Category Archives: MILABS

Is Trump cleaning child trafficking etc. under the disguise of corona pandemic?

I was just wondering that could this be the situation when all the so called deep underground bases are discovered and cleaned like Donald Marshall told us? This whole corona virus pandemic is too big to cover just regular ilness. Donald Marshall has told us that there will be a clena-up of these underground bases where they do all kind of horrible medical test for example cloning etc.

I have now noticed different kind of info what could relate to that this whole corona pandemic is real, but not so big issue that media has told us. It is a cover for this huge operation when top actors, politics etc. told that they have corona virus but actually they have been arrested for their crimes against humanity.

Qanon movement talks also lots of this operation and for example US has moved 2 of their massive medical ships to save corona patients, but infact these ships are for those thousands of people who are rescued from these underground bases. They include sexually abused children and adults and maybe people who have been used in somekind of medical tests.

Here are couple of links to this info. First there is a phone call from nurse, which tells us about the situation:

Then there is some IG post about it:

Trump and Putin do it together?:

And some info from YT:

Donald Marshall: Vril lizard agenda

This is very important info!!! Donald Marshall’s story binds everything together and tells the Truth. Just look around you and all the ancient cultures. Please read and share:


Donald Marshall: Vril lizard agenda

Marshall claims that there is a secret that has been kept by members of the Illuminati for more than 70 years, a secret of such great importance, as to effect the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the planet. Marshall states that his mission in life is to share this secret with the world, so that all can know the truth and plan for the future.

In order to fully understand this secret, it will be necessary to return to the events of Postwar Germany, following the end of World War I, where, in 1923, Hitler was named the leader of the new Nazi party. Following a failed attempt to overthrow the federal government, Hitler was arrested for treason. While awaiting trial in Landsberg prison, he read Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 novel: Vril: The Power of the Coming Race about a master-race of beings who call themselves the Vril-ya. They claim to be the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, with access to an extraordinary force called Vril, an unlimited source of energy that supplies all their needs and can be controlled at will. Hitler believed the novel to be true and once made Chancellor of Germany, he would send teams of spelunkers into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya. He dispatched regular expeditions to Asia, especially Tibet, where Nazi explorers made significant connections with influential Tibetan lamas, who had expert knowledge about the underground tunnel and cavern systems around the world. Legend was these Tibetan lamas guarded a secret entrance to the Inner World, known as the Red Door, hidden within the Potala palace in the mountain city of Lhasa. Once a Nazi-Tibetan alliance was formed, the lamas agreed to share with them that for centuries, they had been helping to hide an indigenous race of lizard living deep within the planet since prehistoric times, known as Vril lizards. It seems that these lizards knew the location of an abandoned military base dating back from the time of Atlantis, filled with ancient aircraft, weaponry and technology hidden within the tunnels and caverns of Antarctica. The lizards had no use for the tech, but they were willing to trade for something else they wanted. The lizards were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. And so, a deal was made. The Nazis got the ancient Atlantean tech and sold out the human race.

But according to Marshall, this is not the first time Vril lizards have interacted with humans. He claims that for centuries, royalty, powerful heads of state and trusted religious leaders around the world have kept a secret pact with the malevolent lizards. World leaders would receive valuable resources buried deep within the planet, such as gemstones, gold and other minerals and, in exchange, these leaders would conceal all evidence of the Vril from the surface population, so no one would learn of their existence. In addition to helping them hide, Vril lizards required that they be provided with a steady supply of humans to consume.

However, Marshall says that keeping the Secret of Vril not only refers to hiding the lizards and denying their existence, but also refers to an even bigger secret. Being a parasitic race, Vril lizards have the unique biological ability to invade the human body, take over the brain, and by accessing their memories, they can look, act and seem human in every way. After a period of recovery, the human is able to return to its normal activities, except the brain is now under the complete control of the Vril parasite.

Much like the 1956 scifi classic The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which the inhabitants of a small California town are replaced, one by one, with identical copies of themselves, Marshall warns us that we’ve already been invaded, we just don’t know it.
Marshall explains that Vril lizards are essentially parasites, and like all parasites, have a biological drive to invade, dominate and take over. Marshall refers to this biological takeover as “bodysnatching” and explains that the human victim dies once the Vril lizard takes over.

Marshall says that with the help of the Illuminati, bodysnatching Vril lizards have infiltrated all levels of society and hold positions of power all over the world.

This is done in order to remove key people and replace them with Vril hosts. Marshall states that Vril hosts can be found everywhere, in all levels of government, business, banking, military, law enforcement, journalism, media and entertainment.

Just how is this bodysnatching process accomplished?

According to Marshall, Vril lizards have a natural proboscis at the top of their head, from which they eject a type of thick cerebrospinal fluid. When this fluid enters the human, usually through the eye and from there, to the brain, a chemical transformation immediately begins to take place. The victim essentially dies, leaving the lizard parasite in complete control of all brain function. After a period of recovery, the Vril host can return to its’ regular activities, looking, acting and seeming completely normal.

Marshall reports that the Illuminati even hold a special bodysnatching ceremony to celebrate this Vril lizard takeover. Guests watch as the victim, conscious, though usually bound, is restrained and forced to sit still, until the lizard transfer is complete. Marshall claims to have seen this sick bodysnatching ceremony many times.

Marshall claims that the Illuminati bodysnatch many people, in every country, all over the world. They sometimes choose victims from incarcerated prisoners or longterm patients in hospitals and medical facilities; anywhere they have easy access to people, they will bodysnatch and replace them with a Vril host.

Anyone can be bodysnatched and, according to Marshall, he’s even seen this done to young children. Furthermore, Marshall claims that all loyal families within the Illuminati are expected to offer one of their children to be replaced by a Vril host. They comply since there is the unspoken threat that should they prove to be difficult, they can be bodysnatched at any time. Marshall says he has even seen bodysnatching done with just a couple of guys holding someone down while the victim is screaming, no ceremony required.

According to Marshall, the Illuminati utilize this unique parasitic ability of the lizards to further their own dark agenda. They are able to remove those resistant to their goals without anyone even noticing, and with Vril bodysnatching, the troublesome person is now replaced with an Illuminati spy, infinitely loyal and willing to report back everything they see and hear.

