Category Archives: History

JFK Assassin Final Interview Before His Death

Once again I stumbled another story about JFK’s death and I have to say that this story seems the most plausible for me. This guy tells the info so accurately that it is just plain stunning. Of course you have to draw your own conclusions, but this seems very interesting. He has not also changed his story on the way.

So here is the story of claimed JFK assassin James E. Files.

Here is the information:

I Shot JFK: The Shocking Truth is the milestone documentary about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, by Dutch producer Willem Jan Dankbaar, with testimony from the “man on the grassy knoll” himself, James E. Files. At first, reluctant to talk, Files eventually confessed, implicating organized crime members, Charles Nicoletti, Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana and the CIA, as well as his own role in the crime of the century.

Here is the best and most detailed interview:

Here is the interview 9 years before and you can notice that the details remain absolutely the same:

Files on JFK, the book about James E. Files and other witnesses, compiled by Willem Dankbaar:

Spies, Hoods & The Hidden Elite, the confessions of Chauncey Marvin Holt:

Self-Portrait of a Scoundrel, the book by Chauncey Marvin Holt:

Is EU actually The Fourth Reich?

Top Nazis Planned EU-Style Fourth Reich. Influential economists and industrialists were ordered to preserve Nazi power by creating European common market, documents show.

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 11, 2009

A writer who was collecting material for a fictional book based around the premise that top Nazis, seeking to preserve their power at the end of the second world war, conspired to create a Fourth Reich under the auspices of the European Union, actually discovered documents proving the plot to be true.

In a Daily Mail piece, Adam Lebor reveals how he uncovered US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128, also known as The Red House Report, which details how top Nazis secretly met at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944 and, knowing Germany was on the brink of military defeat, conspired to create a Fourth Reich – a pan- European economic empire based around a European common market.

Top Nazi industrialists were ordered by SS Obergruppenfuhrer Dr Scheid to set up front companies abroad and pose as democrats in order to achieve economic penetration and lay the foundations for the re-emergence of the Nazi party.

“The Third Reich was defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi-era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economic and political integration,” writes Lebor. Wealthy Nazi industrialists like Alfried Krupp of Krupp Industries and Friedrich Flick, as well as front companies like BMW, Siemens and Volkswagen, set about the task of building a new pan-European business empire. According to historian Dr Michael Pinto- Duschinsky, an adviser to Jewish former slave labourers, “For many leading industrial figures close to the Nazi regime, Europe became a cover for pursuing German national interests after the defeat of Hitler….The continuity of the economy of Germany and the economies of post-war Europe is striking. Some of the leading figures in the Nazi economy became leading builders of the European Union.”

Banking titan Hermann Abs, who joined board of Deutsche Bank during the rise of Nazis, also sat on the supervisory board of I.G. Farben, the company that made the Zyklon B gas used to kill concentration camp victims. “Abs was put in charge of allocating Marshall Aid – reconstruction funds – to German industry. By 1948 he was effectively managing Germany’s economic recovery,” writes Lebor.

“Crucially, Abs was also a member of the European League for Economic Co-operation, an elite intellectual pressure group set up in 1946. The league was dedicated to the establishment of a common market, the precursor of the European Union.”

The European League for Economic Co-operation developed policies for European integration that almost mirrored those proposed by Nazis just years previously.

In his book “Europe’s Full Circle,” Rodney Atkinson provides a list of policies proposed by Nazis and their similarity to today’s European Union.

1. Europaische Wirtshaftsgemeinschaft
2. European Economic Community
3. European Currency System
4. European Exchange Rate Mechanism
5. Europabank (Berlin)
6. European Central Bank (Frankfurt)
7. European Regional Principle
8. Committee of the Regions
9. Common Labour Policy
10.Social Chapter
11.Economic and Trading Agreements
12.Single Market

“Is it possible that the Fourth Reich those Nazi industrialists foresaw has, in some part at least, come to pass?” asks Lebor.

