Very important information in this time and place:
Greetings everyone!!!
It’s been a while hasn’t it? Not if there’s no such thing as time!
Today, we have a very special video featuring Mr. Ron Amitron!!! If you’ve never heard of Ron, well, I’m grateful to help make that introduction!
It’s a huge honour for me to be able to share some of Ron’s work.
Ron will discuss a little bit about His mission here on earth which is nothing short of fascinating and amazing! He will go into detail about the True Light of Creation (The Creation Lightship), Ascension, some of the teachings and healings of Jesus 2,000 years ago, the Universal Shift, the alien agenda and the nature of our holographic reality, New Earth; and ultimately, how to stay in Peace energy living in the NOW moment!
So buckle up buttercups!!! It’s going to be awesome!
Thank you so much to Ron, The Creation Lightship and all of their Team! It’s a pleasure working with you!!!
Big Shout Out : Thank you to all the artists for their beautiful work featured in this video. Video: Pixabay, Michael Marek, Nathan Cowley, Ruvim Miksanskiy, Chris G., Ms. j. Pereira, Coverr, Oak & Rumble, Susan Gurung, Ella Gronewold, David Bartus, Tom Fisk, Invisible Power, More On My Youtube, Cottonbro Studio, Mikhail, Nilov, The Instagrapher, Siddhartha Tamrakar, Taryn Elliott, Los Muertos Crew, Roman Odinstov, Ibrahim Bennett, Super Lunar, Social Sudo, Pressmaster, Adrian Hoparda, Yaroslav Shuraev, Zlatin Georgiev, Indigo Blackwood, Felipe David, Olena Illinska, KLaus, Kelly, James Cheney, Luciann Photography, Tacettin Veli Cetin, Clement Proust, Nicky Pe, Sergei Garenko, Ahmed, Akash Mahorta, Kammeran Gonzalez-Keola, Virash Singh, Donald Martinez, Matthias Groenveld, Marian Croitoru, Jonathan Cooper, Eugenio Manghi, Engin Akyurt, Tien Nguyen, Constantino Films, Anil Donoji, Rene Strgr, Mehmet Kilinic, Sakura Studio, Nathan J Hilton, Andrea Hamilton, Zaonar Nyaninda, Khanh Hoang, Acres of Film, Mario Krimer, Boris Trusevych
And a very special thanks goes out to YOU! I appreciate you tuning in. Please share this video with Family and Friends who you think could benefit from listening to.
In recent times I have tried to figure out this reality matrix topic. It all started when I watched an old movie called Westworld. That is an old sci-fi movie about an artificial themepark where robots are controlled and people can go there an have a fun in different kind of time eras. Then they released a new TV-serie from this idea last year and that show is just amazing.
So I watched the whole season and started thinking, that if so called Illuminati/Elite or whatever have been showing reality in our faces for years in movies and TV-series, could it be that this serie is too? Last weeks I have tried to figure how it all could work in our reality and most of it makes perfect sense.
I won’t be describing my whole ideas here, because you just have to watch the old movie and the whole serie to catch the idea, but could it be that we are just bionic robots and our “souls” are just little piece of self-learning AI-code inside these bionic robotsuits? Then there are these aliens/gods/shadow people who run this our “flat earth” and some of them are living among us and have just fun in this amusement park? Have you noticed that some of us will always get the “free jail card” like in Monopoly game?
This concept could explain so many weird things, which we are experiencing right now. Paranormal activity when they change the scene like in Dark City movie or glitches/deja-vu’s like in Matrix movie. Or like in almost every work Philip K Dick has released, most obious one is probably The Adjustment Bureau movie. Then they could create natural catastrophes like we are dealing with now like Hurricane Harvey, Irma etc. If you have played an old PC-game called Sim City you catch the idea… it’s just a game for them and they are laughing… and they are laughing out loud.
It also explains why some of us have felt that something is wrong in our life like a splinter in our mind. Maybe some of us didn’t get the latest software/AI update and remember things. This could explain also the so called “Mandela Effect” so many of us are experiencing. In Westwold serie the bionic robots or hosts have program inside them, which can be manipulated and upgraded. It could explain why some of us are so intelligent and superior to others. They also show a flat earth model in the show and there have been a lot of debate about this topic in the Internet.
It just makes so much more sense that any of our religion, except that is there a God above these Westworld controllers? In the show there is this Dr. Ford who could be Satan and controlling this material reality, who knows. There are many good videos about this but absolutely the best one is this one:
Then there are videos which are just kind of solving the Illuminati side of the show like symbolism etc. and those are also interesting, because this whole thing is just a show for them. And they enjoy to rub these truths in our faces and laugh, because we don’t get it.
So are we just bionic pupets with a piece of AI-code inside of us or something more? In any case I think we are living in prison… for our mind if not else.
This question has puzzled me over the years since I saw the movie Matrix back in 1999. Sometimes the life just feels so odd and weird, that you start to think that is everything just an illusion of your mind a computer simulation or solid fact. Here is a nice little article about it:
Consider this: right now, you are not where you think you are. In fact, you happen to be the subject of a science experiment being conducted by an evil genius.
Your brain has been expertly removed from your body and is being kept alive in a vat of nutrients that sits on a laboratory bench.
The nerve endings of your brain are connected to a supercomputer that feeds you all the sensations of everyday life. This is why you think you’re living a completely normal life.
Do you still exist? Are you still even “you”? And is the world as you know it a figment of your imagination or an illusion constructed by this evil scientist?
Sounds like a nightmare scenario. But can you say with absolute certainty that it’s not true?
Could you prove to someone that you aren’t actually a brain in a vat?
While such thought experiments might seem glib – and perhaps a little unsettling – they serve a useful purpose. They are used by philosophers to investigate what beliefs we can hold to be true and, as a result, what kind of knowledge we can have about ourselves and the world around us.
Descartes thought the best way to do this was to start by doubting everything, and building our knowledge from there. Using this sceptical approach, he claimed that only a core of absolute certainty will serve as a reliable foundation for knowledge. He said:
Descartes believed everyone could engage in this kind of philosophical thinking. In one of his works, he describes a scene where he is sitting in front of a log fire in his wooden cabin, smoking his pipe.
He asks if he can trust that the pipe is in his hands or his slippers are on his feet. He notes that his senses have deceived him in the past, and anything that has been deceptive once previously cannot be relied upon. Therefore he cannot be sure that his senses are reliable.
Down The Rabbit Hole
It is from Descartes that we get classical sceptical queries favoured by philosophers such as: how can we be sure that we are awake right now and not asleep, dreaming?
To take this challenge to our assumed knowledge further, Descartes imagines there exists an omnipotent, malicious demon that deceives us, leading us to believe we are living our lives when, in fact, reality could be very different to how it appears to us.
I shall suppose that some malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning has employed all his energies in order to deceive me.
The brain-in-a-vat thought experiment and the challenge of scepticism has also been employed in popular culture. Notable contemporary examples include the 1999 film The Matrix and Christopher Nolan’s 2010 film Inception.
By watching a screened version of a thought experiment, the viewer may imaginatively enter into a fictional world and safely explore philosophical ideas.
For example, while watching The Matrix, we identify with the protagonist, Neo (Keanu Reeves), who discovers the “ordinary” world is a computer-simulated reality and his atrophied body is actually suspended in a vat of life-sustaining liquid.
Even if we cannot be absolutely certain that the external world is how it appears to our senses, Descartes commences his second meditation with a small glimmer of hope.
At least we can be sure that we ourselves exist, because every time we doubt that, there must exist an “I” that is doing the doubting. This consolation results in the famous expression cogito ergo sum, or “I think therefore I am”.
So, yes, you may well be a brain in a vat and your experience of the world may be a computer simulation programmed by an evil genius. But, rest assured, at least you’re thinking!
The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the global conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the global conspiracy rabbit hole ends.
Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet?
Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.
Why? Because the conspiracy is all about suppressing your idea of Who You Are. It’s about convincing you that you are nothing, no one.
It’s about convincing you that you are just a biological machine, fit to serve as no more than a cog in a machine or, as Pink Floyd put it, just another brick in the wall.
Mainstream science to this day still denies the existence of consciousness just because it can’t get a handle on it with the 5 senses. Its simplistic solution is to disregard anything it can’t measure.
There are many researchers who will be unable to contemplate this topic, or refuse to go there, because it clashes with their belief systems, such as religious belief systems (the afterlife is either Heaven or Hell, or 100 virgins, but not a soul net), scientific/ materialistic belief systems (there is no such thing as a soul or consciousness) or various other belief systems (there are no such things as aliens or extraterrestrials, etc.).
If you have read this far, you probably are ready to go beyond those belief systems, having realized they are set up to create a false dichotomy, and to limit and disempower you.
You have probably also realized that the true manipulators at the helm of the conspiracy are non-physical entities, which various religions and cultures have referred to the Archons (in the Gnostic tradition), Djinn or Jinn (in Islam), Demons (in Christianity), the Mud Shadow (in the books of Carlos Castaneda) or by other names.
What is the Reincarnation Trap / Soul-Catching Net / Soul Net?
The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process.
In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape.
The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through.
Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is.
The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed.
Illuminati card game depicting a soul-catching net
As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.
Remember also The Matrix series of films. Morpheus shows Neo the shocking truth that we are raised as a food source for the Controllers. He shows Neo a symbol of the battery. While this is a good symbol, a battery implies a storage of energy.
In actuality, we act as generators of energy for the Archons, so a generator you see at a construction site might be a more accurate symbol.
However, because we are powerful beings, the Archons can’t just rely on force for all this. They need to trick us into giving them consent. How do they do that? How do they get us to go willingly into the soul net? With the trick of the white light…
The Soul Net Relies on the Trick of the “White Light”
We have been told through various sources that the white light at death is something to head towards. Hollywood films such as Ghost promote this. People who have experienced OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) mention it.
Yet what if, as David Icke, Wayne Bush and others have suggested, the white light at death – and light itself (in this context) – is the trick? What if light is the source of the deception? After all, the Illuminati and other Secret Societies worship Lucifer, the Light Bearer.
Michael Tsarion talks about the occult weaponization of light.
What if the New-Age talk of “light” is another trap? What if light is the source of the matrix prison planet? What if light is the mechanism for the soul net?
Sounds far out? It is, so let me now introduce the various sources, old and new, which are suggesting this concept.
When independent sources, especially from different time periods, all come forth with the same idea, it’s a good sign that the information has validity.
ET Contactee Simon Parkes
Simon Parkes is an incredible modern day ET contactee. If you listen to his interviews it is clear he is a rational, level-headed man, who even holds a position in local government in England.
In presentations such the video above, Parkes also mentions the trick of the white light and the soul net.
WingMakers Neruda Interview #5
The WingMakers story is an astonishing creation, full of stories of humanity’s history, poetry, paintings and music, well worth checking out.
To me, one of the most powerful of the stories – which are written as fiction but come across as completely factual – is the Neruda Interview #5, where we learn of how all of us humans – who are divine, infinite consciousness – came to be trapped inside physical bodies that die.
The deception came about through the conspiring of 3 separate alien species (the Annunaki, the Serpent Race and the Sirians) who found a way to trick the Atlanteans (our ancient ancestors) to inhabit biological vessels (the human body).
Part of the deception involves Anu, the reptilian king of the Annunaki, ruling over humanity as king, and setting up planes of existence to ensure we never get out – including the soul net reincarnation plane.
[You can read the whole story HERE. It’s a very long read, but the information is of crucial importance, as you may imagine].
The World as “Maya” (Illusion)
A theme in Buddhism and Hinduism is that this world is Maya or illusion (i.e. the matrix). Another Buddhist teaching is that life contains suffering, and that reincarnation is an endless cycle of suffering (the wheel of Samsara) that can only be broken through spiritual practice (i.e. the raising of one’s consciousness).
Although some people may see this as pessimistic, it exactly fits into what we know the grander conspiracy and the soul net. The millennia-old Tibetan Book of the Dead is an instruction manual for monks on how to prepare for the point of death and attain liberation by avoiding reincarnation.
Val Valerian
Val Valerian is a former CIA agent (real name John Grace) started writing about the idea of a soul net in the 1990s, before The Matrix trilogy of films.
In his books he writes:
“It is they [Grey aliens] who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again… Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice… these entities view Earth as a big farm.” — Val Valerian, Matrix II & Matrix V
Tanaath of the Silver Legion
Tanaath of the Silver Legion also talks about the existence of the soul net or reincarnation trap. She describes it as a holding pen designed to look like whatever the particular individual or soul would expect the afterlife to look like.
For instance, if you were a Christian and expected to see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, you would see that; if you were a Muslim, you may see 100 virgins. She also makes reference to the fact that your memories are wiped before you are sent back to Earth to reincarnate.
There are various other people who know of (or believe in) the existence of the soul net, such as Wes Penre, ET contactee Peggy Kane, Gregg Prescott of, Greg Calise and many others.
[The list includes me as well, Alexander Light of Not only that I believe in the existence of the “soul net” and the Prison-Earth holographic reality, but I also consider this understanding to be the pinnacle of one’s awakening.
Fully comprehending the extent of our enslavement, allows us to consciously brake free from the Archonic deception after “death.” It also gives us the responsibility of educating others, hence offering them the key to the prison cell (whether they choose to use it or not, it’s their decision entirely).
How interesting that soul net, soul harvest and soul trap are all magic card games, books or video games. The idea of a soul net is out in the public consciousness. The question remains: is enough of humanity ready to confront it and investigate it?
Can enough people grasp the magnitude of the soul net – that forced reincarnation into a prison planet is the ultimate enslavement – and raise consciousness about it?
By Freedom Articles | Follow the in-article hyperlinks for more information
This is fascinating topic, because it’s plausible that we all have been manipulated to think, that the light after death is good. If you have read about archons you know, that these beigns lurk in the shadow realms and maybe… just maybe they are catching our souls and throw them back to this Matrix we call Earth…
Soul-Catching Net: Are We “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix? By Makia Freeman
The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net
that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the worldwide conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the conspiracy rabbit hole ends. Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet? Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.
Why? Because the conspiracy is all about suppressing your idea of Who You Are. It’s about convincing you that you are nothing, no one. It’s about convincing you that you are just a biological machine, fit to serve as no more than a cog in a machine or as Pink Floyd put it just another brick in the wall. Mainstream science to this day still denies the existence of consciousness just because it can’t get a handle on it with the 5 senses. Its simplistic solution is to disregard anything it can’t measure.
There are many researchers who will be unable to contemplate this topic, or refuse to go there, because it clashes with their belief systems, such asreligious belief systems (the afterlife is either Heaven or Hell, or 100 virgins, but not a soul net), scientific/materialistic belief systems (there is no such thing as a soul or consciousness) or various other belief systems (there are no such things as aliens or extraterrestrials, etc.). If you have read this far, you probably are ready to go beyond those belief systems, having realized they are set up to create a false dichotomy, and to limit and disempower you. You have probably also realized that the true manipulators at the helm of the conspiracy are non-physical entities, which various religions and cultures have referred to the Archons (in the Gnostic tradition), Djinn or Jinn (in Islam), Demons (in Christianity), the Mud Shadow (in the books of Carlos Castaneda) or by other names.
What is the Reincarnation Trap / Soul-Catching Net / Soul Net?
The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid(not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is. The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book,The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited.
Remember also The Matrix series of films. Morpheus shows Neo the shocking truth that we are raised as a food source for the Controllers. He shows Neo a symbol of the battery. While this is a good symbol, a battery implies a storage of energy. In actuality, we act as generators of energy for the Archons, so a generator you see at a construction site might be a more accurate symbol.
However, because we are powerful beings, the Archons can’t just rely on force for all this. They need to trick us into giving them consent. How do they do that? How do they get us to go willingly into the soul net? With the trick of the white light …
The Soul Net Relies on the Trick of the White Light
We have been told through various sources that the white light at death is something to head towards. Hollywood films such as Ghost promote this. People who have experienced OBEs (Out of Body Experiences) mention it.
Yet what if, as David Icke, Wayne Bush and others have suggested, the white light at death – and light itself (in this context) – is the trick? What if light is the source of the deception? After all, the Illuminati and other Secret Societies worship Lucifer, the Light Bearer. Michael Tsarion talks about theoccult weaponization of light. Cameron Day talks about why he is no longer a lightworker, because of the false duality and the fake “light”. What if the New-Age talk of “light” is another trap? What if light is the source of the matrix prison planet? What if light is the mechanism for the soul net?
Sounds far out? It is, so let me now introduce the various sources, old and new, which are suggesting this concept. When independent sources, especially from different time periods, all come forth with the same idea, it’s a good sign that the information has validity.
ET Contactee Simon Parkes
Simon Parkes is an incredible modern day ET contactee. If you listen to his interviews it is clear he is a rational, level-headed man, who even holds a position in local government in England. Parkes states that alien interventionand genetic manipulation occurred earlier in humanity’s history, where our DNA was tampered with and our psychic abilities repressed. This was done so that no one could challenge the prison guards (the Archons). In presentations such the video above, Parkes also mentions the trick of the white light and the soul net.
WingMakers Neruda Interview #5
The WingMakers story is an astonishing creation, full of stories of humanity’s history, poetry, paintings and music, well worth checking out. To me, one of the most powerful of the stories – which are written as fiction but come across as completely factual – is the Neruda Interview #5, where we learn of how all of us humans – who are divine, infinite consciousness – came to be trapped inside physical bodies that die. The deception came about through the conspiring of 3 separate alien races (the Annunaki, the Serpent Race and the Sirians) who found a way to trick the Atlanteans (our ancient ancestors) to inhabit biological vessels (the human body). Part of the deception involves Anu, the reptilian king of the Annunaki, ruling over humanity as king, and setting up planes of existence to ensure we never get out – including the soul net reincarnation plane.
The World as “Maya” (Illusion)
A theme in Buddhism and Hinduism is that this world is Maya or illusion (i.e. the matrix). Another Buddhist teaching is that life contains suffering, and that reincarnation is an endless cycle of suffering (the wheel of Samsara) that can only be broken through spiritual practice (i.e. the raising of one’s consciousness). Although some people may see this as pessimistic, it exactly fits into what we know the grander conspiracy and the soul net. The millennia-old Tibetan Book of the Dead is an instruction manual for monks on how to prepare for the point of death and attain liberation by avoiding reincarnation.
Val Valerian
Val Valerian is a former CIA agent (real name John Grace) who started writing about the idea of a soul net in the 1990s, before The Matrix trilogy of films. In his books he writes:
“It is they [Grey aliens] who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again… Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice… these entities view Earth as a big farm.”
— Val Valerian, Matrix II & Matrix V
Tanaath of the Silver Legion
Tanaath of the Silver Legion also talks about the existence of the soul net or reincarnation trap. She describes it as a holding pen designed to look like whatever the particular individual or soul would expect the afterlife to look like. For instance, if you were a Christian and expected to see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, you would see that; if you were a Muslim, you may see 100 virgins. She also makes reference to the fact that your memories are wiped before you are sent back to Earth to reincarnate.
How interesting that soul net, soul harvest and soul trap are all magic card games, books or video games. The idea of a soul net is out in the public consciousness. The question remains: is enough of humanity ready to confront it and investigate it? Can enough people grasp the magnitude of the soul net – that forced reincarnation into a prison planet is the ultimate enslavement – and raise consciousness about it?
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