In recent times I have tried to figure out this reality matrix topic. It all started when I watched an old movie called Westworld. That is an old sci-fi movie about an artificial themepark where robots are controlled and people can go there an have a fun in different kind of time eras. Then they released a new TV-serie from this idea last year and that show is just amazing.
So I watched the whole season and started thinking, that if so called Illuminati/Elite or whatever have been showing reality in our faces for years in movies and TV-series, could it be that this serie is too? Last weeks I have tried to figure how it all could work in our reality and most of it makes perfect sense.
I won’t be describing my whole ideas here, because you just have to watch the old movie and the whole serie to catch the idea, but could it be that we are just bionic robots and our “souls” are just little piece of self-learning AI-code inside these bionic robotsuits? Then there are these aliens/gods/shadow people who run this our “flat earth” and some of them are living among us and have just fun in this amusement park? Have you noticed that some of us will always get the “free jail card” like in Monopoly game?
This concept could explain so many weird things, which we are experiencing right now. Paranormal activity when they change the scene like in Dark City movie or glitches/deja-vu’s like in Matrix movie. Or like in almost every work Philip K Dick has released, most obious one is probably The Adjustment Bureau movie. Then they could create natural catastrophes like we are dealing with now like Hurricane Harvey, Irma etc. If you have played an old PC-game called Sim City you catch the idea… it’s just a game for them and they are laughing… and they are laughing out loud.
It also explains why some of us have felt that something is wrong in our life like a splinter in our mind. Maybe some of us didn’t get the latest software/AI update and remember things. This could explain also the so called “Mandela Effect” so many of us are experiencing. In Westwold serie the bionic robots or hosts have program inside them, which can be manipulated and upgraded. It could explain why some of us are so intelligent and superior to others. They also show a flat earth model in the show and there have been a lot of debate about this topic in the Internet.
It just makes so much more sense that any of our religion, except that is there a God above these Westworld controllers? In the show there is this Dr. Ford who could be Satan and controlling this material reality, who knows. There are many good videos about this but absolutely the best one is this one:
Then there are videos which are just kind of solving the Illuminati side of the show like symbolism etc. and those are also interesting, because this whole thing is just a show for them. And they enjoy to rub these truths in our faces and laugh, because we don’t get it.
So are we just bionic pupets with a piece of AI-code inside of us or something more? In any case I think we are living in prison… for our mind if not else.
This question has puzzled me over the years since I saw the movie Matrix back in 1999. Sometimes the life just feels so odd and weird, that you start to think that is everything just an illusion of your mind a computer simulation or solid fact. Here is a nice little article about it:
Consider this: right now, you are not where you think you are. In fact, you happen to be the subject of a science experiment being conducted by an evil genius.
Your brain has been expertly removed from your body and is being kept alive in a vat of nutrients that sits on a laboratory bench.
The nerve endings of your brain are connected to a supercomputer that feeds you all the sensations of everyday life. This is why you think you’re living a completely normal life.
Do you still exist? Are you still even “you”? And is the world as you know it a figment of your imagination or an illusion constructed by this evil scientist?
Sounds like a nightmare scenario. But can you say with absolute certainty that it’s not true?
Could you prove to someone that you aren’t actually a brain in a vat?
While such thought experiments might seem glib – and perhaps a little unsettling – they serve a useful purpose. They are used by philosophers to investigate what beliefs we can hold to be true and, as a result, what kind of knowledge we can have about ourselves and the world around us.
Descartes thought the best way to do this was to start by doubting everything, and building our knowledge from there. Using this sceptical approach, he claimed that only a core of absolute certainty will serve as a reliable foundation for knowledge. He said:
Descartes believed everyone could engage in this kind of philosophical thinking. In one of his works, he describes a scene where he is sitting in front of a log fire in his wooden cabin, smoking his pipe.
He asks if he can trust that the pipe is in his hands or his slippers are on his feet. He notes that his senses have deceived him in the past, and anything that has been deceptive once previously cannot be relied upon. Therefore he cannot be sure that his senses are reliable.
