Tag Archives: Free Energy

The Truth About Free Energy

Is it just a myth? You decide…

The Truth About Free Energy

Adam Trombly is one of the top scientists in the world in the development and creation of Zero Point Energy technology. Devices that he built are working today in other parts of the world. And yet, instead of using Zero Point Energy, Adam Trombly’s own house in Maui is being fitted with a bank of expensive solar panels.

Why can’t Trombly use his own expertise to fuel his own home? Trombly has spent most of his professional life under one gag order or another. But he decided, he told us, “that if I was going to give an interview for this particular publication, I wasn’t going to pull any punches.”

If much of this seems overly negative, keep reading. Trombly wants to wake us up, and to shine a light upon things that have been kept dark.

Adam Trombly’s revelations will shock you to the depths. But it is his hope, and ours, that it will help you to awaken, or to assist you in your task of awakening others.

Trombly’s ultimate vision is the “redreaming of the American Dream.”

Adams: How did you become interested in free energy?

Trombly: I was raised as a scientist and I have spoken the language of science all of my life. My mother was a blood specialist, my father was a biochemist, and my sister was at one time a biophysicist.

When my father had just gotten his Ph.D. in biochemistry from Purdue University – I was a young child – he was enlisted as a biochemist, by a fellow Purdue alumnus named Frank Olsen, into a U.S. Air Force/CIA joint project. He was stationed at the biological warfare laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland. This was in 1952 during the Korean Conflict. He had been a highly decorated U.S. Army Air Corp officer in World War II, but the government felt that he had a skill of strategic importance to the national security.

At Fort Detrick, he and Olsen, along with a couple of other scientists, were working on a very compartmentalized project. Since he died when I was in the eighth year of this body, I knew very, very little about what this project involved. On the seventh anniversary of his death (4/3/1967) I was in my mother’s attic, putting out mousetraps, when I discovered a couple of boxes that contained journals my father had kept during his time at Detrick. You weren’t supposed to keep journals, but he did.

One of the things he wrote about in his journals was his exposure to alien technology that totally defied what were considered, at that time and even still to this day, the laws of physics.

He wrote a letter to Dr. Quackenbush, who was on his dissertation board at Purdue, saying that what he had seen challenged even his “most vivid imagination.” This was right after he got there.

After he had been there about a year, the notes he wrote got really interesting. He specifically described various technologies which he stated plainly were of “alien origin.” He described not only flying disk-shaped craft and their related energy and propulsion systems, but Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. His work was actually concerned with them.

On November 19, 1953, my father (along with Dr. Frank Olson and a couple of other colleagues) was taken by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb to a summer camp near Baltimore. While there, he and his colleagues were involuntarily given large doses of LSD in their cocktails; doses on the order of 10,000 to 15,000 micrograms. Olsen knew about the experiment, and out of concern for my father told him, “Harvey you have been given a psychoactive drug and you are beginning to feel its effects. Don’t worry.”

Olsen had also taken a large dose of acid, and later freaked out because he said he had, “blown the experiment.” It was supposed to be a double-blind experiment for all of the participants other than Olsen. He was supposed to keep silent.

Frank Olsen continued to feel unsettled, and was rushed by CIA personnel to New York for psychiatric examination. Something terrible happened instead. Frank was bludgeoned in the head and then thrown from his hotel room window. He was murdered. This, at least, was the conclusion of forensic pathologists hired by Frank’s son Eric in 1994.

My father filed an internal protest demanding an investigation of his friend’s and colleague’s death, and that was what ultimately triggered the events that killed him.

In January of 1954, under the illusion that he was being immunized from a new retroviral biological warfare agent, he was injected instead with a live virus that he had discovered during his research. He became extremely ill. In his notes, he indicated that he immediately knew. “They killed Frank,” he said, “and now they have killed me. The difference is that I will die slowly, very slowly.”

He died in 1960, from a form of lymphoma as eleven government labs did morphological workups of his cells.

When I discovered that his death had not been an accident of nature, I was heartbroken. I despaired of life. I sat with a knife a quarter inch into my chest, with blood already trickling down, begging whoever was present at Infinity to reveal the truth of existence.

And in the next moment, I suddenly had no doubt of God or, if you prefer, the Buddha Nature, and I saw things with great clarity.

Adams: Do you believe that we’re in denial about the involvement of aliens in the affairs of this planet?

Trombly: The American public has been lied to for so long, they wouldn’t be able to recognize the truth if Jesus told them personally.

It’s very difficult for the American public to know what is going on. In many ways, we are a nation in denial, and all too often a nation of alcoholics and drug addicts. We are in incredible mass denial.

People see what are referred to as flying saucers and UFOs. Sometimes they are not saucers but triangles. Sometimes they’re small, and sometimes they’re huge and look like buildings.

It doesn’t matter how many people in remote places or in cities see them, or photograph or videotape them. The perceptions are simply shut out.

There are amazing mind-control projects going on. People literally cannot maintain their attention span. More than once I have stood and watched crafts 100 or 200 feet over my head and had people say things like, “Well that’s not an airplane,” or “Oh, my God, are we actually seeing this?” “Is that real?”

But by the next day, the whole chemistry of denial has set in and those same people say, “Wow, that was a strange airplane, it was going really slow, or really fast, and how did it make that right turn?”

This is what got me started in free energy technology – though I hate the term free energy, because it’s anything but free. Many have paid dearly for its advent. I don’t even know what term I like at this point. I use the term Zero Point Fluctuation Technology – ZP Technology.

I used to have a company called Zero Point Technology. As soon as you put something like that on your shingle, you discover just how unacceptable this concept is to those whose growth stopped so long ago.

People are being bombarded with subliminal messages that tell them that aliens don’t exist. Even The “X-Files,” which is a joke (thank God they’re canceling it), was originally intended, by Chris Carter, to be something more than just random amusement. It was intended to be groundbreaking. But there’s government interference. And this is a huge subject. People don’t understand that the “other U.S. government” has had contact for decades with cultures that aren’t from this planet.

We’re like the aboriginal people of New Zealand, or Papua, New Guinea, or any other remote tribe. When they see an airplane, they think that it is a God – or they at least, they used to. Of course, now they think that it’s just people who are more primitive than they are, but who have technology.

We are the same way with “alien” cultures. We are the same way with really clean and advanced electrical technologies that could begin to help us understand just how wonderful and abundant Being – simply being – is.

When I got involved in ZP in 1979, I was warned by Buckminster Fuller that if we were successful there’d be hell to pay. If we were actually successful, then it could develop into a real nightmare, because the humans we’re dealing with are a species that has been kept in the dark. We’ve been treated like mushrooms (which are kept in the dark and fed a lot of feces — there’s no nice way of putting this).

The extremes to which these people are willing to go to make your life miserable are phenomenal. They go out of their way to torment those who challenge their utter mediocrity.

Then there are certain people who hang around in the so-called free energy field, who speak at conferences and who have never discovered, engineered, or invented anything in their entire lives that is worthy of note. What they have done is mediocre at best. I won’t name them, but they just haven’t produced. These are the people who say, “No one has ever bothered me.”

These are the same people who – behind my back and behind the backs of those who have actually produced functional technologies – say, “Well I’ve never seen anything that he’s produced.”

Adams: Can you tell us more about this alien agenda?

Trombly: I know that there’s an alien agenda because my father wrote this in his journals. He said he had discovered that the U.S. government had become involved in its implementation. He went further to say that this alien agenda, in his opinion, was contrary to the good of the human species and the planet.

He believed that a sector of the military/industrial complex was involved in a program, basically, to transform our atmosphere, which is benign to our species and other Earth species, into one that is greatly reduced in terms of its oxygen content.

So this is a force which doesn’t have good intentions for us. It is a force that would gladly exterminate us. And yet human beings act as agents for this force. The “human” species is exterminating itself, by its own hands.

My father spoke of alien agendas in his most secret thoughts. This was not something he spoke of in public. He would never have given this interview, I’ll tell you that much.

Adams: What species is this alien force?

Trombly: I can’t say, but I can say that the species that are trying to harm us are a tiny minority of a vast host of alien species. My father knew of a couple. It wasn’t just one, even back then. This sounds very far fetched – I know it sounds nuts. But I decided if I was going to give an interview for this particular publication, I wasn’t going to pull any punches.

Adams: Many of the people who read this will share your belief system.

Trombly: Well, this is not about a belief system. I don’t like belief systems! This is about reality! We are the ones who are collectively destroying the womb of the Earth in which our species gestates, in which we evolve.

There are real terrorists in Washington, and even, I dare say, in the White House. And we are very rapidly approaching the time when that statement will be considered criminal. The incident we call 9-11 was a mockery. Now, every time someone dials 911 they’ll think of the evil demon Osama bin Laden who in fact is someone we helped to create.

Alkhaida was largely financed by the U.S. government. We gave the Taliban 128 million dollars last year to suppress the growth of opium in Afghanistan. Where do you think that money came from? Where do you think it went?

Everyone thinks the 9-11 was caused by Osama bin Laden and his cronies. There’s no doubt that some of his money comes from Saudi Arabia, but the fact is that the U.S. government is the primary source of funding for the Taliban. Why? Because Dick Cheney and his cohorts want to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan.

Adams: What has happened to the free-energy technologies that you’ve produced?

Trombly: Every single technology that I have either invented or co-produced is no longer in my possession. There’s one in Arizona that has supposedly become a national security issue.

A former colleague of mine once went off on his own with a design that he and I had come up with. He built a device that was very successful – and is now in a can, and he is a shell of his former self.

Forget about whatever technologies I have had a hand in reducing to practice. We have heard from very credible sources that these are nothing compared to the technologies already being produced by certain prime contractors right here in the United States.

Why is it a national security issue? Why is a generator that generates several times more output than input a security issue? Why is it that the American people cannot enjoy what their tax dollars are paying for? Why is it that we have a government that is willing to deny the American people access to the very technologies they themselves are secretly producing?

It’s not a joke. Our government has produced technologies, with our tax dollars, that could immediately begin to reverse the damage done by the irresponsible use of fossil fuels, and they are not allowed to be used.

They continue to pollute this atmosphere, and they continue to reduce the amount of metabolically available oxygen. Who could possibly benefit from that? What species do you know of that is actually better off today than, say, fifty years ago?

What is it that we do when we burn these fuels? We make fire. What is fire? Fire is a rapid oxidation process that releases heat. The real destroyers of the equatorial rain forest are forest fires, because of the incredibly poor husbandry. There’s nothing good you can say about what’s being done to this planet!

There are far too many people in the U.S. government and other national governments who are acting in a way that is completely moronic and self-destructive. It is not a human agenda! This is what I’m trying to get you to see. There is this whole other thing happening.

We are exploited by a corporate structure – by the “military/industrial complex” Dwight Eisenhower warned us against in his farewell address to the nation. Eisenhower got the term “military/industrial complex” from Mussolini, who was describing Fascism. These are words you don’t want to use in our society.

At Project Earth we get mail from all over the world, and the one word that keeps coming up since [the 2000] so-called presidential election – about that debacle, that tragedy – is the word “coup.” From the perspective of the vast majority of the human species, it was a coup. They say this in India, Japan, South Korea, France, Holland, Spain – everywhere. In spite of the fact that we never posted an article on our website that said or even suggested that we had a coup, people write to us and say, “How come the American people don’t realize that they just had a coup?”

Then, following on that coup, we have 9-11. Everybody is terrified, but people don’t want to talk the way I’m talking now. They think it’s self-destructive.

I tell you truly, it is our collective silence that is truly destructive.

The United States of America is a sacred idea. It is a sacred thought-form. What was America to the people who risked and frequently lost their lives to create it? It was the New Jerusalem. The spiritual foundation of the United States of America is an absolute necessity of our spiritual dimension. It was founded on the basis of the absolute need of the human spirit for freedom.

But freedom brings with it great responsibility and demands great intelligence.

We do not want to live in hell, but we are creating hell for ourselves. We are tormenting each other and ourselves. We’re doing these things as if we have no choice. We are truly brainwashed.

The real ultimate cult that’s going on in America is this one of jingoistic, flag-waving, unquestioning patriotism. We can get ourselves all hyped up on Zoloft, and that still doesn’t change the fact that we as a nation have lost an incredible amount of prestige and trust because of what happened in 2000.

No matter how much money we put into the military budget, we will not be able to restore that trust in our own people or in the rest of the world until, through grace or the incarnation of the Divine Process, our democracy is resurrected from its present contrived state. It is a travesty.

When Dick Cheney refuses to turn over documents to investigators, he gives comfort to our enemies. Truly dangerous and deranged people in truly difficult countries like Pakistan cite the actions of our corrupt public officials as justification for their actions.

If we say to the world that we represent Freedom and Democracy, then by God we have an obligation to be Free and Democratic.

In the meantime, the world laughs, because perfectly capable intelligence officers in the United States are oppressed for the sake of short-term political agendas.

The Central Intelligence Agency attempted to warn the White House before September 11. The entire affair was handled with what can only be called incompetence. While three-letter agencies spent our tax dollars listening to my calls, true terrorists were going to flight. And in spite of over an 18-minute warning crash, a second full-size passenger jet went into the World Trade Center.

Even so, we are all supposed to fall into line and cheer.

Once, in 1986, I was introduced to a man in Toronto, Canada, who turned out to be a major Soviet technology spy. When he offered me a lot of money and a lot of benefits if I would turn over mechanical drawings for an electrical generating technology I had co-invented, I told that agent to go screw himself. I told him I was under a gag order, and that I would not violate that order.

He responded by saying, “What loyalty do you owe to your country? They have done nothing to help you or your work. If you cooperate with us we will appreciate you and take good care of you and your family. Three hundred million people will benefit from your technology. Who cares if a shaft is made in Leningrad or if assembly occurs near Moscow?”

Once again, I told him to go screw himself, to go back to the totalitarian hell that he came from – and then I got the hell out of his office.

In September of 1986, I turned this man in to the FBI – and as a consequence, I ended up under investigation myself!

In February of 1987, the counter-intelligence unit of the FBI contacted me. During my second so-called “interview,” one of the special agents who interviewed me was Robert Hanson, now known as a famous spy for the former Soviet Union.

Hanson interviewed me about whether or not I was a spy. But he knew I wasn’t a spy, because he was!

It’s not just the U.S. government that’s suppressing all this stuff, it’s the whole theater of this species. The “human” species has rarely demonstrated qualities that say that it should be maintained or can be sustained.

This species has never acted in a way that is consistently to its own benefit. For thousands of years, this species has acted in a manner that can only be described as both sadistic and masochistic, and on a planetary scale. It has not acted intelligently.

At the same time, there is no decision to change, because the vast majority of the human species don’t even realize that we have a choice to do that. They don’t realize that we have the choice live intelligently. They don’t even know or what that would entail.

My protests to the “powers above” are consistently related to this central fact: “I know there’s a choice, you know there’s a choice, but the general population on this planet has no clue that there’s a choice. We can choose to live in a completely abundant and pollution-free environment. We can make that choice and have more abundance, and not less abundance. We can stop spending money for fuel. The capital expenditure for fuel could be completely eliminated. That would free up trillions of dollars annually, globally, from the world budget, from the planetary budget.”

If you want to know why I got involved in this technology, it’s because we have a way to generate almost boundless levels of electrical power without any pollution or fuel, without even the need for solar panels or wind power.

It’s ridiculous that I am installing solar panels in my home, when I have spent the last 23 years of my life in the field of ZP Fluctuation Technology research and development and have one more than one occasion successfully demonstrated it along with colleagues who have also learned the same hard lessons that I have.

Adams: Can we still restore this planet?

Trombly: We can if we act with great clarity and great speed. No obstacle could stand in our path.

We could even reclaim the Sahara Desert. It didn’t used to be a desert. It was destroyed by people who cut down the forest and overgrazed the grasslands that were once there. Now the same thing is happening in Brazil, Indonesia, China and South East Asia.

These forests and grasslands are like your skin. What does the skin do? It keeps us from becoming dehydrated. When a person gets third-degree burns, one of the leading causes of death is dehydration. The same thing is true of the forests and grasslands.

It’s about maintaining that tissue and understanding that it is very vulnerable. These membranes are being taken away.

We can also reclaim the desert that is forming in the northeastern corner of Brazil, where there was rainforest a hundred years ago. The Brazilian desert exists because the Brazilian people won’t stop cutting down their own trees. I say this very bluntly. If the Brazilian people want to demonstrate that they have some intelligence, then they’ll stop cutting down the rainforest, which is the equatorial life support of our planet.

If the United Nations and if the American government want to demonstrate their intelligence, then they will suggest that we should give credits to these countries for their oxygen production.

We can reclaim the deserts by these new technologies, by taking the water out of the oceans and using it on the desert.

Where you run into the logjam, over and over with all these issues, is the question of energy.

How can we heal the ozone layer? It’s going to take a tremendous amount of energy to do that. We have to replenish the oxygen that’s not getting into the stratosphere.

One of the fundamental points that I try to make is about chlorine. It is a molecular demon once it gets into the ozone layer. One chlorine ion can interfere with the production of 100,000 molecules of ozone. So we have to eliminate as much free chlorine and bromine as possible.

But even if we entirely eliminated chlorine and bromine production, that would still not be enough to heal the stratospheric ozone layer.

Another significant cause of ozone depletion, one that is often overlooked, is the reduction in the amount of oxygen that should be transported into the stratosphere over the equatorial rainforests. Project Earth has been trying to educate people to this fact since the mid-eighties. The oxygen source has literally been cut off by deforestation. But we can heal that by reintroducing a tremendous amount of oxygen up there, and replanting the forest down here, on Earth.

It will take energy. Lots of it.

Adams: Can you describe how your life has been endangered because of your perspectives on free energy?

Trombly: If I had described my life to you since 1980, it would be a long, long story, and it would sound like a bad spy novel.

I’ve had a number of attempts on my life through really serious poisonings. My wife has had to revive me and give me CPR.

So we’ve had a whole nightmare component to our life. But we don’t live in a nightmare at all. It’s quite the opposite.

However, I must say that it has been almost unimaginable at times.

Once, in 1988, I was visited by a couple of scientists at my home in Colorado. One of them was Bob Dratch, a man who has done a lot of work in creating microwave detection equipment, which is widely used by the Department of Defense.

Basically, I was standing in my office, which was a large room, 27 feet long, and Bob Dratch was shaking change in his pocket, to demonstrate that his very sensitive microwave detector could pick up the signal this jingling generated. The signal would appear on the meter and the printout.

I pointed the horn of the device at Dratch to measure the effect. And then, as I pointed the horn away, I kept my finger on the trigger and happened to point it out the window of my office. To our surprise, the alarm went off on the machine! The red light went on, and the meter peaked.

My office was being microwaved!

We walked into my back yard and found the place where the signals were being broadcast. It was right behind my house, in a little forest, right next to an engineering company that is well known for making satellite antennas.

We clipped the cable to the antenna that was broadcasting microwaves at my house, and I called the FCC in Denver and I said told them that this was illegal and I wanted it stopped now. I said, “Stop microwaving me.” I already had cancer.

Within three weeks, this engineering company was totally gone. I assume they themselves had something to do with the broadcast, or they wouldn’t have left so suddenly.

So dozens of people had to relocate to Kansas, or whereever.

But why were they trying to kill this body? We are perplexed at times by the strange modus operandi of this group.

The world is not going around very well right now, because people aren’t loving. When people love, they become geniuses. Intelligence isn’t about thinking, it’s about feeling. I don’t care how many times the force of darkness, which resists love, has attacked you and made you feel separate.

I don’t care how difficult anyone’s life has been. I guarantee you, I can match it. But suffering is finite, it’s limited, it’s not eternal. You can transcend suffering through love.

The resurrection we are called to is our resurrection. Once Jesus stood in front of Lazarus’ tomb, and commanded, “Lazarus, come out.” And we are told that Lazarus came out.

That is similar to what is happening right now. Surrounding this planet, there is a gathering which is inviting the human species into a new dimension. They are saying, “Lazarus come out, come out of your subjective tomb and out of your corruption. Come out of your doubt of God and out of your doubt of Love. In the midst of Infinity and Eternity, We command you.”

Now, in this moment, we must come out and ask for help. When we can ask for help, we get it.

People don’t understand that you become realized by incarnating love. We live only as expressions of love, in eternity. The only thing that is eternal is Love. Love as the presence of consciousness is eternal and infinite.

Time and space are subsets of eternity and infinity. Space and time are subjective states, and they have nothing to do with limiting the ultimate reality of consciousness, not even a little bit. They have to do with the gnarled subjective states of the contracted world.

Scientists talk about the accelerating expansion of the universe, but it’s not that, it’s the unremitting transformation of the universe that’s happening, the inescapable transformation of the universe.

You don’t have a choice about it this time. It isn’t the same as it was two thousand years ago. We are in the midst of the time of the resurrection. It involves you and me and everyone on this planet, I don’t care who they are.

There will be miracles everywhere. The most powerful thing is love. The whole astrophysical community is now acknowledging this power, but they call it the “dark energy.” They give it this Darth Vader quality, because they don’t know how to relate to the Light. It is the contraction of form and the denial of the Infinite Divine that causes the appearance of darkness.

Adams: How long has there been a conspiracy to prevent the development of free energy?

Trombly: Well, if you are referring to the technological side of things, I guess you could say it started with Nikola Tesla. (Although the crucifixion was really an attempt to stop Free energy as well.)

Nikola Tesla was given the vision of infinite electrical power, without fuel, in the 1880s. He demonstrated it in 1886 and 1889, and then throughout the 1890s. He tried to give this gift, but the fossil fuel boys decided he couldn’t give it. The fossil fuel boys decided that maybe they could make use of him, so they didn’t kill him right away. They killed Tesla in 1943.

One of the detectives approached me in 1981, at a conference. This man told me that Tesla had been murdered. So I guess you could say that it all began right there. When I was a kid in school, nobody knew about Tesla. Tesla was the father of alternating current electricity. Tesla said he was inspired by aliens, beings from other dimensions. He was anathematized because he refused to kowtow; he refused to attend the same temple that the others worshipped in.

Adams: How can we make free energy available to the planet?

Trombly: There is no such thing as free energy without enlightenment and liberation. The technologies point to free energy. We are the technology. We are the free energy.

Great yogis like Sri Babaji demonstrate this. Yogananda talked about him. He was the physical demonstration of free energy. He was the physical demonstration of what the Tibetans called the Rainbow Body. He was transparent and transfigured in God realization, the realization of the Buddha Nature.

There are alien cultures and cultures in other universes who happen to be attentive to the events on this planet because this is one of the last archetypal moments. This will not continue anymore. This entire kind of universe is obsolete and will not occur again, because it would be masochism and sadism to allow it to be perpetuated.

There’s a transformation that is occurring. It is about the liberation of all the energy that has been bound up in all of these worlds that are subject to corruption. That is the real physics. This is what is really important.

In the meantime, by understanding that this is true, we can tap into a field that we call Zero Point Vacuum Fluctuation or the quantum ether, and we can generate electrical power. Electrical power exists in complete abundance, without any capital cost for fuel.

Solar technology is so very expensive. We have 108 solar panels in our two facilities on Maui and it takes up a great deal of space. I would love to have ZP Technology here, but the fact of the matter is, if I had that working right now, this place would become a target.

The other side of this story is always the same thing. Just when Light appears on this planet, the subjective forces of darkness manifest with great tenacity. This government was overthrown and nobody knows anything about it. People are silent about it.

On the cover of Newsweek, on September 11, was an article about the secret vote that made Bush president. The article was about a conspiracy in the Supreme Court. Newsweek at that time was willing to challenge the Supreme Court. The Executive Branch of the United States government was about to fall, because it was going to be exposed.

But then the planes hit the World Trade Center.

If Al Gore had been elected, I know the man well enough to know that we would have been in a different economy after four years. We would’ve begun to implement these technologies.

The United States government has, right now, the technology to eliminate the energy crisis. This consoling gesture that George Bush made the other day, about developing hydrogen fuel-cell technology, is just a carrot that he’s dangling before the American people.

Now there are military people who have come forward and are talking about the presence of aliens and alien technology on this planet. They are even talking about the fact that we are making our own flying saucers. This Disclosure Project is extremely important for people to know about (see Secrets from the Stars elsewhere in this issue).

We could be having the greatest economic boom in the history of history. We could actually do that. The technology exists. As early as the 1970s, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Richard Nixon – all kinds of these guys – knew about this physics. But the downside is that we are on the brink of oblivion.

Parents are paying all this money to educate their children into the lie of physics instead of the truth of physics. Meanwhile, they are taking Prozac. We have legalized the anesthetization of our species. Depression is appropriate.

Adams: What is the purpose of your organization, Project Earth.

Trombly: The original foundation of Project Earth was to reveal to the human species the actual condition of our planet. We’re not being told the truth about it. For the most part, the scientific community doesn’t know the truth and has been so disempowered by their so-called education that they’ve lost vision.

Vision is the only thing that will save us. You have to be able to see where you’re going.

The agreement that I made with the Divine is one that Bucky and I talked about. We would never just illuminate the problem, we would always offer a solution. If we talked about an energy crisis, we would talk about only it in the context of the fact that there is no energy crisis.

Electrical power is already abundantly available, pollution free. We like electricity. We can power our cars and flying saucers with infinite electrical power. We could have so much fun that living on earth wouldn’t be a drag, but would be really great.

Your eyes would be so open that you would walk out the door and you wouldn’t see the smog in Los Angeles, but you’d see the clear, sacred air.

Project Earth is not just about communicating the problems. It’s about the transformation of humanity.

Adam Trombly, Director of Project Earth, is an internationally acknowledged expert in the fields of Physics, Atmospheric Dynamics, Geophysics, Rotating and Resonating Electromagnetic Systems, and Environmental Global Modeling.

Taking the advice of his friend and mentor R. Buckminster Fuller, Adam has maintained a “synergistic, global view” within a multi-disciplinary scientific background. From this perspective, Adam offers unique insights into the changes humankind has effected on our environment, and the adjustments our future requires of us.

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Here it is free energy by Nikola Tesla!:


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As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.


An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power  to operate.

A conventional generator needs   15KW to produce 10KW of power.

To produce these 15KW of power we rely on gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products that can be metered creating profits for the oil industry.

130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power.  His patents are now in the public domain.

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We have freely given this technology to the people of the world.  We’ve open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.

How the QEG works:
First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepower motor. This motor spins the rotor in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitry configuration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the core achieves this resonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter to power the motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original power source and the generator will power itself.

Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEG’s are NOW developing in communities in 30+ countries.  The People are making their own free energy devices.

The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.

The QEG: For the People and By the People

Fix the World is currently traveling to Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April to help communities build QEG’s. Everything we have accomplished has been made possible by the donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep us going, every little bit helps! Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World Organization. By Clicking here:



US Gov Suppresses Solar Hydride Free Energy System!

Here’s some interesting free energy technology from Bob Lazar:

Bob Lazar, former Area 51 Engineer has a proven method that could let everybody run their cars and home completely for free by using solar energy to create hydrogen that is then stored in a hydride material to safely store the hydrogen.  Once the hydrogen is stored in the hydride, it is 100% safe.  You could shoot the tank with an incendiary bullet or a cut the tank with a chain saw and it will not blow up!

To release the hydrogen as it’s needed you simply supply heat the tanks and hydrogen is released as needed.  Bob Lazar has converted a Corvette to run on this solar hydrogen hydride system.  The Corvette, converted to run on hydrogen has a 400 mile range with 4 small tanks in the back of the car.  Bob can then fully recharge the system overnight with his home hydrogen unit that is powered by solar energy.  So he drives the Corvette for free!

So why can’t we all start doing this?   Well, Bob says that the US Government has banned anybody from selling this hydride material!  The reason they give is that one of the materials used in the hydride is used in nuclear weapons!   This material is not radioactive or dangerous in any way but they still won’t let you buy it because it’s been restricted by the US Government!

This material for the hydride could be mass produced right now to free the world from the greedy oil corporations that are taking more and more of the wealth of the planet but of course the US Government is in bed with these oil corporations and politicians get lots of money to keep the status quo raping of the world going!  Bob Lazar had to make the material because it’s legal to make it.  The catch is that you have to build a particle accelerator to make it!   Bob Lazar made his own miniature particle accelerator to make his own hydride!   He and others could begin selling the material tomorrow but the US Government prevents anybody from selling it.

Please spread truth about the technology that could get the world off fossil fuels tomorrow.  Join www.project.nsearch.com if you want to be informed of the very latest free energy devices, natural cures and much more!

Here’s all the details about Bob Lazar’s incredible hydrogen powered Corvette that the US  Government doesn’t want you to have in your garage!




Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof

This suppression on free enerhy must stop:

It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy.
Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little?

the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Corporate media continues to push the idea that we are in an energy crisis, that we are approaching a severe problem due to a lack of resources.  It’s funny how the same group of shareholders that own the energy industry also own corporate media. This seems to be both another fear tactic and another excuse to create conflict. How can there be a lack of resources when we have systems that can provide energy without any external input? This means that these systems could run for infinity and provide energy to the entire planet without burning fossil fuels. This would eliminate a large portion of the ‘bills’ you pay to live, and reduce the harmful effect we are having on Earth and her environment. Even if you don’t believe in the concept of free energy (also known as zero-point energy), we have multiple clean energy sources that render the entire energy industry obsolete. This article however will focus mainly on the concept of free energy which has been proven time and time again by researchers all across the world who have conducted several experiments and published their work multiple times. A portion of this vast amount of research will be presented in this paper.

These concepts have been proven in hundreds of laboratories all over the world, yet never see the light of day. If the new energy technologies were set free world wide the change would be profound. It would affect everybody, it would be applicable everywhere. These technologies are absolutely the most important thing that have happened in the history of the world.   – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor.

The Research

These concepts are currently being discussed at The Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference.

The Casimir Effect is a proven example of free energy that cannot be debunked. The Casimir Effect illustrates zero point or vacuum state energy, which predicts that two metal plates close together attract each other due to an imbalance in the quantum fluctuations(0)(8). You can see a visual demonstration of this concept here. The implications of this are far reaching and have been written about extensively within theoretical physics by researchers all over the world. Today, we are beginning to see that these concepts are not just theoretical, but instead very practical and simply very suppressed.

Vacuums generally are thought to be voids, but Hendrik Casimir believed these pockets of nothing do indeed contain fluctuations of electromagnetic waves. He suggested that two metal plates held apart in a vacuum could trap the waves, creating vacuum energy that could attract or repel the plates. As the boundaries of a region move, the variation in vacuum energy (zero-point energy) leads to the Casimir effect. Recent research done at Harvard University, and Vrije University in Amsterdam and elsewhere has proved the Casimir effect correct (7).


A paper published in the Journal Foundations of Physics Letters, in August 2001, Volume 14, Issue 4 shows that the principles of general relativity can be used to explain the principles of the motionless electromagnetic generator (MEG)(1). This device takes electromagnetic energy from curved space-time and outputs about twenty times more energy than inputted. The fact that these machines exist is astonishing, it’s even more astonishing that these machines are not implemented worldwide right now. It would completely wipe out the entire energy industry, nobody would have to pay bills and it would eradicate poverty at an exponential rate. This paper demonstrates that electromagnetic energy can be extracted from the vacuum and used to power working devices such as the MEG used in the experiment. The paper goes on to emphasize how these devices are reproducible and repeatable.

The results of this research have been used by numerous scientists all over the world. One of the many examples is a paper written by Theodor C. Loder, III, Professor Emeritus at the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space at the University of New Hampshire. He outlined the importance of these concepts in his paper titled Space and Terrestrial Transportation and Energy Technologies For The 21st Century (2).

There is significant evidence that scientists since Tesla have known about this energy, but that its existence and potential use has been discouraged and indeed suppressed over the past half century or more (2) – Dr. Theodor C. Loder III

Harold E. Puthoff, an American Physicist and Ph.D. from Stanford University, as a researcher at the institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Texas published a paper in the journal Physical Review A, atomic, molecular and optical physics titled “Gravity as a zero-point-fluctuation force(3)” . His paper proposed a suggestive model in which gravity is not a separately existing fundamental force, but is rather an induced effect associated with zero-point fluctuations of the vacuum, as illustrated by the Casimir force. This is the same professor that had close connections with Department of Defense initiated research in regards to remote viewing. The findings of this research are highly classified, and the program was instantly shut down not longer after its initiation (4).

