Tag Archives: Robert Duncan

Synthetic virus, AI and simulation matrix created to make a total slave society

This is the future we are headed if we don’t stop it…

DARPA Insider Dr Robert Duncan Says: Scientist On Verge Of Cataclysmic Discovery

This is highly important video. Just what we are headed to… it’s insanity. Human race and mankind will be doomed if this technology is in wrong hands. Please watch this video and you understand the insanity in the World much better:

Here is a book written by Dr Robert Duncan:

The Matrix Deciphered

Bio of Author

“True nobility is exempt from fear”.

– King Henry the Sixth, Part II (Act IV, Scene I).

Call me The Saint. I am the all American – prep school, Harvard College graduating with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. My famous ancestors are President Lincoln, King Duncan of Scotland, and Governor William Bradford, the first governor of Massachusetts.My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies‟ computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world. I have been a professor, inventor, artist, and writer. I am one of the last Renaissance men.

My projects have included algorithms f or Echelon and CIA natural language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integra ting HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and others. Projects that I have worked on outside of government contracts include my thesis on computer generated holography, a project making paralyzed people walk again using choreographed stimulated muscles movements, face recognition, voice identification and recognition, finger print recognition, and neural network robotic controller. My research interests moved to enhanced reality heads up displays and wearable computing systems. My current research involves finding a cure for the mind control directed energy weapons fiasco. The integrated global surveillance grid is actually part of the holy grail of weapons and human control systems.

My apologies to the human race for my contribution to tyranny. I was tricked into thinking it would not be misused by corrupt government especially in my beloved country. I was wrong. The Joint Non – Lethal Weapons Directorate has Skip Green on the governing board. One of my old colleagues at a technology think tank in Cambridge partly in charge of the radio frequency weapons testing for neurological disruption now torturing and killing people worldwide. Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have been knocked – off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time may be near. I am currently a professor in computer science and business, helping to educate the public on government corruption, greed, and stupidity. Like my ancestor Lincoln, I am fighting against mental slavery in a new Civil War engineered by the same useless elements in over 80 government agencies who have tested radiological, drug, and viral weapons on unsuspecting Americans for over 45 years.

I have great pride in the fundamental and constitutional values of America and me an no disrespect by my blasting the incompetence, apathy, and stupidity of those involved in the conspiracy of involuntary biological, chemical, and psychotronic human effects testing. There are so many brave men and women serving in the armed forces who fight and protect us for the American values they believe in. But because of the silos of information called compartmentalization in the security agencies and the lack of accountability and oversight of black operations and some top secret projects, diabolical elements become rogue or worse destroying the very country they are tasked with protecting turning it into a hypocracy rather than a democracy.

My goal is to awaken Americans to the continued horrific acts of military and CIA weapons testers in this country and the other branches of government‟s inability to stop them and hold them accountable. All I ask from the reader is to listen to testimony and validate facts presented here and come to their own conclusion. Then fight to win back America from this silent overthrow. This has been my project for about two years, investigating government corruption, incompetence, and cover-up upon which I accidentally stumbled one day while looking at a reverse MRI scheme to inject electromagnetic signals into the brain for virtual realityapplications.

I have interviewed over two hundred people and worked on the highest level of military projects for the U.S., NATO, and U.K. and have given videotaped testimony to senators and representatives on this topic resulting in lip service since they have no real power to enforce. Two high level FBI agents and a couple CIA agents have come forward to validate the existence of an MKULTRA-like project that continues to grab random people for mind control experimentation. Two of these have since become part of the program and endure daily psychotronic tortures. All the torture can be done using directed energy psychotronic weapons with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids.

I apologize to the human race for any contribution to these 4th generation weapons that I may have worked on that are more horrific than the nuclear bomb and whose cover-up is more pervasive than the Manhattan Project. And because of the horrific acts of violence beingcommitted on as many as two thousand Americans as far as my research has uncovered and many others in other countries, I understand the extreme risk to my own welfare that publishing this material will have. But freedom is so important to me that I know full heartedly that the human race must have an open discussion on these weapons to decide their own fate before the point of decision is gone, that I am willing to risk divulging so called national secrets. All I offer you is the truth. All information presented in this book was received through legitimate channels such as the Freedom of Information Act, military documents, victim testimony, and turned agents. I still hold valid the oath I took to keep secret the details of the projects that I worked on under DoD budgets. The majority of the proceeds of this book will go towards helping the psychotronic experiment survivors and surviving families of those that have perished. When the government fails, business and the citizens must look out for each other.

“Remember. All I offer you is the truth.”
– Morpheus, The Matrix

Link to this book:
The Matrix deciphered

Targeted Individuals

Here is some more information considering about synthetic telepathy and targeted individuals:

28 February to 1 March, the Presidential Commission on Bioethics discusses non-consensual experiments on human beings in the past, and is confronted with today’s experiments on human beings. Targeted individuals talk about their reality and what their life has become and looks like because of the experimentation done on them. Twenty stories are shared, 20 targeted individuals talk. John Hall, the author of the book, A new breed – Satellite terrorism in America is also present. A retired professor is taking note of the fact that doctor’s nowadays barely know anything about the Geneva Convention and the current laws that forbids non-consensual experimentation on human beings. A human rights activist has become a victim herself just because she tried helping targeted individuals. Amy Gutman doesn’t comment to much on the stories. (5 parts)








If you want more information, please check these documents:




MKULTRA, Neurological & Energy Weapons

Here is an update to this disturbing technology, which will haunt us in the future:

Published on Feb 21, 2013

Independent investigator Robert Duncan discussed directed energy and neurological weapons and his contention that they’ve been tested on the public at large. While directed energy is used in microwaves, to remove kidney stones, and in non-invasive surgery, it’s also been developed extensively for military purposes, he reported.

The civilian population was targeted for experiments, in programs such as MK-ULTRA, starting after WW II, when Nazi scientists were imported to the US, some working on scalar or gravity weapons, said Duncan. The town of Taos, NM, where a hum was heard by many citizens, was the subject of a directed energy experiment by the U.S. Navy, he claimed. And most recently the Active Denial System (see article below) was tested on human subjects.

Duncan said he interviewed over 600 mind control victims, and found some validity to their allegations. There are weapons that can project voices into people’s headssuch as one system known as “The Voice of God,” he detailed. Blocking techniques include jamming the signals with electronic scramblers, and using shields with metal alloys or mylar. He recommended the following websites for further information/assistance: mindjustice.org, raven1.net, freedomfchs.com.


Dr. Robert Duncan holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College amongst others. He has had the most expensive American education money can buy. He is an investigator, author, and soon be movie producer on the topics of directed energy, neurological weapons, psychological, and information warfare. His movie is called “The Enemy Within – Psychic Warfare”. A book he is co-authoring will be out in a few months called “Hacking the Human Mind”.

Dr. Duncan has worked as a business and information technology consultant to the Fortune 500. He has worked for companies like Oracle Corporation, BEA systems, HP, BBN, and as a professor at a college. For the department of defense he has written the artificial intelligence code to track the Soviet nuclear submarine fleet with passive and active acoustical arrays and has been to a couple secret NATA Navy underground bases in Europe.


Here is the Dr. Robert Duncan’s document about these weapons:

 >> The Matrix Deciphered – Robert Duncan

“Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.”

Mind rape is real… what, listen to this!

If you haven’t read Robert Duncan’s testimony about Mind Control etc.  maybe you should. Here is couple of words from his book:

I  apologize to the human race for any contribution to these 4th generation weapons that I may have worked on that are more horrific than the nuclear bomb and whose cover-up is more pervasive than the Manhattan Project. And because of the horrific acts of violence being committed on as many as two thousand Americans as far as my research has uncovered and many others in other countries, I understand the extreme risk to my own welfare that publishing this material will have. But freedom is so important to me that I know full hear tedly that the human race must have an open discussion on these weapons to decide their own fate before the point of decision is gone, that I am willing to risk divulging so called national secrets. All I offer you is the truth. All information presented in this book was received through legitimate channels such as the Freedom of Information Act, military documents, victim testimony, and turned agents. I still hold valid the oath I took to keep secret the details of the projects that I worked on under DoD budgets. The majority of the proceeds of this book will go towards helping the psychotronic experiment survivors and surviving families of those that have perished. When the government fails, business and the citizens must look out for each other.

Robert Duncan

So here Dr. Robert Duncan and Dr. John Hall, who tells about targeted individuals (TI’s) talks you about this horrific future of mankind:


>> Here is the link to Dr. Robert Duncan’s book called The Matrix Deciphered

>> Here’s Dr. John Hall’s website (http://www.satweapons.com/)


“Treat kindly every miserable truth that knocks begging at your door, otherwise you will some day fail to recognize Truth Himself when He comes in rags.”
AUSTIN O’MALLEY, Keystones of Thought