I found Duncan when he did this Project Camelot interview and I want to bring him up again, because Earth is facing troubling times and I think Duncan knows things about Vatican and CERN, which we all should know about.
First here is a small briefing about him from Project Camelot days and then some words from him now.
Duncan O’Finioan was the Ultimate Warrior… brainwashed, conditioned and controlled as part of a highly classified MKULTRA program called PROJECT TALENT.
From a thousand others trained as child warriors in 1966, he is now, he believes, the only one of 20 left alive to tell the story.
In his powerful and compelling testimony for the camera – one of the most extraordinary we have ever heard – Duncan describes:
His mission to “terminate” the very drunk, future President of the United States… George W Bush
His dizzying enhanced physical and psychic abilities… including the abilities to hurl someone across the room with his mind, and walk through a solid wall
How he and 11 other children were flown to Cambodia to deliver a targeted death blow to all the surrounding Khmer Rouge troops… using only the combined power of their minds
How his right arm is “hardwired” and is capable of astonishing speed and strength
His struggle to regain his memory, aided by a car accident which led to the discovery of a cranial implant uncovered by an MRI machine… deactivating the implant and causing the MRI machine to catch fire
His role as a programmed assassin, targeting Americans under the command of an undisclosed agency
The selection, torture, and brutal training process that he endured… and which children are undergoing to this day
…and more…
Twenty years later, Duncan (who is of mixed Cherokee and Irish blood) comes forward to tell the truth about the Ultimate Warrior project:
how he was chosen, groomed and tortured into becoming the perfect fighting machine, combining physical superiority with the extraordinary mental abilities of a psychic spy.
Fearless, principled, and determined to regain control over his life, Duncan O’Finioan tells his story in detail.
And then here’s a very good video about Duncan now and listen what he tells about Vatican and how we have 2 popes. Things about CERN, how it’s a portal/gate of negative forces.
On 28 November 1953, at 2 am, a man crashed through a closed window and fell to his death from the 10th floor of the Statler Hotel in New York City. He was identified as Frank Olson, a bacteriologist with the US Army Research Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. He had fallen from a room he shared with another scientist, Robert Lashbrook. It was ruled a suicide.
Twenty-two years later, in 1975, William Colby, then CIA director, declassified documents that changed the complexion of the case. It was revealed that Olson had actually been an undercover CIA operative at Fort Detrick, and that one week prior to his death, he had been drinking Cointreau at a high-level meeting with scientists at Deep Creek Lodge in rural Maryland. The Cointreau was laced with a large dose of LSD administered by his CIA boss, Sidney Gottlieb. He was then sent to New York with Lashbrook, also with the CIA, to see a psychiatrist because the LSD had induced a psychosis.
It was also revealed that Olson had been part of the top secret CIA program that was known as Project MK-ULTRA, exploring the use of chemicals and drugs for purposes of mind control, and bacteriological agents for covert assassination. Olson had been working on ways to deliver anthrax in aerosol form, for use as a weapon. New evidence that came to light, through the persistent efforts of Olson’s son Eric, made the suicide ruling highly suspect.
It turned out that Olson had been labelled a security risk by British intelligence after getting upset witnessing human experimentation on a trip to Frankfurt, Germany the previous summer. Eric Olson now believes that his father was drugged and then murdered to make sure that he didn’t reveal the secrets of the MK-ULTRA project. Following the 1975 revelations, the government must have felt more than a little guilt about the affair because Olson’s family was given a 17 minute audience with US President Ford, who apologised to them, and they were awarded damages in the amount of $750,000.
Controlling Human Behaviour
The MK-ULTRA program was instituted on 13 April 1953 by CIA Director Allen Dulles, ostensibly to counter the brainwashing techniques of American prisoners being held by the North Koreans during the Korean War, and to duplicate those techniques on enemy prisoners, i.e. the creation of “Manchurian Candidates.” This was the claim used to obtain funding for the project. However, the Prisoner of War brainwashing program was just the tip of the iceberg, and the CIA-sponsored experiments ventured far and wide into areas of Mind Control under the aegis of MK-ULTRA that had little or nothing to do with methods of interrogation.
The Colby revelations were part of a sweeping investigation of the CIA in January 1975 by the “Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States,” chaired by Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller. The subsequent June 1975 Report to the President said: “The drug program was part of a much larger CIA program to study possible means for controlling human behaviour. Other studies explored the effects of radiation, electric-shock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and harassment substances.”
Even though the program got off to a rocky start with the Olson affair, it recovered quickly and became an umbrella project with 149 sub-projects. The overall guiding principal was succinctly stated in an internal CIA memo dated January 1952: “Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation?”
The drug program came under the aegis of the Chemical Division of the Technical Services Staff headed up by Sidney Gottlieb from 1951 to 1956. Gottlieb was a highly intelligent eccentric who drank goat’s milk, enjoyed folk-dancing, and raised Christmas trees on his farm outside Washington.
The Agency funded LSD research programs at major medical centres and universities including Boston Psychopathic, Mt. Sinai Hospital at Columbia University, University of Illinois Medical School, University of Oklahoma and others. The funding was carried out secretly through the Josiah Macy Foundation, and the Geschickter Fund for Medical Research in Washington, D.C. The CIA claimed the secrecy was necessary to keep it from the Russians, but we have already seen that it was part of much larger project to learn how to control human behaviour in general, so this is not credible.
Gottlieb told Dr. Harold Abramson at Mt. Sinai (who just happened to be the psychiatrist that Olson was supposed to see!) that he wanted “operationally pertinent materials [about]: a. Disturbance of Memory; b. Discrediting by Aberrant Behaviour; c. Alteration of Sex Patterns; d. Eliciting of Information; e. Suggestibility; f. Creation of Dependence.” That sounds like pretty deep stuff for the spy game. They were really afraid of public reaction and congressional condemnation, especially since the CIA charter did not allow domestic operations, and certainly prohibited experimentation on US citizens.
The callousness of the research is best exemplified by the CIA-funded work of Dr. Harris Isbell, the Director of the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. The drug addict hospital inmates, who were mostly black, were encouraged to volunteer for LSD research in return for hard drugs of their choice or time off their sentences. In most cases, they were given pure morphine or heroin. At one point Isbell kept seven men on LSD for 77 straight days. Many others were on it for up to 42 days.
Concerning extended LSD usage, John Marks in his landmark book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control says about writer Hunter S. Thompson (recently deceased) that he “frightened his readers with accounts of drug (LSD) binges lasting a few days, during which Thompson felt his brain boiling away in the sun, his nerves wrapping around enormous barbed wire forts, and his remaining faculties reduced to their reptilian antecedents.” The recent movie The Rum Diary, starring Johnny Depp, based on the autobiographical book by Hunter S. Thompson, presents an imaginative re-enactment of his LSD adventures.
The CIA Turns On the Counter-Culture
Not satisfied with university research, Gottlieb recruited New York narcotics agent George White to distribute LSD surreptitiously to the “borderline underworld.” Operating through safe houses in Greenwich Village, Haight-Ashbury and Marin County, White gave doses to prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts and other “marginal people” and then observed the results and reported to Gottlieb.
John Marks says they were people “who would be powerless to seek any sort of revenge if they ever found out what the CIA had done to them. In addition to their being unlikely whistle-blowers, such people lived in a world where an unwitting dose of some drug… was an occupational hazard anyway.”
