Movie relating Donald Marshall info – They Cloned Tyrone

Hello my friends. It has been a while, but like I have said I am pretty busy with work and other projects nowadays. But something came up and it is this movie called They Cloned Tyrone… seems a lot like what Donald Marshall has told to us… A series of eerie events thrusts an unlikely … Continue reading Movie relating Donald Marshall info – They Cloned Tyrone

Boss Level (2020) – Movie full of Donald Marshall references

Hi! I just watched a movied called Boss Level (2020). This movie is incredible if you know the Donald Marshall story including the pro board stuff. If you have not heard about DM please search on this site by typing “Donald Marshall” in the search in the top bar. There have been movies about Donald … Continue reading Boss Level (2020) – Movie full of Donald Marshall references

How Donald Marshall came to be selected to participate in these top-secret government programs

Here is a nice and brief info about how Donald Marshall was chosen to participate in to these projects were he has been. Thanks to Rogue one for this. Marshall is often asked how he came to be selected to participate in these top-secret government programs, especially at such a young age. According to Marshall, … Continue reading How Donald Marshall came to be selected to participate in these top-secret government programs

Donald Marshall: THEN there are the visual and audio effects…

Donald Marshall: “THEN there are the visual and audio effects… And how it’s done is way hard to believe, but I was relieved when I saw an article about artificial telepathy, and it explained almost all of it,… And there is a company that makes headchips called mindworks computers I think it’s called and they … Continue reading Donald Marshall: THEN there are the visual and audio effects…

Exposing The Music Industry: Celebrity Cloning, the Deep State & the Donald Marshall Story

Widely known Youtube channel Edge Of Wonder has made an brilliant information video about Donald Marshall story. Please spread this, because it is beautifully done and it is a nice small video wrapping the key points of his story: Part 1 is on edge Of Wonder’s own page: Hey wonderers! For those that are wondering, … Continue reading Exposing The Music Industry: Celebrity Cloning, the Deep State & the Donald Marshall Story