Category Archives: Anunnaki

Between the Devil and the Returning Rock

I found this very interesting essay covering the so called Anunnaki presence here on Earth and everyone should read this one:

Between the Devil and the Returning Rock

The quickening of issues of governance, security, and interspecies exopolitical relations caused by the Annunnaki inter-clan civil conflict and the return of NI.BI.RU. to perihelion – Speculations in view of new data
End Times Futures Research Group

In this essay, we will examine interlocking sets of issues concerning governance, near-Earth security, and interspecies relations generated by the presence of the Annunaki on Earth and the Kingdom returning to aphelion in the next sixty to one hundred and ten years. The presence of people from another world on Earth presents unique problems and opportunities for us as a biokind (biological kind), the result of a directed panspermia carried out by Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came – in the words of Zecharia Sitchin, a latter days prophet and dispeller of darkness about our biokind’s prehistory. Information generated over the last forty years (e.g., the Department of Energy’s early 1970s conference on communications in the 21st century at Hilton Head, the colloquia at Cornell University organized by Carl Sagan in the early to mid-80s on exocommunication and interspecies relations, the select conferences organized by the aerospace industry on interplanetary travel requirements and exotic propulsion, the formation of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (or NGA) late last century and its mission, and the indicia on Annunaki presence in the United States generated by a field study conducted by the author over the last five years) make, in our view, for a most compelling need to confront the broad issues we will raise and deal with in this essay.

The driving assumptions of this essay are two, and quite simple: (1) not everything is as it seems, or as we are told it is; and (2) neither are all assets completely disclosed, nor their real, intended capabilities and uses open to public scrutiny, for their obvious security and counterintelligence value. Also a note on the
intent of the author and collaborators in writing this essay. It is our opinion and impression from a cursory review of the UFO literature that the focus of study of phenomena ascribed to extraterrestrial biological entities – as life forms and bearers of advanced levels of technology – is scattered across a wide range of subjects. Furthermore, the subject of Annunaki on Earth – a subject of primary importance to the human race at this juncture in our history – is focused upon Sitchin’s voluminous work. The presence of Annunaki on Earth is treated by thoughtful thinkers, like Neil Freer, in reference to Sitchin and not on the present or the
4 future of what the reality of Annunaki on Earth portends for us, not just their mythic and Jungian archetypes in our subconscious (Freer [White Paper] undated, 1998, 1994). Perhaps this state of affairs isdue to the dearth of information on what to, where to, and who to look for on Earth, and in particular in the United States. Neil’s focus upon our need to grow up and out of our collective godspell is well placed, but in our view does not address what needs to be our central interest about Annunaki on Earth. Hopefully, doing so will indicate to us all just what we now face and will encounter in the next sixty to one hundred ten years from today. Metaphorically speaking, this should put a face on what, in the literature, isoften referred to as the dark side, unethical celestial network.

Additionally, we have written this essay not as whistleblowers, which we are not, nor intend to stimulate the view we are; quite the contrary, we present our thoughts and the results of our field study here to stimulate discourse on the subject what the presence of the Annunaki on Earth means to us. It is also evident that there is little or no intelligence on them in the public domain, and we believe this to be a dangerous state of affairs. Without information, whether shreds, indicia, or even uncorroborated reports, we believe that it is indeed difficult to entertain possibilities and formulate scenarios for our collective consideration. Fortunately, there are ways and places to go find information about these people, and from humans who have had access to high level policy formulation about them as well as people who have been the recipients of their request for allegiance and loyalty. We have explored these places and managed to meet sources who have spoken to us on the condition of anonymity, in the furtherance of our collectiveunderstanding of what we are facing now and will face in the future. It took time – nearly five years of patient search and careful scrutiny of the sources themselves and the information culled from and through them – and a complex validation (vetting information where possible, along with of the sources. We also used the journalistic device of confirmation of information by at least two or moresources. Finally, it was not our intention to conduct a scientific study, but rather a field study that would generate information which could lead us all into new venues, new inquiries, and more search and research pertinent to our collective future safety, security and integrity. We hoped to have accomplished that, and pray that this essay generates the intended discourse on the subject. The final reason is that we found Ed Komarek’s remarks on his blog: The way to break the back of the dark, secret, covert cabal … is to expose their very exopolitical foundation! quite on target, although his metaphors a bit simplistic yet very accurate. There are indeed two camps which correspond closely to his ethical celestial beings vs. unethical celestial network, with their corresponding earthly conduits and minions. But the landscape in which the drama continues to unfolds is murkier than what Ed makes it out, or perhaps wishes it, to be. See his Their presence in
the dramatic landscape suggested by our eleven informants will also hopefully become evident in this essay.


We will explore scenarios raised by informant reports in two areas – governance and near-Earth security, and draw from available literature and scenarios developed by a team led by the author on interspecies relations. From these, we will focus specifically on six sets of issues: governance as institutional response sets to the presence of the Annunaki on Earth, governance as meaning given to the concept by Earthbound Annunaki culled from informant sources, near-Earth space security (for whom? why?), defense of Earthbound Annunaki interests on Earth, the current roles and situations we face in theAnnunaki interclan conflict, and the choices we face in view of the alignment of wide-ranging political, economic, religious and military influence and control exerted by Earthbound Annunaki through third-party minions and their projection of might and technological superiority…


Anunnaki geneticist created our bodies, not our souls

When you know that something in this world is not right and it’s like a splinter in your mind. You start to search answears and sometimes you find them, but almost everytime it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Sometimes there is still a grain of Truth on your hands and I think this article has something of that Truth in it:

Approximately one half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals, soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status

Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions.

Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist?

Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside.

While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness. Over the years some people came to this same conclusion.

They noticed that some people were strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, especially with modern society being so heavily brainwashed with the politically correct but unrealistic concept that everyone is completely equal in every way, which ignores functional differences due to environmental, genetic, and most importantly, metaphysical factors.

A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.

These are interesting times. On one hand there are changes happening on a global scale that can’t really be ignored much longer. On the other hand the majority of the population seem to live their lives as if everything is just as it always is and always will be, locked in a tunnel vision of personal and material interest.

While souled humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives them the ability of individual self-awareness, Organic Portals lack this divine spark and are only dimly conscious in comparison. They belong to an animal like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates collectively rather than individually.

While each souled human has a relatively unique energy shaped by that person’s awareness, experience, and essence, the energy that animates one Organic Portal is the same animating any other. The human species on Earth is not a family, but rather is an aggregation (heterogeneous group) of beings with many different soul origins, that is, souls that came from many different planets.

And, of course, humanity is also made up of soulless organic portals, too. The Anunnaki merely created our bodies, not our souls (for those who have one, that is). Nor did the Reptilians create our spirits, but more on all of this later.

Anunnaki geneticists interacting with the tree of life, while supervised by King ANU
(trans.: The Sky Father)

Everything in this Virtual Reality requires a consciousness, whether a True or an artificial consciousness to drive it. This means that even a grain of sand has a consciousness. Even things much smaller than grains of sand have consciousnesses. The consciousness must maintain the illusion of motion throughout its body during its entire lifespan.

Nothing exists in the Virtual Reality unless it upholds the illusion of motion. When the illusion of motion ceases, the organism dies and the consciousness driving the body leaves it. More and more people are now beginning to believe that there is life after death. This is true only to a certain point.

One could ask, If there is life after death, is there death after life?

There are three basic categories of consciousness in the Virtual Reality:

  1. True-Light consciousness,
  2. False-Light consciousness and, lastly,
  3. Artificial consciousness.

Artificial consciousnesses encompass the ones created totally evil and the ones created like robots by Darkness.

The ones created of total Darkness include the ones I have referred to as the “soulless” ones. However, these are not to be confused with the artificial ones created by the Anunnaki alien scientists.

The False-Light consciousnesses created by Darkness have a mixture of True-Light particles in the consciousnesses.

True-Light particles trapped in this category of consciousness are the hardest to rescue, as it requires a very delicate operation to separate them from the Evil embedded along side of them with as little damage to the True-Light particles as possible.

When physical life terminates, the ones of artificial consciousness cease to operate until the artificial consciousness is put into another body to drive it. An artificial consciousness is akin to a replacement engine that is put into another body.

For all intents and purposes, it is like a spare part that does nothing until it is put into another body and reactivated by putting it into motion again. It is this “sleeping” phase when they are not in motion that characterizes these consciousnesses, because they lose their awareness of being.

Thus, an artificial consciousness is like a robot that is started and stopped by Darkness. For these,there is no afterlife.

However, the “soulless ones” amongst the artificial consciousnesses that are designed to promote and maintain absolute evil are usually allowed to continue in another process, which enables them to generate and maintain evil from the various levels of the astral planes. These are not the ones put on the shelf, so to speak.

These can sometimes appear to be good guys or spiritual masters in the astral realms. They are allowed to experience a form of “artificial” after-life in the astral world which in itself is an artificial reality. Hence, it is an artificial reality within an artificial reality.

In other words, they reside in a virtual world within the virtual world of the astral reality. Most of the inhabitants of the “normal” astral world do not have free access to their planes without the permission from Darkness’ astral administrators.

When a True-Light consciousness vacates its physical body at the time of physical death, it continues its awareness because its awareness does not depend upon motion, as in the case of an artificial consciousness.

The False-Light consciousness with a mixture of True-Light particles and False-Light particles also continues its awareness after physical death.

Therefore, Darkness has to develop special activities and things for these types of consciousnesses to occupy themselves with while in transition from one body to another in order to keep the charade going.

Exposing the Reincarnation Deception: Your Soul is Enslaved

It is important for Darkness to maintain the deception of the Virtual Reality and specifically of death so that the consciousness thinks it has died and been reborn.

Such ones usually reside in the astral world of the Virtual Reality until it is time for them to re-enter new physical bodies by the process called re-incarnation.

Reincarnation is really a very evil imposition on the consciousness. It is done under the false pretence that the process of death and rebirth is in the best interests of the consciousness for its own purification and advancement.

Reincarnation causes most people to lose almost all their memories of their past lives, it actually obstructs one from advancing in knowledge and awakening to Truth.

This, again, is by design to benefit Darkness. Unbeknown to many, the Akashic records in the astral world, the records of supposedly everything that has ever happened since the beginning of the universe, have been tampered with to suit Darkness.

As already stated, artificial consciousnesses are put to rest after the death of the body they were driving, and they require motion to be activated and re-inserted into another body.

However, motion is an anomaly for a True Divine consciousness. That which is natural to an artificial consciousness is intrinsically unnatural for True Divine consciousnesses.

Hence, the state of a True-Light consciousness that is being extinguished is even more pitiful than that of an artificial consciousness that is oblivious and will not re-awaken from its state of rest until it is re-activated by Darkness.

As stated before, a living body can be occupied by a True-Light consciousness, a False-Light consciousness or an Artificial consciousness.

However, the physical bodies housing all categories of all consciousness are made up of Matter and are influenced by the programming embedded in them. Horrible destruction of True Divine beings has been going on since Darkness created this putrid Virtual Reality.

No wonder the agents of Darkness hate anyone who tries to awaken the “slaves” of Darkness by taunting, persecuting and punishing them in all sorts of ways.

These days, the agents of Darkness employ cowardly ways to attack, defame, blackmail or threaten anyone who dares try to spread Truth. It gives Darkness and Its evil agents great satisfaction each time that It extinguishes a True Divine light.

Contrary to some beliefs, Light does not need Darkness to balance Itself. Nor does Light need Darkness to co-exist.

However, Darkness does need Light to sustain It. In fact, Darkness is a parasitic and vampiric energy that sucks the “life” out of True Light beings in order to survive.

Darkness has only been able to do this by erecting an elaborate house of horrors known as the Virtual Reality. Any True Light beings who enter this house of horrors are immediately preyed upon by agents of Darkness and “assassination” attempts commence as rapidly as possible.

This is what the war between Good and Evil is all about. The Light is about to rescue Its own from the clutches of Darkness, whilst Darkness fights to hold onto every one of Its “prisoners”.

“Assassination” occurs at the moment a True Light being gives over its Will to Darkness. This can be done by trickery, deception, temptation, bribery, punishment, torture or other means. Those who give over their Will are then “fallen” beings, and, for all intents and purposes, are beings of Darkness.

It should be understood that Darkness has not the power to take any True Light being’s Will by force. The Will can only be given over to Darkness by the True Light being.

The “Light” within a True-Light being is a permanent Divine spirit. It will “shine” forever if the Will is not given over to Darkness. But, if the Will is given over, Darkness seizes the permanent “Light” and drains it of its life force.

The True-Light being is then given a temporary artificial consciousness encased in a “soul” in exchange for its True Divine spirit. Thereafter, the being only has light that is generated by “perpetual” motion.

The Divine spirit shines by itself without depending on physical motion. There is no physical motion in the True Divine Realm.

As mentioned earlier, Darkness imposed Its illusion of “no-motion” upon Its Virtual Reality. By use of this illusion, beings think that they are stationary when they are moving very rapidly.

For instance, people on the Earth think that they are standing still even though the Earth is rotating daily and revolving yearly.

When the illusion of “no-motion” is broken, the illusion of motion will be impossible to maintain and all motion will cease. When nothing “moves”, only the viable True Light consciousnesses will shine.

Everything else in the Virtual Reality, including plants, animals, humans, planets, suns, galaxies, etc., will dissipate.

In effect, this is how it is assured that all of the viable True Light will be gathered and taken Home and none of the artificial or fallen consciousnesses will be. Thus, no artificial beings will be accidentally left behind and no non-viable beings will be mistakenly admitted to the Divine Creation.

Darkness dreads Its own demise. It fears that one day It could be extinguished by Its own handiwork. So, It prolongs Its existence by extinguishing the True Light beings.

Before It dies, It cruelly desires to take as many of the True-Light beings down with It by deceiving them into relinquishing their Will to It. This assassination of True Light beings cannot be allowed to go on any longer.

Darkness has created the illusion of time and slowed things down so it appears that this Virtual Reality has been in existence for eons, but this is an illusion. In fact, the Virtual Reality has only been in existence for a very short interval.

It is transitory and temporary and will soon be dissolved into nothingness. From the perspective on Earth, the Rescue Mission appears to be like a tortoise race due to the illusion of time that makes it appear to be a long time in occurring.

Further, death has so shortened human lifetimes that it was almost an impossible task for the Christ or any Divine Messengers to bring down sufficient information and fully awaken to their roles in one lifetime.

The Rescue Mission will be completed before the Divine will allow Darkness to self-destruct and dissipate into nothingness.

It is a time to rejoice for those who have held onto their Will. The time for liberation from Darkness is drawing closer and closer. Darkness will soon be unable to reactivate Its artificial consciousnesses.

Everything that is created by Darkness will cease to exist when the illusion of motion is fractured and Darkness’ empire will be no more. Death will disappear forever when this Virtual Reality self-destructs and vanishes.

It is undeniable that everything is a slave to motion. Without motion, everything stops, including the processes known as physical life and physical death. Death is so obvious in this world that everyone has encountered it one way or another.

Many fear it, some shun it, whilst others even deny its existence, but it continues inexorably to punish and chase us all. Everyone’s life is spent on avoiding death and delaying the encounter. Those who deny that death exists are seen as abnormal or as having some form of psychological disorder that causes them to deny death.

Since ancient times, people of all cultures and religions have ardently pursued a cure for physical death in the name of physical immortality. They are driven on this quest at the deepest level of their existence because they fear death.

Ironically, the deity responsible for death is the being most fearful of death of its own demise and annihilation. The deity has embedded and programmed this fear into everything that “lives” in this world of illusions.

Many humans who have explored the fear of death have concluded that all living things have a survival instinct. What has been referred to as a survival instinct is really the programmed fear of death that infects all living things, including plants, animals and humans.

This programming is deeply embedded into every particle of Matter because every particle of Matter has a thought form from Darkness that contains Darkness’ fear of death.

Darkness is so frightened of Its own demise that even the smallest building blocks of the physical universes (Matter) are thoroughly saturated with the instinctive fear of death. The fear of death is a morbid disease. It was created by a putrid, demented Mind. It is this fear that will eventually topple the entire virtual reality.

People pursue immortality even though almost everyone knows at the deepest level that the concept is absolutely absurd. Everyone knows that physical bodies ultimately decay and die. Yet the absurd quest for immortality continues.

It continues because the deity responsible for this Virtual Reality is insanely hoping against hope to find a cure for death, not to abolish it, but to use it to benefit Itself. The deity is afraid that one day It will die.

It wants immortality. It pretends to be god but it is not eternal and It seeks eternal life. The contradiction here is that when death is conquered, the True-Light’s Rescue Mission will be completed and the malevolent deity’s entire empire will collapse.

Ironically, death is the very tool Darkness invented and imposed on everything in Its domain, the Virtual Reality, to control and enslave Its creation and all that are trapped in it.

Death, amongst other things, wipes out memories to make it almost impossible for anyone to see through the lies and illusions of this Virtual Reality through the process of reincarnation.

To understand death one needs to first understand the beginning of “life” in the Virtual Reality. In the True Divine Creation there is no motion, there is no vibration in the way we know it here, there is no physical movement as we know it here.

Darkness invented motion, that was Its first illusion. From the illusion of motion, Darkness created everything in the Virtual Reality. This includes even the illusion of no motion, the illusion of things being stationary within the illusion of motion.

Darkness used the illusion of motion to form Matter by compressing spirals of Its thought-forms, which are the foundation of all things in the Virtual Reality.

The formation of Matter is the beginning of all life and death in the Virtual Reality. Everything created from Matter has a beginning and an end, a birth and death. This is by design of Darkness.

When all the illusions fall, Darkness will be fully exposed and those particles that comprise Darkness that have remained true to the Light and held onto the Will will shine.

All the others will dissipate into nothingness as Darkness fractures. So, even the prison known as the Evil Mind will shatter, and any particles within It that still hold onto the Divine Will will be released, freed from the self-imposed prison of Darkness.

The contradiction of Darkness is that it requires True-Light particles to exist, yet it also must assassinate True-Light particles to drive Its putrid Virtual Reality. Were Darkness to assassinate all the True-Light particles, It would self-destruct into nothingness.

The Rescue Mission was launched to free the imprisoned True-Light particles and halt the insane, self-destructive activity of Darkness founded upon death. Strictly speaking, in the end, even Darkness is being liberated from Itself and Its twisted creation based upon senseless wastage, suffering and death.

Soon, all the viable True-Light beings will be in their True Divine Home, where there are no sour notes and nothing can play out of key.

Everything in the True Home is in True Harmony, True Balance, Unconditional Love, Beauty, Power and True Light.

Escape ‘Their’ TRAP and Set Your Soul FREE


‘Alien abduction victim’ claims extraterrestrials revealed the meaning of life to him

An alien abductee has come forward and publicly revealed the plan extraterrestrials have for humanity in the next few years.  After being abducted by aliens for the last 17 years of his life, the anonymous abductee says he wants to share his experience with the public so they can learn the truth about extraterrestrials. 