It is crucial to understand Vril lizard psychology, since Marshall maintains that all Vril lizards want to be human. They admire human intelligence and the beautiful human form. They want to crawl out from deep underground into the light and walk unnoticed among humanity. However, they are not human and have no capacity to feel human emotions. In fact, as malevolent lizards, they enjoy causing pain and suffering. Marshall reveals that Vril hosts are responsible for much of the senseless crimes and spree killings that occur. However, Vril hosts are excellent mimics and make convincing humans. And since there is no way to detect the presence of a Vril host, except with an MRI scan of the brain, most members of the Illuminati pretend to like the lizards and are friendly to Vril hosts, since no one is ever certain if they are talking to a host or human.

According to Marshall, prehistoric Vril lizards have been bodysnatching humans throughout history, even during ancient times. He claims that they are, in part, responsible for the destruction of the island of Atlantis, where legend tells lived an advanced civilization that existed in the Atlantic ocean. Marshall reports that Vril hosts had bodysnatched and infiltrated their way into positions of power throughout Atlantean culture, where they destroyed themselves with advanced weaponry, causing cataclysmic flooding and earthquakes.

Marshall asserts that Vril lizards often infiltrate human societies, by targeting individuals in the ruling class, royalty or priesthood. Once they are in positions of power, Vril lizards attempt to convince the humans to worship them as either gods or demons; something to be feared and obeyed without question.

As gods, Vril lizards would demand human sacrifices as a show of loyalty and devotion. In these cultures, it was considered an honor to be bodysnatched and chosen to become a god. The people didn’t understand the biological nature of the takeover of the brain, and thought it was some kind of mystical or magical transformation.

As demons, Vril lizards were deeply feared. Old legends warn travelers against going into certain haunted caves and mountains, and to beware when darkness falls as this was the time when demons would creep about, stealing babies and livestock. When Vril lizards would bodysnatch a victim, the person was later said to be demon possessed and various means would be attempted to drive the demons out.

Many cultures around the world attempted to limit Vril lizard infestation, and Marshall says most, at some point, “start sharpening pointy sticks”. For example, The Hopi Indian culture successfully drove off Vril lizards, while the ancient Anasazi Indians of New Mexico, were forced to leave behind their elaborate cliff dwellings in order to relocate far away from nearby Vril infested caves.

Throughout history, the lizards stayed hidden underground, in dark caves and tunnels, trying to avoid discovery. Some royal families kept Vril lizards as pets, and used them to instill fear in those not showing the proper loyalty to the crown. Some world religious leaders also knew of the lizards, had secret alliances with them, and agreed to help them.

In the 1940’s, a secret pact was forged between the Nazis and the lizards making them mutual allies. Conditions of the pact required directing tremendous resources to assist the Vril lizards, including the building of deep, underground military bases worldwide. This would allow the lizards a way to interact directly with humans which, in turn, would permit the massive, government sponsored bodysnatching so prevalent around the world today.

If we can assume that all this is true, that bodysnatching malevolent lizards have infiltrated human society and are replacing us, one by one, without raising any alarm, one might ask: Wouldn’t someone try to tell people and save humanity?

According to Marshall, President Ronald Reagan tried to warn the public on numerous occasions from 1985 to1988. In an important speech to the United Nation General Assembly on September 21st, 1987, at the height of the Star Wars space race with Russia, Reagan mused, “In our obsession with the antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask: is not an alien force already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our people then war and the threat of war?”

Marshall states that the Illuminati forgave Reagan’s comments at first, but when he continued to talk about aliens living among us, they “blew his mind and called it Alzheimer’s”.

Marshall encourages us to remember the ultimate Vril lizard agenda, which he claims has remained unchanged for centuries: to infiltrate human society and take over the planet. Marshall warns us to act quickly to spread the news, as anyone can be bodysnatched. As the ending from “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” warns us: They’re already here. You’re next.



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Deep Underground Military Bases

I have posted about this before and just to refresh your mind here we go again DUMBS:

Deep Underground Military Bases.

The U.S. Government alone classifies over 500 million pages of documents each year. As far as transparency goes, there is none. How can we know anything about what is happening on our planet if so much information is hidden from the public domain? By now, the classified world has moved far beyond the reach of the public, and far beyond in its power and capabilities with regards to technology, scientific and cosmological knowledge and more.

“According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, think about that for a moment ”

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely concealed for 30 years.

Recent leaks from Edward Snowden, a former intelligence contractor, have shed light on the black budget world. This is a world full of Special Access Programs (SAP) that garnishes trillions of dollars every year to conduct operations the general public knows nothing about. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress ”. One aspect of these ‘deep black programs’ is the development of deep underground military bases, and they can go up to several miles underneath the surface.

There are also known underground facilities in existence. Take for example, the Swedish underground military facility at Musko. It’s a large naval base built underneath a mountain. The hospital alone within this facility holds over 1,000 beds. Musko engineers blasted out 1,500, 000 cubic meters of stone in order to build it.

“The military utility for underground construction is obvious. I recall years ago studying the matter in the context of American Cold War military strategy. during the 1950’s, motivated by a fear of Soviet missiles striking American installations and cities, military planners recognized the value of secure facilities deep underground”

In 1987 Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lloyd A. Duscha, gave a speech at an engineering conference entitled “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons.” In the first paragraph of his speech he states the following:

After World War II, political and economic factors changed the underground construction picture and caused a renewed interest to “think underground.” As a result of this interest, the Corps of Engineers became involved in the design and construction of some very complex and interesting military projects. Although the conference program indicates the topic to be “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons,” I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified.

He then went into a discussion of the Corps’ involvement in the 1960’s in the construction of the large and elaborate NORAD base buried deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado. This is just a public statement, but you will not find a more significant public admission of secret, underground bases than this one. People speaking is not the only evidence available, there are actual documents obtained by researchers through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that shed more light on the subject, and clearly outline plans for the contraction of underground facilities.

