Category Archives: Mysteries

Petrified titans, giants and huge ancient trees

Recently I have stumbled more and more websites and videos telling about giants and more recently so called titans. The story is that there were bigger beigns on this planet than we have ever dreamed of. If this theory is real, it means that these things were HUGE and I mean really huge! Was there a time once when these titans roamed on the Earth and the somekind of cataclysm, war or the great flood wiped them off? If even part of this hidden knowledge is true, then this is the biggest lie we have ever faced. Mankind must get up from it’s knees and start to investigate these monstrous lies we have taught about our history, geology and our past. This is just a glimpse so please, my fellow friends, don’t believe me do the research yourself. Go outside and look the mountains, rocks, cliffs… I have looked and starngly they are showing me something I have never seen before. And it is awesome!

So here is a little article and then I link some videos at the end of the article:

Am still suprised how Petrifaction took place on Giants and Huge animals with flesh and blood without decomposing them and instead turning them into Solid-Rocks, was some Technology  used or was this a natural event?? Its sound similar to a Rajasthan Cursed Kiradu Temple located in india as rumor goes they say that it turns humans into stones! The Dragon on the 2nd Vdo shocked me!!… seriously we are fucked up on this prision planet with LIES

~ Galactic Human ~

Now when we look at the mud fossils of animals in your videos, we can observe that they were much, much bigger than today. This bring me to the conclusion that even normal human before the flood must have been much bigger than today… maybe 20-40 feet tall(still far from the titan 200 feet tall), 4.13 .. is a woman lying head east .. with her hair flowing down .. and a child lying on her stomach .with clothes on

Heres the Dragon from Egypt , You can even see the bone structure of the wing and where the soft tissue of the wings would be. Mouth slit, nose, peak at back of head. Simply amazing.

This will totally change your thinking about our earth and how you see it. … buttes and mountains being giant petrified tree stumps is astounding. … taller than us when God made them



And here are some awesome videos about the topic where you can start your investigation:

And then we have kind of the same idea, but about giant ancient trees. When you realize this huge lie about table mountains your perspective towards the Earth we are living turns upside down… this is just mad and I mean the lies we have been fed all of our lives…

Do your reseach and have a nice day my friends.

Unexplained Archaeological Discoveries

Unexplained Archaeological Discoveries

One of the best things about archaeology is uncovering places, artifacts, and human remains that answer long-held mysteries about our past and our origins. But frequently discoveries are made that do not solve ancient puzzles, but simply raise more questions to be answered. Here we feature ten such discoveries – from indecipherable manuscripts to Frankenstein mummies, and incredible artifacts from unknown civilizations. Some of these mysteries will one day be solved as science and research techniques progress, others will keep their secrets hidden forever.

The Unknown Origins of the Longyou Caves

Located near the village of Shiyan Beicun in Zhejiang province, China, lies the Longyou caves – an extensive, magnificent and rare ancient underground world considered in China as ‘the ninth wonder of the ancient world’. The Longyou grottoes, which are thought to date back at least 2,000 years, represent one of the largest underground excavations of ancient times and are an enduring mystery that have perplexed experts from every discipline that has examined them.

Scientists from around the world in the fields of archaeology, architecture, engineering, and geology have absolutely no idea how they were built, by whom, and why. First discovered in 1992 by a local villager, 36 grottoes have now been discovered covering a massive 30,000 square metres. Carved into solid siltstone, each grotto descends around 30 metres underground and contains stone rooms, bridges, gutters and pools. There are pillars evenly distributed throughout the caves which are supporting the ceiling, and the walls, ceiling and stone columns are uniformly decorated with chisel marks in a series of parallel lines. To date, scientists have not been able to establish who built them, how they were constructed, and why.

The Sound Effects of Malta’s Hypogeum Hal Saflieni

The Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni in Malta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site which is believed to be the oldest prehistoric underground temple in the world. The subterranean structure is shrouded in mystery, from the discovery of elongated skulls to stories of paranormal phenomena. But the characteristic that has been attracting experts from around the globe is the unique acoustic properties found within the underground chambers of the Hypogeum. Although not known for certain, it is believed that the hypogeum was originally used as a sanctuary, possibly for an oracle. It is for this reason that a unique chamber carved out of solid limestone and demonstrating incredible acoustic properties has been called ‘the Oracle Chamber’.

According to William Arthur Griffiths, who wrote ‘Malta and its Recently Discovered Prehistoric Temples’, a word spoken in the Oracle room is “magnified a hundredfold and is audible throughout the entire structure.” It is said that standing in the Hypogeum is like being inside a giant bell. At certain pitches, one feels the sound vibrating in bone and tissue as much as hearing it in the ear. The questions remain – was it intentional? Was the Hypogeum actually designed to enhance amplification? If so, why? Is it possible that the designers of these spaces knew something that modern scientists are just rediscovering?

The Indecipherable Voynich Manuscript

In 1912, a Polish-American book dealer named Wilfrid M. Voynich went to Rome on an acquisitions trip. There he happened upon a trunk that contained a rare 15th century manuscript now known as the Voynich manuscript. Since its appearance, this document—which is now under lock and key at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript library at Yale—has been studied extensively and has stumped even the most successful cryptographers and code breakers. You must be asking yourself why the intrigue? The answer is simple: the book is almost entirely illegible. The author is also unidentified, as is the obscure language used throughout the text. Even many of the illustrations remain enigmatic, as many of the plants portrayed in the book—which are often crudely drawn—are unidentifiable, and the numerous pictures of nude women are involved in inexplicable acts.

The Plain of Megalithic Jars

The Plain of Jars in the Xieng Khouang plain of Laos is one of the most enigmatic sights on Earth. The unusual site of thousands of megalithic stone jars scattered across nearly one hundred sites deep in the mountains of northern Laos has fascinated archaeologists and scientists ever since their discovery in the 1930s. The unusual site known as the Plain of Jars is dated to the Iron Age (500 BC to 500 AD) and is made up of at least 3,000 giant stone jars up to 3 metres tall and weighing several tonnes. Most are made of sandstone but there are others made of much harder granite and limestone. The jars appear to have been manufactured with a degree of knowledge of what materials and techniques were suitable. It is assumed that Plain of Jars’ people used iron chisels to manufacture them although no conclusive evidence for this exists. Little is known of the people who carved the huge containers and the jars themselves give little clue as to their origins or purpose.

The Paracas Elongated Skulls

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca Region, on the south coast of Peru. It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928 – a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world. These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years.

It is well-known that most cases of skull elongation are the result of cranial deformation, head flattening, or head binding, in which the skull is intentionally deformed by applying force over a long period of time. It is usually achieved by binding the head between two pieces of wood, or binding in cloth. However, while cranial deformation changes the shape of the skull, it does not alter its volume, weight, or other features that are characteristic of a regular human skull.

Some of the Paracas skulls, however, have a cranial volume that is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two. The fact that the skulls’ features are not the result of cranial deformation means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery, and has been for decades.

The Ica Stones and their Strange Engravings

It is a rare object that stimulates the curiosity of archaeologists, ancient astronaut theorists, and creationists all at the same time, but the Ica stones have done just that. The Ica stones refer to the momentous collection of more than 15,000 engraved stones which curiously depict clear and detailed dinosaurs, complex medical surgery, and forms of advanced technology such as telescopes.

Most believe the stones are nothing more than an elaborate hoax, while others maintain that they are evidence that an ancient race of humans who possessed advanced technology coexisted with dinosaurs. Today, most maintain that the stones are nothing more than a fraud, however, others suggest that attempts to discredit the stones are merely a way to hide evidence that conflicts with mainstream perspectives. The Ica museum in which the stones are housed remains open to those who would like to interpret the mysteries for themselves.

The Ancient Artifacts of Sanxingdui

Amid the once-tranquil village of Sanxingdui, in a quiet part of Sichuan province in China, a remarkable discovery took place which immediately attracted international attention and has since rewritten the history of Chinese civilisation. Two giant sacrificial pits were unearthed containing thousands of gold, bronze, jade, ivory and pottery artifacts that were so unusual and unlike anything ever found in China before, that archaeologists realised they had just opened the door to an ancient culture dating back between 3,000 and 5,000 years.

