The one and only true timetraveler Andrew D. Basiago tells the Truth:
1. Remote viewing was developed by the US military in the 1960’s years before it was supposedly developed at Stanford Research Institute [SRI] in 1972. It uses the human mind to travel to locations distant in space in real time or distant in time-space.
2. Spinning to induce out-of-body experiences so as to travel on the astral plane is an ancient occult practice. It uses dissociation of the mind to access while awake the astral realm that we access while we are lucid dreaming.
3. The Montauk chair was reverse-engineered from the pilot’s seat aboard a crashed ET craft, by which the ET pilot piloted the craft psychically to avoid collisions in space in light of the speed of the craft and the vast interstellar distances traversed. It uses magnetic transduction to boost human consciousness forward in time so that the individual in the chair pre-experiences a moment in his subjective future.
4. The teleporter, which opens up a vortal tunnel in the fabric of time-space through which the teleportee passes from Point A to Point B in several seconds, was invented by Nikola Tesla. It uses a field of radiant energy to open up the vortal tunnel in time-space. When the tunnel in time-space closes, the teleportee finds footfall in the location where the tunnel closes, either in real time or in the past or future.
5. The chronovisor was accidentally discovered by Vatican musicologists Father Pellegrino Ernetti and Father Augustino Gemelli when they were studying the harmonic patterns in Gregorian chants at the Catholic University of Milan in the 1940’s. Ernetti and Gemelli found that the microphone they were developing could pick up the sounds of past events. It uses holograms that are so dense that they have the effect of lensing non-local events into the laboratory which the time traveler can visit and explore while standing in the hologram. The advanced chronovisor was developed from a TV-like screen into a standing cubical hologram of moving, multi-colored light by US defense contractors under DARPA after the Vatican gave the chronovisor technology to the US government for further development.
6. The stargate is a Tesla teleporter that so concentrates the radiant energy that it derives from the quantum hologram that it can send the teleportee vast distances in time-space. Once inside the vortal tunnnel, the teleportee can see that the tunnel is identical to the tunnel walls of bluish-white holographic light produced by the Tesla teleporter, but since greater distances in time-space can be reached by the stargate, the teleportee spends more time in the tunnel and so has a greater risk of asphyxiation. It was via stargate that Project Pegasus was accessing 2045 in 1972.
7. The plasma confinement chamber was invented by Dr. Stirling Colgate, president of the New Mexico Institute of Science and Technology [NMIST] and a physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratories [LANL]. It uses radioactive plasma to propagate a wormhole which the time traveler travels in order to be embedded temporarily in a past event. When this local quantum field effect created around the chrononaut wears off, he experiences transitioning spontaneously back to his point of embarkation in the chamber without traveling via wormhole. It was via this device that Andrew D. Basiago was sent to Gettysburg, PA in 1863 in Spring 1972 as seen in the Josephine Cobb image of Lincoln at Gettysburg.
8. The jump room or “aeronautical repositioning chamber” [ARC] was developed in a joint venture between Parsons and Lockheed, possibly after being reverse-engineered from an extraterrestrial device or as a result of ET-human liaison in which the device was given to the US government by one of the Grey ET species. It uses an unknown process to relocate the teleportee on an interplanetary basis. In the CIA’s Mars jump room program, jumps between Earth and Mars tended to take about 20 minutes and involved the jump room “morphing” from a box to a cylinder and back again during the jump.
Copyright 2016 by Andrew D. Basiago. All rights reserved.
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