Many of you might know Joe Lynn Turner as a former singer of Rainbow and Deep Purple, but he released a very powerful album called Belly Of The Best. On that album he tells The TRUTH. And you just HAVE TO listen these interviews with him. He is ABSOLUTELY right the things in our world today:
Tag Archives: Satanism
Triumph Of The Beta Male
This is social engineering to the core. They just want to destroy the strong family units so that they can control people better. And what could be better way than feminize men and make them weak gays. Then when men are weak and families are broken and disabled they can take the absolute control of us. If you want to know more about this, all of it is designed and on the list of Elite/Illuminati or whatever you want to call them.
Here are couple of links for more info about social engineering:
An here is the small post from this agenda:
Gross no thanks; so unattractive. This image is being sold to males, and maybe started as a metro-sexual image thing.
These types as a BF or husband (lol) mean it’s ME that’s checking the oil and water on their (THEIR) car, me that relights the pilot light in a storm, mows the lawn, fixes things around the house as they appear, me who’s sanding and staining the coffee table, me that carried all the heavy stuff when moving, me that schedules car service, tradies, vet visits, me that notices the white ants in the timber, me that can use a gun, a router, a chainsaw, drive a truck, dig and prune the garden, climb the roof to check the roof leak, etc!!
I can do all those things myself (and I never wait for someone else to do something for me) – but I wouldn’t consider a man my ‘equal’ unless he can do them too.
‘Beta males’ would leave me no time to do anything because I’d be babysitting them. I need time to cook, clean, sew, and keep healthy so I can be Alpha Goddess to your Alpha Godlike persona!
Girly men are 100% Friend-zoned!
Males – get your Alpha on! – Impress us ladies with all that masculinity that we only have bits of from our little testostorone levels. We are different, and we like that you are too.
As a man, your goals are to grow big and strong and super-smart to protect your wife, children, mother, and grandmother.
#alphamalesftw #dontbelievethehype
This is not a joke. This is an actual major Hollywood magazine. This is what they have been politically, electronically and chemically nurturing men to be.
Women prefer alpha males. All of nature prefers the alpha. What more fucking proof do we need that The Beast, Hollywood and Mainstream Media/Pop Culture are trying to condition us against nature, make us backward, and thus dysfunctional? When men like this become the norm, who is going to fight for what is Right? These guys? Maybe by remote control or keyboard, and only insofar as they cannot get in trouble that way.
Can you see it?
Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military
by Jeffrey Steinberg
This article appears in the August 26, 2005 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. Reprinted from EIR, July 2, 1999.
On Feb. 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington, and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on Feb. 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci’s attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that “the evidence presented was credible.”
During the Feb. 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring. Her son, Johnny, then 12 years old, was kidnapped off the streets of West Des Moines, Iowa, on Sept. 5, 1982, while he was doing his early-morning newspaper deliveries. Since his kidnapping, she has devoted all of her time and resources to finding her son, and to exposing the dangers that millions of children in America face from this hideous, literally Satanic underground of ritualistic deviants.
“We have investigated, we have talked to, so far, 35 victims of this said organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul, and they can verify everything that has happened,” she told the court.
“What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the 1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold War because they felt that the other countries were spying on us.
“It was very successful. They could do it very well.”
Then, the Aquino bombshell: “Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He’s founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children.
“Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they’re questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.”
She continued: “They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white.”
Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: “I know that Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King’s activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children.”
Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his Feb. 5 testimony, Bonacci referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as “the Colonel.”
A second witness who testified at the Feb. 5 hearing, Rusty Nelson, was King’s personal photographer. He later described to EIR another incident which linked King to Aquino, while the Army special forces officer was still on active reserve duty. Some time in the late 1980s, Nelson was with King at a posh hotel in downtown Minneapolis, when he personally saw King turn over a suitcase full of cash and bearer-bonds to “the Colonel,” whom he later positively identified as Aquino. According to Nelson, King told him that the suitcase of cash and bonds was earmarked for the Nicaraguan Contras, and that “the Colonel” was part of the covert Contra support apparatus, otherwise associated with Lt. Col. Oliver North, Vice President George Bush, and the “secret parallel government” that they ran from the White House.
Just who is Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.), and what does the evidence revealed in a Nebraska court hearing say about the current state of affairs inside the U.S. military? Is the Aquino case some kind of weird aberration that slipped off the Pentagon radar screen?
Not in the least.
Aquino, Satan, and the U.S. Military
Throughout much of the 1980s, Aquino was at the center of a controversy involving the Pentagon’s acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside the military services. Aquino was also a prime suspect in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, including the children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area. Furthermore, even as Aquino was being investigated by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in the pedophile cases, he retained highest-level security clearances, and was involved in pioneering work in military psychological operations (“psy-ops”).
