Tag Archives: Conspiracies

Ole Dammegård: Truth Seeker, Conspiracies, Open Mind Awareness, False Flag ops

Hi and sorry that I have not posted anything in a while. I have done this blog for almost 7 years now and I have covered so many topics on the road. In the beginning I was keen on many different topics and mysteries. Lately I have been very critical to what to believe, because we are in the middle of info war at it’s worst. Every organization is pushing their agenda from left and from right. So I am very critical what I post and what not. In my twitter feed it is more about the topics and then when it is important enough I will make a post of it.

Last week and this week I have studied an info provided by very kind and talented guy called Ole Dammegård. His info is very interesting and he provides a lots of facts. He is a true Truthseeker. I just love his way to tell the things so everybody can understand what is going on. His info about so called false flag operations is phenomenal, it’s awesome. For example here you can check out his presentations about assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, Estonia boat disaster and Massacre in Norway:

Here is his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ole.dammegard/

The CIA’s Presidents

Some presidents backed up CIA pretty good and some of them tried to tell the Truth and got bullet to the head…

The CIA’s Presidents

Any unmasking of the shadow forces that pull the strings that often determine events requires a time frame context. Historical study can go back to antiquity for classic examples of surreptitious intrigue, but in an age of distorted and diachronic mind control, the creation of the CIA by President Truman was our modern day and literal water shed monument. Coming out of the Office of Strategic Services, the brainchild of Wild Bill Donovan developed into the playpen of Allen Dulles.

The OSS origins on their face are clandestine by nature. Spooks and spies might be a trendy name for a board game, but when the pieces on the squares are pushed in direction of liquidation and oblivion, the uninitiated are truly the uneducated, for not grasping their significance. Being one of those pieces requires the responsibility of every citizen to wake up out of their lethargy.

Research material is so extensive that penning another account on the hidden secrets behind the throne may just confuse the public even more. One needs to take off the blinders and face the consequences of the big picture. Presidents have seldom been autonomous leaders. Those who demonstrated independence, integrity and courage were either marginalized and banished from positions of influence or killed.

The CIA is not just a standalone organization. The “Agency” is more of a euphemism than a society of black bag hit squads. The underlying ethos that underpins the operations and missions of the “Intelligence Community” has a distinct purpose. Never let an administration, much less a President, gain the actual power to rule the country or the global empire.

Until people accept and admit that the “SYSTEM’ is the ultimate crime syndicate, no one can liberate their minds or their circumstances.

Few remember the black and white culture that existed in the United States forty years ago. John Chuckman writes in the Foreign Policy Journal, The CIA and America’s Presidents.

“The 1975 Church Senate Committee looking into earlier illegality came into being because a number of sources were suggesting the CIA had been engaged in assassination and other dark practices, matters which at that time quite upset the general public and some decent politicians.”

Two things are totally different all these years later. Only a grub living under a rock would be shocked by reports that the government continues a policy of “dark practices”. But they would be genuinely surprised if someone could find and prove there is a single descent politician.

Examine the record. George H. W. Bush, was a CIA director, his successor William Jefferson Clinton was a CIA asset during his years avoiding his Rhode Scholar classes, George W. Bush another Skull and Bones diabolist followed in the family’s footsteps and who could forget the current POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama II the son of a CIA recruit and a 3D printed prototype of a mystery man with a false identity. The manufactured indoctrination of these anointed commanders in chief is the true definition of “The Good Shepherd” movie account.

The Great Man theory of history has been relegated to the most efficient synthesis organization that is based upon the official version of elitism “Political Correctness”.

Presidents must surrender their contrary visions, objections and actions against the established order. However, that power embodied by the supra elites, requires a silhouette caricature of subversion as their instrument of coercion, while bearing the focal image of blame.

No balanced observance of sincere national interest would dispute that the function of gathering information and analysis of its significance is out of bounds in a civilized society. The bounds, extent and intrusive methods are fair game for debate; however, the need to know is valid.

Deciding who should have access to that information is a core concern. When Hillary Clinton is allowed to violate even the most rudimentary security practices, one has to wonder why she is so special to get away with her treason.

In the book, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed, critic John Cummings looks at the definitive book on the Mena connection that bonds the Clinton’s and the Bush’s with their CIA overseers. A short video that interviews a Former C I A Agent Chip Tatum On George H W Bush Bill Clinton’s Cocaine Smuggling Connect, provides first hand testimony.

