Category Archives: Vatican

Mystery Cloaks Father Malachi Martin’s Death

This have bothered me since I posted about Malchi Martin and Alfred Kunz. There is something very odd going on in Vatican and I think we should know about it. Here’s the post before:


Here’s Malachi Martin’s last interview before he died:

>> Art Bell & Malachi Martin Last Interview 1998

Mystery Cloaks Father Malachi Martin’s Death

tragic fall, reportedly delivered by “an unseen hand”, caused Malachi Martin’s second stroke in twelve months. Now the world sadly bids a premature, “Adieu” to a great Irish American priest, distinguished for his life of selfless service to Christ as a long time champion of the underprivileged, a prolific, controversial author, and alike Pope Julius III in the days of Trent, a modern day apostle of the Tridentine Mass and reverential worship. On Tuesday, July 27th, Father Malachi Brendan Martin silently passed away in Manha ttan, only a few days after reaching his 78th birthday.

The invisible (preternatural?) force that shoved Father Martin into a stumble, wherein he hit and fatally traumatized his head remains unknown. Yet, before an accompanying stroke claimed his physical existence, while lying in critical condition, Father managed to convey to a close friend, prudently preferring to remain anonymous…

“I felt something push me,
but… no one was there.”

Coincidental or Related? In the months preceding his unsuccessful battle, Father was rehabilitating from a stroke brought on last Summer. This lesser health attack closely followed him granting his Website designer, Star Harbor of Texas, permission to post what is known as “the Medjugorje Hoax” note on the Internet. When politely asked beforehand for permission to use his words against this “Satanic” cult, Father Martin replied,

“By all means. Of course
you have my permission to use it.”

For the unfamiliar, Unity Publishing is a nonprofit, lay mission based in Southern California, singularly noted for going against the tide of the self-proclaimed, fraudulent, vainglorious, and those who’ve come to be known as “celebrity mystics”, and daring at great personal sacrifice and risk to expose the errors of such evil ways. In courageously battling the powerful, incestuous, worldwide clan and lobby of Medjugorje promoters, Unity Publishing has come under singular and ferocious fire, from con artists hiding behind the Church’s apron(1), and using God’s most hallowed institution for their own gain. Alike Father Martin, Unity has been and remains dedicated to cutting away every evil from the Church, that the true light of God’s Being — ever-present only in the Most Blessed Sacrament — might shine through the lives of every Holy Communicant.

“The Medjugorje Hoax” Note

Before we continue, Father Martin’s note to Unity Publishing contained a typical hearty thanks, congratulations and blessing for their work against what “has been a target of my criticism for fifteen years”, namely, what he called, “the Medjugorje Hoax”, and added, “It was Satanic from the beginning.”

Father’s casual correspondence, inflammatory to lovers of this, et al. false apparitions, came after he received and viewed “Visions On Demand”. This documentary was the first of two Unity Publishing videos to expose the lunacy and scandals spewing forth from the volcanic ash of Mount Medjugorje’s unholy dominion.

[Click here to see “the Medjugorje Hoax” note.]

The Conspirators

On the heels of Father’s initial stroke, a disgruntled, housewife and Medjugorje sympathizer, Denise Zuppe, his then “assistant” hired solely to help answer mail, joined forces with Mrs. Kakia Livanos, a woman the New York Times has sorely labeled Father Martin’s “companion”(2). While Father Martin laid in a New York hospital incapacitated from his August assault, united in purpose, intent, and concerted effort, these two subversive(3) women conspired, and ultimately collaborated, to deliberately rifle Father’s apartment of his business effects, personal computer, telephone, fax machine, stationary and yes, even his pens, pencils and stamps. In one of Father’s few private phone conversations with a close friend, he revealed that, his “handlers” had “taken away everything I had to write with.”

Why would anyone do such a thing? Why would two seemingly unrelated women perpetrate a second story job on a priest? Could their actions have had anything to do with the fact that Father Martin was finishing a book set to expose a pervasive evil in the Church — Satanic pedophilia? Was the spirit compelling them to violate the sanctity of Father Martin’s apartment and belongings little more than the same fallen power dominating the blind hearts and minds of those promoting Medjugorje? Were they sorely upset that he had gone “too public” in letting his anti-Medjugorje sentiments be made known to the world?

Furthermore, we ask… What prompted millionairess Livanos to enlist the aid of a housewife with a paper route (Zuppe)? What drove the former to shut Father Martin off entirely from the world — one might even say incarcerate him under house arrest — and deprive this gregarious priest, deeply in love with his fellow man, all human contact? What drove Zuppe to blindly work at discrediting the priest she claimed to love and serve?

We dare pose these questions, knowing that Mrs. Livanos disclosed long before Father’s first mishap that she wanted him to retire. Given Kakia Livanos’ furtive carpe diem conduct, in which she flew a Massachusetts housewife from Boston to Manhattan (on her dime) to be her burglary accomplice, and her insensitivity, to say the least, to Father Martin’s reaction to this crime, we cannot help but wonder how serious Mrs. Livanos was about imposing her will on God’s servant. That is to inquire, “Why should ending Father Martin’s ministry be of any concern to a landlord?” Was she moved by and part of some other scheme? Was she deliberately named Kakia(4) at birth, as part of a yet more nefarious plot to take out God’s privileged and persevering knight?

Father Martin lived and loved to serve the Church. Anyone and everyone who ever met him, if even for only a few fleeting moments could easily see this. It is preposterous to think that Mrs. Livanos did not see and know this. It is even more incredulous to buy the guile that she was merely looking out for his own good by silencing him. After twenty-seven years of association, we can safely say that no one knew Father Martin lived for others more perfectly than Mrs. Livanos, but apparently, she did not care about crushing his spirit. Some who have spoken with her proclaim she seemed to take a delight in it.

“Will you shut down Father’s Website… for me?”

As a brief aside, after Father suffered his first stroke, the Livanos-Zuppe connection conspired and labored to coerce Star Harbor into shutting down Father Martin’s Website. When Star Harbor(5) refused to do so any such thing without hearing from Father Martin, Livanos and Zuppe then connived to dupe them into taking down Father Martin’s Website by emailing a letter forged to look like his hand. In truth, this note resembled another(6) sent to unity Publishing from Mrs. Livanos in her own hand. In a badgering after hours phonecall to Star Harbor, Kakia coyly inquired, “Will you shut down Father’s Website… for me?” Need we say, that the principals at Star Harbor were and remain aghast at her brazen behind-the-back tactics? They are not alone.

In the middle of the intrigue to undermine Father Martin’s work, name and reputation, and plot to emphatically close his Star Harbor Website, Livanos and Zuppe pretended that it was “too much for him to maintain”. However, they quickly proved this claim to be ridiculous and no more than an outright lie. This statement was ridiculous, because Father Martin did absolutely nothing to maintain his Website; Star Harbor did it all for him. It was a lie because, in a futile attempt to cancel the positive effects of “the Medjugorje Hoax” note, Livanos and Zuppe fraudulently registered a new domain in his name. Why start a new Website if his original site was “too much for him”?

Using “” as their handle and electronic base of operations, they promptly proceeded to redefine Father Martin’s persona and teachings by shamelessly daring to pose as him and author ludicrous statements in his name. For example, “Suicide is an act of God’s mercy.” Deliberately implying Medjugorje wasn’t so bad, Livanos and Zuppe unwittingly and proudly revealed their true colors by linking this bogus Website to the Medjugorian site of fellow thieves of Father’s good name, Ted and Maureen Flynn(7). A number of bystanders suspect the Flynns were complicit in the premeditated takeover of Father Martin’s identity from the beginning. They proudly boasted a return link from their site to “”… and proclaimed they knew Father was upset over his Star Harbor site. Given the fact that Father Martin wanted nothing to do with the Flynns, and avoided all association with them, this prevarication is most illuminating.

Taking a deep breath, need we ask…

“If Livanos and Zuppe weren’t tied to Medjugorje,
why did they create a Medjugorian Website
and associate with Medjugorian promoters
all in Father Martin’s name?”

Thank God, were it not for Father’s innate and cultivated brain power, skillful wordsmithing, and profound insights, these fumblers might have succeeded… but as fate would have it, their dim wits, impoverished grasp of the English language and incapacity for true spiritual insight swiftly demonstrated to all who had come to know and love Father throughout the years, that their bogus creation could not possibly be the work of a man so lettered and refined. After including forged articles and attributing them to Father Martin, their motives became unmistakably distinct. They were not concerned with Father’s interests in the least… only protecting their own. In essence, posing as Father Martin in the eyes of the public and making him out to be an idiot was not beneath them.

Unabated Ire

Insatiably outraged because Star Harbor and Father Martin’s technical advisors insisted on keeping his Website open until he instructed them otherwise, Livanos and Zuppe(8) mounted and waged a campaign of belligerent phonecalls, mail, email and Internet harassments(9), replete with profanity and unfounded threats of litigation and physical violence. While Star Harbor held the creative copyright to Father Martin’s Website, Livanos and Zuppe sought to intimidate them into closing the blinds on the intellectual property they had taken well over a year to build; all PRO BONO.

In an attempt to bend Star Harbor to their will and embarrass them into submission, i.e. shutting down, they posted an attorney’s letter on their phony site, disguised as Father Martin’s doing. The idiocy of such a libelous maneuver defies all sense. If Father Martin had distanced himself from the Flynns by merely leaving them alone, what makes any rational person think that he would take to the Internet to publicly humiliate personal friends into shutting down a Website he authorized and blessed?

All this angry move demonstrated was just how ugly and base the spirit behind Medjugorje is. How can we say this? Going back to the beginning, there was no “Website controversy” whatsoever until the Medjugorje crowd got wind of Father Martin’s public stance against them. From that point forward, Father’s health was smitten, thousands of copies of “Windswept House” were inexplicably destroyed, his personal effects were stolen, his friends were hounded to abandon him, he was kept mute under lock and key, and his final writings — God only knows where his last will and testament is — remain unseen, unspoken and unheard.

Truth – Greater than Fiction

Before we close, it should be clear to anyone with a grade one I.Q. and knowledge of human nature and Father Martin, that if he had truly wanted Star Harbor to shut down his Website he would have simply instructed them to do so. Instead, one day, when able to secretively secure a private phoneline, he had enough time to tell them in an uncharacteristically weak voice, “I’m having difficulty talking…. Let’s continue to do God’s work together.. and talk next Tuesday.” Tuesday’s phonecall never came, and that was the last time his servants at Star Harbor ever heard from him.

Portrait of A Lie

Are you receiving a clear picture? Do you see the reason for our questions? They remain unanswered. Can you comprehend the angst of his close friends, Spiritual Director and allies; all left completely in the dark over the last year of Father Martin’s imprisonment, only privileged to hear the propaganda Livanos and Zuppe would leak from time to time? Do you agree that something isn’t right with this picture? Why would Father Martin’s words, “Let’s continue to do God’s work together.” — uttered from his own mouth, in his own voice — contradict the words of Livanos and Zuppe, unless their scheme to silence him was, under the pretense of caretaking, nothing more than a PORTRAIT OF A LIE.

Under the guise of keeping their patient quiet, Livanos and Zuppe persistently labored to thwart EACH and EVERY person close with Father Martin away from him. They both evaded every question of his well-being, and even denied his friends the opportunity to speak with Father when he proved to be present at their call(10). These two ladies, Kakia Livanos in particular, made it their special interest and mission to especially deprive him contact from those who had brought him the most joy before his mishap. For certain, recovering from a stroke mandates rest and relaxation… HOWEVER… who ever heard of therapeutic solitary confinement? No one gets better in jail.

Over the course of Father’s rehab, it became manifest that he was healthy enough to speak with select individuals, e.g. an FBI investigator probing the death of Fr. Kunz… a young seminarian… and a token few others. After these visits, he was always reported as doing well and suffering no visible effects of his initial setback. Are we the only ones who take pause in asking, “Why was your Spiritual Director shut off, Father Martin?” Why did Livanos and Zuppe make a point of cruelly telling your former nurse of twenty-five years that she was “fired”? “How did you come to be surrounded by such evil, ill-intentioned souls?” “Were your forthright and challenging words — “IT WAS SATANIC FROM THE BEGINNING.” — too much for the Medjugorje powerbrokers to swallow, the beginning of your end?”
Words Never Spoken, Song Never Sung

Earlier this year, the meddling Medjugorian, Zuppe, told Unity Publishing that Father Martin would unravel the controversy regarding his Web presence on an Art Bell radio broadcast. [Father Martin held hopes of welcoming Art Bell into the Church.] Regrettably, alike so many idle threats, this one never materialized. C’est dommage! We would have welcomed the opportunity to hear Father explain the tale of the tape, and declare for all the world to hear where he truly stood regarding Medjugorje and the pretenders making him out to be one of them. And yet, under the circumstances of his solitudinous final days, unusual fall and lethal blow, it’s not a stretch of reason to wonder if those opposed to Father’s mighty, priestly pen might not have had foreknowledge — or at least a participatory premonition — of his demise. To think otherwise is to rule their threats utterly inane and insane. To suspect a sinister foresight controlled their proud tongues is more plausible. In criminal circles, this is especially so. Premeditation makes psychopaths more psychopathic.

Year of Silence

What remains most unfortunate, sad and unaccountable in all this is, “Why did Father Martin seemingly accept his imposed silence this past year? Was he merely utilizing this time to make his final peace with his Maker, was he simply unable to overcome his opposition, or is there an intrigue running far beneath any question we can wittingly compose? Did he know too much to speak? Did he know enough to keep quiet?” While the answers to these ponderances have seemingly gone to the grave with Father, his silence in time remains a mystery, not adequately explained away by the minor stroke preceding his enigmatic fall.

My father had five heart attacks and I am quite familiar with their consequences and debilitating factors. So exposed, I know that on the same day of a muscle damaging heart attack, heart patients are commonly able to talk. Although they should avoid overexcitement, they can, should be and are, in virtually every medical institution, allowed to talk.

Instead, as you now know, locked away from those closest to him, Father Martin was forced to remain speechless for nearly a year, and abide the debatable caretaking and blatant mishandling of Kakia Livanos and Denise Zuppe.

O God, Bless and Keep Thy Servant
in the Heart of Thy Loving Son

We prefer to let the great, witty, humorous and inimitable spirit of Father Malachi Martin rest in peace, but the unreliable answers tied to his last days compel us to speak out about what we’ve learned. Perhaps, armed with this little knowledge, Father’s true friends will discover the who, what, where, when and why of how he was taken. We doubt it was his ordained time, although our heavenly Father permits evil, that all may become stronger opposing it

At the time of Father’s first stroke, he was taking a stroke-inhibitor medication proven to be better than 90% effective. Of course, he could have simply been of the smaller percentile, but given his virility, verve, zest for life and indomitable will to serve, all who knew him concur that his spirit of love in and for God was strong enough to overcome any such statistical challenge.

After the first stroke, why was Father Martin silent so long without speaking with those who cared for him? Why did he seem to avoid his Spiritual Director and closest friends? Likewise, why didn’t he ever phone us? If he truly endorsed the Livanos-Zuppe Website, and truly wanted Star Harbor’s site(11) closed, we would have gladly obliged his will with a mere phone call.

Also… Why was Father Martin’s signature forged during his recovery? Why did Livanos and Zuppe conspire to forge “” using his name and credentials — without his knowledge — and contradict what he had already written and signed against Medjugorje, unless they stood against him and for the Croatian nightmare known as Medjugorje? Are we the only ones to suspect that Father was, figuratively speaking, sleeping with the Enemy? Logic prevents us from reaching any other conclusion.

“Et tu, Brutus!”

Who were the two women that Father trusted with his life and belongings? What spirit motivated them to perform seemingly bizarre, criminal and covert acts? In their minds, they may have believed they were loyal and loving souls with Father’s interests at heart, but their actions dramatically argue otherwise.

