Forbidden technology part II, Project Looking Glass

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This post is about technology which allows you to watch in the past or in the future and it also works as a stargate to another planets… or this is what it’s claimed to be. So here we go again and dive in the world of Project Looking Glass:

Rumored Technology

Classified Technology is rumored to be 10,000 years ahead of public sector technology and is accelerating away from the public sector technology at a current rate of  1,000 years per calendar year.

Looking Glass Technology– Device using wormhole technology to see into future probability or past. The original technology was derived from cylinder seals that slightly predate Sumerian time frame. Some of the information was recopied in Sumerian cylinder seals. This information was a series of instructions for accessing wormholes, which naturally pass in the hyperspace in which we find ourselves. And from there scientists worked on the technology, they built the equipment from the instructions. After building the equipment from the instructions, they began to tweak it and find different things out about it. One of the things that they found is that they could actually use it as a peering portal, like a peering glass, if you will, to see different aspects of, not only the future, but the past. This device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. Consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. Consider the views provided by looking glass as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode). In viewing some possible future events, it was discovered that this type of technology was a possible contributing factor to a cataclysmic event. The groups using the technology all agreed to dismantle the technology and agreed not to use it until after the year 2017. It was also discovered that information about this technology had been purposely planted in the past to many areas of the world. One such place was Iraq, which has been confiscated.


I have posted this guy before and he talks about this technology too and here is the Dan Burisch take on Project Looking Glass:

The following text is copied from Bill Hamilton’s website:

The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton’s] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments:

“With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. I was told to consider the multiverse idea combined with work by Richard Gott on cosmic strings. The multiverse apparently is accessed when the forward mode is set. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode).

I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place.

When I heard about this several questions came to my mind. The most pressing of which was: if a camera were sent forward in time/space, would it be able to record anything other than what was immediately in front of its lens? I mean, what if LG were located in the middle of the Groom Lake facility, and the operators wanted to gain insight into the outcome of a conflict, say in the Middle East. How could a videotape recorder, set to record what was right in front of its lens at that location gather any data on the Middle East if it were still stuck in the middle of the Mojave desert when it got to the future??? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it – a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world away.

To answer this question, my contact was not specific, saying only that cameras did not move, as mass does not change in its perspective to space time. However, such an item placed into the injected atmosphere, might experience a different time, if only briefly. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. I was given to understand that the tilt or positioning of the electromagnets would allow different views or positions in the environment to be reflected in the gas column.

(I feel confident that at least two rings of electromagnets are employed and that the rest of the device is composed of a barrel and the gas* injected into the barrel. (Two different sources have indicated that these are the basic components.) These magnets spin in different directions, creating a charge of some kind. Then the gas is injected into the barrel. Depending on the direction of the spin (I am sure speed and tilt and a bunch of other factors must also have an effect) time space can be warped forward or backwards by long or short distances relative to the present. I have reason to believe that the scientists have completed a map of the exact positions and speeds of the magnets necessary to reach targeted times both forward and back.)

Apparently, images of the events at different places, relative to the location of the device can be picked up and in essence reflected off the gas, causing it to behave like a teleprompter or crystal ball, for lack of a better example. But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move, or that mass is not affected. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. (I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. However, in my typical reverse-logic search for corollaries, this tells me that there must have been many test subjects that made it through just fine. So I am certain that any errors that were made or any miscalculations have long since been corrected).

I wish I could offer you more information. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with some kind of gas [an independent source has stated that the gas concerned is argon. Project Camelot] …these components seem necessary for LG to function as a viewing device. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space….I really don’t know since my information sources would only tell me ‘so much’ about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. But it can be reasoned, based upon what they did say that there were significant experiments in the movement of mass back and forward through time, many of which were successful. I am sure much has been discovered and/or refined in the process since then.”


And here is the Dan’s interview:

Stargate Secrets : Dan Burisch revisited – Part 1
A video interview with Dan Burisch
Las Vegas, June 2007

Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Dan Burisch: … because people will then target toward a date. And I …Yeah, there are people out there that are now saying, ‘Yep, it’s right around the corner at any moment now. Why won’t the aliens save us?’ We need to save ourselves.

…This was a quid pro quo for them to get certain information from … that Chi’el’ah showed me. I demanded certain information back. It actually was information concerning the time travel issue. Because they were still trying to be … You know, they were still reticent about informing me as to what the real nature of the situation was as late as 2001.

…The Looking Glass shows probabilities, or has shown probabilities. The Cube would react with the people present, so there was an alteration, if you will, over what you were seeing from it. It would actually spin out as a yellow disc out of the top of it … where the word “Yellow Book” originally came from. Actually I used that to our advantage at the T-9 because that in fact was present at the T-9 and I projected certain information which caused a little upset during the meeting.

…But I was also allowed to show them probable outcomes, so in fact the Yellow Book, the Cube, was used for that purpose. Shockingly, they happened to see themselves standing on the bones of their own families and things like that in the vision, and they ultimately decided to remove Lotus as well as certain abductions from the Tau 9 treaty.

…They were handing this Cube around from country to country, to the elitists in the countries, who looked into their own futures so that they could pick the best path for themselves.

…I’m happy to pass along the information – I’m honored to pass along the information – that I understand that the Yellow Book is no longer accessible.

Start of interview

Kerry: How would you like to start? What’s the best place to start as far as Stargates go?

Dan: Well, I’ve got a list of questions here in front of me, submitted by you two, all 30 of them.

K: [laughs]

D: Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned the number.

K: No, no …

D: They are decommissioned. They are separated into their three components: there’s a projection component, a ring component, and also a barrel component to both the Stargate devices as well as the Looking Glass device. The Stargates also have field posts, and again I’m not a physicist so I wouldn’t be the appropriate one to make comment as to how they work.

But there were field posts that were positioned around the actual “gates” and they have been stored, I guess. I’m not certain what happened to the field components. But the three components have actually been decommissioned and liasioned to the European Union, the United Nations, and NATO, who are actually in possession of them. And there is no one group which has the other one of the other two components.