The discovery of the artifacts opened up a world of intrigue. The objects included animal-faced sculptures and masks with dragon ears, open mouths and grinning teeth; human-like heads with gold foil masks; decorative animals including dragons, snakes, and birds; a giant wand, a sacrificial altar, a 4-metre tall bronze tree; axes, tablets, rings, knives, and hundreds of other unique items. However, by far the most striking findings were dozens of large bronze masks and heads represented with angular human features, exaggerated almond-shaped eyes, straight noses, square faces, and huge ears, features which don’t reflect those of Asian people. The discovery of Sanxingdui shocked the world, but the history of the artifacts remains a mystery. Only the contents of two solitary pits reflect their immemorial and brilliant civilisation – no other artifacts like them have ever been found since. There are no historical records, and no ancient texts that speak of them, leaving experts asking what the purpose of the objects was, where the culture came from, and where they went after burying their most precious treasures.

The Giant Spheres of Costa Rica

Many will be familiar with the opening scene of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” where a giant stone sphere nearly crushes Indiana Jones to death. While everyone recognises the movie as a work of fiction, the giant ancient stone spheres are not. While clearing the jungle for banana plantations in 1940 in Costa Rica’s Diquis Delta region, employees of the United Fruit Company uncovered numerous large stone spheres partly buried in the forest floor.

Around 300 spheres are known to exist, with the largest weighing 16 tonnes and measuring eight feet in diameter, and the smallest being no bigger than a basketball. Almost all of them are made of granodiorite, a hard, igneous stone. Since their discovery the true purpose of the spheres, which still eludes experts, has been the subject of speculation ranging from theories about the balls being navigational aids, to relics related to Stonehenge, the product of an unknown ancient civilization or visits from extraterrestrials.

Part of the mystery surrounds the way in which they were created as the near-perfect spheres appear to have come from a quarry that was more than 50 miles away and they were created in a time in which metal tools had apparently not been invented yet. However, the biggest mystery remains what they were used for. The people who made them didn’t leave any written record and there no myths or legends or other stories that are told by the indigenous people of Costa Rica about why the spheres were made.

The Stone Head of Guatemala

Over half a century ago, deep in the jungles of Guatemala, a gigantic stone head was uncovered. The face had fine features, thin lips and large nose and its face was directed up at the sky. Unusually, the face demonstrated Caucasian features which were not consistent with any of the pre-Hispanic races of America.

The discovery rapidly attracted attention, but just as quickly it slipped away into the pages of forgotten history. News of the discovery first emerged when Dr Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, a doctor of philosophy, lawyer and notary, received a photograph of the head in 1987 along with a description that the photograph was taken in the 1950s by the owner of the land where the head was found and that it was located “somewhere in the jungles of Guatemala”. Upon tracking down the site some ten years later, Dr Padilla was devastated to find the site had been obliterated by revolutionaries. To date, no one knows where it came from, who made it, and why.

The ‘Frankenstein’ Mummies of Scotland

In 2001, a team of archaeologists found four skeletons at an archaeological site on the island of South Uist in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. At first, it appeared to be a typical Bronze Age discovery, but the researchers soon discovered that the finding was far from normal. The skeletons, one male and one female, were buried in the foetal position. Initial tests revealed that the male had died in around 1600 BC and the female had died in approximately 1300 BC. However, some ten years later, further DNA examination of the remains led to a startling discovery – the two skeletons were actually made up of body parts from six different individuals. In the ‘male skeleton’, the torso, skull and neck, and lower jaw belonged to three separate men, and the ‘female skeleton’ is a composite formed from a male skull, a female torso, and the arm of a third person whose gender had not been determined.

Carbon dating revealed that the skull of the ‘female’ mummy is 50 to 200 years older than the torso. It appears that the mummies were made up of parts from people in the same families and then put together like a jigsaw to make it look like they were just one person. Archaeologists have no idea why the remains were mummified and then mixed together. However, Parker Pearson believes that the mixing of remains was done to combine different ancestries of families to create a ‘symbolic ancestor’ that literally embodied traits from multiple lineages.

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The Mandela Effect

I have been rather busy lately, but there has been one thing that has caught my attention and it’s an effect called “Mandela” Effect. It’s a phenomenom when you remember some things and when you check them out, they are totally different. I noticed when a cartoon series I remembered to be “Looney Toons” is now actually called “Looney Tunes”.  Then I checked something else and came accross that cerials which I thought were “Fruit Loops” is now called “Froot Loops”… that really sounds weird…Froot? Really?

