Possession or pact with the Devil, what’ll it be?

Nowadays some people, specially pop-artists and movie stars do everything to get or stay in the spotlight. So what does it take to get on television or top of the pop-charts? Have you ever thought that celebrities use maybe more sinister means to get there where they are? Isn’t it strange when some of your favorite bands or friends musical projects don’t get any visibility or fame? That’s because maybe they are on the wrong side of the light, so to speak. I think, that if you are on the dark side you have much more potential to get to the spotlight.

Ancient times witches and magicians used dark, black and chaos magic to gain some fame or just to get their goals through. Do you think, that those tricks are gone to the wind, nope. Same tactics are used today in front of your eyes. Some of the celebrities don’t know the power of these forces, but some does and they use them like another tool in the box. The side-effect is, that you lose your soul for example, but that’s a small price to play like Jimi Hendrix or act like Brad Pitt.

There are different kinds of methods, that celebrities use. They can use logos, marks and clothing. Or they can just be possessed, that’s right you heard it right, possessed. It’s hard to get in details so that posts don’t get too long and boring, and that’s why I post links to the documents, films or other sites. So firstly here is a link to the site where a guy called Wes Penre talks about people who sold their souls to the Devil. Then there is also a good YouTube-channel from a guy called ShieldOfTheSON, which talks also satanism/pacts in the movie industry.

Why this topic interests me is? I watched a Swedish music show and KA-BOM there it was straight on your face… satanism on television in front of your eyes. There was this p3GULD show and one of their performer was Ghost. This satanist band with a pope. Is it normal to show satanism on television? Interesting thing is also, that Ghost has released only one album and they are gained huge success.

These artist love to show off with these hand signs clothes and symbols. I’ll talk symbols another time, but here is a good link where you can see hand symbols etc. Then you want some examples of pacts with the Devil or possession, of course you want. Ok here they come:


Kate Perry – Sold my soul to the Devil:



Bob Dylan – Sold my soul to the Devil:



Kanya West – Sold my Soul To The Devil:



Beyonce – Possessed by Devil:



Nicki Minaj – Possessed by Devil:



And the list goes on and on…

So what’s the conclusion? My conclusion is, that I love music, playing and my soul, so no pacts for me thanks.

The Day Before Disclosure

It’s time for disclosure… what? It’s time to reveal alien intelligence on Earth. Let’s face it folks. The evidence is overwhelming… millions of reports of alien contact & abduction cases can’t be just a hoax. Over 50% of people believe an extraterrestial life. So let’s play a little game on this subject. If aliens have been around… say it about 20 000 years and all the big governments know about it. Now aliens are saying, that they want to reveal themselves. How they are going to do it?

My scenario is that someday in the near future US, Russia or China are going to reveal the alien precense on Earth, because if they don’t, the aliens will. It could be some Friday night, perhaps some big government releases the info and all mankind has weekend time to swallow this fact.

Even the vatican says that aliens are God’s creation and did you know, that vatican owns one of the biggest telescope in the world (L.U.C.I.F.E.R), why? And why United Nations named an alien ambassador? This all kind of points that somewhere in the near future we are going to be informed about this fact and it could be sooner than you think.

There is a movie about this topic called The Day Before Disclosure:



There is also a website, which main goal is to reveal this alien agenda: http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/main.html

It’s time for disclosure! 😯

Time traveling with Andrew D. Basiago

Timetraveling, is it possible or just an imagination? I have been interested in timetraveling since I first saw Back To The Future I back in the 80’s. It was just an awesome movie and I have loved the series ever since. This trilogy is constructed beautifully and all the movies are worth watching. But that’s enough about fiction. I have been trying to find evidence of real life time traveling and found some, maybe 😕 . Firstly I have to admit that novadays I don’t know is time traveling just fiction or not, because even Einstein said that it is possible.

There are many ways to approach this subject, but this first post of this topic could be the story of a man called Andrew D. Basiago. Why I chosed this one? That’s because the most difficult thing, when you are investigating time traveling, is the evidence and this guy has some. This radioshow, which I am going to post here is near 2 hours long and it consists almost the main story about this guy. But the best evidence he has is a photograph of him in Gettysburg in 1863 when he saw Abraham Lincoln. That photo has fascinated me, because it is a official photo from newspaper.

Andrew claims that he’s father took him in secret military projects when he was about 6-10 years old. He was trained “chrononaut” and traveled in time and teleported many times. He even claims that Barack Obama was a chrononaut too and he saw him when they teleported in Mars.

Andrew’s story is so compelling, that I just had to make a post of him. Please take your time and listen his story, beacause you just can’t make any conclusions until you have searched all the evidence.

Here is the radioshow & another YouTube link



Here is also a link to another article about Andrew and he’s website:

Secret DARPA time travel program may hold key to understanding the deep politics of 9/11

Andrew D. Basiago’s website

I just want to keep an open mind and this one has puzzled me for over a year now. Take your time to investigate the subject and post your comments! I’ll be back to the future 😎

Is our reality real or reality matrix?


For starters we could watch this small clip from The Matrix movie where the main character Neo is introduced with the Matrix. I personally think, that The Matrix I is the best one from the series and two other ones are just futile attempt to cash and rip of people. The main theme is represented in Matrix I and it should have been enough. Here is the clip where Neo takes the red pill and starts his journey into the Matrix:


This topic came to my mind when I red an article about scientists who tried to solve that is the universe a computer simulation. Then it lead to my own investigation to solve this thing. In Matrix there is also a scene where Neo sees a so called Deja-vu, but Morpheus and friends told him, that there are no such things in the Matrix, so it must be a coding glitch. So I tried to find same kind of anomalies in our own reality and surprise surprise I found that people all over the World have seen weird things, which could be glitches in our “reality matrix”.

Here are the pages where people tell about their “Glitches in the matrix”.


They try to figure this out also on the other websites:


Pretty hard topic to swallow, but give it a try and have a nice day in the matrix!

Remote viewing & Baltic Sea anomaly (UFO?)

Aaah… this is a good and one of my favorite topic. I stumbled this few years ago when I was reading how US military was using remote viewers to spy military targets. And because I have an open mind I decided to check it out. And what a world it opened phew… I discovered that first the soviets were using it and then  US adopted these techniques too.

The men behind US remote viewing was Ingo Swann with Russell Targ. Sadly Ingo died in January 2013 and therefore he can’t teach these techniques anymore, but there is a lot’s of books that he has written about this subject. And of course Russell makes books and lectures about this subject too.

This is a big subject and I will return to this later, but for now I put couple of links that might give you a clue what this remote viewing is all about:

Ingo Swann: Penetration (book)
Russell Targ: Inception of Remote Viewing & The Reality of ESP (radio show)
Russell Targ’s homesite

Good book for beginners with remote viewing topic is David Morehouse’s Psychic Warrior (ISBN 0-312-14708-2). This book tells a story about a man with a special skill, which can turn very bad. Sometimes remoteviewing is called image streaming and there is an excellent book about this also called The Einstein Factor check it out if you are interested.

David Morehouse: Psychic Warrior (audio book)

So why I put Baltic anomaly (USO) on the title? That’s because last year I found a site which releases reports of ex-military remote viewers on different kind of targets. So naturally one of their best remote viewer (in my opinion) DELTA remote viewed this object and made some good findings. The baltic sea anomaly was found by Ocean Explorer Team .

Remote viewer DELTA views Baltic Sea anomaly

So this was just a tiny grasp of this topic called remote viewing and I will return to this later that’s for sure 😎

Blogman's Wonderland