Next metal band in the series is Gamma Ray. This band has has dealt with different kind of topics for example New World Order and people’s freedom. Gamma Ray’s frontman Kai Hansen has influenced in Helloween and is very down to Earth guy who deals with real topics in his lyrics:
Gamma Ray is a metal band from Hamburg, northern Germany, founded and fronted by Kai Hansen after his departure from the German power metal band Helloween. Hansen is the current lead vocalist, guitarist as well as the chief songwriter of Gamma Ray. The band is known as one of the most prominent bands of the German heavy metal scene.
Second band in the series is rightly Megadeth. This band and especially Dave Mustaine is heavily interested about NWO, history and World politics. And hey if you didn’t know Dave was Metallica’s guitar player in the 1980’s, but they kicked him out. And if you watch these bands today it’s not hard to see how much better Megadeth is nowadays. Firstly I post one of my all time favorite songs on their best album Rust In Peace… this one is called Holy Wars…The Punishment Due:
And because this site deals with odd topics and mainly UFO stuff the second song is on the same album called Hangar 18:
Next one continues the story above so this one is called Return To Hangar, actually this is Hangar 18 & Return To Hangar live:
This next one is never stuff and is called Endgame from the album called Endgame. It’s about NWO agenda and dystopia stuff:
And finally here is Dave Mustaine in Infowars talking about patriotism and NWO:
I appreciate Dave’s bravery to talk about true things in the World.
This series is about metal band’s that have somekind of Truth in their lyrics or investigation about Truth. And because sometimes investigations get too heavy and you just have to cool down and relax music is a good tool for that. Music is also a powerful tool to manipulate people in good or in bad. I’m not saying that heavy metal music is good or bad, but I can say that in metal music there are good lyrics, which consider the situation on this planet or history.
This series is about metal bands, because I have listened mostly metal all my life and I think I know something about it. World is full of metal bands, but just few of them write about history or world events seriously. First band, that I want to introduce is Iron Maiden, because I have listen it since 1989. Their music is full of philosophy, historical events, religion (investigation sense) and current World status. In this series I’m not going to tell you which are the best mainstreme songs of these bands, what I’m going to do, is that I choose a song which have some philosophical, historical or that kind of significance.
First I post my favorite songs just because this is my blog 😉 and the first one is Hallowed Be Thy Name. Why I choose this version is because it just kind of wraps up the vibe that Maiden have today after 30 years:
Second favorite song is Phantom Of The Opera and this is from their early days. No particular history value, but tells you about everything Maiden was and is today:
Then I post couple of songs that have some truth value. First one is a song called Brave New World. It’s based on a book of same name:
And here is the live version from year 2000 in Rock In Rio, which is just awesome:
Second son which have some significant philosophical value is Childhood’s End and here is the book behind this song:
Childhood’s End is a 1953 science fiction novel by the British author Arthur C. Clarke. The story follows the peaceful alien invasionof Earth by the mysterious Overlords, whose arrival ends all war, helps form a world government, and turns the planet into a near-utopia. Many questions are asked about the origins and mission of the aliens, but they avoid answering, preferring to remain in their spacecraft, governing through indirect rule. Decades later, the Overlords show themselves, and their impact on human culture leads to a Golden Age.
And here is the studio version, because there is no good live version:
I could talk about Maiden forever, but this is it for now. Listen all the albums and you are a lot wiser person considering heavy metal, history, philosophy and World situation.
Nowadays some people, specially pop-artists and movie stars do everything to get or stay in the spotlight. So what does it take to get on television or top of the pop-charts? Have you ever thought that celebrities use maybe more sinister means to get there where they are? Isn’t it strange when some of your favorite bands or friends musical projects don’t get any visibility or fame? That’s because maybe they are on the wrong side of the light, so to speak. I think, that if you are on the dark side you have much more potential to get to the spotlight.
Ancient times witches and magicians used dark, black and chaos magic to gain some fame or just to get their goals through. Do you think, that those tricks are gone to the wind, nope. Same tactics are used today in front of your eyes. Some of the celebrities don’t know the power of these forces, but some does and they use them like another tool in the box. The side-effect is, that you lose your soul for example, but that’s a small price to play like Jimi Hendrix or act like Brad Pitt.
There are different kinds of methods, that celebrities use. They can use logos, marks and clothing. Or they can just be possessed, that’s right you heard it right, possessed. It’s hard to get in details so that posts don’t get too long and boring, and that’s why I post links to the documents, films or other sites. So firstly here is a link to the site where a guy called Wes Penre talks about people who sold their souls to the Devil. Then there is also a good YouTube-channel from a guy called ShieldOfTheSON, which talks also satanism/pacts in the movie industry.
Why this topic interests me is? I watched a Swedish music show and KA-BOM there it was straight on your face… satanism on television in front of your eyes. There was this p3GULD show and one of their performer was Ghost. This satanist band with a pope. Is it normal to show satanism on television? Interesting thing is also, that Ghost has released only one album and they are gained huge success.
These artist love to show off with these hand signs clothes and symbols. I’ll talk symbols another time, but here is a good link where you can see hand symbols etc. Then you want some examples of pacts with the Devil or possession, of course you want. Ok here they come:
So what’s the conclusion? My conclusion is, that I love music, playing and my soul, so no pacts for me thanks.
Blogman's Wonderland
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