Eventually, White started using it randomly all over New York and San Francisco. Regarding the results, Marks says, “The MKULTRA scientists reaped little but disaster, mischief, and disappointment from their efforts to use LSD as a miracle weapon against the minds of their opponents.” Yet, they continued this program for 10 years until 1963.
Ironically, since the CIA had pretty much cornered the market on LSD internationally, buying up all the product of Sandoz and Eli Lilly, the spread of the drug to the counter-culture was through the Agency. Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Allen Ginsburg and Tom Wolfe were first “turned on” thanks to the CIA, and that’s how the “flower children” became psychedelic.
But, the LSD experiments may have been more successful than Marks realised. They were carefully noting the precise effects on brain chemistry, and in the six areas that Gottlieb was concerned with: memory disturbance, aberrant behaviour, altered sexual patterns, eliciting information, suggestibility and creation of dependence. This became evident when they started using LSD as an adjunct in hypnotic and electronic experiments.
Patterning the Brain
Perhaps the most notorious and nefarious MK-ULTRA sub-project was carried out at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal, Canada under the directorship of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron, an American from Albany, New York. Cameron had trained at the Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, under eugenicist Sir David Henderson, and founded the Canadian branch of the World Federation for Mental Health. At various times, he was elected president of the Canadian, American, and World psychiatric associations. In other words, Cameron was no renegade but had the full faith and endorsement of the world psychiatric establishment.
The CIA wanted Cameron to “depattern” the contents of the brain to make it receptive to new patterning. David Remnick in a Washington Post article on 28 July 1985 said, “The…. heart of the laboratory was the Grid Room…. The subject was strapped into a chair involuntarily, by force, his head bristling with electrodes and transducers. Any resistance was met with a paralysing dose of curare. The subject’s brainwaves were beamed to a nearby reception room crammed with voice analysers, a wire recorder and radio receivers cobbled together… The systematic annihilation or ‘depatterning’ of a subject’s mind and memory was accomplished with overdoses of LSD, barbiturate sleep for 65 days at a stretch and ECT shocks at 75 times the recommended dosage. Psychic driving, the repetition of a recorded message for 16 hours a day, programmed the empty mind. Fragile patients referred to Allan Memorial for help were thus turned into carbuncular jellyfish.”
Anton Chaitkin in his essay, ‘British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination’, says: “Patients lost all or part of their memories, and some lost the ability to control their bodily functions and to speak. At least one patient was reduced almost to a vegetable; then Cameron had the cognitive centres of her brain surgically cut apart, while keeping her alive. Some subjects were deposited permanently in institutions for the hopelessly insane.”
The CIA funded these horrors through a front called “The Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.” Other supporters of the Allan Institute were the Rockefeller Foundation, the Geschickter Foundation, and the Canadian government.
About Cameron’s work, Wikipedia says: “Naomi Klein states, in her book The Shock Doctrine, that Cameron’s research and his contribution to the MKUltra project was actually not about mind control and brainwashing, but ‘to design a scientifically based system for extracting information from “resistant sources.” In other words, torture’. And citing a book from Alfred W. McCoy it further says that ‘Stripped of its bizarre excesses, Cameron’s experiments, building upon Donald O. Hebb’s earlier breakthrough, laid the scientific foundation for the CIA’s two-stage psychological torture method’.” This method was codified in the infamous “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Manual” published by the CIA in July 1963, and in the Human Resources Exploitation Training Manual – 1983 that was used in CIA training courses in Latin American countries up until 1987. These manuals describe methods of psychological torture, far more potent than physical torture, to elicit information from “resistant sources.”
An Orwellian Nightmare.
As one would expect, the technologies now available to the mind-controllers have zoomed off the chart to the point where George Orwell’s world of omni-surveillance now seems almost quaint. Of course, it is true that 1984 was 28 years ago. But even as far back as 1970, US congressman James Scheur was able to say, “As a result of spinoffs from medical, military aerospace and industrial research, we are now in the process of developing devices and products capable of controlling violent mobs without injury. We can tranquillise, impede, immobilise, harass, shock, upset, stupefy, nauseate, chill, temporarily blind, deafen or just plain scare the wits out of anyone the police have a proper need to control and restrain.”
A brief survey of some of the scariest products known to be in the arsenal of the secretive alphabet agencies arrayed against John Q. Public are such devices as the Neurophone, patented by Dr. Patrick Flanagan in 1968. It converts sound to electrical impulses which can be delivered from satellites. When aimed at individuals, the impulses travel directly to the brain where the sounds are re-assembled and appear to be voices inside the head, which can be perceived as coming from God, or telepathic aliens, or whatever. Or the sounds can come out of a turned-off TV or radio. Through software, the device can mimic anyone’s voice and translate into any language.
It is believed that the CIA, DIA, NSA et al use the Neurophone to deliver threats and propaganda to selected targets, or just to torment someone they don’t like. One can imagine the possibilities. Could this explain some of the killings by “psychopaths” who say they were instructed by God, such as Mark David Chapman, David Berkowitz, or Sirhan Sirhan? If they had been previously evaluated through sophisticated personality assessments and groomed by LSD or hypnosis, such voices could easily tip the balance and convince them to kill.
We’ve all heard about the “Thought Police” and laughed because it seemed so implausible. Well, the joke is on us. Brain scanning technology is now well-advanced. In 1974, Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer with the Stanford Research Institute succeeded in correlating brain wave patterns from EEGs with specific words. In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought at the University of Missouri. It is believed that US intelligence agencies now have a brain wave vocabulary of over 60,000 words in most common languages.
Brain waves constitute a magnetic field around the head (the aura), each person having a unique, identifiable electromagnetic signature which becomes visible through Kirlian photography, and these fields can be monitored by satellites. The translated results are then fed back to ground-side super computers at speeds of up to 20 gigabytes/second. Neurophone messages can then be beamed to selected individuals based on their thoughts. It is believed that about one million people around the globe are now monitored on a regular basis. As these numbers increase, as they certainly will, to include most educated and important people in the world, the New World Order will definitely have arrived.
As Australian writer Paul Baird has observed, “no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).” Baird also claims that ex-military/intelligence whistle-blowers have reported that experiments in controlling voters with these techniques have been tried in several foreign countries. So much for democracy.
Other technologies, such as microwave bombardment to confuse and disorient field personnel, microchip implantation, silently delivered acoustical subliminal messages, widespread population control through psychiatric drugs, and extreme close-up satellite-based viewing able to read documents indoors, are all well-developed and in use by military and intelligence agencies. This doesn’t even address the monitoring of overt spoken and written material. Under Project ECHELON, the NSA monitors every call, fax, e-mail and computer data message in and out of the US, Canada and several other countries. Their computers then search for key words and phrases. Anything or anyone of interest draws the attention of agency operatives, who can then commence surveillance operations by the NSA or other intelligence agencies.
Novel Capabilities
We conclude with a chilling vision of the future from the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. It is from New World Vistas of Air and Space Power for the 21st Century.
