I think there are no conindidences related to these things…
Here is his little comedy scetch, which maybe revealed what really happened:
(CNN)Trevor Moore, comedian, actor, producer, and co-founder of the sketch comedy group The Whitest Kids U Know, has died at the age of 41.
His death was confirmed by his manager, Kara Welker, in a statement issued on behalf of Moore’s family.
Moore died “in a tragic accident” on Friday evening, according to the statement.
“We are devastated by the loss of my husband, best friend and the father of our son. He was known as a writer and comedian to millions, and yet to us he was simply the center of our whole world,” his wife Aimee Carlson said in the statement.
“This is a tragic and sudden loss and we ask that you please respect our privacy during this time of grieving,” Carlson said.
Zach Cregger and Sam Brown, co-founders of The Whitest Kids U Know, said they were heartbroken to learn of Moore’s death.
“He was our best friend, and we speak for all of us in saying that the loss of Trevor is unimaginable,” they said in the statement.
“Our hope is that friends, fellow artists, and fans that loved him will not focus on his death, but will remember the countless moments of laughter he gave them,” Cregger and Brown said.
Moore was a co-creator and executive producer for Disney’s “Just Roll With It.” He also created and hosted “The Trevor Moore Show” on Comedy Central.
“Trevor Moore was an incredible talent and a vital member of the Comedy Central family. We will miss him dearly,” Comedy Central tweeted.
David Crowley, writer and director of the movie Gray State spoke at the P. A. U. L. Festival at Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa Friday, August 24th, 2012. David Crowley: Writer and director of the movie Gray State www.indiegogo.com/graystatemovie
From video excerpt:
All I know about this documentary is that the maker and his family were found dead and that supposedly he murdered his family and then killed himself before the movie was released. 5 years later the movie was released but it was about David Crowleys (the original filmmaker ) suicide instead of the original.
This is now happening in front of our very eyes… this man didn’t commit suicide, he and his family was murdered because he wanted to show what is now ahead of us…
If this story is true it sure is fascinating. And there could be something about it, because the author Jeannie Gospell was probably murdered. So here’s the story:
{Editor’s Note. The author of this book was reported to have drowned off a beach in Nassau, Bahamas in October of 2009. Her true name was Jeannie Gospell. She was likely murdered. After you read this book, you will understand why. I will be gradually editing the English grammar in this posting (as time allows) to make it easier to read and understand what the author is trying to explain (currently, I’ve edited up to section 2.1). The original, unedited version is found at this link (http://educate-yourself.org/vcd/bodysnatchersSusanReed.shtml).
This book is extremely important. It offers many insights into the psychology, methodology, motivations, and long term goals of the reptilian aliens who are engaged in an agenda that is threatening -in the extreme- the continued existence of the human race on this planet. As humans, we need to confront this threat and DEAL with it (as burying your head in the sand is NOT going to solve anything). If we don’t stop this reptilian infiltration and takeover, our very existence as a race of people, living on our own mother planet, is in peril. This agenda must be recognized; it must be exposed, and it must be stopped.
It should be noted that the author of this book is limited in her understanding of higher metephysical principles. She’s perplexed by the apparent conundrum that reptilians think and behave with such evil intent and malice, yet they operate in in a “higher” dimensional plane. The author equates “higher” dimensional planes with higher spiritual advancement. It doesn’t exactly work that way. Yes, when you go above a certain threshold of vibration, evil thinkers and evil doers cannot exist, but the fourth and fifth dimensions are not strictly bound by that limitation.
A second problem to be recognized in this writing is the author’s WILLINGNESS to participate in the subjugation and abuse which she experienced at the hands of her reptilian/human lover (and abuser) ‘Brian.’ This woman was FASCINATED by the apparent power and mental ability of her abuser, thus she repeatedly accepted degradation, humiliation, coersion, and victimization as the PRICE she had to pay to be with him and acquire “inside” information. We need to remember that cooperating with evil, on ANY level, is a MISTAKE and it will ultimately come back to bite you.
Update, March 14, 2010: Since first posting this book, I’ve received some interesting comments which I will insert at the bottom of this page under Reader Comments. I’m especially impressed by the comments of our regular contributor and essayist, ZS Livingstone. His letter is posted at the top of the Reader Comments section. Perhaps, you should read his letter first, before diving into this book.
