Dead chipheads


Astral Light – A Dead Chiphead (also known as a Reanimated Chiphead or an Undead Chiphead) is one who has a flawed copy of their or someone else’s dead consciousness recorded on a apple-seed sized microchip called the Soulstone (also called the Consciousness Chip or the Soul Catcher) implanted in their head (real body or even a clone body). They don’t like the term Dead Chiphead, so they call it Re-lifed. Don says, “they can drill a hole in a persons head or they can remove [one’s] eyeball and insert the chip with a rod to a certain depth in the brain.” Then they turn it on and it bodysnatches the person via technology as opposed to a Vril lizard that bodysnatches one parasitically.

Donald Marshall – It messes up the person for like a month or something. They can only sleep, get up and eat. They have to have a nurse with them.

They can reanimate you into a come back evil gay child molester. they all do. its flawed.. they have neurosurgeons trying to fix this problem. all over the world german scientists asian russian they cant fix it. they would stop doing it but they fear death. said theyre scared of possibly facing gods judgement and will reanimate themselves. they record your consciousness on a chip just before u die. then they implant this chip in a clone body’s head OR a victims head. then they implant this chip in a clone . but use chips now. thats an undead chiphead. can do it to a clone body and have to just get replacement bodies like every 6 months or so. or real body stolen which makes have less side effects and no need to change bodies. destroy the mindworks satellite all the undead chipheads will drop. they dont even need to be executed… a button push deactivated them.

Question – Is the switch to deactivate the chipheads the cloning centre or through computer?

Donald Marshall – unknown about off switch, Ive seen them deactivate them tho, they just shut off. no pain or anything.

Question – who has access to this button?

Donald Marshall – mindcomputers company is one way,… they have back ups, but this mindcomputers company must be stopped…. they have a site on the net even. lol…….. describing half of the stuff they can do. lol.

Dunno about souls in clones,… i feel just like real life unless theyve drugged the clone with something… smack yer own face n all… then ya cry cuz ya know the evil hag has activated a clone of you while your in rem sleep stage then ya get mad lol………. i feel like when a clone I have a soul…. same as in real…. same feeling. im like curious george bad,… i had to know everything,… i wondered about the soul thing too… so did they… they dont know what happens to your “consciousness” as they call it they can only preserve a flawed negative of you…they have lotsa theories…. all I know is i dont wanna go wherever they end up… or come back mark 3 or 4 clone for elizabeth to stab. mega death… the worst thing they say that can happen to a living thing…it keeps people from talkin.

They would be killed too if they talked… Or killed and cloned after death and tortured over and over clone to clone all the time no rem required after yer dead…

He [George Bush Senior] might be one of those kind of clones mark 3 or 4 there are a bunch… they need replacing, they go to certainmilitary hospitals theres one by camp david in the states and get a new body, the brain degrades, whole body internally degrades, that’s why cloned organs can’t be used for transplant, theyre grown too quickly, theyre not the same as as tissue that grew over years, and if they tried to make that kind of clone it would be underwater in the tube and the skin would bloat after too long and the skin would be all messed up, takes like 5 months to make a clone, they can probably make them even faster now theyre alway making tech smaller and reducing time for stuff, they put a lot of money into it.

But the clones are mentally unstable, theyre like missing essential behavioral requirements that the “original” had, but as clones they have a very one track mind, are prone to being more jealous or get angry easier and are dumber, when they think people are making fun of them they get deadly, because theyre pissed off this person is a real person and doesnt suffer the side effects of being a dead clone and rrrrr clone attacks… this is why they have handlers, so they dont try to kill people sometimes, and to keep them clear of stressful situations… there is another kind of handler though…

You do not need to be dead to have a flawed version of your consciousness,… They can double up and copy as many chips with the recording as they want… The consciousnesses are independent of each other and the memories of these doubles is uploaded to the original person each night. Many have done this and I will detail. For some reason the person you implant the chip into has to be your specific biological body “type”… This is why they usually look like the person or looks like a close relative…

Katie Wright Whale Song – when the chip is placed into the victim do they die..or does their consciousness remain and become over shadowed by the chip personality? When the chip is not activated does the body of the victim go into a coma? How does it work?

Donald Marshall – Total donation, no coming back, chip has to be in a certain part of the brain, but they’re constantly upgrading the technology and have hinted to me that the chips can be put anywhere in the body and they can just link to brain via the minute electrical current that runs through people’s bodies naturally…

They got a lot of tech. Don’t get the chip ever.

Katie Wright Whale Song – so the invader..the entity that takes over via a chip inherits all the talents of the original?

Donald Marshall – Can access most memories,… If the person has a good voice for singing then they just use that voice. With minor training they can reproduce the same quality of singing that the original could manage.

Unknown for certain if chipheads can access the memories. But vrill parasite hosts can.

Jesse Murrin – Now does the copy of your consciousness remember the actual death…?

Donald Marshall – Yes

If they spoke multiple languages when alive then they will remember.

Laurence Mountford – but can they be programmed with different stuff as well? guess not

Donald Marshall – yeah they can get additional programming. wouldnt be able to learn a new language once a dead chip head though.

If you get the RFID chip (even in your arm), it acts as a brain chip. They’ve upgraded the technology. They can upload a dead consciousness into you and it only takes a short time for them to become coherent. Once the chip is shut down, the original person comes back into control.

Astral Light – This is the only secret that Donald Marshall wasn’t suppose to talk about.