Now we add another chapter to this important serie of documents. If you want proof you got it…
Physical Nano-Fiber/BioAPI Examples
This web sites not bother with the scientific details or patents behind the actual nano-tech. I, like yourself I’m sure are not a nano-tech engineer. If you want details you can read for the next ten years if you want. Patents are easily found for all of this. They want and need you to focus on the super technical nonsense, look past it; the closer you look, the less you will see.
To summarize from the FAQ page – chemtrails spray the entire planet with nano-fibers which you breathe in. These fibers contain (nano) components which construct and install nano-implants which the aggregate of constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface allowing for complete monitoring & control of all body and mind functions in a given host (you, and everyone on the entire plant). Below are the basics, which is all that’s required for a broader understanding of these nano-fibers. The first few examples show an actual payload within a fiber (which would be used in the installation of a nano-implant for example). The colored fibers are just examples of what else can be seen, and the last example is a petri dish of nano-fibers from an average person such as yourself. The fiber images are about 200x magnification, any standard microscope will let you see these fibers. You can view these fibers yourself right now if you want. They are all around you, you are even breathing them in as you read this. Some fibers move on their own, they sort of wiggle, yet have no organelles proving they are not organic or biological in nature.
All of these fibers are in your body and brain. All fibers and constructs are viewable with the naked eye (just barely) under a proper wavelength of blacklight. For more information on the nano-fibers and how to extract them from your body refer to the bottom of this page for nano-fiber extraction details.
For an impressive prologue to this you can refer to the Gamer (2009) clip in which you are told exactly what they are doing and demonstrates it for all to see. I like the Technotise: Edit & I (2009) clip too.
Nano-fibers are now directly shown and referenced in clips for Doomsday Book (2012) and Vexille (2007). Chemtrails as the source of mind control is shown in Ultrasonic (2012) and The Crazies (2010).
Also see The Host (2013), where they outright show you a pretty good representation of the nano-fibers. See the last sample of nano-fiber images below for the picture of this in real life.
This is the most amazing picture you’ll see in your life. This is a phase 2 subject with a nano-camera in the left eye. Only viewable with the proper wavelength of blacklight. Everyone on the planet has a basic set of nano-implants that allows them to be tracked and mind controlled on demand; people who contract what I call a phase 2 will have additional implants that allows them to be body controlled as well as a whole host of other functions. Your body is turned into a robot against your knowledge and against your will. The aggregate of these nano-implants constitutes what is commonly known as a Biological Application Programming Interface. Check the media page for upcoming references concerning the ocular implant, specifically the Order of Chaos (2010) clip, or even the Minority Report (2002) description for that matter. [Update – you could review the Minority Report description, I’ve expanded on these eye references]
Note the pink circle referencing the implant in the large image is not actually the camera, it’s just a side effect (fibers and implants glow under UV light) of the camera implant installation for this individual. The camera is too small (micro-size) and can’t be seen, but it can be felt – some more thoughts and information on the ocular nano-implant are available. Interestingly they demonstrate this ocular implant in action and show exactly how they see what you see in Surrogates (2009) at about the 11:00 minute mark of the movie (the movie, not the clip – see the last cover image on the front page of this site). A monitor beside Bruce Willis shows a video cam of what his surrogate is seeing after he gives himself a glass of water. It’s real. This is how EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL BE RECORDED is true from A Scanner Darkly (2006).
This first example shows a fiber that was found in pond water if I remember correctly. This is the typical fiber you would breathe in while jogging or something. Notice the payload which seemed to shrink to nothing. It started to shrink as soon as I looked at it, or it sensed the light from the microscope. Seen at roughly 200x magnification in late 2010. The contraction timeframe was about 300 seconds. |
A fiber with another payload. The next image is a larger version of this. |
This example shows another payload, this time with some color for some reason. |
For whatever reason some fibers are red or blue in color. |
A red fiber. |
This is an example of the most common fibers found. It’s transparent, longer and seems kind of benign. All fibers can be seen with standard cheap microscopes. Some fibers even move by themselves, they sort of twitch if you watch long enough. |
The connecting proof of chemtrail nanofibers and your body being the target is this test here. Rinsing ones mouth out with red wine will extract the fibers from the oral cavity of the person. Viewing the extraction under a microscope and you’ll see the same fiber structure as fibers found in pond water or randomly elsewhere. 100% saturation. Note – a quick rinse doesn’t work, you have to let the acidity of the red wine soak into your mouth for a bit. The wine stains the fibers. Gargle, repeat a few times and you’ll start to see them. This image is in a petri dish.
This is exactly what they are referring/showing to you in The Host (2013), screenshot here. Also shown in Ender’s Game (2013), screenshot here. Clifford Carnicom has pioneered the research (going as far back as 2003) connecting nano-fibers with Chemtrails, merely compare the structure of what comes out of your mouth with what is found outside in rain water. It’s the same thing. See below for a test you can conduct for yourself. |
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
Henry David Thoreau
Nano-Fiber Extraction Test
I’d like to take a moment and expand on what someone should see if they actually wish to test themselves for this nano-disease. To make any connection at all you must recognize these Chemtrail nano-fibers as coming from your body which in a normal environment is completely impossible.
Everyone knows red wine stains absolutely everything. It’s a nightmare to clean. It should be no surprise that when dealing with co-polymer nano-fibers this red wine principal is no different. The test is basic. The purpose is to simply allow the red wine’s acidity to saturate your mouth and the nano-fibers will slowly be extracted and then stained by the wine. Why this actually happens is unknown by myself.
To being simply get a bottle or red wine as shown in the image to the left. |
Poor a little into the sink. See anything? No. Of course not. It’s just red wine. Nothing to see here. Also check your mouth if you care, it’s clean. If not just brush your teeth. |
Sip a little red wine, swish it around in your mouth for a bit, maybe gargle. Spit it out. What do you see? Some people will see nothing at first, the red wine has to saturate the oral cavity. Some people will immediately see small strange specs or fibers as shown. Now think for the first time in your life, I thought the wine and your mouth were pure and clean? Therefore this must be impossible right? |
After repeating this test a few times, specifically gargling, you should start to see large globs of nano-fibers come out. They never stop. You can do this test for hours and more and more fibers will come out of your mouth. |
A little disgusting yes, but necessary for demonstration purposes. Look at your tongue. Nano-fibers get caught in your tongue’s hairs (your tongue has hair obviously). |
There you have it. Chemtrail’s spray nano-fibers. You breathe, eat and ingest these nano-fibers. It’s impossible not to. Could you put these nano-fibers from your mouth under a microscope? You could but it’s not realistic because they are all stained. It’s much better to get a sample of pond water or water from the street or sewer drain or leave a small dish of water outside for a while to get nano-fibers that are falling from the lower atmosphere after some chemtrail spraying.
Now what do they do? Why? Why on earth would this be happening? Brace yourself, you still have to think, I know it’s difficult but hang in there. Nano-fibers deliver nano-components as reflected above. These nano-components encapsulate neurons and bridge synapses throughout your body or to a greater extent install nano-implants. Again, for what? Why? To control you (for example Gamer (2009)). That’s why. To read your mind, thoughts, see what you see and hear what you hear. Essentially turn you into a cyborg, in standard computer science circles this would be called a BioAPI or wetware. It’s for mind control. Plain and simple. They even show you examples of what they can do in every day life, so continue on for several awesome media examples and real life mind control references. It’s all real, they did it all.
Thoughts on a possible cure can be found in the review for Rise of the Zombies (2012).
Original article is not my work so if those links are gone they are gone… sorry.
All of the links are broken.