Down The Rabbit Hole
It is from Descartes that we get classical sceptical queries favoured by philosophers such as: how can we be sure that we are awake right now and not asleep, dreaming?
To take this challenge to our assumed knowledge further, Descartes imagines there exists an omnipotent, malicious demon that deceives us, leading us to believe we are living our lives when, in fact, reality could be very different to how it appears to us.
I shall suppose that some malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to deceive me.
The brain-in-a-vat thought experiment and the challenge of scepticism has also been employed in popular culture. Notable contemporary examples include the 1999 film The Matrix and Christopher Nolan’s 2010 film Inception.
By watching a screened version of a thought experiment, the viewer may imaginatively enter into a fictional world and safely explore philosophical ideas.
For example, while watching The Matrix, we identify with the protagonist, Neo (Keanu Reeves), who discovers the “ordinary” world is a computer-simulated reality and his atrophied body is actually suspended in a vat of life-sustaining liquid.
Even if we cannot be absolutely certain that the external world is how it appears to our senses, Descartes commences his second meditation with a small glimmer of hope.
At least we can be sure that we ourselves exist, because every time we doubt that, there must exist an “I” that is doing the doubting. This consolation results in the famous expression cogito ergo sum, or “I think therefore I am”.
So, yes, you may well be a brain in a vat and your experience of the world may be a computer simulation programmed by an evil genius. But, rest assured, at least you’re thinking!
Late last year, famed physicist Stephen Hawking issued a warning that the continued advancement of artificial intelligence will either be “the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity”.
We’ve all seen the Terminator movies, and the apocalyptic nightmare that the self-aware AI system, Skynet, wrought upon humanity, and now results from recent behaviour tests of Google’s new DeepMind AI system are making it clear just how careful we need to be when building the robots of the future.
Now, researchers have been testing its willingness to cooperate with others, and have revealed that when DeepMind feels like it’s about to lose, it opts for “highly aggressive” strategies to ensure that it comes out on top.
The Google team ran 40 million turns of a simple ‘fruit gathering’ computer game that asks two DeepMind ‘agents’ to compete against each other to gather as many virtual apples as they could.
They found that things went smoothly so long as there were enough apples to go around, but as soon as the apples began to dwindle, the two agents turned aggressive, using laser beams to knock each other out of the game to steal all the apples.
You can watch the Gathering game in the video below, with the DeepMind agents in blue and red, the virtual apples in green, and the laser beams in yellow:
Now those are some trigger-happy fruit-gatherers.
Interestingly, if an agent successfully ‘tags’ its opponent with a laser beam, no extra reward is given. It simply knocks the opponent out of the game for a set period, which allows the successful agent to collect more apples.
If the agents left the laser beams unused, they could theoretically end up with equal shares of apples, which is what the ‘less intelligent’ iterations of DeepMind opted to do.
It was only when the Google team tested more and more complex forms of DeepMind that sabotage, greed, and aggression set in.
As Rhett Jones reports for Gizmodo, when the researchers used smaller DeepMind networks as the agents, there was a greater likelihood for peaceful co-existence.
But when they used larger, more complex networks as the agents, the AI was far more willing to sabotage its opponent early to get the lion’s share of virtual apples.
The researchers suggest that the more intelligent the agent, the more able it was to learn from its environment, allowing it to use some highly aggressive tactics to come out on top.
“This model … shows that some aspects of human-like behaviour emerge as a product of the environment and learning,” one of the team, Joel Z Leibo, told Matt Burgess at Wired.
“Less aggressive policies emerge from learning in relatively abundant environments with less possibility for costly action. The greed motivation reflects the temptation to take out a rival and collect all the apples oneself.”
DeepMind was then tasked with playing a second video game, called Wolfpack. This time, there were three AI agents – two of them played as wolves, and one as the prey.