“Prior to the mid-21st century, there will be a virtual explosion of knowledge in the field of neuroscience. We will have achieved a clear understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated (both positively and negatively). One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources, the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an experience set, and delete an experience set. This will open the door for the development of some novel capabilities that can be used in armed conflict, in terrorist/hostage situations, and in training…”
And based on the past clandestine abuses of MK-ULTRA reviewed above, one can predict with relative certainty that these capabilities will be used on civilians, with or without their knowledge or acquiescence.
The Illuminati Secret for Undetectable Mind Control
Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling elite who do understand it.
Living in the third dimension can be a blissful experience when you have power, health, wealth, comforts and freedom. That’s what the ruling Elite have manifested for themselves while the rest of the world struggles with poverty, disease, drug dependency, debt and servitude. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is not only one world government. It is complete mastery over the 3rd dimension of time and space.
Notice how successful they have been at manifesting a Utopian 3rd dimension for themselves – money, yachts, private jets, castles, resorts, racehorses, corporations, gold, gems, servants and everything they desire. You are part of their manifestation. You and the rest of the world are literally at their feet. How did they do it? With their knowledge of the tools of Creation and Universal Laws.
The Universal Law of Attraction
What do you think about? The answer is revealed by the life that you lead. If you think your life is miserable or great, you are right. Life is whatever you think it is. The same is true for the state of the world. It is what humanity collectively thinks it is. Energy and all forms of matter attract like-vibrational energy. Our thoughts are energy magnets. They attract whatever we point them at…
Your thoughts are living things. When you step into a room full of people, you can sense the living atmosphere created by the collective thought waves of the people in the room. You may sense a calm or a tense atmosphere.
The collective thought waves of the 7 billion people on Planet Earth also create an atmosphere and it affects everyone either consciously or unconsciously. Like the Borg in Star Trek, you can tune into this “collective consciousness” and broadcast ideas to others who will receive and act on them. You are a drop in the ocean of thought and the ocean of thought is in every drop.
The Universal Law of Attraction is working in your life right now. You are attracting the personal situations that you are experiencing. You are also attracting the global situations through your individual contribution to the collective mass consciousness. Think about what you are contributing. Once you are aware of this Universal Law and how it works, you can start to use it deliberately to attract what you want instead of what you don’t want.
Any thought you have, when combined with emotion, vibrates out from you to the universe. Like a boomerang, it returns whatever you focus on. All you have to do is allow yourself to expect what you want. Sounds easy, right? The hard part is becoming ‘doubt-free’. You must expect what you want without doubt, act like you already have it and be grateful for it. Like drops in the ocean, each and every person is individually responsible for their contribution to mass consciousness.
By expecting a New World Order, an Antichrist, an Apocalypse and end times, your contribution to the collective consciousness is “dark”. Expect miracles. Expect a Golden Age. When you assume 100% responsibility for everything you’re experiencing in your reality right now — absolutely everything — only then will you possess the power to alter your reality.
❝Our world is a reflection of our subconscious beliefs. Our subconscious mind can process 40 million neural impulses a second while our conscious mind can only process 40 neural impulses per second. We all know that if we focus on something long enough we can do it without thinking, it becomes part of our subconscious routine. Let’s make compassion and understanding a part of our subconscious routine by consciously focusing on these higher aspects of the self in our everyday lives.❞
-Vito Santana
John F. Kennedy talked about the Illuminati – ‘a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy’ that rules the world. April 27, 1961
Changing Your Beliefs
You are made up of billions and billions of “programmed” beliefs about what is real and what’s not real, what you should or shouldn’t be or wear or say or do. You have downloaded beliefs about how attractive you are, about your body, your intelligence, about God, sin, life after death, morality and class. You have been inundated with disaster scenarios about the future of humanity – a global depression, an apocalypse, Armageddon, end times, depopulation, nuclear war, an Antichrist ruler and other dis-empowering, fear mongering, toxic propaganda.
Very few people understand the programming of fear, and why it distorts our perceptions. While fear is a program used for our survival, fear also creates irrational beliefs that cause larger systems of fear like politics, religion and the media.
“A Virus Called Fear” is a short film about the conditioning of fear,
and what irrational fears can lead to.
If you stop and look closely at your thoughts and beliefs, you will discover that instead of serving you, they serve the agenda of the ruling Elite. Although you may feel you are immune to religious and political propaganda, your immunity is overpowered by the repetition of messages that burrow into your subconscious just below your conscious radar.
The ruling Elite have taught you slave consciousness. You tick-tack through life with alarm clocks, car clocks, work clocks, the TV clock, the cell phone clock, wrist watches, wall clocks and calendars. It’s “breakfast time”, “lunch hour”, “break time”, “traffic hour”, “news hour”, “happy hour”, “week end”, “dinner time”, “bed time”, “tax time”. You sit in traffic, stand in line-ups, watch mind numbing TV trivia interrupted by endless commercials.
You settle for a 14 day holiday out of the 365 days it takes for the Earth to circle the Sun. You trade your labor for digits at the bank. You celebrate birthdays, New Years, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and countless other repetitive cycles of commercialized nonsense. From cradle to grave, you obediently tick-tack through life like an automaton, serving the ruling Elite. Despite the servitude, they have somehow convinced you that you are free.
“None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The video below is an amazing interview was done back in 1985 with a former KGB agent who was trained in subversion techniques. He explains the 4 basic steps to socially engineering entire generations into thinking and behaving the way those in power want them to. It’s shocking because our world has been transformed in the exact same way, and followed the exact same steps.
❝Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.❞
-Frantz Fanon, French psychiatrist, philosopher and revolutionary writer
14 different methodologies of Mind Control
These are the most necessary to understand because they are the most influential over mass consciousness.
1) Obfuscation: Just basic confusion of one thing for another- a smoke and mirrors game.
2) World View Poisoning: Conditioning the way people view human nature and their own self-value.
3) Conditioning of Primal Fear: The exploitation of primal fears.
4) Divide and Conquer Strategy: Highlight any perceived differences between people and then exploit those differences to create infighting so they are easier to control and conquer.
5) Indoctrination of Education System: A left brain form of Nazis called it mastery learning. grade school, HS and university. Trivium and quadrivium education could counteract this.
6) Controlled Opposition: Basic dialectic s– dialectical mechanics or Hegelianism Creating conflict that you already have an outcome management system for. Create the conflict and wait for a type of reaction to the conflict (usually chaotic that demands a resolution) and then you step in and resolve it. Artificial conflict resolution.
7) Monetary System of Control: Debt based fiat currency fractional reserve banking a system of illusion that we call money yet people believe in it like its a religion or god. People seem to be the most powerless to come out of. It exists purely in the mind.
8) Control of Mass Media: If you can control the info that people get to see hear and read you control their perception of reality. If you limit the scope of what they can take into their minds and awareness you limit their possibilities of solutions. Human perception management.
9) Food and Medicine: attack on the physical aspects of the body relates to how our brain development goes. You affect thought and consciousness you are what you eat. Use techniques that are damaging to consciousness through the modern medical system
10) Illusion of Time: Very important for people to grasp. Play on people’s seeming inability to live in true present moment awareness– getting people to live in regret over the past or anxiety over the future. Its a fear based technique. Takes us out of true present awareness. Being fully present now to take on what is happening now. If our consciousness can be manipulated into always looking into what has happened. It takes away effectiveness of dealing with the current situation.
11) The DHR Factor: Denial, Hassle, Ridicule: What other people perceive about you. Denial, hassle ridicule factor. Things are fine the way they are I don’t want to rock the boat because I may have to deal with hassle of other people. The hassle free zone is– I don’t want all the uncomfortable aspects of life that come with standing up for truth. These are all fear based. Heightening those three forms of mental instability. Trap of inactivity and not really doing anything to make things better.
12) Religion: We need to understand these last three the best. Religion is a form of binding. To tie back Re-Ligare tying back. Forms of modern religion are mind control based on astro-theology. Giving people an exoteric version of something that was once esoteric or internal. Government is the binding on the left brain… religion is the binding of the right brain.
13) Use of Subversive Symbolism: Based on ancient sacred symbolism. Based on symbols that have been with us from antiquity. Solar symbolism, life force symbols, energy, blood, or anything we need for existence and life. They use these in modern institutions— banks, police, media, stores. We’re drenched in it. Basic symbols have a powerful psychic influence. They can speak to us without words. A wordless form of communication. Connects to occultism.
14) Problem-Reaction-Solution (Chaos Sorcery): A mass demonstration or a public display of the dark aspects of the Hegelian dialectic. Hegelian dialectic can be used in a positive or negative sense. Chaos sorcery or false flag terrorism. This is ritual magic being used openly in the light of day. You are creating a chaotic situation in the light of day and you know it will elicit an extreme reaction of fear and chaos that demands order be brought as soon as possible. You are manipulating the fear in the limbic system– people are not in a state that they can reason. They are demanding solutions purely out of emotions. They are in a reactive mode of consciousness. They want the outcome of the game known before the game is played. Interject chaos, you know the reaction its going to cause and you know. A leap in consciousness will subvert this technique. This technique works over and over again. Humanity won’t wake up. 9-11 was chaos sorcery.
We need to make the public aware of these techniques so people can become street wise to them. Spread the knowledge through your community. The universe is spoken into existence. We need to be a reflection– speak the truth back into the field of which we are a part of. Actually speaking the knowledge that we have taken back into the world around us.
Your Psychic Powers
You have the power to influence matter and the physical world with just the power of your thoughts. It’s called ‘telekinesis’. YOU WERE BORN WITH THAT POWER. All you have to do is awaken your pineal gland or “third eye”. Like an atrophied muscle, this unused part of your brain can be strengthened through exercise and by eliminating fluoride from your toothpaste and water supply.
Telekinesis is the same mind-over-matter power that the ruling Elite have been using since ancient times to manifest their power over you and over the physical world. How do you think the stone tonnage of Egypt’s Great Pyramids was cut, carved, moved long distances, erected and positioned within fractions of an inch? Some of the stones weighed as much as 50 tons! Do you believe the media tales about how these Herculean stones were moved without drills, explosives, lasers, forklifts, cranes or steel cables?
The term ‘psychic powers’ conjures up negative images of black magic, gypsies, witchcraft, exorcists, faith healing hoaxes and sorcery. That is the reputation the corporate media has given it. Why? To discourage your interest in developing your personal power. Like any skill, your psychic powers develop with regular use and they atrophy from lack of use.
In their book, China’s Super Psychics, Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill describe the amazing psychic abilities of gifted children. The American magazine Omni got involved when the children were being tested to make sure there was no cheating. They quickly became convinced that the children’s abilities were entirely real. In one case, a child took a sealed pill bottle off a shelf at random and placed it on a table. After a few moments the pills passed through the glass bottle and settled on the table. The child then placed a coin on the table and it passed back through the glass into the sealed bottle.
In another case, a thousand people sitting in an auditorium were each given a rose bud to hold. A six year old girl came on stage and with a silent wave of her hand, the thousand rosebuds slowly opened into full bloom before the eyes of the astonished audience.
By practicing concentration exercises and telekinesis, you can learn the mechanics of manifestation. Once you discover that you can move an object with the power of your thoughts, you realize that you can influence matter at a molecular level. You have the power to influence everything in the physical world from a molecule to the entire globe with just the power of your thoughts.
You have the power to heal yourself and the Earth. It starts with the belief that you can do it and then actually “doing it”! Learn how to manifest the reality you want instead of the reality that the Illuminati are manifesting for you.
❝Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.❞
-Albert Einstein
❝The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.❞
-William James
❝Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not remain so if you only perceive an ideal and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without. Let a person radically alter his thoughts, and he will be astonished at the rapid transformation it will effect in the material conditions of his life.❞
-James Allen
❝Whatever your mind can conceive and can believe, it can achieve❞
-Napoleon Hill
❝Follow your bliss, and doors will open for you that you never knew existed. Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls❞
-Joseph Campbell
News for Freedom of Thought Foundation Members
Vol.2 No.4, Whole Issue Number 16, April, 1996
Dallas, Texas — Best-selling author Richard Condon, whose
prophetic novel about mind control “The Manchurian Candidate”
suddenly became frighteningly realistic after the CIA MKULTRA
revelations were made public in the 1970’s, died April 9th,. He
was 81.
Mr. Condon, who died of kidney failure, saw “The Manchurian
Candidate”, the darkly comic “Prizzi’s Honor,” and a satire
about the JFK assassination, “Winter Kills,” made into acclaimed
Many other novels by Mr. Condon had a strong satirical, anti-
establishment bent: “The Oldest Confession,” “Some Angry
Angel,” “Emperor of America,” “A Talent for Loving,” ‘and
“An Infinity of Mirrors.”
“Every book I’ve ever written has been about abuse of
power,” the Associated Press quoted him as saying. “‘I feel very
strongly about that. I’d like people to know how de,ply their
politicians are wronging them,”
A former film publicist who didn’t take up novel writing until
he was in his 40s, Mr. Condon published “The Manchurian
Candidate” in 1959. But the novel – about an American prisoner
of war in Korea who is brainwashed and programmed to kill, then
returns to the United States and assassinates a powerful
politician – didn’t become a big seller until after the 1962 film
The Associated Press report said,” When Kennedy was
assassinated in 1963 by a former Marine who had spent time in the
Soviet Union, the film was withdrawn for many years.”
Condon said that the film had been pulled from distribution by
Frank Sinatra, the star of the film, and a close personal friend
of John Kennedy’s.
The rights to the movie, starring Laurence Harvey as the
brainwashed man, Angela Lansbury as his mother and Frank Sinatra
as a fellow soldier who tries to thwart the plot, were bought by
Sinatra. Later the film was released in both theaters and on
video to new acclaim.
‘Winter Kills,” published in 1974, portrayed events more
closely resembling the Kennedy assassination. In it, the
half-brother of a slain president of Irish descent overhears the
deathbed confession 14 years later of a man who claims to have
been involved in the murder.
The book gave Mr. Condon his biggest critical success since
“Prizzi’s Honor,” in 1982, was the first in a series of
novels on the Mafia. It was followed by “Prizzi’s Family” in
1986, “Prizzi’s Glory” in 1988, and in 1993, “Prizzi’s
Money,” about the outlaw family’s efforts to gain the summit of
political respectability.
Angelica Huston, who grew up as a neighbor of Mr. Condon’s in
Ireland, played the female lead in film version of “Prizzi’s
Honor” opposite Jack Nicholson. Mr. Condon also co-wrote the
screenplay for the 1985 film – about a hit man and his wife who
are sent to kill each other. The screenplay earned Condon an
Oscar nomination.
Before writing books, the New York City native pitched films.
Hired as a press agent for Walt Disney Productions in 1937, Mr.
Condon worked in the movie business for more than 20 years,
putting in time at nearly all the major studios.
In the mid 1970’s Condon wrote the introduction to W.H.
Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control” and was amazed at what
Bowart had uncovered.
When asked if he’d known about the MKULTRA program of the
CIA, Condon told Bowart,” I just read Salter and Pavlov and
invented the rest.” Today, there are those who still believe
Condon had inside information.
Condon gave Bowart his wholehearted support and said
“Operation Mind Control” was,” Moral, significant and
In 1977 Condon wrote to Bowart after reading his non-fiction
account of the cryptocracy’s developments in mind control:”I feel
like a monk in the Dark Ages who is writing to the captain of a
Space Ship. .. This whole thing blows my mind…’
Survivors include his wife, Evelyn, two daughters, and
A long term mind control researcher, Steve Bratcher, 38,
recently underwent surgery for brain cancer. Doctors predicted
that “unless a miracle happens” Bratcher wouldn’t live much past
A private investigator who founded SKBI Research, Bratcher was
a long time private contractor for the CIA. When terminating his
employ with CIA he says he experienced a ten-month period of
“detainment” in Florida during which time he described being an
involuntary victim of a variety of high-tech mind control
experiments. He described holographic phenomena and “remote
mental telepathy,” as well as UFO-like phenomenon and a variety
of “tortures” commonly described by the survivors of mind
control. His account is available on videotape from FOTF by
special request.
Bratcher notified FOTF of his condition before he traveled
from his home in MacLean, Va. to New York City for surgery. The
primary site of the cancer was thought to be in his prostate
gland. The secondary site was thought to be in his brain.
According to his videotaped account, photographed in 1993,
Bratcher believed he was exposed to more than one kind of
radiation. He had suffered severe headaches since the ten month
long experiment.
Bratcher told the FOTF in a series of email messages all under
the heading “Terminated,” — “I thought this was a great country
when I started working for it. I volunteered… You can be
patriotic… you can volunteer… just hope that you don’t get
Bratcher said that what he believed to be implants had shown
up in the x-rays of his head.
Disaffected Spook Spills SEAL Mind Control Experiences
The following information was titled “A Working Outline of a
U.S. Intelligence Mind Control Program” when received. It comes
from a former Navy Intelligence officer who was attached to the
CIA and was also a Navy SEAL team leader. Shortly before his
“separation” from the “community” he was the overall commander of
all the SEAL teams. To clarify: “Open Eyes” is the name of the
entire operation. A “Clear Eyes” is a programmed victim of
“Operation Open Eyes.” The following opinions are not those of
the Freedom of Thought Foundation, nor of the editors of FREE
This segment is dedicated to Operation “Open Eyes,.” A preset
group of our people canvass the country hospitals and immigration
centers in order to find viable candidates for above named
operation. We locate the target individuals, who have no close
family or real good friends. They are then put under heavy stage
one hypnosis, where a clear and definitive pattern of their
usefulness is determined by our shrinks and field officers. If
the candidate possesses a relatively high IQ he will be filed in
a category file, called “call file.”
If the tested applicant has more than 120 IQ, he will be
serviced by a trigger word or number, while under level 1
hypnosis. We then systematically do a background search and
create a file for future reference. If there are no relatives to
speak of, the subject will be moved to a location of our choice
where further tests for vulnerability are conducted. He is then
brought to level 2 hypnosis where diverse small orders and
specific instructions are written into his personality.
If subject, upon release shows that he has retained
instructions and carries out small and unimportant work duties,
assigned under level 2 hypnosis, he will receive a recall
“Service notice” by a person we have introduced him to.
The next step is level 3 hypnosis, where he will become an
overwrite upon his own personality. He/She will be told that
everything the subject does for his “friends” is okay, even
though it may very well be against all laws of the land. He will
believe that he is capable of fulfilling all their (our)
commands, and will be again discharged to live his normal life. (
All operatives have to go to/through these 3 levels before any of
us are fielded!)
The higher the IQ of a given subject, the further the
programming goes! If the IQ is high enough we will bring the
subject to the Farm or one of our numerous facilities throughout
the U.S. and Canada. ( Dallas — “Doctor’s Hospital” is one of
our main centers.)
There we will put the subject into level 4 hypnosis, where he
does no longer differentiate between right and wrong. ( We do
this at the medical facility at the Farm — one of our contract
hospitals. If he has to perform a articulately suicidal or
important assignment we do our job at Stony Mountain facilities.)
At level 4, diverse programs can be written/or overwritten into
the brain. Any command is accepted at this level. At that level
you can give the test subject a complete personality, history and
make him/her believe anything the program requires for the
accomplishment of any desired project. He is then given a new
life in a new state and town. Driver’s license, car, bank
account, passport, credit cards, Birth Certificate, and all the
small things — such as photos of his family (that don’t really
exist.) Subject and patient (one and the same) has now an agenda
(that he believes is his own) and is prepared for level 5
hypnosis. At this stage, very carefully a code word or sequence
of numbers or a voice imprint is etched into his brain. That is
commonly known and referred to as the trigger that will activate
subject to action.
He then lives a very normal and sometimes useful life, until
subject is required to perform the programs implanted/written
into level 4 hypnosis at the point of activating the trigger,
subject is beyond recall. That’s why a level 5 person can only be
approached after his/her operation. There is no actual recall in
the subconscious program of any of the hypnosis. If an act of
violence had been perpetrated, subject will not be able to
associate with the deed. Only shrinks trained in this particular
form of sub mental behavior will find any tracks leading to post
level 1 or 2 mind control.
I have personally witnessed level 1-5 programming, and was
myself a subject of level 3 programming.
Due to the fact that subject has such high IQ ( Preferably
around 130-140) subject its very quick to learn anything fed to
him/her. All major patriot groups, and normal workers and workers
in big (government contract firms) corporations have at least one
or more “sleepers” attached to them.
Project Clear Eyes is always a violent group or commune in any
given community. The OKC incident was a clear cut case of project
clear eyes. Tom Valentine’s group is the trigger mechanism for
Open Eyes. Waco was an Open Eyes group that had a specific job to
perform. Randy Weaver was a control subject that ended out of
control. Robert Hunt is a sleeper that was put on hold. At some
not too distant date you will see Bob Hunt performing his true
and final role.
Now it must be clear to you the various levels used by the
Intel community to get their job done. Remember Jonestown? It was
one of ours that went sour because a clear eyes was in the
group. When he began firing on the runway, it all
self-destructed. The man (Congressman Leo Ryan) who was killed,
knew it was a government operation. Clear Eyes was accidentally
— through a lone sequence — activated! There was no way to stop
the killings. They were all programmed to at least level 3, the
culties themselves. There were only 3 deaths attributable to
cyanide, the rest died of gunfire. Now you know a little more
about our line of work. I am glad I am out of it.
Here are some facts about how common this mind control phenomenom is:
Preliminary data from the 2007 series of Extreme Abuse Surveys.
Karriker, W. (2008, September). In Torture-based mind control: Empirical research, programmer methods, effects and treatment. Workshop conducted at the 13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA, Ellen Lacter, Moderator.
Human beings cannot be programmed like robots, I had believed. But that was before the early 80’s when persons with multiple personality disorder began coming to me for psychotherapy. I observed that some of my clients had two distinct sets of alters: those they had created spontaneously to survive unspeakable acts against them and those who appeared to have been conditioned to serve specific functions for their perpetrators or perpetrator groups.
In the late 80’s, a client who had been processing her memories of satanic ritual abuse brought a journal to our session in which she noted writings by an alter personality who used computer jargon: access codes, systems, exit, entry, delete, input, output, sequences, etc. This client came to believe that her father, an ex-military man, and his buddies in the cult had somehow “programmed” her as a child to serve at their pleasure. Later she remembered hearing words, letters, numbers, rhymes, and sometimes classical music in the background when they were torturing her in various ways.
In 1992 at an MPD conference in Alexandria, Virginia, I first heard about the secret Cold War mind control experiments supposedly carried out by Nazi doctors who had been smuggled into the US after World War II to continue their concentration camp-type experiments. I realized that some of the memories reported by another one of my ritually abused clients were consistent with the types of programming used in the well-documented MKULTRA project. In 1973, at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms, the bulk of these records were destroyed. In 1977, Senator Edward Kennedy called for a “public accounting of the abuses of the past.” His request has not been honored.
I don’t know if my first “programmed” client was used in government mind control experiments or not. Because of family circumstances she had to leave therapy before I had learned about the torture-based Cold War experiments.
In 1995, I learned that three courageous victims of mind control experiments had stood before the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments to tell the world about the horrors they had endured in the name of National Security. Giving explanation and support for these women was therapist Valerie Wolf whose speech is printed in the Media Packet I have given you. After that hearing, the Committee recommended that all records of the CIA bearing on programs of secret human research become a top priority for declassification review. After 13 years, there has been no declassification of related files or investigation of government-sponsored mind control experimentation on children.
In his book, Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Ross (2000), writes: “The major goal of the Cold War mind control programs was to create dissociative symptoms and disorders, including full multiple personality disorder” (p. E). In line with what I had already observed in a few of my clients, Gould and Cozolino (1992) contend that ritual abuse survivors with multiple personality disorder may have personalities deliberately created by cults that have been programmed [a mind control term] to perform specific functions for the cult. Thus, victims could have had mind control tactics used on them even if they were not subjects in government-sponsored mind control experiments. Conversely, government-sponsored mind control subjects could have been ritually abused in experimental settings.
The title of my presentation indicates that torture-based mind control is a global phenomenon. Some of my colleagues have heard reports from their clients about mind control programming in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, France, Israel, Russia, Tibet, Afghanistan, India, Lebanon, Italy, China, Belgium, and Japan (personal communications, December 6, 2006).
The amount of data these surveys have generated is tremendous – over a half million cells of data coming off the webserver. Throughout this workshop I will be interjecting data that support information that the other presenters provide. Also in your handouts are some findings that I have already chosen as relevant to today’s discussion.
For those of you listening via CD, the handout titled, “Media Packet: Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control Experimentation on Children” is already available at the EAS website. It includes a brief history of the government projects and the frequency of responses on related mind control questions by the 257 participants who answered “yes” to the question: “Secret government-sponsored mind control experiments were conducted on me as a child.”
The packet offers documentation that torture-based, government-sponsored mind control (GMC) experimentation was conducted on children during the Cold War. It provides data from the EAS and P-EAS that give voice, visibility, and validation to survivors of these crimes against humanity.
In the other handout I have provided some additional statistics related to mind control programming. As soon as possible, we will post on the EAS website (http://extreme-abuse-survey.net) a transcript of this presentation which includes these findings:
Adult survivors on the Extreme Abuse Survey (EAS) were asked to select the category of extreme abuse that best describes their experiences as survivors. 987 persons responded to the question.
Ritual Abuse (RA) …………………………………….191 (19%)
Mind Control (MC) …………………………………… 69 (7%)
Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (RA-MC) ………… 513 (52%)
Other Extreme Abuse (EA) ………………………… 214 (22%)
I. Regarding the global nature of MC as per EAS . . .
Of 640 survivors who answered “yes” to “My perpetrator(s) deliberately created/programmed dissociative states of mind (such as alters, personalities, ego-states) in me,”
391 were from the US
42 were from Canada
136 were from Europe
61 were from other or unnamed countries
Of 257 survivors who answered “yes” to the statement, “Secret government-sponsored mind control experiments were performed on me as a child,”
185 were from the US
25 from Canada
25 from Europe
20 from other or unnamed countries
II. Results of the C-EAS suggest that formal mind control of children is more recent than one would like to believe.
When caregivers of children under 18 who had disclosed RA/MC were asked if the children had reported non-consensual mind control experimentation . . .
41(45%) of 92 who answered the question answered “yes.”
III. Not all therapists who have worked with clients who report MC actually believe that their clients were victims of mind control. Below are the responses to this item from the P-EAS:
Of individuals reporting memories consistent with RA/MC, I believe that the following percentage actually experienced mind control. (click only on one response)
Number who responded to each percentage.
14 Zero
24 1 to 10%
9 11 to 20%
2 21 to 30%
6 31 to 40%
10 41 to 50%
9 51 to 60%
13 61 to 70%
14 71 to 80%
20 81 to 90%
107 91 to 100%
34 Don’t know
14 No answer
IV. One of our findings is particularly relevant to the theory that government experimenters went to the already existing satanic covens to get some of their subjects – children who had already learned the lessons of dissociation.
Of the 257 EAS respondents who reported that secret mind control experiments were used on them as children, 69% or 177 reported abuse in a satanic cult.
Of the 543 EAS respondents who reported that they had been abused in a satanic cult, 33% or 179 reported being used in secret mind control experiments as children.
V. Regarding one of the most frequent programs that we hear about, the
“Don’t Talk, Don’t Tell” Programming
EAS 77% of adult survivors who responded to the related question had been threatened with death if they ever talked about the abuse.
P-EAS 93% of professionals who responded to the related question had worked with at least one survivor who had been threatened with death if he or she ever talked about the abuse.
C-EAS 80% of child caregivers who responded to the related question had heard a child say they had been threatened with death if he or she ever talked about the abuse.
(See appendix for Tables 1 and 2)
Table 1 compares the frequencies of reported memories of respondents who are dealing with programs installed by perpetrators with the reported memories of respondents who are not dealing with those programs. They are ranked in order of degree of significance.
Table 2 compares the frequencies of possible aftereffects reported by the two groups also ranked in order of degree of significance.
In your handout is a much reduced copy of the poster that that I will hang at the Poster Session of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Conference in Chicago in November 2008. The poster is titled: “Healing Methods: Comparing Ratings by Trauma Survivors and Trauma Therapists.” This will be available for download at http://extreme-abuse-survey.net after the conference [click on Presentations].
969 extreme abuse survivors responded to the optional “Healing Methods” section on the EAS; 198 professional helpers responded to the identical optional section on the P-EAS. As you can see, a table on the poster lists all 53 healing methods included on the surveys. It also shows the percents of total responses to “much help” and “great help” which are placed in rank order for each group.
Z-Values show significant differences in effectiveness ratings by survivors and by therapists for 43% of the healing methods under study.
Rated by both groups as most effective is Individual Psychotherapy/Counseling.
Rated by both groups as least effective is Electroshock Therapy.
That electroshock is ranked as least effective is not surprising given that on the . . .
EAS 50% of adult survivors who responded to the related question reported memories of electroshock abuse.
P-EAS 67% of 218 professionals who responded to the related question have worked with at least one client who reported electroshock abuse.
C-EAS 50% of 84 child caregivers who responded to the related question have heard a child disclose electroshock abuse.
The largest discrepancies (10+ percentage points) between survivors’ and therapists’ ratings of “much help” or “great help” were on the following items:
Therapists’ ratings higher: Individual Psychotherapy/Counseling, Grounding Techniques, Self-care/Self-soothing Techniques, Supportive Family Members, Non-suicide Contract with Therapist, EMDR, Art Therapy
Survivors’ ratings higher: Supportive Friends, Other Method(s), Formal Deprogramming, Theophostic Prayer, Deliverance, Internet Support Group, Reading Survivor Stories, Chiropractic, Exorcism, Reiki, Confronting Abusers, Music Therapy, Energy Therapies, Massage Therapy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy
What do the numbers tell us? It looks like —
Therapists tend to favor stabilization techniques.
Survivors are more open to alternative ways to cope with indoctrinated belief systems including the use of formal deprogramming methods which my fellow presenters will be discussing this afternoon.
Here are some comments my co-researcher, Carol Rutz, made after looking at these results.
As a survivor and having gone to therapy for over ten years, I found that my time with the therapist was spent on the work, not telling him what was making me better. His spiritual beliefs were well known (not my own) so expounding on my own personal beliefs and the dynamic place they were having in my healing was not an issue. When you’re spending hard earned dollars every week or twice a month or whatever the case might be, you are interested in getting the most bang for your buck. In other words, get the work done while you’re there. What therapists reported are what they used and taught to their clients, so they are biased as to what helps. That is one reason why this is such an important study. If they really want to help, and I’m sure they do, they need to look at what survivors themselves said was the most effective. The therapy approach for them may not change in the least, but their openness to hearing about other avenues may help the client move more quickly through healing if they are acknowledged.
Ross, C. A. (2000). Bluebird: Deliberate creation of multiple personality by psychiatrists. Richardson, TX: Manitou Communications.
Shaffer, R. E., & Cozolino, L.J. (1992). Adults who report childhood ritualistic abuse. Journal of Psychology & Theology, 20(3), 188-193.
I have made plenty of postings about mind control and it’s side products, but I think that people need some good example. I think that best example of music industry’s MK-Ultra mind control is Britney Spears. So read it through and make your own conclusions:
Through the years, the evidence became overwhelming that Britney Spears is a victim of some kind of mind control. She is being “managed” all the time.. her contacts are limited to whatever her “Handlers” agree to.. she can’t spend her own money freely without the consent of her father or fiance. Bear in mind that this is an adult woman who earned millions in her career, but is allowed a small weekly allowance that the court approved of giving her!!
You can read more information on her “condition” on my previous post titled Robot Britney.. Stand Still And Smile!, where you will understand the dark world of MK-Ultra mind manipulation and the disgusting project that is called “Monarch Programming”.
I always refer newcomers to the excellent books of author Fritz Springmeier..
the first is:
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
while the second is called: Deeper Insights Into the Illuminati Formula.
These two books – if you can find them – will help you enormously to understand the bizzare lives that women like Britney are living.
But if you have never heard of such things then an introduction is necessary, so you can see for yourself the hidden meanings of the song lyrics I’m going to quote later, where Britney herself tells her fans & listeners about the abuse she is going through!
Nazi work on mind control and Operation Paperclip
During the Nazi era, some “scientists” were working on a method to control the human Body and Mind so that an Agent/Handler would be able to use the victim any way he wants, and make him or her do whatever he needs.. like puppet masters to a puppet.
That project didn’t end with the Nazis.. it was transfered to America, just like what happened to many of the German scientists that the CIA brought to the USA to complete their work!
Many of those scientists continued their studies (in Physics, Social Behaviour, Chemistry, Nuclear weapons, etc.) funded by the American government.
Some of the projects were kept secret so the public wouldn’t be shocked by their horrific nature.. and that included the “Meinung Kontrolle” that became MK-Ultra or Mind Control!
The congress was forced once to investigate when information about the project was leaked. (The original documents of this investigation is available online)
Monarch Programming and the MK project
Monarch Programming is a part of the MK project where the subjects/victims are mostly females. They are used mainly as (Sex Kittens) but are also “useful” for many other purposes.
The term Monarch of course is a kind of butterflies, and it may refer to the fact that the sex slaves are OWNED by their masters, body and mind, and that these masters see themselves as “monarchy” or Elite that have the Natural Right to enslave other humans!!
The symbolism of the butterfly is that it’s beautiful but weak.. and after a period of apparent death is transformed into something new, like the new personalities of the victims after the trauma.
The main goal of the Monarch programming mind control technique is to create Multiple Personalities inside the victim’s mind, separated from one another, so that she will have no recollection of her actions that were done under the control of the other personalities (usually called ALTERs)
It is an intentionally manufactured MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder).
The techniques used to “split” the mind are based on a simple psychological fact. Under extreme pressure, and after brutal physical & psychological torture, some human minds will try to defend their sanity by autumatically ERASING the horrible memories, just like bad sectors on a hard disk.
The mind will create Memory Walls around these traumatic events, so that the human being can continue to function, without these events crippling him.
The abuse of this psychological fact is the basis of monarch programming.
The handler creates the horrible memories intentionally, usually by sexually abusing the targeted victim, preferably at a young age!.. This works “best” if the abuser is one who the victim trusts, like a father or a guardian, so the shock effect will be bigger.
When the victim realizes that their is no escape from the contining abuse, then the second phase of the technique begins.. usually under the supervision of a psychiatric working with the handler.. some of them are even assigned by a court, under the impression that a “professional help” will make the abused girl heal!!
The mind of the victim then is at its weakes state, and ready to accept “suggestions” like (Forget all the pain by locking it up inside your mind) or (Let’s move all the bad memories to an ater-ego that no one can see but you) etc.
The victim comes out of this PROGRAMMING worse than before, but this time she is:
Crazy in the eye of society, so no one will believe her if she really broke out of her mental prison and tried to expose her handlers!
Uncertain of her sanity.. so can easily be convinced that what she thinks is happening to her is really Hallucinations!
A slave to her handlers, as they now have the keys to her different personalities, and can switch them as they want.
Some of the victims are usually implicated in criminal acts (drug dealing or worse) so they will always remain afraid of the authorities.. And to kill any remaining hope inside them, the handlers may make them witness real corrupt cops and judges so the victim will be convinced that there is no way out, and any attempt to escape or expose is futile.
The medical statistics show a massive growth in the number of MPD cases in the USA, which isn’t seen anywhere else on earth. The real reason is that most of these cases aren’t “natural cases” but manufactured. The modern books call the condition of these cases DID, which stands for Dissociative Identity Disorder, as the victim’s mind dissociates into many Alter Personalities.
The victims also dis-associate from reality to cope with all the abuse.
What are the victims used for?
They are mainly females, so “sex slave” is the usual career.
And as they are familiar with abuse, some of them are used in the porn industry, especially the pornographic category of Abuse, Humiliation, Slapping, S&M etc.
They are cheap, and do whatever the producer tell them to do, even if it’s degrading or painful.
Some of the male victims are trained to be future handlers themselves!, as they will obey orders silently and feel no remorse. It’s a vicious cycle that renews its horror.
Some special cases are used as political assassins, like Sirhan Sirhan, the Christian Palestinian immigrant who allegedly shot Robert F. Kennedy in the 1960s then lost every memory of the accident. He is still in prison, and even after more than 40 years can’t regain his memory.. but the investigations proved that he was suffering from some kind of “Hypnosis”, beside his natural tendency to accept “mental suggestions” because of the trauma he felt while a child (during the Israeli attacks)
He also had a head injury while working as a jockey in America, so controlling his mind was very easy later.
Another occupation for MK-Ultra slaves is as drug dealers. The shocking thing here is that they work for official departments!
And the explanation of that is as follows: The CIA has too many dark projects that can’t officially ask the government to fund them, because too many questions would be asked then. So they run other “operations” that can secure the funds needed. And what is more lucrative than smuggling & dealing drugs?!
What is “better” is that they use brainwashed puppets to do the dirty work and take the blame if something went wrong!
Sex Kittens are also used as political leverage, to implicate important politicians in sex scandals then use the tapes to pressure them any way the Elite wants.
Any politician who “gets out of the specified line” could be made to shut up easily that way.
Another popular use for sex slaves is to serve the masters’ dirty desires that any healthy sane woman will refuse to do. But this is a dark and disgusting subject that you may find more information on elsewhere, as I don’t want to talk about it in detail.
Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs and Politics
From all of the above you can see that the Mind Control is an industry that involves Sex, Drugs and Politics.. three of the most important things in the American culture. But what about the entertainment business and the pop culture.. where do they fit here?
The main reasons that the “MPD/DID” victims are used in the entertainment business are:
1 – Controlling the “Idols” that the masses love and mimic
2 – Using them as special high-class escorts to the VIP who are too powerful to be satisfied with “ordinary” women!
Michael Jackson was abused as a child, then was used by the “culture creators” to serve a specific goal. They wanted – for whatever reason – to convince the public to accept a black man when he turns “white” and acts in a childish/feminine manner. Then years later they wanted the public to accept a white man when he acts and sings like a black man, so they manufactured Eminem, and so forth!
This is a part of a Social Engineering agenda that other writers have written about extensively, so look it up.
(I recommend Alan Watt as a researcher who was part of the music business for years. You can also check the writings of Henry Makow, and Ben Singleon who used to publish his thoughts of a famous blog called psudo-occult media)
The second reason as I mentioned is to use the controlled famous celebrities as one-night prostitutes. Lots of millionaires pay a lot of money (to the handler who controls the female star) in exchange for having sex with these stars. Bear in mind that theses celebs are bred from the start to be “sex symbols”.
It’s a very profitable “industry” indeed, and its classic example is Marilyn Monroe.
Breakdown of Britney Spears
Now that you have all this information you will be able to understand the Breakdown that Britney Spears had some years ago.
You will understand the reason that she was smiling when she went into the hairdresser’s salon and asked for a complete head shave, so “no one can touch her anymore”!
She thought that making herself undesirable will stop her handlers from using her sexually.
She wasn’t breaking down but breaking out of her handlers’ prison! It didn’t work of course, but at least she tried.
Now they keep her in a semi-sedated state all the time.. I guess so the real original personality won’t surface on camera and expose the truth.
You can see that she is always afraid of the flashes of the cameras.. always clutching her fists and standing as an obeying soldier waiting for commands.
They used her kids to keep her “in line”, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they threatened to take them away if she gets out of line.
Her phone is monitored, the same as her web surfing!.. The few true friends she had were forced to get away from her by various means.
The Album she tried to use to “tell the truth” was censored and she was forbidden to release its songs.
This album was called (Original Doll) for obvious reasons. She went to radio stations behind her Label Company’s back to give the listeners samples of its songs, so the world will know of its existence and it’ll be hard for “them” to bury it!
Some of the songs were leaked later, maybe even by her. The most important to her was the song called Rebellion, which came at a moment in her life when she thought that she will be able to rebel on her handlers.
There is another song from her Chaotic album that was called Mona Lisa.. and it talks about her inner struggle with the alter ego, and her victory in the battle!
She even talked in the song about a “public fall” that was being prepared for her, to hurt her image and credibility. That was before the infamous breakdown incident!
Some of the lyrics are explicit and blatantly sexual in nature
Some of the lyrics are explicit and blatantly sexual in nature, and it might be referring to memories of some of the sexual acts she did while in her other personas.
And now you may be able to see the coming lyrics in a new light.
A story about Mona Lisa
This is a story, about Mona Lisa,
The Mona Lisa.
Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got a little story to tell,
About Mona Lisa, and how she suddenly fell,
You see, everyone knew her, they knew her oh so well,
Now I’m taking over to release her from her spell.
She’s the original
She wants you to know
She’s been cloned
She’s been gone
She was taken under,
Drowning in her sea,
Running like an angel,
She was crying and could not see
Now see everyone’s watching as she starts to fall,
They want her to break down and be a legend of her fall
She’s so unpredictable
She wants you to know
That she’s home, that she’s home
You used me,
Tried to abuse me
Now I’m gonna give him what he wants and more,
Do all those explicit things that I told you “No”,
Places you couldn’t go,
You know where I’m talking
Money, Love And Happiness
I’m about to go crazy
I know you wanna get in my head
I’d rather get in yours instead
I wanna run away to a place of Fairy land
of dreams, that is where I’ll find
everything I need to have a peace of mind
All it takes is money, love and happiness
Be wary of others
The ones closest to you
The poison they feed you
And the voodoo that they do
But in rebellion
There’s a sparkle of truth
Don’t just stand there
Do what you got to do
You’ll find it in rebellion
Your body starts breathing
They’re not believing what they’re seeing
‘Cause you’re rebellion
You’ll find it so compelling
With everyone yelling
‘Cause your soul, you’re not selling
‘Cause you’re rebellion
Over To You Now
Do you like this?
This place, that I’m bringin’ you to
‘Cause I do
Oh my God!
I know this place
It’s still a secret
And I don’t think you’ve ever been
It’s kinda hard, to find the entrance
You need some juice
But you’ll love it once you get there
This special place
It’s in the basement
You have to work your way around
The place is hot
And then it’s pumpin’
So are you ready to go down?
And when you come
You might be stuck here
(p.s: This song clearly is about anal sex)
Another song relevant to the subject is “Sweet Dreams (are made of this)’ which was recently covered by the actress Emily Browning as part of the sound track to the weird movie Sucker Punch.
This movie is intentionally shallow on the surface, but is heavy with mind control symbolism!.. One interpretation of its meaning is that ALL the main girls in the story are simply different alters to the main character (Babydoll), and the movie depicts her struggle to accept the conditioning and trauma she suffered.
Some of the alters are “killed”, while the handlers allow one of them to “escape”. The original personality then is erased completely with a lobotomy operation!
It is really a weird movie, but it’s obvious that the writer knows the trauma-based monarch programming technique too well!
Sweet dreams are made of this
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused
I wanna use you and abuse you
I wanna know what’s inside you
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