There are documents available which expose a deep underground command center that was to be built far below area’s such as Washington, D.C. and China Lake, California during the Cold War. Documents available show that in 1964 the military was considering building a huge underground cavity 4,000 feet deep beneath China Lake. It’s well known that the United States and the Soviet Union created a vast infrastructure to support a complex of offensive and defensive weapons during the Cold War. This infrastructure included sites and facilities for developing, testing, storing and manufacturing weapons. There was also a host of communication and command centers.

The worlds most prominent researcher on Underground Military Facilities (in my opinion) Richard Sauder, Ph.D, told of an interesting story in his book Hidden In Plain Site that I’d like to share with you.

“As it happens, after giving a public talk a couple of years ago, I was approached by a man who had been a uniformed member of the United States Navy. We chatted for a while and when he mentioned that he had spent some time at China Lake my ears perked up. I asked him if there was an underground facility at China Lake. He said that indeed there is, and that it is impressively large and deep. I asked him if he had ever been in it, and he said that he had, though not to the deepest levels. I asked him how deep the deepest part extended. He looked at me soberly and said very quietly, “It goes one mile deep.” I then asked him what the underground base contains. He replied, “Weapons.” I responded, “What sort of weaponry?” And he answered without pausing, “Weapons more powerful than nuclear weapons.”

The very first TOP SECRET memo on the subject was issued by Robert McNamara, on November 7th 1963 from the office of the Secretary of Defense. This took place right before the Kennedy murder.

There is a very grave danger that an announced need for increased secrecy will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit, to the extent that it is in my control. We are opposed around the world by a system which has ocnscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

In this memo McNamara discusses the topic of the National Underground Command Center. The memo was addressed to McGeorge Bundy, Kermit Gordon and Dr. Jerome Wiesner. Bundy was the special assistant for National Security Affairs of President Kennedy. Gordon was the Director of the Bureau of the Budget and Wiesner was Kennedy’s science adviser. McNamara stated that they would meet sometime during the end of November, unfortunately Kennedy was dead by then.

A Second memo was issued on the same day concerning a proposed Deep Underground National Command Center that would be approximately 3,500 feet underground Washington. The memo also mentioned elevator shafts below the State Department and White House that would descend to 3,500 feet with high speed, horizontal tunnel transport to the main facility. Remember we are talking about the 1960’s, what type of technology would be available for them to complete a project like this?

The reality of Deep Underground Military Bases is extremely fascinating. There is an enormous amount of evidence that proves their existence. Secret military bases used to be labelled in the conspiracy theory category. Not long ago, the Department of Defense officially declassified the existence of Area 51.

There are hundreds of military bases, and underground military bases spread all over the world. Dr Richard Sauder documents this phenomenon well in Hidden In Plain Sight, among his other works. What I’ve provided above is not even the tip of the ice berg. In his book he goes on to illustrate the technology behind such developments, under ocean bases, and more. This is a fascinating topic to explore, and the next question to ask is what goes on in underground military facilities?

We know that the military operates at these defense installations, and it’s safe to assume that a number of classified projects go in within them. One that seems to be a common occurrence that’s related to Deep Underground Military Facilities are UFOs and extraterrestrials.

Best selling British author and researcher, Timothy Good, has written several books dealing with the question of possible extraterrestrial interaction with Earth. Another one that comes to mind is historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolan. Both have hinted to having been privy to some very interesting information in some of their books.

In After Disclsoure, Dolan shares an experience he had with a politician who was deep underground in a military base.. He was briefed on the extraterrestrial reality and said that ETs and UFOs are just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to information that’s concealed from the public.

Timothy Good has been privy to information from a variety of sources, including private ones that discuss a variety of locations around the world for alleged undersea and underground extraterrestrial bases. Abductees and contactees constantly refer to deep underground installations within the Planet. Could the extraterrestrial phenomenon be directly related to Deep Underground Military Facilities?

I’ve had two personal encounters with Canadian Military Personnel. One of them was a Coast Guard veteran, he personally told me that if I would like to know about extraterrestrials, “come work for us and you can ask them yourself.” This is something I’ll remember for my entire life. The second one was bizarre, I encountered a senior Canadian Air Force officer, had a short conversation with him and brought up UFOs. He instantly turned around and started walking away from me. About an hour later, in a completely different location, he walked right by me and didn’t even look at me, accompanied by two men in suits.

Below is a video of Phil Schneider. Much of what he says with regards to methods of underground base development correlates with the research I’ve done. He was murdered shortly after giving a few lectures as he did here below.


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Death Thoughts can be from Alien or Military Abduction

Sometimes you hear your own inner voice telling you negative ideas or thoughts. But could it be, that these ideas and negative thought patterns are not your own? They have been inserted in your brain and activated if you don’t cooperate with the powers that be?

Death Thoughts & Early Death can be from
Booby Traps inserted during
Alien or Military Abduction

Many researchers of UFOs and other alternative topics have died early deaths. We believe that many of these deaths were caused by the activation of what we call “Booby Traps”. These are a special kind of Wernicke’s command, which were deliberately given to the person during an abduction.

If you have any suspicion that you, or the person you are working on, has been affected by mind control or alien or military abduction, (or that you may have metaphysical abilities, which greatly increases the chances of being abducted), then you need to have someone check for and remove Booby Traps before you do anything.

First, the person who does the testing muscle tests if there are any booby traps to be removed. If you do not know how to do this accurately, or how to do the pretests which are essential to do to get accurate answers, please learn from my Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing DVD Training system. The course also teaches how to identify and remove Booby Traps and other Wernicke’s commands.

Then, muscle test how many of each kind of booby trap there are to be removed.

Booby traps fall into three categories:

1) Commands to die if the person remembers. Some examples that I have found on people are:

“Die if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this one. Note: the word “this” is usually, but not always, in the sentence, to keep it specific.

“Kill yourself if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this command also.

“You’ll be dead if you remember.”

“You will not live if you remember.”

“Your heart will stop if you remember.”

“Have heart failure if you remember this.”

“Have a heart attack if you remember this.”

“Have cardiac arrest if you remember this.”

“Die of heart failure if you remember this.”

“Have a heart embolism if you remember this.”

“Your heart will stop if you remember this.”

