Are we living in Westworld?

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In recent times I have tried to figure out this reality matrix topic. It all started when I watched an old movie called Westworld. That is an old sci-fi movie about an artificial themepark where robots are controlled and people can go there an have a fun in different kind of time eras. Then they released a new TV-serie from this idea last year and that show is just amazing.

So I watched the whole season and started thinking, that if so called Illuminati/Elite or whatever have been showing reality in our faces for years in movies and TV-series, could it be that this serie is too? Last weeks I have tried to figure how it all could work in our reality and most of it makes perfect sense.

I won’t be describing my whole ideas here, because you just have to watch the old movie and the whole serie to catch the idea, but could it be that we are just bionic robots and our “souls” are just little piece of self-learning AI-code inside these bionic robotsuits? Then there are these aliens/gods/shadow people who run this our “flat earth” and some of them are living among us and have just fun in this amusement park? Have you noticed that some of us will always get the “free jail card” like in Monopoly game?

This concept could explain so many weird things, which we are experiencing right now.  Paranormal activity when they change the scene like in Dark City movie or glitches/deja-vu’s like in Matrix movie. Or like in almost every work Philip K Dick has released, most obious one is probably The Adjustment Bureau movie. Then they could create natural catastrophes like we are dealing with now like Hurricane Harvey, Irma etc. If you have played an old PC-game called Sim City you catch the idea… it’s just a game for them and they are laughing… and they are laughing out loud.

It also explains why some of us have felt that something is wrong in our life like a splinter in our mind. Maybe some of us didn’t get the latest software/AI update and remember things. This could explain also the so called “Mandela Effect” so many of us are experiencing. In Westwold serie the bionic robots or hosts have program inside them, which can be manipulated and upgraded. It could explain why some of us are so intelligent and superior to others. They also show a flat earth model in the show and there have been a lot of debate about this topic in the Internet.

It just makes so much more sense that any of our religion, except that is there a God above these Westworld controllers? In the show there is this Dr. Ford who could be Satan and controlling this material reality, who knows. There are many good videos about this but absolutely the best one is this one:

Then there are videos which are just kind of solving the Illuminati side of the show like symbolism etc.  and those are also interesting, because this whole thing is just a show for them. And they enjoy to rub these truths in our faces and laugh, because we don’t get it.

So are we just bionic pupets with a piece of AI-code inside of us or something more? In any case I think we are living in prison… for our mind if not else.

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6 thoughts on “Are we living in Westworld?”

  1. Hi and thank you for your reply. Yes World indeed is a rigged game.


  2. I know I’m late here, but thanks to the channel Divergent, I watched the TV series and through what I learned on his channel and others like Jon Levi, Autodiatic and My Lunch Break, I truly believe our world is a type of Westworld. Our history, solar system, politics, country borders and money have all been manufactured for a certain narrative.

  3. Thank you for your comment. Every aspect of waking-up to this reality is important. Just watch the series and you got the feeling, that something indeed isn’t right or things are not what they look like in life. This is a game.


  4. Yes Im thinking about it felling like Dollores because I had some ” spiritual” ( or quantic?) Expiriencies I think some controller of me Was listening… Im very glad I was 6 years ago. I saw a woman( of my family) get down like a tornado… Her body get to the floor and two big 1meter eyes get out stating looking at me…
    So body is just some waves togher..veey togher.. and Someone or Somepeople is controlling it totally..
    Sorry about my english.
    Thanks for the Controllers how anwsered me.. Now I see this tv serie and something is weird, not just a tv serie…

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