“These three typewritten pages are a reminder that today’s drive towards a European federal state is inexorably tangled up with the plans of the SS and German industrialists for a Fourth Reich – an economic rather than military imperium.”

As we have highlighted in the past, Nazism and the EU have some very disturbing parallels. Indeed, the two are fundamentally intertwined and the origins of the EU can be traced directly back to the Nazis.
The foundations for the EU and ultimately the Euro single currency were laid by the secretive Bilderberg Group in the mid-1950′s. Bilderberg’s owned leaked documents prove that the agenda to create a European common market and a single currency were formulated by Bilderberg in 1955. One of the group’s principle founders was H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer.

But the ideological framework for the European Union goes back even further, to the 1940′s when top Nazi economists and academics outlined the plan for a single European economic community, an agenda that was duly followed after the end of the second world war.

In his 1940 book The European Community, Nazi Economics Minister and war criminal Walther Funk wrote about the need to create a “Central European Union” and “European Economic Area” and for fixed exchange rates, stating “No nation in Europe can achieve on its own the highest level of economic freedom which is compatible with all social requirements…The formation of very large economic areas follows a natural law of development….interstate agreements in Europe will control [economic forces generally]…There must be a readiness to subordinate one’s own interests in certain cases to those of [the EC].”

Funk’s co-authors echoed his sentiments. Nazi academic Heinrich Hunke wrote, “Classic national dead…community of fate which is the European economy…fate and extent of European co-operation depends on a new unity economic plan”.

Fellow Nazi Gustav Koenig observed, “We have a real European Community task before us…I am convinced that this Community effort will last beyond the end of the war.”

In 1940, Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered the creation of the “large-scale economic unification of Europe,” believing that “in fifty years’ time [people would] no longer think in terms of countries.” Just 53 years later, the European Union in its current form was established.

Other top Nazis who called for the creation of a pan-European federal economic superstate include Ribbentrop, Quisling and Seyss-Inquart, who spoke of “The new Europe of solidarity and co-operation among all its people… will find…rapidly increasing prosperity once national economic boundaries are removed.”
Such rhetoric would not look out of place at a present day Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission or CFR confab.
The Nazis killed people who spoke out against the Third Reich, whereas the EU has implemented an altogether more efficient solution – simply kill their free speech instead.

A Dutch MP was recently refused entry to Britain because his political opinions were deemed offensive under EU laws. Euro MP’s have consistently attempted to ban the “dangerous and unregulated blogosphere” in an attempt to shut down free speech on the Internet. Under the 1999 ruling of the European Court Of Justice (case 274/99), it is illegal to criticize the EU and the EU is on a mission to outlaw any national political parties that do not pander to the European federal superstate agenda.

Most of the individuals who hold the reigns of power in the European Union are not Nazis, indeed, they probably believe themselves to be fair-minded liberals working for the “greater good”. However, the European Union by its very nature is totalitarian, because it seeks to remove power from national governments accountable to their electorate and centralize it into the hands of supra-national entities that are accountable to nobody but themselves. It also seeks to remove the right of free speech for anyone in a position of influence who criticizes this agenda.

The fact that the EU was a brainchild of top Nazi economists and industrialists, formulated as a means of preserving dictatorial power and then implemented by a former Nazi working under the auspices of the Bilderberg Group in 1955, proves that the entire European Union system is poisoned with a legacy and a raison d’être of totalitarianism. This is becoming increasingly obvious in the 21st century as popular social movements across Europe rise up to oppose the blatant power grab being undertaken by the EU via the Lisbon Treaty, which will again be put before Irish voters later this year despite them already rejecting it in a national referendum, which prevented the treaty from being enforced.

Ole Dammegård: Truth Seeker, Conspiracies, Open Mind Awareness, False Flag ops

Hi and sorry that I have not posted anything in a while. I have done this blog for almost 7 years now and I have covered so many topics on the road. In the beginning I was keen on many different topics and mysteries. Lately I have been very critical to what to believe, because we are in the middle of info war at it’s worst. Every organization is pushing their agenda from left and from right. So I am very critical what I post and what not. In my twitter feed it is more about the topics and then when it is important enough I will make a post of it.