“Don’t remember this or your heart will stop.”

“Your heart stops beating if you remember this.”

“Have kidney failure if you remember this.”

“Your kidneys die if you remember this.”

“Your liver will stop functioning if you remember this.”

“Your spleen ruptures if you remember this.”

“Have a stroke if you remember this.”

“You will have a stroke if you remember.”

“Have an accident if you remember this.”

“Have a brain hemorrhage if you remember this”.

“Have cerebral hemorrhage if you remember this.”

“Bleed if you remember this.”

“God will not love you if you remember this.”

“You will go to Hell if you remember this.”

“This will happen if you remember this.” (shows person a video of horrible things)

“You’re dead if you remember this.”

“We’ll kill you if you remember this.”

“You’ll go insane if you remember this.”

“Stop breathing if you remember this.”

“Die in pain if you remember this.”

“Drop dead if you remember this.”

“You’ll suffocate if you remember this.”

“Have brain cancer if you remember this.”

“Have lung cancer if you remember this.”

“We are going to disembowel you if you remember what we’ve done.”

“We’re going to kill you if you don’t obey us.”

“Expire if you don’t follow your programming.”

“We will disintegrate you if you don’t follow your programming.”

“Meet death if you remember this.”

“You will die if you think about this.”

“Your brain will be damaged if you remember.”

“Your mind will be erased if you remember.”

“You’ll lose your mind if you remember.”

“Your mind will not function if you remember this.”

“You won’t know anything if you remember this.”

“You’ll go insane if you remember.”

“No one can stand you if you remember this.”

“You’ll look crazy if you remember this.”

“You’ll feel bad if you remember this.”

“You won’t do anything right if you remember this.”

“Be stupid if you remember this.”

“Cause trouble if you remember this.”

“Your nervous system will shut down if you remember.”

“Disloyalty means death.”

“There is pain for disobedience.”

“You’ll forget this or die.”

“Forget this or die horribly.”

“Remembering this brings pain.”

“You will die if you recall this.”

“Thinking of us gives you a headache.”

“Remembering this occludes blood flow to the brain.”

“Remembering this releases blood clots to the brain.”

“You hypothalamus will shatter if you remember this.”

“You will be destroyed if you remember this.”

“Everything will be impossible for you if you remember this.”

2) Commands to kill the person who helps them to remember (that is, the person doing the muscle testing). Examples that have been found are:

“Kill the person who helps you to remember this.”

“Kill the person who deprograms you.”

“You’ll kill anyone who helps you to tear down your programming.”

“Zap anyone who helps you.”

“Destroy the reputation of anyone who helps you deprogram”.

3) Commands that relate to endangering others. The third category may not hurt anyone, but it could stop you from getting yourself free and cleaned up. Examples I have found on another are:

“Kill your daughter if you remember this.”

“Kill (name of son/daughter) if you remember this.”

“Kill your son/daughter if you remember this.”

“Kill your mother if you remember this.”

“Your family will die if you remember this.”

“You put your family in danger if you tell anyone about this.”

“We will hurt your son/daughter if you remember this.”

“(Name of son/daughter) will die if you remember this.”

“You’re on your own if you remember this.”

“You lose everything you love if you remember this.”

Do not underestimate the power of booby traps.

A woman healer was murdered by one of her male clients in Melbourne Australia around 2000. I believe that it is possible and even likely that the man was a victim of mind control and the healer inadvertently removed the blocks to his memories, without first removing any booby traps.

I once worked on a woman who had many health problems (eg intense stomach pain) as the result of reptilian abduction. I removed ten wernicke’s commands to stop her from remembering. After two sessions her health problems went away. But, I forgot to look for any booby traps (as this was in the early days of my research). A few weeks later she went to a doctor, thinking she had a minor stroke, plus she started ‘talking funny’ – it was like her brain wasn’t working correctly. I then tested and found five booby traps including “Have a stroke if you remember this” and “Have an accident if you remember this”. She was fine after that.

After you have removed booby traps, look for other wernicke’s commands that were deliberately given to the person, such as those that:

Stop them doing any kind of work which will help them to get free, such as kinesiology or clearing.

Interfere with them remembering what was done to them and what they did during that time.

Interfere with wealth and money.

Interfere with their life purpose (eg to stop them doing the thing they are most gifted at).

Interfere with relationships.

Make them obey the controllers.

Stop them using their abilities.

Stop them connecting with God.

Interfere with a special topic that is specific for the particular person you are working with.

Accurate muscle testing and the Wernicke’s Commands are easy to learn, if you are taught correctly. They are essential for anyone who is sensitive, or has or may have any kind of metaphysical abilities, or has ever had any unreasonable amounts of rage or other strange behavior, as these are the ones most likely to have been abducted. Learn this now with Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing.


Kinesiology for Abductees: Learn about other techniques that should be done on anyone who has been abducted.


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A Primer on Milab Abductions

Just some more information about milab abductions. I think, that major part of the so called abductions are made by military and ordinary people. It’s a good way to keep people silent about the experiments, that they want to conduct with human victims. Fear is the key to keep things silent. People won’t speak if they think that aliens have abducted them and that’s how the secret is kept hidden.

By James Bartley

Many people are coming to the grim realization that they have endured alien abduction experiencesA significant percentage of alien abductees have learned that they are the object of extreme interest by deep black elements of the military intelligence community.  This interest goes beyond simple monitoring, surveillance and psychological warfare operations (Psyops).  Abductees are being used by the military in a variety of operational roles including but not limited to astral operators, psychic spies, covert operatives, technicians, and scientists.  Abductees who have been used by the military in this fashion are known as “Milabs” which stands for “Military Abductees.”  Milabs often describe being taken to underground facilities.  Milabs as well as Military-Aerospace Insiders have witnessed non-human life forms and human military and medical personnel working together in underground and above ground installations.

The purpose of this treatise is to fill a large gap in alien abduction studies.  Most of the “big name” researchers refuse to delve into issues such as the existence and primary role in alien abductions played by the Reptilians.  The reptilians are the primary abducting force.  The reptilians use “proxies” such as certain factions of the Grey aliens, Nordics, Insectoids and other ETs to do their bidding.  The reptilians are also deeply involved in Milab Operations.

As a Student of History and a Historian myself, I am often confounded by the fragmentary historical record about a wide variety of subjects, not only from the distant past but from more recent times.  America’s collective ignorance about our own History let alone recent events is due in large part to the malign influence of an Educational System funded by the Tax Exempt Foundations, Corporations and the Federal Government.  Added to that is the all pervasive influence of the Corporate Media and the end result is a population completely ignorant about even the most basic facts of life.  A cogent argument can be made that Alien Abductions and Military Abductions are a daily fact of life for countless people.  This treatise will provide Milabs with information which will help them to adjust to this shattering reality.


How Did They Become Milabs? 

Milabs are first and foremost legitimate alien abductees.  Milabs have genetic markers which indicate DNA of non-human origin.  I have spoken to a number of abductees who served in the military and during their time in the Armed Forces, these abductees were used in Milab and Mind Control operations.  It was as if Military Intelligence, or a deep black element thereof, knew precisely who within the ranks were alien abductees.

Milabs who have served in the military describe being used in a variety of Mind Control operations some of them involving extremely high technology, very often in underground installations.  Many report being injected with hypnotic drugs and having narco-hypnosis and memory erasure procedures performed upon them.  This is done to ensure the milab forgets what he has seen or heard during these experiences.  Post hypnotic commands and programming are instilled into compartmented sections of the milab’s mind.

Oftentimes Active Duty Milabs are treated by military psychologist during and even after their time in the military. Abductees in all branches of the service have reported being mind controlled during their stints in the military.  Many former members of the military continue to be used in milab operations long after their military career has ended.

Civilian milabs can be found in all walks of life.  Some have obvious connections to the military-industrial complex whilst others have no connection whatsoever.  The obvious question most milabs ask themselves is, “how did the military find out about me?”  Again, it is due to the unique genetic markers contained in the milabs DNA.  The military, being a branch of the federal government, has access to any and all medical records.  Even for civilians, there is ample opportunity for the powers that be to obtain DNA samples of the general population.  Other factors which must be considered are the sensors and radar systems of the military which would allow milab controllers to know when alien spacecraft have passed close to human habitations.  Subsequent investigation would determine if any abductees lived in the neighborhoods visited by the spaceship.  Another piece of the puzzle is the testimony of people like Dan Sherman.

Dan Sherman served in a “grey” branch of the Air Force Security Service, the latter being the Air Force arm of the National Security Agency.  Sherman says he was trained as an “Intuitive Communicator” by his superiors to establish and maintain communications with Extraterrestrials.  Sherman concluded that the data being given from the ETs to his human controllers concerned alien abductees.  I would go further:  Based on the Laws of Chance and Statistical Probability at least some of the abductees in this program must be milabs.  If elements of the deep black military are being given information about human beings used in ET abduction operations, then there must be some kind of ongoing cooperation between ETs and the military involving human beings.

Dan Sherman is not the only former insider to claim knowledge of an ongoing interaction between deep black elements of the Military-Aerospace community and non-human beings.  Indeed there have been numerous accounts of interactions between deep black elements of the Military-Aerospace-Medical community with non-human beings.  Thanks to the gatekeepers in the UFO Community, the fact of alien-human interaction has been dismissed, marginalized and reduced to the level of absurdity.

What Are Milabs Used For?

Throughout history military regimes have utilized the special skills of allied or subject peoples to further their geopolitical ends.  Conquered peoples have been impressed into armies to fight and die for their masters.  Unique skills of people in a particular region are exploited by their masters.  Slingers, Archers, Cavalrymen, infantrymen, blacksmiths, cobblers, and carpenters have all been used by conquerors to further a particular geopolitical goal or agenda.  I would argue that since the creation of the Federal Reserve and the resulting Debt based fiat currency system, this formerly great Republic is a conquered country in which each citizen is expected to make an annual tribute to the International Banking Cartel in the form of taxes.  Milabs just happen to be a 21st Century version of the aforementioned slaves.  Make no mistake about it:  For all intents and purposes, milabs are slaves during these experiences, no matter how an individual milab chooses to interpret his or her experiences.  Moreover, the milab controllers exhibit an extraordinary degree of control over the milab in areas such as interpersonal relationships, employment, and choice of residence, to name just three.

The training and tasking of milabs seems to be tailored to their particular attributes, personal strengths and weaknesses.  There are certain types of training, indoctrination and medical procedures which are common to virtually all milabs.  Many milabs have described the mass vaccination scenarios.  They have described walking in and out of large unisex bathrooms.  Milabs are variously clad in night clothes, ordinary civilian clothes or hospital smocks.  During training or actual physical operations (as opposed to astral ops) milabs have worn military dress uniforms, Battle Dress Utilities (BDUs), camouflage uniforms, black or dark blue “SWAT” type outfits and gray sweat shirts and matching gray pants.  Nurses and Doctors are a frequent sight at installations where milabs are taken.  The setting can appear like any other medical facility and the medical staff can behave exactly as a normal medical staff would, except for the lack of information given to the “patient.”  Some milabs recall being taken to a well known above ground medical facility.  Some of the medical facilities where milabs have been taken include Letterman Army Hospital in San Francisco, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital in Oakland California, and Balboa Naval Medical Center in San Diego California just to name a few.          

The training and ops are divided thusly:  Training scenarios and ops conducted whilst the milab is in the physical body and training and ops conducted whilst the milab is in an Out of Body State.  Remote viewing ops conducted by milabs are usually done in the physical state.  Physical training usually involves running, swimming, and weapons training.  Survival training is emphasized.  Individually and in groups, milabs are taught how to forage for food and water and to organize foraging parties.  Milabs are sometimes encouraged by their controllers to learn First Aid skills and to even become First Responders such as Emergency Medical Technicians and Firefighters.

Milabs can be used as couriers, covert operatives, technicians, and scientists.  As couriers the milab can operate singly or with another milab.  Sometimes the milab works under the supervision of a controller.  The training is given added urgency by the milab being placed in virtual reality scenarios involving nuclear holocaust, civil unrest, a pandemic, civil unrest, martial law involving foreign troops.  The military has the capability of creating “stage managed dreams.”  These are very vivid virtual reality scenarios.  The controllers stress guile, resourcefulness and an unwillingness to surrender to the circumstances.