In an online post on a popular conspiracy forum, the alien abductee reveals:

  • How aliens are able to communicate via telepathy with eachother and humans
  • The secrets about Earth’s history hidden from us by our rulers
  • How the universe came into existence (it was NOT the Big Bang or ‘God’ according to these beings)
  • What the future for the human race holds

Full Disclosure: Revelations of an Extraterrestrial Encounter.

My name is [redacted]. I’m [redacted] years old and I’m going to let you know right away, there’s a whole lot to digest about who I am, why I’m here, and what I’ve gone through in my life.

The thoughts that will go through your head as you read this have kept me awake hundreds of sleepless nights in my life.

I’ve questioned my sanity many times over, but I assure you, in every way possible, I am quite sane.

I’m not endorsing this story, or saying it even really truly happened. I’m only saying I believe this happened to me.

I could be crazy. I could be getting used to spread distraction. I don’t know. I’m just going with what’s gone on in my head over forty years, and saying it like it is.

Just keep in mind If i was telling this for any other reason than a true love for this planet, I’d be telling it to a Hollywood agent or book publisher and charging you money to read it. I’m not.

We all have our reasons for being drawn to the esoteric. Mine was UFOS.

Not my interest in them, but their interest in me. It started when I was only 4 years old. And it’s gone on ever since.

My first experience was a face to face meeting with a strange little Being. We communicated by telepathy and that connection remains today.

It’s a one way kind of communication. I’ve asked a million questions but never really got an answer to any of them.

Well except for one I suppose. I guess she must be able to hear me. The one question I asked the most was answered. It just wasn’t the answer I wanted.

Naturally I wanted to know what was going on…and I always heard the same response. “When it’s time, you’ll know.”is

I’ve gone years with no interaction but she always comes back. Yes. The Being was female and quite motherly in her communication with me.

She tells me things. About myself and about them, and about this planet. And it’s history.

Seems I’ve been at this for quite some time too. I’m a very old soul. She’s recently told me a bunch of things that in all honesty, I already knew, sort of.

I know one thing for sure. Amongst other things, i’m a warrior through and through. That I didn’t need to be told. But just how much of a warrior, I had no idea.

Unfortunately having the heart of a lion only gets you so far. And for me, it’s never been far enough.

That’s why I’ve learned to fight with my mind this time. Even though I spent a lot of my life in a subculture of violence this time around, I see now I had to be there to unlearn the ways I’ve always handled my confrontations. In this life too, but more so in my past lives.

I really am tired of all this. It’s been long enough. Too many people have died thinking we could beat them (the elite force controlling the world) in a physical confrontation.

They didn’t start actually “abducting me” until I was 31 years old though. And I prefer to think of myself as “taken” not abducted.

For the last 17 years it’s been an on and off again thing. I’d just gone 5 years without any contact or communication incidents, but in Aug 2016, (like 4 months ago) things got very serious, very fast.

Life was as normal as I think it’s ever been for me. I was right where I wanted to be, and comfortable with everything my life was becoming. Mine has been a life of constant rebuilding and change.

I went to bed one Saturday night just like any other night. But Sunday morning was not anything like any Sunday I’d been through before.

I woke up and realized immediately what happened. I was freezing. And soaking wet. And I felt like I was in a dream. Have you ever been under anesthetic? Same feeling when waking up. It’s like coming back from, hmmm, i don’t know where, but It’s the telltale sign.

But this time there was more. I had a head full of ideas and an absolute NEED to search out and connect to people just like all of you.

And, she was back. Like never before. And she had a lot to say in the last three months. Wow!

What I’m going to tell you was revealed to me, a bit here, piece there, over my lifetime. It really never made much sense to me though, until now. Now I have the whole truth.

And I do apologize to the people I’ve been difficult with, but you can’t imagine the pressure I’m under with this.

It’s really, really hard to listen to theories I know are incomplete or distraction, while having no ability to present what I know until right now. I was told not to tell anyone.

So, before I go any further, I need you to understand something. Read this next line as many times as you need to.

We, aren’t what we’ve been taught to believe we are! Not at all. Nothing!

What I’m going to tell you may change your life. In what way is entirely up to you.

I see it one of three ways, you’ll hate me forever, you’ll embrace this and know me forever, or you’ll call me crazy.

The reality is there’s been some very big lies told. And I’m going to do my best to explain the who, want, when, where, and why that surround these secrets.

So here it is, the real story as I understand it.

This planet was not the result of a Big Bang or the creation of “God” as we understand Him. The Universe came to exist because of The One.

The One is neither alive or dead, male or female good nor bad. IT just is…

The One is responsible for creating all the framework which functions to provide an environment for everything to exist in.

IT created this planet, and all the other planets, stars, moons, and everything in between.

Unlike the story we were told, “God” does not work alone. The One had some help.

The One created several intelligent races of benevolent Aliens that function to serve The Universe. Like The One, they are Immortal and never die. They are tangible Beings though, just not in the same way we are.

These Aliens are the craftsmen tasked with maintaining the integrity of all The One had created.

Planet Earth was seeded with life by a race of immortal Aliens called Centaurians from a planet called Eden. It’s located in the Centauri star system.

And when I say life, I mean ALL of it. Especially us.

The Centaurians are part of the immortal workforce that service The Universe. They are scientists and geneticists. It was theiru job to seed life throughout The Universe.

There is one exception though. The sector where The Six Headed Beast ruled.

Using a master set of plant and animal DNA supplied by The One, The Centaurians genetically engineered a vast living library of life.

Earth was their seed bank and it was called The Garden of Eden. Easily it was the most beautiful of all the planets. The One had really done a wonderful job.

They used a process called gene splicing, and did this work in labs on Eden.

Each new plant or animal prototype they created was then taken to Earth where it was cultivated.

Not all planets have the same conditions or type of atmosphere. So it also had to be determined which species could exist in different places.

This planet was designed to support many different types of environments and climates that mimic conditions around the universe.

Once these new products were studied, logged, and samples were stored, they were distributed to the planets throughout the universe best suited for each species.

However, in the face of all The One had created, even IT was not perfect. The One had made only one mistake. But it was a big one.

I’m not going to even pretend I understand it. But in the beginning, when The One was the only thing in existence, IT became “lonely”.

To combat this problem, The One divided itself by 25% to create another, lesser version of itself.

This new Number Two later realized that’s exactly what it was. Lesser. The One could have split in half and made them equal, but IT didn’t.

And when The One finished what IT had set out to do, which was create the Universe, and the immortal work force to help complete it, Number Two took offence.

Number Two realized The One had provided no role whatsoever for IT to contribute to all that was created.

Upon realizing the sole purpose of IT’s existence, was to keep The One from becoming lonely again, Number Two decided to leave.

At the time, Number Two didn’t realize it, but the choice to leave, introduced some new things to The Universe. Conflict. And Free Will.

Number Two took up residence in a far off corner of The Universe. It didn’t take long to realize though, IT was all alone.

As The One had divided itself to solve the same problem, so too did Number Two.

But Number Two didn’t want to face the same dilemma, so IT divided into 6 equal individuals. And they quickly set out to develop this corner of The Universe into their very own version of what the rest of The Universe would be like.

The result was a galactic society of miscreants lead by what would come to be known as The Six Headed Beast.

The division into 6 individuals had corrupted key bits of knowledge and understanding from the consciousness of the whole.

This lost knowledge was the reason all the creatures that were created to reside on the planets in this sector, had no soul.

Some of these creatures were worse than others, but none of them could actually be considered good.

They are flesh and blood creatures who only live for a certain length of time and die one day.

We were created the way we were, with a soul, for a reason. The Centaurians wanted to create an intelligent worker who would live on Earth and be responsible for maintaining the integrity of The Garden of Eden.

Tending to this garden would be an extremely delicate, and sometimes dangerous program. They needed leverage to ensure compliance to the job.

Also, since free will and conflict had come into existence when Number Two left, it was decided that from this point forward, immortality would have to be earned.

So it was decided that a promise of immortality under certain conditions, would help motivate this creature called a human being, to serve its purpose to the best of its ability.

A unique approach that would allow human beings to exist as two separate halves of one entity, had been successfully designed by an amazing team of scientists on Eden.

And quickly this design and reasoning for it, was approved by The One.

One half of the human would exist on Eden. The other half would exist on Earth.

The two individual halves of the human being are connected by something called a soul.

Inside the body of each half of the humans, flows a pure form of energy that binds both parts to one another.

A telepathic connection that allowed the two parts to communicate back and forth was also a very useful feature for completing the work projects tasked to the humans.

The half which existed on Eden would work in the lab as a genetic scientist to create new life forms.

When these plants and animals were cultivated on Earth, the process would be conducted by the Earth halves of the scientists whose team had invented the specific species.

This way the scientist and the botanist or biologist could share information to ensure a well cared for and properly designed product was the end result of their efforts.

This telepathic connection was also a way to never forget home and in times of struggle, a voice of reason to offer advice. A friend, so no matter what, no human would ever be alone, like The One had once been.

You likely won’t believe me yet, but that voice in your head, your conscience, is actually what’s left of the telepathic connection to our counterpart on Eden.

Of course today we are raised to believe thinking anything other than “it’s your own voice” will get you locked up in a psych ward.

Big threats to protect big secrets. And big secrets are certainly being kept from us about how and why that connection was lost.

