Tag Archives: Chiphead

Clones? Cloning Centers? hmmm…

Full Disclosure

Rapid human cloning is the greatest deception of the modern age. From this, all other cabal deceptions are possible. Neither black hats nor white hats will disclose it, for different reasons. Good people won’t risk harm to themselves or their families, or face the inevitable ridicule for speaking about such a thing.

The media remains controlled by the same dark forces using clones. For full disclosure to be accepted, the Shift must first separate dark and light onto different timelines, and human consciousness must be changed to accept a new reality without fear. Pleiadians offer full disclosure on many topics for anyone who is ready to receive it.

How Deep is the Rabbit Hole?

Cloning is controlled by the highest-ranking member of the satanic cabal. For many years, this was George Soros, but now the role has been passed to Google founder, Larry Page. Satanism disrupts natural order and imposes control. Elite satanists don’t need the population to be real, just obedient.

Clones can be entertainers, media personalities, world leaders, royalty or ordinary citizens. They are placed into communities, given homes and necessary paperwork. They can be used for financial gain, for control, or to conceal crimes, deaths and arrests.

Pleiadians tell us there are billions of clones currently being counted among the human population, and most of them are in China. There are over 2,000 controlled clones that we see every day in the media which have implanted technology and require specialized doctors and handlers.

Origins of Rapid Human Cloning

The NSA (National Security Agency) is the intelligence arm of the military, dealing with crash retrievals and extraterrestrial contact. While animal cloning comes from years of scientific research, the technology used to rapidly clone humans was received through extraterrestrial contact. During Eisenhower’s presidency, meetings were arranged with both positive and negative groups. Peaceful alliances with Pleiadians and Galactic Federation were rejected, and deals were made with Zetas instead. Zetas (Obicular Sorekes) provided cloning technology, and in exchange, the military allowed the abduction and study of human physiology by the Zetas. 

Cloning Facilities

The first cloning centers were secret taxpayer-funded NSA “black sites” in various locations worldwide. There are also private facilities funded by wealthy investors. Cloning facilities can be above-ground structures or in underground military bases (DUMBs). There are specific areas in hospitals where clones can be maintained by specialized doctors.

Notable locations of cloning facilities include: Antarctica, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, Fiji Islands and remote areas of China.

Laka – In An Area Of China Covered With Mountains That Are Inaccessible To Most Humans, There Are Entryways That Are Obscured By Caverns And Large Rocks. There Are Chinese Military That Are Instructed To Keep Anyone Away From The Area. Going Downward Through Pathways Of Darkness, Energy Portals Surround Openings As Beings Enter.

Many Humans Volunteer For Cloning. Others Are Taken Here Against Their Will. This Place Of Darkness Operates As Both A Facility Of Cloning And Sacrifice In The Choices Of Humans And Entities For Thousands Of Years.

Surrounding The Massive Stone Structure That Has Many Floors And Areas To Prepare For Cloning, There Is No Guard Present To Prevent Others From Seeing What Is Transpiring. For Only Those Invited Can Find The Location Of Secrets. Gargoyles Surround The Courtyard With Snarling Faces. The Only Feel Of The Area Is Destruction. We Will Leave It There And Focus On Light. Wisdom Is Power That Allows You To Make Choices Based On Truth.

Laka – Sacrifices and Cloning

Handlers, Owners, Controllers

Handlers. Clones don’t know they are clones, but may understand there are doctors or handlers around them. Handlers usually come from intelligence or military. They guide clones from place to place and their responsibilities may vary. Sometimes a family member, including the spouse, can take the role of handler. There can be financial agreements or threats to make others go along with it.

Todd Madison was Hillary Clinton’s clone handler who died mysteriously after being identified by the media in 2016.

Owners. Owners are wealthy individuals who pay for a high-profile clone to be created and then license it to be used for various agendas. The owner could be a cabal satanist or merely aligned with the trans-humanist agenda.

Controllers. Controllers implement the agendas under orders of the cabal leader. They have connections to the dark occult, military and intelligence, and coordinate dark plans on the local level. These are not public figures and they avoid attention when possible.