K: OK, so …

D: So everybody is staring at everybody and they’re not … They can’t put the equipment together because everybody is mutually dependent and looking questioningly at everybody else. So everybody is literally protecting everybody else. Of the actual base operating equipment, there are three components to it, which is a projection device of some sort, a barrel, and a set of rings, electromagnetic rings.

K: Are we able to know how many man-made Stargates there were on the planet?

D: No. I’m not going to comment as to the total. I will say that there was over 50.

K: Really!

D: Yep.

K: Wow. In different countries of the world.

D: Yes.

K: OK. And these are man-made?

D: Yes.

K: OK. So, and now these Stargates …

D: Well, see, it’s not a Stargate. It’s a device which accesses a portal, a wormhole.

K: Does it access a natural … In other words, the manmade device accesses a natural Stargate.

D: Yes. It draws off from a natural ERB, an Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

K: OK.

D: It accesses it and somehow works, from what I understand, not in parallel, but almost like piggybacks, on the energy of the natural Stargate, yeah.

K: OK. So, in other words, if there were only … If there were 50 man-made devices accessing, they would be accessing a corresponding 50 natural energy vortexes.

D: That I don’t know.

K: OK.

D: There is a possibility that … In fact when the Looking Glass was operated, they were usually worked in tandem. It required a second Looking Glass to be turned on at the same time to get acoustics through. So unless a second one was turned on …which operated at one other place, where Will Uhouse had been. He saw the second node location, as opposed to the first node being over at the Papoose facility.

Two pieces of equipment, two Looking Glasses, were required to be turned on at the same time to be able to hear acoustics or sound, if you will, from whatever the people were watching, to piggyback in tandem with the visual response of the equipment. That it required two to be turned on to hear anything.

K: Uh huh.

D: And then both sides could hear the same thing. So I suppose, both of the Looking Glasses being tuned to the same thing was accessing the same “tunnel,” if you will, to the information.

K: OK, that’s what I was wondering. So the Looking Glass has an ability to show one the future but a Stargate, or, you know, equipment that accesses a Stargate, or a wormhole, is for time travel? Right? We’re talking about two different things?

D: Yes.

K: Are they using the same technology?

D: Essentially, yes. The original device was the Stargate device. That was then increased in power, if you will, with the use of these field posts. How it bumped up the power, how it stabilized it, I don’t know. You’d need to speak with a physicist about that.

K: OK.

D: However …

K: It increased it enough to where that it became a Looking Glass?

D: Well, no. No. No. It would be pumped up in power to stabilize the “doorway,” if you will, to step through into another location, which in essence, because distance and time are relative, the same thing – step through into another time. The Looking Glass device is a back-engineered Stargate.

K: OK.

D: So it was actually back-engineered from the original cylinder-seal data which allowed us to produce the Stargate access devices, if you will, what we call the Stargates.

K: Uh huh.

D: It’s a back-engineered device, the Looking Glass is. So the Looking Glass is a secondary device and it was coming into its fore in the 60s and 70s and Will saw one of the first generations of it, from what I understand, a very large piece of equipment. They always get smaller, no matter what. Look at what’s happened to the computer.

K: Who? Will saw?

D: Oh yeah.

K: Will …

D: Will Uhouse.

K: … Uhouse saw the original Looking Glass.

D: He saw one of the original Looking Glasses demonstrated. And in fact it’s going to be in the DVD that we’re getting ready to put out, the actual interview, where he was indicating the firing of a bullet, I believe it was, through an object, and there was a time delay where the bullet actually passed through the object where you saw the bullet past the object, or the projectile if you will, a rail gun, I believe. What was the … [Marci McDowell, off screen, confirms this]. Yeah, it was a rail gun being used. And then afterward they saw the impact of the device. So they were already playing with it in the early 70s, early to mid 70s, dealing with time sequences.

K: Wasn’t the original Looking Glass back-engineered from alien technology?

D: [long pause] Yes.

K: OK. But there was also information around the cylinder-seals …

D: Um hmm….

K: …that they used also and that those cylinder-seals also came from an off world race.

D: From … Well, no, the cylinder seals didn’t. The information on them did.

K: Which was maybe the Anunnaki? Is that …

D: I wouldn’t feel comfortable in characterizing it with that name.

K: OK.

D: I really shouldn’t. No.

K: But it was off world technology. Originally.

D: Yes ma’am.

K: OK. And at this point, like … OK. Say that was in the 60s? the 50s?

D: Well … Yes. That’s when they started actually showing a lot of interest in actually building the equipment to be able to see over the curvature of time-space so that they could see into the future and somewhat into the past, but basically the future.

K: OK. So there’s also our Henry Deacon contacts that deal with the “black box” that came on one of the craft.

D: Uh huh.

K: And I don’t know if you’re familiar with that black box.

D: Uh huh.

K: Did you have exposure to that as well?

D: Yeah. It was something that we called the Cube or the Yellow Disc. Yeah.

K: OK. But that was not … Was that a Looking Glass?

D: That is a variant of the technology.

K: OK.

D: However, while the Looking Glass shows probabilities, or has shown probabilities, the Cube would react with the people present, so there was an alteration, if you will, over what you were seeing from it. It would actually spin out as a yellow disc out of the top of it … where the word “Yellow Book” originally came from.

K: Yeah. OK. Yeah.

D: And, depending upon what predisposition … Kind of like little Yoda telling young Luke, “Bring in there what you have with you.” You know, whatever’s there is what you bring. You could then change the perspective, the “tilt,” if you will, the orientation or angle, of the information being presented back to you. So, unless you were well prepared to deal with such a thing, human interaction and human emotions bring instability of the provenance of the information.

K: OK. That’s what went on with the black boxes, then.

D: Yes.

K: OK. But with the Looking Glass…

D: And actually I used that to our advantage at the T-9, because that in fact was present at the T-9 and I projected certain information which caused a little upset during the meeting, and they got certain abductions removed and Lotus removed off the calendar, and things like that. I caused some real trouble, in other words.

K: Can you elaborate? Are you willing to elaborate?

D: Well. The…the… Let me sit here and consider what I should and should not …

During the negotiations for the Tau 9-6, I was asked to supply a model for the Lotus. In fact, Marcia and I were both asked because they knew tangentially she was involved. I agreed to do so, which is what you respond when you are a sworn operative. It’s “Yes,” unless there are great, great objections. I was then taken to the location where the treaty was actually being negotiated.

To give a short recitation as to the nature of Lotus: What was happening is the P-45ks used Lotus. They wanted to use Lotus for the back-engineering of their own neurological problem. I was objecting to its use, but still to provide …. was under orders to provide a model. I was prepared to do so but I was also allowed to show them probable outcomes.

So in fact the Yellow Book, the Cube, was used for that purpose. Shockingly, they happened to see themselves standing on the bones of their own families and things like that in the vision and they ultimately decided to remove Lotus as well as certain abductions from the Tau 9 treaty. So we were successful in getting certain things removed I think I can safely mention at this time, because we’re only one OF 9 and one Tau 9 treaty away from the passage through the… the completion of the passage through the galactic plane. So I think I’m pretty well safe to go ahead and mention it now. They’re not going to be able to get it back and put on the treaties and all of that in the time we have left. In other words, they got out-foxed, and … that’s what happens when you’re negotiating treaties.

Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell:

OF-9: Dan is referring to the “Omicron Phi 9” Treaty System, the Treaty System not involving the P-45ks, and the “Tau 9” or “T9” Treaty System involving all parties including the P-45ks.  He is precisely speaking about the “Omicron Phi 9-8” Treaty gathering scheduled for 2009, and the “Tau 9-7” FINAL Treaty gathering scheduled for 2012.

K: So you used the capacity of the Yellow Book or little black box to show them the future implications …

D: Exactly.

K: … of what using the Lotus to amplify, or to rectify, their own biological problem?

D: This is true. And that was skewed by … It takes a great deal of emotion to skew the imagery and the audio that comes with it. But I’ll just say that I am extremely vehement with regard to my objection for Lotus being used, and apparently that vehemence was sufficient to skew the image enough to get them to jump back aghast in horror.

K: Wow. So… OK. And this, kind of like just for the sake of the audience to some degree … You have seen in, I guess the Yellow Book or in the Looking Glass (and you can correct me on which one it is), the future of Lotus, in effect, how Lotus becomes …You know, once it’s brought to the fore by you …

D: Well, actually, no. No, no, I haven’t. I haven’t. The reports to me which came concerning the future of Lotus, which we’re not going to get into in depth this evening, ah…. was given to me as information.

K: OK. So you didn’t see it.

D: Personally see it? No. I was told.

K: I see.

D: I was told. That was during the early years. I say the “early years” of Lotus. It’s only been going on for 6 years now.

K: OK.

D: But this was the latter half of 2001 and this was a quid pro quo for them to get certain information from … that Chi’el’ah showed me. I demanded certain information back, and it actually was information concerning the time travel issue, because they were still trying to be … You know, they were still reticent about informing me as to what the real nature of the situation was as late as 2001.

K: Meaning, the real situation was … Meaning how much access to Stargates, to time travel that they actually had?

D: Right. The whole treaty system, the situations involving the treaties, their outcomes, the actual potential for both Timeline #1 and Timeline #2 outcomes. In the case that we’re in right now, we seem to be on a variant of Timeline #1, and that’s good. For everything that I’ve seen and have read and have had reported to me concerning Timeline #1, it’s not happening exactly the way that they figured that it would. But then again, it couldn’t because we’ve made changes along the way which diverted us away from Timeline #2 and in so doing, our future …

Again, I regard our future as something which is pretty much a blank slate. We’re writing it for ourselves. And so we are now seeing something coming to pass which is slightly different than the prognostication in the probabilities that we were seeing. And I’m good with what we’re seeing so far but, you know, we are still faced with the challenges, the environmental degradation, etc. But hopefully we will rise to the challenge.

K: OK. So this is interesting because it sounds like Chi’el’ah was instrumental in getting you to have greater access to intelligence about what the Looking Glass and MJ12 …

D: Well, it was information that he was providing me which provoked the questions.

K: Yeah.

D: And the fact that they didn’t even want to get into longwinded discussions with me in the late 90s concerning what he even was. After we had argued for years to find out even where the material was coming from, then we were finally given access to the material. I mean, this went on for a few years.

K: OK. But your interaction with Chi’el’ah was leading you one way and giving you one set of information and MJ-12 then had another set. Isn’t that right?

D: Well, they weren’t … They weren’t really … It wasn’t that they had another set of information. He was telling me … He did tell me basically what was going on.

K: OK.

D: And they were simply not providing that information as what they considered a need-to-know situation.

K: I see. So …

D: They just weren’t going to tell me what they didn’t feel I needed to know.

K: But little did they … Well, this is my paraphrase, but little did they know that Chi’el’ah was basically clueing you in.

D: He was clueing me in and he was informing me his perspectives concerning the treaties. I knew something was going on and that is ultimately what they wanted to know about and I said, “Well, for you to know about that kind of thing, then I need to know about certain other things.” You know, it was truly a quid pro quo situation and they said, “Well OK. We’ll tell you if you tell us.” So I told them and they told me a little more.

And it was right around that same time that Lotus was actually kicking into fore, the May 31st, 2001 event that took my prosaic project and basically threw it in the garbage can and it turned into what it is now, this project that it is now. And as a result I also found out from them where they said Lotus was ultimately destined. And that is, like I said, we’ll discuss that at a slightly future date.

K: OK. But it isn’t it true to some extent that Lotus could help Chi’el’ah now?

D: That was the perspective of the P-45 J-Rods, and that is not my perspective.

K: I see. So … because I make a distinction between Chi’el’ah, who is, from what I understand, a P-52, and the P-45s. So, but they’re on the same …

D: They’re on the same timeline, the same track, but just separated by 7,000 years.

K: OK. So, even so …

D: Which is quite a big separation.

K: So what we get …what you’re saying is that, in a sense, Chi’el’ah couldn’t get the benefit of Lotus because …

D: Nor did he ask for it.

K: OK.

D: Nor did he ask for it. And I will say this. This is something that David … I spoke with David on the phone not that long ago. I’ll leave the last name off. I think you know who I’m ….

K: Sure, but we can use his name if it’s OK with you.

D: Well sure. David Wilcock.

K: OK. Yeah, because we taped an interview with him.

D: Oh, OK. Wonderful. And he was talking. We were discussing the same thing, which was the Box, the Cube. And I said, “Yeah, but a strange thing happened.” I was pro temp or made MJ-9 for the 12 as the result of a bet that went on within MJ-12. And I got a chance to tap who ended up being the last MJ-9 prior to the adjournment.

Before tapping her, who was the first female to ever set in the 12, I got a chance to look at certain documents and look through certain archives in Washington, DC prior to going across to the continent and meeting with some folks and telling them basically I wasn’t interested in their offers. I’m talking about a trip to Brussels.

K: To see the lluminati?

D: Yeah. And during the same time, the Cube disappeared. And it hasn’t been seen since. And it disappeared out of the archives. Of course I have no idea … I have no idea where the item may be, but I do know this: I’m happy that they can’t find it. Because what they were doing is they were handing this Cube around …

And this was a question that Bill had asked, whether there was only one Cube. They were handing this Cube around from country to country, to the elitists in the countries, to look into their own futures so that they could pick the best paths for themselves. Why don’t they just live their lives? And try to be good people?  Why do they need a little black box to tell them when to jump and how to jump? That’s not being fully human, at least from my perspective and those of our associates. That’s not being fully human.

So, as I understand, it disappeared. Now, there have been certain, you know, allegations, that have been made that during the time when I had… Is it almost a year ago now? When I had the bad seizure? It was near the end of last year, was it? No. [Marcia, off screen, confirming date] It was about a year ago and I had a very severe seizure and was actually put out of commission, seriously, for a while, and there was a big hullabaloo to get over to my apartment to get something out of my apartment. What that object was, I won’t comment. But I will say this to everybody: Whoever took it, it’s in safe hands and it won’t be used to harm humanity.

K: All right.

D: In fact, the fact that it’s in safe hands will prevent it from being used to harm humanity. It has been thus far only used … Aside from … Well, I mean, I’ve got to try to justify my own behavior in Bandelier in using it for the purposes of skewing to get Lotus off and the abductions off. But I think that was for a beneficial cause.

Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell:

Bandelier: Dan was referring to the “Bandelier” National Monument, where the Tau 9-6 Treaty gathering was held. See:  The P-52k delegates were trucked in from the nearby LANL [Los Alamos National Laboratory], and the P-45ks used the Tyuonyi ruins as the drop off point because they looked like a 9 and the pueblo ruins themselves looked like Inca City, Mars.

K: Right.

D: But it has been used since, actually, the 50s, by the potentates, by the leaders of the various countries to skew the history of the human race.

K: Wow. That’s amazing.

D: And the common folk, the average people, all of us, have a right to a future which is our own, and not being skewed and designated and promulgated and promoted and provoked by bluebloods who feel that they are above everyone else.

K: Well, thank you, Dan.

D: You’re welcome.

K: I think that we probably all owe you a great thanks for that.

D: Well, I’m just … I’m happy to pass along the information. I’m honored to pass along the information that I understand that the Yellow Book is no longer accessible.

K: Yes.

D: That’s all I know about it, though.

K: I understand. I totally understand. And, thanks for that information.

D: That may be the reason, too, why the Illuminati hasn’t done something to us and it also may be the reason, on the other end, why the old Magi haven’t and it may be why they’re all so quiet and… Hmmm.

K: Right.

D: I don’t know.

K: They don’t have the upper hand any more.

D: The people should have the upper hand and they should have the upper hand for their own destiny and that’s why we two, have gone as far as what we have to expose the NSSM200 report which was put in during the Ford administration, which I believe was written by Dr. Henry Kissinger, wherein he suggested the possible use of food as a weapon and its use against, in fact, as a tool against, the third world.

Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell:

April 24, 1974; National Security Study Memorandum 200

Now, at the same time we notice that is a correlation going with findings from the IPCC report concerning global warming that if the world average temperature rises, I believe between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius, that the Northern hemisphere, the higher latitude, growth will increase. However, if it goes over that it will decrease. Yet the lower latitudes … by the way that’s where you find most of the third world countries … the 2 to 3 degree Celsius increase will cause starvation and crop loss.

K: OK.

D: Now isn’t this funny, how they’re just allowing the global warming to increase through the provoking … with the use of fossil fuels? Now I’m not saying that’s the total cause. It’s not. There are cycles involved, short as well as long term cycles. But isn’t that funny? And it’s my best guess that they’ll probably order just enough ameliorative steps to be taken where it levels off where the higher latitudes probably don’t lose their crops, where you find the majority of the rich countries.

K: Interesting. Well, that’s actually a fascinating critical observation. I think that it is also interesting that most of the crops are being grown, though, in the lower latitudes. They’re not being grown in North America anymore.

D: Right. But you have sustainability, though.

K: Sure.

D: Whereas when you have the loss of the crops in the lower latitudes you’re also losing a lot of the population from the third world, which, unfortunately, according to the way that the documents read, some people find them expendable.

K: Right.

D: We don’t feel that way.

K: That’s the Iron Mountain report … also talks about things of that nature. And you’re familiar with that.

D: I’ve heard of it.

K: OK. It’s actually … It’s freely available on the net to be read and it talks about something very similar to that.

D: You know,  I’m not one that likes to interject myself in politics at all.

K: I know that. I …

D: I like to stay to the research.

K: But at the same time …

D: At the same time, I mean, you know, when we start hearing that the Codex is being placed in place which actually delimits food value. Oh, you can have all the food you want and starve to death while you’re eating it if there’s no nutrients.

K: Right. Absolutely.

D: When I start hearing that food is being used as a weapon and it’s being used concerning the use of fossil fuels, I start getting personally angry. There’s not one person in the lower latitudes that’s worth any less than me.

K: Right. Right.

D: You know, everybody is worth exactly the same thing on this Earth and unfortunately there are individuals who feel otherwise.

K: I understand. OK. So Bill, the question you’re asking: First of all, you mentioned Will Uhouse.

D: The son of Bill Uhouse.

K: The son of Bill Uhouse.

D: Right, right.

K: He’s very well known. We didn’t realize that it was actually … that it was the son you were saying who had access to that technology.

D: Yes. Yes. Bill was the builder of the avionics and the testing equipment who back-engineered ARV testing equipment and avionics. I actually saw some of the equipment (and this is in the tape that Marcia and I did) … in a room.  I actually saw some of the equipment, some of the diagnostic equipment, in the B-bay, underneath the Galileo bay, that he actually built. And so when I started describing it, Will looked at me and said, “Oh, that’s what my Dad built.” So we had a very nice little connection there.

K: So are you saying …

D: But it’s Will who had experience around the Looking Glass equipment in the 70s. His son, Bill Uhouse’s son.

K: And Will Uhouse IS alive now?

D: Yes. Of course.

K: OK. Because that’s very interesting …

D: And his wife, Teri. They, in fact, from what I understand, they met during the course of conversations concerning our information coming to the public. Teri and Will met one another, fell in love, and were married. That makes me feel kind of personally really good.

K: [smiles and laughs] OK. Well, so it sounds like Will knows quite a bit about what makes the ARV run, then …

D: Uh huh.

K: If his father had something to do with the back-engineering.

D: Uh huh. Yes.

K: OK. So in 1947, when the Cube was discovered, it must have really screwed up the idea of the two timelines by bringing in the ability to … I mean, I don’t know what the two can and can’t do …

D: Well, first of all, the Cube actually was not discovered in 1947. There’s a mixture of the stories involved. The Cube was actually … The information about the Cube and its existence was known as of 1946. It was further discussed in 1947 after a certain crash in a Midwestern, lower, Southwestern state, New Mexico, and following which, during the first brokering for treaties by the Orions with Eisenhower, the Cube was handed to Eisenhower. It was in fact expected to go to the United Nations authorities and it was in fact spirited away by the United States military.

K: OK.

D: They didn’t hand it over.

K: But the way you’re talking about the Cube is that it sounds like it connects emotionally with the viewer, in a sense.

D: It does. And in fact it was handed … It was actually Orion technology.

K: OK.

D: And it was handed over by them in a spirit of goodwill but a mis-assessment as to our evolutionary state, our ability to handle the issue. And handle the equipment. They felt us more balanced than what we actually were.

K: OK. Well this opens almost Pandora’s Box in the sense of United States history.

D: That is Pandora’s Box. Yes. I’m not exactly certain what was seen relative to Cube for 911. However, the analysis which I was asked to do … (of course I paid the price of having actually done it. Again, people don’t want to hear the answers that I came up with.) But … the analysis that I did indicated that certainly there is, at minimum, a great suspicion concerning the delay of response. And information that I have directly from one of the formerly seated members was in fact that we were aware (but this was Looking Glass technology, not the Cube) …

K: I understand.

D: That we were aware as of the middle 1990s that there would be a coming Islamic extremist war with the United States. We were also aware of certain alternative situations that they used the statistics from the Looking Glass for the variability between the different pictures to show that would be occurring at the same time, the other probability at the same time. And, from their perspective, that the least of the two consequences was 9/11. I am aware of what the other possible consequence was. I’m not willing to come out and start mentioning it because I don’t know what the consequences are of speaking of things that have not thus far happened, yet the probabilities existed that they could.

K: Yeah.

D: So, you know, I’m feeling a little bit … There’s a little weight when it comes to that, but …

K: OK. You’re saying though, that the Looking Glasses have been, as you called it, decommissioned.

D: Yes, ma’am.

K: And that means across the board.

D: Across the board.

K: OK.

D: They are shut down.

K: And you said there was 50 man-made devices. And I’m assuming …

D: I said at least 50.

K: … that would access, or create, Stargates out of natural vortexes.

D: Yes. They would suck them in and make them available.

K: And a Looking Glass is not the same as a Stargate.

D: No. A Looking Glass is a back-engineered form from the original cylinder-seal descriptions on how to build the units that made Stargates, so that … in essence y ou could take a Looking Glass unit and make a couple changes to the equipment, l ift it up on an angle, put field posts around it and open up a hole to step through.

K: Sure. OK, but the Looking Glass can show you the future. So are we saying …

D: Future probabilities. Not the future.

K: OK. So are we saying there were 50 Looking Glasses in operation as well as …?

D: Oh no. There were much less. We had a basic monopoly over the Looking Glass. That and India. India brokered early on with Indira when Indira Gandhi was brokering the Committee of the Majority between the United States and the Soviet Union because the Soviets were threatening to start their own treaty system up with the extra terrestrials, which would have become untenable.

We agreed then to expand MJ-12 from a wholly operated and owned American operation to an international operation. Thus was born the Committee of the Majority between 1963 and 1967. And when that information was brokered, that happened in parallel with, kind of under the table but in parallel with the United Nations treaties involving things like the test ban treaty and the outer space treaty.

And so it was being done at the same time under cover of UN support. The diplomats were going back and forth and brokering the opening up, so that the treaty system would be a single treaty system and thus tenable and manageable, to, hopefully, a good outcome. And we’ll be knowing within the next few years whether that was successful.

K: OK. So this is really fascinating. You’re saying that some other countries, India for one, had access to Looking Glass technology.

D: Yes, ma’am. They had that written in as far back as the 1960s and 1970s when it was actually being back-engineered from the Stargate material. And so at the same time that Will Uhouse, for instance, was looking at the early generation Looking Glass, India had the same.

K: OK. And are you at liberty to say what other countries had access to that?

D: To the information? Or to the equipment?

K: To the Looking Glass, to a Looking Glass, or the ability …

D: No.

K: … to create a Looking Glass and look back … look at time, look forward into their own history …

D: No. No.

K: Was that not acceptable?

D: No. No. And I’ll tell you why the answer is no. Within the treaties, the Looking Glass as well as the Stargates, as well as the Cube, and the “information movement pods,” are all contained within the treaty system. Within that treaty system it also prohibits and allows certain passage of information amongst delegates on where the Looking Glass material is and where the information flow is, what the access is. Being that I stood in Bandelier and considered a delegate, therefore I cannot tell you.

K: OK. So you can’t tell me who has …

D: No.

K: … access to that technology.

D: Aside from India and the United States. No.

K: OK. Right. But we can assume that some countries perhaps, that is, the leadership of some countries, may have had access to this technology at some point.

D: I think that it’s fair to say that we can assume that they had access to the information from it. But I wouldn’t place any characterization over any assumption of who may or may not have had it.

K: OK. All right, well, I think …

D: I thank you for the question, though.

K: OK. But it also gives you a whole different way of looking at history. I mean, certainly …

D: Indeed it does.

K: I mean… You know, this stuff has got to be kind of as natural to you as, you know, getting up in the morning, you know, and having a cup of coffee. This is all part of your world view.

D: Nah …There is nothing as natural to me as getting up and having my cup of coffee! [big laugh]

K: OK.

D: And we should have never built… The Stargate, yes, OK, for the purpose of speaking with the visitors from the other timelines. Yes, absolutely. But Looking Glass, no. That was done because of our own shortcomings as people who aspire to things that we maybe shouldn’t try to grab ahold of.

K: Well …

D: It should never have been built.

K: It gives you power, right? We’re talking about power, and the misuse of power here.

D: Yes.

K: I mean, bottom line, right?

D: Yes.

K: So …

D: And I am an advocate against that misuse. In fact … Well, I could say against the misuse … I am against its use. Period.

K: OK. So let’s say one has the Looking Glass, and you’re saying it shows probabilities, and one of the things we were wondering is: How does it do that?

D: Well, from the best I understand (and I was speaking with Bill just a little while about it, a little while ago), the rings and the amount of information via energy which is passed into it. And I’ve got to be very careful with this …The position of the rings, their orientation, the energy running through them, the position of the barrel, etc – because you can raise the barrel up on an armature inside the center of it – all come into play as if you have an onion with the various layers of the onion.

As you move through the different energy levels you also move through the different layers so you get different bits of information. Now, imagine an almost infinite number of layers overlaying in comparison to the positions of the rings and an almost infinite amount of energy that you can add or subtract, tuning it up, tuning it down.

K: Well, it sounds sort of like …

D: Instead of going up by 1 hertz or 2 hertz, maybe by a thousandth of a hertz up and down.

K: OK. But it sounds like you’re working with … almost like a kaleidoscope effect. You know, like a kaleidoscope, a real kaleidoscope, the way you would turn and twist and focus and each time you get a different design. Right?

D: Right, except …

K: The design and the colors change.

D: You get a different design and the colors change but it’s like working with multiple kaleidoscopes where, when you find two different probabilities that you would run into, you have two kaleidoscopes and you make a change on one kaleidoscope that may factor or function to a different angular change on another kaleidoscope. So you get two separate pictures that you then have that are flashing back and forth.

K: OK.

D: But yes.

K: OK. So, is …

D: That’s the best analogy I can …

K: Is there an interface with a computer to get these read-outs …

D: Yes.

K: … of the probabilities?

D: Yes. In fact there’s a de-interlacing system which they used to actually de-interlace the flashing back and forth of the two probabilities or the multiples that they had at certain times when it starts skipping …

K: You could freeze them, right? So you could look at them closer?

D: What they did is that they de-interlaced the video and then reintegrated the video and watched the individual videos and then determined statistically how much time was spent on each video to determine the amount of probability of each event occurring. And they tested that against probabilities in the field and probabilities of future occurrence to get a system which functioned scientifically. And that’s …

K: OK. And so, well, I’m going to go with that and I’m going to actually say that what they might have been doing is then looking back to see … In other words, if they saw an event in the Looking Glass, all they had to do was calibrate, or look at the different possibilities to see which one happened and then …

D: That’s what they did.

K: … as time went on …

D: Absolutely. That’s right on it. That’s right on. That’s right on the beam. And you know, some people like to say … Some people say it’s blue smoke and mirrors, but, then again, I was told something in 2001 that I’m living in right now. OK?

K: OK.

D: OK? Without going to what it is. And, like I said, we’ll talk about that in the future. But it’s the best scientific equipment that I can imagine for the determining of such a thing. But it goes to the old question: Just because we have the power to do something, should we?

K: Sure.

D: And I am a 100% advocate. She and I [gesturing toward Marcia] had a more than a small dustup out at Frenchman Mountain over this very same thing, which actually resulted in me walking alone down Lake Mead back toward Las Vegas, with she and I yelling and screaming at each other along the roadside.

They were doing tests out at Frenchman Mountain during the time that the Rosen Bridge was being accessed there – the Einstein-Rosen Bridge – with the equipment. They had the curtains up and all of that business, enough where Metro couldn’t see it from the top of the mountain and all that. And they were accessing there and there was a mistake and a small explosion out there on the east side of this little … what we call the Conquistador Helmet.

Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell:

“Metro”, referring to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

And she wanted me to go out there with her to help clean some the evidence up of it. And she and I got into more than a little dustup because I didn’t want anything to do with it. Because I don’t believe … I’m no Luddite. I’m all for grand technology. But I don’t believe in playing with things which actually deal with looking into the future.

There’s another issue that was going on at the time, in fact, the variety of communication which was going on via this equipment …from elsewhere … I presume … she won’t, still hasn’t, won’t admit to me, but I presume that it was from Orion and it was information, defense related information, on how this type of equipment, how an Einstein-Rosen Bridge at a distance, could be used to pull information out of a defense computer system.

K: Ah ha.

D: And I don’t mean a U.S. defense computer system. I said, “You know what? NO.” Look, we’ve got the technology here. We’ve got the talent. We’ve got the willpower and we’ve got the willingness to defend our own country without the use of something involving time technology. I wouldn’t want to go up against, for instance, god help us, the Chinese, on the ground. But at the same time, I don’t fear their country either. I believe that we should be diplomatic with them and have a firm understanding and a respect for one another. But I also don’t fear them. And so, the use of the technology like that is not honorable, to me.

K: Right. Well, it’s like knowing how the game plays out means you can play to your advantage ahead of time in making sure that that eventuality will occur.

D: That’s why I as so interested in… When I was doing my time … During my time with the jobs involving safety and security training and all that here in Las Vegas, when I was interacting with Marcia and the Eye because we were literally on a daily basis talking about that same thing. And about the psychology of individuals who come to a table to play a game and who cheat to alter the outcome of the game. And that whole psychology is something which I’m not … you know, is not foreign to me and so that helped, if you will, prime the wick of the explosion between myself and that variety of technology, which actually primed my disagreement with them.

Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell:

The “Eye” is a reference to the ‘Eye in the Sky’ or ‘Casino Surveillance’.

K: OK. Well, I understand what you’re saying and there’s a million questions that all of this ..

D: I know, I know.

K: … raises and I know don’t have all night, but I would like to ask …

D: There’s 30 of them here. [laughs]

K: Now that I know what I know and what you’ve at least communicated, you’re saying you don’t want to use the Looking Glass for advantage over country to country, but what about country to off-world …

D: No no no no. It shouldn’t be used at all.

K: OK. I understand, but …

D: All right?

K: But, is there something there? I mean, in other words, is the technology something that they are using now to look at our relationships with, because …

D: [shakes head no] The technology is not being used at all right now.

K: OK. But the reason it’s not used now is because of where we’re going into the galactic … the plane of the …

D: [nods head yes] As of about 2017 I would expect that probably that all of these little pieces of equipment will probably all get reassembled, yeah.

K: Turned back on.

D: Oh sure.

K: 2017? That’s quite a while …

D: 2016, 2017.

K: Not until then?

D: Probably not.

K: Do you mean …

D: I’m figuring that they’re probably going to act conservatively on this. That’s what all the people of wisdom have suggested to them.

K: Oh, wow.

D: Is to act conservatively. That yes, the so-called cycle of catastrophe, or season of catastrophe of Fulcanelli, the time period from, oh, right around 1992 to right around 2012, right around that area. While we will have passed it, passed 2012, we really ought to get through the entire cycle which is about 1980 to about 2016, to feel confident that the interpretation from the timeline from the future about their own catastrophe is not off by a few years. We’re talking about 45,000 years or 52,000 years respectively. We have difficulty understanding what happened 2,000 years ago and we’re talking about 50,000 years here. So, it’s very wise for them to wait.

K: OK. You mean turn … The Looking Glasses are now decommissioned, but also the Stargate technology.

D: Yeah. Yeah, they’re decommissioned and the Stargates and the Looking Glasses, I’m sure they’re all in their little mothball containers and all of that and they have been separated … The three components of each have been separated and moved to different power structures, diplomatic and military authorities around the world. And we’re talking about the EU specifically, the UN, and NATO. Those are in specific control of one of the three components each. And I cannot comment as to which component is contained by whom.

K: OK. But you’re saying there’s no doubt whatsoever that all this technology has been decommissioned.

D: There is no doubt whatsoever when it comes to the Looking Glasses and when it comes to the Stargate technology that it has been decommissioned. And … However, there are a few threats going on, ongoing threats, from present countries stating that they will put it together at their will, through their own self determination. And those countries, if push comes to shove, will be shoved.

K: OK. Meaning … Put it together now?

D: As in build one themselves now.

K: Yes. That’s what I meant.

D: Yes. What was extant has been collected. I’m under very good assurance that what was setting there has now been collected and decommissioned.

K: OK. And we’re assuming Iraq is one of those.

D: Oh, absolutely.

K: They were able to pinpoint in the Looking Glass the very highest probability for those things to occur …

D: That’s true. That’s true. And Bill was asking about a future date involving another thing and a year was given to me. And he was saying, well, if a year can be provided for that, why wouldn’t a year be provided for the other?

K: Right.

D: Well, there was a highest-probability year for it. However, telling me about something that might happen in the future involving a project which we’re currently involved is one matter.

K: Sure.

D: Willy-nilly throwing a date out which is a probability involving the lives and the destiny of all of us here on the Earth, specifically to a predicted four-and a half, or four billion peoples’ deaths, is another matter that carries an entirely different weight with it.

K: But are we to assume that we past that year yet? Or …

D: You’re not to … No. You’re not to assume.

K: No. OK. So that’s still in the offing. What we’re looking at is a very low probability of the event or the set of events occurring … at this point.

D: Yes. Yes. We’re looking at a low probability of the higher catastrophic portion of the events occurring. I expect that the events which would kick it off are still gonna happen. For instance, the solar max which is coming at around 2012 and the expected loss of GPS equipment and things like that, which is out there as part of … on the web you can find that. Engadget, I think, was one of the groups that spoke about the loss of GPS and satellite communications.

K: You mean the electromagnetic grid is gonna go down.

D: Yes. Yes. And that would be the time that I would expect the highest probability of the T2 event, having correlated to the history of the J-Rods and the Orions. But that’s as far as I can …

K: Wow. OK. Well, that’s pretty close.

D: I can’t give a date though.

K: Yeah. I understand.

D: I can but I shouldn’t because people will then target toward a date, and I … Yeah, there are people out there now that are saying, “Yep, it’s right around the corner at any moment now. Why won’t the aliens save us?

K: Yes.

D: We need to save ourselves.


D: And that’s why the steps have been taken that have been taken in the world and are still under way, so that we will save ourselves.


And here is the video including incredible drawings about Looking Glass and Area 51 S4 facility described by Dan Burisch:


Then we have MK-ULTRA super soldier James Casbolt who talks too about Looking Glass and have some photos of it:

The photograph below shows the Mercury Coil on the Looking Glass system, magnifiers ( in the background on the right ) and coolant pumps ( background on the left ). This was taken on a friend’s last visit to a Looking Glass site ( cannot disclose location ). The yellow lighting in the room is so that any diffused or leaking gas will show up as green vapor ( if regular white light is used you cannot see the gas ). If there is a leak it can be fixed or the area evacuated as not to be exposed to poisonous coolant gases or leaking mercury which is deadly. The coil spins highly heated mercury. The same principal is used inside various craft. The spinning mercury is used to open up worm holes, create gravitation forms and is also used for gravitational drives.


A Looking Glass facility exists on the island of Penang in Malaysia. I was there as a child in 1982. My NSA files states I was there in October of 1982. This is because Looking Glass works most effectively in this month. I helped open a stargate on October 31st of this year. An important date to be sure- Halloween/All Hallows Eve/All Saints Eve, better known to pagans and druids as Samhain. Connected to the A.I system, the group of beings I helped come through were not pleasant.

Next memory- in a very large training hall with over 100 children. Being trained by Germans this time. Groups of children divided up into groups of around five and ten. Some scaling high wooden walls, some vaulting over large wooden boxes like gymnasts, other taking guns apart, some hand to hand combat. German men training us in early thirties. A large door is at the end of room, two banners hand on either side- Nazi swastikas on them.

There is a timestamp on my NSA files from this time. It says 1984/10. This means October 1984. However this training would have been in early 1984. The files have a base code for Brazil. This facility was in Brazil. Files mention operation control was in Yucatan Mexico. A major LOOKING GLASS facility exists in Yucatan. These files were kept as a ‘cross the board’ tracking mechanism back in the 80’s. They were not case summaries. The details I am giving you on this thread are case summaries. I have to say I was treated very well by the Germans at this facility as were the other children. These officers in Brazil would most likely have been second or third generation Nazis from the New Berlin base in Antarctica. Their fathers or Grandfathers would have been the original Nazis that travelled in the U-boats from the motherland after WW2. These officers were supplied with hundreds of young blond Aryan woman for breeding programs.

This is so horrendous I’m not sure if it’s even worth talking about, but as the COM factions were helped by the three papers on artificial intelligence, they may be helped further by this. The human part of me is just starting to face the horror, the machine part of me can understand this at a different level. The next obvious step happens regarding the process above. Factions in the NSA attempt to weaponize the process above for military apps. The plan is for me to infiltrate the crime scene in Reading and London at my young age and assassinate black/african/jamican etc underworld crime figures. I start to become involved in ritualized military operations at these facilities utilizing Looking Glass technology and nano-tech. The leader of the bigfoot type entity who came through the gate at the facility in Malaysia years ago is brought through the gates in a semi-solid bio-plasmic state. He enters my body during these processes and the change occurs. Sometimes I can control the body, sometime he does. Often young black boys and girls are brought into the chambers, at these times he attempts to take control even more fiercely.

Mirror Entities and Artificial Intelligence

1) Each individual in these types of programs ( IBIS ) is assigned one ‘mirror’ entity.

2) The first physical connection will occur during a portal connection ( see Looking Glass event- 1982 Penang, Malaysia ).

3) The Mirror Entity will continue to periodically torture the individual in various ways to allow easier fracturing of mind for CROSS-OVER and OVER-SELF cloning procedures ( see Looking Glass event above )

4) The Mirror Entity will periodically take possession of the individual’s body.

5) The cloning and possession process will continue into the individual’s adult years until the situation is brought to a head.

6) At this time the individual and the Mirror Entity will engage in a final psionic battle which will culminate in one of them permanently dying.

7) If the individual is victorious, he/she will gain full control over his/her mind and body as well as gaining the various abilities of the Mirror Entity permanently.

8) If the Mirror Entity is victorious, it will gain full control over the mind and body of the individual permanently.

9) Artificial Intelligence cannot assign another Mirror entity to the individual once the Mirror Entity is deleted due to genetic reasons.

10) If process 8 occurs, the Mirror Entity will infiltrate human society posing as the original human. The Mirror Entity will have full awareness of what it really is and will exist as a shape shifting being of unnatural type.

11) The A.I system will attempt to abrogate, horrify and traumatize the life forms of the planet targeted for extermination through this process.

12) Be advised- Both the individual’s and the Mirror Entity’s consciousness are essentially trapped within the A.I machine. If this were not so, the individual would and could not be born into programs such as IBIS. Although now free of A.I agents control after the Mirror Entities deletion the individual will remain in a compromised state due to back-up nano-technology. This situation will remain in effect until the A.I system and connected back-up systems are shutdown physically.

There is some kind of low circular wall in the garden with a circular enclose inside. Steps going underneath the enclosure are to the left of the wall and they enter into some underground chamber where I sense some kind of Looking Glass machine has been placed. The people gather around the outside of the circle and I am escorted to the center where a geometric shape, possibly a pentagram, is marked on the floor. I stand in the center and then see a young woman being dragged out of the house by two men. She is struggling and the people around the circle begin to chant. The woman is some kind of sex slave/prostitute and she is positioned in the circle to the back of me. Neither of us can move now. I sense some movement behind me ( I now remote view the scene from a different angle ). The man has a huge knife and cuts her throat, I feel energy move into my back when this happens and I almost pass out.


Difficult to find the info, but there you have it… STAY TUNED FOR MORE FORBIDDEN TECHNOLOGY!

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3 thoughts on “Forbidden technology part II, Project Looking Glass”

  1. within hours … Problem is those preparations to save humanity include only the cabal of criminal monied elite who are inhumane … Question why cant stargate program enable back in time to stop events like murders of Potuses Garfield,Lincoln,JFK &RFK …stop the empowerment of NWO cabal murderous heinous criminals ? Sorry Dan that I believe would be worthwhile &then the wealth NWO steals from world can be used to advance humanity &technology to go forth in the universe… =preempts the earth overpopulation crisis …Looking Glass would seem to be a good tool to determine stargate “projects” ?!? It is now mid-2019 and daily some of us live in terror that civilwar alone will stop world amorality&lawlessness,heinous crimes against innocents, and purge the horror sharia law culture cult from the planet, and end 3rd world exploitation whereby the empowered defraud USA of Aid$ for their poor which elite keep then herd the poor and criminal-antisocial undesirables illegally into USA whereby US poor are more deprived than most poor in rest of “poor nations”-per UN,&USA society regresses into substandard ignorances to accommodate uneducables legally or illegally immigrated into USA…soon US A cant help itself and collapses under the eeight of it all …or civilwar to purge the mess and restore USA society.

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