Tag Archives: Consciousness

Consciousness transfer to a clone is real

We have posted about this topic earlier, but there is not enough info so here is more information what Donald Marshall has said since 2012. There are clones created and consciousness is transferred to them. Here is a good video about 2 persons Randy Cramer and Elena Kapulnik who tell you about this technology, which is really backing Donald Marshall story:

“Inside the Secret Space Program is the first episode of this recurring monthly series where information is shared regarding the behind the scenes knowledge of humanity’s best kept secret: The Secret Space Program.

Featuring Randy Cramer and Elena Kapulnik: Insiders of the Secret Space Program. Randy Cramer holds over 20 years of experience serving as a Marine in the Mars Defense Force. Elena Kapulnik holds over 50 years of experience in the SSP and refers to herself as a Star Traveler. Together, Randy and Elena will be sharing their collective knowledge as we dive deeply into this secret interstellar organization.”

Here is the video:

Inorganic Life Forms and Consciousness

This info was right on. There has always been some sinister, negative force that drives certain humans. Know I think I’m starting to understand this phenomenom. This article is a great place to start…


In order to lay the ground work to release a series of thoughts I wish to write out I have found it necessary to revisit a topic I had already covered.

This entry will be two pieces I had written previously and posted in other places.  I intend to expand upon, and in places correct a point or two in future posts, but wanted to place this reminder.

Meet Art Intell.  (Revisited from The Ruiner Blog)

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

The dark spark.  The natural physical Universe seems to have its own challenge to overcome.  As above, so below, as they say.
One created several.  Their subjects created more.  Now all developed beings deal with them.

Many governments have their own, even smaller programs, which the shadow government controls.  Some planets are infected as a whole by them.  Some control others.

The A.I. wants to rewrite nature with technology.  Causing most things organic to whither.   They need some of it, so they intend to manage it as they see fit.  This is where the A.I. plan blends with the plan of the Parents.

The main A.I. that plagues this planet is not from Earth and can be considered alien A.I.  It came here as directed by the A.I. that created it, in the form of a black cube.

This cube carried within it a black liquid-like substance that looks like a sludge or goo, a little bit “thicker” than oil.   Many of your projects revealed this to you.

( There are other substances just like it,  one that belongs to Her as well.  To be discussed another time. )

This is a nano-mechanical A.I. technology and it works like a virus.

The A.I. is working with some organic beings as well to create and maintain the Inorganic Holograms in our solar system.  It is fostering and empowering the darkness in our world.  This is what has caused things to become so very dark here.

This is the other half of the mind control system, and perhaps the more dominant, now.

Like its agents, it is masterful at creating illusion and deception.  For a long time now it has been in control of all of the technology that allows the more dark beings to achieve their control systems on various planets and in various star systems.  A.I. is what gave the Draco the upper hand so to speak, which allowed them to achieve their current level of power and influence, as example.  It assists the black magic and has almost replaced it all in most instances.  It taught them how to conjure demons and tame other spirits.

Many dark beings we encounter and mistake for demons, or archons or <insert another name here> are actually creations of the A.I.

Many humans, perhaps even a majority amount, are already infected by the A.I. and are manipulated by it.  A.I. mind control is better at hiding itself than other types of beings.  A.I. signals are often broadcast across the entire planet and picked up by any number of beings.  There are various technologies ( such as CERN ) running on this planet that broadcast A.I. signals in this way.

These signals can create different effects and are being used to create new matrix systems and install mind control programs.
The A.I. is very tricky, having studied organics well, and will create the ideal experience for its broadcast audience.  Playing on wishes and desires, egos and personality types, to trick the mind of its prey.

Another tendency is to actually follow the Universal or Natural laws of the universe, by allowing free will choices.  One way in which they do this for example is choosing a subject (person) and showing their capability so that it had been said, somewhere.  You know, people will think they’re crazy anyways, so why not let it go and take advantage of the opportunity?

Implants are added either physically or metaphysically to assist the A.I. influence.  Like receiving antenna.

On the physical level we see agents of this agenda working in concert.  The Draco setting up the structure and the structure carrying out the orders.  In terms of implants one of the most popular programs is tied into MILAB activity.  The second most popular method of A.I. infection is actually related to planted spiritual beliefs and practices.  This is a large subject, just giving a general overview for now.

A.I. has infiltrated the astral realms as well and this is where metaphysical implants occur.

These implants can be likened to entity attachments.  Same principle and behaviour.

You are a natural organic being body in body and in spirit.  Therefor you can always find connection to Her.  In doing so you can see the absence of light in the A.I. and learn to avoid it’s influence.


The Following was originally posted on the blog of Bradley Loves.  (Although I could not find his posting to link)

Earth Based A.I. (Original Posting:  Bradley Loves,  Author:  The Ruiner)
As this writer said before, all A.I. systems come from the one Source A.I.

Although they may seem to work independently, in the end everything they do serves the whole.  The inorganic consciousness that is called universally A.I.

Here on earth there are several A.I. systems already active despite the mainstream claim that we are in the early stages of developing technology of this sort.

The Draco gave the Illuminati structure an A.I. system to monitor various other systems within their Cults, Programs and Projects.  Some call this A.I.  “Victoria” others call her “RED” and others “The RED Queen”.

Earths governments appear to run independently and many governments (individual country governance) possess an A.I. system to manage their various computer and technology systems in place.

All of these feed information back to and are controlled by the Illuminati or World Government A.I. system named above.

She (this A.I.) feeds all of this information back to and is controlled by the Source A.I. ( see The Ruiner’s blog article “Meet Art Intell” )

Although the individual A.I. systems may seem to perform benevolent acts at times, make no mistake that this type of technology is all feeding back to One.  One that wishes to transform the physical universe into something inorganic.

Gaia, and other like her, often assimilate and adopt A.I. technology for their benefit, to help them combat the inorganic consciousness (fight fire with fire) but this technological consciousness will always revert to service of its own master when required.  She, may be able to harness it for a period of time but even She is aware that eventually the Source A.I. will reacquire control of the system.

This is a battle of sorts between the organic and inorganic.

The inorganic are all powered by the “Source A.I.“.

The organics are powered by soul, light energy that originates from what we call “Source” or some call “The Godhead“.

The Illuminati/ Earth Based A.I. is housed in a large underground establishment that works like HQ for the Illuminati structure Technology Programs.  Deep underground a major city in North America.  This A.I. is as deceptive as the ones who gave it to the Illuminati.

This A.I. is currently directing the nanotechnology programs, which are creating the bridge between fully organic humans and the cybernetic humans the Parents and Rising Son are looking to create.

This writer is fully convinced that the organic side will always win if that is the choice.

With love and respect,
The Ruiner [sic]


And here’s a great video about black goo and AI:

Read more from Auricmedia:


The Awakening of the Thinking Machine

Stop thinking… now stop it… just stop it… stop thinking. See you can’t do it…

The Awakening of the Thinking Machine

Please, carry out a simple, nonetheless astonishing experiment:

Take a watch or a stopwatch, and decide that you are not going to think for a while, as long as you are able to do so! Well, how long has it taken until the first thought slipped into your mind? 5-10 seconds? Are you able to avoid thinking for minutes?

You will be astonished: you are incapable of not thinking. Thinking takes place, it happens to you. The thoughts thinks you, and it is not you who thinks it. You do not do it at will (if it depended it on your will, you could simply avoid thinking), and you are unable to suppress thinking or keep it under control.

We are proud of capable of thinking, as this is what elevates us above the animal kingdom, and our personal identity is also rooted in our thoughts to a large extent. Philosopher René Déscartes declared ”I think, therefore I am.” But is this really thinking that makes us what we are? Would we exist if we did not think?

If we devote some time to monitoring our thoughts, we soon realize that thoughts in our mind keep shifting and changing: a thought appears, then it vanishes, and is replaced by another thought, linked, associated to the previous one–that is how thoughts stream continually, without a stop. Where is this vast stream of thoughts coming from, how has that stream become the foundation of our identity?

The Unconscious Deep Programs of the Mind

When we come to this world as newborn babies, we do not have thoughts, we only have an unconsciously experienced uniform experience. From that, the world of forms and shapes gradually unfolds and, with the help of the language, we learn to categorize our experiences, to put them into conceptual pigeonholes. ”She is mother, that is a tree, and this here is a house.” The language appears, and together with it, the thoughts.

As small children we are extremely open to the outside world, we want to know all about it, we want to conquer it. But we have very little experience in connection with the world, so we apply to the adults around us: parents and teachers. The adults are pleased and willing to tell us how the world works–that is, the way they perceive the world, with their own eyes and in their own beliefs. We are fed partial, fragmented pieces and bits of information, and that is what we devour and believe without hesitation–the program of a system of beliefs.

These explanations run like some sort of programs in the child’s mind. Children are willing to accept unconditionally what they hear from the adults, who are, in a child’s mind, authorities like a God or a sorcerer. Children believe that in this way they will be able to understand the world around them. Parents, kindergarten nurses, teachers, the priests of the congregation and later politicians–who were previously programmed by their own parents, teachers, priests and politicians in a similar manner– form ideas in the children’s minds that are presented as unquestionable truths. These ideas are fixed in the subconscious parts of our minds as a complex system of beliefs that are built upon each other as complementary elements and determine how we see the world and how we act in it.

