Dark Fellowships The Nazi Vril Cult

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From: https://www.facebook.com/charlie.legendd/posts/1938727479688849

Pay attention. This documentary aired on The Discovery Channel in 2008. It is 50% truth and 50% misinformation.
I’ll fill out the blanks.

-The Vril Society is not just an ideology, it is a reality. This secret society is still prevalent today.

-The Vril Society, as well as, some Nazis do frequent Deep Underground Military Bases / live & congregate below the surface of the earth as R.E.M driven clone versions.

-At the start of this documentary, an image of a UFO is shown @ approximately 30 seconds. UFO’s are man-made aircraft, back-engineered by Hitler and The Vril Society. The Vril referred to in this documentary as a ‘mysterious power’, practically and LITERALLY refers to a race of subterranean underground reptilian troglodytes, which are bi-pedal in nature. These Vril parasites led Hitler and his henchman to an abandoned Atlantean base (Underground base, belonging to the civilisation of Atlantis), and the Vril society back-engineered many advances in technology, left behind, from the civilisation of Atlantis; this includes flying saucer aircraft.

-The part in the documentary, which refers to ‘Vril power’ taking over the world, implies, turning human beings into “human hosts”, via the probosces of Vril.

-The Vril Society are allied with the Nazis and meet as R.E.M driven human clone versions of themselves at the cloning centers.

-Yes there is truth to the stories surrounding The Vril Society, and the organisation is EXTREMELY unsettling…

-The ‘intangible power-force called Vril’, in reality and literally, refers to the Vril parasites probosces -that is the ‘power’ and that is “Vril power” -because the probosces of Vril’s have the ‘power’ to turn mammals into “hosts” and in our case, create “human hosts”.

-‘Vril power’ can be used to gain material power’ -this part of the documentary is also a metaphor; practically & literally, Vril reptilian parasites have the capability to live and burrow deep into inner earth, and retrieve gold, diamonds and all sorts of jewels. Vril parasites have little use jewels, although Vril parasites have been known to eat gold. In exchange for food stock: goats, chickens and humans (I’m sorry… but it’s true), Vril parasites would burrow deep into the earth to retrieve gold, diamonds and other jewels… and these Vril Society helpers, as well as world leaders, would exchange food stock for the Vril parasites, to eat.

-‘Sex magic’ was just an excuse for a disgusting time…

-Yes that is an absolute truth, these secret societies do sacrifice children in the name of ‘Lucifer ‘the light bringer”. It is absolutely disgusting and must end. Some of these children are given to Vril parasites to be eaten, or some of these children are made into “human hosts” of Vril, whereby the Vril consciousness dominates and controls the entire body functions of the human consciousness which was killed via Vril parasitical takeover. “Human hosts” with Vril consciousness are compliant slaves.

-The 1871 book: “The Coming Race” by Edward Bulwer-Lytton is written in code for High Ranking Freemason members. Practically & Literally Vril mentioned in the book, refers to the Vril parasites, and the metaphor of a ‘coming race’ refers to the Vril parasites turning human beings into “human hosts”. These Vril creatures / parasites are an extremely dumb species belonging to the class of “Reptilia”.

-“Vril-ya”… practically and literally refers to Vril probosces secreting their parasitical cells and taking over the consciousness of mammals and creating “hosts”.

-Yes, it is true that these Vril parasites live below the surface of the earth. Vril parasites are subterranean troglodytes.

– ‘A child can use Vril to destroy an entire city’; practically & literally, this refers to using the Vril probosces to create an entire race of “hosts”.

-‘These subterranean keepers could destroy mankind’; literally and practically, Vril parasites are extremely dumb. Their ‘power’ is their probosces, which has the ability to turn human beings into “human hosts” and this is what it means, at the point whereby the documentary informs that: “Vril could destroy mankind”.

-These Vril parasites are not ‘mystical, mysterious, or an energy force’ etc. practically & literally Vril are just a species of Reptilia which lives below the surface of the earth and their ‘power’ is their probosces.

-The Vril women, kept their hair long to represent the Vril parasite’s probosces, and the transfer of Vril Repitila, to host or human host.

-The Vril society saw ‘Vril power as a kind of metaphysical petrol’; practically and literally this relates to Vril being capable of burrowing deep into the surface of the earth and retrieving, gold, diamonds and other jewels; it also refers to the Vril probosces -that is the ‘power’ of Vril parasites…

-@24:15 to 25:30 of the documentary: Hitler and his henchmen journey to Tibet in search for actual Vril; the Vril Society would meet the Tibetan monks, who introduced members of the Vril Society to actual Vril parasites. This is historically accurate, just that the documentary does not mention that Vril are REAL terrestrial parasites which have always existed on earth. At this point of the documentary, it is also mentioned that Hitler spent the equivalent of 20 billion dollars (in 2008 money) in search of these Vril parasites, as Hitler and his henchmen journeyed to Tibet in search of Vril.

-Wewelsburg castle is real, and was used as a “Vril centre-piece” by the Vril society.

-The symbol of the ‘solar wheel’ is a symbol for Vril power / Vril energy.

-The Crypt appears to be a room where rituals took place. The peculiar place in the center could be, most likely where the Vril parasites would pop up from, whereby a victim was rendered immobile for the Vril parasite to take over the human being’s brain, and turn the human into a “human host” whereby the Vril parasite’s consciousness dominates, and controls the bodily functions of the human after Vril parasitical takeover.

@30.57 of the documentary – *press pause* who knows what is happening in this still image… however when Vril probosces begins to secrete parasitical cells inside the brains of mammals, this causes the victim excruciating pain… you can see here that the person is clutching his chest as a man is stood over him… so what is going on here? Is this a Vril parasitical take over, and thus creating a human host?

-Vril flying saucers were actual blueprints… practically & literally, Hitler did obtain flying saucer blueprints, which Hitler and his henchmen back-engineered from the abandon Atlantean base (military base containing technology from the civilisation of Atlantis). The Vril parasites led Hitler to this abandoned base. Hitler was so proud of his association with Vril parasites, he named the flying saucers which he & his henchmen back-engineered ‘The Vril-Heimer’ (“Heimer” is German for ‘illustrious’). Most of the technology rediscovered can be found in deep underground military bases today.

-The Vril society, and these Vril enablers, who keep Vril parasites secret and use them for the most despicable crimes against human nature (turning human beings into human hosts) still exist today.

*The notes presented here are further facts regarding The Vril Society, and Vril parasites; other parts / information presented in the documentary is misdirection and misinformation to throw people off the real information, and that is: Vril is not ‘mystical or mysterious’ etc, but a parasitical animal, kept secret by world leaders, as well as, the Vril Society, in order to turn human beings into “human hosts”; -that is the extremely dark, and cold hard truths about The Vril Society, and Vril parasites, as well as, ‘Vril power’.


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