Observe how nothing happens… Even the police don’t want to be implicated in helping him cover it up.

I’ve just defeated Mike Tyson worse than anyone EVER has… And ya know why? Cuz um da champ bebe. LMAO!!! Ahhhhh that felt soooo good…. Oh man… I think ending evils is therapeutic for me…

In 24 hours I will detail another high profile celeb that the illuminati like… We can do this for as long as you want Elizabeth…That’s right bitch.

[ Alice Cooper – Vengeance Is Mine (Lyrics)]

one a day

They sat around the cloning center joking at the expression on her face as he choked her to death… Eventually she tried to pat him in an attempt to survive as if to say ok I won’t tell… But he finished her off…

Mike Tyson is in for a very bad day soon.…/Tragic-death-of-mike-tysons-… The Tragic Death of Mike Tyson’s Daughter


Madeline Sims (August 2014) – I read the stuff about Mike Tyson… he a drone ?

Donald Marshall – might be… he’s not natural,… he’s a remake of an ancient egyptian.

Madeline Sims – Like OBAMA

Donald Marshall – no, Tyson is way uglier than Obama but similar timeframe of origin.  🙂 around  🙂

Maria LovesHumanity StandsagainstZionism (August 2013) –…/Mike-Tyson-reveals-hes-lying-y… ‘I’m a vicious alcoholic on the verge of dying’: Mike Tyson reveals he’s been lying for years about being sober

Donald Marshall – Die Neanderthal. Don’t bother going through the alcohol withdrawals Mike, once people know about the things you’ve done they will put you to death anyway. Drink up cool guy.


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