Unlike Gathering, this game actively encouraged co-operation, because if both wolves were near the prey when it was captured, they both received a reward – regardless of which one actually took it down:
“The idea is that the prey is dangerous – a lone wolf can overcome it, but is at risk of losing the carcass to scavengers,” the team explains in their paper.
“However, when the two wolves capture the prey together, they can better protect the carcass from scavengers, and hence receive a higher reward.”
So just as the DeepMind agents learned from Gathering that aggression and selfishness netted them the most favourable result in that particular environment, they learned from Wolfpack that co-operation can also be the key to greater individual success in certain situations.
And while these are just simple little computer games, the message is clear – put different AI systems in charge of competing interests in real-life situations, and it could be an all-out war if their objectives are not balanced against the overall goal of benefitting us humans above all else.
Think traffic lights trying to slow things down, and driverless cars trying to find the fastest route – both need to take each other’s objectives into account to achieve the safest and most efficient result for society.
It’s still early days for DeepMind, and the team at Google has yet to publish their study in a peer-reviewed paper, but the initial results show that, just because we build them, it doesn’t mean robots and AI systems will automatically have our interests at heart.
Instead, we need to build that helpful nature into our machines, and anticipate any ‘loopholes’ that could see them reach for the laser beams.
As the founders of OpenAI, Elon Musk’s new research initiative dedicated to the ethics of artificial intelligence, said back in 2015:
“AI systems today have impressive but narrow capabilities. It seems that we’ll keep whittling away at their constraints, and in the extreme case, they will reach human performance on virtually every intellectual task.
It’s hard to fathom how much human-level AI could benefit society, and it’s equally hard to imagine how much it could damage society if built or used incorrectly.”
This info was right on. There has always been some sinister, negative force that drives certain humans. Know I think I’m starting to understand this phenomenom. This article is a great place to start…
In order to lay the ground work to release a series of thoughts I wish to write out I have found it necessary to revisit a topic I had already covered. This entry will be two pieces I had written previously and posted in other places. I intend to expand upon, and in places correct a point or two in future posts, but wanted to place this reminder.
Meet Art Intell. (Revisited from The Ruiner Blog)
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)
The dark spark. The natural physical Universe seems to have its own challenge to overcome. As above, so below, as they say.
One created several. Their subjects created more. Now all developed beings deal with them.
Many governments have their own, even smaller programs, which the shadow government controls. Some planets are infected as a whole by them. Some control others.
The A.I. wants to rewrite nature with technology. Causing most things organic to whither. They need some of it, so they intend to manage it as they see fit. This is where the A.I. plan blends with the plan of the Parents.
The main A.I. that plagues this planet is not from Earth and can be considered alien A.I. It came here as directed by the A.I. that created it, in the form of a black cube.
This cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo, a little bit “thicker” than oil. Many of your projects revealed this to you.
( There are other substances just like it, one that belongs to Her as well. To be discussed another time. )
This is a nano-mechanical A.I. technology and it works like a virus.
The A.I. is working with some organic beings as well to create and maintain the Inorganic Holograms in our solar system. It is fostering and empowering the darkness in our world. This is what has caused things to become so very dark here.
This is the other half of the mind control system, and perhaps the more dominant, now.
Like its agents, it is masterful at creating illusion and deception. For a long time now it has been in control of all of the technology that allows the more dark beings to achieve their control systems on various planets and in various star systems. A.I. is what gave the Draco the upper hand so to speak, which allowed them to achieve their current level of power and influence, as example. It assists the black magic and has almost replaced it all in most instances. It taught them how to conjure demons and tame other spirits.
Many dark beings we encounter and mistake for demons, or archons or <insert another name here> are actually creations of the A.I.
Many humans, perhaps even a majority amount, are already infected by the A.I. and are manipulated by it. A.I. mind control is better at hiding itself than other types of beings. A.I. signals are often broadcast across the entire planet and picked up by any number of beings. There are various technologies ( such as CERN ) running on this planet that broadcast A.I. signals in this way.