And now, according to informed sources, who value their anonymity, Father’s last book(s) will NOT be published. On the subject of publishing, thousands of copies of “Windswept House” were destroyed, and Father was prevented from speaking out or writing his mind about these incidents to anyone. Once more, his landlady, Kakia Livanos forbade it. Even when he lay dying, she forbade consoling words to reach Father and news about his condition to reach the public… right up till the day he died.

Reiteratively, Kakia Livanos was Father Martin’s benefactress (patron of the Arts) and landlady, who provided him room and board and the oratory where he said daily Mass. She was not Roman Catholic but Greek Orthodox, and of a family that owned several Greek shipping lines. We and all of Father’s friends are sincerely indebted and grateful that she gave him a sanctuary from which to do God’s work, but we wonder if her possession of her tenant became unduly harmful to his health.

Denise Zuppe emailed Phil Maguire, a reporter from Australia, that only select people were allowed to go upstairs to visit Father Martin. Why weren’t his friends so privileged? Was Livanos apprehensive the more enlightened among them would pick up on her hidden agenda? Furthermore, did Father know and approve of her restrictions and visitor selections? Because he was only able to smuggle out a few scant last words, we solemnly doubt it.

We’d like to think that Father Martin’s handlers cared for him and intended to protect him, but their methods of health care leave much to be desired, and cause rational men and women to ask, “What in God’s name were they thinking about?”
Father’s Parting Blow

In one of his last coherent acts, Father Martin fired his entire staff. Was he then healthy enough to arrest those who set out to damage his good name in defense of Medjugorje? We think so. We also propose that he was nevermore a threat to the evil he opposed then in that moment.

Soon after wielding Saint Michael’s Sword into the Heart of the Medjugorje camp, and vowing to expose the villains in his tell-all last book, Father felt a spectre push him… and then he fell.

Though he rests beyond time now, depriving many of his compassion, genius and warm presence, Father Martin’s final act of resistance substantiates the validity of this newsletter, and suggests that Livanos and Zuppe did much more than try to silence him. They kept him in the dark about their machinations. With good cause. Father Martin would have fired his staff months before had he known then what he discovered too late — the Enemy was within.

In facing the visible and invisible world undaunted, Father honored his holy ancestors. In fighting the good fight till the end, he honored God’s Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. His final act of opposition to his staff exposed their sheeplike cloaks as belonging to the genus WOLF, and declared that he would not stand still as long as evil existed anywhere. In letting them know he disapproved of what they had done, in calling the Devil by name as he was want to do within a Holy Exorcism, Father did not go out with a whimper (as his foes desired), rather he violently ripped a hole the size of an ocean through the veil of time like an atomic bomb delivered from a distant star; the fallout from his thunderous blast and parting left to come.

The Man Who Knew (and said) Too Much

Father Martin knew firsthand about the long-planned, Satanically-orchestrated infiltration of homosexuals and pedophiles into the American Catholic Church. He understood they were most likely behind the brutal, ritualistic murder of his friend, Father Kunz — butchered alive for not merely possessing like knowledge, but because he was prepared to reveal a list of names and events to Church authorities. In the same manner, Father Martin was readying to blow the whistle on this deviant subculture in his last book. As in a Grisham novel, Father was ever the archetypal hero, growing more courageous the greater the danger, yet ever-tested to not underestimate his opponent.

As we pine the loss of a great warrior for the salvation of God’s children, we’re left feeling uneasy with so many remaining questions. We cannot accuse or prove anyone deliberately set out to take over his identity. These things sometimes just have a way of happening when lesser plans go awry. Maybe the phrase “the Medjugorje Hoax” was simply too unbearable for the proud Enemy to swallow. Maybe God chose Father Martin to become a victim soul so the evil spirits of Medjugorje might be exposed and crushed. Who knows? But the fact that people in his immediate camp pretended to be him, while working to keep his wit and wisdom from reaching the world, cries for an answer.

And still, we hope and pray Father Martin rests in peace in the loving arms of Our Lord. May he more powerfully intercede for all who remain, that we may come to love what he did more than anything: defending God’s Church on earth and saving souls.

A Strange Coincidence

George Livanos, a leading ship owner and one of Greece’s wealthiest men, died a few days after Malachi Martin’s death. A member of this eminent shipping family from the Aegean island of Hios, Livanos was born in New Orleans in 1926. He founded the Greek hydrofoil company known as “Ceres”, a fleet of 110 vessels, all registered and sailing under the Greek flag.

Other Sources

For more information on the bizarre events and even more bizarre people shadowing Father Martin’s last days on earth, visit Catholic Viewpoints on the Web or our own site at A colorized prayer card photo and brief farewell can be found on our webmaster’s site at

Father Malachi Brendan Martin’s funeral Mass was offered at St. Anthony of Padua Church in West Orange, New Jersey. God’s servant was 78 years of age. A renowned theologian and best-selling author of 16 books, Father Martin’s writings may be obtained by emailing Catholic Truth Books at “” or visiting on the Internet.

A true history, defense and obituary of Father Malachi, written by his 20 year friend, Fr. Charles Fiore of Minnesota, can be found on

I would like to close by saying, that knowing the caliber of his friends — Father Charles Fiore, Dr. William Marra, Father Alfred Kunz, Stephen Brady, Paul Likoudis, Jerry Matatics, Michael Davies, Father Fitzgerald, Cecile Powell, Tom Fitzgerald, and many others — Father Malachi Martin must have been a great and holy man. Judged by the company we keep, he kept company with the brightest and best men and women of our day.

Eager to explore timeless and deep theological questions effecting our world, I regret we weren’t able to meet before his death. I’m also convinced, of like mind and spirit as Father’s God-fearing friends, that we would have come to perfect agreement on many subjects, and enjoyed spiritually slaying infidels together.

Father Malachi genuinely loved people and Holy Mother the Church. Gentle, sage and kind, he was ever ready to answer any question or attend to any need. He was a good and holy priest, a man after God’s heart. May he rest in the Light of God.


Read more from Auricmedia:


Svali, Illuminati Defector, Disappeared 6 Months after this Interview

Sometimes you just eralixe, that something is awfully wrong when this kind of information gets out. And when the informant dies you can assume, that there is something truth in the story…

Svali, Illuminati Defector,

Disappeared 6 Months after this Interview


Warning: When I first heard Svali’s story in her own words, years ago, it was so awful and heart-breaking that I could not listen to the whole thing. However, Svali likely gave her life to bring us this information, and if you can be brave enough to confront this, this information is vital to make earth a good place for every person and animal to be.

Few people have done more to expose the beyond-terrible things that he Illuminati have done to us, plan to do, and do to their own members. Anytime that you wish you were born into a rich and powerful family, remember Svali. These people desperately need our prayers.

Thank you to Svali for (probably) giving her life to get us this crucial information. Thank you to Greg Szymanski for doing this interview.

Interview starts at 5.40.

Published on Jun 19, 2012


Svali was once a programmer for the Illuminati, where she lived a double-life. She herself has gone through trauma-based mind control since she was a newborn, which split her personality in thousands of fractions as a result. From these fractions, her programmers then built a whole new brain structure; implanting commands, false memories, amnesia and a lot of other things to create a total Illuminati mind controlled slave.

Her task was then to program others in similar ways, so each and every person within the group could be assigned different tasks and accomplish them without hesitation or protest. These tasks could be anything from prostitution to brutal murder.

Like many others born into the Illuminati, from her birth in Germany, Svali had no choice in her future, as her wealthy, rich and powerful parents charted her course as a “Chosen Child” from an early age.

Told she was “special and born to rule over the masses” to make a better world, Svali recalls going to regular Illuminati meetings with other “chosen children” at least three times a week, after moving from Germany to Virginia, and then finally to San Diego.

Svali later managed to escape from the Illuminati, after she started “waking up,” realizing how destructive it was what she was doing. She kept herself in hiding for years and was very reluctant to giving interviews, afraid of being caught.

However, in January of 2006 she decided to do an interview with the anti New World Order radio host Greg Szymanski. Approximately six months after the interview, Svali disappeared. A friend of hers at the time said she suspected the worst: either the Illuminati killed her or she was brought back into the cult to be ‘tuned up,’ as they call it, which meant she would be ‘re-programmed’ so she would stay in the cult. (It has been reported since then that Svali did go into hiding and is safe)

In this interview with Greg Szymanski, Svali explains how the Illuminati organization is structured, in general. It is of course much, much more complex than this.


(GS=Greg Szymanski)


GS: We are going to get deep inside the Illuminati, the family, the order. We have a guest who was involved with this group, born into it, for over thirty years. Her name is Svali. Svali, are you here?

Svali: Yes, I am.

GS: Well, it’s nice to have you here, and I know you don’t give radio interviews. And I really want to thank you, because I think it really does help the American people to understand about this secret organization that you were born into.

Satanic Rituals in the Vatican

So I guess we could just start from the beginning, and tell us right from the beginning, you were born into this from wealthy parents. And tell us about your training in this group when you were a young child, and up onto your orientation at the Vatican.

Svali: Well, that’s a pretty broad area.That gives me hours.

GS: If you could just give us an outline.

Svali: I was born into this group, born in Germany, came to this very young. And basically went through all the training that the group – all members of the group do undergo training to different degrees, depending on their role.

By the time I was a teenager I was a youth leader and by the time I was 22 I became the youngest member –  leadership counsel in San Diego County – and at that time I was a head trainer. I was the sixth trainer. I was moved up  to the second position.

When I was 12, I had mentioned to you, about the ceremony at the Vatican, that they really do make all leadership undergo, at some point.

GS: Now basically when you were growing up, I remember you told me that, you were instilled at a young age.  You were born into a very wealthy, well-to-do family.

Svali: Yes.

GS: You moved back to the States.  You were told at a very young age that you were special, that you were chosen.  Am I correct?

Svali: Well, they tell everyone in the group that they are special and chosen.  And in fact, that was one of the things that made me cynical when I was older.  You will never meet a person who is an Illuminati who has not been told and programmed for years that they are special.  That they are the only one who can do things for “family”.  But I was told that, yes, I would do great things for family one day.  And the reason why, I guess, I can filter some of this with an objective view is, I know what my role in the group was.  And it was over quite a significant number of other people.  So I don’t evaluate what my role or specialness was in the group so much by what I was told, but by what I did.

GS: So you reached the age of 12 and then you were told by your parents that you were going to an induction ceremony in the Vatican. Can you tell us how that happened, and what occurred at that ceremony when you went there?

Svali: Okay. (tears). This isn’t easy to talk about, as you know. I was 12. I was flown over to Germany.  I was at – I’ll call it the German father’s house, over there.  There was some preparation for a few days, beforehand.  I was told that there would be a very important ceremony and it was considered a ceiling ceremony at that point.

And basically I was told a little bit about what I was expected to do during the ceremony.  When we got there, we went to the Vatican.  There is, underneath the Vatican a large room, that I described to you when we talked before. It has 13 catacomb chambers leading into it, and what they do, as you go down these steps into the room, you can see that – it’s circular, so they are all rounded, and they bring out the mummies from the catacombs, and they say that is the spirits of the fathers, watching over the ceremony.

And during the ceremony there was a large table in the center of the room. It was on top of a huge, golden pentagram. And they had the ceremony there.

GS: How many other children were with you, being inducted with you into the family, or the order, as they call it?

Svali: There were two other children, but there were several adults there too.

GS: Okay.

Svali: You see, the church also brings in adults, for allegiance.  I was told. I was told – I don’t know if this is true – If you rise to a certain position within the Catholic Church hierarchy, then you do have to go through that ceremony.

GS: So you are down in this room. Your parents weren’t present?

Svali: No. The German father and grandfather were.

GS: Well at that point, tell our listeners what you witnessed.

Svali: Well, there was a table – it looked like dark glass – in the center of the room. It was made of stone, but it looked very shiny and dark and black.  It may have been something like obsidian or onyx, I’m not sure.  That’s the only time I’ve seen stone that looked like that.

And it had around the corners gold – I guess – channels that collects woods (? hard to hear this). And a little boy was placed in the center of the room, on drugs – I think he was drugged, because he was very quite, he didn’t move or say anything during the ceremony.

GS: This was a little 3 or 4 year old boy. Correct?  And then they continued to do a child sacrifice.

Svali: Yes, they did.  I told you about that before.

GS: Now, afterwards – quite – what an unbelievable experience for a 12 year old.  I just don’t know – I mean , what went through your mind?

Svali: I was terrified. I was absolutely horrified.  I can’t describe the terror you feel when you go through something like that.

GS: Do you remember what the words where said while this was going on?

Svali: The man was in scarlet.  He was speaking in Latin.  And basically he was saying, “Please accept the sacrifice on this day. And then he said “This sacrifice will seal the ceremony.”

And then he did it.

Again, I was so terrified that… Have you ever been in a situation where your heart is racing but you can’t do anything, and so you are just sitting there, and you are caught fading in and out?

GS: I can remember as a youth being frightened, but I don’t think I’ve ever …

Svali: No.  All right.  Well imagine your heartrate going up to about 220.  You can’t move, so you are kind of shaking, but you are trying not to show it.

It was horrible.  Actually, I kept thinking inside, “I can’t wait until this is over.  I can’t wait until this is over. I can’t wait until this is over” Over and over.

Afterwards, the man in scarlet, he had a huge, golden ring on his hand.  He came over to the center of the room and he had each of the people who were swearing that day.  I had to go forward and kneel before him, and kiss his ring, and swear my allegiance to the New World Order until my death.

GS: Now, at that point you were escorted out.

Svali: Yes.  After the ceremony was over. The other people did theirs as well – they had to swear allegiance too.

GS: They were about the same age as you?

Svali: The two children were, but there were also three adults there too, who did the same.  And afterwards we were told, may the same or worse occur to you, should you ever break this oath.

GS: Phew.  Imagine at that age…And you weren’t really prepped for this, were you?  You were told there was a ceremony but nothing, you didn’t expect anything like this, from what I’ve gathered from talking with you.

Svali: It, it was very difficult because the sense of horrific oppression down there was the worse – I mean, I’ve been through some ceremonies in my life in the Illuminati – you do go through them – and I have to say in my experience that this was the worst – I can’t explain the amount of darkness in a room like that, the amount of pure evil.  It was horrible.  It wasn’t just what happened.  The oppression .…I’m a Christian now, I know the difference now between when there is evil present, oppression or when God’s love is present, and joy and peace, which is the exact opposite of what was in that room.

GS: Now you know what I find quite interesting about this.  About 25 years ago I was a reporter and a freelance writer in Rome and I spent 6 years there – walked through the Vatican hundreds of times – covered the Papal addresses, things like that, and during that time I was there during a Vatican scandal, which involved the church bank, and other things, members of the Illuminati, the Freemasons, and I was approached by a woman, on Via (?) – I will never forget this.  Rome is a small town, and people knew I was covering stories about the secret societies, things like that, because I had to ask people. Well this woman came up to me and told me similar stories, although she wasn’t quite as specific, because she couldn’t handle it, and she would break out crying, and had tried to commit suicide twice, because she couldn’t get out of the Illuminati.  She was a member, young.  She was born into it, a very wealthy Northern Italian family.  And she told me basically the same ceremony took place with her.  And so when I started talking to you, I wanted to relay that to you, and also to relay to my listeners that I heard about this 25 years ago, from a woman by the name of Maria and many other people, several people in Italy that I talked to.

I was never able to locate or – really, probably for my own safety – never find out what happened. But, again, Svali is corroborating the story that I heard about 25 years ago.  We’ll get back after this break, this incredible story about a member of the Illuminati, who is now out of the group, safe, on the Republican Broadcasting Network.

(Editor’s note: It would appear that he spoke too soon when he said that Svali was safe).