Last week and this week I have studied an info provided by very kind and talented guy called Ole Dammegård. His info is very interesting and he provides a lots of facts. He is a true Truthseeker. I just love his way to tell the things so everybody can understand what is going on. His info about so called false flag operations is phenomenal, it’s awesome. For example here you can check out his presentations about assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, Estonia boat disaster and Massacre in Norway:

Here is his Facebook page:

Petrified titans, giants and huge ancient trees

Recently I have stumbled more and more websites and videos telling about giants and more recently so called titans. The story is that there were bigger beigns on this planet than we have ever dreamed of. If this theory is real, it means that these things were HUGE and I mean really huge! Was there a time once when these titans roamed on the Earth and the somekind of cataclysm, war or the great flood wiped them off? If even part of this hidden knowledge is true, then this is the biggest lie we have ever faced. Mankind must get up from it’s knees and start to investigate these monstrous lies we have taught about our history, geology and our past. This is just a glimpse so please, my fellow friends, don’t believe me do the research yourself. Go outside and look the mountains, rocks, cliffs… I have looked and starngly they are showing me something I have never seen before. And it is awesome!

So here is a little article and then I link some videos at the end of the article:

Am still suprised how Petrifaction took place on Giants and Huge animals with flesh and blood without decomposing them and instead turning them into Solid-Rocks, was some Technology  used or was this a natural event?? Its sound similar to a Rajasthan Cursed Kiradu Temple located in india as rumor goes they say that it turns humans into stones! The Dragon on the 2nd Vdo shocked me!!… seriously we are fucked up on this prision planet with LIES

~ Galactic Human ~

Now when we look at the mud fossils of animals in your videos, we can observe that they were much, much bigger than today. This bring me to the conclusion that even normal human before the flood must have been much bigger than today… maybe 20-40 feet tall(still far from the titan 200 feet tall), 4.13 .. is a woman lying head east .. with her hair flowing down .. and a child lying on her stomach .with clothes on

Heres the Dragon from Egypt , You can even see the bone structure of the wing and where the soft tissue of the wings would be. Mouth slit, nose, peak at back of head. Simply amazing.

This will totally change your thinking about our earth and how you see it. … buttes and mountains being giant petrified tree stumps is astounding. … taller than us when God made them



And here are some awesome videos about the topic where you can start your investigation:

And then we have kind of the same idea, but about giant ancient trees. When you realize this huge lie about table mountains your perspective towards the Earth we are living turns upside down… this is just mad and I mean the lies we have been fed all of our lives…

Do your reseach and have a nice day my friends.

The Egyptian Gods, the Lucifers and Messiahs, and the Future

Vacation posts continue. Here’s something about Egyptian Gods etc.

The Egyptians were fully clued in at one point.

There is a real, and frightening reason so many extremely important people are going to ‘worship’ at the pyramid of Giza in Cairo this December 31, 1999. Will the pyramid be pointing to Sirius at a certain moment? Will the Sirius vortex of the God or Gods or the Goddess cause some event to occur, even if only psychic, while sweaty Zahi Hawass flips switches for the crowds? Sirius is called the vortex of God or Gods and/or the Goddess.

This is where, for all intents and purposes, divine beings outside of “physical density” and it’s relative regions, originally come from.

The originating Giza Pyramid builders designed-in a record of this and the predictions of eventual comings of messiahs through history. Sirius is where, for all intents and purposes, divine beings outside of “physical density” and it’s relative regions, originally came from. Near Sirius is a doorway to what we would call heaven.

The doorway was scientifically proven when a pyramid array on a secret satellite detection experiment, revealed a geometric alignment where pyramid energies naturally amplify a stream of energy coming ONLY from near Sirius into our universe. The pyramid effected an interdimensional transceiver function where the subspace tunneling from the Sirius vortex domain occurred, in terms of measurable temporal field modulation.