Many milabs have been used in Astral Ops.  The Astral operators are trained to spy, act as a forward observer for air strikes, search for people or objects of intelligence value, and bring harm to others. As such milabs are “multi-task platforms.” The military possess the technology to trigger an out of body experience within milabs.  The milab controller talks to the milab and directs him or her to focus on particular targets during an astral op.  The milab can be sitting on a reclined chair.  The milab controller can talk in a normal tone of voice to the milab.  Some milabs have described being on an astral op and hearing the voice of the milab controller in their mind.  Some milab controllers themselves are psychic.  The possibility exist that the military employs technology which can “boost” the thoughts of the milab controller so the milab can hear the commands, wherever the astral operator may be.

Some Milab Controllers  Are Shapeshifters

Milab controllers vary in appearance and roles.  Some of them are obviously military special operations personnel whose function is to train the milabs in survival skills and covert operations techniques.  Other milab controllers train milabs in astral ops and in remote viewing.  There have been numerous reports of military controllers or military personnel in general “shapeshifting” into reptilians within the confines of an underground base or secure locations in above ground bases. Milabs who have witnessed military personnel shapeshifting usually expressed no shock or surprise at these transformations suggesting that the percipient may have been in an altered state of mind or alter personality.  I cannot express myself strongly enough about this facet of the milab experience:  The reptilians are deeply involved in milab operations and hence are involved in the most secretive projects and operations on Earth.

Milabs are trained to be resourceful.  Psychological tests are conducted on milabs to determine their decision making process under duress.  Scenarios include compelling the milab to decide who to rescue from a fire:  A young boy or a young girl?  Should the milab rescue a human child or a human hybrid alien child?  The milab controllers have a very good idea which milabs can be counted upon to be assassins and cutthroat operatives.  Psychological profiles and genetic studies as well as background information about the upbringing of the milab will provide the milab controllers all the info they need to determine the suitability of a milab for one task or another.  In most cases, the military has been deeply involved in the life of the milab from childhood.

Some milabs, even in a mind controlled state, are not suitable for ops where harming or killing others is required.  Other milabs, even in full waking consciousness, would be happy to blast away at other people if they knew they would not get in trouble.  Some male milabs have a long history of domestic violence and frequently beat their spouses or girlfriends.  Most of these violent milabs are reptilian or drac (winged gargoyle species) human hybrids.  The milab controllers will use such individuals when remorseless brutality or other forms of mayhem are required. It is a sad fact that some male milabs are proud of the role they play advancing the reptilians’ New World Order agenda. If a particular milab is deemed unsuited for a particular task, then they will be retrained for other roles.

Mass milab settings have been described in which hundreds if not thousands of milabs can be seen walking around these underground installations.  Some of these installations were designed to simulate very large airport terminals, complete with long escalators and long terminal passages.

The True State of the Art

Thanks to the ceaseless efforts of the gatekeepers in the UFO Community (and its safe to say at this point that you can add Stanton Friedman to that ever growing list) people still think of UFO technology from the standpoint of archaic and obsolete human technology.  Stanton Friedman still crows about his time working on the NEPA Nuclear Powered Airplane project which was a complete boondoggle and a waste of time and resources.  Nevertheless, the NEPA Nuclear Airplane Project is the “Gift That Keeps On Giving” because till the end of time, Stanton Friedman will continue to brag about how knowledgeable he is about modern technology based on his involvement on the NEPA Nuclear Airplane Project which was a complete joke.

On the oxymoronically titled “History Channel” Friedman appeared on a segment of UFO Files known as “The Day After Roswell.”  Friedman along with the rest of the debunkers dismissed the late Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso’s claims that Corso had helped seed alien technology into the commercial sector.  Corso stated in his book and in many interviews that he provided samples of alien technology obtained from the Roswell Crash Retrieval to a number of Research and Development centers around the United States.  The analysis of items led to the creation of night vision goggles, fiber optics and lasers to name just three.  Friedman and the other debunkers insisted that all technology present on Earth is the result of human ingenuity.  In other words there has never been any attempt to determine the full potential of all the alien technology recovered over the years, let alone exploit this technology by the Global Elite.

In the recent past a book was published entitled “An Introduction to Planetary Defense: A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extra-Terrestrial Invasion” written by Travis S. Taylor and Bob Boan along with R.C. Anding & T. Conley Powell. This motley crew of writers routinely refers to Ufologists and UFO Whistleblowers as “UFO Conspiracy Theorists.”  Yet they have the audacity to refer to the late and unlamented CIA debunker Karl Pflock as a “UFO Researcher.”  In order to drive home the point that the Earth needs to prepare itself against an alien invasion, they frequently cite Hollywood films such as Independence Day and The War Of The Worlds as examples of what will happen if the Earth is caught by surprise.

Nowhere in this book are there references to the well documented intrusions of UFOs over Strategic Air Command bases which have resulted in the deactivation of Nuclear Missile Launch Control Facilities and tampering of the nuclear warheads themselves by low flying UFOs.

To give but one example of the seriousness of these events consider the testimony of former Air Force Lieutenant Robert Salas.  Between March 14th  and 16th 1967 at Malmstrom Air Force Base near Great Falls Montana, low flying UFOs described as brilliant reddish orange balls, hovered over two Nuclear Missile Launch Control Facilities (LCF) which resulted in up to twenty nuclear missiles suddenly going into “NO GO” status.  The Minuteman II missiles were divided equally between Echo Flight and Oscar Flight, each flight having its own missile LCF.  These twenty missiles silos were spread over a vast area of Montana

Technicians conducted an evaluation of the system and determined that for some inexplicable reason the Guidance and Control system malfunctioned.  The eyewitnesses included launch control facility personnel as well as members of the Sabotage Alert Teams.  Not exactly “UFO Conspiracy Theorists.” Veteran UFO investigator Raymond Fowler worked on the Minuteman II Planning Board at Sylvania, one of the contractors for that missile system.  Fowler is also a former member of the Air Force Security Service (now known as the Air Force Electronic Security Command), the Air Force subsidiary of the National Security Agency.  Fowler confirmed from his own sources that numerous incursions of low flying UFOs over Strategic Air Command missile bases did in fact occur during this time period.  Moreover communications within the LCF sites were disrupted during the UFO visitations.