Then I studied it more and I noticed changes in all my bibles. Lord’s prayer has changed. And I know this, because it’s the only thing I REALLY remember properly from the bible. So it has changed like this:

It used to say:

“And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.”

And now in all my bibles it says:

“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”

I NEVER remember it was like this…

Then I noticed geographical changes and maybe the biggest one is the South America has moved to the right towards Africa. There is no icecap in North Pole in Google Maps. And I thought North and South Koreas were beside Vietnam on the right, but this one I’m not so sure…

And there are few more like Wolkswagen, Ford and Volvo logos, but I don’t remember how those were, but I have a strange feeling that they were different.

So is this “Mandela Effect” a real thin like Deja-Vu effect in a movie called Matrix or have I just lost my mind…

Here’s some info about the Effect:

Welcome to The Mandela Effect


The phenomenon where a group of people discover that a global fact – one they feel they know to be true and have specific personal memories for – has apparently changed in the world around them.


Given nature of the effect, ‘evidence’ inevitably takes the form of shared personal memories; physical evidence of the previously remembered state is unavailable. If such evidence is discovered, that’s proof of an alternative explanation.

Check out META MANDELA for satire and chat.


A Mandela Effect is where you realise that something you knew to be a general fact of the world, no longer seems to be true.

The “effect” is named after a particularly common example: many people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, when in fact he survived long after his release.


● Celebrity deaths that now didn’t happen.

● Geographical locations which seem to have shifted.

● Movies, books whose details seem to have changed.

Not Examples

● Personal reality-breaking experiences (go here).

● Things that you can’t quite remember (go here).

● When you don’t have a specific personal memory.


If your post relates to one of these centralized threads, you must submit it as a comment in that thread:

The Berenstæin Bears

Geographical Changes

And some videos about the bloody thing:

And there are tons or more in the Youtube, so I’m not the only one… what a relief. Maybe I’m not grazy after all.

Antarctica on Google Earth

In 2001 one of the world’s great secrets was revealed: an ancient structure that lay encased miles under the hard Antarctic ice was detected by a roving spy satellite…

The US military immediately moved to quash the reports and despite the news blackout, reports still surfaced that a secretive excavation project had commenced on the heels of the discovery.

Following the frenzied events, of early 2001, the news broke of a mysterious medical emergency that forced an evacuation of unnamed personnel during the depths of the Antarctic winter–the first event of its kind during the dangerous South Pole winter season.

In November 2002, according to archaeologist and adventurer Jonathan Gray of World Education Research Ltd, a California TV crew went missing.

Supposedly, a video discovered among the crews’ personal effects by a special U.S. Navy SEAL rescue team tasked to find the filmmakers is the key element in a story that claims extensive ancient ruins have been found under the ice of Antarctica.

The TV production crew that shot the video is still missing, reported Gray.

Is it possible that the following structures have something to do with and are they connected to the supposed ancient structure under the ice?

Furthermore, a strange unidentified object has been found not far away from the ancient ruins. The object in question seems to have weirdly shaped lines and it doesn’t look like a rock or fit anywhere in the surrounding landscape.

Google Earth Coordinates: (Distance from Entrance 1 to Unidentified Object is 56 km.)

Ancient Ruins: 66°17’10.5″S 100°29’07.8″E

Entrance 1: 66°36’14.70″S, 99°43’11.11″E
Entrance 2: 66°33’6.60″S, 99°50’24.84″E

Unidentified Object: 66°14’43.81″S 100°32’48.73″E

If true, it’s no wonder the military is so intensely interested and so closed-mouthed about it

Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens and Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica

On January 2nd, 2015 the editor of website received a very unexpected letter from an alleged retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer.

The letter received recounts experiences where the anonymous Navy officer (refers to himself as “Brian”) recounts his bizarre and extraordinary experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica between the years 1983 to 1997. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations.

Brian’s high strangeness experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica were in the 1983 to 1997 time period and included several observations of aerial silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains. He and his crew also saw a big hole in the ice only about five to ten miles from the geographic South Pole (pink circle on map) that was supposed to be a No Fly Zone. But during an emergency medevac situation, they entered the No Fly Zone and saw what they were not supposed to see: an alleged entrance to a human and E. T. science research base created under the ice. Then at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks and when they re-appeared, Brian’s flight crew got the assignment to pick them up. Brian says they would not talk and “their faces looked scared.”