The reason razor blades don’t rust in pyramids is not pop culture fad belief, but the result of temporal field deceleration naturally occurring in the pyramid. This is actually measurable with a tuned crystal resonator detection and reference system. Above the pyramid the time field was found to be minutely accelerated, inside the pyramid it is decelerated. When the pyramid shaft of Cheops at Giza points to Sirius, and is also aligned geomagnetically on the Earth (Cheops), momentous things are predicted to occur or least be signified.

At at certain times of day and year, there are peak conditions in the pyramid to (among other things):

  1. Communicate with the Gods from inside the Pyramid, i.e. the King’s and Queen’s Chamber – using emotion, vision and symbols.

  2. Receive energies of rejuvenation and spiritual balance from the Sirius vortex – using emotion, vision, and symbols.

  3. Out-of-body experience travel to other planes of existence and initiation and learning, using emotion, vision and symbols.

The originating Giza Pyramid designed-in a record of this and the predictions of eventual comings of messiahs through history. The old dormant code activation keys were broadcast from the cortex and received by everyone on Earth five years ago. The changes are already beginning.

Echelon knows evolution is in for a bumpy ride, and ET knows evolution is in for a bumpy ride, and the rest of us are told nothing. Yet it is we who are at stake. This is why ET and God’s ET agents, and other heavenly influences, are all so active right now, all trying to even up the need-to-know problem through covert mass contact. It is a covert assistance program, not a covert invasion. It is designed to allow us to evolve much faster than our institutions would prefer us sheep wake-up.

There are bad ET’s and there are good ET’s and a lot in between, too. The saving grace in all this is the higherdimensional Sirian soul energies of beyond our physical universe invested powerful dormant DNA encoding and high soul substance into Neanderthal humanity 90,000 years ago. The shaft in the pyramid points to Sirius.

It has been confirmed ET parties were associated closely with the existence of certain Earthly historical early messiahs and holy persons. Our religions were partly created by ET. We were truly, in every scientific physical sense of the words as well, aided by heavenly apparatus and intelligence. But this is no ordinary apparatus. We are talking about the scientific verification of the existence of God.

But this could be God as ET themselves parading as God or God’s agents, by being able to prove their historical Messianic associations, and the fact our genetics came from their divine test tube.

However this still leaves plenty of room left for deception, since there are so many damned ET factions still vying for position today. Not the least of which is our own highest Echelon response to the problem – the appropriation of the right of apotheosis away from the custodians – no matter how benevolent they are.

This is a dangerous path. It is an outwardly directed path in worship of ‘power-over’, technology of control, exclusive rights to resources, and worship of the science of separating the observer from experience. This is a climate of alien threat response management by secession from the ET agents as angels of God.

Here is the crux of the problem: The right Messianic ET’s were already rejected by our idiot world secret government. Why? Our government would not play because the true heavenly God Messianic ET agents would not broker soul rights by acceding to secret institutional control speaking for all humanity.

The worst of it is the human-perceived direct attack by the good ET’s on the human institutions of organized religion as being embodiments of the worst kind of corruption.

We wouldn’t have any of that. And they were told to take a cosmic hike – and they did – at our request, except for a few isolated continuing contacts with key individual contactees. The ET’s gave up on our institutions, and our institutions gave up on them, there was to be no marriage without undesired revolution.

Part of ARC Echelon rejection of the ET agents of our historical Messiahs – who were after all good and true and spiritually divine human beings, leaves the populace without without a primer for things to come. So ET is picking up the slack by increasing covert contacts, and there are a quite of few ET visitation joyrides going on too. Our zoo is a hot ticket. Without a primer we are left to to our own wits and conditioning.

And guess what?

Plenty of alliances have come along who were not the Messianic connected ET’s and also claim involvement in our world, one way or another, usually more remote, but still associated somehow. The plot thickened, especially as some of these ET’s turned out to be rather fallen angels of a kind. Faustain bargains had been much more easily made with less caring ET’s by our institutions than with the more caring ETs. This means the institutions were left with a messy problem, and until they figured it out, and could wiggle out of certain Faustian bargains, humanity was to be left without a clue.

