Tag Archives: Illuminati

Mandatory Depression Screening

Hi and I’m very sorry that I haven’t post a long time but I have been very sick. It must be chemflu or something, because I have never been so sick than last month I have been. I have also technical difficulties with the website so that is making things difficult too. But here comes a new post about mandatory depression screening, which can be used for everyone so that they can put anyone of us to femacamps. We are living the End Times for sure my friends…

I’m also kind of said everything in these past 3 years… You can find everything on this site if you just read the old posts. Our Twitter is more active than this site, because it’s faster way to spread the info so check it out and follow us if you want more info:


Mandatory Depression Screening

“If mandatory depression screening becomes a reality, it is likely this mental health screening will be expanded to cover screening for other mental illnesses. This could result in anyone with an unpopular political belief or lifestyle choice being labeled as “mentally ill.”

Doctors now in the U.S suggest that every adult should have a depression screening every time they see a ‪#‎doctor‬.
A government appointed panel recently released this recommen-dation in order to track people who are suffering depression and help them overcome the disease.
The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force has determined that there is enough good-quality evidence to be confident that the benefits of screening for depression outweigh the harms for the general adult population, including pregnant and postpartum women.
The new guidelines recommend that all people age 18 and older be screened for depression.

These mandatory screenings will allow the government to keep a big brother style central database that lists every “mentally ill” person in America, which could then be used to deprive individuals of their Second Amendment rights.
In order to ensure that the screening mandate is being properly implemented, the government will need to create a database containing the results of the screenings.
Those anti-gun politicians who want to forbid anyone labeled “mentally ill” from owning a firearm will no doubt want to use this database as a tool to deprive individuals of their Second Amendment rights.

If the preventive task force has its way, Americans could lose their Second Amendment, and possibly other, rights simply because they happened to undergo their mandatory depression screening when they were coping with a loved one’s passing or a divorce, or simply having a bad day.
As anyone who has been mistakenly placed on the terrorist watch list can attest, it is very difficult to get off a government database even when the government clearly is in error. Thus, anyone mistakenly labeled as depressed will have to spend a great deal of time and money in what may be a futile attempt to get his rights back.

Mandatory depression screening will endanger people’s ‪#‎health‬ by increasing the use of psychotropic ‪#‎drugs‬. These drugs often have dangerous side effects. Their use has even been linked to suicide. The fact that almost every mass shooter was on psychotropic drugs is another good reason to oppose any policy that will increase reliance on these medicines.
The Preventive Services Task Force’s mandatory depression screening mandate is based on the fallacy that diagnosing mental health problems is analogous to diagnosing cancer or diabetes. Even mental health professionals acknowledge that there is a great deal of subjectivity in mental health diagnosis.

Today, some bought and paid for mental health professionals think that those who believe in limited government, opposes ‪#‎vaccines‬, ‪#‎GMOs‬, perpetual war and the ever growing development towards an Orwellian police state suffer from mental disorders.
If mandatory depression screening becomes a reality, it is likely this mental health screening will be expanded to cover screening for other mental illnesses. This could result in anyone with an unpopular political belief or lifestyle choice being labeled as “mentally ill.”

But this is only the tip of the iceberg according to the government.
A National Institute of Mental Health survey conducted between 2001 and 2003, found that 46 percent of Americans met criteria established by the American Psychiatric Association for having had mental illness.The categories included: anxiety disorders, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), “mood disorders,” “impulse-control disorders,” and a wide range of behavioral problems.
If the government and activists opposed to the Second Amendment have their way nearly half of all Americans will be denied their constitutional right to own a firearm.

Government health care mandates undermine the basic principles of a free society. If it is legitimate for government to tell us what types of health care we must receive, then it is also legitimate for the government to tell us what to eat, when to vaccinate, and even how to raise our children.
To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, a tyranny imposed for our own good is the worst form of tyranny because it is a tyranny without limits.
All who love liberty must therefore oppose mandatory depression screening, or any other health care mandate.

More News on: http://www.theillusionofscience.org/418692745



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The world’s real puppetmasters

It’s a monstrous agenda behind our reality, which everyone must solve out by themselves. I have been done it since 2001.

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The Illuminati are portrayed by conspiracy theorists and Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists as the puppetmasters of the world. The world’s real puppetmasters are self-evident: they are the 80 individuals who own more wealth than half the world’s population. The 80 are the Archons of free-market capitalism, and are propped up by the vast capitalist infrastructure that exists solely to serve their private, selfish interests. They are mired in privilege, cronyism and nepotism. The governments and nation states of the world are fully in their service and never under any circumstances do they take any action against them.