On Aug. 14, 1987, San Francisco police raided Aquino’s Russian Hill home, which he shared with his wife Lilith. The raid was in response to allegations that the house had been the scene of a brutal rape of a four-year-old girl. The principal suspect in the rape, a Baptist minister named Gary Hambright, was indicted in September 1987 on charges that he committed “lewd and lascivious acts” with six boys and four girls, ranging in age from three to seven years, during September–October 1986. At the time of the alleged sex crimes, Hambright was employed at a child care center on the U.S. Army base at the Presidio. At the time of Hambright’s indictment, the San Francisco police charged that he was involved in at least 58 separate incidents of child sexual abuse.
According to an article in the Oct. 30, 1987 San Francisco Examiner, one of the victims had identified Aquino and his wife as participants in the child rape. According to the victim, the Aquinos had filmed scenes of the child being fondled by Hambright in a bathtub. The child’s description of the house, which was also the headquarters of Aquino’s Satanic Temple of Set, was so detailed that police were able to obtain a search warrant. During the raid, they confiscated 38 videotapes, photo negatives, and other evidence that the home had been the hub of a pedophile ring, operating in and around U.S. military bases.
Aquino and his wife were never indicted in the incident. Aquino claimed that he had been in Washington at the time, enrolled in a year-long reserve officers course at the National Defense University, although he did admit that he made frequent visits back to the Bay Area and to his church/home. The public flap over the Hambright indictment did prompt the U.S. Army to transfer Aquino from the Presidio, where he was the deputy director of reserve training, to the U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center in St. Louis.
On April 19, 1988, the ten-count indictment against Hambright was dropped by U.S. Attorney Joseph Russoniello, on the grounds that, while there was clear evidence of child abuse (six of the children contracted the venereal disease, chlamydia), there was insufficient evidence to link Hambright (or the Aquinos) to the crimes. Parents of several of the victims charged that Russoniello’s actions proved that “the Federal system has broken down in not being able to protect the rights of citizens aged three to eight.”
Russoniello would later be implicated in efforts to cover up the links between the Nicaraguan Contras and South American cocaine-trafficking organizations, raising deeper questions about whether the decision not to prosecute Hambright and Aquino had “national security implications.”
Indeed, on April 22, 1989, the U.S. Army sent letters to the parents of at least 56 of the children believed to have been molested by Hambright, urging them to have their children tested for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), because Hambright, a former day-care center worker, was reported to be a carrier.
On May 13, 1989, the San Jose Mercury News reported that Aquino and his wife had been recently questioned by Army investigators about charges of child molestation by the couple in two northern California counties, Sonoma and Mendocino. A 9-year-old girl in Santa Rosa, California, and an 11-year-old boy in Fort Bragg, also in California, separately identified Aquino as the rapist in a series of 1985 incidents, after they had seen him on television.
Softies on Satan
When the San Francisco Chronicle contacted Army officials at the Presidio to find out if Aquino’s security clearances had been lifted as a result of the pedophile investigations, the reporters were referred to the Pentagon, where Army spokesman Maj. Greg Rixon told them: “The question is whether he is trustworthy or can do the job. There is nothing that would indicate in this case that there is any problem we should be concerned about.”
Indeed, the Pentagon had already given its de facto blessings to Aquino’s long-standing public association with the Church of Satan and his own successor “church,” the Temple of Set. This, despite the fact that Aquino’s Satanic activities involved overt support for neo-Nazi movements in the United States and Europe. On Oct. 10, 1983, while traveling in West Germany on “official NATO business,” Aquino had staged a Satanic “working” at the Wewelsburg Castle in Bavaria. Aquino wrote a lengthy account of the ritual, in which he invoked Nazi SS chief Heinrich Himmler: “As the Wewelsburg was conceived by Heinrich Himmler to be the ‘Mittelpunkt der Welt’ (‘Middle of the World’), and as the focus of the Hall of the Dead was to be the Gate of that Center, to summon the Powers of Darkness at their most powerful locus.”
As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains “to facilitate the provision of religious activities.” Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the “other” religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, “Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving ‘black masses,’ human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the ‘anti-establishment’ mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on ‘rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.’ ”
Not so fast! In 1982, the Temple of Set fissured over the issue of Aquino’s emphasis on Nazism. One leader, Ronald K. Barrett, shortly after his expulsion, wrote that Aquino had “taken the Temple of Set in an explicitly Satanic direction, with strong overtones of German National Socialist Nazi occultism…. One fatality has occurred within the Temple membership during the period covered, May 1982–July 1983.”
The handbook quoted “Nine Satanic Statements” from the Church of Satan, without comment. “Statement Seven,” as quoted in the handbook, read, “Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his ‘divine and intellectual development,’ has become the most vicious animal of all.”
From ‘Psyops’ to ‘Mindwars’
Aquino’s steady rise up the hierarchy of the Satanic world closely paralleled his career advances inside the U.S. military. According to an official biography circulated by the Temple of Set, “Dr. Aquino is High Priest and chief executive officer of the Temple of Set, the nation’s principal Satanic church, in which he holds the degree of Ipissimus VI. He joined the original Church of Satan in 1969, becoming one of its chief officials by 1975 when the Temple of Set was founded. In his secular profession he is a Lieutenant Colonel, Military Intelligence, U.S. Army, and is qualified as a Special Forces officer, Civil Affairs officer, and Defense Attaché. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the National Defense University and the Defense Intelligence College, and the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute.”