To become immortal, the humans had to live by guidelines and rules and show the intelligence, loyalty, and desire to be a productive, honest, contributing member of the Galactic Society they belonged to.

A series of tests, and lessons would be incorporated into their lives that would determine when they would be ready to achieve immortality.

On Earth everything living has an expiration date, meaning one day it dies. This applies to everything except for one thing, the human soul.

When a human died on Earth, the soul ascended to Eden for evaluation. If it was decided the soul was ready, the two halves would merge into one immortal being.

However, if it wasn’t ready, the soul would experience something called reincarnation where it was sent back to Earth in a new body.

The human would then encounter a more difficult path designed to address the issues that kept it from achieving immortality.

This complex two part creature would be the prototype for a whole new approach to the concept of being alive. If successful, humans could be placed all over the universe.

As The Centaurians hoped, the evolution of The Garden of Eden, and its new occupants, was a great success.

After nearly a hundred thousand years of evolution, only one major change was made to how this system would operate.

It was originally the plan to allow unlimited reincarnation and guaranteed immortality eventually. However, there were unforeseen issues that arose from that idealistic view.

The result was a decision to permit ten chances to get it right and earn the reward of immortality.

By limiting reincarnation to nine times, the decision to populate some of the other planets that had been seeded into life with humans, had passed the scrutiny of The One.

By the way, I told you which star system Eden exists in without feeling like I’m giving up a secret.

Unfortunately, there are people here on Earth right now searching for it, and they already know where they should be looking.

The Kepler telescope made a discovery this year not six months ago in August of 2016

There is one particular planet quite close to Earth. Like close enough where the technology here will allow a probe to make it there in the next 25 years or so.

It’s not Eden. But it’s one step closer. So they really need to be stopped before they get there.

As I said before, I’m an old soul. And I’ve tried more than once to stop those responsible for what I’m trying to tell you, during several of my past lives.

Obviously, I’ve never been on the successful side of any of the battles that have taken place in an attempt to gain control of our own destiny.

I’m sure you’ve realized something must have gone terribly wrong someplace along the line.

Earth is quite obviously not being used by The Centaurians as a living library anymore. It’s being exploited, polluted, and soon enough, will be destroyed.

If you don’t know, there are several tyrannical groups of very rich, very powerful, business men, political leaders and Church officials with questionable ties to each other.

They belong to groups such as The Illuminatii, The Roman Catholic Church, The British Monarchy, and The Freemasons to name a few.

It’s widely accepted that these Billionaire Boys Clubs are up not on the up and up and exist to serve ulterior motives.

They have created, implemented, and enforced a system of corruption, greed, control, and hostility for thousands of years.

The roots of these shady organizations have been traced back to the time of Jesus.

The last attempt to confront these corrupt, power hungry, tyrants was in the early 1300’s.

A very wealthy group called The Knights Templar, that was aligned with The Roman Catholic Church, had found out some extremely sensitive information about Jesus, and the Bible.

Having expressed concerns to a trusted government official about The Church withholding the secret knowledge, The Knights Templar were betrayed and for the most part, disbanded and killed brutally for going against The Pope.

And ever since then these elite tyrants have taken full advantage of the fear they instilled in anyone who may oppose them.

Their stranglehold on the resources and human lives on Planet Earth grows stronger every single day we choose to do nothing.

The Knights knew what I know. Unlike me, they never got the chance to tell though.

Once you know why, and what is at stake, you’ll understand why I’ve made it my choice to suggest we confront these men, end these lies, and try again to rid this planet from their control.

The elite tyrants who control us using money, work hand in hand with the ones who destroy some of us by taking our soul.

The Roman Catholic Church is the real controlling influence behind those running the world, enslaving mankind, and destroying this beautiful planet.

There is no one more powerful than the guy with the funny hat, The Pope. None that are human anyways.

The Pope is always chosen from a secret, and very long list of bloodlines that go back thousands of years to a time when giants roamed the Earth.

Yeah I just said that. But it’s gotta be said. And someone had to say it. And that’s always been my role. To sound the alarm.

But this time the call, MY call, will be heard. This time, the world is ready to hear it. YOU, are ready to hear it!

The age of information has brought a new dimension, one we have never had available before. If you haven’t realized it yet, she told me, IT’S TIME!

This time, we have the ability to UNITE World Wide!. And we will. And we are.

I can feel the soul of every warrior who ever lived and died at the hands of The Elite. All of them. They’re all here.

Some already know it, most don’t, but you all will. The universe will not let you rest until you accept the responsibility of fixing what we have ALWAYS allowed them to do to us.

The Elite aren’t exactly like us in case you haven’t noticed. There is an empty, void, hole in all of “them”.

The world really is an US vs THEM situation.

You may believe “we are all one” and some spiritual awakening is on the horizon, but please, know this: There are TWO different SPECIES living together here on earth. Humans. And Half Breeds.

And no, they are not shape shifting reptilians. In all ways they are identical to us, except for one thing.

They don’t have a soul!

When they die, they are dead. That’s it. No more. They are manufactured.

These soulless shells i’m talking about are The Elite. And they know what they are. Predators. Nasty, sick, twisted, Predators.

There is another group of people who also suffer an impairment of their soul but they have no idea anything is even wrong with them.

At least they have a soul, even if it has been shut right off. As long as it’s there, all hope is not lost.

It’s imperative if we want to experience any kind of freedom again, we begin working together. All men. All for One Cause. One World United.

United, we can move forward into a new Age of Enlightenment.

United, we can be free from all the pain that’s been our lives here on planet Earth.

It will not be easy. But nothing good ever is. Just be certain, if we continue to fall for the tactics that keep us divided, once again, we will fall short. Divide and Conquer will defeat us like it has before in past lives.

The Elite have slowly divided the entire world into divisions so small, they feel confident that it’s just not possible for us to lay aside our differences or seek a new perspective on our beliefs.

I’m hoping that deep down inside though, you feel it! You’ve always felt it. You probably didn’t understand that feeling was your other half calling out to you. And your home. Eden. In all ways possible, they both need you now, more than ever.

For some of us, the connection to our other half is starting to be established once more. I’ll explain why later.

It’s the ones caught deep in this web of lies I worry about though. The ones with the soul affliction.

Things on Eden have taken a very long time to fully recover from the Annunaki Invasion.

The reason is the soul affliction that has taken hold here on Earth lately, has nearly crippled the population on Eden.

The half of the human that’s born and exists on Eden, that’s attached to the people on Earth commonly referred to as Sheeple, (people who can’t see anything at all wrong with how the world operates) are basically handicapped.

They don’t contribute to the workforce, in fact, they take away from it, as they require constant care and supervision.

Despite all that has changed since humans came into existence, the soul still continues to develop properly and in unison with its Counterpart on Eden.

The changes to the minds of the humans on Earth however, somehow have caused the autism -like affliction of the mind running rampant on Eden.

So I’m here on a mission. I’m here to wake you up to what you used to be, to what you are.

And what you need to be, if we ever want to free ourselves from this nightmare we’ve all been tricked into living.

I guess tricked isn’t the best choice of words either. They didn’t trick us, they genetically modified us is what they did.

And what I’m about to tell you now, is where things get intense.

What you think you know about the history of earth and its many different inhabitants, are all lies. And it’s the job of the church, to protect those lies.

And the reward from protecting those lies, goes to the enforcers of the lie. The Illuminati. The Freemasons. The Elite.

Their reward is your life of servitude! And every man, woman and child belongs to them whether you admit it, or not.

Because the elite know they are soulless shells of what we are, they hate us.

Once I explain what they are lying about, and how far they’ve gone to protect the lie, you’ll understand just how much hate for us they hold.

The only other things that interest them are material riches and the thrill of feeling somehow superior as they treat us like garbage in a ruthless pursuit of the Almighty Dollar.

And we allow it because deep down we feel like our souls will live on regardless.

But that was the old way. Soon you will realize how, like me, you’ve avoided the trap and reincarnated here, over and over again.

Until we get this done, we will continue stuck in this loop, doomed to watch history repeat itself again and again.

And I’m going to tell you why.

There was an invasion on Eden, and they lost. The Centaurians are peaceful scientists, not warriors.

The Annunaki, a race of soulless creatures from the far corner of The Universe developed by The Six Headed Beast had come seeking knowledge.

They required technology to save the atmosphere of the planet they came from, Nibiru.

But Eden refused to help them. They were not in the business of cooperating with any of the soulless abominations created by The Six Headed Beast.

And the Annunaki replied in force. In the process of taking what they came for, they also discovered the location of Earth.

They left Eden in near ruins, and made off with some very sensitive, essential information about all life, and about Planet Earth in particular.

The Annunaki first arrived on planet Earth during a cleansing period.

Once all of the different species were properly sampled and classified, or if circumstances required it, the scientists in charge would initiate a cleansing. The eradication of the old, to usher in the new.

The idea being to repeat the same process with new varieties of plants and animals, as they were developed and created on Eden.

This particular ice-age was also to repair a structural issue with the drainage system. A series of massive trenches and gullies were needed and the only thing powerful enough to dig them were migrating glaciers.

The humans all relocated to Africa during that time, moved by ships sent from Eden.

Unfortunately this relocation turned out to be the very thing that gave full advantage to the Annunaki.

The Annunaki were quite pleased with initial test samples they took. This planet was rich with monoatomic gold just as the stolen information from Eden had stated.

The information from Eden provided them with the formula used to create, or repair, an atmosphere. Monoatomic gold is the key ingredient. And they needed a lot.

The next thing the Annunaki did was set in motion a chain of events which accelerated the melting process.