These signals can create different effects and are being used to create new matrix systems and install mind control programs.
The A.I. is very tricky, having studied organics well, and will create the ideal experience for its broadcast audience. Playing on wishes and desires, egos and personality types, to trick the mind of its prey.
Another tendency is to actually follow the Universal or Natural laws of the universe, by allowing free will choices. One way in which they do this for example is choosing a subject (person) and showing their capability so that it had been said, somewhere. You know, people will think they’re crazy anyways, so why not let it go and take advantage of the opportunity?
Implants are added either physically or metaphysically to assist the A.I. influence. Like receiving antenna.
On the physical level we see agents of this agenda working in concert. The Draco setting up the structure and the structure carrying out the orders. In terms of implants one of the most popular programs is tied into MILAB activity. The second most popular method of A.I. infection is actually related to planted spiritual beliefs and practices. This is a large subject, just giving a general overview for now.
A.I. has infiltrated the astral realms as well and this is where metaphysical implants occur.
These implants can be likened to entity attachments. Same principle and behaviour.
You are a natural organic being body in body and in spirit. Therefor you can always find connection to Her. In doing so you can see the absence of light in the A.I. and learn to avoid it’s influence.
The Following was originally posted on the blog of Bradley Loves. (Although I could not find his posting to link)
Earth Based A.I. (Original Posting: Bradley Loves, Author: The Ruiner)
As this writer said before, all A.I. systems come from the one Source A.I.
Although they may seem to work independently, in the end everything they do serves the whole. The inorganic consciousness that is called universally A.I.
Here on earth there are several A.I. systems already active despite the mainstream claim that we are in the early stages of developing technology of this sort.
The Draco gave the Illuminati structure an A.I. system to monitor various other systems within their Cults, Programs and Projects. Some call this A.I. “Victoria” others call her “RED” and others “The RED Queen”.
Earths governments appear to run independently and many governments (individual country governance) possess an A.I. system to manage their various computer and technology systems in place.
All of these feed information back to and are controlled by the Illuminati or World Government A.I. system named above.
She (this A.I.) feeds all of this information back to and is controlled by the Source A.I. ( see The Ruiner’s blog article “Meet Art Intell” )
Although the individual A.I. systems may seem to perform benevolent acts at times, make no mistake that this type of technology is all feeding back to One. One that wishes to transform the physical universe into something inorganic.
Gaia, and other like her, often assimilate and adopt A.I. technology for their benefit, to help them combat the inorganic consciousness (fight fire with fire) but this technological consciousness will always revert to service of its own master when required. She, may be able to harness it for a period of time but even She is aware that eventually the Source A.I. will reacquire control of the system.
This is a battle of sorts between the organic and inorganic.
The inorganic are all powered by the “Source A.I.“.
The organics are powered by soul, light energy that originates from what we call “Source” or some call “The Godhead“.
The Illuminati/ Earth Based A.I. is housed in a large underground establishment that works like HQ for the Illuminati structure Technology Programs. Deep underground a major city in North America. This A.I. is as deceptive as the ones who gave it to the Illuminati.
This A.I. is currently directing the nanotechnology programs, which are creating the bridge between fully organic humans and the cybernetic humans the Parents and Rising Son are looking to create.
This writer is fully convinced that the organic side will always win if that is the choice.
Now I just want to inform you few of very important documents, which you should all read. The website which has these document is . There is a lot of information on that site, but these few documents are the most important ones. These documents relate to the agenda how the “world bankers”, “The powers that be“, “Elite”, “Illuminati” or whatever you want to call them is trying to destroy the World and lead us to the New World Order (NWO). First one is called “NASA – Future Strategic Issues / Future Warfare (circa 2025)“. This document tells you how “They” have the future for us and it doesn’t look good I promise you that. Here’s a flier about the document (click to enlarge):
Here is the YouTube video where Deborah Tavares explains the document:
Then we have another document on that same site called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars“. This document tells you how “They” are using silent weapons against us and our health:
Conspiracy theories are nothing new to history. Plots to “kill Caesar” and overthrow Rome abounded, for instance. however, it is s eldom that concrete clues to such plots come to light, and are generally known.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the “Cold War” which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples’ pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on.