GS: We are back on the Investigative Journal, I’m your host, Greg Szymanski. We are talking to Svali, a member of the family, the order, Illuminati, for over 30 years.  Svali, you leave the induction ceremony, you walk out into the Vatican courtyard, you walk out with one of the fathers.  What did he tell you then?

Svali: He told me to never forget. He told me I performed well during the ceremony, because I didn’t scream or pass out or anything like that.  He said, “You did very well”.  We went and stayed at the home of a local person nearby, we spent the night there, before we went back to Germany.

GS: How did the other people at the ceremony, how did they handle themselves, do you remember?

Svali: When you are in that kind of situation, the last thing you are thinking about is what the other people are doing.  I was so busy trying not to lose it, myself.  I mean, no one screamed or shouted, or anything like that.  Everyone was quiet.  There was dead silence.  Unless they had to go forward and kiss the ring.

GS: Let’s move on. The question I’ve wanted to ask you, and this is such a wide subject, and I’ve had a chance to talk to you a number of days, and I’ve done some stories about it.  You go back home.  You’re 12 years old.  You said you were schooled into 12 disciplines.  So your life begins, and you know now you are in some type of organization that is very different from what most people experience.  But tell us, I guess what I want to do, is leave it open to you to begin.  You’ve written so in depth on this story.  I’m just going to give you the microphone, and let you begin and tell the listeners what you think is important about your original training, about the group and about many things that I know people want to know about the Illuminati.  Go ahead.

Svali: Okay. Well, Greg, first I want to say that my purpose in talking about this is not to glorify evil.  Because there are very wicked people out there, very powerful people.  And I do not want at all to magnify their power.  But I do want people to know that this is real, that these people exist, that people who say, “There are people out there who are involved in these activities”, it really happens.  I also know that because there are children being hurt in the group, every day.  And that is my motivation for coming forward.  I don’t like giving interviews, for obvious reasons.  I am willing this one time to put lay aside my thoughts of personal safety, because these people need to be stopped, it needs to be stopped.

GS: Okay, go ahead.

Svali: And, normally children in the group are born into it.  While the Illuminati very rarely goes outside recruitment, that’s not their main method.  It’s just passed down generationally from father to son, and mother to daughter, to children, until the whole family line is in it.

Throughout the centuries people have tried to escape, but a lot of times they were either poisoned, murdered or set up to look like a suicide.  They don’t like it when people leave, and they try to make it very difficult.  Simply because it looks bad.  They go through an enormous amount of training from the time you are an infant.  You undergo indoctrination.  And when I say indoctrination, I don’t just mean cult programming so much as watching your parents and see what they do.  My parents modeled their behavior.  To them it was very important for growing up.  I saw that 3 times a week everything was dropped to attend to the activities.

And basically their training process is designed to take on your adult role in the group.  The Illuminati covers so many levels, too.  It goes all the way from what most people think of as, like, a Satanic coven type thing, at the very low, local level.  All the way to, it’s a huge, enormous business corporation.  At the mid levels you have people overseeing finance and administration.  I mean, these people are making a lot of money through gun running, through white slavery, prostitution, pornography, they links and ties to the mafia left and right.  In fact, the mafia are afraid of them.  Well, think about it.  Because they know, you don’t cross the members of the group.

They have a very spiritual orientation.  They are not Satanic, though, they are Luciferian, which is a difference.  They’re ultimate goal of their spiritual philosophy and discipline is that they believe that, should you complete all your training, you become a god.  That is their actual end goal.  They believe in the achievement of godhood.  Through what they call illumination, which is how they got their name.

They are international.  In Europe there are 12 fathers, who represent the different nations of Europe.  They are very expectantly awaiting he who is to come….

GS: Svali, can you, uh, I have to take a break.

SV: Sure.

GS: We’ll continue with the massive organization, your role as a mid-level person in the Illuminati on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal, and I’m talking with Svali. Svali, why don’t we just pick it right up where we left off at the break. You were telling us about this hierarchy that starts with twelve fathers. Can you just run that down for us so people know exactly how this group is organized?

SV: Sure. At the top levels, it’s in Rome. That’s the power center or the heart of the Illuminati, where the power base is. And that’s why all leadership must swear fealty in Rome, because that’s considered the core of, the spiritual center of the Universe. That’s how they view it.

From there, in Europe there are twelve fathers – one for each country in Europe. When I was younger I had to also meet with the fathers at one point and kiss the ring, and go through another ceremony of allegiance to them as well.

In the Illuminati, the European Fathers rule over what are called the different houses. For instance, if you are from Germany then you belong to the German House, if you are from France you belong to the French House – they call them Houses. UK, Russia, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Italy and others.

From there, America was considered a mission field for them. In the 17, actually in the 1600s, Pittsburgh became the first port of entry for them. That’s where they first settled. That’s why it’s still considered a spiritual power base for the group on the East Coast in the US.

GS: You know, I did want to mention one thing. A caller / listener / reader of your stories sent me an email, and said, “Greg, check into the reason why President Bush, right after being elected, went into and talked to a Masonic group there.” I found that quite interesting.

SV: Oh yeah.

GS: Go ahead.

SV: It’s the spiritual power base for the group. From there, it spread out across the Atlantic seaboard, and then throughout the nation. The nation is divided into many regions, multiple regions but seven main regions. The East Coast region has its spiritual power base in Pittsburgh, but the administrative power base is in Alexandria, Virginia. That’s where they administer the finances during the day to day operations.

The West Coast, or the West region, west of the Mississippi, has its power base in the San Diego area.

GS: And that’s where you spent a lot of time, correct?

SV: Yeah. Yes. I was sent from, the Alexandria Council sent me to San Diego to help them out.

GS: Okay, go ahead.

SV: Those are the two, of course, main regions. And then each of those regions are divided into sub-regions.

So then you have your Regional Councils sitting over those, and overseeing activities. If you can think of the structure of a large multinational corporation, that’s really how the Illuminati is structured. Then beneath each of the regional councils are your local councils. They call them sister groups or sisters, or your local councils. Then you have your local groups under those as well, or what they call the sister groups.

Any major metropolitan city could have anywhere from five to fifteen groups, depending on the size of the population base. Or more.

GS: Now you were saying that, how many people are in this group in America now, from your estimate, of knowing a lot of this stuff? Go ahead…

SV: Pure Illuminati, I would say about one percent, give or take, based on population.

GS: So it’s a fairly huge… big organization, correct?

SV: Yes.

GS: Now their goal, basically. Just give us the broad overview goal, and then I want to get into some of these, you know, your role in it, and some of these ways that the Illuminati makes money that you learned about.

SV: Yeah.

GS: Go ahead.

SV: You know, when you say “To rule the world,” it almost sounds laughable – like “yeah, right”, you know. I think people get ideas of thinking or wanting to rule the world. But really, that is their goal. They believe that they are the intelligent leaders, and they believe that the rest of the world are sheep that need wise… They see themselves as wise leadership. So they believe that their goal is to rule the world.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: But at the same time, they have occult ways of doing that. Their main way of doing that is behind the scenes. They believe in infiltration of the media, of education and of government – those are the three areas – and of the financial system. And they have successfully done quite a bit of all four throughout Europe and the US, as well as other countries.

GS: Now you said that they, basically the Illuminati is divided into about six or seven groups, and everyone is born into a group. Could you outline what those groups are?

SV: Well no, it’s all one group, there are just different levels.

GS: Yeah, that’s what I mean. Like the Sciences, the Government, or…

SV: Oh. Oh. Okay. The Illuminati is divided into different branches of learning. These branches include Sciences, Military, Government, Leadership, Scholarship and Spiritual. Those are the six branches of learning. And while all children need to undergo some training or teaching in each area, as they get older… They begin profiling you from infancy, and they know where your activities and abilities are. Then you’re, you really go into… Most people specialize in one branch or possibly two branches of learning.

GS: And you were involved in what branch?

SV: I was heavily involved in Sciences, and also to some degree I did some Spiritual as well – but mainly Sciences.

GS: Just to backtrack one minute, these twelve disciplines. As a child, you were rigorously trained in this, correct?

SV: Yes.

GS: Okay. And what were those disciplines?

[1. To not need.

2. To not want.

3. To not wish.

4. Survival of the fittest.

5. The code of silence.

6. Betrayal is the greatest good.

7. Not caring.

8. Time travel.

9,10,11: Sexual trauma, learning to dissociate and increase cognition, decrease feeling – details of these 3 steps vary according to child’s future role in the cult.

12. Coming of age ceremony (Vatican underground sacrifice).]

GS: I mean, if… You don’t have to go through each one of them, but what primarily were you taught?

SV: (pause) I think the best way would be to give you an example of just one type of training that they do.

GS: Okay.

SV: I was two years old. I was left in a room for probably a 24-hour period. When you are that age it is hard to estimate, but it was a long time. I know that the sun did go around (laughs) at least once, and it wasn’t just like a few hours.

At that age, when you are two and you are left alone without food and water, you are terrified. And at the end of the time, I was just dying of thirst. My morale was just… I have never been so thirsty in my entire life.

My mother walked into the room. A lot of times they have the children, you know, or the parents train the children at these early ages. There was a table in the middle of the room and I was sitting at it. She brings in this cold pitcher of water and she starts pouring it. I said, “Mom! I want a drink of water,” and she slapped me out of the chair. (pause)

GS: Hm.

SV: And I remember crying! And as I’m crying, she’s drinking the water in front of me, and she leaves! She takes the pitcher of water. And a couple of hours later, she came back in and did the same thing. And I said, “Mom, Mom, I want water!” And she slapped me! I mean, across the room.

After this had happened about three times, luckily I was bright enough that by the third time she came in, I mean, I remember crying silently, but I just looked at her. I didn’t ask.

After she got up and left with the pitcher, a man came into the room. He said, “You did very well that time.” And then he gave me a drink of water.

GS: Hm.

SV: That was part of the “learning not to want” stage. Looking back on it, I realize now as an adult that the part of that training was to teach me not to recognize my own physiological needs and respond to them, but to look to outside people to tell me what I wanted or needed. Which is what…

GS: Now you basically, you told me you led a dual life in the Illuminati. That’s basically how they function.

SV: Oh yeah!

GS: You have a day job, and then at nighttime you’re quite busy sometimes with the cult activities, correct?

SV: Yes.

GS: Okay. What I wanted to get into… you were talking about these groups. I remember I mentioned to you, you said you had these meetings three times a week. I said, “Well, what about if I wanted to go and visit, and maybe do a story about them?” What would happen, or how could… would I be able to find one of these meetings that were going on, in your area of Escondido?

SV: Well no, because of the security measures. And A), you really don’t want to show up unannounced at a meeting if you could get through their security, because the chances are you would never make it out alive. Let’s just say that a certain auto accident would occur, and be reported in the papers: “Unfortunate accident – man accidentally runs into tree.” (Laughs) I mean, I’m serious!

The security that they have during group meetings is so intense that it would be very difficult. They have security at the one-mile perimeter, the three-mile perimeter and the five-mile perimeter. They have three people assigned. Usually one is up in a tree where you can’t see him at the five-mile perimeter.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: And then you have one person who is standing, looks like a security guard for the estate, because these are often large, wealthy estates, which is appropriate. He is dressed in a uniform. The third person is standing hidden behind a tree. As cars come through, and they come through the gates – remember these are gated estates.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: So if it’s not someone on their approved license checklist, they will stop the car. It’s just like at a military installation. They will say, “Can I help you? Are you lost?” Their goal is to delay the person. Now if a person is saying, “Oh, this is blah blah blah,” and they are just asking for directions, they will give them directions, be very pleasant and send them on their way, to where they are supposed to be going.

But if they are acting as if they want to go further into the estate, and this is not an okay person, then they will say, “Uh, all right, well HE’S NOT EXPECTING YOU.” That’s a code word. That tells the person either behind, up in the tree, or hidden further back – they radio ahead and they say “UNEXPECTED VISITOR.”

At that point, everyone has been trained to pick up and leave immediately, within five minutes – with no traces of the activity.

GS: So this is some of the methods they go through so you don’t get caught. I know that you wrote an article about why the cult doesn’t get caught.

SV: Oh yeah.

GS: It’s pretty specific. You have so much stuff here, and we can’t get into it all in two hours, so please pick and choose what you think is most important. But I find that to be interesting – why the cult doesn’t get caught. Is there anything in just a brief time you could explain to us… that?

SV: Well, their security, their money, their influence. Some of these people even own newspapers. Imagine trying to get a (laughs) article published, you know, disclosing… There’s a lot of reasons why they don’t get caught. That’s the first thing people ask.

Then my next question is, “Well, how many child pornographers are there out there, that the police have been chasing for years, and have never found or caught?”

GS: Correct.

SV: And they’re not even members of a secret organization. They’re just trying to hide, you know. So when you consider that…

GS: Now you…

SV: Okay.

GS: Yeah. You were a mid-level person in this organization, a head trainer. We’re going to get into those specifics in the next hour. But you know, what did you learn about the infiltration of this group into all our different areas of government and media? They are basically at the high levels of most of our financial institutions also, correct?

SV: Yes.

GS: And that is a great way to pursue their goal. I guess I’ve got to ask you this. How come things are moving a little bit faster in America now? I remember back in the 80s when I was confronted with this, when I came back home I didn’t really see this kind of New World Order movement… all this different symbolism that you see now. What is going on, just for our listeners, right now? Why are things stepped up since 9-11?

SV: I believe it’s because they can see the fulfillment of their goal… See, I’m going to sound very cynical now, and please forgive me for this, okay? Their goal is to rule the world, and personally I believe that they do – it’s just not open yet.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: And they say they’re now preparing people for when they disclose themselves openly. Does that mean that they can’t be stopped? I believe they could. I believe it would take a miracle, because of the amount of infiltration I see at all levels of society, and the world. These guys, these people have a lot of money. They have a lot of influence. And your average person has no idea of how much is going on behind the scenes that no one understands.

But, with that said, I think that they’re already there, they just aren’t open. These people just don’t know where they’re going! (Laughs) If they did, I think the average person would be horrified to know how much is going on behind the scenes that people really don’t know.

GS: Yeah, and the point of this interview, one, I had two goals…

SV: But… But you see, I don’t want to sound disparaging, because I am also a strong Christian. I have faith in God, and I believe through prayer, and through people knowing… I mean, I would like them to be stopped. I just don’t know, at this point, how do you take on the financial institutions of the world, the major oil enterprises of the world, you know? (Laughs) That’s the question! (Laughs) You know?

GS: Yeah! You know, it is a difficult question. Now you’re in the mid-level of this group. You worked your way up to a head trainer, correct?

SV: Yeah… Yeah.

GS: Now what did you learn… Before we get into specifics, you outline some in of your writings, the big money-making… the ways this group makes its money. Can you go over and outline some of those methods?

SV: Again, if you can think of an illegal activity, they’re probably involved at some point. Maybe not overtly, at the point of where the actual money is first shaking hands – but when you have child pornography, prostitution, white slavery, gun running, gambling, then at some point where the money is changing hands, buffered by about four layers of people, there’s going to probably be someone from the Illuminati involved at that point. These guys have their fingers in everything.

GS: Now…

SV: Uh…

GS: Go ahead.

SV: But they also use legitimate means. They launder their money. When you have a lot of money, you have to do something with it. And so, these men don’t come in and say, “Hi! I’m a member of the Illuminati and I want to run your bank.” What they’ll do is they’ll quietly come in and become a quiet investor, start buying up shares. And over a period of maybe, almost a lifetime, they will get a controlling interest in the bank, or become a very… you know. Or maybe in their son’s lifetime.

That’s the other thing about the Illuminati. The Illuminati do not see it as “This is what must happen now, in my lifetime.” These people have goals that last for centuries, for two centuries. They are very, very patient.

GS: And that’s why the specific training of the children is so important, correct?