Similar events occurred at Minot AFB in North Dakota in 1968 and along the northern tier of SAC missile bases in November of 1975.  The 1975 SAC incursions were well documented in such books as “Clear Intent” written by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood.  Clear Intent was later re-published under the title The UFO Cover-up.

Sightings of UFOs above sensitive Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) facilities by highly trained personnel such as scientists, security personnel and air force pilots have been recorded since the late 1940s.  Sightings of UFOs over the AEC Hanford Facility in Washington State and the AEC Oak Ridge Facility are well documented.  The documents I refer to are documents pried from a variety of U.S. Agencies via the Freedom of Information Act.

One of the most frightening examples of UFOs manipulating the control systems of nuclear missile launch facilities occurred in the former Soviet Union.

According to Vladimir Plantonov, on October 14th 1982 a UFO hovered over a Soviet ICBM base for hours near the town of Belokoroviche, northwest of Kiev, Ukraine.  Many eyewitnesses reported that the craft was saucer shaped and was over nine hundred feet long.  Plantonov, a missile engineer stated to ABC News Correspondent David Ensor that the missiles suddenly went into pre-launch mode, something that is only supposed to happen after Moscow sends authorizing codes to initiate the launch sequence. The missiles didn’t launch but the occupants of the UFO certainly got their message across:  We control your weapons systems.  We can disable them or we can cause them to launch thus initiating a planetary nuclear holocaust.

It is important for the readers to understand that these are well documented cases of UFOs disrupting and manipulating the guidance and control systems for the most powerful weapons systems known to exist.  Why didn’t the authors of “An Introduction to Planetary Defense:  A Study of Modern Warfare Applied to Extraterrestrial Invasion” mention any of these cases?  Likewise why didn’t they write about the well documented and numerous cases of Jet Interceptors being scrambled after UFOs sometimes resulting in the loss of the planes and aircrew?  The writers of “An Introduction to Planetary Defense” have an agenda.  This is obvious from the fact that they dedicated the book to the people who lost their lives to the “terrorists” attacks of September 11th, 2001.  There have been scientific peer reviewed papers which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that nano-thermite explosives as well as thermate cutting charges were used at the World Trade Center Twin Towers.  This is not open to debate no matter how uncomfortable it makes people feel and its obvious to me that a great many UFO Researchers want no part of 9/11 Truth, cowards and ignoramuses that they are.

So why are these authors who promote the 9/11 Lie writing about planetary defense against aliens now?  More to the point, why do they believe conventional and even “advanced” directed energy weapons will even stand a chance against UFOs and their occupants?  Pitting “modern” publicly known weapons systems against the known offensive capabilities of the aliens is worse than stupid.  This is very much like lining up a dozen Greek Hoplites in a phalanx formation and asking them to stop the advance of a  SS Panzer Corps.

This is an important question to ask because the issues I will soon bring up about Time Travel and Cloning would be dismissed as being ludicrous and beyond the pale by messiers Taylor, Boan, Anding and Powell and others like them. This is why I took the time to describe what UFOs had done to modern weapons systems in the past.  Once again we have these relative non-entities trying to create parameters around what is considered credible and non-credible information about UFOs.


The Cloning of Milabs

This leads me to the next salient point: The Cloning of Milabs is a fact.  I have spoken to many milabs who have described seeing clones of themselves. Sometimes the clones are younger, slimmer and more physically fit. Other times the clones look exactly as the milab does at the present time.  Milab clones have been seen in suspended animation.  Sometimes two or more clones are seen to be animated.  They have feelings and emotions and have expressed anguish over the things that are done to them.  One female milab I know saw two of her clones placed into a large plastic box and kept there.  Her two clones struggled desperately to get out of the box.  They were screaming and crying and the female milab was distraught over the treatment meted out to her clones.

Katherina Wilson described meeting two of her clones in an underground installation.  They told her they were being used as prostitutes by the military and scientific personnel and were absolutely miserable about their situation.

Cloned bodies are used for training purposes.  The deep black military has the means to transfer the consciousness of a sleeping milab into the body of a clone.  The clone will then be made to perform a variety of training scenarios and perhaps even find him or herself used in “real world” ops, either on this planet or elsewhere.  Confirmation of the use of clones for training purposes has been provided by other milabs.  It is quite common for milabs who are acquainted with one another and who live in widely separated places, to see each other in underground installations, training scenarios and actual ops.

If one milab is known to be overweight but appears to be slimmer and in better shape than his or her “real” body, than it is a certainty that a clone was used.  If the overweight milab has memories of the same training scenario or op that was described by the other milab, than we can infer that his or her consciousness was transferred into a cloned body for the duration of the event.  In this fashion a comprehensive amount of training and operational experience can be imbued into the subconscious or alter personalities of the milab without the attendant risk of injury or death to the real individual.  The milab may remember only fragments of the experiences in question but the total memories are maintained in the subconscious and the alter personalities, ready to be utilized and exploited by the milab controllers in the future.  Moreover, if the cloned milab was compelled to perpetrate some act that would be morally repugnant to the milab, the memories of such activities can be neatly compartmentalized via the mind control programming. Some milab memories may be state dependent, that is, certain memories may only be remembered by the clone or clones!

The use of clones may be directly related to the Time Travel ops that many milabs have described.  Again, milabs are legitimate alien abductees.  They are essentially a hybrid form of human being with enhanced metaphysical capabilities due to their alien DNA. Thus they are ideal candidates for Time Travel projects.  Keep in mind that the DNA of some milabs may contain genetic information from a number of different ET races, not just one.  The reptilians factor in the lives of a great many milabs, whether they realize it or not.  The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and are metaphysical operators par excellence.  It is this capability that the deep black military controllers seek to harness within certain milabs.


Time Travel Ops

The mission objectives of these Time Travel projects can vary greatly. Some milabs describe being sent on teams into a divergent parallel time line either in the past or the future.  The trips to the past in whatever time line often have as an objective the retrieval of alien technology.  These ops present their own unique circumstances and problems.  One Milab team leader told me he was never certain if the other team members emerging from an artificially created portal after him were the same team members he started out with.  It stands to reason that if time travel ops are being conducted in this timeline, it is quite likely that other milab teams in other timelines are conducting the same or similar ops.  This means that a milab who is a part of these time travel and timeline ops can never be sure what timeline he or she is in.  One milab I spoke to recalled coming back from Spain in the late 1930s during the Spanish Civil War.  Somehow the milab and a female milab accompanying him were detained by two foreign women from the present time period.  The two milabs were drugged and debriefed about a variety of subjects.  Eventually the two milabs were released or somehow freed from these two women and found themselves back in the current time period in a large underground installation simulated to look like a very large empty airport.

They were being escorted by military personnel dressed in apparel similar in appearance to the uniforms of commercial airline crews.  The two milabs were brought into what appeared to be an office.  The personnel handling them ran a hand held device over their bodies, apparently in search of new implants.  Both of the milabs remembered this experience, one more than the other due to the effects of the drugs.

It is possible that the Time Travel ops are used by the controllers to either gain an advantage against real or potential adversaries in the present time period and into the future.  Conversely Time Travel ops may be used to minimize damage wrought by other groups that exploit similar Time Travel technology.  We cannot forget the prime role that certain non-human races such as the reptilians play in this scenario. The reptilians or factions thereof are the controlling factor on this planet.  Based on my discussions with very knowledgeable milabs and abduction researchers such as my mentor Barbara Bartholic, there are human appearing beings that are commonly known as Pleidians.  Unlike what is commonly written about the Pleidians in the UFO Literature, there are factions of the Pleidians that are working to advance an agenda that is inimical to the interest of the Human Race at large.  Some of these Pleidian factions work in conjunction with  certain factions of the reptilians.  This is a very unpopular notion amongst many new agers and self described “contactees” but to suggest that all Pleidians are of necessity, “good” from our standpoint is patently absurd.  The Pleidians are major players in the field of Time Travel. A number of my colleagues whose research I find highly credible have also found a time travel component with the milabs they have interviewed.

It should be noted that the aforementioned Dan Sherman was told by the Greys he was in communications with that the Greys are indeed involved with time travel ops.  Sherman was told that the Greys “go around” time.  My colleagues and I are satisfied that the faction or factions of the Greys working with the deep black military also work for the reptilians.  Again, the controlling factor appears to be the reptilians.  Today we have exopolitics movements that do not address these facts.  Milabs are at the cutting edge of this developing situation.  Milabs should not be regarded with awe nor should they be regarded with trepidation.


Milab Females Should Not Consult “Fundies”

A disturbing trend has emerged wherein self described “Counselors” and “Researchers” of a distinctly Fundamentalist Christian outlook have taken it upon themselves to “help” milab and monarch women who are coming to grips with their often traumatic experiences.  At first the “Fundie” displays a lot of compassion and sympathy with the female milab or monarch.  This is the first stage.  The second stage consists of questioning her motives and the accuracy or validity of the experiences she has shared with him.  He becomes judgmental towards her even accusing her of fabricating these experiences just to gain attention.  The third stage features the Fundie telling the woman she is a sinner and if she would just stop sinning,  she would stop having these problems.  The Fundie counselor makes it clear that SINNING is the main problem in the woman’s life.  The reptilians, milab controllers, illuminatti operatives, electromagnetic beaming, and various and sundry forms of psyops and harassment have nothing to do with it.

If the woman makes the mistake of mentioning she has psychic abilities and that on occasion her milab controllers or the ETs force her to utilize this capability, the  Fundie will lambaste her for using “evil” and “satanic” powers that are the work of the devil.  Despite her protest that she really has no control over the situation, he will continue to berate her and abuse her.  We can see the progression quite clearly:  The Fundie starts out as someone wanting to help the female milab but eventually morphs into a psychologically abusive misogynist. In all likelihood, some of these Female Milab and Monarch abusing Fundies are mind controlled themselves.  They have a “Christian Front Alter” and are part of a control mechanism to further disempower and destabilize women in these projects, thus ensuring they remain under mind control.  The final step is the most pernicious:  The Fundie goes online and begins to impugn the character and integrity of the female milab or monarch who has come to him for help.  The female milab at this point feels psychologically abused and her trust has been violated. This is par for the course.  I have been given the names of a number of these controlling fundies.  They simply must be part of an effort to maintain control over these women and prevent them from obtaining the help they need.

I have never met a Fundie who knows even the basic rudiments of Milab and Monarch Ops.  If they do not even know the basic facts about these issues how can they be expected to be of any help to an actual milab or monarch? I mention Monarch females in this section because they are frequently the target of these misogynistic fundies.  Note these fundies never castigate and psychologically abuse male milabs or monarchs.  The reason for this is simple: They are likely to receive a black eye at the very least were they treat male milabs the way they treat female milabs.  Please don’t misunderstand me: I have very close friends that are Fundamentalist Christians.  Indeed some of them are female milabs and monarchs!  But I do take exception to this form of outrageous abuse these fundies mete out to women who have already endured so much suffering and trauma.  They need to be exposed and castigated themselves.

One final thing the public at large needs to be aware of is that the public is being inoculated to the reality of Milab Operations.  Note the proliferation of shows with a distinctly Milab theme. Now it has reached the level of absurdity with television shows such as “Chuck” which is a comedy, yes a comedy about a mind controlled citizen who works in a department store. His Intelligence Handler is a beautiful woman.  There is nothing remotely funny about milab operations to those having to endure them.  It is deadly serious.  It is not unusual for milabs to come down with serious illnesses such as brain cancer, kidney cancer and a variety of other serious illnesses.  I hope this paper will help the newly aware milab that they are not alone and that help is available.  At the very least a milab can find compassion and understanding from other milabs.  That being said, each milab should be judged based on their actions and how they treat others.  There are some milabs I want no part of.


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