There was a large area though where life was thriving. Here The Annunaki found a creature they hoped could be used as workers for the massive job of mining the Earth. They had discovered humans.

However, these creatures were quite different than anything The Annunaki had ever encountered. They seemed intelligent enough, but they were impossible to deal with.

Nothing, not fear, not pain, not even watching their friends die would sway them to what The Annunaki wanted them to do.

It was almost like these humans had one purpose and couldn’t do anything else even if they wanted.

But it was love for their home and an outright refusal to damage, destroy, alter, or manipulate the Earth at The Annunaki’s request that kept them from conforming.

The Annunaki even tried, unsuccessfully, claiming they were the ones who created the humans.

However, at that time The Annunaki were unaware of the connection the humans had to their other half back on Eden. The humans knew exactly who had arrived.

The Annunaki were in fact, very intelligent creatures however. A series of genetic manipulations performed on the male humans would solve the problem, or so it was believed.

One by one, the male humans were captured and injected with a DNA upgrade that would eventually change the fate of the inhabitants of The Garden of Eden. It would just be a matter of time.

The Annunaki, having completed the genetic tampering, prepared to leave. They needed to give the melting process of the ice covered planet time to do its thing.

A small team was assembled and would remain on Earth to manage and maintain the breeding process of the humans.

This task was put into the hands of a top scientist named Enki.

Enki was a powerful member of the upper echelon of Annunaki hierarchy.

He was very interested in studying the progress on the rate of change in these creatures.

The Annunaki had an amazing gift bestowed by The Six Headed Beast which created them. They had the power to shape shift, or transform into whatever they needed to be. So they took on human form.

Enki stood among the humans and watched as the other Annunaki boarded their ship and left Earth.

At that point the changes to the human mind had not taken over yet, and as the ship left, a legend was born about the ones who came from the sky in black clouds that burned in the sky.

And in telling this legend, the first of the changes began to materialize in the hearts and minds of the recently injected men, as fear crept in and filled them with a brand new perspective on life.

This new emotion clashed heavily with the very limited emotional database humans had been living with up to this point.

It only took a few generations of reproduction for Enki to realize something had gone wrong though.

By this stage there should have been significant changes in the way this creatures mind worked. But the change was minimal at best.

These creatures were learning to simply adapt, and somehow they retained the sense of self worth they had always enjoyed.

Frustrated, Enki began a series of experiments on his modified humans. What he discovered, shocked, and amazed him

In ways he could not understand, it appeared this creature was in fact, two creatures.

Enki began to decipher a series of files that were part of his spoils of war from the invasion of Eden. And what he learned, he could not believe.

These creatures had something called a soul. Something he had never heard of. Something that made these creatures immortal. As far as Enki knew, only The Six Headed Beast was immortal. More than anything, he wanted that! In fact, Enki became obsessed with the idea of living forever.

So obsessed, he entirely forgot why he had attempted to change the humans in the first place.

All that mattered was finding a way to implant or replicate one of these souls into himself.

Experiment after experiment failed. And as these further modified humans got released back among the others, the more damaged the integrity of the humans became.

After several more generations, significant changes could be seen.

So much so that they began to change in their physical appearance over time, not only mentally as the modification was initially supposed to be.

The most significant change was the colour of some of the creatures skin. There seemed to be several distinct skin tones and physical attributes appearing.

Though Enki had yet to discover the secret of the soul, he was forced to turn his attention back to creating a workforce for the mining operation.

He was rather impressed with one particular group that stood out from the others. It appeared this group was going to be the dominant one.

This dominant version of a human had changed almost entirely in colour.

It began with deep dark brown skin like they all had in the beginning.

But now it had transformed to become pale and light coloured, very much like Enki himself.

Up till this point Enki and his crew had lived unnoticed among the humans. But it was time for a change.

It was now about 190,000 Earth years since the Annunaki had left in their flying spaceship leaving Enki and his crew behind.

Enki and his kind lived to be about 360,000 years old in Earth terms. Which meant if he was going to complete the actual mission he was here for, he would have to find success soon. His age was creeping up on him.

The ice sheets that had once covered the Earth had been greatly diminished by this time. And the redistribution of the humans could begin.

Enki had sent for The Annunaki to return. The first mission was to gather all the humans of each kind based on their skin colour.

Then, each “race” was strategically dispersed around the world to the locations that were no longer inhospitable.

There were 4 distinct races based solely on skin tone. Dark brown, light brown, yellow, and white.

The first three races were relocated in their entirety and kept together. The white race however was divided into three groups.

These smaller groups of white humans were each placed to live with and among the other 3 races.

And just as Enki had envisioned, the white humans did whatever they had to do so they would find themselves in a position of authority.

It didn’t take long, and with the help of the white humans, the mining operations to amass monoatomic gold, were finally underway.

Turning his attention back to the humans, it quickly became clear to Enki there was no way to actually detect the soul while it was inside the body of the human beings.

It frustrated Enki to no end. He had gone so far as to take 13 human wives and father a large amount of children, half human, half Annunaki.

His intention was that if he could not achieve immortality, he could produce children that could.

However, it was this phase of experimentation that nearly took Enki from a distinguished scientist to an obsessed maniac.

There was no way to know if his experiments worked. The soul was no more detectable in his children, than in humans. Whether he had been successful or not, Enki would never know. At this point, he was prepared to give up.

The mining operations were nearly completed, and soon The Annunaki would leave Earth forever.

It was at this time however that Enki made his most crucial discovery.

By chance, he stumbled across some undiscovered information stolen from Eden. Vital information about the soul.

He learned the soul was, in fact, a tangible item. It could only be detected and seen after the death of the human host.

It appeared that as it traversed The Universe on the trip back to Eden, the soul became vulnerable.

And that’s when everything changed. Enki decided he was going to stay.

The rest of The Annunaki thought it was a strange request Enki made, but decided it was his choice to make in the end.

They packed up their ship, and left. Unknown to Enki, another member of their ranks was still on Earth with him.

Having burnt every bridge with his superiors during arguments over the mining expedition, Marduk was banished to Earth, an outcast no longer wanted among his own kind.

Also, unlike Enki, Marduk was open about his relations with human women. Something very much considered to be unacceptable.

It didn’t take Enki long to create a plan to confuse, distract, manipulate and erase any lingering recognition these humans may have about their soul and its purpose.

Enki didn’t want the knowledge of who they were, why they were on Earth, and what the purpose of the soul was, creeping back into the minds of men. He would give them a new, and totally different, understanding to live by.

It was the act of leaving The One, which Number Two had done in the early years of creation, that gave all creatures free will.

Free will would, in the eyes of Enki, become the most favourable of gifts bestowed on creation by The Six Headed Beast.

And Enki was prepared to take full advantage of many of the gifts he possessed if it meant immortality.

The children of Enki were a powerful group. They had no soul, but they did have some of the strengths that made Enki such a powerful creature.

One such quality they acquired was a lifespan much greater than a human. On average, these children would roam the Earth for up to 5000 years.

Another, was their size and strength. The males in particular reached heights of 10 feet, weighed nearly 800 pounds and had the strength of 10 men.

The reaction of the population towards these massive creatures, who otherwise resembled humans, is what gave Enki the idea which ultimately resulted in our current state of world affairs today.

Enki had his children roam the earth in search of the worst human beings alive.

It was now apparent just how wrong some of Enki’s experiments had gone. Murdereres, rapists, thieves, and tyrants made up a decent part of the population.

When they found these offenders, Enki’s children made an example out of them and slaughtered them all in public settings.

They then told the remaining humans the type of behaviour these bad humans displayed was against what they were willing to accept from this point on.

The children of Enki claimed their role as Gods among men. They presented their absent father as The One, creator of Heaven and Earth. And promised anyone who crossed them or their father, would meet the same fate as the many men they had recently slaughtered.

The humans began to cower in fear at the sight of these massive half humans. And they would go to any length to secure the favour of these Gods if they could.

The reason Enki was going to such great lengths to deceive the humans, should be of GREAT concern to every human alive.

Enki had been successful in his attempts to capture a human soul as it ascended to Eden.

What he learned from this was, and still is, a very frightening prospect which affects us as human beings to this very day.

Enki had found a way to harness, drain, and absorb the unique type of energy the human soul contained, into his own system.

And by doing so had secured a lesser version of the immortality he had sacrificed so much of his sanity to while searching for the secrets to living forever.

All he needed was an endless supply of human souls to drain and absorb. Consume.

For as long as he can secure a steady supply of human souls, ENKI WILL NOT DIE. He is very much alive and hiding on Earth. Though I don’t know, my guess is he is safely hidden in a secret room deep down below The Vatican.

In their true form, the Annunaki were not small creatures. Enki was a foot taller and 100 pounds heavier than the largest and most powerful of his children, Zeus.

In his full Annunaki dress uniform and in his true physical form, Enki presented himself to the occupants of Earth.

The weapons of mass destruction he possessed, gave credence to the claim he made to the population in each location he appeared as he demonstrated his powers for emphasis.

Region by region Enki visited all the occupied territories around the world in support of what his children had recently established. The worlds very first religion.

Enki was determined to be their God. Their creator and judge. And ruler of all.

The concept took its place immediately in the minds of the population of earth. To disrespect The One or his many children, meant certain doom.

But serving them with your life, and living to please The One meant great rewards here on Earth. And also in the after-life.

Enki painted a beautiful picture to the humans of eternal life with him. He explained the nature of the Human soul and how it was a part of the “human experience” that could live forever as a guest in his kingdom.

