Death Thoughts can be from Alien or Military Abduction

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Sometimes you hear your own inner voice telling you negative ideas or thoughts. But could it be, that these ideas and negative thought patterns are not your own? They have been inserted in your brain and activated if you don’t cooperate with the powers that be?

Death Thoughts & Early Death can be from
Booby Traps inserted during
Alien or Military Abduction

Many researchers of UFOs and other alternative topics have died early deaths. We believe that many of these deaths were caused by the activation of what we call “Booby Traps”. These are a special kind of Wernicke’s command, which were deliberately given to the person during an abduction.

If you have any suspicion that you, or the person you are working on, has been affected by mind control or alien or military abduction, (or that you may have metaphysical abilities, which greatly increases the chances of being abducted), then you need to have someone check for and remove Booby Traps before you do anything.

First, the person who does the testing muscle tests if there are any booby traps to be removed. If you do not know how to do this accurately, or how to do the pretests which are essential to do to get accurate answers, please learn from my Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing DVD Training system. The course also teaches how to identify and remove Booby Traps and other Wernicke’s commands.

Then, muscle test how many of each kind of booby trap there are to be removed.

Booby traps fall into three categories:

1) Commands to die if the person remembers. Some examples that I have found on people are:

“Die if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this one. Note: the word “this” is usually, but not always, in the sentence, to keep it specific.

“Kill yourself if you remember this.” Most people who have booby traps have this command also.

“You’ll be dead if you remember.”

“You will not live if you remember.”

“Your heart will stop if you remember.”

“Have heart failure if you remember this.”

“Have a heart attack if you remember this.”

“Have cardiac arrest if you remember this.”

“Die of heart failure if you remember this.”

“Have a heart embolism if you remember this.”

“Your heart will stop if you remember this.”

“Don’t remember this or your heart will stop.”

“Your heart stops beating if you remember this.”

“Have kidney failure if you remember this.”

“Your kidneys die if you remember this.”

“Your liver will stop functioning if you remember this.”

“Your spleen ruptures if you remember this.”

“Have a stroke if you remember this.”

“You will have a stroke if you remember.”

“Have an accident if you remember this.”

“Have a brain hemorrhage if you remember this”.

“Have cerebral hemorrhage if you remember this.”

“Bleed if you remember this.”

“God will not love you if you remember this.”

“You will go to Hell if you remember this.”

“This will happen if you remember this.” (shows person a video of horrible things)

“You’re dead if you remember this.”

“We’ll kill you if you remember this.”

“You’ll go insane if you remember this.”

“Stop breathing if you remember this.”

“Die in pain if you remember this.”

“Drop dead if you remember this.”

“You’ll suffocate if you remember this.”

“Have brain cancer if you remember this.”

“Have lung cancer if you remember this.”

“We are going to disembowel you if you remember what we’ve done.”

“We’re going to kill you if you don’t obey us.”

“Expire if you don’t follow your programming.”

“We will disintegrate you if you don’t follow your programming.”

“Meet death if you remember this.”

“You will die if you think about this.”

“Your brain will be damaged if you remember.”

“Your mind will be erased if you remember.”

“You’ll lose your mind if you remember.”

“Your mind will not function if you remember this.”

“You won’t know anything if you remember this.”

“You’ll go insane if you remember.”

“No one can stand you if you remember this.”

“You’ll look crazy if you remember this.”

“You’ll feel bad if you remember this.”

“You won’t do anything right if you remember this.”

“Be stupid if you remember this.”

“Cause trouble if you remember this.”

“Your nervous system will shut down if you remember.”

“Disloyalty means death.”

“There is pain for disobedience.”

“You’ll forget this or die.”

“Forget this or die horribly.”

“Remembering this brings pain.”

“You will die if you recall this.”

“Thinking of us gives you a headache.”

“Remembering this occludes blood flow to the brain.”

“Remembering this releases blood clots to the brain.”

“You hypothalamus will shatter if you remember this.”

“You will be destroyed if you remember this.”

“Everything will be impossible for you if you remember this.”

2) Commands to kill the person who helps them to remember (that is, the person doing the muscle testing). Examples that have been found are:

“Kill the person who helps you to remember this.”

“Kill the person who deprograms you.”

“You’ll kill anyone who helps you to tear down your programming.”

“Zap anyone who helps you.”

“Destroy the reputation of anyone who helps you deprogram”.

3) Commands that relate to endangering others. The third category may not hurt anyone, but it could stop you from getting yourself free and cleaned up. Examples I have found on another are:

“Kill your daughter if you remember this.”

“Kill (name of son/daughter) if you remember this.”

“Kill your son/daughter if you remember this.”

“Kill your mother if you remember this.”

“Your family will die if you remember this.”

“You put your family in danger if you tell anyone about this.”

“We will hurt your son/daughter if you remember this.”

“(Name of son/daughter) will die if you remember this.”

“You’re on your own if you remember this.”

“You lose everything you love if you remember this.”

Do not underestimate the power of booby traps.

A woman healer was murdered by one of her male clients in Melbourne Australia around 2000. I believe that it is possible and even likely that the man was a victim of mind control and the healer inadvertently removed the blocks to his memories, without first removing any booby traps.

I once worked on a woman who had many health problems (eg intense stomach pain) as the result of reptilian abduction. I removed ten wernicke’s commands to stop her from remembering. After two sessions her health problems went away. But, I forgot to look for any booby traps (as this was in the early days of my research). A few weeks later she went to a doctor, thinking she had a minor stroke, plus she started ‘talking funny’ – it was like her brain wasn’t working correctly. I then tested and found five booby traps including “Have a stroke if you remember this” and “Have an accident if you remember this”. She was fine after that.

After you have removed booby traps, look for other wernicke’s commands that were deliberately given to the person, such as those that:

Stop them doing any kind of work which will help them to get free, such as kinesiology or clearing.

Interfere with them remembering what was done to them and what they did during that time.

Interfere with wealth and money.

Interfere with their life purpose (eg to stop them doing the thing they are most gifted at).

Interfere with relationships.

Make them obey the controllers.

Stop them using their abilities.

Stop them connecting with God.

Interfere with a special topic that is specific for the particular person you are working with.

Accurate muscle testing and the Wernicke’s Commands are easy to learn, if you are taught correctly. They are essential for anyone who is sensitive, or has or may have any kind of metaphysical abilities, or has ever had any unreasonable amounts of rage or other strange behavior, as these are the ones most likely to have been abducted. Learn this now with Perfect Health with Kinesiology & Muscle Testing.


Kinesiology for Abductees: Learn about other techniques that should be done on anyone who has been abducted.


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