Another astonishing paper titled “Extracting energy and heat from the vacuum,” by the same researchers, this time in conjunction with Daniel C. Cole, Ph.D. and Associate Professor at Boston University in the Department of Mechanical Engineering was published in the same journal (5).

Relatively recent proposals have been made in the literature for extracting energy and heat from electromagnetic zero-point radiation via the use of the Casimir force. The basic thermodynamics involved in these proposals is analyzed and clarified here, with the conclusion that yes, in principle, these proposals are correct (5).

Furthermore, a paper in the journal Physical Review A, Puthoff  titled “Source of vacuum electromagnetic zero-point energy (6),” Puthoff describes how nature provides us with two alternatives for the origin of electromagnetic zero-point energy. One of them is generation by the quantum fluctuation motion of charged particles that constitute matter. His research shows that particle motion generates the zero-point energy spectrum, in the form of a self-regenerating cosmological feedback cycle.

Before commenting on the article, please read the article, look at the sources and watch the video. Many of your questions can be answered there. We come across many who are quick to comment without examining the information presented. This is a clip from the documentary Thrive, you can view the full documentary by clicking on the title.

We’ve had major military people at great risks to themselves say yes these things are real. Why do you think the military industrial complex doesn’t want that statement to be made, because you start thinking about what kind of technology is behind that, that’s the bottom line.  – Adam Trombly, Physicist, Inventor

As illustrated multiple times above, the energy these systems use is extracted from the fabric of the space around us. That means it cannot be metered, which creates a threat to the largest industry on the planet, energy. An industry that is partly responsible for the destruction of our planet, and an industry that rakes in hundreds of trillions of dollars every year. No blame is to be given, only a realization is to be made that we have the power to change this anytime we choose. These technologies would completely change everything, but it’s important to remember that operating technology depends on what level of consciousness the operators are operating it at. Is the human race ready for such a transformation? Nothing can work unless the consciousness behind it comes from a place of love, peace, co-operation and understanding. The desire for the benefit of all beings on the planet would be the driving force for the release of these technologies.

These technologies are locked up in black budget projects, it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benifit humanity (2) – Ben Rich, Former Director of Lockheed’s Skunkworks Division

I hope I’ve provided enough information here for those interested in furthering their research on the subject. There is a lot to this technology, and it branches into many other areas from ancient history to sacred geometry and all the way to UFOs. The technology described in this paper is similar to what Dr. O’Leary states here with regards to propulsion systems and an isolated field of energy.  For more on this subject, please visit our exopolitics section under the alternative news tab as it does correlate with the technology of anti-gravity and free energy.

Collective Evolution has covered this topic before. We’ve demonstrated the reality of the Searl Effect Generator.

We’ve also written about the Free Energy Devices.

This article was simply to provide you with more information and research to show you just how applicable these concepts are and the tremendous implications they can have.


(o) http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v457/n7226/edsumm/e090108-01.html

(1) http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A1012369318404

(2) http://www.disclosureproject.org/docs/pdf/OutsideTheBox-TedLoderPaper.pdf


(4) http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/jse_10_1_puthoff.pdf

(5) http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v48/i2/p1562_1

(6) http://pra.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v40/i9/p4857_1

(7) http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=darpa-casimir-effect-research

(8) http://physics.aps.org/story/v2/st28

– See more at:


It’s kind of weird that the videos on that page doesn’t work… makes me wonder if this is The Truth.

Orgone Energy

This weird energy has fascinated me some time now and here  is a small briefing what is it about:

This term orgonite derives from ‘orgone’, the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature. Also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, “Ether”, “Élan Vital”, or “fifth element”, this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR), positive (POR) or damaging (DOR = deadly orgone energy). When positive, it enables living microorganisms to be found in a healthy condition. Reich did a great deal of research and research on the attributes as well as behaviors surrounding this subtle energy.

Reich constructed a powerful orgone accumulator from alternate levels of metal as well as organic material. He built a fabulous cloudbuster with which he could cause it to rain, and he witnessed how orgone radiation was capable of counteract nuclear radiation. He died during his jail, after experiencing his laboratory and much of his written work incinerated by the government bodies, who feared what knowledge of this energy could possibly reveal.

Reich’s ‘Cloud Buster’, constructed from a collection of aluminum pipes/tubes of different lengths which were sat on a spinning base. From the actual tubes was an earthing cable which was submerged in running water. When pointed at the heavens, he could create clouds as well as cause it to rain as well as dissolve clouds and establishing a very clear blue sky.

It is essential to realize what DOR is. DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) is POR, (Postive Orgone Energy) but “armored” as Reich called it. “Armoring” means that the living energy doesn’t circulate freely any further, but has been compromised into a rigid form. Whenever a knight wears his armor, he cannot move that freely any further. The same is applicable with energy when “armored”. Take a look at mother nature. When water flows freely, it’s full of vitality and living in it flourishes. When water turns stagnant, it develops into a stinking pool, and life in it is dissipated. DOR is negative, that is, it suffocates life types.

It generates disease, plus ultimately it will contribute to death. DOR energy is principally human made, simply by technology, such as equipment and microwave transmitters, chemical substance pollution, actual physical break down of the landscape, but also simply by human emotions. A location where a violent death happened, for instance, will retain this DOR imprint on that place for some time. A residence where the inhabitants have a lot of negative emotionally charged reactions will also be filled with DOR. The human body itself can likewise be armored, that is, by long term psychologically and mental complications, man’s creative expression may be blocked or dammed up, leading to contraction of his / her energy, quickly or slowly resulting in disease.

As people we are open to energy systems. This means that we can’t shield ourselves entirely coming from our environment. We are continually subjected to the actual energies in our environment. They affect us whether we’re conscious of this or even not. Therefore it is important to transform any DOR that surrounds us all into positive POR.







Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich in his mid-twenties.JPG

Reich in Vienna in his mid-20s

Born 24 March 1897
Place of birth Dobzau, Austria-Hungary (present-day Ukraine)
Died 3 November 1957 (aged 60)
Place of death United States Penitentiary, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Cause of death Heart failure
Resting place Orgonon, Rangeley, Maine
44.991027°N 70.713902°W
Nationality Austrian
Education M.D. (1922)
University of Vienna
Known for Freudo-Marxism, character analysis, muscular armour, vegetotherapy, orgastic potency, body psychotherapy, neo-Reichian massage, orgone
Notable works Character Analysis (1933)
The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933)
The Sexual Revolution (1936)
Parents and sibling Leon Reich and Cecilia Roniger, Robert Reich (brother)
Partners Annie Pink (m. 1922–1933)
Elsa Lindenberg (1932–1939)
Ilse Ollendorf (m. 1946–1951)
Aurora Karrer (1955–1957)
Children Eva (1924–2008), Lore (b. 1928), Peter (b. 1944)
Website Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust

Wilhelm Reich (24 March 1897 – 3 November 1957) was an Austrian psychoanalyst, a member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, and one of the most radical figures in the history of psychiatry. He was the author of several influential books and essays, most notably Character Analysis (1933), The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1933), and The Sexual Revolution (1936).[2] His work on character contributed to the development of Anna Freud‘s The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence (1936), and his idea of muscular armour – the expression of the personality in the way the body moves – shaped innovations such as body psychotherapy, Fritz Perls‘s Gestalt therapy, Alexander Lowen‘s bioenergetic analysis, and Arthur Janov‘s primal therapy. His writing influenced generations of intellectuals: during the 1968 student uprisings in Paris and Berlin, students scrawled his name on walls and threw copies of The Mass Psychology of Fascism at the police.[3]

After graduating in medicine from the University of Vienna in 1922, Reich studied neuropsychiatry under Julius Wagner-Jauregg and became deputy director of the Vienna Ambulatorium, Freud’s psychoanalytic outpatient clinic.[4] Described by Elizabeth Danto as a large man with a cantankerous style who managed to look scruffy and elegant at the same time, he tried to reconcile psychoanalysis with Marxism, arguing that neurosis is rooted in physical, sexual and socio-economic conditions, and in particular in a lack of what he called “orgastic potency.” He visited patients in their homes to see how they lived, and took to the streets in a mobile clinic, promoting adolescent sexuality and the availability of contraceptives, abortion and divorce, a provocative message in Catholic Austria. He said he wanted to “attack the neurosis by its prevention rather than treatment.”[5]

From the 1930s onwards he became an increasingly controversial figure; from 1932 until four years after his death no publisher other than his own published his work. His promotion of sexual permissiveness disturbed the psychoanalytic community and his associates on the political left, and his vegetotherapy, in which he massaged his disrobed patients to dissolve their muscular armour, violated the key taboos of psychoanalysis.[6] He moved to New York in 1939, in part to escape the Nazis, and shortly after arriving there coined the term “orgone” – derived from “orgasm” and “organism” – for a cosmic energy he said he had discovered, which he said others referred to as God. In 1940 he started building orgone accumulators, devices that his patients sat inside to harness the reputed health benefits, leading to newspaper stories about sex boxes that cured cancer.[7]

Following two critical articles about him in The New Republic and Harper’s, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration obtained an injunction against the interstate shipment of orgone accumulators and associated literature, believing they were dealing with a “fraud of the first magnitude.”[8] Charged with contempt in 1956 for having violated the injunction, Reich was sentenced to two years in prison, and in June and August that year over six tons of his publications were burned by order of the court, one of the most notable examples of censorship in the history of the United States.[9] He died in jail of heart failure just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for parole.[10]


Reich was born the first of two sons to Leon Reich, a farmer, and his wife Cäcilie (née Roninger) in Dobzau, Galicia, then part of Austria-Hungary, now in Ukraine. There was a sister too, born one year after Reich, but she died in infancy. His father was by all accounts a cold and jealous man. Both parents were Jewish, but decided against raising the boys as Jews. Reich and his brother, Robert, were brought up to speak only German, were punished for using Yiddish expressions, and were forbidden from playing with the local Yiddish-speaking children.[11]

Shortly after his birth the family moved to Jujinetz, a village in Bukovina, where his father took control of a cattle farm leased by his mother’s uncle, Josef Blum. As an adult, Reich wrote extensively in his diary of his sexual precocity. He maintained that his first sexual experience was at the age of four when he tried to have sex with the family maid (with whom he shared a bed), that he would regularly watch the animals have sex, that he used a whip handle sexually on the horses while masturbating, and that he had almost daily sexual intercourse from the age of 11 with another of the servants. He wrote of regular visits to brothels, the first of which took place when he was 15, and said he was visiting them daily from the age of around 17. He also developed sexual fantasies about his mother, writing when he was 22 that he masturbated while thinking about her.[12]

It is impossible to judge the truth of these diary entries, but Reich’s second daughter, psychiatrist Lore Reich Rubin, told Christopher Turner that she believed Reich had been a victim of child sexual abuse, and that this explained his lifelong interest in sex and childhood sexuality.[13]

Death of parents

He was taught at home until he was 12, when his mother was discovered having an affair with his live-in tutor. Reich wrote about it in 1920 in his first published paper, “Ueber einen Fall von Durchbruch der Inzestschranke” (“About a Case of Breaching the Incest Taboo”), presented in the third person as though about a patient.[14] He wrote that he would follow his mother when she went to the tutor’s bedroom at night, feeling ashamed and jealous, and wondering if they would kill him if they found out that he knew. He briefly thought of forcing her to have sex with him too, on pain of threatening to tell his father. In the end he did tell his father, and after a protracted period of beatings she committed suicide in 1910, for which Reich blamed himself.[14]

With the tutor ordered out of the house, Reich was sent to an all-male gymnasium in Czernowitz. It was during this period that a skin condition first appeared, diagnosed as psoriasis, that plagued him for the rest of his life, leading several commentators to remark on his ruddy complexion. It was also during this time that his visits to brothels increased; he wrote in his diary of his professed feelings of disgust for the women, despite the daily visits.[15] His father died of tuberculosis in 1914, and because of rampant inflation the father’s insurance policy was worthless, so no money was forthcoming for the brothers.[16] Reich managed the farm and continued with his studies, graduating in 1915 mit Stimmeneinhelligkeit (unanimous approval). The Russians invaded Bukovina that summer and the Reich brothers fled, losing everything. Reich wrote in his diary: “I never saw either my homeland or my possessions again. Of a well-to-do past, nothing was left.”[17]


It was in New York in 1939 that Reich first said he had discovered a life force, or cosmic energy, an extension of Freud’s idea of the libido. He said he had seen traces of it when he injected his mice with bions and had seen it in the sky at night through a special telescope he called an “organoscope.”[85] He called it “orgone energy” or “orgone radiation,” and the study of it “orgonomy.” He argued that it is in the soil and in the air (and indeed is omnipresent), is blue or blue-grey, and that humankind had split its knowledge of it in two: “ether” for the physical aspect and “God” for the spiritual. The colour of the sky, the northern lights, St Elmo’s Fire, and the blue of sexually excited frogs are manifestations of orgone, he wrote. He also argued that protozoa, red corpuscles, cancer cells and the chlorophyll of plants are charged with it.[88]

In 1940 he began to build insulated Faraday cages that he said would concentrate the orgone, and called them “orgone accumulators.” The earliest boxes were for lab animals. He built his first human-sized, five-foot-tall box in December 1940, and set it up in the basement of his house. Turner writes that it was made of plywood lined with rock wool and sheet iron, and had a chair inside and a small window. The boxes had multiple layers of these materials so that they were, in effect, boxes within boxes; this caused the orgone concentration inside the box to be three to five times stronger than in the air, Reich said. Patients were expected to sit inside them naked.[89]

The accumulators were tested on mice with cancer, and on plant growth.[90] He wrote to his supporters in July 1941 that orgone is “definitely able to destroy cancerous growth. This is proved by the fact that tumors in all parts of the body are disappearing or diminishing. No other remedy in the world can claim such a thing.”[91] Although not licensed to practise medicine in the United States, he began to test the boxes on human beings suffering from cancer and schizophrenia. In one case the test had to be stopped prematurely because the subject, who had cancer, heard a rumour that Reich was insane; there were stories, which were false, that he had been hospitalized in the Utica State Mental Hospital. In another case the father of an eight-year-old girl with cancer approached him for help, then complained to the American Medical Association that he was practising without a licence.[92] He asked his supporters to stick with him through the criticism, believing that he had developed a grand unified theory of physical and mental health.[93]

Experiment with Einstein

In December 1940 Reich wrote to Albert Einstein (1879–1955) saying he had a scientific discovery he wanted to discuss, and in January 1941 visited Einstein at his home in Princeton, where they talked for nearly five hours. He told Einstein that he had discovered a “specific biologically effective energy which behaves in many respects differently to all that is known about electromagnetic energy.” He said it could be used against disease, and as a weapon “in the fight against the Fascist pestilence.” (Einstein had signed a letter to President Roosevelt in August 1939 to warn of the danger of Nazi Germany building an atom bomb, and had urged the United States to set up its own research project.) Einstein agreed that if an object’s temperature could be raised without an apparent heating source, as Reich was suggesting, it would be “a bomb.”[94]

Reich was much encouraged by the meeting and hoped he would be invited to join Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study.[94] During their next meeting he gave Einstein a small accumulator, and over the next 10 days Einstein performed experiments with it in his basement, which involved taking the temperature above, inside and near the device, and stripping it down to its Faraday cage to compare temperatures. He observed a rise in temperature, which Reich argued was caused by orgone.[95] One of Einstein’s assistants pointed out that the temperature was lower on the floor than on the ceiling.[96] Einstein concluded that the effect was simply due to the temperature gradient inside the room. “Through these experiments I regard the matter as completely solved,” he wrote to Reich on 7 February 1941.[97]

Reich responded with a 25-page letter in which he tried to change Einstein’s mind.[98] To rule out the influence of convection he told Einstein he had introduced a horizontal plate above the accumulator, wrapped it in a blanket, suspended it freely in the room, buried it underground and placed it outside. He wrote that in all these circumstances the temperature difference remained, and was in fact more marked in the open air.[99] Einstein did not respond to this or to Reich’s future correspondence – Reich would write regularly reporting the results of his experiments – until Reich threatened three years later to publish their previous exchange. Einstein replied that he could not devote any further time to the matter and asked that his name not be misused for advertising purposes. Reich believed that Einstein’s change of heart was part of a conspiracy of some kind, perhaps related to the communists, or prompted by the rumours that Reich was ill. Reich published the correspondence in 1953 as The Einstein Affair.[100]

Arrested by the FBI

Reich lost his position at the New School in May 1941 after writing to its director, Alvin Johnson (1874–1971), to say he had saved several lives in secret experiments with the accumulator; Johnson was aware of Reich’s claims that he could cure cancer, and told him the New School was not an appropriate institution for the work. Reich was also evicted from Kessel Street after his neighbours complained about the animal experiments. His supporters, including Walter Briehl, gave him $14,000 to buy a house, and he settled into 9906 69th Avenue.[101]

On 12 December 1941, five days after Pearl Harbor and the day after Germany declared it was at war with the United States, Reich was arrested in his home at 2 a.m. by the FBI and taken to Ellis Island, where he was held for over three weeks.[102] He identified himself at the time as the Associate Professor of Medical Psychology, Director of the Orgone Institute.[103] He was at first left to sleep on the floor in a large hall, surrounded by members of the fascist German American Bund, who Reich feared might kill him, but when his psoriasis returned he was transferred to the hospital ward.[104] He was questioned about several books the FBI found when they searched his home, including Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Trotsky‘s My Life, a biography of Lenin, and a Russian alphabet book for children. After threatening to go on hunger strike he was released, on 5 January, but his name remained on the “key figures list” of the Enemy Alien Control Unit, which meant he was placed under surveillance.[102]

Turner writes that it seems Reich was the victim of mistaken identity; there was a William Reich who ran a bookstore in New Jersey, which was used to distribute Communist material. The FBI acknowledged the mistake in November 1943 and closed Reich’s file.[105] In 2000 it released 789 pages of the file, which said:

This German immigrant described himself as the Associate Professor of Medical Psychology, Director of the Orgone Institute, President and research physician of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation and discoverer of biological or life energy. A 1940 security investigation was begun to determine the extent of Reich’s communist commitments. A board of Alien Enemy Hearing judged that Dr. Reich was not a threat to the security of the U.S. In 1947, a security investigation concluded that neither the Orgone Project nor any of its staff were engaged in subversive activities or were in violation of any statute within the jurisdiction of the FBI. …[103]

Brady articles and the FDA

Until 1947 Reich enjoyed a largely uncritical press in the United States. One journal, Psychosomatic Medicine, had called orgone a “surrealist creation,” but his psychoanalytic work had been discussed in the Journal of the American Medical Association and the American Journal of Psychiatry, The Nation had given his writing positive reviews, and he was listed in American Men of Science.[108]

His reputation took a sudden downturn in April and May 1947, when articles by journalist Mildred Edie Brady (1906–1965) appeared in Harper’s and The New Republic, the latter entitled “The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich”, with the subhead, “The man who blames both neuroses and cancer on unsatisfactory sexual activities has been repudiated by only one scientific journal.”[75] Brady’s ultimate target was not Reich but psychoanalysis, which Turner writes she regarded as akin to astrology.[109] Of Reich she wrote: “Orgone, named after the sexual orgasm, is, according to Reich, a cosmic energy. It is, in fact, the cosmic energy. Reich has not only discovered it; he has seen it, demonstrated it and named a town – Orgonon, Maine – after it. Here he builds accumulators of it, which are rented out to patients, who presumably derive ‘orgastic potency’ from it.”[75] Brady argued that the “growing Reich cult” had to be dealt with.[110]

At the top of his copy of the New Republic article, Reich wrote the words “THE SMEAR.” Turner writes that Reich sent out a press release correcting some of Brady’s points, but no one published it, though other publications reproduced her story.[111]

In July 1947 Dr. J.J. Durrett, director of the Medical Advisory Division of the Federal Trade Commission, wrote to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking them to look into Reich’s claims about the health benefits of orgone. The FDA assigned an investigator to the case, who learned that Reich had built 250 accumulators. The FDA concluded that they were dealing with a “fraud of the first magnitude.” Sharaf writes that the FDA suspected a sexual racket of some kind; questions were asked about the women associated with orgonomy and “what was done with them.”[112] From that point on, Reich’s work came increasingly to the attention of the authorities.[113]

Orgonomic Infant Research Center

Reich set up the Orgonomic Infant Research Center (OIRC) in 1950, with the aim of preventing muscular “armouring” in children from birth. Meetings were held in the basement of Reich’s house in Forest Hills. Christopher Turner writes that several children who were treated by OIRC therapists later said they had been sexually abused by them, though not by Reich. One woman said she was assaulted by one of Reich’s associates when she was five years old. Children were asked to stand naked in front of Reich and a group of 30 therapists in his basement, while Reich described the children’s “blockages.”[114] Reich’s daughter, Lore Reich Rubin, told Turner that she believed her father was an abuser, though she did not say she had been abused by him and acknowledged that she had no evidence. She believed that Reich himself had been a victim of it as a child, which is why he developed such a keen interest in sex and childhood sexuality.[13]

The sexual allegations apart, several people discussed how the vegetotherapy sessions had hurt them physically as children, as therapists pressed hard on certain parts of the body to loosen body armour. Reich’s son, Peter, wrote in his autobiography, Book of Dreams (1973) about the pain this had caused him.[115] Susanna Steig, the daughter of William Steig, the New Yorker cartoonist, wrote about being pressed so hard during Reichian therapy sessions that she had difficulty breathing, and said that a woman therapist had sexually assaulted her. Turner writes that in 1952 a nurse from New Jersey complained to the New York Medical Society that an OIRC therapist had taught her five-year-old son how to masturbate. The therapist was arrested, but the case was dropped when Reich agreed to close the OIRC.[116]

Divorce, cloudbusters

Reich and Ollendorff divorced in September 1951, ostensibly because he thought she had had an affair, though she continued to work with him for another three years. Even after the divorce he continued to suspect her of having affairs, and persuaded her to sign confessions about her feelings of fear and hatred toward him, which he locked away in the archives of his Orgone Institute. He also wrote several documents denouncing her. He was himself having an affair at the time with Lois Wyvell (d. 2005), who ran the Orgone Institute Press.[117]

Also in 1951 Reich said he had discovered another energy that he called Deadly Orgone Radiation (DOR).[118] He wrote that accumulations of DOR played a role in desertification, and he designed a “cloudbuster,” two rows of 15-foot aluminium pipes mounted on a mobile platform, connected to cables that were inserted into water. He believed that it acted to unblock orgone energy in the atmosphere, and said that it could cause rain. Turner describes it as an “orgone box turned inside out.”[119]

He conducted dozens of experiments with the cloudbuster, calling his research “Cosmic Orgone Engineering.” During a drought in 1953, two farmers in Maine offered to pay him if he could make it rain to save their blueberry crop. Reich used the cloudbuster on the morning of 6 July, and according to Bangor’s Daily News – based on an eyewitness account that was probably from Peter Reich – rain began to fall that evening. The crop survived, the farmers declared themselves satisfied, and Reich received his fee.[120]


Over the years the FDA interviewed physicians, Reich’s students and his patients, asking about his use of orgone accumulators. On 29 July 1952 three FDA inspectors arrived at Orgonon unannounced. Sharaf writes that Reich detested unannounced visitors; he had once chased some people away with a gun just for looking at an adjacent property. He told the inspectors they had to read his work before he would interact with them, and ordered them to leave.[113]

The attention of the FDA triggered belligerent responses from Reich, who called them “HIGS” (hoodlums in government) and the tools of red fascists. He developed a delusion that he had powerful friends in government, including President Eisenhower, who he believed would protect him, and that the U.S. Air Force was flying over Orgonon to make sure that he was all right.[113] In February 1954 the United States Attorney for the District of Maine filed a complaint seeking a permanent injunction under Sections 301 and 302 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, to prevent interstate shipment of orgone accumulators and to ban promotional literature.[121] Reich refused to appear in court, arguing that no court was in a position to evaluate his work. In a long letter to Judge Clifford, he wrote:

My factual position in the case as well as in the world of science of today does not permit me to enter the case against the Food and Drug Administration, since such action would, in my mind, imply admission of the authority of this special branch of the government to pass judgment on primordial, pre-atomic cosmic orgone energy. I, therefore, rest the case in full confidence in your hands.[122]

The injunction was granted by default on 19 March 1954. The judge ordered that all accumulators, their parts and instructions be destroyed, and that books mentioning orgone be withheld.[123]

Chasing UFOs

Turner writes that the injunction triggered a further deterioration in Reich’s mental health. From at least early 1954, he came to believe that Earth was being attacked by UFOs, or “energy alphas,” as he called them. He said he often saw them flying over Orgonon – shaped like thin cigars with windows – leaving streams of black Deadly Orgone Radiation in their wake, which he believed the aliens were scattering in order to destroy the planet. He and his son would spend their nights searching for UFOs through telescopes and binoculars, and when they believed they had found one would roll out the cloudbuster to suck the energy out of it. Reich claimed he had shot several of them down. Armed with two cloudbusters, they had fought what Reich called a “full-scale interplanetary battle” in Arizona, where Reich had rented a house as a base station while he cleaned up the desert with a cloudbuster.[124] He also wrote in Contact with Space that in March 1956 the “very remote possibility” occurred to him that his own father had been from outer space.[125]

In late 1954 he began an affair with Grethe Hoff, a former patient who was married to an associate of Reich’s, the psychologist Myron Sharaf (1927–1997), who in 1983 published one of the key biographies of Reich. The couple had had their first child a year before Hoff left him for Reich. The affair had ended by June 1955, but the marriage was not repaired.[126] In August 1955 Reich began a relationship with Aurora Karrer, a medical researcher, and in November moved out of Orgonon to an apartment in Alban Towers, Washington, D.C., to live with her, using the pseudonym Dr. Walter Roner.[127]

Conviction and sentencing

While Reich was in Arizona in May 1956, one of his associates sent an accumulator part through the mail to another state in violation of the injunction, after an FDA inspector posing as a customer requested it.[128] Reich and another associate, Dr. Michael Silvert (1906–1958), were charged with contempt of court; Silvert had been looking after the inventory in Reich’s absence. Reich at first refused to attend court, and was arrested and held for two days until a supporter posted bail of $30,000. Representing himself during the hearing, he admitted the violation but nevertheless pleaded not guilty and hinted at dark conspiracies; during a recess the judge apparently suggested a psychiatric evaluation to Reich’s ex-wife, Ilse Ollendorff, but this was not communicated to Reich. The jury found him guilty on 7 May 1956 and he was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. Silvert was sentenced to a year and a day, the Wilhelm Reich Foundation was fined $10,000, and the accumulators and associated literature were to be destroyed.[129]

Book burning

On 5 June 1956 two FDA officials traveled to Orgonon to supervise the destruction of the accumulators. Most of them had been sold at that point, and another 50 were with Silvert in New York. Only three were at Orgonon. The FDA agents were not allowed to destroy them, only to supervise the destruction, so Reich’s friends and his son Peter chopped them up with axes as the agents watched.[130] Once they were destroyed, Reich placed an American flag on top of them.[131]

On 26 June the agents returned to supervise the destruction of the promotional material, including 251 copies of his books.[131] The American Civil Liberties Union issued a press release criticizing the book burning, although coverage of the release was poor, and Reich ended up asking them not to help because he was annoyed that they had failed to criticize the destruction of the accumulators. In England A.S. Neill and the poet Herbert Read (1893–1968) signed a letter of protest, but it was never published. On 23 July the remaining accumulators in New York were destroyed by S.A. Collins and Sons, who had built them.[132]

On 23 August six tons of his books, journals, and papers were burned in the 25th Street public incinerator in New York, the Gansevoort incinerator. The burned material included copies of several of his books, including The Sexual Revolution, Character Analysis and The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Though these had been published in German before Reich ever discussed orgone, he had added mention of it to the English editions, so they were caught by the injunction.[133] As with the accumulators, the FDA was supposed only to observe the destruction. The psychiatrist Victor Sobey (d. 1995), an associate of Reich’s, wrote: “All the expenses and labor had to be provided by the [Orgone Institute] Press. A huge truck with three to help was hired. I felt like people who, when they are to be executed, are made to dig their own graves first and are then shot and thrown in. We carried box after box of the literature.”[134] It has been cited as one of the worst examples of censorship in U.S. history.[9]


Reich appealed the lower court’s decision in October 1956, but the Court of Appeals upheld it on 11 December.[135] He wrote several times to J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI, requesting a meeting.[136] He appealed to the Supreme Court, which decided on 25 February 1957 not to review the case.[137] On 12 March Reich and Silvert were sent to Danbury Federal Prison. (Silvert committed suicide in May 1958, five months after his release.)[138] Richard C. Hubbard, a psychiatrist who admired Reich, examined him on admission, recording paranoia manifested by delusions of grandiosity, persecution, and ideas of reference:

The patient feels that he has made outstanding discoveries. Gradually over a period of many years he has explained the failure of his ideas in becoming universally accepted by the elaboration of psychotic thinking. “The Rockerfellows (sic) are against me.” (Delusion of grandiosity.) “The airplanes flying over prison are sent by the Air Force to encourage me.” (Ideas of reference and grandiosity.)[139]


Reich’s record card from the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary

On 19 March Reich was transferred to the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary and examined again. This time it was decided that he was mentally competent and that his personality appeared intact, though he might become psychotic under stress.[139] A few days later, on his 60th birthday, he wrote to his son, Peter, then 13:

I am in Lewisburg. I am calm, certain in my thoughts, and doing mathematics most of the time. I am kind of “above things,” fully aware of what is up. Do not worry too much about me, though anything might happen. I know, Pete, that you are strong and decent. At first I thought that you should not visit me here. I do not know. With the world in turmoil I now feel that a boy your age should experience what is coming his way—fully digest it without getting a “belly ache,” so to speak, nor getting off the right track of truth, fact, honesty, fair play, and being above board—never a sneak… .[140]

He applied for a presidential pardon in May, to no avail. Peter visited him in jail several times, where one prisoner said Reich was known as the “flying saucer guy” and the “Sex Box man.”[141] Reich told Peter that he cried a lot, and wanted Peter to let himself cry too, believing that tears are the “great softener.” His last letter to his son was on 22 October 1957, when he said he was looking forward to being released on 10 November, having served one third of his sentence. A parole hearing had been scheduled for a few days before that date. He wrote that he and Peter had a date for a meal at the Howard Johnson restaurant near Peter’s school.[10]


Reich failed to appear for morning roll call on 3 November and was found at 7 a.m. dead in his bed, fully clothed but for his shoes. The prison doctor said he had died during the night of “myocardial insufficiency with sudden heart failure.”[10] He was buried in a vault at Orgonon that he had asked his caretaker to dig in 1955. He had left instructions that there was to be no religious ceremony, but that a record should be played of Schubert’s “Ave Maria” sung by Marian Anderson, and that his granite headstone should read simply: “Wilhelm Reich, Born March 24, 1897, Died …”[142] None of the academic journals carried an obituary. Time magazine wrote on 18 November 1957:

Died. Wilhelm Reich, 60, once-famed psychoanalyst, associate and follower of Sigmund Freud, founder of the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, lately better known for unorthodox sex and energy theories; of a heart attack; in Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary, Pa; where he was serving a two-year term for distributing his invention, the “orgone energy accumulator” (in violation of the Food and Drug Act), a telephone-booth-size device that supposedly gathered energy from the atmosphere, and could cure, while the patient sat inside, common colds, cancer, and impotence.[143]


“Treat kindly every miserable truth that knocks begging at your door, otherwise you will some day fail to recognize Truth Himself when He comes in rags.”
AUSTIN O’MALLEY, Keystones of Thought