The point of going over a decades old record that was a bomb shell at the time, but never gaining the critical political mass support within the government is that nothing has really changed in all these passing years.

Looking at this experience from the vantage of a conspiracy perspective misses the very essence of how power is imposed on the planet. The question is not does the CIA control American Presidents, but the proper perspective is to embrace has the psychopathic globalist implement their sociopathic system of command and control on humanity, using organizations like the CIA to foster the sinister strategy of enslavement that every President promotes.

Taylor Caldwell’s master work in her book, Captains and the Kings, is not just the story of an American Dynasty; it is a template of the way the world actually operates.

The forbidden reality that is suppressed is that any President may order men and women to their deaths for trivial jingoistic reasons, but none of these fearless leaders can tame the hidden cabals that keep the Nefarious Warrior Organism growing and destroying humanity. The NWO is served by intelligence organizations, even when they jockey with their foreign counterparts for a perceived advantage.

The CIA conducts their cloak-and-dagger wars in plain sight. If U.S. Dollars cannot buy loyalty, a hellfire strike from a drone will kill you. Such a foreign interventionism is not a beneficial policy protecting our country.

Managing the poppy field in Afghanistan to keep the opium trade profitable is far more important to the boys from Yale, than defending our own borders from the mujahideen terrorists, who were trained and taught many tricks of the trade under the tutelage of Agency contract mercenaries.

Eating one’s own is not taboo when the political powers on high deem a sacrifice is needed. Former Director David Petraeus is no General George S. Patton, but he was thrown under the bus quicker than in a New York minute.

The irony that the former NY Senator, Hillary Clinton can get another pass to her much more grave violations of security and law, only goes to prove that being the CIA top spy does not provide enough protection, when the ‘Arkancide” mafia family is threatened.

Now you know the substantial value of all those J. Edgar Hoover secret files when it comes down to the blackmail game.

Avid history buffs always ask the question. Who are behind and actually controls the puppets that are selected to win elections? This is no connivance experiment to out the most unlikable villain that a Hollywood CIA script writer can pen. No, the film industry has always been an integral part of a dream machine to spoof the public with subtle reminders of who is really in control.

The flick, ‘Spectre’ Is The Worst 007 Movie In 30 Years, reveals an important lesson.

“Pretty much everything Spectre has to offer amounts to something that a previous Bond movie did better. And that’s the trap of doing a Bond movie in the “generational nostalgia” sandbox. You end up replaying the best parts of other films and reminding audiences that prior 007 adventures did it better. The notion of 007 doing generational nostalgia is interesting and timely, but the end result is merely an example of it rather than a dissection or deconstruction.”

The message about replaying the best parts from other operations should not go unnoticed. How else can an immortal demonic enterprise continue their dissection and deconstruction of civilization?

There is no hero coming, who will mix shaken elixirs that will stir the public to go cold turkey and jump on the wagon of political sobriety. The CIA is meant to distract the television addicts to become and remain junkies of false reality propaganda. The “so called” threats of the last sixty plus years were necessary to divert the public away from the consolidation of power under NWO governance that is totally visible for everyone to see.

Another Bay of Pigs looms. This time it will be nuclear, and there in no JFK in the oval office. Nor will it take place in Cuba. Obama awaits the development of condos on the shores of Guantanamo Bay. CIA agents reserved their slot and are on the waiting list.

The synergistic and comingling of mutual interests drives the interdependency among different factions within the family structure of government mob enterprise. Ideological deviations are mostly for populace amusement.

When the professional assassin bureau engages in plausible deniability, they are really contracting out the assignment to an expendable fall guy. Can anyone shout out Oswald?

The figure head position of the most powerful person in the free world is less mighty than the corpse of E. Howard Hunt. Those magic bullets always hit the wrong victims.

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The world’s real puppetmasters

It’s a monstrous agenda behind our reality, which everyone must solve out by themselves. I have been done it since 2001.

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The Illuminati are portrayed by conspiracy theorists and Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists as the puppetmasters of the world. The world’s real puppetmasters are self-evident: they are the 80 individuals who own more wealth than half the world’s population. The 80 are the Archons of free-market capitalism, and are propped up by the vast capitalist infrastructure that exists solely to serve their private, selfish interests. They are mired in privilege, cronyism and nepotism. The governments and nation states of the world are fully in their service and never under any circumstances do they take any action against them.

