I must help to expose Vril and tell you about Vril, because quite frankly if you are human and you do not speak up against Vril you have betrayed your own species, it is as simple and as serious as that. However, before I start posting about highest level 33rd degree knowledge it is important a few things are said about 32nd degree knowledge involving human cloning and R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep driven human cloning.
I understand it is difficult to accept that reality may not be what we think it is, and that in the background humans have been cloned. I wholly understand that. I also understand when people discuss cloning, they think it is from a baby stage upwards… and cannot fathom or accept that cloning has advanced much further in secret, and it now involves sleep driven human cloning… whereby original people go to sleep and wake up through the process of consciousness transfer from their original bodies, to their R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep driven human cloned alternatives, and are therefore simultaneously asleep, in their original body, and simultaneously awake via consciousness transfer, as a R.E.M driven human clone version of themselves. I know. It is plenty to take in. However this disclosure on R.E.M driven human cloning reduces to advanced and hidden science and technology (in comparison to that currently available for public use). I get it.
It was an initial struggle for me to accept consciousness transfer is a possibility, yet alone a reality; and that is one main aspect; there are many hurdles to overcome, personal to everyone before one can see the plain and obvious truth of these whistle-blowing disclosures. Nonetheless, the three main stumbling blocks people face in realising, and knowing the truths of such disclosures are: technological advancements; the environment; and personal biases. If you accept that the current technology which is available publicly is the pinnacle of humanity’s technological capabilities, then you must do some serious homework on this, because it simply isn’t; what we see in public is most certainly not the height of humanity’s technological capabilities. Our environment reinforces such an illusion, in the sense that we go out into the world, and accept that what we perceive with our five senses is the only reality, and this aspect, further reinforces the illusion that what we perceive in our environment is the height of humanity’s technological capabilities. It simply is not. We all have personal biases, and it is difficult not to have any formed, once we have lived in this world for many years, and we have become indoctrinated into believing, mostly through little fault of our own, that: ‘we know what the world is, or is about’.
Personal biases are one of the hardest stumbling blocks to overcome, because they are personal, and with a whistle-blowing disclosure as explosive as sleep driven human cloning via consciousness transfer to substrate bodies as depicted in the movie Avatar, Inception, The 13th Floor, A Nightmare on Elm St, and countless others; it forces us to re-address our personal biases, and re-examine life, and if we are unable to do this, we simply cannot see the simple truth and reality of R.E.M sleep driven human cloning which is present today. As I’ve mentioned one of the most difficult concepts for me to accept initially was that of consciousness transfer, it went counter to everything I had previously held to be true.
However, when you have many world renowned scientists claiming they are 99% or even 100% sure that consciousness transfer is not only possible… but it will be a reality in say 20 years time, you have to ask yourself “HOW?”… How can they be so precise in terms of timeline, and be so certain? That alone should leave the sceptic in you with many unanswered questions worth exploring… whereby through diligence, you come to realise that what is happening is not so much predictions, but rather scripts. This makes more sense; “one does not need to read the future, when one is writing the future”. The above statement becomes glaringly obvious once it is realised, the level of technological progress hidden from humanity.
It takes scepticism, open mindedness, and optimism to make breakthroughs. We must all “breakthrough” to realise the simple truths of these whistle-blowing disclosures. Scepticism keeps you from believing fallacies. It keeps you from believing that which you have not yet proven for yourself. This simply means one must be diligent and reach the point whereby they “know” and can concretely separate facts from fiction, backed by evidence. It is better to “know” than to “believe”; to “know” means to “understand with certainty”; to “believe” is to “accept without proof” –the sceptic in you should want to “know” the truths of these whistle-blowing disclosures. Optimism (which was difficult for me initially, because I’m more sceptical than anything) gives you the ability to give merit to that which you have not proven for yourself. Therefore, instead of just being sceptical and thinking ‘what a load of croc –you cannot transfer consciousness etc… etc.’, and move towards an optimistic standpoint, one should ask –what will be the implications if it is possible to transfer consciousness etc., etc? You will be surprised at the answers you receive. Take this further by finding research which either verifies or challenges your assertions, causing you to reconsider your estimations or your presuppositions.
Open mindedness gives one the ability to “see” that which has not yet been proven. One has to be open to the possibility, that on some statistically probability, it is possible to clone humans; R.E.M sleep driven human cloning is possible; and consciousness transfer is possible and so on. One must be opened to it, because so long as one remains closed, one will simply not have the gumption to look further, and it is as simple as that. This is exactly what I did. With such initial mind-blogging disclosures, although primarily difficult to accept, I just weighed them on arbitrary and personal statistical probabilities. Okay, if consciousness transfer is possible, what arbitrary statically probability would I assign to that; that it is possible to transfer consciousness…? Initially, I gave it 5% (out of 100%), because it is just initially difficult to accept any of this. However, even such a small arbitrary, personal and assigned statistical probability, meant that I now had to change from being completely sceptical, to being slightly open-minded, then optimistic… because if I am now open to such a possibility of consciousness transfer, from an optimistic standpoint –what are the implications etc. etc?