Next, he explained the nature of free will. To gain entry to his kingdom called Heaven, a conscious desire had to be spoken aloud expressing a request to exist there with him.

The humans were forced to drop to their knees in front of Enki . He wanted a pledge, on their life, to abide by the rules he had created for them to live by.

Enki had made some reasonable requests, and the humans were happy to learn that outwardly, Enki appeared to be a fair, and decent giant of a man-god.

Like their father, the children of Enki took human lovers. By the time the first of Enki’s children had grown old and died, his family had grown to be enormous.

By the 5th generation of breeding with humans, Enki’s grandchildren had taken on the human form and were indistinguishable from the actual humans.

Under Enki’s guidance his grandchildren would tighten the hold on humans by introducing governments and the church to all of mankind. Each with its own design to control how the humans lived their lives.

The world was separated into manageable sized sections called countries. Borders were drawn, and several kingdoms established within each country.

The residents of these countries were then divided further to ensure they remained a totally conquered society that would have no hope to ever escape this enslavement.

New churches were allowed to rise up. And new religions. People were all of a sudden concerned with skin color, heritage, and financial status. Anything the Kings could use to divide people, they used.

It was simple, the only thing that could ever cause problems was numbers created by Unity.

The most influential of Enki’s extended family were put in positions of power to rule over the entirety of each country. Kings.

A hierarchy of control over all the humans was put in place. All to secure Enki’s place at the top of it all. The One.

Enki also arranged every marriage that ever happened in his family. He was very insistent certain guidelines be followed to ensure the bloodline his future grandchildren were born into, stayed pure.

And to this day, though we don’t realize or accept it, the descendants of Enki’s children continue to hold control of the world. And they still have no souls.

As observant, intelligent, and cautious as Enki was, it turned out he wasn’t quite as secretive as he thought himself to be. His obsession with the soul had made him careless.

Much to his surprise, he realized Marduk had been left behind and was hiding in plain sight, living on Earth in human form.

And, he had discovered why Enki had gone to such extremes creating this elaborate system of control over the humans.

Being left behind, Marduk was angry. And he hated this planet. He was looking for a way to seek revenge on the human race. Like most deviant minds, he blamed all things, except himself and his lust for human women, for all of his problems.

When Marduk discovered the secret Enki was keeping, he documented everything, including how Enki was taking credit for all creation and falsely claiming to be The One.

Marduk used the evidence he had gathered to blackmail Enki into providing him access to the technology so he could consume souls and become immortal as well.

As miserable, angry, and pissed off at the world as Marduk was, there was no surprise in the way he chose to win possession of the souls he meant to acquire.

He played on the worst of the human traits that had developed in the unfortunate victims of Enki’s obsession with genetic manipulation.

Traits like greed, anger, jealousy and corruption were Marduk’s signature approach.

He would provide material riches such as money, gold, precious gems, and even sultry women. Once his intended victim became obsessed, he would make a trade. A life of gluttony, control and power, for simply agreeing to spend eternity with him in the afterlife.

Marduk painted his own picture of an awesome place to spend eternity, which also would attract it’s fair share of human’s.

Like Enki, Marduk had succumbed to the sex appeal of the women of earth. He had a large family of part human, part Annunaki children and grandchildren just like Enki

He brought them all together. But rather than operate like Enki and create an opposing faction of towns and cities of their own, Marduk decided his approach would consist of infiltrating and corrupting the system of control Enki had established, from the inside out.

In response Enki had the church add a story that told of a fate worse than death for those who would take up sides with Marduk.

To join with Marduk meant your soul would burn and be tortured forever in a truly evil, sick place called Hell.

And just as this battle for human souls really got going in full swing, it came to a sudden stop.

In a stunning display of IT’s intense capability, The One appeared suddenly out of thin air.

In the next instant, swooping from the sky, came a small fleet of spacecraft which landed very close to where The One now stood.

From inside these crafts a group of representatives from Eden stepped foot on the soil of Earth for the first time in well over a hundred thousand years.

Sadness turned quickly to anger as what they saw around them sunk in. They wanted their planet back.

But with something as complicated as The One mediating the situation, it would not be as simple as forcing the Annunaki out.

The One saw opportunity for a test of strength between the soulless creation of The Six Headed Beast and his very own creation, the residents of Eden.

It was the humans The One wanted put to the test. IT had approved the original design of human beings, but now had some serious doubt about the integrity of this mutated creature that was really nothing like it had started out to be.

There were great concerns about gifting immortality to such an unstable life form even if they did have to earn it.

So, to ensure these humans were put to the test, The One decided that the Annunaki would no longer be allowed to reveal themselves in the flesh to humans.

Both Enki and Marduk would have to go into permanent hiding or leave earth, it was up to them.

The residents of Eden were given the same restrictions. They were not permitted to blatantly land in the town center and show themselves to the residents of Earth.

They had to find a way for the humans to see what was happening for the world to end up going from what it was, to what it is now, today, here in 2016.

Enki was quick to approach Marduk with a truce. Considering all that was at stake, the two opposing Annunaki warriors decided to join forces and unite their families.

The One had only asked Enki and Marduk to leave. Their families were permitted to stay on Earth. They had no souls so were of no interest to The One.

At this point Marduk went into hiding. Enki, on the other hand, used his ability to shape shift one last time, as he too disappeared from the face of the earth never to be seen in his true form again.

Enki transformed himself into a fertilized embryo in the womb of a descendant of his own family, a young woman named Mary.

Nine months later Enki was born into the world as a human baby. A baby with no soul of its own. A baby named Jesus. A baby that would forever enslave mankind and provide himself, and Marduk an everlasting supply of souls!

At least that was the plan the two Annunaki had come up with after being confronted by The One.

The Centaurians were also a smart bunch. But this type of mental warfare was not their strong suit. The Annunaki had the advantage since deceit seemed to be the spirit of this contest.

They were not without some tricks and secrets.of their own. The residents of Eden had began abducting humans a couple hundred years ago. They hoped the process of reversing the genetic manipulations that Enki had performed could be discovered.,

It turned out to be impossible. Much of what Enki had done was now a permanent part of human life.

Regardless, they had a plan B. And once more the humans were subjected to further genetic modifications.

It was a tricky process. The human host had to physically die. Then their soul was captured and manipulated.

A jolt of electricity was used to bring the human back to life. And that was it. The altered soul returned to the body. The human was released back to where it was taken from, unharmed.

This method wasn’t the quick fix needed, but in the long run, it would be more effective.

This addition to the soul didn’t change the person who received the upgrade. It was designed to create change in the offspring of the recipients.

It was a process that would take a very long time, but it would eventually produce some very different humans.

They would look the same as everyone else, but their hearts, and minds would be far more in tune with the needs of Mother Earth and her occupants.

And the best case scenario would result in the reestablishment of the telepathic connection of the two halves of which the authentic humans had shared.

And in the early part of the 1900’s, the very first Indigo Soul arrived on Earth, a quirky Australian man named Errol Flynn.

The long awaited results started to trickle in, until the late 1960’s when the first main wave of Indigo Souls were born into this world. And every year since the numbers have grown.

As Indigo Souls matured and began having children of their own, the Crystal children began to arrive.

The Crystal children are to be witness to a great change. It’s their duty and role to document what takes place.

They will use the knowledge of their journey to create a better way of life for the future.

Never again will people suffer the fate the human population has endured so far at the hands of Enki and Marduk.

The union between the children of Enki and Marduk was very powerful. And very corrupt.

For almost 2000 years they have worked hand in hand to ensure the secrets and lies of the past stay buried.

The church knows all the lies. It’s their role to protect Marduk and Enki and keep them alive by ensuring a steady stream of our souls arrive to be consumed.

It was also a key component of the plan to ensure that the world never finds out how two Annunaki madmen fooled the world with the story about Jesus and Lucifer to enslave the world.

If you haven’t caught on, there is only one way to win back the Garden of Eden.

Enki and Marduk have exceeded their lifespan and are vulnerable. The source of their immortality, our souls, is all that is keeping them alive. A recent surge in spirituality, and atheism has weakened them.

The Pope is above all. He commands the legion of soulless tyrants who have taken over the world. They have crafted a web of deceit and corruption in the never ending lust for power and control of the entire planet.

And in doing so, they have enslaved us all. We are bound to them in several ways, the most powerful way is something called the monetary system. The Almighty Dollar.

Value is placed on a worthless object, a simple piece of paper for example.

That object is then provided in great quantity to most anyone with the ability to repay what was borrowed.

By charging a substantial fee for such a loan, these tyrants in control of the monetary system are making a huge profit at our expense for doing absolutely nothing.

They have found a way to control every aspect of our lives. They control food production, food quality and food distribution.

They control energy production and distribution. They control access to water. Healthcare. Education and a whole long list of other essential services. If a dollar of profit can be made, they have found the way to make it.

And they have introduced a massive array of distractions which draw our attention away from everything they do, TV being one of the most potent distractions of them all.

War is another distraction and the profit earned is 10x the return of any investment they would ever allow us to make.

The value of weapons of war are greatly over inflated. The Elite own factories that produce these weapons. Then governments all over the world purchase these weapons using government funding.

Of course it means there will always be a reason for war. And these nasty, sick, monsters have about sucked the world dry of financial security. Money not only keeps us enslaved, it’s the perfect distraction as well.

These distractions serve to create an atmosphere of confusion about, and detachment from, the present moment.

In case it may have slipped past you, the present moment is all we have.

Though their system of time keeping lends a hand to distract you from the fact that time doesn’t exist. It is ALWAYS, right now!