The Process

Specific technical details about the process won’t be disclosed but Pleiadians share basic information to help us understand.

Rapid Growth. It takes about 5 months to rapidly-age a clone and program it to speak and act as the original person. Clones are created from existing DNA, and grown from an embryo, affected by an external source to speed up growth. The rapid growth process can create a puffy or plastic look, which fades naturally, and additional surgery is used to match scars, tattoos or other details.

Consciousness and Soul. Human beings are souls inhabiting bodies, and clones are soulless, therefore a clone is never the original person. It’s a misconception that our body is powered by our soul. Medical science does not recognize the soul yet understands that the body operates like a machine powered by the energy we consume.

Clones are brain-powered machines and have no soul-based consciousness. They have no soul plan or karma. They can display simple feelings like anger, and recall the memory of past emotions, aren’t capable of love or spirituality.

Memories. Our consciousness resides with our soul. Memories are stored in the brain. Humans aren’t capable of affecting another’s soul or transferring a soul from one body to another.

Memories are transferred in a data stream through the eye socket to augmented technology on the cloned brain. The eyes are the primary area a clone is maintained. Older people have more memories to program, which increases the likelihood of misremembering past events.

Speech and Mannerisms. Specialized technicians program the physical mannerisms, the voice and speech patterns to match the original. The level of complexity depends on the clone’s intended use, and the public’s awareness of the person being cloned. A clone created for an entertainer would learn to sing or dance just like the original. A clone used for politics would learn to give speeches just like the original. 

Not Exact Matches. In the same way that genetic twins are not always exactly duplicates, physical differences can also occur with cloning. The process of rapidly-aging results in mismatches because our physical appearance is not only a result of our genetics, but years of our life experiences. Stress, diet and our thoughts and actions contribute to our overall appearance over time.

Traits of Clones

Puffy Face. New clones often have a puffy face or a plastic, unnatural look, which fades over time. This can also be cosmetic surgery unrelated to cloning.

No DNA. DNA is the soul’s connection to the body vessel. The method of rapid human cloning doesn’t pass any DNA to the clone.

No Reproduction. Without a soul or DNA, a rapidly-aged human clone is unable to reproduce. Clone families are installed with cloned children pre-aged to a point, and then allowed to age normally.

No Sweat or Tears. Clones don’t sweat or cry unless this function is added by doctors.

Forgetfulness. Clones are prone to misremembering past events in their own lifetime, especially when given new information regularly.

Bruising and Swelling. Clones used for high-level agendas may have a swollen eye or bruising from updates through eye. 

Methods of Updating

The black eye seen on many public figures indicates a clone that has recently received a hardwire update. Wires or cables are used to update technology implants with wires directly through the eye socket. Black eyes have been misattributed to adrenochrome and “vril”. Cloning is a completely technological process and there are no parasites called vril involved.

A scene from the film “Replicas” (2018) demonstrates the method used to transfer memories through the eye to the brain.

New programming methods have been introduced to conceal clone updates. Orthopedic boots are used to explain updates through the foot. Explanations are easier for a foot injury than an eye injury. The boots don’t conceal ankle monitors. The person wearing the boot is the clone replacement of the person who is already gone.

Celebrity Cloning

Many A-list celebrities use clones to perform in movies or television, or on stage. This provides more freedom, security and income. A celebrity clone can travel around the world and perform to sold-out arenas without requiring  the real person to ever leave home. Clone could be used to perform dangerous film stunts, or used as a distraction for paparazzi. They can also be used to permanently replace a celebrity to maintain a source of income after their death or arrest. 

Not every celebrity who uses clones is a cabal satanist. Some see it as a financial investment, and some are convinced that having a clone with all their memories and abilities grants them immortality. There are also examples where a celebrity with no connection to the cabal has been replaced completely by a clone and used for a dark agenda. 

Among the entertainers who have had, or currently have, clones: Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Beyonce, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Zac Efron, Madonna, Alyssa Milano, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Jim Carrey, Bette Midler, Rob Reiner, Ryan Seacrest. 