This is the most unequal period in human history. By next year, 1% of the world’s population will own more wealth than the other 99%. Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, asked, “Do we really want to live in a world where the 1% own more than the rest of us combined? The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering and despite the issues shooting up the global agenda, the gap between the richest and the rest is widening fast.”

The wealth of the richest 80 doubled in cash terms between 2009 and 2014. Increasingly, wealth is inherited and used to finance lobbyists who are paid to further their wealthy clients’ own interests, and not those of the people … of private wealth, not the Commonwealth. All elected politicians are puppets of the Old World Order of dynastic wealth and power.

The true Bible of the Power Elite is Ayn Rand’s toxic Atlas Shrugged, her sickenening hymn to selfishness. Nearly all conspiracy theorists are fanatical Randroids, and they are absolutely right that we are their Nemesis. Our mission is to bring to a permanent end the anti-democratic and anti-meritocratic rule of the privileged, dynastic elites that run the world and create a false consciousness in the sheeple that blindly support them.

Conspiracy theories are used by the Elite to promote the agenda of unrestrained free-market capitalist globalism. Conspiracy theories are all about calling into question the inherent legitimacy of governments and nation states, so that they can be replaced by capitalist markets, wholly controlled by the rich Elite … by the 80.

The 80 are unelected and unaccountable to the people, and that’s exactly what Elitism – supported by legions of right-wing anarcho-capitalist libertarians and anti-Jacobin conspiracy theorists – is all about. The right wingers of the world are all about promoting private interest over the public interest, self-service over public service, selfishness over altruism, irrationalism over Reason, greed over need, narcissism over respect for others. Right wingers are on the psychopathic spectrum. They invariably love themselves and rail against anyone or any group that seeks to stand up to them and stop the hawk predators from feeding on the innocent, harmless doves.

“If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism.”
– Lenin

Capitalist Globalism – making the whole world dance to the Old World Order’s economic rule in perpetuity – is the supreme expression of imperialism. Capitalist Globalism is the One World Government that the rich Elite are implementing to ensure that they rule every corner of the globe.

“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.”
– John Maynard Keynes

“Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.”
– John Kenneth Galbraith

“Capitalism is an organized system to guarantee that greed becomes the primary force of our economic system and allows the few at the top to get very wealthy and has the rest of us riding around thinking we can be that way, too – if we just work hard enough, sell enough Tupperware and Amway products, we can get a pink Cadillac.”
– Michael Moore

“Capitalism is against the things that we say we believe in – democracy, freedom of choice, fairness. It’s not about any of those things now. It’s about protecting the wealthy and legalizing greed.”
– Michael Moore

“The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn’t deliver the goods.”
– John Maynard Keynes

“The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.”
– Stanley Kubrick

The biggest “nation” of all … the One World system of Global Capitalism, which rules everything … is the ultimate gangster, and all the rest of us are the prostitutes, begging for money from the Elite while they fuck us up the ass.

Just as Judaism, Christianity and Islam have always been terrorist religions – terrorising people with the threat of the wrath of “God” and eternal pain and suffering in hell – so free-market capitalism has never been anything other than gangsterism, where those with capital point a gun at the head of those without. It’s time to stop being the slaves of the Elite. It’s time for the people to rule.

“For all men being originally equal, no one by birth could have a right to set up his own family in perpetual preference to all others for ever, and though himself might deserve some decent degree of honour of his contemporaries, yet his descendants might be far too unworthy to inherit them. One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of the hereditary right in kings, is, that nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ass for a lion.”
– Thomas Paine

“The aristocracy are not the farmers who work the land, and raise the produce, but are the mere consumers of the rent; and when compared with the active world are the drones, a seraglio of males, who neither collect the honey nor form the hive, but exist only for lazy enjoyment.”
– Thomas Paine

“Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and generation which preceded it. The vanity and presumptions of governing beyond the grave is the most ridiculous and insolent of all tyrannies.”
– Thomas Paine

Inheritance is the precise mechanism by which the dead tyrannically rule over the living. When you’re dead, you’re dead. Your wealth does not live on to be inherited by nepotistic scroungers who did nothing to earn it. Inheritance is welfare for rich folk, and no decent person would ever accept it. Inheritance is how the rich control the poor and keep them in their “place”. It’s how the dead rule from beyond the grave. The dead have no legal rights and no stake in the world of the living. Post mortem transfers of wealth, power and influence must be made illegal via Pro Life legislation, i.e. legislation designed to ensure that corpses cannot dictate the future of the human race via selectively handing on decisive financial advantage to the chosen few (the “Chosen People”).