Indeed, a more detailed curriculum vitae that Aquino provided to EIR, dated March 1989, claimed that he had gotten his doctorate at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1980, with his dissertation on “The Neutron Bomb.” He listed 16 separate military schools that he attended during 1968–87, including advanced courses in “Psychological Operations” at the JFK Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and “Strategic Intelligence” at the Defense Intelligence College, at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
Aquino was deeply involved in what has been called the “revolution in military affairs” (“RMA”), the introduction of the most kooky “Third Wave,” “New Age” ideas into military long-range planning, which introduced such notions as “information warfare” and “cyber-warfare” into the Pentagon’s lexicon.
In the early 1980s, at the same time that Heidi and Alvin Toffler were spinning their Tavistock “Third Wave” utopian claptrap to some top Air Force brass, Aquino and another U.S. Army colonel, Paul Vallely, were co-authoring an article for Military Review. Although the article was never published in the journal, the piece was widely circulated among military planners, and was distributed by Aquino’s Temple of Set. The article, titled “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,” endorsed some of the ideas published in a 1980 Military Review article by Lt. Col. John Alexander, an affiliate of the Stanford Research Institute, a hotbed of Tavistock Institute and Frankfurt School “New Age” social engineering.
Aquino and Vallely called for an explicitly Nietzschean form of warfare, which they dubbed “MindWar.” “Like the sword Excalibur,” they wrote, “we have but to reach out and seize this tool; and it can transform the world for us if we have but the courage and the integrity to enhance civilization with it. If we do not accept Excalibur, then we relinquish our ability to inspire foreign cultures with our morality. If they then desire moralities unsatisfactory to us, we have no choice but to fight them on a more brutish level.”
And what is “MindWar?” “The term is harsh and fear-inspiring,” Aquino wrote. “And it should be: It is a term of attack and victory – not one of rationalization and coaxing and conciliation. The enemy may be offended by it; that is quite all right as long as he is defeated by it. A definition is offered: MindWar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war.”
For Aquino, “MindWar” is a permanent state of strategic psychological warfare against the populations of friend and foe nations alike. “In its strategic context, MindWar must reach out to friends, enemies and neutrals alike across the globe … through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth. These media are, of course, the electronic media – television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago.” Above all else, Aquino argues, MindWar must target the population of the United States, “by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest…. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States.”
While attempting to single-handedly co-opt the American Tea Party under his control, and while demanding publicly that the President and key administration officials resign their offices, General Paul E. Vallely is also active for the military–industrial complex neo-con warhawk Pax Americana global quest for the American Empire, by organizing guerrilla forces to take down the legitimate government of a sovereign nation-state, Syria. General Vallely’s guerrilla fighters will, of course, share duties against Assad with members of al Qaeda and/or related groups who seek to disempower the Syrian government.
And now for some “patriot” propaganda from the malevolent military–media complex (grab a gas mask!):
“Stand Up America”? Sit Down Vallely, you tool.
“Unbeknownst to most, ex-Major & ex-Lt.-Colonel Michael Aquino is now General Michael Aquino – and still working with NSA+. Approval of Michael Aquino to be elevated to the rank of General must have been approved in a closed Senate committee session, since there is no public record of Michael Aquino being considered to be a U.S. military General.” –Jim Dean, an editor at VT
“General Aquino is now the highest-ranking officer in the National Security Agency, along with General [Bill?] Black and General [Michael] Hayden. It is important to remember than General Aquino is first and foremost a military intelligence officer, with over 40 years’ experience in counterinsurgency operations, and an expert in psychological warfare. General Aquino’s psychological warfare campaign has started or infiltrated cults and other closed systems, as part of a concerted effort to control large numbers of people, and to destabilize the centers of constitutional and legal authority, both here in the United States and in other nations. This methodology is part of a concerted plan that spans several generations. The Church of Satan and the Church of Set, as well as other cults and mainstream organizations, are closed systems, with their own belief systems that are insular and separate from the reality that most people take for granted. These closed systems allow large numbers of people to be manipulated into performing antisocial acts that most members of the greater society would not contemplate. Aquino first participated in MK-ULTRA-related activities in Viet Nam, as part of the Phoenix Program in the 1960s. These ongoing MK-ULTRA operations are functioning as a counterinsurgency and infiltration operation, aimed at destabilizing the United States and other industrialized nations.”
MindWars and the Temple of Set with Michael A. Aquino (w. Sean Stone)
Doug Millar – Michael Aquino & Satanic Sex Ritual Child Abuse
Dr. Michael Aquino, Founder of the Temple of Set, on KHPR
Towards the end of October 2015, the USA’s ex-General Paul E. Vallely, a specialist in psy-ops, visited Paris.
