Category Archives: DUMBS

Dan Burisch Life and Work

Very interesting case of Dan Burisch. It is an incredible story about alien named J-Rod and Dan’s work with it.

Here is the link to the video: Dan Burisch life and work

This is one of the earliest video recordings of micro-biologist Dan Burisch, known for his work with the J-Rod, a nickname for an alien being kept for a time in the Nevada desert (now deceased). Tim Coleman and I were the camerapersons, and the interview was conducted by Bill Hamilton and Ron Garner. Recorded in Las Vegas in 2001.

Movie relating Donald Marshall info – They Cloned Tyrone

Hello my friends. It has been a while, but like I have said I am pretty busy with work and other projects nowadays. But something came up and it is this movie called They Cloned Tyrone… seems a lot like what Donald Marshall has told to us…

A series of eerie events thrusts an unlikely trio (John Boyega, Teyonah Parris and Jamie Foxx) onto the trail of a nefarious government experiment in this pulpy mystery caper.

So check it out!



I found a great video where they talk about Donald Marshall. Great that he is getting coverage again so here it is:

And remember that a lots of info about Donald Marshall you can find on this website when you type “Donald Marshall” in the top search bar or just click this link DONALD MARSHALL

Is Trump cleaning child trafficking etc. under the disguise of corona pandemic?

I was just wondering that could this be the situation when all the so called deep underground bases are discovered and cleaned like Donald Marshall told us? This whole corona virus pandemic is too big to cover just regular ilness. Donald Marshall has told us that there will be a clena-up of these underground bases where they do all kind of horrible medical test for example cloning etc.

I have now noticed different kind of info what could relate to that this whole corona pandemic is real, but not so big issue that media has told us. It is a cover for this huge operation when top actors, politics etc. told that they have corona virus but actually they have been arrested for their crimes against humanity.

Qanon movement talks also lots of this operation and for example US has moved 2 of their massive medical ships to save corona patients, but infact these ships are for those thousands of people who are rescued from these underground bases. They include sexually abused children and adults and maybe people who have been used in somekind of medical tests.

Here are couple of links to this info. First there is a phone call from nurse, which tells us about the situation:

Then there is some IG post about it:

Trump and Putin do it together?:

And some info from YT:

IMPORTANT INFO! Donald Marshall and Celebrity Clones Pt. 1-10

Here is an awesome video collection of Donald Marshall info, celebrity clones and vril droning. It wraps everything together and backs the info with other whistleblowers.

Please, watch the entire video to see the whole big picture. Thanks for supporting my site and spreading the Truth.