So the feedback response system is modified to compensate.

Humanity is exercising it’s own trim-tab compensation by receiving

  1. messages from itself in the future as precognition and dreams

  2. messages from itself from the future, as time travelers, both machine and humanoid, coming back

  3. messages telepathically from ET’s in the present, and most importantly

  4. messages directly from the original creator God and his once Earthly Messiahs, now operating as relay authentic bridges for humanity to God in these times

The status quo in the institutions, on the other hand, are, respectively:

  1. trying to downplay the dreams and precognitions are millennial madness

  2. making sure to debunk the entire field of channelers as nutcase cults

  3. making sure to debunk the entire field of Ufology as disreputable snake oil salesmen

  4. trying to reinforce peoples allegiance to the organized institutional forms of religion and science

This is the result of the actions of the Echelon elements in secession mode.

The few elements in lower Echelons that have realized the monumental mistakes they have made still don’t want to turn over authority to any genuine human contactee! They want to instead attempt to go straight to the source. This is the reason for all the secret society worship of the Gods of ancient Egypt and the reason again, for the coming festivities being attended by representatives of all the secret societies.

But the fact still remains, regardless of the noble attempts to adjust the game through the types like Joe Firmage, without a primer that requires more institutional dressing down to see the whole truth, most of humanity could rush to judgment – into a premature friend or foe determination – and get caught up in mistaken identity turmoil. This is why there are so many above top secret fake apotheosis programs in a box. They can only get away with all of this as long as we are still under basic embargo and quarantine as a planet.

It all depends if we can:

  1. keep the ET lid on, and

  2. keep the worldly natural catastrophe curve in check, or adapt fast enough to changes in the sun, for example and

  3. keep ourselves from killing ourselves off with human conflict triggered NCBW in the next 12 years,

All without without absolutely needing ET help to survive and not go extinct, we could pass through this momentum time at the end of ‘normal’ history and not have to scientifically confront the existence of alien life for almost another century.

Now wouldn’t that be nice?

Don’t worry, the abductions will all soon be over, for the most part. Besides you were just giving and getting some help. Once in a while there are a few demonic abductors running around, but that is kept in check. Every abduction event is monitored by Echelon authorities. Every ET tagged party is an Echelon tagged party. Yet, remember, human free will is still the most powerful element in the mix. You only get abducted because as a soul you agreed to it before you were born.

There is a God who exists as a non-physical creator beyond this universe, of which entities in different ET’s civilizations either love or hate, or listen to or turn a deaf ear to, depending on how much their ‘fallen’ factor is operative. Certain Vedic saints, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Mohammed, and recently even Joseph Smith, prime examples amongst many, were all contacted by rather benevolent angel ET’s, as judged by the quality of the teachings they have promulgated.

Our institutions have recently rejected the right heavenly hosts. They left the rest of us to fend for ourselves, while they secure potential divine secessionary escape routes, or just Mexican stand-off hold-offs. This all means, good and bad ET, angelic and demonic ET, of different ilks can now covertly contact humanity on a telepathic basis, at the least, IF individual humanity ‘asks’ for it, and get a response, depending on the degree of pattern match. Negative people naturally attract similarly predisposed ET’s, and so on.

Our institutions have failed the tests and given into the devil’s temptations. The Sirian-Egyptian connection correlates to a coordinate in the heavens that highest Echelon knows the door to ‘heaven’ is. Certain Egypto-Masonic ASC Echelon types want to negotiate their own exclusive relationship with divinity, and bypass the truly ‘holy-host’ ET’s who reject their all too human power and control games. If we don’t watch it, these idiots will try to drag the rest of humanity along with them into Faustian bargain oblivion.

