Medium: Jorge Olguin.
Interlocutor: Horacio Velmont.
Entity to talk: Ron Hubbard, founder of Dianetics and Scientology.
Questioner: You bring prepared an array of questions about the Area 51, that although we have already spoken something I would go deeper, because there is much confusion on the subject.
Ron Hubbard: Right. You can start the questions.
Interlocutor: Okay. The first thing I ask is about the underground construction. There is talk that there are many places on the planet that are in conjunction with Area 51, for example in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Antarctica, etc.
Ron Hubbard: In countries you name are alien bases as well as elsewhere in the world, but not in combination with Area 51.
Questioner: Are separate alien bases?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, and even the United States is not aware of its existence. In this case, when I say U.S. I mean very deep strata of the U.S. government, because government agencies do not know anything official about it.
Questioner: I understand. But no country that is in conjunction with Area 51?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, there are only two: Puerto Rico and Russia, and the latter through a base which is in Siberia.
Questioner: Russia is in combination with the same aliens than the U.S.?
Ron Hubbard: So, are the same.
Questioner: We are always talking about very deep strata?
Ron Hubbard: Yes. I reiterate that at the official level these things are ignored.
Questioner: The aliens are called “Grey”?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, but other races have appeared. A call Blacks.
Questioner: Where did they come from?
Ron Hubbard: They come from a star called Albex.
Questioner: How far is it?
Ron Hubbard: About a thousand light years.
Interlocutor: Quite far from us, I see.
Ron Hubbard: Quite far away to our standards of measurement, but not for them.
Questioner: I understand. Are these aliens Blacks are in combination with both Russia and the United States?
Ron Hubbard: Yes. There is a third race that is very similar to the Greys, but whose skin is a little darker. Are directly predators. They are completely out jaw, teeth visible, and less common the Grey skull.
Questioner: Do they belong to the animal kingdom as Langar, Arthur Constellation?
Ron Hubbard: No, they are humanoids.
Questioner: How many types of Greys are there?
Ron Hubbard: There are four types of Greys. And most will call a race Predator. These predators have taken their pictures, even circulating on the Net
Interlocutor: Let’s see if I understand: There are seven races of aliens working with the United States and Russia, ie, two types of Black, Grey and four types of single-race of Predators.
Ron Hubbard: Counting the Langar are eight.
Questioner: And the antheanos? I refer to the race that crashed in Roswell.
Ron Hubbard: At antheanos include them as one of the types of Greys.
Questioner: I understand. Did some alien races working together and are all independent?
Ron Hubbard: No, not all independent. Some are in combination, but most compete. In addition, Langar, as you know, were captured and subjected because his ship crashed. In addition, we extracted technology.
Questioner: What is achieved with this technology?
Ron Hubbard: They were able, for example, building a protective energy shield.
Questioner: When you say you are “extracted” do you mean?
Ron Hubbard: I use that word because the Langar had never voluntarily shared with terrestrial technology.
Questioner: Do you mean that forced them to deliver?
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Questioner: So the Langar are imprisoned at Area 51?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, but now there are very few and have not been reproduced.
Questioner: In the Area 51 aliens are other prisoners in addition to the Langar?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, of course.
Questioner: I’m wondering why his peers have not abducted by teleportation, a technique that any alien has.
Ron Hubbard: The answer is simple. As I just said, Americans have designed an energy shield based on the ship that had troubled the Langar and the shield prevents teleportation.
Questioner: Does this coat fits all alien teleportation device?
Ron Hubbard: Suitable for all teleportation device, whatever its origin. The system works through molecular transportation, and it can not be done if there is an energy barrier.
Questioner: Of course. How many aliens, counting all races, there are at Area 51? I read that it is estimated that around 18,000.
Ron Hubbard: No, there are many. There will be a tenth, about 1800.
Interlocutor: Including all races?
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Questioner: At this time I remember something I wanted to ask and I forgot to write: “How far is the ship of the aliens who abduct women in the case which has been called” The dead women of Juarez?
Ron Hubbard: The spacecraft is about a hundred and fifty miles high, which is relatively close distance.
Questioner: And the United States could not reach it?
Ron Hubbard: No, because if they send a rocket, the spacecraft automatically change of place and the bullet would pass.
Interlocutor: Related to the issue of the dead women of Juarez I ask a hypothetical question: If in Ciudad Juárez was common knowledge that those who are behind these killings are aliens, are these aliens to be discovered, would they go? I ask because for now they are working in anonymity, as the authorities blame the Mafia, the same police force, and even satanic sects.
Ron Hubbard: No, absolutely not, continue with their activities as usual. Only stir up the people of Juarez, for his people organized the-clock surveillance, hoping they could prevent abductions.
Questioner: I could be of any use?
Ron Hubbard: No, not really. Whatever you do, the aliens simply disallowed.
Questioner: The point is clear. Continuing with Area 51. This place has seven levels as some ufologists?
Ron Hubbard: The information is partially correct. The area in thirty years has grown tremendously. Area 51 began to form long after the shuttle accident antheana in Roswell. Seven years after this incident began to form a testing area, which competed directly against the Russians. This was in 1954. In 1958, America had an aircraft that could not be detected by radar. This aircraft was named Black Delta Wing. Is very similar to the current year, 2003, but we are talking about 1958. He had brought an energy shield.
Questioner: That shield was alien technology?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, he had extracted a ship Langar. But what happened was that the alloy of the metals of these aircraft was not compatible with the energy of the ships Langar, and then had a very limited life.
Questioner: A few years?
Ron Hubbard: No, I’m just talking about months. After two or three months, the metal began to deteriorate.
Questioner: How curious! I say curious because it seems to me an absolute outrage so expensive to build machines so little time. Speaking of alien technology, many have asked me what gadgets we have from them and not our inventors. But first I want to know what concept, ie if the technology we have extracted by force or by trade.
Ron Hubbard: In both ways, but most directly by exchange. There is a scientist named Robert Lazar, who then fought with his superiors, who has disclosed many secrets. Among them, for example, that a race of the Grays have been given an anti-gravity field, where the ships do not require motors or motor atomic solar because they are directly managed using the planet’s gravity.
Interlocutor: Is something like that or get closer to the planet with ships that do not nullify or gravitational field?
Ron Hubbard: Right. Networks are managed with antigravity. The devices are antigravity and antimatter fuel. This fuel was given by one of the races of Negros. The two races of Blacks working in cooperation with the four races of Grays.
Earth scientists knew, like everyone else, that gravity attracts. So they had to find an item where gravity excluded, ie, did the effect of repulsion, and with ordinary matter that could not be achieved.
This element excludes Blacks gave it, because Gray did not want to give it.
Interlocutor: What gave the Negroes? Any type of fuel?
Ron Hubbard: The Black gave him the formula to create antimatter.
Questioner: Is not it dangerous to touch the matter with antimatter?
Ron Hubbard: Absolutely. But antimatter is the wraps, so to speak, protective energy charges, because if matter and antimatter touch, ie positively charged and negatively charged, larger outbreaks would have the same atomic explosions.
By isolating the matter of antimatter via energy fields the result is that anyone can handle and nothing happens.
Questioner: How do you use the antimatter?
Ron Hubbard: That the use antimatter as fuel engine gravity, creating a repulsive effect that is controlled by a device called “micronómetros” which are like wheels that are turning and opening the floodgates for antimatter make its effect.
In this way, ships can develop tremendous speeds through the nadis.
This information has never been given and is quite a scoop.
Questioner: The nadis are openings dimensional?
Ron Hubbard: No, they are like power lines. Just as humans have nadis, the planet also has nadis, and the same solar system and galaxies. It is similar to a giant spider web, where the strings would be the nadis, which are created ring fields.
Questioner: dimensional openings are where nadis intersect?
Ron Hubbard: Right, but let’s leave aside for now and talk dimensional openings laying of the nadis as if they were railroad tracks.
There is a nadis between the Sun and Alpha Centauri. Then, as the Sun’s gravitational field is extremely strong, the ship can take advantage of the system to follow this nadis repulsion at speeds as great as that of light and reach Alpha Centauri in a short time.
Questioner: How interesting! Well, the explanation has been very clear. Do famous black helicopters that speak both ufologists use this technology?
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Questioner: Is it true, as they say, going at a rate much higher than normal and are used to recover crashed alien spacecraft?
Ron Hubbard: Do not go faster than normal because the metal they use is duralumin, which is harder than it has been on Earth. Duralumin is a mixture of plastic and steel has not been released yet. The harder material has been released is titanium. Titanium is a very heavy and weak compared to the material of construction of the ship itself antheana fell in Roswell in 1947. The antheana ship material is lighter than aluminum.
Questioner: What about those helicopters used to recover aircraft accidents?
Ron Hubbard: The answer is yes, they are used for such purposes.
Interlocutor: What other technology provided the aliens?
Ron Hubbard: A newly discovered material in the laboratory by the scientist that I mentioned, Robert Lazar, using formulas provided by one of the Black race, called “Element 115”. Well, Element 115, antigravity, antimatter, this has been dismissed as true by intelligence officers from Area 51. Lazar said he was a pathological liar, that all he wanted was propaganda, which was not true.
Interlocutor: It is said that there are many who have investigated UFO Area 51 killed and who were also killed many scientists who have been there and who have defected to denounce what they saw there. How true is this?
Ron Hubbard: Right. In the last fifteen years, ie from 1988 to 2003, there were 84 murders.
Interlocutor: What Children have been going crazy?
Ron Hubbard: I actually have not gone crazy but leave parecidamente a catatonic state. We have launched the same energy used to protect aliens. This energy, sent directly to the brain, it melts the decoder.
Interlocutor: Always relying on the reports that have come to light, it is said that there are at least three million people who have chips implanted in their body to control them.
Ron Hubbard: No, not quite three million. An estimated one million eight hundred thousand more or less. But this amount is nothing when compared with people who are currently on the planet, ie seven million in 1200.
Questioner: I think polls that talk about six billion.
Ron Hubbard: These findings have not taken into account the poor countries of Central Africa, and Asia countries. They neglect to India, which has grown tremendously and now spends one billion inhabitants and nine million are not as they think.
Questioner: “Everyone who works at Area 51, and even the aliens themselves have chips implanted in control?
Ron Hubbard: The information is correct. But not necessarily to control their conduct, but to always know where they are.
Questioner: Are the aliens that they exercise this control or monitoring?
Ron Hubbard: No, because they own land, I mean the leaders of these layers deep, as you call them, those who control their employees.
Questioner: Are you telling me that they are not aliens who control the area 51 but their own land?
Ron Hubbard: Yes. It is a fact wrong, because aliens partners, do not rule Area 51.
Questioner: Who implant these chips?
Ron Hubbard: A race of a race of Blacks and Greys. Hierarchs own land but agree with these implants. Suspicious of everyone and are more cruel and more vicious than the aliens themselves. They have friends among the aliens and have no friends among humans.
If for example an assistant to a senior official of these deep strata land-that even the U.S. government thinks that there are “fall from grace on suspicion of it, do not hesitate to remove it. So I say that in Area 51 humans have no friends.
Questioner: U.S. President Bush is aware?
Ron Hubbard: No, not really.
Questioner: But what is a puppet?
Ron Hubbard: Of course!
Interlocutor: I can hardly believe. I do not want any misunderstanding with this and so I repeat the question: “All who are in Area 51 have implants to control or supervision by order of terrestrial or extraterrestrial?
Ron Hubbard: By order of the aliens, but by order of the same land. Not all implants to master, as most are to know where they are, especially when they leave the area, either to visit their families, whether on vacation or on a mission. Through the chip can be easily controlled with a computer about where they stand.
Questioner: Some or all employees in the area?
Ron Hubbard: Everyone without exception. Even their own hierarchs have a chip implanted to lead by example.
Interlocutor: What you told me seems a science fiction movie.
Ron Hubbard: Imagine you are an employee who defected. Computer can locate it even if it is hidden in the most remote part of Australia. And of course they’re going to find and eliminate it directly.
Questioner: Are all employees of Area 51 knows that having an implanted chip?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, because the precondition for being allowed to work there is the implantation of a chip.
Questioner: Where do they put the body?
Ron Hubbard: There are several places: in the occipital, inside the nostrils, wrist, forearm. Depends on several factors.
Questioner: I wonder the reason that Robert Lazar has not been eliminated.
Ron Hubbard: Robert Lazar has the advantage that it is a well-known and the leaders of Area 51 are to avoid having more bad publicity. I say more bad publicity and bad publicity because they have.
Interlocutor: Also, nobody believes Bob Lazar.
Ron Hubbard: That’s another advantage it has.
Interlocutor: Now I wanted to ask for the case of Christa Milton, who was abducted in July 1987.
Ron Hubbard: This is a case in which the leaders are mixed at Area 51 and most cruel race of the Greys, which is the one with the best technology.
Questioner: They went down and took her directly or teleported?
Ron Hubbard: First thought to come to her and take her away, but it was a very difficult situation finally teleported.
Questioner: Where was taken?
Ron Hubbard, was taken to a ship that was at a height of about two kilometers
Questioner: In the case of abductions of women in Juarez, do teleported to a distance of one hundred and fifty miles, that is, to where it was the mother ship? I ask to know how far does the teleportation.
Ron Hubbard: There is no problem with teleporting to that distance, but in the case of women in Juarez were first teleported to a ship that was about two km from Earth and then took them to the mother ship.
Questioner: Teleportation is simply dematerialization and materialization?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, that is. Dematerialized molecules and these molecules are transported to a field of energy.
Questioner: And obviously not disembodied.
Ron Hubbard: No, not disembodied, because the molecules are in the flesh. Teleportation is a molecular transformation to an energy field. But in the spiritual world, that energy field is no less physical. Then the person is alive. The spirit remains. In the 10% spirit is in the field of energy that goes to the ship.
Like you say you turn into a beam of light, and then, through him, the speed of light, you get to a ship that is several kilometers. At that speed your 10% came with that beam of light, because the spirit is no distance. When you rebuild you will again in the flesh, blood, bones, skin, there’s your 10%. And without even realizing dematerialisation and materialisation has suffered.
Interlocutor: Is instant teleportation?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, because at that close range, the speed of light is practically instantaneous. But suppose that the distance away from here to Mars and within six minutes to arrive and reconstruct you. In those six minutes your 10% is aware that he is alive, is aware that it is meat, skin, bones, etc. Feel the touch, feel everything, because it realizes that it is being transported molecularly light level.
Questioner: The explanation is very clear, Maestro. But why Christa abdujeron Milton?
Ron Hubbard: In principle you have had a brain implant to control and it has been tested at gynecological.
Interlocutor: a biopsy?
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Interlocutor: What you say agrees with what this woman said to the effect that after the operation saw blood coming from her vagina, as if he had reached the period. But why they did these tests?
Ron Hubbard: They studied the DNA to see if the egg was able to be fertilized by a sperm alien.
Questioner: Through normal copulation?
Ron Hubbard: No, through the implantation of eggs.
Questioner: Did they?
Ron Hubbard: No, because they discovered it was not compatible.
Questioner: What would have made it if it were compatible?
Ron Hubbard: If there had been compatible as pregnant and was about to give birth again and it had abducted the child had been removed. Had they not left.
Questioner: How did many times with other women.
Ron Hubbard: Sure.
Questioner: And the doctors could not have discovered something strange in the fetus outside the normal human fetuses?
Ron Hubbard: No, because there is not much difference in embryos and fetuses when they are in training. In a totally alien fetus perhaps yes, but this would not be the case that a fetus would be half human and half alien.
Questioner: Who’s going to mate? I mean, how they were going to inseminate semen.
Ron Hubbard: In one of the tall Grays.
Questioner: “These are the tall Grays abduct in the dorms?
Ron Hubbard: Right.
Questioner: When we talk about these tall Grays, we’re talking six-foot giant?
Ron Hubbard: No, of only 1.70 m.
Questioner: Well, I see you are about the height of the average human.
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Interlocutor: Is abdujeron random?
Ron Hubbard: No, they did prior studies. Never chosen at random.
Questioner: I do not understand is how they did those studies.
Ron Hubbard: Make a reading beam energy.
Interlocutor: What distance?
Ron Hubbard: Just like that. As you can sign up with a weapon with laser-that what you have seen in many science-fiction films, it directly have led an energy beam that you will carry back information to a computer.
Questioner: So what can be done from a distance.
Ron Hubbard: Sure. In the ship’s computer are popping characteristics of the person, skin color, blood type, comes around.
Questioner: I do not understand, then, what drove her to the ship, since the result was negative.
Ron Hubbard: We need to do a biopsy to find out about their DNA, and that they could not do with the beam energy. It’s really great what you can do with this device.
Interlocutor: I guess now this technology also have land in Area 51.
Ron Hubbard: Yes. You can point to such a device, which can even be healing, and lightning hits your skin, bounces back again to its source because it has a double reading, with information, and that information is low to a computer and the display shows all data, even your blood pressure and the diseases they have, diabetes, cholesterol, leukemia, urine, etc.
Questioner: Do not tell me you can even detect the number of red blood!
Ron Hubbard: Yes I tell you! I reiterate that it is an amazing technology.
Interlocutor: Is what the aliens are also vivisectionists with infected women of Juarez?
Ron Hubbard: No, because in this case directly abduct and examinations make on the ship, because DNA can not not get the equipment they have.
Questioner: But can you not know in advance if they are infected or not before you abducted?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, but they do not care if women know before they abduct are infected or not. We find out later and do not care if he dies and then not need to experiment. Simply discarded.
Questioner: You mean that abducted find it easier to directly without previous examinations?
Ron Hubbard: Yes. They care little or no human life.
Questioner: alien surgeons use scalpels and our surgeons or have more sophisticated tools?
Ron Hubbard: No, not the same as the surgeon’s scalpel land because they, I mean in this case the tall Grays, using laser scalpels, which do not require sterilization.
Questioner: But I think here we also have laser scalpels.
Ron Hubbard: Yes, the surgical system is called “laparoscopy”, but it is large appliances. In contrast, the laser scalpel is a high Greys very small micro device, a micro device, very sophisticated.
Questioner: This woman said that when he was in surgery, the operation led by a gray and a human surgeon worked.
Ron Hubbard: That’s right. I mention that at the moment are giving one of the channels encoded a miniseries about the history of the Grays from the year 1047 to 2000. See it if you have a chance.
Questioner: Is it real enough?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, you can say yes.
Questioner: How long do you have?
Ron Hubbard: Twelve hours.
Questioner: So?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, they’re giving weekly. The channel called HBO Olé. The director is Steven Spielberg.
Interlocutor: I’ll consider. “The famous” Men in Black “are always ground and employees of Area 51 and there are aliens?
Ron Hubbard: They are terrestrial and Area 51 employees working with the Grays and the Negro race.
Questioner: Do you dress? I ask because those who have encountered them always portrayed as dark suits, white faces, that is totally out of the ordinary.
Ron Hubbard: Quite the contrary. Men in Black have the appearance of the most common of the Earth, specifically to go unnoticed.
Questioner: That is your look?
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Questioner: But who are they?
Ron Hubbard: They are just fellow employees who work at Area 51, but they belong to a different department. In fact, everyone who works at Area 51 are “Men in Black.”
Interlocutor: I refer to the Men in Black who visit people outside of Area 51 and intimidate. Do you also kill?
Ron Hubbard: Of course, murder! Not only have the function of bullying. If there is a deserter or someone is bothering too much with complaints, simply send a Man in Black to remove it.
Interlocutor: I guess also the Men in Black have chips implanted.
Ron Hubbard: Yes. And notice the paradox, these Men in Black are prisoners of Area 51!
Questioner: What then is the reason that all describe the Men in Black as being rather strange, pale, zombie-type, as if they had no soul?
Ron Hubbard: That is part of the mythology. Imagine that your office is hidden, and wrong they could hide if a child could detect.
Questioner: I understand. I remember an English author, whose pen name was Lobsang Rampa, one of his books, I do not remember if the third eye or the Doctor of Tibet, or perhaps in one post, made the very telling remark that “Men in Black” could wear any color.
Ron Hubbard: This author was right. Nothing to do with the color black. Those are the real Men in Black. They can dress up an ordinary clerk or a neighborhood grocer. For example, you make a meeting to give a lecture on UFOs and Men in Black can attend and pass unnoticed among the attendees.
Interlocutor: I understood perfectly. Now I question arises: Do we as Elron Group, we take into account the hierarchy of Area 51?
Ron Hubbard: Have you noticed. But they take into account the outcome. What the leaders of the Area 51 is bothered giving precise internal details, which is not the case Elron Group, since what you say can be as credible as Robert Lazar says.
Questioner: In plain language, we considered harmless.
Ron Hubbard: Sure, and you have no followers, as they are handled only by Internet, are not concerned directly.
Questioner: But we watch?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, but it is minimal supervision.
Questioner: I understand. This woman, Christa Milton, says he saw live animals in large boxes and various races of humanoid beings in transparent containers, but could not determine whether they were alive, dead or in suspended animation.
Ron Hubbard, were in suspended animation and the mother ship. There are at least 35 or 36 different extraterrestrial races that have been captured for study. And is not the only person who saw that.
Questioner: In Area 51 there is also something like that?
Ron Hubbard: No, not Area 51. I’m talking about the mother ship of one of the races of Grays.
Questioner: In the same ship where she underwent a biopsy?
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Questioner: Concretely, what she saw was not Area 51?
Ron Hubbard: No, I was in space, in a mother ship.
Interlocutor: Christa Tilton says he saw Gray “and without soul.”
Ron Hubbard: It was confused because one of the races is much more gray than the rest blank.
Interlocutor: Now I understand. She did not know that they were different races and when comparing expressionless thought those things could be some kind of humanoid robots.
Ron Hubbard: Right.
Interlocutor: Nothing to do with robots then ..
Ron Hubbard: No, not really. It would be pointless to build humanoid robots. Something like that is itself nothing more than science fiction. Robots are machines are directly shaped machines with wheels and all those things about the machines.
Questioner: I would now like to ask. How is George to follow?
Ron Hubbard: It’s really very tired in the amount of information that had to be filtered. Note that I had to use four different sources for everything I’ve passed.
Questioner: I understand.
Ron Hubbard: Before you do want to clarify questions that the borders of Area 51 was begun to build in 1954, but only in 1958 was when he was given the biggest boost. From then until 1968 almost did not grow, as it spent more to experiment with antigravity aircraft. But from 1968 to 1998 has grown fivefold. They have even changed the banks of the river to build.
Questioner: Are you referring to the river?
Ron Hubbard: Yes. In 1968 there were three underground levels, there were seven in 1988 and since 1998, fourteen.
Questioner: Fourteen underground levels? It’s amazing! Are almost 100 meters down, calculating five meters per level.
Ron Hubbard: Right.
Questioner: In a report I read that there were places where the depth of the buildings came to more than two thousand meters. Is it a bug?
Ron Hubbard: No, it’s real, but it is huge hangars where the mother ships hide. There are even buildings under a lake. But do not confuse this type of construction with which they serve as offices, laboratories, etc.
Questioner: It is really amazing. And where do you enter these hangars?
Ron Hubbard: It enters a cave hidden and guarded by heavily armed soldiers. To access the interior elevators must use shielded titanium walls, ranging kilometers down.
Questioner: Is it true that no transport in those places that are at a speed of Mach 2?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, perfectly. Technology is used only in Area 51. Out of that does not know even the U.S. president.
Interlocutor: It is very difficult for me to understand why something as monstrous as Area 51 has not fully come to light. I say this because the reports that are around there, either through books or online, are due more to speculation than actual evidence. Researchers are handled only by conjecture, a data collecting data here and there.
Ron Hubbard: The answer is that they have a front mounted perfectly, they do appear as a testing ground for new aircraft. There, in effect, were tested Delta Wing Black, X-15 supersonic aircraft, as well as the X-16, the X-17, also armored tanks, missile, etc.
Questioner: Well, we must recognize that the front is perfect, because that excuse justifying the removal by the armed forces of the curious.
Ron Hubbard: Yes.
Questioner: Was there a battle between terrestrial and extraterrestrial Dulce?
Ron Hubbard: There was a small skirmish, no battle between the races of the Black and Grey breeds. It was to land.
Questioner: And from the same land?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, there were fights between FBI officials wanted to investigate and Men in Black, with several killed by both sides.
Questioner: One that has been reported to Area 51 is Paul Bennewitz. Well, William More worked with Berlitz in his book The Philadelphia Experiment and was allegedly recruited by officers from Area 51 to discredit him and drive him crazy.
Ron Hubbard: What you say is real, and it is also true that they have become a paranoid person. One more question because the receptacle is very unsettled.
Questioner: Thomas C. High security stole papers to report what was happening at Area 51?
Ron Hubbard: Yes, this is also true. He was disgusted by the experiments that were in place with animals and especially humans.
Questioner: This person says he saw reptilian aliens.
Ron Hubbard: Yes, but we must clarify that what he saw were not reptilian aliens working at Area 51, but aliens captive for experiments.
Questioner: I understand. What happened to Thomas? I ask because it seems that Men in Black I went to find his house and took him and his family.
Ron Hubbard: Twice portrayed him as dead but still alive and a prisoner in one of the dependence of Area 51.
Questioner: Do your relatives are dead?
Ron Hubbard: In the case of five scientists, including the person you mention, their families are held hostage at Area 51 and I have been very similar surface doubles as a substitute for posing as relatives and no one suspected.
Questioner: I assume that is a form of pressure for scientists to work “voluntarily” and not escape.
Ron Hubbard: Right.
Questioner: But are not enough implants?
Ron Hubbard: A psychological and emotional issue. I, if I’m working at Area 51 and I know my family is well and happy on the surface, even if I have chips to be more serene and high esteem and then not be so submissive to certain facts, let’s call against humanity, and I will want to report it. But if I know my family is held hostage, my self-esteem is low and therefore fully obey the orders easier to give me and accept any evidence that would hurt my morale.
Questioner: The explanations are perfectly clear. To go ending the session I want to get off some curiosities: All the Greys from the same planet?
Ron Hubbard: No, all from different planets. Neither Blacks from the same planet, since they are two completely different races.
Questioner: What about the altitude?
Ron Hubbard: The antheanos, which included between the Greys, are between 1.40 and 1.60 m. There are other breeds that come to Grey 1.75 m.
Questioner: Well, are about my height.
Ron Hubbard: Yes. There are breeds of Grey measuring about 1.20 m. nothing more. The Predators, who are also Grey, measured between 1.10 and 1.20 m. Blacks are also different. One of the races, those that made the formula of antimatter, are high, it can measure up to 1.80 m.
I’ll leave, because the receptacle is completely destabilized. All my light for you.
Questioner: So long, Master, and thank you.