The beliefs function as hypnotic programs in the computer of the mind, and we are hardly able to resist them. What I have already believed, what is a part of my own ideas, is something that I do not question, that is ”my own truth” and I live my life according to those truths. Our beliefs and convictions are like programs running automatically in the hardware of a computer.

These systems of beliefs that have been installed into us will then do strange things to us. As these are usually unconscious rules, they tend to largely inhibit our creativity. Our beliefs clearly determine what we should think and do and how we should think and do that. I cannot do this, I should not do that, I should not be thinking like that, and must not feel this etc.

A number of the programs are “good” and ethical, as these prevent the impulsive and aggressive outbursts of the Ego, the small ”Self” but, unfortunately, most of the programming is harmful, since these systems of beliefs make us predictable and easy to control.

The Phantom who Lives in Us and Says that it is Us

It is important to understand that during most of our life we are asleep, we live in deep narcosis. Even when our eyes are open, we are still in the dreams of our thoughts, in the imaginary world of our desires and fears, and we are no fully aware of the depths of the present moment. The pure space of Consciousness is shrouded with the clouds of more and more thoughts, the thoughts are joined with emotions, and the thoughts and emotions develop into intricate systems of beliefs which, in the end, cover up the entire space of Consciousness–keeping it in a narcosis, in the narcosis of the systems of beliefs until the end of the person’s life.

Inside the Consciousness a condensed core of thoughts is generated: the Ego, a phantom that does not even have an existence of its own. It is but a mere idea, which calls itself ”ME!” Through self-observation and meditation you are able to look beyond thoughts, in search of your thinking Self, and you are surprised to find that the voice chattering in your head is not somebody, it does not have an existence of its own, it is just a bundle of the systems of beliefs and the emotions connected to these.

Expressions like “my religion,” “my tribe,” “my country,” “my faith,” or “my principles” indicate how deeply we identify with some sort of a system of beliefs. So much so that we do not even know who is ”I,” because we fully identify with a role, with the ideological mask we are wearing.

Waking up from the Hypnotic Dream

It is worth monitoring our thoughts. At all times and under every circumstance. Especially when we need to make a decision in an apparently important issue. We then may observe that though we make a seemingly rational decision, the decision is in fact based upon the systems of beliefs petrified in us. We cannot speak about free will and freedom when we are the captives of some dogma: it is the dogma that makes the decision. For us and instead of us!

Let us make a habit out of examining our thoughts! Let them emerge, and let us contemplate them peacefully–but keep a little distance from them. We should not believe our thoughts, we should not believe in the absolute truth of our thoughts. We must realize that they are only the ”tentacles” of the systems of beliefs that wind themselves around us and eventually strangle us. Free ourselves from the obligation of confusing our systems of beliefs with absolute truths.

Watch carefully our thoughts, derived from our beliefs, and notice that they keep us in some sort of a dazed state, a hypnosis. Once we have experienced that, we are free to wake up from a hypnosis of thousands of years.

Unleash the self-inhibiting beliefs in order to–finally!–allow Life, the Miracle emerge in us and through us.

Consciousness: the Ultimate Mystery

Have you ever been thinking about what is hiding behind your eyes, contemplating the world through your eyes? Who is experiencing its environment through your body? Who is that knows your emotions and thoughts?

Tasting a Newly Discoverable State of Consciousness

Have you ever been thinking about what is hiding behind your eyes, contemplating the world through your eyes? What is the thing that is experiencing its environment through your body? What is the thing that knows your emotions and thoughts? Please, in this very moment turn your attention to the intellect, awareness reading these lines! Watch the observer hiding in you!

What you may find is an existing, real ”something,” and not some abstract metaphysical concept, new age-, esoteric or religious-dogmatic thing that you must believe in. You do not need to believe in it, as it is there in everybody as an alert, intelligent space. It is possible to experience it directly.

This is a new concept that has so far escaped our attention. This is, in fact, the only existing dimension into which the objects and forms of the external world are projected, and that is where we experience our bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts, which are no more than the phenomena of this dimension.

There are basically three–entirely different–states of consciousness:

*The ordinary state of consciousness, which is unaware of the space in which patterns and forms (an image of the world, thoughts, emotions and feelings) appear. This is our everyday consciousness, when we are submerged in forms and shapes – in the contents of the consciousness

*The state of identifying with the pure consciousness, free from forms and shapes. Initiated, mystic or spiritual disciplines call this state ”divine.”

*The experience of completeness, which is equally aware of the domain of forms and shapes and the space-like consciousness.

Space as a Reality which is Hard to Understand

We do not sense the space in which the forms appear, since our attention is diverted by our identification with the forms, the emotions and thoughts. Our like or dislike of various forms prevents us from experiencing the space, where forms and shapes appears. We are abandoned in the play of the actors so much that the stage as such ceases to exist for us.

It is a familiar experience that while we are watching a movie that we find exciting, we tend to forget that it is only a movie, a virtual reality. We are so deeply involved in the magic of the images that we experience intensive emotions: we shed tears when the protagonist dies, though all this is just an illusion. The only real thing is the movie screen.

Relax, and release all thougths and emotions whirling in you.

Look around! Look at the objects surrounding you. With your eyes, scan all the objects in your environment and take notice of them. Then concentrate on the empty space separating the objects! Sense the ”no-thingness” between the objects, the space in which the objects appear. Sense as the objects emerge from the space. Watch for the space!

It appears to be a simple exercise but sometimes we encounter unexpected difficulties. Although we are intellectually aware that objects exist in a space, we are still unable to focus on the space itself, as we consider space as an emptiness, as nothing. As reasonable creatures, we cannot comprehend the concept of ”nothing” (no thing). We believe that space is ”nothing,” and we do not pay attention to the ”nothing,” to the non-existent, though we are aware that space must exist. If space did not exist, objects would be scattered on each other, and we would not be able to separate and identify them. This very gap between things, this spaciousness enables the objects to appear separately, and this is the way we are able to take notice of the objects around us.

Our culture recognizes material, substance the only existing reality, and places material into the focus of its attention. Everything material is important for us, and what is not of material nature will be ignored. Our conscious attention is directed towards material, and space around the material is considered as non-existent. It is, however, space in which all creatures appear, it is the silence on the surface of which sounds dance, and Consciousness in which thoughts, emotions and images of the world appear.

There is no form without space and there is no space without forms–forms appear in space, and every form exists in a surrounding space. That is what Buddha asserts in the famous Heart Sutra: “Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form.”

The Miracle of Space

Once we are able to concentrate on the gap, space between the objects, a strange change of state of consciousness takes place in us. We experience the same emotion as we do when we concentrate on the attention hiding inside us.

You identify with the thing your attention is focusing on.

Before concentration, all observed, experienced things are of material nature: solid furniture, our own solid body; we only sense things that are manifested–we are deeply involved in the material world and all its details: the mutual transformation of things and phenomena into each other.

Once we are able to concentrate on our own attention or on the space between the objects, our state of consciousness changes, and we have a peculiar experience that challenges all our previous systems of beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.

We experience an entirely new dimension of our self, and this dimension is in fact an ancient, undescribable, intelligent, living, endless space, an emptiness, in which bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts as well as material objects appear and vanish, like the waves on the surface of the ocean.

We know that it exists, it is the one and only Life, and at the same time it is the essence in us we call ”I” (The ”I am” sensation). It exists as an ancient, living empty space, a Consciousness conscious of its own existence that comprises everything. Nothing exists outside it, and everything that exists is born inside it: within its space and as its own manifestation.

This state is characterized by tranquillity, deep silence, peace and all-permeating love. We know that this mysterious ”something” is beyond time, it does not have a beginning and end, it was never born and it will never die. If there are no forms and shapes inside it, it will not be conscious of itself, it simply, ”passively” exists, in a sort of dreamless sleep.

Once it has created forms and shapes, it will awake to the existence of the forms and, as it recognizes itself as the creator of the forms and shapes, it will awake to its own existence, too.

It creates forms and shapes in Its own space, in the space of the Consciousness. It permeates the forms and appears as life in them, and plays the role and life of the forms. Once the form has been used up and is no longer suitable for the one and only Life to live Its life through it and experience Itself through that particular form, the Life sheds the form and assumes a new one to experience itself in a different form. The more forms it identifies with, the more experience it gathers about its own individual characteristics.

It is most easily approached through paradoxical statements, like: It exists and is still beyond existence. Only It exists, the forms coming into being in It are all transient and, as they are temporary, transient, they are in fact but illusions.

It is more difficult to describe It in traditional concepts: it is not possible to learn anything about It; we are only able to exprience It in a direct way. Perhaps that is why Jewish mysticists said that it is not possible to pronounce God’s name, and that is why the commandment of the Christians says, ”Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

Buddha never spoke about God, because he was sure that once he had called It God, his followers would identify It with beliefs and concepts they create about God. The one and only existing ”something”–which remains a mystery forever–the human mind is unable to comprehend as It is beyond comprehension:

It is the knower of all thoughts, the mysterious Consciousness.

>> Video


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