The First Cloned Entertainer

Pleiadians tell us that the first major celebrity who was cloned for financial gain was popular American singer Andy Williams in the 1970s.

Political Clones

Cloning in politics began with Bill Clinton in the 1990s. This is advantageous for media and politics because a clone can be sent anywhere in the world, give speeches, or perform other undesirable tasks. The presence of a clone may or may not signify the original person is gone, and often clones are used to conceal arrests of public figures. Political clones are also investment opportunities for the elites.

The Puppet Show

Disclosure of mass arrests necessitates disclosure of rapid human cloning, and all of this has been deemed to be too traumatic for humans to hear all at once. Full disclosure can only happen after the Shift occurs, when humans are capable of receiving such information without anger or fear.

There have been white hat operations to take down cloning facilities but unfortunately they can be rebuilt in other locations. While manifested into human form, Sirian leader, Elder Ashtar, has personally been involved with missions to destroy cloning facilities.

These activities are allowed as part of our free will tests to discern false light illusions. Galactic Federation can interfere with clones and create public malfunctions. Clones don’t have karma but their controllers do, and at some point everyone involved in this deception will pay a price.

Clone Replacement (January 26, 2021)

Neioh – Arrests Have Happened In Many Countries For These Moments And Those Of The Real President. You Are Watching A Live Puppet Show! As Many Arrests Have Been Made, Clones Have Replaced Any That You Would See Front And Center In Government.

There Have Been Buses And Power Outages In Past Days At The Capital, The Pentagon And Numerous Homes Of Officials. Clones Have Been Prepared For Long Periods And Agreements To Replace Many Humans Have Been In Place. There Would Be Complete War And Death By Those Opposing The Arrest And Execution Of Many. Therefore Clones Will Remain In Place For Now. We Do Not Interfere With Government. We Are Well Aware Of All That Transpires In Your Reality. You Cannot Distinguish A Clone From A Person So These Are Moments To Call On Your Soul. It Is Possible To Discern Truth.

If You Find Yourself Doubting The Arrests And Clone Replacement, You Might Fully Understand Why Names Would Create Upset And Division That You Could Not Survive By War. Allow This Information To Be A Comfort That Progress Is Indeed Being Made To Take Out Dark Forces And Eventually Dismantle Clones!

You May Experience A Quickening And Emerging Awareness As The Full Composite Of Your Memories Are Coming To The Aspect That Will Shift! You Are Bridging Worlds At The Interdimensional Threshold!

Neioh – Clone Replacement

Cloning With Ongoing Deception (November 14, 2023)

Neioh – Around You Everyday In All Walks Of Life, There Are Products That Are Not Real. This Means In Truth That The Body Has No Soul. These Man Made Puppets Of Deception Are Not New To Your World By Any Means. What Has Changed Is The Control That Is Being Perpetrated On Humanity With These Created Products!

The Dangers Of War Around The World Has Proven To Be A Huge Factor With Products Of China, Russia, Ukraine And Now Israel In The Involvement Of Military. The Administration Of The Biden Product Is Causing The Threat Of War Globally With Lies And Deceit With No Representation Of The Souls Inhabiting The Great United States.

This Clone Has Glitches And Is Being Allowed To Completely Malfunction. With Handlers Directing And Rehearsing Each Word Spoken, This Product Will Soon Be Put Away! It Is Far Easier For Puppet Masters To Deceive The Public When Age Can Be Blamed For Each Fall, Moment Of Confusion And Inability To Form A Sentence. There Is Nothing There But A Program.

We Will Discuss The Manner Of Cloning And The Aspects Of Viewing That Can Become Obvious If One Cares To Know Truth! Knowing There Are Over A Billion Clones Operating In Your Awareness With A Growing Number, May Spark Your Interest In Learning The Truth Of Those Around You!

For Every Clone, There Is A Controller. In Many Instances, There Is A Team. There Is Always A Purpose Or Agenda In Place For The Creation Of Each Clone. With Unlimited Financial Resources Available, Many Celebrities Have Joined With Handlers To Receive Greater Status As The Creators Of The Clone Also Become More Wealthy. Many Singers And Dancers As Well As Actors, Hosts And Politicians Have More Than One Clone Available To Maneuver Their Way To Power And Notoriety.

We Have Shared In Prior Communication Regarding DNA That This Material Carries The Genetic Code Of All Necessary Factors Needed To Create Each Clone. In Rapid Transformation, Information Is Carried And Grown In Material That Would Be No Different Than A Petri Dish In A Laboratory. Indeed, The Actions Of These Creators Are Reckless As They Experiment With The Product As Well As Toying With All Lives That Must Endure This Charade.

Characteristics With Hair And Eye Color, Age And Form Are Programmed And Adjusted. Many Politicians Have Been Noted To Have Many Looks With Different Hair Lines, Nose And Ear Size And Even Varying Heights. Some Photos Do Not Resemble Others In Any Manner. The Creators Are Hoping That You Do Not Notice.

In Many Instances, There Is A Changing Of The Product’s Face That Would Be Close To What You Understand As Plastic Surgery. There Are Incisions And Areas Where Changes Are Made. The Breakdown Of Materials Does Not Heal As There Is No Immune System And Surgeries Allow Material To Be Altered And Removed Without Replacing The Entire Clone. These Are Not Masks As Some Suppose In Guessing. The Science Is There If Those Seeking Truth Would Open To Understand!

The Biden Product Is Glitching With Face Movement And Program Breakdown. This Clone Will Be Phased Out Completely While Allowing Those Observing To Believe This Is All About Age. There Is No Purpose To Continue To Repair And Replace Areas When New Leadership Is Desired. Beware Of Clones That Creators Have Already In Place. Clones Have No Souls And For This Reason, There Is Only Darkness.

Many Clones Have Ongoing Procedures And Often There Are Areas Of Entrance To Repair The Clone By Way Of The Eyes, The Ankle Region And The Feet. These Are Areas Where Surgery And Openings Can Be Disguised And Hidden With Sunglasses And Boots. This Is A Common Method Used By Handlers  And They Scramble To Hide Clones During The Period Of Many Adjustments,

There Are Facilities Around The World Where Clones Are Produced And Kept. China Has The Largest Production And They Have Purchased Land Throughout The United States To Direct Operations In New Facilities That Will Be Rapidly Constructed As The Shift Is Near. Their Intention Is Dictatorship By Clone Control. Russia And Other Areas Of The Earth Are Teeming With Clones That Are Programmed With Orders To Control Others. Beware Of The Ongoing Proxy Wars Where Only Humans Die.

Neioh – Cloning WIth Ongoing Deception


Donald Marshall: THEN there are the visual and audio effects…

Donald Marshall: “THEN there are the visual and audio effects… And how it’s done is way hard to believe, but I was relieved when I saw an article about artificial telepathy, and it explained almost all of it,… And there is a company that makes headchips called mindworks computers I think it’s called and they make chips… Theyre open about it just no one is doing anything about it”

“Anyway basic first I learned audio… It helped me make songs… Used it on myself… They turn a switch and it is on…. Now what it does is…. READY? Lol it sounds retarded I know but I have to tell you…. Everyone “thinks” to themselves… IN their own voice like they think… “hmm I could use a sandwich I’m starving”. Well… With a chip in the clone OR in your real life person…. The clones at the cloning center can and do turn a speaker on… And the chipped person at home just thought that… It comes up on the speaker… “hmmm I could use a sandwich I’m starving”… Literally listen in to peoples every thought…. BUT now this was the way I used it to make music… SO I’m at the cloning center… They’d been listening in candidly to my every thought… BUT when I was there AT the clonig center AS a clone I was right next to this speaker… SO chip in clone… They have a guy come over with a guitar and strum some chords… And replaying it back in my mind I could think a guitar sound in my head and the sound would come out of the speaker…. It got some getting used to… U can think of drum lines ,… Any sounding instrument you can replicate with these headchips and mk ultra… MK was used to make so much music its sick… It took some getting used to,… But got used to it over decades being stuck there as a memory suppressed clone… Also some other clone can think in your sounding voice something it sounds like you would say and apply it to you in a personal speaker , the chip,… Chip to chip mk war lol as clones…. It can be painful… This is all hard to fathom I know,… But wait till I tell you about the Video visual mk stuff lol. They have the brain totally down now,… People say the brain is so large it’d take so long to figure it all out,… They have discovered everything BUT what the pineal gland is used for and they said the alignment of the planets this year affects humans pineal glands I don’t know they say lotsa stuff…”

Video: https://www.facebook.com/DonaldMarshallquotes/videos/171990003657745/

Source: Donald Marshall Quotes

The End of Death – ‘Soul Catcher’ Computer Chip

This is an old article, but most relevant today.

‘Soul Catcher’ Computer Chip Due…

Source: The Electronic Telegraph (England)
(From CNI News)

The End of Death: ‘Soul Catcher’ Computer Chip Due…
By Robert Uhlig

A computer chip implanted behind the eye that could record a person’s every lifetime thought and sensation is to be developed by British scientists.

“This is the end of death,” said Dr. Chris Winter, of British Telecom’s artificial life team. He predicted that within three decades it would be possible to relive other people’s lives by playing back their experiences on a computer. “By combining this information with a record of the person’s genes, we could recreate a person physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Dr. Winter’s team of eight scientists at BT’s Martlesham Heath Laboratories near Ipswich calls the chip the ‘Soul Catcher.’ It would be possible to imbue a new-born baby with a lifetime’s experiences by giving him or her the Soul Catcher chip of a dead person, Dr. Winter said. The proposal to digitize existence is based on a solid calculation of how much data the brain copes with over a lifetime.

Ian Pearson , BT’s official futurologist, has measured the flow of impulses from the optical nerve and nerves in the skin, tongue, ear, and nose. Over an eighty year life, we process 10 terrabytes of data, equivalent to the storage capacity of 7,142,857,142,860,000 floppy disks.

Dr. Pearson said, “If current trends in the miniaturization of computer memory continues at the rate of the past 20 years – a factor of 100 every decade – today’s 8-megabyte memory chip norm will be able to store 10 terrabytes in 30 years.”

British Telecom would not divulge how much money it is investing in the project, but Dr. Winter said it was taking ‘Soul Catcher 2025’ very seriously. He admitted that there were profound ethical considerations, but emphasized that BT was embarking on this line of research to enable it to remain at the forefront of communications technology.

“An implanted chip would be like an aircraft’s black box and would enhance communications beyond current concepts,” he said. “For example, police would be able to use it to relive an attack, rape, or murder from the victim’s viewpoint to help catch the criminal.”

Other applications would be less useful but more frightening. “I could even play back the smells, sounds, and sights of my holiday to my friends,” Dr. Winter said.


Dead chipheads

From: http://astral7ight.blogspot.fi/p/chipheads_23.html

Astral Light – A Dead Chiphead (also known as a Reanimated Chiphead or an Undead Chiphead) is one who has a flawed copy of their or someone else’s dead consciousness recorded on a apple-seed sized microchip called the Soulstone (also called the Consciousness Chip or the Soul Catcher) implanted in their head (real body or even a clone body). They don’t like the term Dead Chiphead, so they call it Re-lifed. Don says, “they can drill a hole in a persons head or they can remove [one’s] eyeball and insert the chip with a rod to a certain depth in the brain.” Then they turn it on and it bodysnatches the person via technology as opposed to a Vril lizard that bodysnatches one parasitically.

Donald Marshall – It messes up the person for like a month or something. They can only sleep, get up and eat. They have to have a nurse with them.

They can reanimate you into a shadow.you come back evil gay child molester. they all do. its flawed.. they have neurosurgeons trying to fix this problem. all over the world german scientists asian russian they cant fix it. they would stop doing it but they fear death. said theyre scared of possibly facing gods judgement and will reanimate themselves. they record your consciousness on a chip just before u die. then they implant this chip in a clone body’s head OR a victims head. then they implant this chip in a clone . but use chips now. thats an undead chiphead. can do it to a clone body and have to just get replacement bodies like every 6 months or so. or real body stolen which makes have less side effects and no need to change bodies. destroy the mindworks satellite all the undead chipheads will drop. they dont even need to be executed… a button push deactivated them.

Question – Is the switch to deactivate the chipheads the cloning centre or through computer?

Donald Marshall – unknown about off switch, Ive seen them deactivate them tho, they just shut off. no pain or anything.

Question – who has access to this button?

Donald Marshall – mindcomputers company is one way,… they have back ups, but this mindcomputers company must be stopped…. they have a site on the net even. lol…….. describing half of the stuff they can do. lol.

Dunno about souls in clones,… i feel just like real life unless theyve drugged the clone with something… smack yer own face n all… then ya cry cuz ya know the evil hag has activated a clone of you while your in rem sleep stage then ya get mad lol………. i feel like when a clone I have a soul…. same as in real…. same feeling. im like curious george bad,… i had to know everything,… i wondered about the soul thing too… so did they… they dont know what happens to your “consciousness” as they call it they can only preserve a flawed negative of you…they have lotsa theories…. all I know is i dont wanna go wherever they end up… or come back mark 3 or 4 clone for elizabeth to stab. mega death… the worst thing they say that can happen to a living thing…it keeps people from talkin.

They would be killed too if they talked… Or killed and cloned after death and tortured over and over clone to clone all the time no rem required after yer dead…

He [George Bush Senior] might be one of those kind of clones mark 3 or 4 there are a bunch… they need replacing, they go to certainmilitary hospitals theres one by camp david in the states and get a new body, the brain degrades, whole body internally degrades, that’s why cloned organs can’t be used for transplant, theyre grown too quickly, theyre not the same as as tissue that grew over years, and if they tried to make that kind of clone it would be underwater in the tube and the skin would bloat after too long and the skin would be all messed up, takes like 5 months to make a clone, they can probably make them even faster now theyre alway making tech smaller and reducing time for stuff, they put a lot of money into it.

But the clones are mentally unstable, theyre like missing essential behavioral requirements that the “original” had, but as clones they have a very one track mind, are prone to being more jealous or get angry easier and are dumber, when they think people are making fun of them they get deadly, because theyre pissed off this person is a real person and doesnt suffer the side effects of being a dead clone and rrrrr clone attacks… this is why they have handlers, so they dont try to kill people sometimes, and to keep them clear of stressful situations… there is another kind of handler though…

You do not need to be dead to have a flawed version of your consciousness,… They can double up and copy as many chips with the recording as they want… The consciousnesses are independent of each other and the memories of these doubles is uploaded to the original person each night. Many have done this and I will detail. For some reason the person you implant the chip into has to be your specific biological body “type”… This is why they usually look like the person or looks like a close relative…

Katie Wright Whale Song – when the chip is placed into the victim do they die..or does their consciousness remain and become over shadowed by the chip personality? When the chip is not activated does the body of the victim go into a coma? How does it work?

Donald Marshall – Total donation, no coming back, chip has to be in a certain part of the brain, but they’re constantly upgrading the technology and have hinted to me that the chips can be put anywhere in the body and they can just link to brain via the minute electrical current that runs through people’s bodies naturally…

They got a lot of tech. Don’t get the chip ever.

Katie Wright Whale Song – so the invader..the entity that takes over via a chip inherits all the talents of the original?

Donald Marshall – Can access most memories,… If the person has a good voice for singing then they just use that voice. With minor training they can reproduce the same quality of singing that the original could manage.

Unknown for certain if chipheads can access the memories. But vrill parasite hosts can.

Jesse Murrin – Now does the copy of your consciousness remember the actual death…?

Donald Marshall – Yes

If they spoke multiple languages when alive then they will remember.

Laurence Mountford – but can they be programmed with different stuff as well? guess not

Donald Marshall – yeah they can get additional programming. wouldnt be able to learn a new language once a dead chip head though.

If you get the RFID chip (even in your arm), it acts as a brain chip. They’ve upgraded the technology. They can upload a dead consciousness into you and it only takes a short time for them to become coherent. Once the chip is shut down, the original person comes back into control.

Astral Light – This is the only secret that Donald Marshall wasn’t suppose to talk about.