Next one of the series is the story of Andrew D. Basiago. I started this blog with him, because he is maybe the best candidate to make investigations, why? Because he is alive. Most of the time traveler stories the traveler is dead or missing so it is hard to get any new information about the case, but Andrew’s case is different, because he is alive and well and is talking about his travels in time and teleportation experiments.
Traveler: Andrew D. Basiago
Traveler type: Official time traveler
Evidence: Pictures, predictions about future
Status now: Andrew D. Basiago (B. 1961) is a Vancouver lawyer of apparently high repute. As a side project, he runs Project Pegasus, a group dedicated to lobbying the government to release the secrets of teleportation and time travel for the benefit of mankind. Basiago also refers to himself as “the discoverer of life on Mars.” he claims to be one of two “planetary-level whistle blowers” predicted by Web bot.Oh, and he’s also an indigo child. Source
There are many ways to approach this subject, but this first post of this topic could be the story of a man called Andrew D. Basiago. Why I chosed this one? That’s because the most difficult thing, when you are investigating time traveling, is the evidence and this guy has some. This radioshow, which I am going to post here is near 2 hours long and it consists almost the main story about this guy. But the best evidence he has is a photograph of him in Gettysburg in 1863 when he saw Abraham Lincoln. That photo has fascinated me, because it is a official photo from newspaper.
Andrew claims that he’s father took him in secret military projects when he was about 6-10 years old. He was trained “chrononaut” and traveled in time and teleported many times. He even claims that Barack Obama was a chrononaut too and he saw him when they teleported in Mars.
Andrew’s story is so compelling, that I just had to make a post of him. Please take your time and listen his story, beacause you just can’t make any conclusions until you have searched all the evidence.
Here is the radioshow & another YouTube link
Here is also a link to another article about Andrew and he’s website:
Secret DARPA time travel program may hold key to understanding the deep politics of 9/11
I just want to keep an open mind and this one has puzzled me for over a year now. Take your time to investigate the subject and post your comments! I’ll be back with Basiago, that’s for sure 😎