I would continue to research and revise my assumptions, until that arbitrary personal statistical probability of consciousness transfer was no longer at the 5% interval, but closer to being a certainty for me. Scepticism, open-mindedness, and optimism are really needed to make breakthroughs and break new grounds, and most importantly, good healthy scepticism will keep one from falling into fallacies, throughout the entire research process, and from believing anything which you have not yet proven to yourself (with evidence; try as best as possible not to leave ‘open loops’; I would disagree assertions are demonstrable where open loops are found.).
With all that said, if you have kept up to date, or read ahead, you should already know human cloning and R.E.M (rapid eye movement) sleep driven cloning is a reality, which exists today and is kept in secret. It is extremely obvious to those who have kept up to date or read ahead. If you’re still sceptical about such disclosures, then remember one also needs optimism and open-mindedness to either see the truth of such claims, OR, to debunk such claims, by means of thorough research methodology.
I shall now provide you with a scientific video on consciousness transfer. It is drip-feed disclosure. Drip feed disclosure is also an aspect one must learn about to further understand the realities of these whistle-blowing disclosures. This was one of the first videos which REALLY opened my eyes to the possibilities and reality of consciousness transfer, because it is all there… and you can witness how a person’s consciousness can be easily transferred. I URGE you to watch this video. It will WHOLLY help with one’s better understanding of consciousness transfer and further help with understanding R.E.M sleep driven human cloning, and understanding that it is the consciousness which get’s transferred to substrate (clone) bodies –as depicted in the 2009 movie, Avatar.
With all this said, I’ll be making future posts on Vril, and thought it is better to inform others in advance of this. This is because if you thought your governments and world leaders cloning people in secret over 70 years is difficult enough to accept; well… when it comes to the reality of Vril, I simply want to lessen the shock factor for you so that you do not panic, become paranoid etc –that is, if you do not know what Vril is. Vril must also be exposed, because if you are human, and you keep silent about the threat of Vril, then you have simply betrayed your own species, -humanity.
In short Vril can be likened to an animal which governments and world leaders have kept secret for over 1000s of years. For example, if I am to mention the animal rattlesnake… most people would not get extremely frightful by the fact that I’m mentioning that rattlesnakes pose a threat to humans, most people have heard and seen videos / images of rattlesnakes and know they should keep their distance. This is the same with Vril. Humans should keep their distance because Vrils are just as dangerous as rattlesnakes, if not more…
However, because the animal rattlesnake is more known publicly, the shock factor is reduced, because it is out in the open. Nevertheless, because Vrils are unknown by the majority of the public, kept hidden and secret, this factor causes a huge psychological detriment to others once discussing the reality and prevalence of Vril. It’s because of the secrecy aspect and the threat Vrils pose to humans, just as people may become extremely fearful than they normally would, if rattlesnakes were kept hidden and secret, and then one day there is a revelation about rattlesnakes, and the threat rattlesnakes pose to humans…
It is the secrecy aspect which further causes a much larger than normal psychological detriment, however, once it is in the open, or known about for years, the shock factor reduces. Consequently, my aim is to help further expose 33rd degree level knowledge which involves Vril without causing you to go into a state of shock, panic, and paranoia… if you do not know what Vril is / are. As I’ve already mentioned they can be likened to that of an animal which governments have kept secret and formed alliances with for many thousands of years. These creatures just need to be known about publicly; their strengths and weakness detailed for all to read and examine, -and eradicated –because of the threat which Vrils pose to humans…; Overall Vril are cowardly… and I would not be too fearful for them… and just like the rattlesnake, you will learn Vril must be kept at a distance, and just like the rattlesnake, you must kill Vril, before it kills you. Moreover, yes I am fully aware… first our governments and world leaders are cloning people, and now they have dangerous animals kept in secret?! Yes they do such heinous crimes in secret for amusement and entertainment.
There’s a whole barrage of gene-spliced animals, some of which kept secret, others made public, you simply have to research gene spliced creatures, to realise the vast amount of animals which have been gene spliced, for example: ‘spider-goat’. With all, this said, there is not much need for panic when it comes to Vril; Vril just needs to be fully exposed; known publicly worldwide, and severely dealt with.
Make sure to watch the lecture on consciousness transfer, if you need further reference to understand the prevalence and reality of R.E.M driven human cloning by following the link below.
No problemo.
Thanks Blogman.
What do you mean? There are two sides in this Vril story. There are Vril society, which was a Nazi creation and then there are Vril lizards/reptilians, which Donald Marshall tells about.
most puzzling thing about this article is the authors attempt to redefine the term Vril as something completely different than its original meaning