Reference is made in this book to both reptilians and Dracos. Dracos are the royalty or elite class of reptilian aliens. In full reptilian form, they have large, folded wings and a long tail, while non Dracos lack both wings and a tail……Ken Adachi]
by Susan Reed BSC
This will be my only book as long as I am left alone. Here are four years of my experiences. I have to write them out or they will stop it by stopping me. One reptilian has already made attempts; this is why I have had to write it.
The reason I wrote this book was to get rid of the reptilian entity I will call Ettissh. Ettissh was originally sent to me by the man I will call Brian. Brian is depicted on the front cover and was hosting a reptilian. Ettissh fell out with Brian and started working alone. I had some personal information on the reptilians that I had no intention of telling others, but the connection of Ettissh and his attempts to harm me, which went on for three and a half years, meant that I had no choice but to publish the information in order to stop him. He was following a reptilian rule inappropriately. “We stop people before they expose”. But I wasn’t going to expose them anyway, so he was quite ridiculous to have brought this about. His characteristic of “I have to win no matter what” was also partly to blame.
The other reason that this book was written and published is that Ettissh enticed the overseeing entity of “John of God” psychic surgeon in Brazil to work for him. He enticed her with reptilian secrets such as one about karma and another an alien agreement. In exchange, she joined forces with him against me. At the same time, however, she wanted to help out against the reptilians and was instrumental in producing this book.
The reptilian Ettissh doesn’t care about the reptilian organization – only himself.
EUCACH Director: Dr. Rauni Kilde radiated for four days with DEW. Remotely assassinated by NSA?
EUCACH Director: Dr. Rauni Kilde radiated for four days with DEW. Remotely assassinated by NSA?
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Magnus Olsson, director of the European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH.ORG), revealed today in a NewsInsideOut.com interview that EUCACH Board of Directors member, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland and author Rauni Kilde MD was radiated by remote frequency, directed energy weapons (DEW) for four days shortly before her suspicious death on Feb. 8, 2015.
Dr. Rauni Kilde
In a weakened condition after the remote frequency weapons assault, Dr. Kilde called for an ambulance, was refused admittance to the hospital of her choice, and then taken to a hospital where the admitting physician prescribed her two heavy doses of morphine after Dr. Kilde told the physician she was allergic to morphine.
Within days, Dr. Rauni Kilde was dead, probably assassinated.
Did the NSA assassinate Dr. Rauni Kilde?
In an Oct. 30, 2014 interview Melanie Vritschan, public relations director of EUCACH, stated, “We have evidence now that NSA is behind the Transhumanist Agenda to implant and robotize humanity.” Ms. Vritschan was referring to the overall control of the advanced remote directed energy weapons, and remote neural control weapons of the category that apparently may have assassinated Dr. Rauni Kilde.
Motive: Dr. Rauni Kilde’s powerful connections in EU Commission and EU Parliament and Her new Book
EUCACH director Magnus Olsson indicated that Dr. Kilde was active in making public the secret weapons and networks of the Transhumanist Agenda to her powerful connections in the EU Parliament and the EU Commission, part of the effectiveness she enjoyed as a former Cabinet level Chief Medical officer of Finland. According to Mr. Olsson, Dr. Kilde had recently stated that she completed a series of particularly effective meetings with officials in the EU on measures to control remote neural and energy weapons for robotizing and mind controlling humans.
In addition, there is speculation that her forthcoming new book may also have been a motive for the apparent assassination. Dr. Kilde had spoken widely of her forthcoming new book exposing the secret weapons and plans to neutrally control humanity. Magnus Olsson indicated that EUCACH.ORG is now talking steps to save Dr. Kilde’s book and continue with publication
This belongs to series “Silenced people” and these are just suggestion not the truth. But if you listen last interviews he gave it’s pretty odd that he died soon after:
Film producer & rock musician promoter Aaron Aaron died of bladder cancer on August 24, 2007, at age 64. Aaron successfully promoted musicians such as Janis Joplin, & bands such as The Who, The Grateful Dead, & Jefferson Airplane. He also produced films like The Rose, Trading Places, & a masterpiece documentary called, America: Freedom to Fascism. Those who knew him have described him as an energetic, passionate person, who excelled at most of the things he did.