The only assured response strategy options are:

  1. Allow the whole thing blow over through the continued disenfranchisement of Ufology from science and religion, as ARC elements have planned and executed for fifty years, (and hope no massive new UFO religion springs up that would make things like Scientology and even Mormanism look like small stuff). Let the UFO age die-off, by forcing the ET’s away through a threatened scorched globe policy.

  2. Allow the whole thing gradually take hold socially through the personal domain of direct ET to person contact (and yes direct God to person contact) going on, physically, telepathically, symbolically, spiritually. And hopefully all the while try to marry science and religion back together in a way that allows these hallowed institutions to survive. But the bigoted radical cynical scientific rationalism cultists, and the bigoted radical optimistic religious mysticism cultists, will both have to eventually give it up. And as we all know, that will not happen without a fight.

This is why ET is denied the welcome mat on Earth and the No-Vacancy signs are on in the mainstream sense. We need time to just make it go away, or to prepare ourselves for eventual radical cultural adjustment.

Either way, ET is NOT really the issue we need to figure out anymore, even if more than half the ARC Echelon folks are still sweating it, and the abductees are tired of it.

The ONLY issue of genuine import is how our hidden human potential for divine spirituality can dovetail with the coming big wave of cosmic events and ‘energies’ over the next years so we can make the best out of it, and yes, save our own souls, and our world, with the help of God and/or Goddess.

That is the ONLY question that is relevant to be answered. Everything else turns out to be a grand distraction.

But remember Heaven’s Gate. The leader of Falun Gong, Master Li, believes evil ET’s recently seeded human civilization with technology and computers as a covert invasion plan. These evil ET’s worship technology and science like a religion, to the exclusion of higher dimensions. Drunvalo Mechelzidek holds that technology is the result of a Luciferian rebellion. The environmental crisis has stirred a contemporary “modern age” Luddite backlash against insensitive irresponsible science, commerce and industry.

The Unabomber Manifesto. Earthfirst. Back to nature worship and “superstition”.

The backlash against science is just beginning unless science stops worshipping the separation of the observer from the observed as a means to operate with impunity, and derisively dismisses claims that involve the observer. Science is actually on the way to committing suicide. But in radically responding to the problem as a turf war for souls, so will religion.

Don’t wait for your institutions to get it together for you. Common humanity may have to stand elitist management for decade or so until the inevitable happens. The inevitable is human apotheosis for the masses as a direct link between human and God and Goddess, and without ET necessarily consciously involved, and without human institutions moderating. And that scares our hallowed institutions of science and religion, our institutions of commerce and politics, it scares them all half to death. No wonder.

Mommy Goddess and Daddy God are coming into direct contact with us in a new radical fashion – not as physical ET’s like the government or evil ET’s would have us believe, but as personalized loving, forgiving and powerful spiritual energies and entities from beyond this physical universe. They are returning, big time, in non-physical terms, to re-connect and co-create with their original soul substance in this universe, located in, guess what – human hearts.

This Human-Spiritual heart reconnection is feared by the ‘fallen’ Luciferians mindsets – their game is up. Because once the true reconnection happens, it makes individual human beings hundreds of times more powerful than our high yield hydrogen bombs, in terms of potential spiritual influence. Remember the power of our historical Messiahs? They did not show what they were really capable of, despite the wonders they did demonstrate.

And remember how all Messiahs claimed that any human was capable of the same as they?

It was all only ever about growing love in the human heart. It was about growing the capacity for caring and intimacy, the incorruptible means for humanity not falling this time for well laid traps. The alien-human alliance engineered fail-safe awareness traps on the human evolutionary experiment. And they work.

The ET’s just hope we humans as a whole species learn our lessons before we get so much power. Since most of us wouldn’t trust anyone we know with too much power, and treat other species on our planet like chattel without feelings, that ought to help explain to you why ET’s have us under a form of embargo and quarantine. We humans foam at the mouth after all without any help at all from ET races.

Now see?

You didn’t need to read all this blathering gibberish after all. We warned you.

As William Shatner once said to the stunned crestfallen trekkies at a Star Trek convention, “Get a life”!