This is the most unequal period in human history. By next year, 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, asked, “Do we really want to live in a world where the 1% own more than the rest of us combined? The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast.”

The wealth of the richest 80 doubled in cash terms between 2009 and 2014. Increasingly, wealth is inherited and used to finance lobbyists who are paid to further their wealthy clients’ own interests, and not those of the people … of private wealth, not the Commonwealth. All elected politicians are puppets of the Old World Order of dynastic wealth and power.

The true Bible of the Power Elite is Ayn Rand’s toxic Atlas Shrugged, her sickenening hymn to selfishness. Nearly all conspiracy theorists are fanatical Randroids, and they are absolutely right that we are their Nemesis. Our mission is to bring to a permanent end the anti-democratic and anti-meritocratic rule of the privileged, dynastic elites that run the world and create a false consciousness in the sheeple that blindly support them.

Conspiracy theories are used by the Elite to promote the agenda of unrestrained free-market capitalist globalism. Conspiracy theories are all about calling into question the inherent legitimacy of governments and nation states, so that they can be replaced by capitalist markets, wholly controlled by the rich Elite … by the 80.

The 80 are unelected and unaccountable to the people, and that’s exactly what Elitism – supported by legions of right-wing anarcho-capitalist libertarians and anti-Jacobin conspiracy theorists – is all about. The right wingers of the world are all about promoting private interest over the public interest, self-service over public service, selfishness over altruism, irrationalism over Reason, greed over need, narcissism over respect for others. Right wingers are on the psychopathic spectrum. They invariably love themselves and rail against anyone or any group that seeks to stand up to them and stop the hawk predators from feeding on the innocent, harmless doves.

“If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.”
– Lenin

Capitalist Globalism – making the whole world dance to the Old World Order’s economic rule in perpetuity – is the supreme expression of imperialism. Capitalist Globalism is the One World Government that the rich Elite are implementing to ensure that they rule every corner of the globe.

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.”
– John Maynard Keynes

“Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith

“Capitalism is an organized system to guarantee that greed becomes the primary force of our economic system and allows the few at the top to get very wealthy and has the rest of us riding around thinking we can be that way, too – if we just work hard enough, sell enough Tupperware and Amway products, we can get a pink Cadillac.”
– Michael Moore

“Capitalism is against the things that we say we believe in – democracy, freedom of choice, fairness. It’s not about any of those things now. It’s about protecting the wealthy and legalizing greed.”
– Michael Moore

“The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn’t deliver the goods.”
– John Maynard Keynes

“The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.”
– Stanley Kubrick

The biggest “nation” of all … the One World system of Global Capitalism, which rules everything … is the ultimate gangster, and all the rest of us are the prostitutes, begging for money from the Elite while they fuck us up the ass.

Just as Judaism, Christianity and Islam have always been terrorist religions – terrorising people with the threat of the wrath of “God” and eternal pain and suffering in hell – so free-market capitalism has never been anything other than gangsterism, where those with capital point a gun at the head of those without. It’s time to stop being the slaves of the Elite. It’s time for the people to rule.

“For all men being originally equal, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others for ever, and though himself might deserve some decent degree of honour of his contemporaries, yet his descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them. One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of the hereditary right in kings, is, that nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ass for a lion.”
– Thomas Paine

“The aristocracy are not the farmers who work the land, and raise the produce, but are the mere consumers of the rent; and when compared with the active world are the drones, a seraglio of males, who neither collect the honey nor form the hive, but exist only for lazy enjoyment.”
– Thomas Paine

“Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and generation which preceded it. The vanity and presumptions of governing beyond the grave is the most ridiculous and insolent of all tyrannies.”
– Thomas Paine

Inheritance is the precise mechanism by which the dead tyrannically rule over the living. When you’re dead, you’re dead. Your wealth does not live on to be inherited by nepotistic scroungers who did nothing to earn it. Inheritance is welfare for rich folk, and no decent person would ever accept it. Inheritance is how the rich control the poor and keep them in their “place”. It’s how the dead rule from beyond the grave. The dead have no legal rights and no stake in the world of the living. Post mortem transfers of wealth, power and influence must be made illegal via Pro Life legislation, i.e. legislation designed to ensure that corpses cannot dictate the future of the human race via selectively handing on decisive financial advantage to the chosen few (the “Chosen People”).

The mission of the rich elites is to set up their families to rule over the rest of us in perpetuity. They call for zero percent inheritance tax, and inheritance is of course the means by which they transmit overwhelming advantage across the generations, how they rig the system, and how they establish the all-powerful cartel from which all the rest of us are excluded if we are fools and cowards enough to go along with it. What is the antidote to dynastic rule, and what is it that the rich elites hate and fear more than anything else? … it’s one hundred percent inheritance tax. Anyone who opposes this tax – the tax that ensures that no dynasty can rule the world via inherited wealth (parasitical wealth, unearned by the deadbeats and dead heads who pathetically grab it because they are incapable of standing on their own two feet and earning their own money by their own sweat and effort) – opposes human progress and freedom. Anyone who resists total inheritance tax supports anti-meritocracy and the dynastic rule of rich elites. We note that all the cretinous conspiracy theorists rage against inheritance tax, and call it “communism” – exactly as required by their rich puppetmasters. Here’s the simple truth of the world:

1) Thesis: Free-market Capitalism … unequal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

2) Antithesis: Communism … equal opportunities and equal outcomes.

3) Synthesis: Meritocracy … equal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

Meritocracy is about the smartest, most talented people … from any background, no matter how humble or disadvantaged … getting to the top so that the rest of us can benefit from their expertise, intelligence and merit. It’s not a question of a rising tide of money raising all boats, but of a rising tide of intelligence and talent.

The proper function of the State is to optimise itself through optimising each and every one of its citizens. It has to maximise the potential of everyone, from any background. The optimal State is the one governed by its smartest and most meritorious citizens – Plato’s Philosopher Kings, who are not allowed to accumulate any private wealth and must be devoted entirely to the public good, the opposite of today’s rulers of the world.

Every person must be allowed to go as far as their talents take them, and that means they must not be up against a rigged system of privilege, cronyism and nepotism, designed to favour the children of the Elite and to obstruct the progress of everyone else.

Free-market capitalism exists to free the capitalists and enslave everyone else. Aren’t you sick of being a slave? Then do something about it. Get off your fucking ass.

No Taxation Without Representation

The American rebels against British imperial tyranny rightly demanded representation in Parliament. Nowadays, you routinely find American “patriots” demanding the end of government, and its replacement by the market. So, here’s a question for all the “patriots” … given that the markets are run by and for global banks, global corporations, and the global super rich, in what way are the markets accountable to the people? Can we vote the “market” or its controllers out of office? Can we fire any of the big market makers and players? Are we represented on the boards of any of the big market makers and players? Do the ordinary people have any say at all over the market? And, if they don’t, isn’t that tyranny? The market is tyranny without a face, or the face of the rich carefully hidden behind a faceless abstraction so that we can’t see the tyrant stamping on our face

The Divine Conspiracy

What is the Armageddon Conspiracy? It’s the Plot to Kill “God” … the Abrahamic Torture God, the Abrahamic Terrorist God … The Devil God who orders fathers to murder their own children as a test of slavish, blind obedience.

Illuminati Coded Fiction

“The Armageddon Conspiracy” by Mike Hockney – the ancient Solomonic plot to kill the Abrahamic God, brought into the twenty-first century.

“The Millionaires’ Death Club” by Mike Hockney – no one is safe from the world’s smartest, most glamorous, most stylish elite who will go to any lengths, even murder, to have their “fun”.

“Prohibition A” by Mike Hockney – Dante’s nine circles of hell are transported to Manhattan for the ultimate game of life and death.

“The Last Bling King” by Mike Hockney – the plot of the elite to own the whole world in perpetuity, and the ingenious counterplot to overthrow them.

You are the change in the world. If you don’t change, the world won’t change.

It’s time to undergo your appointed metamorphosis … from grub to hero, from worm to God.
Change is the basis of everything, and the thing most in need of change isn’t the world but always yourself. When you change, you will see the world with brand new eyes, you will see that all things are possible, and you will see a thousand new beginnings.
Step up your game, motherfuckers. Bring your “A” game or don’t bother showing up. Who wants the second best, the second rate, the half-hearted, the mediocre?
The Movement wants only the achievers, the talented, those who can make things happen rather than just talking about it or moaning about it.

The Most Forsaken Place in the Universe

In Dante’s vision of hell, a vestibule stands between the gates of hell and the river Acheron (the river of woe) where Charon the Boatman ferries the damned across the fast-moving river of pitch-black water to the First Circle of Hell, Hell proper.

As they pass through the vestibule, the souls of the damned encounter a strange sight – the Lost Souls. While the damned don’t linger in the vestibule for long – they’re just passing through – the group of Lost Souls is trapped there … forever! These are the souls rejected by both heaven and hell. Heaven shut its gates to them, and hell doesn’t want them, so they have nowhere to go. They have no home. They are lost in No Man’s Land.

What did they do to suffer this fate? These were the souls that refused to support one side or the other in life – they were the neutrals, the uncommitted, those who lived for themselves, those who joined no cause except their own. They did not choose either good or evil but lived their lives without making any conscious moral choices whatsoever. They were cynical and skeptical, always calculating their personal advantage.

In Christian mythology, when Lucifer’s angels rebelled against God, and Michael the Archangel led the loyal angels against them, many angels remained neutral, standing on the sidelines, waiting to see who would win. When God cast down the rebel angels into hell, he made sure he cast down these neutrals too, but they were no more wanted by Satan than by God, so they remained permanently on the near side of hell’s river, banned from ever crossing, and equally banned from ever leaving.

Such is the destiny of those who refuse to choose a cause, who refuse to commit, refuse to follow a banner. They are called the Ignavi, and they are the most pathetic and ignoble of all creatures. They are the Last Men, the opposite of the Supermen. They are the feeble, laughable creatures that remain when heaven and hell have received all of the souls they are willing to take.

The Ignavi are the selfish, the self-obsessed, always looking for their own benefit, and never willing to choose a side, never willing to fight, to risk themselves, to make any sacrifices. Their calculation is always the same: let others fight it out and then see how the land lies at the end when the smoke clears. See what opportunities there are to gain profit for themselves … you know, like free-market capitalists. They are the cowardly “neutrals” who refuse to side with any cause until it’s obvious who’s winning (i.e. they have no ideological commitment and would support whoever won, thus maximizing their self-interest). Most of humanity belong to the Ignavi, not to the Damned or the Saved. Neither God nor the Devil has anything but contempt for them.

The fate of the Ignavi is a terrible one. They are condemned to run naked forever behind a blank banner (the flag of all those with no cause except themselves), fluttering one way and then another (i.e. never settling into a definite position reflecting a definite cause), and which they can never catch (just as they could never catch a cause in life).

As they chase the flag, they are ceaselessly stung by hornets and wasps. With each sting, blood and putrid matter leak from them, feeding the writhing mass of worms and maggots that they are forced to run across. In life, they refused to be stung by any cause, and now they are stung without end. The worms write bloody, insulting messages in the soil in an unknown script.

The Ignavi’s cries of woe are unremitting. The air is continually rent with their shrieks, shouts, screams, and lamentations. Their torment has no end.

“This miserable state [Dante is informed by his guide Virgil] is endured by the dreary souls of those who lived without blame and without praise. They are mixed with the cowardly choir of angels who were not rebellious, nor were loyal to God, but were for themselves. Heaven drove them forth to keep its splendour from being sullied; and the depths of hell receives them not, for the wicked would thus have some glory over them…The world allows no report of them to exist. Mercy and justice disdain them. Do not speak of them, but look and pass on.”

“I looked and saw a whirling banner that went by so quickly that it seemed it would never pause; and behind it came so long a train of people that I should never have believed death had undone so many … These wretches, who were never truly alive, were naked and viciously stung by wasps and hornets that made their faces stream with blood, which, mixed with their tears, dripped to their feet, and disgusting maggots collected in the pus.” – Dante

Well, will Heaven and Hell alike deny you entry? What is your sacred cause? What moral decisions have you taken? How have you ever served anyone or anything other than yourself? Are you fated to reside in the Ante-Inferno for all time? This barren, hopeless place is within the perimeter of hell, yet not truly part of it. It’s Neverland.

Being pious, Dante tells us, is more than a matter of simply not sinning. Unlike the non-committal souls, you must actively practise virtue and side with the righteous. You have to be on the right side, not the wrong one, and not in the neutral, agnostic middle. You must make a leap. You must choose and commit.

The Great Refusal

“I hate journalists. There is nothing in them but tittering jeering emptiness. They have all made what Dante calls the Great Refusal. The shallowest people on the ridge of the earth.” – W.B. Yeats

Are you one of the great refusers, one of the cynical, sneering trolls – the utterly empty, blank, pointless people who have nothing constructive to offer the world?

The Falsehood

“That which has always been accepted by everyone, everywhere, is almost certain to be false.” – Paul Valery

The Blank Banner

Are you a follower of the blank banner of the Ignavi, the most pathetic flag there can possibly be? The blank banner is for all empty, non-committal souls. It’s for those who backed no clear side, supported no clear leader, and simply ran back and forth with no direction, other than their own comfort and advantage. There is nothing worse and more dismal than to be a follower of this banner.
If you have chosen no sacred cause in life, if you haven’t chosen sides, the blank banner is YOUR banner.

Since they were neither good nor evil, the Ignavi have no place in the afterlife. They might as well never have existed. They were pointless people who made no impression. Is that you too?

Ante-hell, the vestibule of hell, is also called “Nowhere”. It’s the eternal home of the Ignavi, the most pathetic souls of all, the souls that ought never to have existed, those that made no choices in life, “who lived a life but lived it with no blame and no praise”. It includes those agnostics too self-absorbed to make choices, those who were neither hot nor cold on important matters. They neither believed nor disbelieved, neither knew nor didn’t know, neither blasphemed nor opposed the blasphemers, neither stood for free speech nor against it.

Now, they run about the hills of Ante-Hell forever, having no hope of dying to end their misery, doing nothing but chasing banners (causes) they will never catch.

You are not saved because you have done nothing wrong. You must do something right. You must choose. You must leap one way or another. You must commit.

The worst places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintained their neutrality, who sat on the face and refused to take part. Are you one of those who will dwell permanently on the edge of hell?

Life isn’t a spectator sport. You must be involved.


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Shut Up Conspiracy Theorist

It’s time to clear the facts…

Shut Up Conspiracy Theorist

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We exist within extraordinary times. The proliferation of technology has ushered in an age of information and never before has humanity had the ability to gather information so easily, at least in the technologically advanced nations. Essentially, the knowledge of mankind lies at the fingertips of people in much of the world and curiously, a high percentage of people, especially in the west, instead utilize the tools available, not for self education or expansion of ones knowledge base, but as a means of distraction. I mean, really, why educate oneself when you can watch video clips of monkeys hurling feces at tourists? Why expand your knowledge base when you can upload to social networking sites, pictures of your kitty-cat or what you ate for lunch?

The internet is a linking of billions of minds; this technology has moved us forward and has brought the world closer. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, conduct business, gather information and connect with the world. It has also created a global platform for alternative media, which has been the bane of corporate, mainstream controlled, bought-and-paid-for media.

It seems as though whenever information is presented that conflicts with the official, consensus, mainstream version of events, it is immediately attacked and discounted as “conspiracy theory.” It’s amazing to me the way that words get thrown around and often times, their true meaning is lost to the ones using them. Etymology or the derivation of words, can teach us an awful lot. The word “conspiracy,” derives from the Latin word, conspirationem, which simply means: “agreement, union, unanimity.”

The modern dictionary definitions of the word conspiracy are:

1. The act of conspiring.
2. An evil, unlawful, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. A combination of persons for a secret, unlawful or evil purpose.
4. Law: an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud or other wrongful act.
5. Any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

To simplify, the word “conspiracy” simply means: “to breathe together.” I’ve actually heard those among the I believe everything I’m told crowd, with such certainty; claim that there is no such thing as conspiracies. Obviously, when the etymology and definition is understood, that statement is seen for the ill-informed and absurd nonsense that it is. Two or more people plotting to rob a bank would be “conspiring” to do so.

The first use of the phrase “conspiracy theorist” apparently occurred in 1909; in an article published by the American Historical review.Later, in 1967, the CIA adopted the term in a psychological operation to discredit researchers and actual journalists whose findings deviated from the official claims, particularly, with those who were investigating the JFK assassination, and the ridiculous assertions and conclusions of the whitewash known as the Warren Commission Report.

In 1976, the New York Times acquired a CIA dispatch thorough the Freedom of Information Act, which outlined the CIA’s tactics to discredit those whose research and investigations conflicted with official propaganda. The document spells out the CIA’s tactics of psychological manipulation and disinformation. The dispatch outlines certain tactics:

Claim that it would be impossible that so many people would keep quiet about such a big conspiracy.
Claim that eyewitness testimony is unreliable [unless it is in line with the official version of events].
Accuse theorists of being wedded to and infatuated with their theories.
Accuse theorists of having financial interests in promoting conspiracy theories.

In part, the document reads:

To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.
To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.

I’ve been on the receiving end of the label “conspiracy theorist” more times than I can count, and I would estimate that 99.9% of the time, the person using the term has not even bothered to look at any of my work or even engage in intelligent discussion regarding the particular topic at hand; they simply repeat the label as if by rote, and so few of them would ever bother to look at information that just may challenge what they think they know, or their TV educated mindset. They never seem to engage in any investigation of their own, apart from glancing at a “news” snippet or simply adopting the consensus view as their own. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time that label, or other such nonsense was thrown at me, without even considering what I was saying, I’d be writing this right now from my private yacht, off the coast of Maui!

Critical thinking has become all but extinct; it seems to have been bred out of most people, and the ones that question are at once considered “crazy conspiracy theorists,” often on knee jerk reaction with outright rejection of any information that contradicts their consensus mindset. Author Jack trout summed it up perfectly when he stated:

“The sane person constantly analyzes the world of reality and then changes what’s inside his or her head to fit the facts. That’s an awful lot of trouble for most people. Besides, how many people want to constantly change their opinions to fit the facts? It’s a whole lot easier to change the facts to fit your opinions. Unsane people make up their minds and they find the facts to ‘verify’ their opinions. Or even more commonly, they accept the opinion of the nearest ‘expert’ and then they don’t have to bother about the facts at all.”

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the media, in a lockstep with the corporate apparatus that funds and controls it, engaged in massive smear campaigns against anyone who dared to question the official story. Now, I cannot pretend to know exactly what happened on that tragic day, but I can say emphatically, after investigating the event for years, that the official story is a steaming pile of crap from start to finish, filled with more holes than a Swiss cheese factory.

The laws of physics were somehow suspended on that day. Kerosene fuel burned over 1,000 degrees hotter than its maximum temperature and was somehow able to melt steel. Small, contained fires brought down a 47-story skyscraper that was not even hit by aircraft (building 7). The 200-ton, metal aircraft that allegedly hit the pentagon somehow disappeared upon impact and the public was told that it vaporized. The public was told that a passport of one of the hijackers somehow miraculously survived an explosion of fuel and metal, only to be found neatly amidst the rubble, intact! There are so many anomalies to the official story that it boggles the mind. Even more mind boggling, is the fact that when these events occur, droves of people buy into the official story and immediately adopt it into their beLIEf systems without question.

Here’s a great example of what I’m talking about:

At the time that the Obama administration announced that troops had killed Bin Laden (the CIA asset) I was working in the food service industry. Newspapers were sold there, and of course, when the govt. announced that they killed their former ally, the story was blasted all over mainstream media, on every front page and every news network. No evidence, photographic or otherwise was presented to the public, but of course, this didn’t matter. The “news” was broadcast on every TV network and printed in every major newspaper so it must be true.

I watched a man walk over to the newspaper rack, pick up a copy of the propaganda rag, and claim with glee: “we got em! We got the son of a bitch!” No investigation, no critical thought, hell, he didn’t even read the article! The front page headline was enough to convince him and this is exactly what I’m talking about.

I know osama’s dead because tv tells me so

I wonder if those who simply believe what they are told ever even consider where the information comes from. Do they ever ask who benefits by them believing the official story? Do they ever ask who owns the media, and whether or not those owners have a vested interest in the public believing what is presented to them? Alternative researchers are attacked all of the time, even if their information is credible and true; it wasn’t on CNN or Faux news so therefore, it must not be true or credible. Interestingly, alternative journalists, or “conspiracy nuts” have been very accurate as the passage of time and unfolding of events has shown.

media consolidationWhen one challenges the system or steps out of line, they are at once considered a threat. Swinging the sword of truth at mainstream lies does not exactly win you many friends. When the consensus trance is challenged, people are naturally resistant because their very identity is often built around what they’ve been conditioned to believe. Besides, so many seem to have real trouble entertaining the notion that they may have been wrong about something. The ego doesn’t like that idea very much! Those who question their reality, and what is presented as truth, and report their findings, are viewed as a threat, even if their information is true and valid; if it flies in the face of the mainstream consensus, it must be false, crazy, unfounded, “conspiracy theory.” No investigation required! A talking head in a five-thousand-dollar business suit, with a thousand-dollar haircut has slavishly repeated the official line, so who am I to question? Not thinking is just so much more hassle-free!

