Exposing The Music Industry: Celebrity Cloning, the Deep State & the Donald Marshall Story

Widely known Youtube channel Edge Of Wonder has made an brilliant information video about Donald Marshall story. Please spread this, because it is beautifully done and it is a nice small video wrapping the key points of his story:

Part 1 is on edge Of Wonder’s own page:

Hey wonderers! For those that are wondering, part 1 is on our .tv platform because the truth gets a bit too hot and it’s too risky to put on YT. Link here if you’re interested: https://edgeofwonder.tv/episodes/15d4c2d0167bfd

Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”

A Google insider who anonymously leaked internal documents to Project Veritas made the decision to go public in an on-the-record video interview. The insider, Zachary Vorhies, decided to go public after receiving a letter from Google, and after he says Google allegedly called the police to perform a “wellness check” on him. See the documents Zach leaked to Project Veritas in June: https://youtu.be/csP4z8dR6X0

>> Download Google Document Dump

The Cosmic Web Portals – Supergates / Stargates / Corridors

*** The Cosmic Web Portals ***

– Supergates / Stargates / Corridors –

A Supergate has the ability to travel from one end to the other through the cosmic web, no matter how far it is – anywhere within our galaxy or to local galaxies.
The Ancient Builder Race built a network of stargates that are very powerful and very reliable. They can be turned on and used at any time. You don’t have to wait for calculations. They created this stargate system in this local star cluster of 50, 52 stars.
There was a very powerful Supergate that is in Antarctica. And it was built by the Ancient Builder Race. (operates in much the same manner as our stargates) (controlled by the U.S. shadow government.)
ARPANET developed TCP/IP communication protocols to mimic what was occurring in the Supergate. There are even subnet masks to mask certain gate systems so you don’t end up going there.[3]

Usually, there is at least three different points that are opening, that are out in the periphery of the room, opening in a empty part of the room, a vortex that is a three-dimensional ball that looks like a mirage.
Based on the amount and frequency of the energy used, these gates can be used to travel through time as well.[3]

The Corridor:
“Henry Deacon” used the Corridor for travel to and from Mars. One “terminus” of the Corridor is beneath RAF Menwith Hill. Another is at Dimona.[1]

Cosmic Web:
As far as how the natural electromagnetic portals or relational stargates they work though what has been referred to recently as the cosmic web.
Anything with enough mass inside a solar system to establish a magnetic link between it and its star will have a variable energetic strength magnetic portal connection to that star. The object being a either a rocky inner planet with or without a moon, a gas giant with or without moons will all produce a torsion field which produces the filament of the magnet portal/tunnel.
In turn the stars in a star cluster will have a similar affect on each other with their torsion fields creating the filament magnetic portal tunnels between, according to mass dominance.
The filaments at times can arc around or collapse into each other based on the mass and position of the stars in relation to each other and to larger magnetic mass anomalies such as galactic arms, black holes or their alignment with their galactic center.
This relationship of massive objects and “filament magnetic portal tunnels” repeats itself going up the macro levels (From the most extreme quantum micro) including the galactic torsion field effects on each other in galactic clusters up into the way we visualize the cosmic web depicted in NASA renderings of the early universe and recently released discoveries of galactic superclusters.
On Earth there are magnetic anomalies known as ley lines that crisscross the planet along a “magnet grid” where beneath the surface run fast moving underground rivers through certain pressurized quartzite layers of stone and minerals. This creates node points below the surface of the Earth, on the surface of the Earth and in the upper atmosphere of the Earth which can be stabilized and exploited for near instantaneous travel through the cosmic web to great distances with the right calculations and observations made of local solar activity and space weather also know as solar wind, measured cosmic rays, vibratory anomalies in the local space of the projected portal opening.
With the use of a complex coding system for destinations and quantum computation and a software, we can use scalar energy and torsion fields to stabilize and plot a portal destination long enough for bidirectional travel at little risk to those making the journey accept for destinations that have not been travelled prior or are far enough away from the local star to be affected by space weather/phenomenon at the destination location.[2]

Portals can appear unexpectedly. Certain times / synchronicity / alignments can open portals, as this is how the Ancient Builders designed the portals, and has given unexpected subjects a one way ticket to somewhere in the universe.[4]

1. ↑ https://youtu.be/KP2Wn4eehqA?t=20m25s
2. ↑ https://spherebeingalliance.com/…/mechanics-of-portal-trave…
3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 https://www.spherebeingalliance.com/…/transcript-cosmic-dis…
4. Stargates/Portals sources:

Sun spots are Cosmic Web portals:

Portal Traveller:

Supergate source:

A human ARV going through a Supergate:

Supergate footage from passenger Airline, Japan: