I found this very interesting essay covering the so called Anunnaki presence here on Earth and everyone should read this one:
Between the Devil and the Returning Rock
In this essay, we will examine interlocking sets of issues concerning governance, near-Earth security, and interspecies relations generated by the presence of the Annunaki on Earth and the Kingdom returning to aphelion in the next sixty to one hundred and ten years. The presence of people from another world on Earth presents unique problems and opportunities for us as a biokind (biological kind), the result of a directed panspermia carried out by Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came – in the words of Zecharia Sitchin, a latter days prophet and dispeller of darkness about our biokind’s prehistory. Information generated over the last forty years (e.g., the Department of Energy’s early 1970s conference on communications in the 21st century at Hilton Head, the colloquia at Cornell University organized by Carl Sagan in the early to mid-80s on exocommunication and interspecies relations, the select conferences organized by the aerospace industry on interplanetary travel requirements and exotic propulsion, the formation of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (or NGA) late last century and its mission, and the indicia on Annunaki presence in the United States generated by a field study conducted by the author over the last five years) make, in our view, for a most compelling need to confront the broad issues we will raise and deal with in this essay.
The driving assumptions of this essay are two, and quite simple: (1) not everything is as it seems, or as we are told it is; and (2) neither are all assets completely disclosed, nor their real, intended capabilities and uses open to public scrutiny, for their obvious security and counterintelligence value. Also a note on the
intent of the author and collaborators in writing this essay. It is our opinion and impression from a cursory review of the UFO literature that the focus of study of phenomena ascribed to extraterrestrial biological entities – as life forms and bearers of advanced levels of technology – is scattered across a wide range of subjects. Furthermore, the subject of Annunaki on Earth – a subject of primary importance to the human race at this juncture in our history – is focused upon Sitchin’s voluminous work. The presence of Annunaki on Earth is treated by thoughtful thinkers, like Neil Freer, in reference to Sitchin and not on the present or the
4 future of what the reality of Annunaki on Earth portends for us, not just their mythic and Jungian archetypes in our subconscious (Freer [White Paper] undated, 1998, 1994). Perhaps this state of affairs isdue to the dearth of information on what to, where to, and who to look for on Earth, and in particular in the United States. Neil’s focus upon our need to grow up and out of our collective godspell is well placed, but in our view does not address what needs to be our central interest about Annunaki on Earth. Hopefully, doing so will indicate to us all just what we now face and will encounter in the next sixty to one hundred ten years from today. Metaphorically speaking, this should put a face on what, in the literature, isoften referred to as the dark side, unethical celestial network.
Additionally, we have written this essay not as whistleblowers, which we are not, nor intend to stimulate the view we are; quite the contrary, we present our thoughts and the results of our field study here to stimulate discourse on the subject what the presence of the Annunaki on Earth means to us. It is also evident that there is little or no intelligence on them in the public domain, and we believe this to be a dangerous state of affairs. Without information, whether shreds, indicia, or even uncorroborated reports, we believe that it is indeed difficult to entertain possibilities and formulate scenarios for our collective consideration. Fortunately, there are ways and places to go find information about these people, and from humans who have had access to high level policy formulation about them as well as people who have been the recipients of their request for allegiance and loyalty. We have explored these places and managed to meet sources who have spoken to us on the condition of anonymity, in the furtherance of our collectiveunderstanding of what we are facing now and will face in the future. It took time – nearly five years of patient search and careful scrutiny of the sources themselves and the information culled from and through them – and a complex validation (vetting information where possible, along with of the sources. We also used the journalistic device of confirmation of information by at least two or moresources. Finally, it was not our intention to conduct a scientific study, but rather a field study that would generate information which could lead us all into new venues, new inquiries, and more search and research pertinent to our collective future safety, security and integrity. We hoped to have accomplished that, and pray that this essay generates the intended discourse on the subject. The final reason is that we found Ed Komarek’s remarks on his blog: The way to break the back of the dark, secret, covert cabal … is to expose their very exopolitical foundation! quite on target, although his metaphors a bit simplistic yet very accurate. There are indeed two camps which correspond closely to his ethical celestial beings vs. unethical celestial network, with their corresponding earthly conduits and minions. But the landscape in which the drama continues to unfolds is murkier than what Ed makes it out, or perhaps wishes it, to be. See his http://exopolitics.blogspot.com. Their presence in
the dramatic landscape suggested by our eleven informants will also hopefully become evident in this essay.
We will explore scenarios raised by informant reports in two areas – governance and near-Earth security, and draw from available literature and scenarios developed by a team led by the author on interspecies relations. From these, we will focus specifically on six sets of issues: governance as institutional response sets to the presence of the Annunaki on Earth, governance as meaning given to the concept by Earthbound Annunaki culled from informant sources, near-Earth space security (for whom? why?), defense of Earthbound Annunaki interests on Earth, the current roles and situations we face in theAnnunaki interclan conflict, and the choices we face in view of the alignment of wide-ranging political, economic, religious and military influence and control exerted by Earthbound Annunaki through third-party minions and their projection of might and technological superiority…