Fortunately, due to the efforts of some very brave researchers/presenters, film makers, real journalists, authors and the like, the tide is turning. People actually are beginning to shake off the spell that has been woven around their very consciousness and wake up to the fact that they have been sold lie upon lie and have willingly bought into them. Unfortunately though, there still does appear to be a rather high percentage of those whose minds are guided by the corporate apparatus, the mainstream media and the gatekeeper voice pieces that serve the spin machine.

Taking into consideration the actual meaning of the word conspiracy, and the etymology, the statement that “conspiracies don’t exist,” is simply absurd and nonsensical. Have you noticed that when the word conspiracy is used, it is so often followed by the word “theory?” That immediately discredits the information as per the CIA’s very succesful psy-op.

Was it not a “conspiracy” that hatched the plot to kill Caesar? Do corporate CEOs not “conspire” to figure out how to maximize profits? Don’t war profiteers “conspire” to sell unjustified wars to the masses to gain public approval? Whatever truly happened on 9/11, wouldn’t the perpetrators have had to “conspire” to pull that off? Crazy talk, crazy talk, tin-foil-hat-wearer, shut that person up! It’s making my cognitive dissonance hurt!

I sum it up like this:

“The greatest threat to the establishment today is the person who can think independently and maintains the ability to continuously scrutinize what they think they know. The challenger of conventional thought, the critical thinker, the man or woman of ideas is the enemy, the one who walks alone. She will not join, she will not conform; she will not waver. She has detached from the herd. The free thinker is perceived as the dangerous one. His ideas are a danger to the system, to his peers and to the rigid confines of ego- centered consciousness. He is a rebel in the truest sense. He/she is the sane amongst the unsane, the one whose guidance comes only from within. Think for yourself and watch the lie become dust beneath your feet!”

I’m not sure who came up with this phrase, but it’s perfect:

“I’ll call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist.”


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UFOs, Conspiracies, Government Black Ops

Now something about UFO’s, conspiracies and government black ops.

UFOs, Conspiracies, Government Black Ops – Full Documentary

UFOs, government black ops, and the ongoing conspiracy of secrecy that drains the world of treasure and sucks vital energy from the planet is explored with Dr. Sean David Morton. The distinction between technocrats and autocrats is illuminated, as the shadow government is explored. Spooky examinations at Area 51, hidden financial motivations behind 9/11, the Pleiadians and how Earth is a magnet school for the universe is discussed in an uncensored Buzzsaw, hosted by Sean Stone.GUEST BIO:
Dr. Sean David Morton attended Stanford University and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Political Science degree, with minors in Organic Chemistry and Astronomy from the University of Southern California. He received his PhD. in clinical psychology, specializing in therapeutic counseling, from the International Institute of Alternative Medicine. He has also studied Astrology at the famed Exeter College at Oxford University.
Sean’s adventures at Area 51, his pioneering work in REMOTE VIEWING and his stunning predictions of the future brought him international recognition as the #1 guest on Coast to Coast AM where host ART BELL called him “America’s Prophet” and “My all time favorite guest!”
Sean is a multi-award winning independent filmmaker and has been a reporter/writer/producer/director for HARD COPY, SIGHTINGS, STRANGE UNIVERSE, UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, ANCIENT ALIENS, PARANORMAL BORDERLINE and has appeared on countless radio and TV shows.
He is the author of BLACK SERAPH and THE DARK PROPHET, spy thrillers about the inner workings of the Vatican and the Jesuits. His latest books, SANDS OF TIME Vol. I and II, the true memoir of a MAN IN BLACK, describes 40 years of the adventures of a top level director of the Shadow Government. He has authored over a dozen screenplays and is currently working on the funding for a film and media distribution company.


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