In Paris three weeks ago – US General
The Friday 13th attacks on Paris look like a psy-op.
Child-molesting cults have been abusing “free exercise of religion” to practice their heinous, criminal activities – don’t fall for it! This is NOT what is meant by constitutional “freedom of religion” – license for the OTO and other Satanic groups to pursue their evil agenda. These people MUST be prosecuted immediately!
Supriem Rockefeller – possessed by Satan?
Supriem Rockefeller – Is it possible for a human being to be possessed by Satan? The idea has been explored in a number of horror films, but there’s a group working for the Old World Order that thinks it can be accomplished for real. They have identified twelve possible candidates, but, at the present time, the name of only one is known for sure: Supriem Rockefeller.
It is said that he considers that he was born as Lucifer, but is now “redeemed” and in synch with the “Supriem” Being. (Contrary to Christian propaganda, Satan and Lucifer are two entirely different beings. Many of the greatest misunderstandings in history have come from wrongly equating the two. A Luciferian has nothing in common with a Satanist; the first is a follower of light and the latter a servant of darkness. The idea of Lucifer being “redeemed” is absurd. Only Satan is in need of redemption.) Supriem claims to see himself as a great benefactor, the long-foretold saviour destined to at last bring enlightenment to humanity. But it would come as no surprise for a Satanist to seek to disguise his true nature.
Below, we have outlined the infinitely strange tale of Supriem Rockefeller. Is he mankind’s future Saviour or Destroyer? Or simply a fantasist, who, by moving in the right circles, has come across snippets of an ancient plan to bring Satan to earth and, to satisfy his narcissism, has decided to put himself in the frame. Judge for yourself.
The Old World Order sponsor a number of esoteric societies. One of the most sinister is The Brotherhood (or College) of the Shadows, once known as theOrder of the Golem and composed of Jewish alchemists and Kabbalists. The golem is a creature composed of inanimate matter (a “clay being”), an automaton, which can allegedly be brought to life when a rabbi places in its mouth a piece of paper with the true name of God written upon it. In the world of magic, the true name of “God” is invoked when the most powerful spells of all are cast. Moses allegedly used it to part the Red Sea, and Solomon to harness demonic forces to help him create the wondrous Temple of Solomon.
According to the Bible, Adam, having been fashioned from clay by the Creator and then had life breathed into him, must be considered the first golem. So the human race, tracing its descent from Adam if the Book of Genesis is to be believed, can be said to have the closest of relationships with golems. They are entirely compatible; just different points on the spectrum. Frankenstein, a being created from the body parts of corpses and then animated by a brilliant scientist, is a more modern tale of a golem. Dr Frankenstein could easily be based on a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadows, although there is no sure proof.
The ancient mission of the Brotherhood of the Shadows was to master every aspect of the golem and its interactions with humans. In modern times, they have become experts in artificial intelligence, cybernetics, the human genome, genetic engineering, cloning etc: every aspect of the “science of the double”. Many are elite scientists, being paid vast salaries. They desire to produce a perfect simulacrum of a human being, like the “replicants” of the film Blade Runner. Many of them see it as purely a scientific endeavour, but the higher ranks of the Brotherhood have very different aims.
They want to create 1) “Manchurian Candidates” (perfect, disposable assassins), 2) “doubles” to take the place of leaders in dangerous situations or to produce airtight alibis for leaders while they are engaging in nefarious activities elsewhere, 3) simulacra of soldiers who can be sent on the most dangerous missions, 4) doppelgangers for use in psy-ops against chosen targets (nothing is more psychologically disturbing than to suddenly encounter your own double), 5) young clones of old, dying members of the Old World Order into which their minds can be transferred so that they can be “reborn” in their prime.
Some of these things were done in the past with the help of magic and illusion and they have provided the basis for a whole host of stories, myths and legends concerning the “double” and “doppelganger”. (The legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail are closely entwined with the “double”. Arthur is conceived when his father, Uther Pendragon, via a powerful spell cast by Merlin, takes on the form of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall, and sleeps with Cornwall’s wife, Igraine, Arthur’s mother. Similarly, Galahad, the Grail Knight and more perfect version of Arthur, was conceived when his father Lancelot was duped into thinking he was sleeping with Guinevere when it was actually Elaine of Carbonek, daughter of Pelles, the Grail King. Are these just stories or do they hint at the existence of a real process that existed in the past for creating the illusion of a double? Also, note that both Arthur and Galahad were illegitimate, showing that they were born outside the rules of the Demiurge’s world.) The more technologically advanced of these concepts regularly feature in contemporary sci-fi stories and films. Many of these ideas, which often seem outlandish and far-fetched to ordinary people, are not far from coming to fruition. Humanity is sleepwalking into this disturbing future and has no idea what nightmares are coming.
The Brotherhood refer to all copies of real human beings as “shadows”. (They themselves like to stand in the shadows, hence their name.) Some of them dream of an entire world of shadows over which they can exert complete mastery. The “New World Order”, in the mouths of these people, is a codename for the creation of this shadow world in which the unruly, uncooperative masses are replaced by their compliant, docile simulacra. It is the horrific vision of perfect and permanent control by the Old World Order, in which real humanity is no longer welcome to participate.