Right now is the time to face these liars. Right now is the time to walk away from their churches, their beliefs,, their laws, their banks, their corporations that monopolize the food industry and their set of principals which guide our entire lives.


Confused About The Anunnaki? This Original Miniseries Explains Their Entire Story

This is ANUNNAKI – Mensageiros do Vento, the first alternative history rock opera cartoon. Created by Brazilian rock band Mensageiros do Vento (Messengers of the Wind), this miniseries is based on translations of ancient clay tablets found amid the ruins of Sumer, arguably the cradle of human civilization. Best of all, it’s got English subtitles.

Ancient Sumerian texts refer to the Anunnaki as “those that came down from the heaven,” a race of extremely powerful and advanced beings that engineered mankind hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Drawing on the works of Anunnaki specialist Zecharia Sitchin, ANUNNAKI – Mensageiros do Vento debuts with the summoning of Endubsar, “master scribe, son of Eridu city, servant of the lord Enki, great god.” For forty days and nights, the loyal scribe wrote down the entire history of the Anunnaki, in cuneiform, as it was retold by Enki.

According to the genesis story, the twelfth planet, known as Nibiru was populated by humanoid beings very similar to us humans. After life on their home world became threatened by extensive volcanic eruptions, tensions inside their society became as big a peril as the volcanoes themselves.

A splinter group is sent on a search throughout the Solar System, hoping to find the cure for their dying world. Fortune smiled on them and the Anunnaki found Earth, or as they called it, Ki. Here, the air was breathable, the weather was lovely and resources abounded. Especially gold.

When Nibiru approached Earth’s orbit, about 432,000 years BC, the Nibiruans used space ships to send people and essential goods from their planet to Earth. After they reached the surface, the advanced beings established bases in ancient Mesopotamia. In memory of the largest metropolis on Nibiru, the Anunnaki built Eridu, their first outpost on Earth and the real “Eden”, some would argue.

In order to extract the precious metal, gold mines were established in southern Africa where they found abundant gold deposits.

Because the work as a miner did not befit the Nibiruan masters, the Anunnaki people were sent to do the job for them. Treated like some sort of slaves, they represented the working element of this society, even though their physical and intellectual features were considered imposing even by our current modern human standards.

Because of their superior traits, the Anunnaki soon revolted against their overseers and demanded them to create an inferior being in order to do this petty job in their stead. Their leaders consulted and eventually concluded that a lesser being is indeed needed for this kind of exploiting work, and so they created a new race by combining their own genes with those of the most evolved primates that lived on Earth at that point in time, which was probably Australopithecus.

At first, Enki and Ninmah (two of the leaders) designed beings with formidable strength and size that worked for the Anunnaki on Earth, helping them to extract gold. As perfect as this sounds, their creation had one major flow – they couldn’t reproduce themselves, and so the so called “Gods” had to continuously make more of them to keep the mining process up and running at the desired capacity.

As time passed, Enki and Ninmah developed several beings until they managed to reach the desired goal. After all their struggle, the final product of their combined knowledge was able to talk and most important they could produce children themselves, this way the first human race appeared under the form of Homo Erectus.

Whenever Nibiru distanced away from Earth, a part of the “Gods” returned to their home planet until it completed the 3,600 year cycle again, period of time which the Sumerians called a Sar.

Meanwhile, the Anunnaki remained on Earth to take care of the gold mines and the so called slaves, precisely as they were ordered by their “Gods”. Because some human characteristics were also found in the Anunnaki, as the humans were created in their image, they eventually started to fight over earthly desires.

Taking advantage of the situation, the slaves formed an alliance and revolted against their Masters, like the Anunnaki once did. Many of them managed to escape the mines and eventually settled as free people in other parts of the Earth, living their lives as depicted in many ancient texts – “like the Wild Beasts”.

After the 3,600 years cycle was completed once again, the Leaders of the Anunnaki returned to Earth and were very unpleased when they saw that the situation was out of control. They sentenced the Anunnaki to work the mines yet again.

During their brief stay on planet Earth, the Masters conducted more experiments in order to create a more sophisticated race of workers. They made Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus until they eventually developed a race able to think, speak and reproduce themselves, and so they created MAN also known as Homo Sapiens.

via UFOholic

24 Signs that You could be an Original Annunaki Descendant on the Earth Today

1. Annunaki believe that you can truly create something from nothing.

The Annunaki are rumored to be many things. Supposedly they were the charged with a great task. This was the creating and controlling the physical world, literally not symbolically. They were given the tools to create existence from the energies of the great void of nothingness and had the power to manipulate it. This would have begun this great work sometime around 500 thousand years ago, perhaps longer. The true time frames of such matters are not known to anyone, anymore. Perhaps not even to the Annunaki, this period may have been more like a dream to them.

2. Annunaki are gifted in all of the powers to create matter from energy.

Form was made first by creating matter itself, with the basic building blocks of the universal energies. The Annunaki accomplished this by working from materials they gathered from the Abyss. From there they created space. The reason they created space was so that substance could exist, and then matter itself, beginning with atoms and building from there. It is assumed that this work, although complex, happened at a very high rate of time. Almost instantly, as if they said “Let there be light”, to use a Biblical metaphor. This is up to debate, as this is not recorded in history.

3. Annunaki hate all strict time schedules, especially being held to them.

While creating Paradise, the Annunaki kept begging for more time. They wanted more time, so that they could make the world of matter perfect in every way, shape, and form. They were attempting to do this before setting God’s greatest creation, humanity, in it. They were creating the world of the Earth as we know it now. It can be argued that either they do not exist in a world where time is relevant or observable. It can also be argued that God may not have allowed the creation of Paradise or the Earth to continue, the job was to be finished and there was no more time to be had. This was upsetting to the Annunaki in either case.

4. Annunaki have always been portrayed as having stood against Lucifer in mythology.

Most mythology agrees that Lucifer, or a name that refers to an illuminous fire, was the Archangel that orignally oversaw the Annunaki work. After eons of delay, during which they shaped the Earth and all of its forces, fields, and landforms, but they were still demanding more time for the project. After they had not finished before the final timeline God had officially decreed, the Archangel Lucifer finally put his foot down. Many Annunaki never felt Creation was allowed to be perfected, and more than several nursed a grudge toward Lucifer. He held responsible by the Annunaki for his disruption of their work.

5. Annunaki don’t like being referred to or compared to the other angels.

Originally, the Annunaki had only two forms called the Antu and the Kishar. The Kishar created the Earth and everything upon it, save for life. The Kishar believed in what was called the One Law, they believed in one God, one truth, one purpose and did not have patience for anything other. They were the builders and the first that were set to work on the great project of the Earth’s creation. This would be a bone of contention later in the history of the Annunaki. The Kishar were also deeply loyal to the Archangel Lucifer, some had been under his leadership since the beginning of the Annunaki history.

6. Annunaki understanding of gravitation and physics would be beyond gifted.

It was late in the creation process that the Antu came into play. The Antu made movement and travel upon the Kishar’s creation possible. Their work often took them away from the other Elohim, leaving them somewhat separate and having time to develop different beliefs from their angelic brethren. The Antu came to believe in what was called the Strict Observance. This was an idea that they came up with, but it basically caused them to return to the belief that there were many Gods, goddesses, energies and influences on the universal powers. They also came to believe that God may not have been the original creator of the universe. This belief was greatly at odds with the Kishar and the One Law.

7. Annunaki are overly self conscious especially about their bodies.

When it came time to make humanity, the Annunaki were responsible for the creation of the body itself. They were very proud of their creation, they synthesis of material energies into DNA, the construction of the skeletal system, mapping out blood vessels and nerves, and placing the organs. They even created unused pathways within the Brain that could be altered or mutated later, as the human species grew within its Earthly evolution. When they were finished, even they found no fault with what resulted and proudly presented their creation to the Creator God.

8. Annunaki are capable of love, but it does not always serve them well.

Originally the Annunaki had no intentions of try to inhabit, influence and they did not even intend on having any control over the world we live in. They fell in love with their own perfect production of the human being. This was futile, the Annunaki proudly presented their creation with love, only to have that love shattered when the Creator God told them they could never reveal themselves to their most accomplished creation. That humanity was to remain ignorant of the first creation of the Universe, the Annunaki, the original Abyss and many other things. This was the day that many Annunaki came to believe, what many of them had long suspected, that the Creator God may not be the true Creator.

9. Annunaki are opinionated, but do not debate what they think or know is true.

The resentment that many Annunaki always felt towards the Creator and their suspicions that he or it, was actually a Demiurge. Word of these suspcions slowly leaked itself, these rumors spread through the Angelic heirarchies and the other Elohim began to bubble over with controversy. Then one of the Elohim named Ahrimal had an apocalyptic vision of the Earth, it fortold the Fall of humanity from God’s grace and a great war in the heavens. When the Annunaki heard of Ahrimal’s vision, they were concerned, but still felt that taking sides over the creation was not worthy of debate. For most Annunaki already knew where they stood and what their opinions had always been.

10. Annunaki took the side of humanity in mythology.

The Archangelic powers and the Elohim called upon all of their bretheren for what was called the Great Debate. The Archangelic powers had come to quarrel over wheather God was the source of all power, or wheather the Archangels derrived their power from that source. Thus was God the original Creator or not. When the Annunaki refused to join the Great Debate, they kept true to their belief in pure neutrality and thus were left keeping their grief and arguments to themselves. Both the Antu and the Kishar were in agreement with each other on this. In the end, over half of the Annunaki left Heaven to take up sides with humanity.