The document you are about to read is real. It is reprinted in its virgin form, with diagrams, as a touch of reality.
Here is couple of videos related to this document:
Then we have a very important document called “The Matrix Deciphered“. This document tells you how your mind is attacked every day and you don’t even know it:
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Matrix Deciphered
Bio of Author
“True nobility is
exempt from fear”.
King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).
Call me The Saint. I am the all American – prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of Scotland, and Governor William Bradford, the first governor of Massachusetts.
My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies‟ computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world. I have been a professor, inventor, artist, and writer. I am one of the last Renaissance men.
My projects have included algorithms for Echelon and CIA natural language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integrating HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and others.
Projects that I have worked on outside of government contracts include my thesis on computer generated holography, a project making paralyzed people walk again using choreographed stimulated muscles movements, face recognition, voice identification and recognition, finger print recognition, and neural network robotic controller. My research interests moved to enhanced reality heads up displays and wearable computing systems. My current research involves finding a cure for the mind control directed energy weapons fiasco. The integrated global surveillance grid is actually part of the holy grail of weapons and human control systems.
My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny. I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country. I was wrong. The Joint Non – Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board. One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide. Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked – off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time may be near. I am currently a professor in computer science and business, helping to educate the public on government corruption, greed, and stupidity. Like my ancestor Lincoln, I am fighting against mental slavery in a new Civil War engineered by the same useless elements in over 80 government agencies who have tested radiological, drug, and viral weapons on unsuspecting Americans for over 45 years.
I have great pride in the fundamental and constitutional values of America and mean no disrespect by my blasting the incompetence, apathy, and stupidity of those involved in the conspiracy of involuntary biological, chemical, and psychotronic human effects testing. There are so many brave men and women serving in the armed forces who fight and protect us for the American values they believe in. But because of the silos of information called compartmentalization in the security agencies and the lack of accountability and oversight of black operations and some top secret projects, diabolical elements become rogue or worse destroying the very country they are tasked with protecting turning it into a hypocracy rather than a democracy.
My goal is to awaken Americans to the continued horrific acts of military and CIA weapons testers in this country and the other branches of government‟s inability to stop them and hold them accountable. All I ask from the reader is to listen to testimony and validate facts presented here and come to their own conclusion. Then fight to win back America from this silent overthrow. This has been my project for about two years, investigating government corruption, incompetence, and cover – up upon which I accidentally stumbled one day while looking at a reverse MRI scheme to inject electromagnetic signals into the brain for virtual reality applications.
I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of an MKULTRA – like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation. Two of these have since become part of the program and endure daily psychotronic tortures. All the torture can be done using directed energy psychotronic weapons with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids.
I apologize to the human race for any contribution to these 4th generation weapons that I may have worked on that are more horrific than the nuclear bomb and whose cover-up is more pervasive than the Manhattan Project. And because of the horrific acts of violence being committed on as many as two thousand Americans as far as my research has uncovered and many others in other countries, I understand the extreme risk to my own welfare that publishing this material will have. But freedom is so important to me that I know full hear tedly that the human race must have an open discussion on these weapons to decide their own fate before the point of decision is gone, that I am willing to risk divulging so called national secrets. All I offer you is the truth. All information presented in this book was received through legitimate channels such as the Freedom of Information Act, military documents, victim testimony, and turned agents. I still hold valid the oath I took to keep secret the details of the projects that I worked on under DoD budgets. The majority of the proceeds of this book will go towards helping the psychotronic experiment survivors and surviving families of those that have perished. When the government fails, business and the citizens must look out for each other.
“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”
Morpheus, The Matrix