The mission of the rich elites is to set up their families to rule over the rest of us in perpetuity. They call for zero percent inheritance tax, and inheritance is of course the means by which they transmit overwhelming advantage across the generations, how they rig the system, and how they establish the all-powerful cartel from which all the rest of us are excluded if we are fools and cowards enough to go along with it. What is the antidote to dynastic rule, and what is it that the rich elites hate and fear more than anything else? … it’s one hundred percent inheritance tax. Anyone who opposes this tax – the tax that ensures that no dynasty can rule the world via inherited wealth (parasitical wealth, unearned by the deadbeats and dead heads who pathetically grab it because they are incapable of standing on their own two feet and earning their own money by their own sweat and effort) – opposes human progress and freedom. Anyone who resists total inheritance tax supports anti-meritocracy and the dynastic rule of rich elites. We note that all the cretinous conspiracy theorists rage against inheritance tax, and call it “communism” – exactly as required by their rich puppetmasters. Here’s the simple truth of the world:

1) Thesis: Free-market Capitalism … unequal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

2) Antithesis: Communism … equal opportunities and equal outcomes.

3) Synthesis: Meritocracy … equal opportunities and unequal outcomes.

Meritocracy is about the smartest, most talented people … from any background, no matter how humble or disadvantaged … getting to the top so that the rest of us can benefit from their expertise, intelligence and merit. It’s not a question of a rising tide of money raising all boats, but of a rising tide of intelligence and talent.

The proper function of the State is to optimise itself through optimising each and every one of its citizens. It has to maximise the potential of everyone, from any background. The optimal State is the one governed by its smartest and most meritorious citizens – Plato’s Philosopher Kings, who are not allowed to accumulate any private wealth and must be devoted entirely to the public good, the opposite of today’s rulers of the world.

Every person must be allowed to go as far as their talents take them, and that means they must not be up against a rigged system of privilege, cronyism and nepotism, designed to favour the children of the Elite and to obstruct the progress of everyone else.

Free-market capitalism exists to free the capitalists and enslave everyone else. Aren’t you sick of being a slave? Then do something about it. Get off your fucking ass.

No Taxation Without Representation

The American rebels against British imperial tyranny rightly demanded representation in Parliament. Nowadays, you routinely find American “patriots” demanding the end of government, and its replacement by the market. So, here’s a question for all the “patriots” … given that the markets are run by and for global banks, global corporations, and the global super rich, in what way are the markets accountable to the people? Can we vote the “market” or its controllers out of office? Can we fire any of the big market makers and players? Are we represented on the boards of any of the big market makers and players? Do the ordinary people have any say at all over the market? And, if they don’t, isn’t that tyranny? The market is tyranny without a face, or the face of the rich carefully hidden behind a faceless abstraction so that we can’t see the tyrant stamping on our face

The Divine Conspiracy

What is the Armageddon Conspiracy? It’s the Plot to Kill “God” … the Abrahamic Torture God, the Abrahamic Terrorist God … The Devil God who orders fathers to murder their own children as a test of slavish, blind obedience.

Illuminati Coded Fiction

“The Armageddon Conspiracy” by Mike Hockney – the ancient Solomonic plot to kill the Abrahamic God, brought into the twenty-first century.

“The Millionaires’ Death Club” by Mike Hockney – no one is safe from the world’s smartest, most glamorous, most stylish elite who will go to any lengths, even murder, to have their “fun”.

“Prohibition A” by Mike Hockney – Dante’s nine circles of hell are transported to Manhattan for the ultimate game of life and death.

“The Last Bling King” by Mike Hockney – the plot of the elite to own the whole world in perpetuity, and the ingenious counterplot to overthrow them.

You are the change in the world. If you don’t change, the world won’t change.

It’s time to undergo your appointed metamorphosis … from grub to hero, from worm to God.
Change is the basis of everything, and the thing most in need of change isn’t the world but always yourself. When you change, you will see the world with brand new eyes, you will see that all things are possible, and you will see a thousand new beginnings.
Step up your game, motherfuckers. Bring your “A” game or don’t bother showing up. Who wants the second best, the second rate, the half-hearted, the mediocre?
The Movement wants only the achievers, the talented, those who can make things happen rather than just talking about it or moaning about it.

The Most Forsaken Place in the Universe

In Dante’s vision of hell, a vestibule stands between the gates of hell and the river Acheron (the river of woe) where Charon the Boatman ferries the damned across the fast-moving river of pitch-black water to the First Circle of Hell, Hell proper.

As they pass through the vestibule, the souls of the damned encounter a strange sight – the Lost Souls. While the damned don’t linger in the vestibule for long – they’re just passing through – the group of Lost Souls is trapped there … forever! These are the souls rejected by both heaven and hell. Heaven shut its gates to them, and hell doesn’t want them, so they have nowhere to go. They have no home. They are lost in No Man’s Land.

What did they do to suffer this fate? These were the souls that refused to support one side or the other in life – they were the neutrals, the uncommitted, those who lived for themselves, those who joined no cause except their own. They did not choose either good or evil but lived their lives without making any conscious moral choices whatsoever. They were cynical and skeptical, always calculating their personal advantage.

In Christian mythology, when Lucifer’s angels rebelled against God, and Michael the Archangel led the loyal angels against them, many angels remained neutral, standing on the sidelines, waiting to see who would win. When God cast down the rebel angels into hell, he made sure he cast down these neutrals too, but they were no more wanted by Satan than by God, so they remained permanently on the near side of hell’s river, banned from ever crossing, and equally banned from ever leaving.

Such is the destiny of those who refuse to choose a cause, who refuse to commit, refuse to follow a banner. They are called the Ignavi, and they are the most pathetic and ignoble of all creatures. They are the Last Men, the opposite of the Supermen. They are the feeble, laughable creatures that remain when heaven and hell have received all of the souls they are willing to take.

The Ignavi are the selfish, the self-obsessed, always looking for their own benefit, and never willing to choose a side, never willing to fight, to risk themselves, to make any sacrifices. Their calculation is always the same: let others fight it out and then see how the land lies at the end when the smoke clears. See what opportunities there are to gain profit for themselves … you know, like free-market capitalists. They are the cowardly “neutrals” who refuse to side with any cause until it’s obvious who’s winning (i.e. they have no ideological commitment and would support whoever won, thus maximizing their self-interest). Most of humanity belong to the Ignavi, not to the Damned or the Saved. Neither God nor the Devil has anything but contempt for them.

The fate of the Ignavi is a terrible one. They are condemned to run naked forever behind a blank banner (the flag of all those with no cause except themselves), fluttering one way and then another (i.e. never settling into a definite position reflecting a definite cause), and which they can never catch (just as they could never catch a cause in life).

As they chase the flag, they are ceaselessly stung by hornets and wasps. With each sting, blood and putrid matter leak from them, feeding the writhing mass of worms and maggots that they are forced to run across. In life, they refused to be stung by any cause, and now they are stung without end. The worms write bloody, insulting messages in the soil in an unknown script.

The Ignavi’s cries of woe are unremitting. The air is continually rent with their shrieks, shouts, screams, and lamentations. Their torment has no end.

“This miserable state [Dante is informed by his guide Virgil] is endured by the dreary souls of those who lived without blame and without praise. They are mixed with the cowardly choir of angels who were not rebellious, nor were loyal to God, but were for themselves. Heaven drove them forth to keep its splendour from being sullied; and the depths of hell receives them not, for the wicked would thus have some glory over them…The world allows no report of them to exist. Mercy and justice disdain them. Do not speak of them, but look and pass on.”

“I looked and saw a whirling banner that went by so quickly that it seemed it would never pause; and behind it came so long a train of people that I should never have believed death had undone so many … These wretches, who were never truly alive, were naked and viciously stung by wasps and hornets that made their faces stream with blood, which, mixed with their tears, dripped to their feet, and disgusting maggots collected in the pus.” – Dante

Well, will Heaven and Hell alike deny you entry? What is your sacred cause? What moral decisions have you taken? How have you ever served anyone or anything other than yourself? Are you fated to reside in the Ante-Inferno for all time? This barren, hopeless place is within the perimeter of hell, yet not truly part of it. It’s Neverland.

Being pious, Dante tells us, is more than a matter of simply not sinning. Unlike the non-committal souls, you must actively practise virtue and side with the righteous. You have to be on the right side, not the wrong one, and not in the neutral, agnostic middle. You must make a leap. You must choose and commit.

The Great Refusal

“I hate journalists. There is nothing in them but tittering jeering emptiness. They have all made what Dante calls the Great Refusal. The shallowest people on the ridge of the earth.” – W.B. Yeats

Are you one of the great refusers, one of the cynical, sneering trolls – the utterly empty, blank, pointless people who have nothing constructive to offer the world?

The Falsehood

“That which has always been accepted by everyone, everywhere, is almost certain to be false.” – Paul Valery

The Blank Banner

Are you a follower of the blank banner of the Ignavi, the most pathetic flag there can possibly be? The blank banner is for all empty, non-committal souls. It’s for those who backed no clear side, supported no clear leader, and simply ran back and forth with no direction, other than their own comfort and advantage. There is nothing worse and more dismal than to be a follower of this banner.
If you have chosen no sacred cause in life, if you haven’t chosen sides, the blank banner is YOUR banner.

Since they were neither good nor evil, the Ignavi have no place in the afterlife. They might as well never have existed. They were pointless people who made no impression. Is that you too?

Ante-hell, the vestibule of hell, is also called “Nowhere”. It’s the eternal home of the Ignavi, the most pathetic souls of all, the souls that ought never to have existed, those that made no choices in life, “who lived a life but lived it with no blame and no praise”. It includes those agnostics too self-absorbed to make choices, those who were neither hot nor cold on important matters. They neither believed nor disbelieved, neither knew nor didn’t know, neither blasphemed nor opposed the blasphemers, neither stood for free speech nor against it.

Now, they run about the hills of Ante-Hell forever, having no hope of dying to end their misery, doing nothing but chasing banners (causes) they will never catch.

You are not saved because you have done nothing wrong. You must do something right. You must choose. You must leap one way or another. You must commit.

The worst places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintained their neutrality, who sat on the face and refused to take part. Are you one of those who will dwell permanently on the edge of hell?

Life isn’t a spectator sport. You must be involved.


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Denver International Airport

Most gruesome airport in the World. Full of UN, NWO and Illuminati symbols…

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Denver International Airport

In 1995, the Denver International Airport opened its doors to the public. What the public saw in this enormous compound was breathtaking, confusing, and… weird.

Before I explore some of the Denver oddities, let me take a look at how the airport came to be, for the very construction of the building is shrouded in as much mystery as the end result.

Normally, when a project of this magnitude is undertaken, one contractor will oversee the construction from beginning to end. This is to ensure a continuity of the original vision, as well as eliminating needless argument over the way a work site is handled. A series of sub-contractors will be hired to carry out the plans set forth by the main overseer.

In the case of the Denver International Airport (DIA), a far more unorthodox approach was used. All of the work was done by sub contractors, who were hired to do a small, isolated task, and then they were let go at its completion. Indeed, these construction workers were dismissed from the premises the MOMENT they were done with their work. This was done in an effort to secure the fact that no single company or person ever saw the complete vision of what the DIA was to become.

At one point during the construction, five large structures were completed, and then determined to have been incorrectly positioned. Rather than demolishing them and starting over, or adjusting the structures, they were buried, and the construction was started anew on top of the old structures.

The end result was a massive compound, that when looked upon from an aerial view, sits precisely in the shape of a swastika. The aesthetic oddness does not end there.

Outside the Airport stands a 32 ft tall statue of a rearing blue Mustang. This horse has alternately been referred to as “Bluecifer,” “Satan’s Steed” and “Blue Devil Horse.” So striking and disturbing is this statue, that it has prompted petitions and organizations to sprout up, demanding its removal. The sculptor of the piece was an artist named Luis Jiménez. Strangely, he was killed while building the statue, when it fell on top of him, severing an artery. His sons completed the project.

Those who study the Conspiratorial aspects of our Government, have noted that the Mustang bears a striking resemblance to a horse associated with The Montauk Project Mysterious Murals and Monuments at the Denver Airport, a secret government program linked to mind control and other fantastic claims. The Montauk Project is connected with the Philadelphia Experiment, a case of time bending disaster carried out by the U.S. Military. Both the Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment will be explored in further detail in upcoming

Within the great hall of the DIA is a capstone commemorating the construction and completion of the project. In the center of the stone is the Masonic symbol of a compass, along with a dedication by the “New World Airport Commission”. Several groups have investigated this organization, and found that it is unique to the DIA. No other airport has been connected with such a group. Of course, this has raised the blood pressure of more than a few theorists, who see the connection to the phrase “New World Order”. And of course, the rest of the building does nothing to lessen those worries.

There are mysterious writings on the floor throughout the DIA. One phrase carved into the floor is “DZIT DIT GAII”. This is Navajo for “The Mountain that is White”. There are several other areas on the floor that simply say “Mt. Blanca”. What could this be referencing? Well, one theory is that if the Masons were in charge of the planning of this building (which they clearly were involved given the inscription and symbol on the capstone), then it could be referring to Mt Blanc or White Mountain in France, which is where the Knights Templar signed their charter. Freemasons trace their lineage back to the Knights Templar, so the connection seems to fit. At Mt. Blanc, one Templar wrote, “They gathered to form a New Order”. Interesting?

Also inside the great hall are a couple of Gargoyles, whose presence in an Airport, or inside any building that isn’t a church or temple, is quite odd. Gargoyles that are not designed to divert water runoff, (their original purpose) are actually called chimeras, or grotesques. They are said to ward off evil spirits. From the looks of these two, it appears that their purpose is to ward off the evil spirits of lost luggage.

The most intriguing and arguably the most disturbing aspect of the Denver International Airport are its murals. These bizarre paintings seem relatively bright and cheerful at first glance, but upon closer inspection, are quite odd.

One of the murals is called “Children of the World Dream of Peace”. Oh, isn’t that nice? Well, it would be, if it weren’t for the fact that the mural depicts genocide, famine, military oppression, and death. Hovering over the “children of the world” is a grotesque alien-like, Nazi-esque, gas mask wearing uniformed figure, who is in the act of spearing the Dove of Peace with a giant sword. He is surrounded by women holding dead babies. There are dead children lying in coffins, and kids with swords wrapped in their nation’s flags. The mural is covered with images of war and death.

Another mural features children surrounding what appears to be a “new messiah”, offering it plants with some sort of magical or mystical quality. The whole thing strikes meas weird and morbid.

In fairness, I will include here that the artist of these murals, Leo Tanguma, says that the murals are about environmentalism and preservation of Earth. He says that as a Christian, he sees the murals as his sermons.

“The first part of the environmental mural is about the ways that humans destroy nature and themselves through destruction and genocide. The second part is about humanity coming together to rehabilitate nature and revive their own compassion.” Tanguma is quoted as saying.

With that said, the murals and the giant blue horse are not the only items of intrigue. There are many reported anomalies about the DIA. One is the frequent occurrence of cracked windshields of planes. Some have speculated that this is due to an abnormally high or low frequency pulse that is being emanated by the airport. According to Compilots.com, there were 13 windshields that cracked in February of 2007. The official reason is supposedly high winds, although there is no explanation as to why high winds have never caused such a series of cracks at other airports. It is still considered a mystery. In December of 2008, a plane with a mysterious crack in its fuselage actually burst into flame on the runway, injuring several passengers.

Also, there is the matter of the property surrounding the DIA. After the completion of the airport, the property on its outskirts suddenly became “hot property”, and was bought up by a who’s who of the wealthy and important. The Queen of England is reported to have purchased some property near by. Why? Well, this leads to the final theory that we will explore.

DIA Underground Tunnel1 Mysterious Murals and Monuments at the Denver AirportSome say, that there is an underground base beneath the DIA. Phil Schneider, a government whistle-blower, claimed that in the last year of DIA construction, a vast eight level deep underground base was constructed below the compound. He also said that there is an unusually high electro-magnetic frequency emanating from below the DIA. What does this have to do with the Queen of England?

Well, some speculate that the area below the airport is intended to be an enormous bunker, designed to shield the elite from some sort of an impending catastrophe. And “ark”, if you will. Then there are those who say it is a military base, where Top Secret experiments are being carried out, right under the noses of travelers.

Whether or not there is something sinister afoot at the Denver International Airport, there is no doubt that it is a bizarre and somewhat frightening place. Visitors of the airport often complain of feeling uneasy and distressed when inside the walls of this building, which one would think is the exact opposite reaction the builders would want for an airport.


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William was ahead of his time BIG TIME. If you have not heard of him, please check it out.

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Many years ago I had access to a set of documents that I eventually realized was the plan for the destruction of the United States of America and the formation of a socialist totalitarian world government. The plan was contained within a set of Top Secret documents with the title “MAJESTYTWELVE”. The term honored the planned placement of ultimate power in a body of wise men who are destined to rule the world as the disciples of a Messiah front man. This Messiah will serve as a buffer between the wise men and the sheeple. I discovered these documents between 1970 and 1973 while I was a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet. The plan outlined the formation of a world totalitarian socialist government. It is to be ruled by a behind-the-scenes council of wise men. A so-called benevolent dictator, will be presented as the Messiah.

The Constitution for the united States of America and its Bill of Rights will be scrapped. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals are to be disarmed except for an internal police force which will carry only the minimum weapons needed to maintain internal order. The only military force will be a world police force under the United Nations in sufficient numbers with state-of-the-art technology so that it can field overwhelming force against any perceived threat to the world supra government – see State Department Publication 7277. The military of the united States of America is currently filling the requirement. The senior officer corps of all of our military forces have betrayed their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution and have joined the conspiracy. They are turncoats who are actively engaged in High Treason.

The source of this conspiracy will be found in the body known as the Illuminati. It is made up of the highest adepts of the combined total of the so-called fraternal orders and secret societies. They are bound together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise of an elite status within regional government, or the world supra government. Their religion is based upon the Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the worship of the Sun. They are not bound by any oath or allegiance save their own. They are loyal to no government or People save their own. And they are Citizens of no country save their already in place secret world government. In their own words, “If you are not one of us you are nothing.” To garner some sense of “feel” for the concept see the movie They Live.

“It is a largely ‘open’ conspiracy, in that much of its membership, structure, methods, and operations, are matters of public record, however scattered and obscure. Its manner of coordination is atypical. Two nuclei – the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the House of Rockefeller) and the elite core of the European financial clique (orbiting the House of Rothschild) – coordinate this global conspiracy by waging psychological warfare on the rest of the conspirators, telling each no more than is necessary for him to fulfill his designated role, often with explicit recognition neither of his role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern him. Thus, the overwhelming bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspect, that they are part of and in service to ‘a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it” (quoting Woodrow Wilson).

You cannot hope to understand the philosophy (Illuminism) of any branch of the “Mystery School” (Illuminati) without many years of study and a complete knowledge of their “symbolic” language. You must understand that like many other organizations they attract those who completely miss the boat… or are just too stupid to “get it”. When an individual joins a branch of the “Brotherhood,” by any name, Freemasonry, Theosophical Society, Anthroposophic Society, Fraternitis Rosae Crucae, Knights Templar, Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta, or any other fraternal order or secret society, no one ever sits down with them and explains the meaning of anything. An actual literal esoteric education would be too dangerous. It could result in a public expose’… something which the Illuminati must avoid at all cost. But to give those who might understand a shortcut… Illuminism is COMMUNISM.


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Did Iron Maiden knew about Jimmy Savile?

This was my first thought today when I woke up. I have listen Iron Maiden and other heavy metal bands a lot and there was this one line in the Iron Maiden song called Holy Smoke, which stuck in my head. Did Iron Maiden knew back in 1990, that Jimmy Savile was a reptile/beast pedophile which molested hundreds of kids? And because band is from England they could have known the evil doings behind BBC curtains.

Here are the lyrics of this song called Holy Smoke:

“Holy Smoke”

Believe in me – send no money
Died on the cross and that ain’t funny
But my so called friends are making me a joke
They missed out what I said like I never spoke
They choose what they wanna hear – they don’t tell a lie
They just leave out the truth as they’re watching you die
Saving your souls by taking your money
Flies round shit, bees around honey.

Holy Smoke, Holy Smoke, plenty bad preachers for
The Devil to stoke
Feed ’em in feet first this is no joke
This is thirsty work making Holy Smoke

Jimmy Reptile and all his friends
Say they gonna be with you at the end
Burning records, burning books
Holy soldiers Nazi looks
Crocodile smiles just wait a while
Till the TV Queen gets her make up clean
I’ve lived in filth I’ve lived in sin
And I still smell cleaner than the shit you’re in


They ain’t religious but they ain’t no fools
When Noah built his Cadillac it was cool
Two by two they’re still going down
And the satellite circus just left town
I think they’re strange and when they’re dead
They can have a Lincoln for their bed
Friend of the President – trick of the tail
Now they ain’t got a prayer – 100 years in jail



This is the line “Jimmy Reptile and all his friends” Isn’t it weird, that they use the word “reptile”, when that is the most common way to describe sexual predators?

Then just look at the cover of this single. Its all about how Illuminati controls media. Also Illuminati is behind these pedophile organizations for example Ninth Circle, which operate in all levels of societies.


Iron Maiden tried to cover these pretty obvious lyrics in hilarious video, which would take all the attention:

Here is something about the Savile’s case. Just look, “Sir” Jimmy Savile. This just tells how the monarchs are also covering these kind of monsters, because they use their services.:

Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir Jimmy Savile (1926–2011) was an English DJ, television and radio personality, who was well known in Britain for his eccentricities and, at the time of his death, was generally respected for his charitable work. He was knighted in 1990. In September and October 2012, almost a year after his death, claims were widely publicised that he had committed sexual abuse, his alleged victims ranging from prepubescent girls and boys to adults. By 11 October 2012 allegations had been made to 13 British police forces,[1] and this led to the setting-up of inquiries into practices at the BBC and within the National Health Service.

On 19 October 2012 the Metropolitan Police Service launched a formal criminal investigation, Operation Yewtree, into historic allegations of child sexual abuse by Savile and other people, some still living, over four decades. It stated that it was pursuing over 400 lines of inquiry, based on the claims of 200 witnesses, via 14 police forces across the UK. It described the alleged abuse as being “on an unprecedented scale”, and the number of potential victims as “staggering”.[2][3] By 19 December, eight people had been questioned as part of the investigation. The Metropolitan Police stated that the total number of alleged victims was 589, of whom 450 alleged abuse by Savile.[4][5]

The report of the investigations undertaken jointly by the police and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), Giving Victims a Voice, was published on 11 January 2013. It reported allegations covering a period of fifty years, including 214 alleged acts by Savile which, though uncorroborated, have been formally recorded as crimes, some involving children as young as eight. The report states “within the recorded crimes there are 126 indecent acts and 34 rape/penetration offences.”[6] Alleged offences took place at 13 hospitals as well as on BBC premises, according to the report.[7][8] In October 2013 it was announced that inquiries had been extended to other hospitals.[9] On 26 June 2014, the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, reported on the findings of the investigations led by Kate Lampard. He said that Savile had sexually assaulted victims aged between five and 75 in NHS hospitals, and apologised to the victims.[10] Further investigations, in hospitals and elsewhere, led to additional allegations of sexual abuse by Savile.

Much of Savile’s career involved working with children and young people, including visiting schools and hospital wards. He spent 20 years presenting Top of the Pops before a teenage audience, and an overlapping 20 years presenting Jim’ll Fix It, in which he helped the wishes of viewers, mainly children, come true. During his lifetime, two police investigations had looked into reports about Savile, the earliest known being in 1958, but none had led to charges; the reports had each concluded that there was insufficient evidence for any charges to be brought related to sexual offences.[11][12][13] In October 2012 it was announced that the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, would investigate why proceedings against Savile in 2009 were dropped.

The scandal was a major factor leading to the establishment of the wider-ranging Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse which was announced by the Home Secretary, Theresa May, in July 2014. In February 2015 the inquiry was reconfigured as a statutory inquiry to be chaired by Justice Lowell Goddard.

Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile

An ITV documentary, Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile was broadcast on 3 October 2012. It was researched and presented by Mark Williams-Thomas, a police investigator in the successful prosecution of Jonathan King over sexual offences involving children in 2001.

In it several women said that, as teenagers, they had been sexually abused by Savile. It was said Savile obtained access to teenage girls through television programmes such as Top of the Pops and Clunk, Click (1973–74), and his charity work. Savile’s former colleagues said he made no attempt to hide his interest in girls from them, while another said she had walked in on him french kissing an underage girl. One woman who said Savile had sexually assaulted her when she was 14 in 1970 explained she had not pursued her complaint to police in 2008 after being told it would lead to a “media circus“.[34] The founder of ChildLine, Esther Rantzen, was shown the interviews by Williams-Thomas and commented that “There were always rumours that he [Savile] behaved very inappropriately sexually with children.”[35]

An update to the original documentary, Exposure Update: The Jimmy Savile Investigation, was shown on ITV on 21 November.[36] It won a Peabody Award in 2012.[37]


It just makes me sick if that these bands know about things and just hide the facts in their songs. They should openly tell about these things so that innocent people won’t suffer in the hands of these monsters.

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