(The Illuminati also preach a New World Order, but in the opposite sense to the OWO’s “vision”. The Illuminati want to see the power of the Old World Order utterly smashed, and for humanity to be genuinely liberated for the first time, led by meritocrats – those who demonstrate the greatest ability – who can come from any race, nation, sex or background and are not the children and beneficiaries of privilege. Above all, greed must be eliminated from the New World Order. In the expression Money is the root of all evil, “money” should be replaced by “greed” since it is greed that fuels the desire for excessive amounts of money.)
For the highest echelon of the Brotherhood of the Shadows, their task is the most sinister of all, but it is by no means a secret one. It is one long foretold and much discussed – to bring forth the “antichrist”, or even one level higher than that: Satan himself.
The Brotherhood of the Shadows reached the peak of their powers between 1600 and 1793. They saved many prominent aristocrats from the guillotine in Revolutionary France by substituting them with doubles.The famous story The Scarlet Pimpernel is said to be based on the activities of a member of the Brotherhood.
“We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
Is he in heaven? — Is he in hell?
That damned, elusive Pimpernel.”
The real Pimpernel was reputedly a master of the art of the double, and hence his singular ability to evade his pursuers.
The most controversial case of all regarding substitution by a double was supposedly that of Jesus Christ at the Crucifixion, which the Brotherhood of the Shadows, led at the time by Joseph of Arimathea, was alleged to have organised. In the Koran, it says: “‘Verily, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the apostle of God’, [they said]…but they did not kill him, and they did not crucify him, but a similitude was made for them…”
In 1793, the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Shadows was based in the important French port of Toulon, strongly pro-royalist in its sympathies. In August of that year, the city allowed itself to be occupied by a pro-royalist army supported by the British, Spanish and other enemies of revolutionary France. A powerful British fleet supported the land force. The revolutionary army laid siege to the port and, only after a long and difficult campaign, did they take the city. The inspiration for the revolutionary army was a brilliant young man called Napoleon Bonaparte. He was a Freemason, Rosicrucian and a friend of leading Jacobins, including the brother of Robespierre. Bonaparte, an artillery genius, found the optimal locations for cannons to dominate both the city and the British fleet. A secret task of Bonaparte was to direct cannon fire at the HQ of the Brotherhood of the Shadows. He succeeded in destroying it. Many of the Brotherhood were killed, including their Grand Master. Many of their most precious documents and books were lost, and irreplaceable apparatus that they needed for their work. It was a devastating blow that all but ended the Brotherhood.
As mainstream science grew ever stronger in the period 1800 to the present day, it was believed that the Brotherhood of the Shadows had either been dissolved or gone deep underground. Now, it is thought that they have re-emerged, having combined state-of-the-art science with their ancient occult skills, and they are being massively backed by the power and wealth of the Old World Order. Their leaders have been given carte blanche to focus on the darkest arts. This unholiest of alliances could scarcely be more disturbing. Humanity’s darkest fears may be realised. Why take the risk? Why not do what you can to ensure that the people seize power from the Old World Order and start running the nations of the world in the interests of all of the people rather than those of the privileged elites?
Egyptian occultist Rollo Ahmed said in 1936, “There are people walking our earth whose spiritual self is already dead or has detached itself from being sunk in matter. Some souls cast themselves so wilfully into the pleasures of the material world, living only for its power, its luxuries and riches, bodily beauty, intellectual brilliance and wit, that they lose even the smallest link with the Divine Spark within. Starved and ignored, this gradually detaches itself and returns to the Divine Source, leaving a living and intelligent corpse behind it. Others live lives of physical, moral and spiritual evil; until the ego or soul is literally lost and becomes swamped in darkness.”
This provides an accurate description of many of the members of the Old World Order. What Ahmed doesn’t mention is that it’s possible to prevent a human from acquiring a soul. Certain black magicians have specialised in this “skill”.
In the 1970s, the Brotherhood of the Shadows identified twelve possible candidates to host Satan. These twelve had to be born in particular circumstances. Renegade priests carried out black magic ceremonies to ensure that they were born without souls (because only soulless golems can be taken over by Satan). These “living corpses” seem to most people to be perfectly human, but they all exhibit a strange deadness of the eyes. (If eyes are the windows to the soul then what are the eyes like if there is no soul?)
The Brotherhood are said to have reinforced the DNA of the potential hosts using “triple helix DNA”, to make them robust enough to host Satan’s soul without being destroyed.
Satan, once he has become incarnate, will become the one-world leader, and the Great Tyranny will begin, much worse even than that of the Old World Order. Rex Mundi, the king of the world, the Demiurge himself, will be able to rule his creation in person before the coming of the Apocalypse.
Supriem Rockefeller is said to be the favoured host at the present time, although a prominent member of the Rothschild family has also been mentioned. It is thought that the successful candidate will have to prove his worth by excelling in the financial, political or military world and surpassing the achievements of all of his rivals, or will have to engage in a lethal struggle with the others. The last man standing will have demonstrated that he has what it takes – the requisite cunning, ruthlessness, savagery and lack of conscience.
2012 is said to be the year when the decision concerning which of the twelve empty vessels is to be chosen must finally be taken.
The Nazi Theory
One person who has done more than any other to bring Supriem Rockefeller to public prominence is Wes Penre. He has done excellent work (drawing him into potential danger), and managed to get very close to a number of powerful players. Wes is well aware that, when dealing with elements such as these, they may be feeding him misinformation and disinformation to steer him in the wrong direction and conceal their hidden agenda. However, Wes thinks it is vital to get the material, warts and all, out there because it all helps to reveal the workings and methodologies of the Old World Order. They are experts in propaganda and, like the most skilled of illusionists, in misdirection.
Wes’s work presents a radically different picture to the one presented above. It reveals a network that appears to be inspired by the ideas set out by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his 1871 speculative novel Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, about a master race of angel-like beings that lived underground and had mastered and harnessed an incredible form of energy called “Vril”. They lived in vast, beautiful caverns linked by tunnels, like a subterranean Shangri La. The Nazis wanted to learn the secrets of vril and wield it as the ultimate superweapon to reverse the tide of WWII as they stared catastrophic defeat in the face. The “Vril Society” was supposedly the core of the “Thule Society” that was dedicated to exploring the alleged links between the Aryan race and fabled Atlantis. (The Aryans were said to have travelled to Atlantis from their northern home known as Thule or Ultima Thule or Hyperborea). The plan was to reveal the possibly superhuman and extraterrestrial origins of the Aryan race and its rightful claim to being a “master race”. In modern times, the theory has evolved to embrace an alien race called the Anunnaki, Nazi bases in Antarctica, Nazi flying saucers, Nibiru, Aldebaran, stargates, the “hollow earth” hypothesis, Agharti, vril generators and so forth.
Wes Penre has said: “Supriem was born on the Winter Solstice 1974 on an air force base. The air force was strictly monitoring his birth and he was taken into custody immediately and grew up within a Rockefeller family. His birth was well prepared for in advanced and it was very important that he was born within a certain bloodline and at a certain time. He claims that his birth was even predicted by the Vatican since long.”
Wes is in regular contact with a group purporting to be the Thule society, who claim to have a vril generator at their disposal. They came into the picture when the “time was right”, tested his blood, activated the triple helix DNA embedded within him and tampered with his genetics to give him the unique power to be the world leader. Wes has said that the Thule society may genuinely believe they are a force for good. They portray themselves as humanity’s benefactors, helping to save mankind.
Supriem has allegedly claimed to be a reincarnation of Marduk Ra (later Amen Ra) and Lucifer in the flesh, and to possess the DNA of other deities from the ancient past, all in an extraordinarily potent mix. He insists he is not Satan, but Lucifer, the Bringer of Light, the world’s only hope for survival. His task, so he says, is to unite the leaders of the power elites behind him, have them follow him, accept him as their leader and use their vast wealth and power to transform the world and make it a new Eden. David Rockefeller and branches of the Rothschilds supposedly support him in his endeavours.
Supriem will, so the theory goes, act as a mediator between humanity and the Anunnaki, who will be returning to earth as “gods”, but who only want peace. One can only imagine that humanity would be cast in the role of slaves of the Anunnaki.
Supriem, with his allegedly heavily tampered DNA, is said to be complicated, unstable, deeply paranoid and dangerous. Even the Thule Society are thought to be concerned because they are afraid to lose control of the situation, and are unsure whether Supriem now has his own agenda.
Those who want to consider this matter in much more detail should look at the following links to Wes’s research (which we have used in the preparation of this article):
As ever, consider carefully and sceptically everything you read, and draw your own conclusions. The Rockefeller/Thule “plan” that has been fed to Wes is one that we completely reject and consider misinformation and disinformation, but it is for you to make up your own mind.
A summary of some of the main aspects of the theory, pulled from extracts from wikipedia, is shown below:
The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian deities. The name is variously written “a-nuna”, “a-nuna-ke-ne”, or “a-nun-na”, meaning something to the effect of ‘those of royal blood’ or ‘princely offspring’.
An esoteric neo-Nazi sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches a form of Gnosticism called Marcionism. They distribute pamphlets claiming that the Aryan race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran (this information is supposedly based on “ancient Sumerian manuscripts”). They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun. They teach that since the Aryan race is of extraterrestrial origin it has a divine mission to dominate all the other races. It is believed by adherents of this religion that an enormous space fleet is on its way to Earth from Aldebaran which, when it arrives, will join forces with the Nazi Flying Saucers from Antarctica to establish the Western Imperium.
Zecharia Sitchin (born 1922) is an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts, amidst other aspects of pseudoscience. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the “Anunnaki” (or “Nephilim”), a race of aliens from a planet he calls Nibiru, which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth’s own Solar System and asserts that Sumerian mythology reflects this view.
Nazi mystics believed in a historical Thule/Hyperborea as the ancient origin of the Aryan race. Much of this fascination was due to rumours surrounding the Oera Linda Book “found” by Cornelis Over de Linden during the 19th Century. The Oera Linda Book was translated into German in 1933 and was favored by Heinrich Himmler. The book has since been thoroughly discredited.
The Traditionalist School expositor Rene Guenon believed in the existence of ancient Thule on “initiatic grounds alone”. According to its emblem, the Thule Society was founded in 1919. It had close links to the Deutsche Arbeiter Partei (DAP), later the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP, the Nazi party). One of its three founding members was Lanz von Liebenfels (1874-1954). In his biography of Liebenfels (“Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab”, Munich 1985), the Viennese psychologist and author Dr Wilhelm Dahm wrote: “The Thule Gesellschaft name originated from mythical Thule, a Nordic equivalent of the vanished culture of Atlantis. A race of giant supermen lived in Thule, linked into the Cosmos through magical powers. They had psychic and technological energies far exceeding the technical achievements of the 20th century. This knowledge was to be put to use to save the Fatherland and create a new race of Nordic Aryan Atlanteans. A new Messiah would come forward to lead the people to this goal.” In his book “Mit ruhig festem Schritt” (1998), a history of the SA, Wilfred von Oven, Joseph Goebbels’ Press adjutant from 1943 to 1945, confirmed that Pytheas’ Thule was the historical Thule for the Thule Gesellschaft.
A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. “Thule” was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the furthest north. The term “Ultima Thule” ((Latin): most distant Thule) is also mentioned by the Roman poet Virgil in his pastoral poems called the Georgics. Although originally Thule was probably the name for Scandinavia Virgil simply uses it as a proverbial expression for the edge of the known world, and his mention should not be taken as a substantial reference to Scandinavia.
Said by Nazi mystics to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea, they identified Ultima Thule as a lost ancient landmass in the extreme north: near Greenland or Iceland. These ideas derived from earlier speculation by Ignatius L. Donnelly that a lost landmass had once existed in the Atlantic, and that it was the home of the Aryan race, a theory he supported by reference to the distribution of swastika motifs. He identified this with Plato’s Atlantis, a theory further developed by Helena Blavatsky, the occultist during the second part of the 19th century.
The existence of a Vril-Society was first alleged in 1960 by Jacques Bergier and Louis Pauwels. In their book Le Matin des Magiciens, which appeared in 1960, they claimed that the Vril-Society was a secret community of occultists in pre-Nazi Berlin.
The Berlin Vril Society was in fact a sort of inner circle of the Thule Society. It was also thought to be in close contact with the English group known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Vril information takes up about a tenth of the volume, the remainder of which details other esoteric speculations, but the authors fail to clearly explain whether this section is fact or fiction.
In his book Monsieur Gurdjieff, Louis Pauwels claimed that a Vril Society had been founded by General Karl Haushofer, a student of Russian magician and metaphysician Georges Gurdjieff. Pauwels later recanted many assertions in relation to Gurdjieff. Obviously belief in the existence of the Vril Society has persisted.
The Conspiracy Theory – Claims in detail
According to these authors, the Vril Society was founded as “The All German Society for Metaphysics” in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the “hidden masters” of Ultima Thule, and to practice meditation and other techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery of the divine Vril force itself. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system.
Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was allegedly formed from the ancient Sumerian word Vri-Il, “like god” (In fact, Vri-Il means nothing in Sumerian, and could not even be a Sumerian word, as Sumerian had no /v/ phoneme, nor does Sumerian allow consonant clusters at the beginning of words. While the Akkadian word for “deity” is indeed ilum, the Sumerian word is dingir.). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan’s nine daughters in Norse legend. Other sources state that the Vril Society was founded by an ill-defined group of Rosicrucians in Berlin before the end of the 19th century, while still others state that it was founded by Karl Haushofer in Berlin in 1918. Some sources state that the Vril Society was also known as the Luminous Lodge, or the Lodge of Light, though others claim that it was originally called the Brothers of the Light.
The Society allegedly not only taught concentration exercises designed to awaken the forces of Vril, their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and the alleged DHvSS (Die Herren des schwarzen Steins, The Masters of the Black Stone) to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens.
Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfre Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. These were original members of the Thule Society which supposedly joined Vril in 1919. The NSDAP (National Sozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist.
With Hitler in power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disc development programs aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine.
There is no evidence that a functional prototype was ever made. The claim of an ability to travel in some inter-dimensional mode is similar to Vril claims of channeled flight with the Jenseitsflugmaschine (Other World Flight Machine) and the Vril Flugscheiben (Flight Discs).
Hidden masters (the members of the Vril society and their antagonist, the Jewish World Conspiracy), an escape by Hitler and other Nazis from Berlin to the South Pole, flying saucers, secret Nazi inventions, and psychic channeling powers and Aliens from Aldebaran clearly are the elements of a conspiracy theory. As there yet seems to be no comprehensive scholarly examination of the proponents of this theory (except for some chapters in Goodrick-Clark’s Black Sun), their motives remain unclear.
Source: armageddonconspiracy
Sanity Requires Discernment & Self Discipline
If you are planning to keep on fighting The Truth & Freedom. You have to keep yourself healthy and strong mentally and physically.
Sanity Requires Discernment & Self Discipline
There is an imbalance in our lives. 95% of our thought goes to saving our skin; hardly anything to saving our soul. As a consequence, we are slowly going crazy individually and collectively.
“Amassing details about the Illuminati or corruption isn’t going to save us. We can foil the Satanists by having a moment-to-moment relationship with God. They want your soul. Nothing would infuriate them more than a massive worldwide religious revival.”
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
We are becoming more “externalized” than ever. What does that mean?
We seek satisfaction, knowledge and meaning outside ourselves, i.e. souls. Our happiness depends on manipulating the world to give us “ego strokes” . Facebook has turned us into “likes” addicts. If we write on someone’s wall and they don’t reply, we are miffed.
We are like squealing chicks waiting for benefactors to bring us juicy worms in the form of money, sex or recognition (“love.”) This sense that our happiness comes from outside ourselves is the cause of all addictions.OUR BIGGEST MISTAKE
The biggest mistake is conformity. In Thoreau words, is that “All anyone knows is the wind that blows.” Humanity is pretty clueless as to where it came from, why it is here and where it is going. Satanists control education and the mass media and their first priority is denying the existence of God, and our spiritual connection to Him.
We are born alone, tread a solitary path, and meet our maker alone, yet we spend our lives evading God, our constant companion. This Self evasion is experienced as emptiness and loneliness. Seeking happiness or guidance from society is looking into a “wilderness of mirrors” in T.S. Eliot’s words. When we watch a movie or even listen to music, we are stuck in the mindset of the artist. Entertainment rarely inspires, uplifts or nurtures the spirit. Human companionship often leaves us feeling dissatisfied and empty.
I once saw this graffiti: “If you hate being alone, other people must find you boring too.”
God is our constant companion by virtue of our soul.The Illuminati Satanists have made “God” a dirty word. God cannot be evaded or denied. He is Reality: Truth, Goodness, Justice, Love, Beauty, Bliss, things we all crave because they are inherent in our spiritual nature. How can “atheists” deny God when He is spiritual ideals. Can they deny the existence of spiritual ideals?
Atheism is simply a smokescreen for Satanism. Who can deny our craving for perfection?
Imagine the soul is light emanating from a slide projector. The slides are our thoughts. These slides are provided by entertainment and the mass media. We see a thought-slide of a steak, we salivate. A sexy person and “we” feel lust. We see a stock going up and “we” feel another kind of lust- greed.
The Illuminati is adept at providing an endless supply of these diversions. We are bombarded with nubile young women selling everything including the “news.” The Illuminati are constantly pushing sex in our face, a form of spiritual control.
Our real identity is not the mind or its thought-slides. It is the light. By keeping our minds still (clear), or thinking positive and eschewing negative ones, we can experience the light – immanent truth, beauty, goodness, and love.
“Muddied water, let stand, becomes clear,” said Lao Tzu.
Cambridge Platonist poet Henry More (1614-1687) wrote:
“When the inordinate desire after knowledge of things was allayed in me, and I aspired after nothing but purity and simplicity of mind, there shone in me daily a greater assurance than ever I could have expected, even of those things which before I had the greatest desire to know.”
Amassing details about the Illuminati or world corruption isn’t going to save us. We can foil the Satanists by having a moment-to-moment relationship with God. They want your soul. Nothing would infuriate them more than a massive, worldwide religious revival. This is the only thing that will stop the NWO.God is not an abstraction or something to be found in books. He is our soul. We need only locate Him in our being and defer to Him in our words and deeds. This is the essence of all true religions. Islam, for example, means “Obey.”Gradually, our identity shifts from the thought-slides to the light, and we distance our self from our animal behavior. This is the purpose of life. Self-perfection. By becoming the light. By shining the light. En-light-enment. I expect Jesus literally shone. He referred to himself and his disciples as the “light of the world.” The light is life and the path of human development. Worldly desire is the path of death and destruction.This quest is the dedicated life. I haven’t been able to achieve this but at least I have a goal. Our religion is our day. Not what we espouse but what we do.
The imbalance in our lives is because our “secular” society is a disguised satanic cult that denies the existence of the soul and God. Religion used to provide a balance between flesh and spirit. But our Cabalist masters have eradicated religion or rendered it meaningless. So the challenge is to fill the vacuum either by finding a genuine religious practice or by some other means. Ideally, we will devote time each day to restoring psychic balance by nourishing our spiritual identity through obedience to God.
Note: For those who want to explore this further, check out Thomas a Kempis or Eckhart Tolle: