An alien called J-Rod

Ok this post falls to the alien/disclosure category. Once again (I have read many of these kind of documents) maybe a 5 years ago I found this guy called Dan Burisch. This man’s story is absolutely stunning and intriguing. Dan claimed to be a Ph.D. microbiologist working on a top secret black ops project involving an alien named J-Rod. He communicated with this alien telepathically and got some information, which helped him in his work as black ops microbiologist in Area 51. Here is one of the many articles concerning Dan and his work. I put couple of extracts here:

Dan Burisch has also worked with one extraterrestrial biological entity, a ´Gray´ he called J-Rod, with whom he had a close working relationship with at Area 51. This J-Rod essentially performed a ´mind-meld´ with him where he downloaded much valuable information on the genesis of life.

Some of the major themes coming through the Burisch saga are that there are two factions of J-Rods or Grays. One faction is apparently helping Burisch in his research and is benign, and wants the knowledge disseminated in a way that helps humanity, and also assists the Grays/J-Rods themselves in repairing their own damaged DNA. The other faction of J-Rods/Grays is helping more reactionary national security types in getting more control of the Ganesh Particle so it can be utilized for the usual range of self-serving reasons around the usual formula of power, greed and exploitation.


I found this story when I searched Project Camelot site some years ago, but these were the videos,that I watched (all parts) If you want a full view of this case you have to watch all the parts of these videos:





As always in this kind of cases… is this true? You decide. 🙄 If this is a hoax it would make a hell of a movie.

Speed of light fixed

The main thing in these videos are how science denies the possibility of consciousness and that everything you know and see is in your mind. This is so narrow world view, that it almost make’s me sick. Here Rupert Sheldrake talks about how science for example just fixed the speed of light (the numerical value) in physics books and because of that, people started to get errors in their calculations. Is the speed of light just some thing, that you can change whenever you want? Point is, that science community keeps some things as absolute truth and others for example consciousness as a ridiculous joke, because we don’t have the necessary tools to investigate the phenomenon.

Why I’m posting these 2 videos is, because I thought, that TED was open to all kind of ideas, but for example here are 2 videos, that they removed from the official listings. Why? Because they contain subjects, that science community can’t handle.

Here is the Rupert Sheldrake’s video:



And here is a video from an excellent researcher of ancient Egypt, Graham Hancock‘s censored TED speech:



Why I bring this up? Because I just wonder, that how long we are going to see this kind of suppression and censoring? Even tough these videos don’t present absolute truth or facts, could we even have an conversation about these topics? You think we are living in a free world… well think again.

Excuse me but isn’t that water you are fueling?

Could you imagine a car, that runs on water? It may sound ridicilous, but there was a man called Stan Meyers, who designed and crafted a car or buggy, which used water as fuel. Actually he invented “water fuel cell“, which he’s buggy was using. This case belongs to category of inventions, which are forbidden from bigger audience. Interesting about this case is, that Stan was maybe murdered, because of his invention. Here is Stans explanation of water as a fuel:

“Many people do not realize that when you run a car or truck on gasoline of diesel fuel, you are actually running it on hydrogen. And all we are doing is using the hydrogen from water. And under the National Bureau of Standards figures shows that when you use water, the energy release is roughly two and a half times more powerful then that of gasoline. So water is a very powerful fuel.”


So why Stan was maybe murdered? That is because big corporations don’t want these new inventions to be published. Oil companies has bought many patents of inventions and just put them on hold. They want to suppress this kind of knowledge, because all they want is money. They don’t care if the Earth is getting polluted or people are dying, because of oil wars. And you always know, that there is something in the case when the inventor drops dead.

Here is the video of Stan Meyer’s death and other supressed projects:




That’s just sad, that big corporations use brutal force to silence these projects, which could be the salvation of mankind. Here is the short document of Stan Meyer and his water powered car:



>> Stan Meyer’s water power powered car website

I get back to projects like these later for example Nikola Tesla’s free energy and other medical breakthroughs. But since then have a good weekend and keep the water running! 🙂

Hiding in plain sight

You may have heard somewhere, maybe in the movies or TV-series, that “They are among us”…who and again you guessed it right… the aliens of course. This field of investigation is also very wide and today I’m going just to scratch the surface an easy way. This is also hard topic to investigate, because everyone is demanding evidence but it is very hard to find. Today you can do almost anything with Photoshop and different kind of 3D modelling software. So what is my solution to approach this? I try to find evidence, witch has been shown in “official” TV-channels.

Couple of days ago I found this video clip of Barack Obama giving his speech at Washington Convention Center and there seems to be someone who souldn’t in the picture. Or he’s caught on the video and suppose this is what they don’t want. I’m speaking one of Obama’s bodyguards who look very much like an alien being. And because of this is official newscast it could have some more credibility. But as always you decide.



There are different cases where people have reported of contacting different kind of extraterrestrial beings and the list of races is unbelievable. Here are couple links to these different kind of alien races:

Video of secret russian field manual of alien races (3 parts):

So that’s just a scratch of this topic, but hey you must to start somewhere! Have a good weekend everyone and keep on searching… the Truth.

Blogman's Wonderland