In the strange letter sent to Earth Files the officer states that he experienced things such as:

Silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains

During an emergency they entered a No Fly Zone and saw an entrance to a human and E. T. science research base under the ice

His crew picked up a dozen scientists who had disappeared for two weeks previous. They would not talk and their faces looked scared.

He has decided to share what he experienced between those years in the following letter, reproduced in full below:

Hi Linda

I am a retired United States Navy LC130 Flight Engineer that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. I have been wanting to write you for a long time about my experience on the Antarctic continent with flying vehicles that I was told not to talk about. I served part of my 20 years in the Navy with a Squadron called Antarctic Development Squadron Six or VXE-6 as it was also known. I served with this squadron from around 1983 till I retired March of 1997. Being a flight engineer and flying more then 4000 hours in that capacity I have seen things that most people have not even imagined on the Continent of Antarctica. The land there seems more alien then earthly. Our deployments to this land started in late September and ended the end of February every year until the Squadron was decommissioned in 1999. This time of year was the summer season when most of the science was done do to warmer temps and 24 hours of daylight.

During my time in the squadron I flew to almost every part of the Antarctic Continent including the South Pole more the 300 times. McMurdo Station which is 3.5 hours of flying time from the South Pole station was the point of squadron operation during our yearly deployments. Between these two stations is a mountain range called the Trans Antarctic’s. With what we called Severe Clear weather from McMurdo to South Pole the Trans Antarctic’s are visible from the altitudes which the aircraft flew approximately 25,000 to 35,000 feet. On several flights to and from South Pole our crew viewed air vehicles darting around the tops of Trans Antarctic’s almost exactly in the same spot every time we would fly by and view them. This is very unusual for air traffic down there due to the fact that the only aircraft flying on the continent were our squadron aircraft. Every aircraft knew where the other aircraft were do to flight schedules being followed.

Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the station. The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area. This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp. It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station. The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.

It was after this medevac mission we were briefed by some spooks (Intelligence Agents I presumed) from Washington DC and told not to speak of the area we overflew. The other time we got close to “The air sampling Camp” we had navigation and electrical failures on the aircraft and was told to immediately depart the area and report to our squadron commanding officer when we returned to McMurdo. Needless to say our pilot (Aircraft Commander) got his butt chewed and our crew was not on the South Pole supply run for over a month. There were many other times we saw things that was out of the ordinary.

One outlying camp (near Marie Byrd Land) we dropped scientists and their equipment at was out of communication with McMurdo for 2 weeks. Our crew flew back to the camp to find out if the scientists were ok. We found no one there and no sign of any foul play. The Radio was working fine as we called McMurdo to verify it working properly. We left the camp and flew back to McMurdo as ordered by our CO. A week later the Scientist showed back up to their camp and called McMurdo for someone to come pick them up. Our crew got the flight back there to pick them since we put them into that camp and we knew the terrain and location. None of the scientists would talk to any of the crew on the plane and to me they looked scared.

As soon as we landed back at McMurdo they (Scientists) where put on another of our squadron aircraft and flown to Christchurch New Zealand. We never heard about them again. Their equipment that we brought back from the camp was put in quarantine and shipped back to the United States escorted by the same spooks that debriefed us about our fly over of the air sample camp/ large hole in the ice. I could go on and on about things and situations that I observed during my tour with VXE-6. Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientist working at the Pole of EBEs working with and interacting with the scientists at that air sampling camp/large ice hole.

Brian, now 59 years old, graduated from an Iowa college with an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance technology and an aviation certificate. In 1977, he then enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served for twenty years until his retirement in 1997. He provided Earthfiles his DD-214 documents and other certificates of service including this Antarctic Service Medal given to him on November 20, 1984 as proof of his time in service.


There appear to be many secrets hidden in the Antarctica and we are pretty much hearing different stories every month about military personnel disclosing information about Aliens in that part of the world!

But what a great secluded part of the world for the Aliens to keep out of sight from prying eyes….or so they thought!

U.I.P are going to investigate more about the Antarctica/Aliens, as there appears to be A LOT of attention in that part of the world.…