SV: Yes. It’s to teach you PATIENCE. Everyone knows, growing up in the group, we may not see the coming order disclosed or open or revealed in our lifetime, but our children or our grandchildren may. So they will spend their entire life trying to bring about the goals of the organization.

GS: (Chuckles) Hm. Incredible. So now you’re in the mid-level. I can see now where they used these programming techniques, the different mind control techniques. We have a minute before the break. Just kind of whet our interests about how you… what your specific role was.

SV: Well, they did a lot of what you might call human experimentation. And they had a lot of research protocols going on. So one thing I did was to supervise the research going on. I was teaching the younger trainers and head trainers how to do things more efficiently, how to do their job well, but also reviewing their research reports for errors or problems.

Eventually I became kind of a consultant. If a problem occurred, or they didn’t know how to install something, or if they needed assistance, I would help them with problem solving as well.

GS: Okay, Svali, I’m going to have to take a break. We’ll be back in three minutes. We’ll continue, on Republic Broadcasting Network.

[commercial break]

GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’ve got a short four minute segment here, then we’ll take a break and come back with Svali for a whole [additional] hour. We’re talking about jobs in the Illuminati, the practical daily jobs that these members of this group, who are infiltrated in America heavily… what they do. Now one thing I find interesting, Svali, knowing the media… I’m not going to name names or anything, because I don’t have any specific information. But I find it interesting.

Doing some background checks on a lot of the top media people in our country, they all come from these very wealthy families. (Laughs) Now that’s not the typical MO for a journalist. A journalist is somebody who grows up on the street, wants to talk to people, I can think of Jimmy Breslin, guys who never went to college, didn’t know how to type, and just got in there, took their tie off and started writing stories.

But you know, as you look at the media now, there are all these silver spoon kids – growing up with silver spoons. I find that quite interesting. How deeply infiltrated, from your knowledge, are they in our media?

SV: Wow. Pretty… I do know, uh, fairly deeply. I remember that when I was in San Diego on Leadership Council during meetings, they would laugh about how people had no idea of how much they were being influenced and didn’t even know it. They found that kind of amusing, which is… I mean, that’s the mindset of people in the group, though. They’re like, “The sheep have no idea that they’re being led by the hand.”

And they find it amusing, because they show it as evidence of… I mean, I’m just describing what they say, I don’t agree with it now, but they saw as evidence of the stupidity of the m… of the average person – that they have no idea.

I’m not saying that every news story or every newscaster is a member of the group… by no means. But, they specifically do teach and train and educate children that show an aptitude for the media, because they want that. And if the person has a bright, charismatic personality, and presents well, then that child will go into that, if they have their verbal communication and other skills required.

GS: Well, you know, that could explain why a lot of our stories really never get covered, outside of the influence they have financially and the ownership of the media.

SV: (crosstalk) That’s absolutely not by coincidence.

GS: What’s that?

SV: Not at all a coincidence.

GS: Yes. That’s a good idea, folks, why you’re not getting the news from those outlets. Not only in our government. It explains a lot of things. Look at the war in Iraq. Look at the evidence there that shows what is wrong. Look at what they’re doing in Iran right now. I mean, it’s incredible. All this stuff is pretty obvious, people. There’s something behind it. Svali is here trying to explain this organization from her knowledge, and it is quite, quite a story.

I know this idea. You were involved as a trainer of mind programming? I mean, this is just, I’m looking at some of the chapters in a book you have yet to publish [in paper book form]. We’re talking about brainwave, color control, metal, jewel programming, programming link to stories and movies… I mean, it goes into suicidal programming.

In just a minute here before our break, can you kind of break down what you learned about the importance, well, oh! We’ve got to take a break, Svali, sorry. We’re going to do that quickly, then we’ll get back to you. We’re talking to Svali, regarding her role as a head trainer in the Illuminati, the American Illuminati. We’ll be back, on the Republic Broadcasting Network, in two minutes.


GS: Okay, we’re back on the Republic Broadcasting Network. One more hour. We’re talking to Svali, and she was a head trainer in the Illuminati.

Svali, what type of programming do they actually teach you, and how do you learn these different techniques?

SV: Well, you’re taught from childhood on. My training in how to be a programmer started very young. I was mentored by another programmer at the age of 5, by a doctor at George Washington University. Not only did he do the programming on me, but also taught me how to do it to others. The types of programming… again, that could be a whole ten-hour segment to go into depth. From the time a child is an infant, all through their life basically, they are tested, they are profiled. Trainers can create a psychological profile, and then they update it frequently.

Basically, they are trying to install in this child the ability to obey, loyalty to the group, and the ability to do their job within the group.

Now those jobs vary in complexity. You may have on one side a child trained to be a prostitute. On the other end you may have a child trained to become a governmental figure, which is a lot more complex programming.

But as long as the loyalty to the group is instilled, and that is the first and foremost programming always installed, then no matter what their eventual role is, they will remain loyal. And that becomes their first loyalty. Whatever nation, whatever their public role in life is, their first and foremost loyalty will be to the group, and to serve its goals – whether they know.

A lot of times, the goal is [also] to be able to help the child create that complete division between their day role and their night role. So a pleasant, charming, wonderful, kind person in the daytime could be an absolutely cold, ruthless person at night – or during the day, you know, it’s also during the day they do it.

Then you may have a housewife with children who goes out and completes a courier job for the group. And no one would ever suspect her. Who is going to suspect [that] this lovely-looking little housewife with a baby in a car seat is actually carrying some valuable documents?

Again, the first and foremost other thing was to instill loyalty, and they want to discourage people from questioning orders. They really don’t want you questioning that, and they want you to obey their directives. Should people show signs of not doing that, then they go on for tune-ups. Actually people are being programmed all through their life. We used to call them tune-ups. It’s a lifelong process for members of the group.

GS: We have a minute here before our break, and we’ll get back and get in depth into some of these areas. But what went wrong with you? I mean, the dropout rate probably is very low…

SV: Extremely low. (laughs)

GS: …considering the number of, considering the training. But what went wrong with you? They somehow missed something.

SV: When I was very young I absolutely believed in the goals of [the group]. You never saw a more loyal group member. I thought that they were saving the world. I thought that we were doing a wonderful thing. But the older I got, I started to see the methods that were being used for so long, and that the ends do not justify the means. I became increasingly cynical, partly because I saw what I was doing to people. I was lying to them. I was manipulating them. I was telling them things that weren’t true. I remember questioning this, thinking, “I was told lies as a child too, then. I was manipulated.”

GS: Wow.

SV: And finally you start to question, as an adult, the things you were taught. (bumper music starts)

GS: Okay. We’re going to take a break, Svali, we’ll be back in three minutes on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

[commercial break]

GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. Svali, I wanted to ask you a question. Before we get into how you finally left the group, and what happened to you afterwards in your life now – tell us. You wrote an article that is very interesting – A Day in the Life of a Trainer for the Illuminati. Tell us what you went through in a normal day in your role at the Illuminati. Go ahead.

SV: Okay. Basically I would get up. At the time that I described in that article, I was teaching at a Christian school. And so I would get up, I would get my two children dressed and ready for school. Just like a normal mom, you know, go through the day, come home. We’d have little friends over and play, and stuff like that. Then, you know, have dinner. I was a good mom. I was your average American housewife – on the surface.

But underneath the surface, then my husband and I would remind each other on nights when there was a meeting. And then what we would do is when we would go to sleep, I had programming in place that would allow me to wake up within ten minutes of the specified time. If I knew there was a meeting that night, I would wake up ten minutes before it was time to get ready and go. A lot of times we would even go to bed with our clothes on. And I never really thought that was abnormal, you know?

GS: Mm hm.

SV: I thought everyone went to bed with their clothes on. I didn’t even question it, you know, on nights when we had meetings. I thought, “Oh, it’s warmer.” (Laughs)

GS: Okay.

SV: And then we’d get up and go, and drive to the meeting. I was also very involved in Military in San Diego. In fact the group has a lot of military orientation. So on top I would take the kids to their area, there was an area where the kids would go and change. They had a room and we would have like baskets of clothes, and we would change our clothing. You’d pick out your clothing, it had your name on it, and put on your uniform. Or whatever you wore that night. The kids would wear these little miniature military uniforms.

Then they would go out and do their training exercises. They were learning how to march, how to shoot. All kids in the Illuminati, at least in that area, know how to take apart a gun, put it together and shoot with deadly accuracy by the age of eight years old. Martial arts, there’s a lot of martial arts training. Sometimes I’d help supervise that, or fill in if there’s a military trainer [who] was [absent]. Everyone had to be – there was a lot of cross training. But most of the time I supervised the training. I would be working on implementing programming, or what we’d call tuning up – reinforcing previously installed programming in adults.

At that point I was normally supervising the younger trainers. They would be doing it, and I would be there watching and making sure they did it correctly. Or I would be also evaluating whether – sometimes every once in a while we’d be working on something that was somewhat experimental, and then I would be taking a more active role, assessing the person’s responses to the new protocol, recording it and if there was any difference between established parameters for that protocol or expected responses, I would be flagging that.

GS: Give me an example of someone you were working on. What… how would they be introduced, what would be the reason? Would they be military, what is, how does someone get sent to you?

SV: No, these were all members of the group!

GS: Oh, okay.

SV: Oh! I can tell you that in San Diego, twenty percent of the active members of the group were active military.

GS: Okay.

SV: Okay? And think of military intelligence. Think high-ranking officials, colonels, (laughs), commanders. My ex-husband was a lieutenant commander in the Navy, getting ready to become a commander, okay?

GS: All right.

SV: These are not stupid people.

GS: So you were basically working on the programming of the members involved.

SV: (crosstalk) Yes. Oh yeah. Yeah.

No, we didn’t program people who were not members of the group. You CANNOT install significantly traumatic mind-control programming in a person who is not a member of the group.

GS: (crosstalk) Good.

SV: Now there are certain… what you can do is what we call passive programming, which is basically through media means. If someone’s watching a television program, they go immediately into alpha state. Everyone in the group, even a baby in the group knows that, because these people are very much into behavioral psychology. That’s a trance state, almost, a very relaxed state where messages can be implemented.

And that’s why I very strongly suggest people be very careful about the TV shows they watch! That’s all I will say about that.

But no, you cannot take an adult who is not a member of the group and do what we did to them. They would go psychotic, or they wouldn’t survive it, probably. They wouldn’t be able to psychologically handle it.

GS: Tell us some examples of what you were doing. Program techniques.

SV: (sighs) Sometimes, (sigh) it would involve, normally we would start with a hypnotic induction or even sometimes we would inject a medication. A lot of times especially young children have a lot of fear when they are going into programming, but adults do too. We want them to relax. We give them a very short-acting medication to relax them.

We would then invoke a hypnotic state in them. If it was an older person I would be checking that the codes are already installed. If I was getting ready to install programming in like a young child, I would tell them, explain to them very patiently exactly the behavior expected. I’d say, “I want you to do this, and this, and this.” I break it up into steps. Then I’d say, “First we’re going to practice this.”

I would show the child what I want them to do – I would model it. I would then tell the child, “DO IT.” The child would then do it, okay? But, normally they won’t do it well the first time, so she would… she or he would get shocked. That was called, because the group very much uses what they call positive and negative reinforcement. Okay?

If a child did not do it perfectly the first time, they are shocked. That’s the negative reinforcement.

Then I would say, “DO IT AGAIN.” They would show me the behavior.

Now at this point we start associating the behavior with an external stimulus or cue, too. Now a lot of times a child… If this is a behavior, though, that we want associated with a specific code, the child will often then traumatize very heavily first, to create a fragmentation in their personality. Then the behavior and the associated cue are given.

You might hear a tone, like “ding ding ding.” [I say,] “All right, I want you to do this.” Ding ding ding. The child hears the tone, they get up and they do the behavior. Once they can perform it perfectly, they are rewarded with praise. Good job, or a hug. Children like hugs, or something like that.

Then you do it over, and over, and over. That’s why trainers have to be very patient people. Because then maybe after the child has done it fifty times, then they hear the cue, they get up, [and] they do it. It’s not even a conscious [decision]… it’s reflexive. At that point it’s considered installed.

For very, very important programming, I’m talking about like end-level assassin programming, because we did train people how to assassinate people, and that’s a whole other topic I don’t want to go into here…

GS: Okay.

SV: We would then do a ritual to seal the programming afterwards.

GS: (Final-sounding) Okay.

SV: Okay?

GS: Just something, I was looking at some of your articles. One was “Christmas in the Cult.” Just to get off on a different subject here…

SV: Sure.

GS: You say this is quite different for you, when you were growing up, than it is for most children. Can you just kind of briefly tell us what you meant by that?

SV: Yeah, um… (sighs) I mean, we had trees and presents and things like that. But for most children, Christmas is just happy time, you know, lots of presents. But in the group, there are some very high ceremonies that are celebrated. Several times, in fact many times, I flew into Germany. And there, there wasn’t a Santa Claus. They had a figure called Father Yule…

GS: (crosstalk) Mm hm.

SV: …who represents Christmas there. But he is not the kind of benevolent Santa that you see here. This is a man with a golden scepter dressed in a white robe and a golden sash around.

I was once at the German Father’s house, where there was a gathering with children and adults, and Father Yule was present. He raises the scepter and basically strikes down a child in front of everyone.

GS: (laughs in disbelief) Oh my God!

SV: I know!

GS: (shocked) He strikes down a CHILD? I just…

SV: I know. Yes. He struck down the child with his, his scepter. And that… that is not what you call a happy Christmas, you know?

GS: No. (sighs)

SV: And at the same time, yes, we did have a tree, you know, and fruitcake and all that, and decorate the house, but there is another side to Christmas. It’s, it’s…

GS: (in shock) You know, I’m just listening and I just can’t believe, you know, we’re, you know, we have leaders in our country that have probably gone through this kind of stuff. I mean, uh, it’s just incredible, this group. I know they’ve been around for a long, long time, thousands of years, and gone through it, came here. George Washington was a 33rd degree Mason…

SV: (crosstalk,) Oh, YEAH!

GS: …and we go on. Uh, the quest… you know, I just, I want you to understand, just from my point of view, I just wonder how… you know, you write a story, “The End of the Illuminati.” How do we get rid of these people? I know, you’re out of it. You couldn’t take it any more. You think we can inspire more mid-level people to just LEAVE, like you, so they have no one to DO this kind of INSIDIOUS… CRAZY… PROGRAMMING and lifestyle! What do you – what do you think?

SV: Well, I believe that, as strongly as a Christian, that it’s a spiritual warfare as well as an emotional and psychological warfare. I believe that, by the grace of God.

But I will also say that when I was in the group, a lot of the members are not happy. You have people in the group that are there because they love it, because they believe in our goals, they are totally dedicated. But to be honest, a lot… I often knew as many people who would have left in a minute if they thought that they could get out, and make it.

GS: You know, about your husband, uh, just to break in and then go back into that. Do they marry you to somebody in the group, or is that forced on you?

SV: (crosstalk) Yeah. Yeah. No. In the group, the marriages are always arranged, in my experience. In my 38 years in the group, I never knew of a couple, in the Illuminati, that did not have an arranged marriage. It can’t be…

GS: (crosstalk) You just mentioned a couple that I, I suspect. Clinton and uh, Bill and Hillary.

SV: Oh, well, YEAH! (Laughs)

GS: (Laughs)

SV: YES! Definite. Definite.

GS: Yes. Bill?

SV: Yeah.

GS: Go ahead.

SV: Yeah. A lot of times, these marriages are arranged for compatibility, but also for bloodlines – to bring the right bloodlines together.

GS: Okay, good. We’re going to be back in three minutes. I want to continue this, and then we’re going to get into Svali’s life after the Illuminati, on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

[commercial break]

GS: Okay, we’re back on the Investigative Journal. I’m your host, Greg Szymanski. And let me tell you, as an interviewer, and someone who has researched the Illuminati for a long time… it started way back when, when I was a young reporter in Rome…

It’s a whole different ballgame when you’re actually talking to someone with experiences like this. It takes it out of that realm of what is quasi-fiction fact, into the realm of reality. It’s – it’s really shocking.

And, uh, I’ll be honest with you. This is a story, uh, that folks, you have to listen to – because this is going on in our country. All the things you’re seeing regarding our rights being taken away, the police state, the war in Iraq, 9/11 – all these things have to do with this powerful group.

Svali, you know, we’re talking about mid-level people. Now we’re going to talk about some of the lower-level people. I’m interested in who they are. But you said they weren’t happy, but a lot of them probably stay because it’s very… I mean, this is a… it’s a very lucrative way to live, I imagine.

SV: Oh, yeah!

GS: …families?

SV: Oh, yeah! That’s the main thing, that’s one of the factors that keeps people in. The reason more people don’t leave is because leaving means giving up your husband, your children, your entire family on both sides, your money. And basically, for a lot of people, leaving the group means giving up everything, and starting out penniless and alone.

Not only that, but you’re combating child programming to recontact, to go back, to be loyal, to be a good member.

GS: Mm hm.

SV: And I know many people have tried to leave and went back, because they just couldn’t take it.

GS: Do you, uh, do you want to take a phone call right now? Break it up?

SV: Sure!

GS: Okay. Marilyn, in California. You’re on the Investigative Journal. Marilyn?

Marilyn (ML): Yes, I’ve been a part of this. I lost part of it, I’ve been listening on the Internet. I didn’t quite catch it. How did this woman become involved in this Illuminati training?

GS: Uh, go ahead, can you explain that, Svali?

SV: I was taught it from early childhood. I was mentored into it. Trainers in the group are mentored. You wok with older adults and they show you, and you are given increasing responsibility. And so by the time you are in your teens, you are basically doing adult training responsibilities. You’ve been taught for years.

ML: Your parents put you in it, or… ?

SV: Yes, they were members.

ML: Oh, I see, so it comes down through the parents – one parent to another.

SV: Yeah. Or from both.

ML: (shocked) Are they private SCHOOLS?

SV: Through what?

ML: Are these private SCHOOLS?

SV: Well, my children were schooled at private Christian schools. They were all Illuminati. (Laughs) Okay?

ML: (surprised, “Now I get it” voice tone) Oh, you’re saying that the CHRISTIAN schools are Illuminati!!

SV: SOME of them are. Not all – but some.

ML: Yeah, obviously.

SV: No, no. The ones that my children in were, specifically. But no, there’s a lot of good Christian schools that have nothing to do with the group, but some can be. Now I went to a public school, but what’s interesting is, out of three public schools I went to as a young child, two burned down. (sadly): So there’s no access to any school records.

ML: (completely shocked) I’ll be DARNED.

GS: Marilyn, just to get you up to speed. You’re born into this, then you’re trained as a young child. You go through an induction ceremony in the Vatican. And this is going on with one to two percent of our population, according to Svali. Very serious, in all levels. Government, and everything else. Go ahead, Marilyn, do you have another question?

ML: Yeah. When you said the Vatican, now that is not a Christian religion, okay? Now I’m a Christian. Catholics is a Christian religion, we look at them as the precursor of the New World Religion. So…

GS: Well, you know, if I may just break in. I grew up a Catholic. I don’t get involved in the splicing of the religions. I’m basically stating that when I started researching the Illuminati as a reporter in Rome, and I realized there was a bad portion of the Church, I looked at it. I had to deal with the evil and the good. So that’s the way I reconciled it. The evil WITHIN the Catholic Church, at the high level of the Vatican, which seeps down into many, many areas. Go ahead.

ML: Okay, well I won’t argue that point.

SV: (crosstalk) Now… Now… Now…

ML: I won’t agree with it, but it sounds like you have become possibly Born AGAIN to get out of this? Would I be correct in that?

SV: Yes. Yes. Now I very much… Now first, I do want to say I am not slamming the Catholic Church or the average Catholic. I have many good friends that are Catholics, that are strong Christians. I became a Christian, and that was the only way I could get out. But just so you know, too, a lot of card-carrying Illuminists, well we don’t really carry cards, but I’m using that term…

ML: Yes.

SV: …are members of the Baptist church, are members of Pentecostal churches. It… This… I was on a worship team for a Wesleyan church in San Diego… in my day life. Okay?

ML: Oo-kay. Uh, yeah. Very, very confused. I mean, I, uh, I think this is interesting. Many people say that the Catholic Church will be the forerunner of the New World Religion. There’s some very good books out. In fact, I think you may have interviewed one of these men – the Grand Plan Design by John Daniels?

GS: Uh huh.

ML: You remember that?

GS: Uh…

SV: But, but…

GS: Go ahead.

SV: The average Catholic has no idea of what’s going on in the Vatican.

ML: Yeah, yeah. I think that’s interesting that, that the average Catholic would not know what’s going on. That’s just my take on it. (laughs)

GS: Well, I’ll tell you something. As an average Catholic going to Rome my first time in 1980, I didn’t know what was going on, and I grew up as a Catholic, went to Notre Dame High School. It was quite a learning experience for me.

ML: I think the Catholics, when they find out how evil the church is, stay in it! I mean, they really… why would they want to stay in it? That’s what bothers me. I know some good people who are like that. And I don’t get it! (Laughs)

GS: Well, the only answer is… it doesn’t… (bumper music starts) (laughs) I don’t know. There are many Catholics who aren’t actively practicing.

ML: Yeah. Thank you!

GS: But anyway, we’ll leave that for another time. Thanks, Marilyn. We’ll be back on the Investigative Journal in three minutes, with Svali.

[commercial break]

GS: Okay! Uh, you know, they’re not going to get me. That’s for sure. My house is anti-Illuminated. It’s not going to happen, folks. Just to end that, Svali, before I get back to you, just to end that conversation we had with Marilyn about Catholicism. I look back at it, and I really thank my dad. And I do it in kind of a way, I’m just thinking about it now. I didn’t know what the Church was about.

But you know, something strange did happen when I was young. My mom died, and I was ten years old. My brother was six months old at the time she died of leukemia. It was a very, very tragic affair – left my dad and me and my brother alone. And I remember my dad literally took a priest, a head Monsignor in our parish. And I won’t even tell you where. Saint John Rebove (ph), right outside of Chicago.

This man came into our house, I’ll never forget it. He said that he was going to put ME and my little BROTHER in an ORPHANAGE. My dad literally picked him up and threw him out the door! Literally.

SV: Wow.

GS: And from that point on, my dad never went back to church again. My brother never went to a Catholic school. I of course asked if I could finish, only because I had friends there. But you know, who knows what would have happened, you know, looking back on the craziness that goes on in the Church.

But anyway, Svali, you were talking about, uh, you know something? These people that are too… that do not want to get out because of the financial ties. But let’s go back to when you were in the Illuminati. How did this happen? How did you finally leave? Tell us this whole story about you leaving the Illuminati. We haven’t touched on that yet.

SV: Sure. Well, I do want to say one thing that I agree with Marilyn on. Without faith in God, I couldn’t have done it. I became a Christian, and that was for me revolutionary. It made me question again more of what I was being taught, or had believed all my life. I, for the… I began to realize that what I was doing was wrong. I became increasingly cynical.

I also then started standing up to the head trainer in the county who despised me. He would do things that were just blatantly cruel for no reason whatsoever. I’d say, “You’re wrong”. Well, people don’t like that. (Laughs)

He took it out on me in a lot of horrible ways. I finally made the decision to run. I ran to this… to another state, because I knew that my chances of getting out while still staying in that area with people I knew, surrounded by people who were in the group, was not going to be very good. So I went to another state.

GS: You had to leave your family and everything, right?

SV: Everything. Well, my children were with their grandparents. At that point I thought that was better than them being with my husband. I was going to go get my kids. But my husband then called and he said, “I want to reunite with you.” And I said, “Okay, that’s wonderful.” And I said, “But you have to get help. You have to get some treatment, because we can’t go on. You’ve got to get out of the group.” He said, “Okay. Help me get the kids and I’ll meet you in a week.”

So the day before, he called and said, “I’ll be there tomorrow,” blah blah blah. And so I was excited, thinking, “Oh, he’s getting out, he’s getting out, that’s wonderful!” Instead, he went… he had gotten the kids several days before. He was lying to me, and I didn’t know it. He had gone to a judge.

And the day that he was supposed to arrive, there was a knock on my door. It was a policeman serving me DIVORCE papers, and also a restraining order, saying that I could not come within a hundred yards of my husband or my children.

And at that point, I felt slightly punished (sigh) for leaving the group.

I fought that, and it… (sighs) I fought for four years with a court system that said things like this didn’t occur, because my husband would go into court and say, “This woman is psychotic. She’s making it all up. There’s no way. Ha, ha, ha. This stuff doesn’t happen in this day and age.” And the judge would say, “You’re right.” Slam. Full custody to their father. And I had to have supervised visitation for four years with my own children, so that… because I was considered a kidnap risk.

Through a lot of prayer, I had my whole church praying for me here in Texas, and through Lambley Research and miracles, my children were finally allowed unsupervised visitation with me, after four years. During that time, I said to my daughter, who was fourteen, I said, “I want so badly for you to get out”. And she looks at me, and she starts going…

(hyperventilating, extremely terrified): “Oh! You shouldn’t have said that, Mom! You shouldn’t have said that, Mom!” You know? She just… she just freaked out. She just totally lost it.

GS: Mm hm.

And I realized that it was her programming cycling, because she was just terrified. You know, she’s like, (terrified, very rapid): “Why did you say that, why did you say that”, and I said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, honey, calm down, calm.”

And the following… she was just shaking and shaking. And then finally she said, “Well, I don’t want to go back and get hurt.” And then I said, “YOU DON’T HAVE TO.”

And at that point I faced several prison sentences, but I called my ex and I said, “I will face… I will not let those children go back and get hurt again.”

GS: Okay.

SV: And he flew out to get them, and he could have put me in prison at that time, because I was breaking the custody visitation. And you know how strong the courts are on that!

GS: Mm hm.

SV: And I said to him, “Please… Look.” Because it was so nice. My daughter and son both said, “We don’t want to go back, Dad. We don’t want to get hurt. We don’t want to do this anymore.”

He looked at them, and he said, “I want to go think about it.” He went home, and I was praying for him at the time.

And then that night he called me, and he said, (delirious, hyperventilating): “Oh my God. Oh my God.” I said, “What is it?” He said, “We’ve gotta get out! We’ve gotta get out!” (Laughs) And I said, “YES! You do!” And then he said… and then he made the decision to get out.

At that point he went to a Notary Public. He gave me… he did a legal case document giving me full custody of my children. And then he said he was so sorry for, he put me through, the H, E, L, L he had put me through for years.

GS: Now, have you had any reprisals from people in the group since you were leaving, or any warnings?

SV: Yes.

GS: To keep quiet, or anything like that?

SV: (crosstalk) Yes. Oh, yeah! Oh… yeah, of course! There’s one time when I did write one article that named some specific dates and times. I got hurt afterwards, and it made me very cautious. That’s why I don’t give a lot of radio interviews, and why I don’t do a lot of this. That’s one reason why…

GS: Well, I appreciate this, because you know, the number of people you’re going to help, by… maybe, maybe waking up the American people to what is really going on. Sometimes you can wake up many more people by a person like you, than talking about a hundred million different generalities.

Let me take a call. Chris, in Washington, you’re on the Investigative Journal.

CH: (calm, relaxed cadence): Hi. Svali, I just want to say how much I appreciate your bravery, in presenting this information in the way that you are. I’ve read your website recently. And my question is very simple. Based on the information that you’re presenting, I’m wondering what timeline the organization of the larger Family that you’re describing has for implementing the New World Order?

SV: Okay. I was told it would occur during my generation. I was told that by the year 2050 that they would be revealed. Now again, their timelines change, though. In fact, I jokingly referred to them as being like the Soviet Union, because you know how they had their five and ten year plans, and then things always got changed? In my own lifetime I saw several different timelines for things that were supposed to occur and change.

But as Greg noted, I’ve also heard of, from different people, that actually there is a HUGE push in the last few years. It’s like, “It’s CLOSE. It’s CLOSE. Let’s make things happen more quickly.”

CH: Mm hm.

SV: So I couldn’t begin to guess whether that’s an accurate timeline or not. I know what I was told.

CH: I have a follow up question and that’s it…

GS: Go ahead.

CH: …and this will be it for me. I have recently, against my own resistance to doing so, investigated, started to investigate fringe matters, if you will. Among them, the upcoming date on the Mayan Calendar of 2012.

SV: Uh huh.

CH: And as I’ve done this research, I’ve allowed myself just to be open to this information without believing anything I’m reading. One of the ideas that is presenting itself is that around 2012, not just according to the Mayan Calendar but many other theories out there, that we will be undergoing, as a planet, a revolutionary shift, if you will, of some kind or another.

And I’m wondering in the back of my mind if there might be any kind of race against the clock on THAT scale, if you will – especially if we’re talking about a potential spiritual warfare…

SV: Oh, yeah.

CH: …using your words in play here. Do you see a possible relation there?

SV: Yes, I do. And, 2012 IS an important year. But again, I was not told that the final Revealing would occur then. But I believe that probably… what will happen is that there will be events taking place that will help to set the stage.

CH: Okay.

SV: But it’s going to be… I was told… again, I’m telling you what I was told while a member of the group, so please take it with a grain of salt. As I know, these people aren’t always honest or trustworthy – they are deceptive. But I was told that there would be an enormous economic collapse prior to the Revealing. That basically the stock market would destabilize.

CH: Well, that appears to be already happening.

SV: Yeah. Yeah. And I was told it would make the Great Depression look like Sunday school. And at that time, it’s going to… they’re going to really be manipulating finances to bring about chaos, confusion, warfare, and then…

But see, I don’t like to be so negative. But I am telling you what I was taught when I was in the group, you know?

CH: Well, I so appreciate it.

SV: Yeah.

CH: And I’m sure we all do.

SV: Yeah. I…

CH: You’re a great voice.

SV: Well, thank you! I appreciate that very much. But out of this chaos they said would come order. You see, the group believes that out of chaos comes order.

CH: Well, I don’t want to take any more time…

GS: (crosstalk) Well, as far as I’m concerned, I’d rather, you know, let things… Svali, these guys want to bring down this country financially, in whatever way possible. And right now, your voice is important in that.

And Chris, I really appreciate you saying that, because we want to stop these guys! I mean, come on! Let’s get the American people to get together and just put an end to this. We have a powerful group in numbers. We may not have the money, but we can take it back. And I don’t want to be bullied by these kind of people. That’s my feeling.

SV: Yeah.

GS: Let me take another call. Uh, Harper in Canada. Harper? Go ahead.

HP: Great, thanks Greg. And Svali, I read your expose when it came out on a few years ago, and I always wondered what happened to you, because you vanished from Suite 101. So it’s great to hear about you. A couple quick questions, I’ll make them real fast. First is the term Moriah Conquering Wind. I’d never heard that before or since I read it in your expose. I wondered if you could elaborate on that term a little bit.

I also wanted to ask you if this cult, as far as you know, claims to or believes to derive any of its heritage from Atlantis or any other lost civilization. Okay?

SV: I’m not sure about the reference to Moriah (pronounced like “Mariah” Carey) you’re describing, because Moriah is… is our name.

But I certainly can address the second question. The Illuminati completely believe that Atlantis is real. They teach it to their children as part of the oral history. They believe that it was one of the greatest civilizations that ever existed, and one of the most advanced.

What they teach… their take on it is that Atlantis was a great race of highly intelligent people who had a highly advanced faith, and who were highly enlightened.

But what they teach the Illuminati children is that then this prophet of the enemy, who was a prophet of God, came and foretold their destruction if they didn’t change their ways.

They were definitely Occultists. They were Luciferians on Atlantis. That was the religion. And in fact, a lot of the advances that Atlantis enjoyed was passed down to them through supernatural means… that is what I will say.

So they laughed at the prophet. In fact they killed him. And, he… I guess sometime afterward, we were taught that a few inhabitants escaped, but that tragically the great city was lost.

The Illuminati to this day mourn the loss of Atlantis, because they feel that these were… that the few survivors that left were among the great people who helped found the Free… what you would call the precursors of Illuminism.

HP: One more quick question, if I may.

GS: Go ahead.

HP: And I wanted to ask you if you have any reason to believe that people, men and/or women at the top of the pyramid, so to speak, practice a kind of magic where they are kind of skipping through time, in other words…

SV: (excited crosstalk) Oh! Oh! YES! Oh, without even being at the top… Oh, yes!

HP: …their body leaving, their soul or spirit leaving one body and coming and being born into another one, and therefore, you know, living through time.

SV: (excited crosstalk) Oh yeah! Yeah! Oh, yes! Yes, All the time. In fact, see, now this, now I didn’t go there in this interview. You start telling wackos, you start discussing things like that. But in the spiritual side, they very much teach things like time travel, traveling out of body, you know, psychic battling, things like that – things that cannot be explained by logic.

And I saw things that I cannot explain through human intellect or reasoning, that were highly supernatural, and involved all of that… and more.

[Svali has reported in 2-3 different articles seeing a group of people levitate an animal and choke it to death, though here she seems to refer to more than just that.]

HP: Okay, great. Pleasure to speak with you, Ma’am, and God bless you.

SV: Okay, God bless you too.

GS: Okay, I think we have Dave Wilcox called in. I think you know Dave through emails, Svali.

SV: Yes.

GS: Dave, uh, you want to say hello? And do you have a question for Svali?

DW: Sure. Uh, Svali, it’s great to have you on the air, and I’m really glad you decided to do it. So thank you very much.

SV: Oh thank you, Dave. It’s good to talk with you. Yeah.

DW: Yeah, I feel like you’re an old friend. I’ve been reading your stuff for so long, and you share so willingly and openly about yourself. It’s a real honor to be able to speak with you in person like this.

SV: Well, thank you!

GS: All right, well Dave, you may have something you want to say to Svali. Go ahead. You have a question?

DW: Sure. I think one of the things I’d really like to have covered here is [this]. You shared with me in an email recently about these stages of enlightenment that they try to guide people through?

SV: Yes.

DW: I would like you to try to sketch out for people how the behavioral conditioning that’s coming through the media, the movies and so forth might have affected them.

In other words, what personality characteristics would you see in a person when they have been influenced by these teachings? How would the average person, who is not really a bad person, start to be leaning, if the Illuminati teachings were actually having an effect on them? What would they be like? What would start happening?

SV: Well, again, as I said, the average person is not going to be a member of the group…

DW: Right.

SV: …so the influence would be much less. But the media, I believe that… well, I KNOW. I don’t believe, I KNOW that some of the media that we’re seeing nowadays is specifically targeted towards teaching people their philosophy or goals. All you have to do is watch the children’s cartoons on Saturday morning, and almost across the board you’ll see morphing, power battles, occult. And that’s intentional.

Movies coming out. Basically, if a person is being influenced by their teaching, that person will learn to not trust their own instincts, their own feelings, their own body, their own perceptions. They will be looking outside for guidance.

Second of all, they will be moving towards a heavily occultic worldview – that leaning upon the occult is heavily encouraged. All you have to do is watch Harry Potter! (Pause – laughs) You know?

DW: Yeah, I mean, the whole idea that…

SV: (crosstalk) I mean, not to slam one of those Potter movies, or the Matrix.

If you want to know pure Illuminist philosophy, the Matrix shows it. Definitely. The entire philosophy.

DW: Oh yeah. Right down with Morpheus being broken down with the injections, and they said that it’s like hacking a computer. (bumper music starts)

SV: Yeah! That’s an excellent [example…]

GS: (crosstalk) Okay, let’s take a break. We’ll come back with our final segment. A big finish on the Investigative Journal, with Svali, on the Republic Broadcasting Network.

[commercial break]

GS: Okay, we’re back with our final segment with Svali. She’s telling us about her experiences… thirty years with this insidious group called the Illuminati, how deeply penetrated and infiltrated they are in our culture and our country.

Svali, we talked about the higher levels, the mid-levels you were involved in as a head trainer. How low do they go? I said all along they’re involved in gang stalking, the MK-Ultra program, infiltrating truth organizations, infiltrating groups that are trying to do good. How far down DO they go?

SV: Well, they go down to the sister group levels I mentioned. The sister groups have anywhere from, usually roughly around 30 members. And those are what a lot of people would consider the… what you would consider the satanic cults, with a high priest and priestess. That would be the local level, the lower level.

But those people are also very active in their community. And so, they WILL be involved in intricate infiltrating activities when possible. Because to them, it’s not infiltrating… it’s helping. They think they’re helping the group, or helping people by becoming a member and spreading the influence.

GS: Let me squeeze in one more caller, Roger, a faithful listener. Roger, you’re on the Investigative Journal.

RG: Uh, yes. Thanks. I had so a big question and so little time that maybe I’ll just squeeze it in…

GS: We’ve got a couple minutes. Really try to work it in, Roger.

RG: Yeah, uh, well, you will enjoy this first, and that is that I recall when Charlotte Izerbie (ph) was here on the local Clear Channel radio show. The host was, of course, dismissive of an Illumi-Nazi agenda. It was great to hear Charlotte say, “You’re telling me? My own father was a high-level”… and she, of course, was a first or second-fiddle secretary at the department of Ed. And she said, “You’re telling me my own father on his deathbed was telling me, “You go get ’em, girl,” and he was one of ’em.”

GS: (Laughs)

RG: So that was great. Anyway, my question was towards the philosophical / religious motivators, if you will, which you have been dwelling on. I’ve been trying to form it up into a more cohesive, integrated…

GS: Try to make it quick, we’re running out of time. Go ahead.

RG: Yeah. To expose the ethos of the, you know, it’s like the Neocons serve as the pseudo-intellectual rationale for the Illumi-Nazi agenda. And I don’t presume that it turns on such fine distinctions, so much as it is a bare-knuckled lust for power. But, everybody has sort of a worldview that they use to justify their actions. And of course, it’s a most un-conservative, humanistic social engineering agenda on a far larger scale.

Now you mentioned about these people, basically, and it’s as rare as hen teeth…

GS: Quick, Roger…

RG: …yeah, to find somebody that’s not oxymoronically both a spiritualist and an occultist, and also a, what do you call, a hardcore rationalist. Or maybe that’s just [a] Republican assumption, right?

SV: (sighs)

GS: (slight laughing in delivery): I know there was a question in there somewhere, Roger…

RG: Yeah.

GS: But anyway, thanks for calling. Let me, I’ve only got a minute. I’ve got to finish with Svali.

Svali, tell us in your own words, you’ve got about a minute or two left here. You went forward, you came forward, (bumper music begins) you’re now living a life completely away from them. What’s your hopes of the future in our country right now?

SV: My hope is that people will realize that this is happening, and that they will start doing something about it – that they will start looking at it. Now again, we’re talking about people who are mentally wealthy, but it won’t be easy. But if people could rise up in prayer, and just say, “THIS ISN’T OKAY”…

If people would become informed enough to learn more about it, be aware they exist… and then, possibly, PRAY. Pray that people will take action against the things that are happening. Because these people…

GS: Okay, Svali, I’m…

SV: Okay. All right.

GS: We’re all out of time. We’re going to end on that prayer. I really thank you for coming forward. You’re very courageous. We’ll talk again, and I’ll be back tomorrow on the Investigative Journal. Same time, same place.

SV: Goodbye.


Greg Szymanski

Greg has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site

>> DOWNLOAD SVALI’S BOOK, Breaking the Chain


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Why is The Pope’s Mitre Shaped Like a Fish?

I always thought, that were something “fishy” about the pope 😉 Vatican and the pope is nothing you have told. It’s just worship of old god called dagon. Stop worshiping of these monsters. Or what you think Jesus would say if he saw pope sitting in his golden chair with fish hat on and holding his staff, which really is extremely satanist symbol called “bended cross“. Here’s more of this scam:

  • Did you ever wonder why the Pope’s mitre looks like the head of a fish?
  • What are the origins of this ceremonial hat and what does it truly represent?


What is the origin of the Pope’s hat?

Dagon, the fish-god of the Philistines and Babylonians, wore a fish hat that is still seen today with Roman Catholic Church’s pope and bishops.

According to Ruben Joseph‘s book entitled, Why Are The Young People Leaving The Church,

“The miter is derived directly from the miters of the ancient pagan fish-god dagon and the goddess Cybele.  The papal miter represents the head of Dagon with an open mouth, which is the reason for the pointed shape and split top.”

The story the church wants you to believe is provided by a PDF entitled, “The Bishop’s Vestments” while an online version of this explanation can be found here.

The shape of the mitre represents the tongues of fire that rested on the heads of the disciples gathered in the upper room on  the Day of Pentecost, when God sent the Holy Spirit to ‘the Church.’

What the church‘s explanation fails to describe is the actual fish eye on the side of the mitre.

Perhaps this is an ember of charcoal from the tongues of fire?  Probably not, it’s a fish eye.

The book Nineveh and Babylon by Austen Henry Layard stated:

In their veneration and worship of Dagon, the high priest of paganism would actually put on a garment that had been created from a huge fish!

The head of the fish formed a mitre above that of the old man, while its scaly, fan-like tail fell as a cloak behind, leaving the human limbs and feet exposed.

In ‘Wine of Roman Babylon‘ is stated:


The most prominent form of  worship in Babylon was dedicated to Dagon, later known as Ichthys, or the fish.

In Chaldean times, the head of the church was the representative of Dagon, he was considered to be infallible, and was addressed as ‘Your Holiness’.

Nations subdued by Babylon had to kiss the ring and slipper of the Babylonian god-king. The same powers and the same titles are claimed to this day by the Dalai Lama of Buddhism, and the Pope.

Moreover, the vestments of paganism, the fish mitre and robes of the priests of Dagon are worn by the Catholic bishops, cardinals and popes.

Ea Enki, who is a God of Sumerian (Enki) and Babylonian (Ea) mythology.

  • In Babylonian mythology, Ea was a water god who was half man, half fish hybrid.
  • In Greek mythology, Ea was known as Oannes.

By any name, this fish-god can be traced back to the genetic manipulation of man by the Anunnaki, as evidenced by Zecharia Sitchin‘s work.

It is believed that, in the daytime, this deity would emerge from the water and was responsible for teaching art, science and writing to the human race.

Berossus, a 3rd century Babylonian priest once wrote,

At first they led a somewhat wretched existence and lived without rule after the manner of beasts.

But, in the first year after the flood appeared an animal endowed with human reason, named Oannes, who rose from out of the Erythian Sea, at the point where it borders Babylonia. He had the whole body of a fish, but above his fish’s head he had another head which was that of a man, and human feet emerged from beneath his fish’s tail.

He had a human voice, and an image of him is preserved unto this day.

He passed the day in the midst of men without taking food; he taught them the use of letters, sciences and arts of all kinds. He taught them to construct cities, to found temples, to compile laws, and explained to them the principles of geometrical knowledge.

He made them distinguish the seeds of the earth, and showed them how to collect the fruits; in short he instructed them in everything which could tend to soften human manners and humanize their laws.

From that time nothing material has been added by way of improvement to his instructions.

And when the sun set, this being Oannes, retired again into the sea, for he was amphibious.


In the book Revelation, H.A. Ironside stated:


The chief priests wore miters shaped like the head of fish, in honor of Dagon, the fish-god, the lord of life – another form of the Tammuz mystery, as developed among Israel’s old enemies, the Philistines. 

When the chief priest was established in Rome, he took the title Pontifex Maximus, which was imprinted on his miter. 

When Julius Caesar (who like all young Roman of good family, was an initiate) had become the head of State, he was elected Pontifex Maximus, and this title was held henceforth by all of the Roman emperors down to Constantine the Great, who was, at one and the same time, head of the church and high priest of the heathen! 

The title was afterward conferred upon the bishops of Rome and is today borne by the pope, who is thus declared to be, not the successor of the fisherman-apostle Peter, but the direct successor of the high priest of the Babylonian mysteries and the servant of the fish-god Dagon, for whom he wears, like his idolatrous predecessor, the fisherman’s ring.


Did you ever wonder why people kiss the Pope’s ring?

Why do so many people of prominence kiss the Pope’s ring?

The Ring of the Fisherman, also known as the Piscatory Ring, is an official part of the regalia worn by the Pope, who is head of the Catholic Church and successor of Saint Peter, who was a ‘fisherman’ by trade.

It used to feature a bas-relief of Peter fishing from a boat, a symbolism derived from the tradition that the apostles were,

“fishers of men”.

(Mark 1:17)

The Fisherman’s Ring is a signet used until 1842 to seal official documents signed by the Pope.

According to wiki, in breaking with this tradition:

“At the official introduction to his office, the classic ring remained in its case. It was passed to Pope Benedict XVI by the dean of the College of Cardinals, Angelo Cardinal Sodano.

The ring was designed by jeweller Claudio Franchi, who watched as Benedict placed the ring on himself.” 

Although Pope Benedict XVI wore his Fisherman’s Ring daily, it is no longer the custom for popes to wear it at all.

Generally, a new pope will either inherit the daily-wear ring of his predecessor, keep an old ring of his own preference, or will choose a new daily-wear style.

Why is it no longer custom for the pope to wear this ring?  Because in astrotheology, we are existing out of the Age of Pisces (the two fish) and into the Age of Aquarius.  The ring no longer symbolizes the Age of Pisces.

Instead of seeing the two fish on people’s bumper stickers, we will soon start seeing some sort of sign for the water bearer, Aquarius.

Who is Dagon?

In the bible, Dagon dates back to around the 3rd millennium, B.C., long before the birth of Jesus Christ and was first mentioned in Judges 16:23, where the Philistines offered Dagon a great sacrifice after their idol allegedly delivered Samson to them.

Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.

Judges 16:23

This is just one of the many ritualistic sacrifices that we see in the bible and is no different than any modern day sacrifice, such as 9/11 or any given war.


Many consider the Canaanites to be part of the Philistines who worshipped worshiped,

  • Baal
  • Astarte
  • Dagon

These were some of the early sun-worshipping cultures that have led to many of the metaphors we see in modern religion, e.g. God’s son/sun.

In Mali, there is a tribe called the Dogons, whose legends from their heritage were used by the Egyptians and subsequent dynasties. The Dogon knew of constellations and alignments that we didn’t ‘discover’ until many years later, such as Sirius B.


According to Dogon legend, the Nommos arrived from the Sirius star system in a vessel along with fire and thunder, or as we would say today, in a UFO.  The Nommos were part fish and part man and could live on both land and in the sea.

They are also referred to as “Masters of the Water”, “the Monitors”, and “the Teachers”. Perhaps frogs, dolphins and whales were placed here by the Nommos? Even the mystery of mermaids may originate from this premise.

Throughout mythology, we see fish-like people, mermaids and mermen, such as Poseidon or Neptune.

An excerpt from Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism stated:

According to Egyptian mythology, when the judges found Osiris [Nimrod] guilty of corrupting the religion of Adam and cut up his body, they threw the parts into the Nile. It was said that a fish ate one of these chunks and became transformed.

Later, Isis [Semiramis] was fishing along the river bank when she fished up a half-man, half-fish. This sea creature was Dagon, the reincarnated Nimrod. 

And Dagon is the representation of Nimrod (of ancient Babylon) resurrecting out of the ocean depths as a half-man, half-fish.


Why do we eat fish on Friday?



Why do we see fish frys on Friday?

Did you ever wonder why practicing Catholics abstain from eating fish on all days except Friday?

It is not because of the phonetics of Fry-Day.  The origin of Friday come s from Freya’s Day.  Freya (Fria) is the Teutonic goddess of love, beauty, and fecundity (prolific procreation) and is identified with the Norse god, Freya.

The following is provided by the History of Origin of Fish Symbol:

In Greece the Greek word “delphos” meant both fish and womb.

The word is derived from the location of the ancient Oracle at Delphi who worshipped the original fish goddess, Themis. The later fish Goddess, Aphrodite Salacia, was worshipped by her followers on her sacred day, Friday.

They ate fish and engaging in orgies. From her name comes the English word “salacious” which means lustful or obscene. Also from her name comes the name of our fourth month, April.

In later centuries, the Christian church adsorbed this tradition by requiring the faithful to eat fish on Friday – a tradition that was only recently abandoned.

According to The Catholic Encyclopedia: An International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline, and History of the Catholic Church:

As to the ritual of his worship… we only know from ancient writers that, for religious reasons, most of the Syrian peoples abstained from eating fish, a practice that one is naturally inclined to connect with the worship of a fish-god.

More fish food for thought

In the Revelation chapter of the bible it states the beast shall rise out of the sea:

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
Revelation 13:1

Perhaps this is responsible for the term “Holy See” (Holy Sea)?

It is certainly no coincidence that the entire planet abides by Maritime Admiralty Law, which is the law of the sea (Holy See).

As for the pope’s miter, it’s a fish hat and its origin is tied into,

  • mythology
  • ufology
  • paganism
  • sun worshipping


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Eight Ugly Sins of The Catholic Church

Some facts about Catholic Church:

Did the Catholic Bishops wince last week when their leader, anti-contraception Cardinal Timothy Dolan, was exposed for paying pedophiles to disappear?

One can only hope. After all, these are men who claim to speak for God.

They have direct access to the White House, where they regularly weigh in on issues ranging from military policy to bioethics, and they expect us all to listen – not because of relevant expertise or elected standing, but because of their moral authority.


If pedophile payouts weren’t enough to convince you that this “moral” authority is often anything but moral, take a look at some of their other sins against compassion and basic decency.

1. Excommunicating doctors and nuns for saving lives

In 2009, a 27-year-old mom, pregnant with her fifth child, was rushed to a Phoenix hospital, St. Josephs, where her doctors said she would almost certainly die unless her pregnancy was aborted immediately.

The nun in charge approved the emergency procedure, and the woman survived.

The local bishop promptly excommunicated the nun.

“There are some situations where the mother may in fact die along with her child. But – and this is the Catholic perspective – you can’t do evil to bring about good. The end does not justify the means,” said Rev. John Ehrich, the medical ethics director for the Diocese of Phoenix.

How far are the Church authorities willing to take this “moral” logic?

In Brazil last year, with Vatican backing, the Church excommunicated a mother and doctor for saving the life of a 9-year-old rape victim who was pregnant with twins. (At four months pregnant, the girl weighed 80 pounds.)

Cardinal Giovanni Batista Re, who heads the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, said,

“life must always be protected.”

Perhaps Mr. Batista Re can explain the Vatican’s 1,500-year tradition of “just war

2. Protecting even non-Catholic sex-offenders against child victims

As we have seen, the moral priorities of the bishops are laid naked when they decide who to excommunicate and who not.

The doctor and the mother of the pregnant 9-year-old got the boot for approving an abortion, but not the stepfather who had sexually assaulted the child, probably over a period of years. A similar contrast can be seen between the case of the Phoenix nun and hundreds of pedophile priests who were allowed to remain Catholic even after they finally were identified and removed from the Church payrolls.

It gets worse.

In New York, a bill that would give child molestation victims more time to file charges has been blocked seven times by the Catholic hierarchy led by none other than Cardinal Dolan.


“We feel this is terribly unjust, we feel it singles out the church, and it would be devastating for the life of the church.”

In other words, regardless of whether the abuse really happened or what the consequences were for victims, what matters is how much additional lawsuits might cost the Church.

Isn’t that the ends justifying the means?


3. Using churches to organize gay haters

When the Washington State legislature approved marriage equality this spring, fundamentalist Christians across the state organized to reverse the legislation.

Even though three quarters of American Catholics think that gay marriage or civil unions should be legal, Archbishop Peter Sartain jumped to the front of the pack, decreeing that Western Washington parishes under his “moral authority” should gather signatures for an anti-equality initiative.

To their credit, a number of priests refused, and a group called Catholics for Marriage Equality is raising money for ads.

In contrast to the Catholic League, which has made the degrading argument that sex between priests and adolescent boys is consensual homosexuality, lay Catholics appear to know the difference.


4. Lying about contraceptives to poor Africans

Of all the mortal sins committed by the men of the cloth, the most devastatingly lethal in the last 30 years has been the Catholic hierarchy’s outspoken opposition to condom use in Africa.

In 2003, the president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for the Family publicly lied about the efficacy of condoms in preventing both pregnancy and HIV:

“The AIDS virus is roughly 450 times smaller than the spermatozoon. The spermatozoon can easily pass through the ‘net’ that is formed by the condom.”

The archbishop of Nairobi told people that condoms were spreading HIV.

Some priests told parishioners that condoms were impregnated with the virus.

The motivation for such flagrant falsehoods? The Church has practiced competitive pro-natalism for centuries, but lately anti-contraceptive edicts have been ignored by most educated European and American Catholics, and Italy has the second lowest birthrate in the Western World, at 1.3 per woman.

The bishops see this as a “catastrophe” and are looking to Africa as,

a reservoir of life for the Church.”

They wrap their opposition to contraception in lofty moral language such as that offered by Pope John Paul II:

It seems profoundly damaging to the dignity of the human being, and for this reason morally illicit, to support a prevention of AIDS that is based on a recourse to means and remedies that violate an authentically human sense of sexuality.

As late as 2009, John Paul’s successor, Benedict, continued to tell poor African Catholics that condoms were “wrong” and even suggested that they were making the epidemic worse.

With god-knows-how-many lives lost and children orphaned, he finally softened his stance in 2010.


5. Obstructing patient access to accurate information and services in secular hospitals

In rural Arizona near the Mexican border, women delivering babies by cesarean section were refused tubal ligations because their independent hospital was negotiating a merger with a healthcare network run by Catholics.

Worse, when a woman arrived at the same hospital in the middle of a miscarriage and need a surgical abortion to complete the process, she was forced to travel by ambulance to Tucson, 80 miles away, risking hemorrhage on the way.

All over the U.S. secular and Catholic-run health systems are merging, and patients are quietly losing the right to make medical decisions based on the best scientific information available and the dictates of their own conscience.

Even when the Catholic-owned hospital is a small part of the merger, administrators insist that Catholic directives apply to the system as a whole. These directives prohibit not only abortions but also contraceptives, vasectomies and tubal ligations, some kinds of fertility treatment, and compliance with end-of-life patient directives.

Ectopic pregnancies cannot be handled in keeping with the medical standard of care. As biotechnologies and treatments relevant to the beginning and end of life advance, we can expect the list to grow longer.

Patients cannot trust that they will be told other options are available elsewhere.

One of the bitter ironies here is that even wholly “Catholic” hospitals and charities are staffed primarily by non-Catholics and largely provide services to people of other faiths or of none, paid for with tax dollars. In healthcare much of the money flows from Medicare and Medicaid.

In 2010, non-medical affiliates of Catholic Charities received 62 percent of annual revenue from the taxpayers – nearly $2.9 billion. Only 3 percent came from church donations, with the remainder coming from investments, program fees, community donations and in-kind contributions.

And yet all of those dollars get directed according to the dictates of bishop conscience rather than individual conscience.


6. Slapping down nuns

Catholic charities and hospitals are at some competitive advantage in part because of hard-working nuns, many of whom have skills and responsibilities that exceed their compensation.

The bishops are the Catholic Church’s 1 percent; the nuns are managers and service workers – and many have taken the kind of poverty vows that America’s 1 percent is trying to impose on the rest.

Because many nuns live in the real world, where suffering and morality are complex, they often make care-based decisions and take nuanced positions on moral questions that the Council of Bishops resolves by appealing to dogma and authority.

In April, the Vatican decided to remind the nuns who’s on top.

Rome issued an 8-page assessment accusing the Leadership Conference of Women Religious of disagreeing with the bishops and of “radical feminism.” It appears that their labors on behalf of poor, vulnerable people had distracted them from a more Christian priority: controlling other people’s sex lives – oh, and standing up against the ordination of women.

The Archbishop assigned by the Vatican to rein in unruly American nuns is none other than Peter Sartain of Seattle, the same moral authority who has declared a holy crusade against gay marriage.


7. Bullying girl scouts

Unlike the Boy Scouts, who recently earned media and public attention by booting out a gay den-mother, the Girl Scouts have been stubbornly inclusive and focused on preparing girls for leadership.

For example, last year a Colorado troop included a trans-gender 7-year-old. That’s a problem for the Bishops, and since up to a quarter of American Girl Scouts are Catholic kids with troops housed in churches, they see it as their problem.

To make matters worse, the American Girl Scouts refused to leave their international umbrella, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, which has stated that young women,

“need an environment where they can freely and openly discuss issues of sex and sexuality.”

The World Association would appear to believe the data that girls who can’t manage their sexuality and fertility are more likely to end up in poverty than leadership positions.

Then again, maybe that’s what the church hierarchy is after.

According to an article last month at the Huffington Post,

“The new inquiry will be conducted by the bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. It will look into the Scouts’ ‘possible problematic relationships with other organizations’ and various ‘problematic’ program materials, according to a letter sent by the committee chairman, Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Fort Wayne, Ind., to his fellow bishops.”

We’re talking about an organization run by women for girls facing an all-male inquisition.

In today’s Catholic church, leadership still requires a ‘y’ chromosome.


8. Purging popular and scholarly interfaith bridge builders

Lest some reader assert that the sins of the Bishops are all a consequence of sexual repression – some contorted pursuit of sexual purity that degrades both sex and compassion – it is important to note that the current cohort of Church authorities are as obsessed with doctrinal purity as sexual purity.

It would take me many paragraphs to describe their tireless pursuit of purity as well as retired Anglican bishop, John Shelby Spong, does in one:

Hans Kung, probably the best read theologian of the 20th century, was removed from his position as a Catholic theologian at Tubingen because his mind could not be twisted into the medieval concepts required by his church.

This action was carried out by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who at that time under Pope John Paul II held the office that in another time gave us the Inquisition.

Matthew Fox, one of the most popular retreat and meditation leaders and an environmental activist, was then silenced by the same Cardinal Ratzinger. Professor Charles Curran, one of America’s best known ethicists, was removed from his tenured professorship at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., also by the same Cardinal Ratzinger.

Father Leonardo Boff, the best known Latin American liberation theologian, was forced to renounce his ordination in order to continue his work for justice among the poor of Latin America by the same Cardinal Ratzinger.

Next we learn that the Vatican, now headed by Cardinal Ratzinger under his new name Pope Benedict XVI, has ordered the removal of a book from all Catholic schools and universities written by a popular female theologian at Fordham University, Sister Elizabeth A. Johnson.

Now the nuns are to be investigated. Conformity trumps truth in every direction.

The Catholic tradition defines deadly or “cardinal” sins as those from which all other sins derive.

In addition to lust, gluttony, wrath, sloth and envy, the traditional seven include pride and greed, which, to my mind, drive much of the appalling behavior in this list. If an attempt to assert autocratic control over the spiritual and physical lives of lay people isn’t pride, I don’t know what is. And if a willingness to silence child victims to protect church assets isn’t greed, I don’t know what greed is.

The BBC’s revelation last month of money laundering in the Vatican Bank pales by comparison.

To me, ultimately, the sins of the Catholic bishops are “deadly sins” because they kill people, whether pregnant mothers or depressed gay teens or African families, or simply desperate people who are forced into greater desperation by “moral” priorities that distract from real questions of wellbeing and harm.

What the Bishops will have to account for when they meet their maker, none of us can say. For some American Catholics, the process of holding them to account has already started. The Women Religious have pushed back against the condescending “assessment” issued by the Vatican.

Small groups of lay Catholics have rallied to their support.

Picketers meet monthly outside Sartain’s cathedral to protest his stance against equality. The Franciscan brothers issued a statement of solidarity with the nuns, many of whom have remained solidly focused on economic justice instead of sexual transgressions.

Given the arrogant cruelty of Church leaders, criticism to date has been remarkably tempered. As the Bishops flash their moral authority in the White House and media and pulpit, clothed in white robes and draped in crimson, they should be glad they aren’t eyeball to eyeball with Jesus himself.

As the writer of Matthew tells it, he called out the corrupt religious leaders of his day in no uncertain terms:

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean.


About the satanic & pedophile practices of the English royal family

Recent years I have followed how this thing is going to be exposed and I must say that it’s looking good. If you have noticed lately there has been numerous articles about child abuse cases in Vatican and now we have the same situation going on in British Royal family and among high politicians in England. And I think, that for example pedophile Jimmy Savile was only the peak of the iceberg and there’s going to be a lot more. Here are just a couple of links, which have come into the light lately:

>> Pope is rumored to resign to avoid satanic ritual murder charge

>> Butler-Sloss quits child abuse inquiry – under pressure from SOCIAL media?

>> Secrecy laws passed to hide pedophile ring connection to Royal Family

>> Victims of alleged child abuse ‘raped by MPs in exclusive flats near House of Commons’

There are numerous articles about this, but this one was quite good and with good sources:

About the satanic & pedophile practices of the English royal family


The elite pedophile ring in England isn’t a myth unfortunately. In the 80’s we heard of a pedophile ring in Kincora Boys Home in Belfast created by the MI6. Shortly afterwards it was the orphanages in Wales. Then those of London, Scotland & finally Jimmy Saville went down. Today everything is done to cover up the biggest scandal of all: The implication of the royal family in this pedophile ring. So we’re going to talk about Satanism, pedophile crimes & a strange affair of a ceremony going wrong in the south of France.

In 2012 a certain Chris Jones declares his two brothers, Adrian & Leander, have been assassinated because they were about to expose that elite’s pedophile ring & Miss Margaret Thatcher. Chris Jones told that when he was a kid he was forced into sexual intercourses with a High Court judge & a cop.

Jones also denounced John Allen, manager of a Welsh orphanage, where many scandals were revealed recently. Adrian Jones had been a resident in Bryn Alyn & in 1992 he threatened John Allen to give him up if he wasn’t paying him a financial compensation [1]. He was killed on April the 17th 1992 in the criminal arson of his house.

In 1995, Chris & Leander testified against Allen during a Court hearing. Soon thereafter he died of an overdose.

Allen was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 1995 for the aggressions committed between 1972 & 1983. Then during the Waterhouse investigation on the rapes in the Welsh orphanages, he again was involved in 2003 but finally escaped the 36 accusations for abuses in the homes he was in charge of.

He arrived in the orphanages business in the middle of the 60’s, after starting in the hotel trade & in 1969 he opened the Bryn Alyn Community residential schools, a chain of orphanages & homes for children. The first one functioned with 11 people not trained to take care of children.


At one point, Allen was managing about 50 orphanages in northern Wales & elsewhere like London & Brighton, & about 500 children stayed there.

The business was very fruitful since in the 80’s the State was giving 15.000£ per year for a child [2]. In the middle of the 80’s the numbers rose to 2,8 millions of pounds per year for a benefice of 80 to 90,000£, but Allen received no less than 204,800£ per year, owning a yacht on the French Riviera, where he possessed a villa sold in urgency for 200.000£.

In 1992, Allen lost his agreements & the schools were shut down in 1997, following a disastrous management & important debts.

172 people testified being victims in Allen’s orphanages. Of course some of them also denounced Allen as a pedophile (28 of them were finally heard). Leander Jones was one of the victims. He became a prostitute in London just after leaving the home. At 17YO, he went to Amsterdam. He testified during the procedure against Allen, but died of an overdose before the beginning of the trial in 1995. Would you believe that Allen disappeared between the allegations of Leander & his death, only to come back & deny everything during the trial?

Finally only denunciations for sexual aggressions were accepted & no rapes, even though many testimonies matched.

Already in 1982, Allen was heard by the police about abuses committed in the care of his homes, but nothing resulted out of it. & already at the time a victim said Allen was paying him to keep him silenced. Logically, we can ask ourselves whether those huge debts were not directly linked to these blackmails from his many victims.

The Lost in care report considered the abuses committed by Allen were repeated & extensive. It estimated that Allen pushed towards pedophile behaviors the homes staff. Children were sent in orgies, prostituted in hostels & threatened. Certain victims were raped by the managers & the educators of the homes, but also by their friends. Of course no complaints had any results & no enquiry was made when powerful pedophiles such as magistrates or cops were involved.



Paedo-satanist ring

The shadow of freemasonry lurked behind all these stories. & even though nothing was officially found, numbers of the people involved were freemasons. It reached a point where victims asked the tribunal to make a list of magistrates, cops & others accused belonging to freemasonry. Why ? Because a cover up was feared, and indeed happened. It could have not been any different with Judge Gerard Elias being a member of the Dinas Llandaff lodge in Cardiff, but also the High Court judge in this case. & Lord Kenyon, the chief of police of northern Wales being himself provincial Grand Master [3], was caught several times protecting his comrades.

Children were sent in villas & hostels to be raped by influential pedophiles.

We also know some of them, like Gary Cooke, AKA Reginald Cooke, who had left the Army in 1974, introduced children to other pedophiles. One of them who had entries in Allen’s homes, Graham Stephens, even took one of these youngsters to Denmark in 1972.

We also have this story of the Dunblane massacre in March 1996, when a “mad killer” & known pedophile entered a school to kill 16 kids & their teacher before committing suicide, which was armed with the help of a freemason who later became a NATO secretary general, Lord Robertson.

Lord Burton, another freemason, local Grand Master, denounced the incredible protections in this story & qualified the enquiry of “cover up”. Burton in fact denounced the affiliations of Lord Cullen, the high magistrate who led a pseudo enquiry on this massacre, to the Speculative Society, linked to freemasonry, whose certain members raped children at the Queen Victoria’s school (for military staff’s children, led by the Duke of Edinburg, Prince Philip himself), same school where the “mad killer” was having his entries before. Cullen was set baron in 2003, probably as a reward for having protected his friends.

& this is solely a very small part of the smothered pedophile scandals in Great Britain.

The Elm guest house affair, this brothel for powerful pedophiles installed in the heart of London is another. Why those systematic cover ups? Because deputies, judges, ministers, prime ministers & even royal family members are named by many victims.

Now we’re going to talk about the English royal family, but of course written sources will be missing here.


The English royal family a Nazi coterie?


We’re not going to linger on those facts now well documented, even threw the official History propaganda.

We now know the links between the English royal family & Nazis were very tight, & probably still are, if we consider the Nazi costume recently worn by Prince Harry.

Prince Phillip

In the English family also we can find Nazis, like the Prince Charles Edward, a Saxe Cobourg Gotha Duke & favorite grandson of Queen Victoria [4], who was deemed a traitor during WW1 & joined the Nazi party at its conception. In 1936, Hitler sent him to England to be the president of the Anglo German Friendship Society to tighten their relationships; he was also the president of the German Red Cross.

On the other hand, we have also Edward VIII, who literally gave Hitler the French defense plans before WW2 ! Prince Edward tried to get closer to him through his Society but no luck: He had to resign just before the war.

As for Phillip, all his four sisters were married to German princes with Nazis sympathies. One of them was a SS colonel attached to Himmler’s personal service. The Queen mother was actually opposed to her daughter’s marriage to that German prince.

All these details were found in libraries & historians archives, but don’t forget this was a taboo for over 60 years. Prince Philip only started to speak about it when the whistle was already blown in order to shut it down.

It was Philip’s uncle, George Van Battenberg, brother of Louis Mountbatten who was his legal representative.

Lord Mountbatten :

Considered to be Prince Charles’s mentor after being Prince Philip’s one. Navy’s admiral he was on the first lines to organize the drug trade between southern Asia & Europe. He’s the brother of the Queen of Sweden, the uncle of Prince Philip & both bear their true name Battenberg, which have been Anglicized as Mountbatten.

Mountbatten was linked just like Edward Heath, to the Kincora Boys Home’s story, an orphanage in which the MI5 created a pedophile ring to blackmail certain personalities. Children from the Kincora Boys Home were taken to a castle in Ireland belonging to the creator of the Hellfire Club, an elitist sectarian group founded in the 18th century.


The orphans were also used by the MI5 to record their sexual acts with foreign diplomats on film.

Mountbatten was also the one to get Jimmy Savile to be the first civilian to be decorated by a green beret, a military distinction, in 1966.

Edward VIII & Mountbatten were also under the suspicion of sharing homosexual relationships, even though they were cousins.

He died in the explosion of his ship in 1979, blamed on the IRA, though several rumors pointed towards the secret services. Furthermore we know he was with a 14YO boy, Nicholas Knatchbull, when the explosion occurred.


Porphyria :

Porphyria (from the Greek porphyra meaning violet) is a blood disease found commonly in European Royal families, as well as Russian Tsars, where consanguinity is the rule.

We are told this disease, under its different symptoms, created the myth of Dracula, because people afflicted by it have to regenerate their blood, either by dialysis or drinking it.

We can also add that being over-drugged with synthetic cocaine, the blood of certain people is so rotten they have to change it or drink it every day for breakfast [5]. It may be crazy but it’s true.

The rumors go wild but the Royal families, specially the English one always denied being afflicted by this disease, just like their suspected ancestors George III & Mary Stuart. Queen Victoria’s granddaughter Charlotte had this disease, just like her mother Vicky & Queen Elisabeth’s cousin William of Gloucester.

It must be just a coincidence Prince Charles declared in October 2011 he was a descendant of Dracula (Vlad Drakul) through his grandmother Queen Mary.

But Dracula‘s not a myth, just like drinking blood or staying away from the light of the day aren’t. & guess what the most wanted blood type is? White children’s.


The royal family, a pedophile bunch:


The English Royal family, just like other Royals & leaders of most developed countries & probably of others as well,  is plagued with pedophile behaviors.

Why? Because just like most of our world leaders, the English Royal family members are Satanists.

Due to that fact, they’re of course pedophiles. It is also interesting to know the Queen, just like all her descendants consume huge amounts of pure cocaine each day, by the kilos per month.

We also know two of prior Prime ministers, Harold Wilson & Edward Heath, practiced children’s sacrifices, which are a must for a freak out Satanist. Heath really enjoyed his trips to Jersey’s orphanage where he killed several children. He could also be found at the Kincora Boys Home, linked to the Hellfire Club, & at the Elm Guest House as well.

In 2008, Paul Kidd, a Buckingham Palace butler was also caught for rapes he committed on children for 30 years, while working for the Royal family. Of course no links were found between the pedophile ring he then created & the Royal family. One of the victim, then 14YO, testified he was taken by Kidd in the late 70’s for a tea with the Queen.

In 1999, an international enquiry under the code name Ore led to arrests in Holland & England, where the cops established links with Labour party pedophile members & the prostitution of trafficked children from Belgium & Portugal [6]. Blair’s ass was so much on the stove he imposed the media not to spill out any names [7].

It’s no mystery Jimmy Savile was attending satanic rituals. We now know he was providing the Government with children, like in Jersey where a witness once saw him embark a kid on Heath’s yacht, then Prime minister of England.

There are good reasons why Deputy Tom Watson asked for a serious enquiry about “A powerful pedophile ring linked to Parliament & Downing Street”.


Several facts corroborate the Royal family inclinations to those practices:

>Jimmy Savile: The BBC star was the children’s provider for the much closed circle of the Government & the Royal family. He had access to several orphanages (like Jersey’s for instance), but also young girls pensions & mental hospitals, from which he had all the keys & where he was even lodged [8]. He could get children anywhere & anytime.

Jimmy Savile, who nowadays collects more than 450 complaints of abuses, has been introduced to Prince Charles by Lord Mountbatten in the late 70’s, which is about ten years from the time the first complaints on Savile appeared (in 1964).

From then on, he became a close counselor of Prince Charles, advising him on the choice of a new assistant & even to his own wedding. He had free full entry at the Palace, where he behaved as usual: Like a dirty old pervert he was.

People now think his moronic show “Jim’ll fix it” (1975-1994) sole purpose was to get him close to more children.

Let’s add that apart from being a well-known pedophile, Jimmy also practiced necrophilia [9], as well as satanic rituals. Facts witnessed by several victims. No wonder the body of a young woman was found at his apartment’s doorstep on the morning of February the 5th, 1977. His friendship with serial killer Peter Sutcliff, who confessed to the murder, & their geographic proximities before he was sent to Broadmoor, one of the mental institute Savile had access to, can raise due questions.

Savile’s nephew Guy Mardsen recently told he was taken as a young boy by his uncle, to orgies with powerful people, where he was asked to bring younger friends for “entertainment”.



>The strange story of the kidnapped Native kids in a pension in Canada: I’ve already talked about that affair in an article about Canadian Native Indians genocide, where their children were taken by force to catholic orphanages, to die & be exploited in pedophile prostitution & trafficking. To make it short, three survivors of these orphanages witnessed the kidnapping of ten Native children by the Queen & her consort. During a royal visit in summer 1964, in one of these orphanages in Kamloops, British Columbia, the children were presented to the Queen & Prince Philip.

The first witness died rapidly after having spoken, & the last, William Combes, also died in February 2011 before he could testify to the trial which sentenced the Queen & the Pope (but we’ll speak about it later on). Some like Kevin Annett who did many researches on the matter say his death resembles much an assassination.

The pension was under the Catholic Church supervision & many children were tortured & even killed, just like most of these residential schools. The day of the royal visit, certain kids had the privilege of being taken for a pic-nick with the Queen & her consort, as well as a few priests. Combes, who was 12YO at the time recalls: “I remember it was strange because we all had to kiss the boots of the Queen, which were white with laces.” After a while, ten children left with the Queen & Prince Philip. 7 boys & three girls, aged 6 to 14, who were “never to be seen again”, tells this witness in an official testimony in February 2010. “We never heard or seen them after that day, even when we got older”.


> The recent condemnation of the Queen of England (As well as the Pope) by the International Court of Belgium for crimes against humanity. We’re talking about the massacre of Canadians Indians children in Church’s owned orphanages which were turned into brothels. There’s an estimation of 50.000 lost children, apart from those we know to be dead. This verdict was given the 25th February 2012 after a month of deliberation by more than 30 members of jury who examined 150 cases of sexual abuses & ill-treatments in those orphanages. Benoit 6 was sentenced to 25 years of jail but resigned right in time, & because he’s old, he might pass through the net. Is the Queen of England about to resign, just like Queen Beatrix just did, or the King of Belgium Albert II, who’s ass on the line with all the pedophile cases he’s into & who’s about to do the same ? These condemnations (They all got 25 years & it’s not much) are the results of a hundred years of battle from Canadians native Indians to be recognized as victims of this genocide. The word only got out recently in the 90s when hundreds of people gathered the evidences of these atrocities.



> The Templar’s Castle affair in 2001. I’m now going to demark myself from David Icke. Though he also talks about the Satanic practices of the Royal family but add they’re all reptilians. David icke’s sole purpose is to set us to false leads. This story is very serious & was entirely covered up to blackmail the perpetrators.

In 2001, most likely in the Alpes Maritimes & very likely between mid-may & mid-august, France was plagued with rumors among the secret services that the public masses never heard about unfortunately. Each year, a great satanic ceremony was settled in a Templar castle in Cagnes sur Mer by & for the English Royal family.

The cream of the Satanist elites was to be present including many members of the MI5 & MI6. The program included orgies, tortures & murders of a high number of children & adults. Thus, they needed a great quantity of preys that were locked down in the basement, where the rituals also took places. Let’s add all these people were completely high, almost hypnotized & role games got thing even more confusing.

What happened in 2001 is that many victims actually escaped [10]. This caused a great mess in the surrounding countryside & also the intervention of the local police. They called the English military which expatriated the English Royal family members, especially William & Philip, hidden until the waist under potato bags[11]. This way, most of the French cops & the English military men present never knew who the people were swiftly hidden away in the back of an anonymous van.


Everything could have gone for the best if only a copy of a video shot during the rituals in the castle wouldn’t have ended up in foreign secret services. The CIA & the Mossad seems to own their copy, & a number of copies are available for sale all over the world.

Apparently many English Satanists are under the threat of blackmail which costs them a lot since this affair came out.

Why don’t we, the good people have any right to know anything about this story & furthermore about all the geopolitical consequences as we still seem to bear its aftermath 12 years later? Now it is clear that nothing has changed, as impunity reigns over those cocaine-addict psychopaths who rule the world.

Question: How many children & adults (mostly women) were massacred during those blood bathed rituals? & when this all damn things will ever stop??


Two years ago, I’d thought it would be totally incongruous to speak about Satanism. Satanists for me were isolated nuts whose rituals were as inoffensive as they were ridiculous. It was a great mistake.

First I had to admit Satanist practices & such were commonly practiced in France, & that they include the collective rapes, tortures & often murders of children. The use of candles, robes & other satanic folklore isn’t always observed, but the rapes & murders are systematic. I then had to admit, because too many testimonies came out, that Satanists are infiltrated everywhere: Politics, media, social services, and industries.  Because they also infiltrated many other sub-groups like freemasonry & other secret societies. We will of course examine these matters later on these next weeks.



[1] Allen explained during the trial he had payed between 7 to 8.000£ to Leander & Adrian .

[2] The most difficult children payed more, Allen brought far more children into his homes than what they could actually sustain. Same with the urgency  placements. According to this pecuniary logic (which is the same in France where all those private associations are making their doe on the children’s backs… While advising Courts to place the children), the children usually stayed about two to three years in Allen’s homes.

[3] His son Thomas even payed an emprisoned pedophile caught in this affair a visit, to ask him not to give the ring up and that he would intervene for him to his father. He was a pedophile (& the police knew it perfectly welll, though his favourite victim was never protected from him) and died of AIDS in 1993.

[4] It was Queen Victoria who decided to send her grandson to Germany, where he would come back as duke  of Saxe Coburg Gotha, the german principality her husband Prince Albert originated from . At 16 Yo he became Carl Edward, owning 13 castles in Germany and Austria etc. He got married with a dauhter of the  Kaiser and fought England during the First World war,  so that he lost all of his english titles in 1918.

[5] The intake of certain drugs like cocaïne, which is a main addiction for the english royal family, can create a   latente porphyria or increase the disease.

[6] Some children from the Casa Pia, this portuguese orphanage which was used to supply children for sexual orgies, were groomed in this ring.

[7] Which helped his assitant, Philip Lyon, to be cleared out of the way until 2003, when he got caught for downloading pedophiles pics.

[8] Savile had his own flat in Stoke Mandeville hospital and also in Broadmoor, for which he called for a collect funds. He was regularly visiting the morgues alone, which leaves us thinking. He also had all the keys of Broadmoor (psychiatric hospital) where several rapes were commited.

[9] Which made it all easier since he had all the keys of the places named before.