There may be a variety of reasons for Aaron’s life being cut short. For instance, there may be a long history of cancer in his family. Or, by his own accord, he may have inadvertently come into contact with some type of cancer-causing agent. Because I’m not aware of his family history, or other potential contributing factors, this article is somewhat speculation. In addition, during an August 29, 2007 interview on the Alex Jones show, Aaron’s girlfriend, Heidi Gregg answered no, when asked if she thought Aaron’s death was the result of a Directed Energy Weapon hit. She said that Aaron’s death was due to his lifestyle.
However, on October 23, 2007, talk show host Alex Jones declared that Aaron privately told him that he’d been threatened & thought his cancer was the result of an attack. If it was a DEW hit, there are many questions that remain. For instance, if he thought he was attacked, why didn’t he make public statements to this effect? He could also have posted information on his site pertaining to this. I don’t have solid answers for these questions. But it’s possible that he studied this phenomenon & knew there was no legal way stop it. It’s possible that, based on his circumstances, he decided it would be best not to burden his friends & family with something they had no control over. This too is speculation.
So let’s speculate. On a January 29, 2007 interview with film producer Alex Jones, Aaron stated that an attorney friend of his told him that one of the Rockefellers wanted to meet him after viewing his video, Mad as Hell, & finding out that he was running for governor of Nevada.(*) The interested individual turned out to be Nick Rockefeller. “I met him & I liked him,” said Aaron. “He was a very, very smart man.” According to Aaron, they became friends over a period of years. Rockefeller would visit his house for dinner, & they’d share thoughts & ideas. Various business opportunities were offered to Aaron during these visits.
“Nick & I discussed many things,” mentioned Aaron, “one of the things we discussed was reducing world population. … In a way, I agreed, there are too many people in the world, but I don’t think I have the authority to say who’s going to die & who’s not going to die.” “But,” he continued, “they [the CFR] felt that they wanted to reduce world population,” by about “fifty percent.”
Aaron acknowledged, “”He was the one who told me eleven months before 911 … happened that there was going to be an event, (he never told me what the event was going to be), but that there was going to be an event, & out of that event we would invade Afghanistan. … [Then] we were going to invade Iraq to take over the oil fields & establish a base in the middle east.” Other countries such as Venezuela will apparently also be invaded.
“I remember him telling me we were going to see [the military] looking in caves for people in Afghanistan & Pakistan,” such as “Osama bin Laden,” proclaimed Aaron. And that “there’s going to be this war on terror in which there’s no real enemy.” Aaron explained that because this war on terror was to have no real enemy defined, it would be endless. According to him, this was to be done to terrorize the public into submission, as part of a strategy to bring about a “New World Order.”
One such business opportunity offered to Aaron included an invitation to join the Council on Foreign Relations. “I was definitely being recruited,” says Aaron. Apparently Aaron was well aware of the true intentions of the inner-core of the CFR. He answered, “As much as I like you Nick, your way isn’t my way, we’re on opposite sides of the fence. You know I don’t believe in enslaving people.” According to Aaron, Rockefeller’s reply was, “What do you care about those people? What difference does in make to you? … They’re just serfs.” Aaron described Nick’s personality during this time as, “cold.”
Continuing his depiction Aaron said, “I used to say to him, what’s the point of all this? You have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need. What’s the point? He said, “the end goal is to get everybody chipped, [in order] to control the whole society. … To have the bankers & the elite people control the world.” … Do all the people in the Council on Foreign Relations believe the way you do? He said, “No, no, no. Most of them believe they’re doing the right thing.”” It looks as though at this point, Aaron was beginning to see the psychopathic traits in his friend manifest.
“He wanted me to become part of what they were doing & he wanted me to become a member of the CFR, & offered various business opportunities [to me].” Aaron expressed that Rockefeller wanted to get him to stop his political activities & join them. “[T]hey wanted me to join their side,” said Aaron, “because they thought I was a mover & a shaker. And rather than me opposing them, [they wanted me] to join them. … [But] I didn’t go for it.”
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