Mind Crimes on the radio today!!! Ari and Ryan will be on the Lahti’s local Internet campus radio called Limuradio. They will talk about education and music. Both has brought their own favorite bands and songs from those bands will be played on the air. There will be discussion about band’s latest EP called Deadly Mistakes and band’s future plans. Couple of songs will be played on that EP. The show will start at two o’clock (14.00) local Finnish time on the Internet. You can listen the show here: http://www.limuradio.fi/
Category Archives: Mind Crimes
1. Deadly Mistakes (Rautio, M. Welsh) 4:23
2. Trapped (Sealed With The Fist) (Rautio) 3:34*
3. World Is A Rigged Game (Rautio, Mikkola) 5:37*
4. Alone (Rautio, M. Welsh) 4:05
Total Running time 17:40
* Lead Guitars played By Ville Mikkola
Mind Crimes are:
Mari Welsh, vocals
Ari Rautio, guitars
Ville Mikkola, bass & Keys
Ryan Welsh, drums
Ville Mikkola, recording
Ville Mikkola & Ari Rautio, mixing
All songs composed, written and arranged by Mind Crimes
Cover concept, logo, art & design by Ari Rautio
Recorded at Hellhound Studios during Winter 2014
© Mind Crimes Holdings 2014
Homepit Releases
Here is the Soundcloud link to Trapped single from this EP:
If you want your copy. Contact band here (5€ pcs+shipping 2€, Finland only).
New Mind Crimes Digisingle “Trapped” released!!!
Now we have a brand new digisingle out called “Trapped”, check it out:
Mind Crimes Deadly Mistakes EP recordings finished!
As you may know I have couple of different musical project in process. Now we have finished the recordings of Mind Crime’s Deadly Mistakes EP. Now we are in the mixing phase and I hope, that we can release the EP in March. We had some difficulties with bass, but now everything is looking good. More information to come…
You can follow our progress in our music biography page:
Recording vocals and bass for Mind Crimes Deadly Mistakes EP
Here is a small clip from the Hellhound studios: