Tag Archives: Child abuse

My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”

Very important whistle blower Fiona Barnett is telling the truth about pedophile network, which destroys people all around the World. She is very brave woman to bring this out so please read and spread her story so this can be stopped, thank you.

My Story Fiona Barnett – “Hang on for the Ride”

This all written and drawn by Fiona Barnett, who lives in Australia, fears for her life and wishes her story spread widely. She names some prominent people. First she gives her explanation as to why she has posted the information and this is followed by her story “Hang on for the Ride” in words and pictures. Her facebook is on this link [1] :-

My statement concerning my 13 ‘Hang on for the Ride’ posts:

My reasons for posting this information is as follows:

1. With the exception of the 2 detectives who took my statements in Sydney on 2-3 November 2015 – the NSW Police force have refused to protect me from my neighbour who moved next door form Wollongong 10 years ago. Ever since then, he has assaulted my family, poisoned my dog, constantly harassed and intimidated and threatened my family including 2 children. Further, police have targeted me for harassment during the past 10 years since I advocated for the many children abused by the Tweed Shire pedo ring.

2. I know from past experience that the 2 good officers who took my statements will be prevented from doing their job and investigating my claims. Dr Reina Michaelson attests that she witnessed a good female officer’s career destroyed by her command, because she pursued claims of ritual abuse and VIP pedo network in Victoria involving politicians, police, Channel 10 making kiddie porn, etc. I do not want these good officers attacked form within like Peter Fox was. Peter Fox’s police command rang his private doctor and insisted she declare Peter Fox medically insane.

3. Many victims of the same VIP pedophile network that I described to police have contacted me in the past month. Not one of the stronger capable group of these people have publicly supported me by joining me and speaking out. Consequently, the pedophile network have severely targeted me. I believe my life is at risk because the police and Royal Commission have failed to support me with witness protection.

4. I am exhausted. I have no other means of protecting my family other than sharing the information that places my family at risk as long as it remains a secret. It is out now – perhaps now my husband and children are safe.

5. I share this information so that other victims may recognise their own abuse experiences and know that they are not crazy, not alone – that YES this did happen to them.

6. Most importantly – I speak out to give a voice to the 100+ children I witnessed raped, tortured and murdered throughout my nightmare childhood. I saw children bred in captivity beneath Holsworthy to be used as human guinea pigs in horrendous unethical medical experiments – all in the name of national security. THESE CHILDREN DID INDEED EXIST!!

7. I would like to thank my supporters, including SNAP and others – they know who they are.

8. And now, on a deeply personal note – I acknowledge that many victims have been abused in the name of religion. God is not reflected in churchianity, Hillsong, the Roman Catholic Church, or any of the other infiltrated organisation. I know that many victims reel when I mention God, which is why I have avoided it. But many people ask me, what is the source of my strength and hope. My strength, perseverance and survival are a testimony to the existence and authority of God and His only Son Jesus Christ. That is what I believe. That is all I have to offer besides my witness testimony. That is all I had to comfort me throughout my abuse.

Hang on for the ride!

Part 1:

Prostituted by the Australian government to RICHARD NIXON at RAAF Fairbairne military airport, Canberra. Operation Attest refused to investigate this incident. They promised to at least investigate and tell me whether or not there was a centrifuge at the base, used to train pilots in – to validate my memories.

Hang on for the ride! Part 2:

Being used as a guinea pig, subjected to child rape, electrocution & torture at Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, for the JASON PROJECT by John GITTINGER and Dr Antony KIDMAN – with the full knowledge and approval of the Australian Government.

Hang on for the ride! Part 3

A former Holsworthy officer confirmed that an Asian man named named Chan was recruited in the army at Holsworthy. This man is thought to have been in the Army Reserves, but when I saw him he appeared to outrank all the Australian soldiers I witnessed under his command. Chan received the dead body of a girl named Michelle who was abducted by Engadine Boystown pedos, murdered beside the Weir on Heathcote Rd, and delivered to Chan through a side gate at Holsworthy.

Hang on for the ride! Part 4

Dr ANTONY KIDMAN was trained by Gittinger and others in the employment of torture, unethical hypnosis, and drugs to artificially induce a state of dissociation in children. He also was in a kiddie killing cult. His MK-Ultra programming was structured on a pentagram – the same emblem that featured in his inner Sydney City cult.


Hang on for the Ride! Part 5

Prime Minister GOUGH WHITLAM & his lover Governor General JOHN KERR raped me at a pedo party at Parliament House. Operation Attest refused to investigate this on the grounds they are dead – even though that federal police task force was established to investigate HISTORICAL child sex offences.

Hang on for the ride! Part 6

I was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM – Richard Nixon’s pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo Whacko Jacko build a Neverland based on Disneyland?


Hang on for the ride! Part 7

Yes, ritual abuse does exist in Australia. A kiddie killing cult underpins the Roman Catholic Church, Engadine BoysTown, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Here are the only photos I can present as evidence. First we have Leonas Petrauskas (aka Dr Mark) performing an abortion on me beneath Engadine BoysTown. Next we have the statue of ‘DAGON’ located on the ground floor of the 6-7 story underground facility at Holsworthy, located far from the main entrance gate. Then we have Dagon statue in fish form, kneeling beside a murky pool, on the ground floor of Lucas Heights nuclear reactor. Lucas Heights, like Pine Gap, are CIA facilities where the Jason Project was conducted. Both facilities were built by the same group.


Hang on for the ride! Part 8

Here’s a couple of cult rituals to their god ‘Moloch’ – the same one they pretend to sacrifice humans to at Bohemian Grove. Apparently, according to their religious beliefs, Moloch is happy when people are burnt alive in his name. One took place at Caltex Oil Refinery at Kurnell. The other on a remote Kurnell Beach.


Hang on for the ride! Part 9

And here is the nicest person I met in the pedo organisation – Grande Dame Veronica. No idea if that was her true name, considering they changed peoples’ names so I couldn’t ID them easily later. Veronica was my surrogate mother, tutor, mentor within the pedo network, from age 5 until age 14 when she was ritually murdered on the altar at St Mary’s cathedral in Sydney City. The church was packed full of Sydney’s social elite. An organ played, a choir sang, police guarded the doors. Veronica chose to die young because she was sick of abusing children like me. She was a victim forced to turn perpetrator. She lived in private living quarters at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University.


Hang on for the ride! Part 10

And here’s my favourite – the one that epitomises the Australian government’s attitude toward government-sanctioned child trafficking, rape and murder in this country.

Hang on for the ride! Part 11

And now for something completely different! Some more Holsworthy secrets – an underground railway connects major sites in Australia, including Pine Gap, Lucas Heights/Holsworthy. Also, Gittinger used some kid of prop/virual reality program called Candyland, which had ‘Disney’ trademark written on it

Hang on for the ride! Part 12

And now for the pista resistance! At age 5 I was raped by future Prime Minister BOB HAWKE in a zucchini patch, at a BBQ, in a suburban Canberra backyard.

Another Bob Hawke victim, the daughter of Hawke’s architect Kevin Borland, was assaulted by Hawke after a party at her family home when she was 14. Hawke entered her room at night, awoke her in her bed, and digitally penetrated her. She immediately told her entire family who recall the incident today.

When I was 8, Dr Leonas Petrauskas took me to a crime scene at a secluded Kurnell Beach. There he met with prime minister Paul Keating who had raped and murdered a 5 year old boy and shallowly buried him in the sand. Keating was into necrophilia. Petrasukas was called in by Keating to do a clean up job. Petrauskas ordered me to dig up the body. As I did this, I heard the men talking about Petrauskas fabricating the child’s cause of death as a blue ringed octopus sting.

Operation Attest lied in their response to my complaint, saying they would not investigate mt claims because the alleged perpetrators were all dead. Last I checked, Keating and Hawke were still alive.Hang on for the ride! Part 13

I was also raped by actor BRUCE SPENCE, at Bathurst City Hall when I was 15. I met an apprentice carpet layer who laid carpet in Spence’s Sydney flat. He said Spence’s lounge room walls were covered in kiddie porn.

I was also raped by Shakespearean actor JOHN BELL, in the company of Dr Antony Kidman, on the eve of my 15th birthday, after a Nimrod Theatre post production party held at Kidman’s house that was attended by the Shakesperean play’s well-known cast. The following morning, Kidman tied me to a chair and beat me in front of his daughter NICOLE KIDMAN who stood there and smirked at me, with her arms crossed.

I witnessed actress JACKI WEAVER, playwright JOHN WILLIAMSON, and author of Puberty Blues KATHY LETTE at pedo ritual gatherings in Sydney. Kathy was based at Regina Coeli cathedral in Beverly Hills.

Other victims have identified Jacki Weaver to Dr Reina Michaelson, on whom the Australian Government placed a D Section gagging order, on the grounds that her disclosure of the government’s involvement in child trafficing etc would undermine the Australian public’s confidence in the Australian government.



[1] Fiona Barnett facebook https://www.facebook.com/fiona.barnett.940

[A] Sanctuary for the Abused http://abusesanctuary.blogspot.co.uk/2006/07/for-survivors-coping-with-triggers-if.html

[B] NAPAC http://www.napac.org.uk/

[C] One in Four http://www.oneinfour.org.uk/

[D] Havoca http://www.havoca.org/HAVOCA_home.htm

[E] SurvivorsJustice Triggers post http://survivorsjustice.com/2014/02/26/triggers-what-are-they-and-how-do-we-work-through-them/

[F] SurvivorsJustice Blog http://survivorsjustice.com/

[G] Jim Hopper Mindfulness http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/

[H] Jim Hopper Meditation http://www.jimhopper.com/mindfulness/#cultivate

This is all written in good faith but if there is anything that needs to be corrected please email cathyfox@bigfoot.com

cathyfox the truth will out, the truth will shout, the truth will set us free


Read more from Auricmedia:


About the satanic & pedophile practices of the English royal family

Recent years I have followed how this thing is going to be exposed and I must say that it’s looking good. If you have noticed lately there has been numerous articles about child abuse cases in Vatican and now we have the same situation going on in British Royal family and among high politicians in England. And I think, that for example pedophile Jimmy Savile was only the peak of the iceberg and there’s going to be a lot more. Here are just a couple of links, which have come into the light lately:

>> Pope is rumored to resign to avoid satanic ritual murder charge

>> Butler-Sloss quits child abuse inquiry – under pressure from SOCIAL media?

>> Secrecy laws passed to hide pedophile ring connection to Royal Family

>> Victims of alleged child abuse ‘raped by MPs in exclusive flats near House of Commons’

There are numerous articles about this, but this one was quite good and with good sources:

About the satanic & pedophile practices of the English royal family


The elite pedophile ring in England isn’t a myth unfortunately. In the 80’s we heard of a pedophile ring in Kincora Boys Home in Belfast created by the MI6. Shortly afterwards it was the orphanages in Wales. Then those of London, Scotland & finally Jimmy Saville went down. Today everything is done to cover up the biggest scandal of all: The implication of the royal family in this pedophile ring. So we’re going to talk about Satanism, pedophile crimes & a strange affair of a ceremony going wrong in the south of France.

In 2012 a certain Chris Jones declares his two brothers, Adrian & Leander, have been assassinated because they were about to expose that elite’s pedophile ring & Miss Margaret Thatcher. Chris Jones told that when he was a kid he was forced into sexual intercourses with a High Court judge & a cop.

Jones also denounced John Allen, manager of a Welsh orphanage, where many scandals were revealed recently. Adrian Jones had been a resident in Bryn Alyn & in 1992 he threatened John Allen to give him up if he wasn’t paying him a financial compensation [1]. He was killed on April the 17th 1992 in the criminal arson of his house.

In 1995, Chris & Leander testified against Allen during a Court hearing. Soon thereafter he died of an overdose.

Allen was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 1995 for the aggressions committed between 1972 & 1983. Then during the Waterhouse investigation on the rapes in the Welsh orphanages, he again was involved in 2003 but finally escaped the 36 accusations for abuses in the homes he was in charge of.

He arrived in the orphanages business in the middle of the 60’s, after starting in the hotel trade & in 1969 he opened the Bryn Alyn Community residential schools, a chain of orphanages & homes for children. The first one functioned with 11 people not trained to take care of children.


At one point, Allen was managing about 50 orphanages in northern Wales & elsewhere like London & Brighton, & about 500 children stayed there.

The business was very fruitful since in the 80’s the State was giving 15.000£ per year for a child [2]. In the middle of the 80’s the numbers rose to 2,8 millions of pounds per year for a benefice of 80 to 90,000£, but Allen received no less than 204,800£ per year, owning a yacht on the French Riviera, where he possessed a villa sold in urgency for 200.000£.

In 1992, Allen lost his agreements & the schools were shut down in 1997, following a disastrous management & important debts.

172 people testified being victims in Allen’s orphanages. Of course some of them also denounced Allen as a pedophile (28 of them were finally heard). Leander Jones was one of the victims. He became a prostitute in London just after leaving the home. At 17YO, he went to Amsterdam. He testified during the procedure against Allen, but died of an overdose before the beginning of the trial in 1995. Would you believe that Allen disappeared between the allegations of Leander & his death, only to come back & deny everything during the trial?

Finally only denunciations for sexual aggressions were accepted & no rapes, even though many testimonies matched.

Already in 1982, Allen was heard by the police about abuses committed in the care of his homes, but nothing resulted out of it. & already at the time a victim said Allen was paying him to keep him silenced. Logically, we can ask ourselves whether those huge debts were not directly linked to these blackmails from his many victims.

The Lost in care report considered the abuses committed by Allen were repeated & extensive. It estimated that Allen pushed towards pedophile behaviors the homes staff. Children were sent in orgies, prostituted in hostels & threatened. Certain victims were raped by the managers & the educators of the homes, but also by their friends. Of course no complaints had any results & no enquiry was made when powerful pedophiles such as magistrates or cops were involved.



Paedo-satanist ring

The shadow of freemasonry lurked behind all these stories. & even though nothing was officially found, numbers of the people involved were freemasons. It reached a point where victims asked the tribunal to make a list of magistrates, cops & others accused belonging to freemasonry. Why ? Because a cover up was feared, and indeed happened. It could have not been any different with Judge Gerard Elias being a member of the Dinas Llandaff lodge in Cardiff, but also the High Court judge in this case. & Lord Kenyon, the chief of police of northern Wales being himself provincial Grand Master [3], was caught several times protecting his comrades.

Children were sent in villas & hostels to be raped by influential pedophiles.

We also know some of them, like Gary Cooke, AKA Reginald Cooke, who had left the Army in 1974, introduced children to other pedophiles. One of them who had entries in Allen’s homes, Graham Stephens, even took one of these youngsters to Denmark in 1972.

We also have this story of the Dunblane massacre in March 1996, when a “mad killer” & known pedophile entered a school to kill 16 kids & their teacher before committing suicide, which was armed with the help of a freemason who later became a NATO secretary general, Lord Robertson.

Lord Burton, another freemason, local Grand Master, denounced the incredible protections in this story & qualified the enquiry of “cover up”. Burton in fact denounced the affiliations of Lord Cullen, the high magistrate who led a pseudo enquiry on this massacre, to the Speculative Society, linked to freemasonry, whose certain members raped children at the Queen Victoria’s school (for military staff’s children, led by the Duke of Edinburg, Prince Philip himself), same school where the “mad killer” was having his entries before. Cullen was set baron in 2003, probably as a reward for having protected his friends.

& this is solely a very small part of the smothered pedophile scandals in Great Britain.

The Elm guest house affair, this brothel for powerful pedophiles installed in the heart of London is another. Why those systematic cover ups? Because deputies, judges, ministers, prime ministers & even royal family members are named by many victims.

Now we’re going to talk about the English royal family, but of course written sources will be missing here.


The English royal family a Nazi coterie?


We’re not going to linger on those facts now well documented, even threw the official History propaganda.

We now know the links between the English royal family & Nazis were very tight, & probably still are, if we consider the Nazi costume recently worn by Prince Harry.

Prince Phillip

In the English family also we can find Nazis, like the Prince Charles Edward, a Saxe Cobourg Gotha Duke & favorite grandson of Queen Victoria [4], who was deemed a traitor during WW1 & joined the Nazi party at its conception. In 1936, Hitler sent him to England to be the president of the Anglo German Friendship Society to tighten their relationships; he was also the president of the German Red Cross.

On the other hand, we have also Edward VIII, who literally gave Hitler the French defense plans before WW2 ! Prince Edward tried to get closer to him through his Society but no luck: He had to resign just before the war.

As for Phillip, all his four sisters were married to German princes with Nazis sympathies. One of them was a SS colonel attached to Himmler’s personal service. The Queen mother was actually opposed to her daughter’s marriage to that German prince.

All these details were found in libraries & historians archives, but don’t forget this was a taboo for over 60 years. Prince Philip only started to speak about it when the whistle was already blown in order to shut it down.

It was Philip’s uncle, George Van Battenberg, brother of Louis Mountbatten who was his legal representative.

Lord Mountbatten :

Considered to be Prince Charles’s mentor after being Prince Philip’s one. Navy’s admiral he was on the first lines to organize the drug trade between southern Asia & Europe. He’s the brother of the Queen of Sweden, the uncle of Prince Philip & both bear their true name Battenberg, which have been Anglicized as Mountbatten.

Mountbatten was linked just like Edward Heath, to the Kincora Boys Home’s story, an orphanage in which the MI5 created a pedophile ring to blackmail certain personalities. Children from the Kincora Boys Home were taken to a castle in Ireland belonging to the creator of the Hellfire Club, an elitist sectarian group founded in the 18th century.


The orphans were also used by the MI5 to record their sexual acts with foreign diplomats on film.

Mountbatten was also the one to get Jimmy Savile to be the first civilian to be decorated by a green beret, a military distinction, in 1966.

Edward VIII & Mountbatten were also under the suspicion of sharing homosexual relationships, even though they were cousins.

He died in the explosion of his ship in 1979, blamed on the IRA, though several rumors pointed towards the secret services. Furthermore we know he was with a 14YO boy, Nicholas Knatchbull, when the explosion occurred.


Porphyria :

Porphyria (from the Greek porphyra meaning violet) is a blood disease found commonly in European Royal families, as well as Russian Tsars, where consanguinity is the rule.

We are told this disease, under its different symptoms, created the myth of Dracula, because people afflicted by it have to regenerate their blood, either by dialysis or drinking it.

We can also add that being over-drugged with synthetic cocaine, the blood of certain people is so rotten they have to change it or drink it every day for breakfast [5]. It may be crazy but it’s true.

The rumors go wild but the Royal families, specially the English one always denied being afflicted by this disease, just like their suspected ancestors George III & Mary Stuart. Queen Victoria’s granddaughter Charlotte had this disease, just like her mother Vicky & Queen Elisabeth’s cousin William of Gloucester.

It must be just a coincidence Prince Charles declared in October 2011 he was a descendant of Dracula (Vlad Drakul) through his grandmother Queen Mary.

But Dracula‘s not a myth, just like drinking blood or staying away from the light of the day aren’t. & guess what the most wanted blood type is? White children’s.


The royal family, a pedophile bunch:


The English Royal family, just like other Royals & leaders of most developed countries & probably of others as well,  is plagued with pedophile behaviors.

Why? Because just like most of our world leaders, the English Royal family members are Satanists.

Due to that fact, they’re of course pedophiles. It is also interesting to know the Queen, just like all her descendants consume huge amounts of pure cocaine each day, by the kilos per month.

We also know two of prior Prime ministers, Harold Wilson & Edward Heath, practiced children’s sacrifices, which are a must for a freak out Satanist. Heath really enjoyed his trips to Jersey’s orphanage where he killed several children. He could also be found at the Kincora Boys Home, linked to the Hellfire Club, & at the Elm Guest House as well.

In 2008, Paul Kidd, a Buckingham Palace butler was also caught for rapes he committed on children for 30 years, while working for the Royal family. Of course no links were found between the pedophile ring he then created & the Royal family. One of the victim, then 14YO, testified he was taken by Kidd in the late 70’s for a tea with the Queen.

In 1999, an international enquiry under the code name Ore led to arrests in Holland & England, where the cops established links with Labour party pedophile members & the prostitution of trafficked children from Belgium & Portugal [6]. Blair’s ass was so much on the stove he imposed the media not to spill out any names [7].

It’s no mystery Jimmy Savile was attending satanic rituals. We now know he was providing the Government with children, like in Jersey where a witness once saw him embark a kid on Heath’s yacht, then Prime minister of England.

There are good reasons why Deputy Tom Watson asked for a serious enquiry about “A powerful pedophile ring linked to Parliament & Downing Street”.


Several facts corroborate the Royal family inclinations to those practices:

>Jimmy Savile: The BBC star was the children’s provider for the much closed circle of the Government & the Royal family. He had access to several orphanages (like Jersey’s for instance), but also young girls pensions & mental hospitals, from which he had all the keys & where he was even lodged [8]. He could get children anywhere & anytime.

Jimmy Savile, who nowadays collects more than 450 complaints of abuses, has been introduced to Prince Charles by Lord Mountbatten in the late 70’s, which is about ten years from the time the first complaints on Savile appeared (in 1964).

From then on, he became a close counselor of Prince Charles, advising him on the choice of a new assistant & even to his own wedding. He had free full entry at the Palace, where he behaved as usual: Like a dirty old pervert he was.

People now think his moronic show “Jim’ll fix it” (1975-1994) sole purpose was to get him close to more children.

Let’s add that apart from being a well-known pedophile, Jimmy also practiced necrophilia [9], as well as satanic rituals. Facts witnessed by several victims. No wonder the body of a young woman was found at his apartment’s doorstep on the morning of February the 5th, 1977. His friendship with serial killer Peter Sutcliff, who confessed to the murder, & their geographic proximities before he was sent to Broadmoor, one of the mental institute Savile had access to, can raise due questions.

Savile’s nephew Guy Mardsen recently told he was taken as a young boy by his uncle, to orgies with powerful people, where he was asked to bring younger friends for “entertainment”.



>The strange story of the kidnapped Native kids in a pension in Canada: I’ve already talked about that affair in an article about Canadian Native Indians genocide, where their children were taken by force to catholic orphanages, to die & be exploited in pedophile prostitution & trafficking. To make it short, three survivors of these orphanages witnessed the kidnapping of ten Native children by the Queen & her consort. During a royal visit in summer 1964, in one of these orphanages in Kamloops, British Columbia, the children were presented to the Queen & Prince Philip.

The first witness died rapidly after having spoken, & the last, William Combes, also died in February 2011 before he could testify to the trial which sentenced the Queen & the Pope (but we’ll speak about it later on). Some like Kevin Annett who did many researches on the matter say his death resembles much an assassination.

The pension was under the Catholic Church supervision & many children were tortured & even killed, just like most of these residential schools. The day of the royal visit, certain kids had the privilege of being taken for a pic-nick with the Queen & her consort, as well as a few priests. Combes, who was 12YO at the time recalls: “I remember it was strange because we all had to kiss the boots of the Queen, which were white with laces.” After a while, ten children left with the Queen & Prince Philip. 7 boys & three girls, aged 6 to 14, who were “never to be seen again”, tells this witness in an official testimony in February 2010. “We never heard or seen them after that day, even when we got older”.


> The recent condemnation of the Queen of England (As well as the Pope) by the International Court of Belgium for crimes against humanity. We’re talking about the massacre of Canadians Indians children in Church’s owned orphanages which were turned into brothels. There’s an estimation of 50.000 lost children, apart from those we know to be dead. This verdict was given the 25th February 2012 after a month of deliberation by more than 30 members of jury who examined 150 cases of sexual abuses & ill-treatments in those orphanages. Benoit 6 was sentenced to 25 years of jail but resigned right in time, & because he’s old, he might pass through the net. Is the Queen of England about to resign, just like Queen Beatrix just did, or the King of Belgium Albert II, who’s ass on the line with all the pedophile cases he’s into & who’s about to do the same ? These condemnations (They all got 25 years & it’s not much) are the results of a hundred years of battle from Canadians native Indians to be recognized as victims of this genocide. The word only got out recently in the 90s when hundreds of people gathered the evidences of these atrocities.



> The Templar’s Castle affair in 2001. I’m now going to demark myself from David Icke. Though he also talks about the Satanic practices of the Royal family but add they’re all reptilians. David icke’s sole purpose is to set us to false leads. This story is very serious & was entirely covered up to blackmail the perpetrators.

In 2001, most likely in the Alpes Maritimes & very likely between mid-may & mid-august, France was plagued with rumors among the secret services that the public masses never heard about unfortunately. Each year, a great satanic ceremony was settled in a Templar castle in Cagnes sur Mer by & for the English Royal family.

The cream of the Satanist elites was to be present including many members of the MI5 & MI6. The program included orgies, tortures & murders of a high number of children & adults. Thus, they needed a great quantity of preys that were locked down in the basement, where the rituals also took places. Let’s add all these people were completely high, almost hypnotized & role games got thing even more confusing.

What happened in 2001 is that many victims actually escaped [10]. This caused a great mess in the surrounding countryside & also the intervention of the local police. They called the English military which expatriated the English Royal family members, especially William & Philip, hidden until the waist under potato bags[11]. This way, most of the French cops & the English military men present never knew who the people were swiftly hidden away in the back of an anonymous van.


Everything could have gone for the best if only a copy of a video shot during the rituals in the castle wouldn’t have ended up in foreign secret services. The CIA & the Mossad seems to own their copy, & a number of copies are available for sale all over the world.

Apparently many English Satanists are under the threat of blackmail which costs them a lot since this affair came out.

Why don’t we, the good people have any right to know anything about this story & furthermore about all the geopolitical consequences as we still seem to bear its aftermath 12 years later? Now it is clear that nothing has changed, as impunity reigns over those cocaine-addict psychopaths who rule the world.

Question: How many children & adults (mostly women) were massacred during those blood bathed rituals? & when this all damn things will ever stop??


Two years ago, I’d thought it would be totally incongruous to speak about Satanism. Satanists for me were isolated nuts whose rituals were as inoffensive as they were ridiculous. It was a great mistake.

First I had to admit Satanist practices & such were commonly practiced in France, & that they include the collective rapes, tortures & often murders of children. The use of candles, robes & other satanic folklore isn’t always observed, but the rapes & murders are systematic. I then had to admit, because too many testimonies came out, that Satanists are infiltrated everywhere: Politics, media, social services, and industries.  Because they also infiltrated many other sub-groups like freemasonry & other secret societies. We will of course examine these matters later on these next weeks.



[1] Allen explained during the trial he had payed between 7 to 8.000£ to Leander & Adrian .

[2] The most difficult children payed more, Allen brought far more children into his homes than what they could actually sustain. Same with the urgency  placements. According to this pecuniary logic (which is the same in France where all those private associations are making their doe on the children’s backs… While advising Courts to place the children), the children usually stayed about two to three years in Allen’s homes.

[3] His son Thomas even payed an emprisoned pedophile caught in this affair a visit, to ask him not to give the ring up and that he would intervene for him to his father. He was a pedophile (& the police knew it perfectly welll, though his favourite victim was never protected from him) and died of AIDS in 1993.

[4] It was Queen Victoria who decided to send her grandson to Germany, where he would come back as duke  of Saxe Coburg Gotha, the german principality her husband Prince Albert originated from . At 16 Yo he became Carl Edward, owning 13 castles in Germany and Austria etc. He got married with a dauhter of the  Kaiser and fought England during the First World war,  so that he lost all of his english titles in 1918.

[5] The intake of certain drugs like cocaïne, which is a main addiction for the english royal family, can create a   latente porphyria or increase the disease.

[6] Some children from the Casa Pia, this portuguese orphanage which was used to supply children for sexual orgies, were groomed in this ring.

[7] Which helped his assitant, Philip Lyon, to be cleared out of the way until 2003, when he got caught for downloading pedophiles pics.

[8] Savile had his own flat in Stoke Mandeville hospital and also in Broadmoor, for which he called for a collect funds. He was regularly visiting the morgues alone, which leaves us thinking. He also had all the keys of Broadmoor (psychiatric hospital) where several rapes were commited.

[9] Which made it all easier since he had all the keys of the places named before.