11. Annunaki are very earthy, having a love of precious gems and metals.

The Fall of humanity was either true, or was the result of the angels acting on Ahrimal’s vision. Either way the Annunaki had seen this before. They remembered the Fall of the first Earth, during the war between the Atlantean and Lemurian root races. The Annunaki were the fifth house of angels, and the only group to present themselves at the Fall ofhumanity. They came to the human species presenting precious metals and jewels before Adam and Eve, or the original tribes of humankind. These may have been fragments left over from the great weapon that had caused the Fall of Atlantis, and the destruction of the first Earth.

12. Annunaki made one very big mistake in judging humanity.

Humankind was as divided and caught up in the propoganda of the Fall as anyone. The curse that came soon after would be for humans use the tools that the Annunaki had created. Humanity sought to use these tools for their own was. This sparked rebellion within the Annunaki, who agreed that their tools could be used as a means of destruction, rather than creation, as they sought to control and master Creation; with this, the rebellious Annunaki became known as the Malefactors. Although different intentions and purposes prevailed, the Malefactors and the remaining true Annunaki continued to work together to ensure the survivial of the human species.

13. Annunaki are naturally creative, and love creating useful new tools.

It became clear to the Annunaki, that they needed help of humans if they were to survive, as well. They needed us, much more than humanity needed them. After the Fall of humankind, the Malefactors were determined to help humans survive. They offered to create tools and shelter for Adam and Eve, but they were determined to create things themselves. By now the various Archangelic powers had finished their Great Debate, and no resolution was come to or agreement. The Archangel Lucifer had drawn the line in the sand, having decided that since the angels themselves were going to argue forever, he would take up sides with the Annunaki to defend the human species. Many of the other angelic powers left as allies with Lucifer.

14. Annunaki are natural inventors and teachers in many disciplines.

The teaching of the Annunaki would be one of the many things that left their mark on humanity. While constructing a house of stones, Adam had difficulty in moving one large rock, and so one of the Malefactors created the lever to help him. In teaching mankind how to create and use tools, new orders within the Annunaki evolved. After the Fall, and long after the War that was about to begin between Heaven and Earth, there would come a great flood. During this period after the flood the it would be the Annunaki who had originally taught man how to domesticate animals, do agriculture, mathematics, writing, engineering, metallurgy, calendars, astrology, science, and many other arts. But this would not be for an epoch and humanity would be blissfully unaware that these ideas were genetically encoded within their bloodline DNA, thanks to the Annunaki and the Malefactors.

15. Annunaki in war are likely to be consciencious objectors.

The heavenly powers cursed the angels that sided with Lucifer, calling them the Fallen or the Nephilim. When the armies of Michael began to fall upon the fallen, Lucifer organized the Legions so the fallen and their allies could defend themselves, they used their knowledge to forge weapondry and prepare what was called the Iron Legion. Many Annunaki joined with the Iron Legion, building what the fallen and humanity would need to survive and prepare for the War against the Demiurge and the forces of Heaven, but over half the Annunaki refused to join the war itself. The Iron Legion annointed themselves in the holy enemy war rituals, they had become unified in the belief that the Creator God had not been the Creator, and was a false God. “The Demiurge must now Fall” was the only command ever given by Lucifer.

16. Annunaki are responsible for creating most weapons of modern war.

The other half of the Annunaki began working on new inventions that would give humanity an even bigger advantage, including demonic relics that could be used to protect humans. It was not with total agreement that the Annunaki and the Malefactors began sharing the secrets of transmutation, transmigration and the all essential art of Alchemical transformations. It is not recorded historically, but many suspect that the Annunaki also made the realization that during the creation of matter and the Earth, they had developed an usually powerful untested weapon. It was this power of harnessing the nuclear atomic energies that would provide the ultimate weapon in the Earthly third dimension. It was never decided amonst the Annunaki if they should have shared such secrets of weapondry construction with the humankind.

17. Annunaki are unsure how to react to many human emotions.

Somethings were beyond the human scope of understanding, at least at this point in their evolution. In fact, the more complex tools they gave humans, while marvels, could not actually be used by mortals as they did not have the Faith that the Malefactors had. This was the case with the idea for a nuclear weapon, modern man now knows that this Faith is called the Observer Effect in quantum mechanics. Many Annunaki tried to demonstrate and work the tools for them, but many humans became resentful and frightened and began to turn from them to do things on their own. The humans that were on the side of the Iron Legion, now turned their attentions against all of the Archangelic powers, the Annunaki and even both sides of the great War. Humans declared they would fight only for the side of humans.

18. Annunaki take things very personally and take rejection very hard.

The Annunaki were greatly hurt by this second rejection, and many began to despair that they could never be with humans on their terms. It was equally hurtful, when most of the human species declared war against their proud creators. The choice and opportunity is always before humanity for us to remember more of who they are. Even as the humans rebelled against the Anunnaki so long a time ago, although deeply saddened they also had never been more proud of the creation. Seeing the human species step up and take a hold of their evolution, maybe the reason why most of the Anunnaki left. What does this say about the human species and the Annunaki? Many have pondered this question, but it is something that cannot clearly be known for sure.

19. Annunaki are morally neutral, believing in sprituality and science.

When the great War first began, Lucifer and the Iron Legion swore to defend and never kill any member of the human species. When humans went to war against the Archangelic powers, the humans that wanted to remain neutral were considered traitors to the human species. The leader of the consciencious objectors that followed the Annunaki model of pacifism was killed by his own brother. This is the story of Cain and Able, or Enki and Elil in modern Annunaki tales and mythology. When the first murder occurred, the many of Annunaki were among the first to turn from Lucifer decree and peaceful ways. They wanted to remake Creation on their terms, and began to use their abilities, relics, and tools to harm fallen and human alike. This is where the peaceful story of the Annunaki ends in most histories.

20. Annunaki are natural healers and often this power was misused.

They experimented on the bodies and souls humans, trying to further perfect what was once their perfect creation; these Annunaki were the first to use souls to power relics. The more peaceful Malefactors continued to teach and protect humans, as well as help Lucifer in his campaign to round up the errant Legions. The Malefactors helped in all ways that they could and healed many humans back from death during the War to use for experimentaion. This gained many human allies as the Malefactors prepared and began the kingship of Earth. Modern theories say that all of european royalty, american presidents descend from these aliens, this maybe a bit extreme but is what the histories point to. It is also rumored that throught these earliest alliances, the Annunaki and Malefactors gained power, wealth and status, in modern times they started the industries of insurance, banking, governments, police, the justice system and the media to maintain supreme control. Again, there is almost nothing to backup such claims.

21. Annunaki believe in perfection, and actively seek it in everything.

The Malefactors took up arms with humanity, sharing in the spoils of war, but not fight against the remaining Iron Legion. Regrouped, the Annunaki began to create tools that could be used by the hybrids and mortals, as well as teach them how to shape and create tools of their own. Humans began to show their true potential. The Annunaki decendants and their bloodline mingled with humans creating powerful hybrids that became the creators of the pyramids, stonehenge, mermaids, Goliath, the Illuminati, Merovingians, great emperors of Asia, the Nagas of india, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl and the Mayan calendar, olympiads of Greece, noah and his descendants, Melchizedeks, Thoth, the Pendragons, the Tuatha de Danaan, Argartha, Shamballa, Pacal Votan, Jesus of Galilee, Vlad the Impaler, the Egyptian Pharohs and Julius Ceasar. Many natives from the americas and africa speak of the ancestors as dragon or serpent people who came from the sky. All of these may be partial bloodline decendants, just to name a few of the supposed lineage survivors of the Annunaki.

22. Annunaki are easily corrupted by the quest for power.

One of the Annunaki leaders named Cepta, became convinced that if mortals and fallen mated, their children would be the perfect creatures they had sought to create in the first place. The artifact that she eventually created allowed the fallen to take on fleshy forms and parent children, but perfection was not the result. The genetic alterations, modification and cross hybrid technologies was not capable of what the Annunaki sorceress believed. But it did alter humans in another way, it made our genetics into a stable and viable food source, through the mingling of the bloodlines. This is what many scholars believe the Annunaki came to sustain themselves on after the flood, that they are now psychic parasites who use us as food. Or at least the few Annunaki that chose to remain on Earth and survived, this is a matter of some debate.

23. Annunaki are deeply aware of the world and its darkest problems.

Instead, the product of these unholy couplings were the what the Bible refers to as the Nephilim. It was the nephilim who caused the downfall of humanity, and the Annunaki realized they had made their most bitter mistake in a misguided attempt to once again attain humanity’s love. This is a karmic burden that has not finished playing out itself on the Earth. Humanity is currently a combination of our past and present, creating our future selves. The dark resonance of history repeating itself was one of greatest concerns the Annunaki had, but there was no time to do anything about such matters. Because the great flood that is written of all throughout human history, was about the cast its waters across the Earth. All of the Annunaki had to decide what their fate would be, to try to survive the flood or choose to cease to exist.

24. Annunaki believe in the Law of One.

The Strict Observance was over, although the Annunaki would never believe in the one God as the Creator, it was the false God or the Demiurge that had won the War. This even caused the Annunaki to unite their entire tribe in belief, faith and history, the Annunaki united under the One Law. All that is exists and should not be changed, and cannot be changed. In the end, there was not much left for the Annunaki but to sadly end their existences or surrender to the Host of Heaven. They watched, together, as Heaven destroyed their great creations before marching into the Abyss when they could bear no more. The Annunaki in their second Earth incarnation and the first incarnation of humanity, they fell under the waters of the flood.
