Tag Archives: Time travel


The one and only true timetraveler Andrew D. Basiago tells the Truth:


1. Remote viewing was developed by the US military in the 1960’s years before it was supposedly developed at Stanford Research Institute [SRI] in 1972. It uses the human mind to travel to locations distant in space in real time or distant in time-space.

2. Spinning to induce out-of-body experiences so as to travel on the astral plane is an ancient occult practice. It uses dissociation of the mind to access while awake the astral realm that we access while we are lucid dreaming.

3. The Montauk chair was reverse-engineered from the pilot’s seat aboard a crashed ET craft, by which the ET pilot piloted the craft psychically to avoid collisions in space in light of the speed of the craft and the vast interstellar distances traversed. It uses magnetic transduction to boost human consciousness forward in time so that the individual in the chair pre-experiences a moment in his subjective future.

4. The teleporter, which opens up a vortal tunnel in the fabric of time-space through which the teleportee passes from Point A to Point B in several seconds, was invented by Nikola Tesla. It uses a field of radiant energy to open up the vortal tunnel in time-space. When the tunnel in time-space closes, the teleportee finds footfall in the location where the tunnel closes, either in real time or in the past or future.

5. The chronovisor was accidentally discovered by Vatican musicologists Father Pellegrino Ernetti and Father Augustino Gemelli when they were studying the harmonic patterns in Gregorian chants at the Catholic University of Milan in the 1940’s. Ernetti and Gemelli found that the microphone they were developing could pick up the sounds of past events. It uses holograms that are so dense that they have the effect of lensing non-local events into the laboratory which the time traveler can visit and explore while standing in the hologram. The advanced chronovisor was developed from a TV-like screen into a standing cubical hologram of moving, multi-colored light by US defense contractors under DARPA after the Vatican gave the chronovisor technology to the US government for further development.

6. The stargate is a Tesla teleporter that so concentrates the radiant energy that it derives from the quantum hologram that it can send the teleportee vast distances in time-space. Once inside the vortal tunnnel, the teleportee can see that the tunnel is identical to the tunnel walls of bluish-white holographic light produced by the Tesla teleporter, but since greater distances in time-space can be reached by the stargate, the teleportee spends more time in the tunnel and so has a greater risk of asphyxiation. It was via stargate that Project Pegasus was accessing 2045 in 1972.

7. The plasma confinement chamber was invented by Dr. Stirling Colgate, president of the New Mexico Institute of Science and Technology [NMIST] and a physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratories [LANL]. It uses radioactive plasma to propagate a wormhole which the time traveler travels in order to be embedded temporarily in a past event. When this local quantum field effect created around the chrononaut wears off, he experiences transitioning spontaneously back to his point of embarkation in the chamber without traveling via wormhole. It was via this device that Andrew D. Basiago was sent to Gettysburg, PA in 1863 in Spring 1972 as seen in the Josephine Cobb image of Lincoln at Gettysburg.

8. The jump room or “aeronautical repositioning chamber” [ARC] was developed in a joint venture between Parsons and Lockheed, possibly after being reverse-engineered from an extraterrestrial device or as a result of ET-human liaison in which the device was given to the US government by one of the Grey ET species. It uses an unknown process to relocate the teleportee on an interplanetary basis. In the CIA’s Mars jump room program, jumps between Earth and Mars tended to take about 20 minutes and involved the jump room “morphing” from a box to a cylinder and back again during the jump.

Copyright 2016 by Andrew D. Basiago. All rights reserved.


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The Philadelphia Experiment

Just refreshing some data on this experiment, which so few know about. Here’s previous post about this:

>> https://www.auricmedia.net/philadelphia-experiment-military-project-that-went-haywire/

And then something new…

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Philadelphia experiment originally began back in the 1930s in Chicago with three people. Dr. John Hutchinson Sr., who was the Dean of the University of Chicago, Nicola Tesla, and Dr. Kurtenaur, who was an Austrian physicist who was on staff at the University.

They decided to do something with the speculation regarding the concept of things and people being invisible. This subject had been discussed for several year. They got together and did some research at the University of Chicago around 1931 or 1932. In 1933 the Institute of Advanced Studies at Princeton was formed and the project was transferred there in 1934. One of the people on staff at the Institute was Dr. John Erich Von Neumann, who was from Budapest Hungary. He got his degree in chemistry in 1925 and his Ph.D. in mathematics in 1926. He taught in Europe for about four years and transferred to the United States. He taught at the graduate level for three years and was invited to join the Institute.

Other people at the Institute included Albert Einstein, who left Germany in 1930. He went to the California Institute of Technology for three years and taught there and then went to the Institute upon their invitation and acceptance. A lot of other people showed up there as time went on. The project expanded about 1936. In the meantime, Tesla was named director of the project. He was a friend of president Franklin Roosevelt, whom Tesla met in 1917 when FDR was secretary of the Navy.

Tesla was asked at that time to do some work for the government for the war effort, which he did. He accepted and became director of the invisibility project until he resigned in 1942. In 1936, after intensive study, they decided to have an initial test of their work. They achieved some partial invisibility. The Navy and everyone else was encouraged to continue the work, and the Navy supplied money for research.

Scientists were coming to the United States from Germany until 1939, when the war with Germany was started.

In 1940, after research using Tesla’s approach, they decided they were ready for a full test at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. They had a small ship and a tender ship at each side. One ship provided the power and the other supplied the drive for the coils. They were tendered to the test ship by cables. The idea was that if anything went wrong they could cut the cables or sink the test ship. Everything worked and the project was declared a success.

The important point about the 1940 test is that there was no one on board the test vehicle. It was strictly a dry run with no people. This is important because of what happened later. Other people came on board. Thomas T. Brown joined the project because of his expertise in electrogravity effects. He had the task of solving the problem of the German magnetic mines that were affecting allied shipping and Naval efforts. This led into a parallel project which involved the use of disguising coils and cables to explode the mines at a distance from the ship.

The Navy wanted several people to keep an eye on the tests. That is how I got involved. Keeping technical commentaries. Let’s look at Nicola Tesla.

In 1879 his father died and his first year at college ended. He came to the United States in1884. He had enormously intuitive insight. He had a perfect track record. Before coming to the US he had known Robert Oppenheimer, who later worked with the development of the atomic bomb, and Dr. David Hilbert, the mathematician who devised equations for Hilbert Space, which described multiple space or multiple realities mathematically.

These equations for multiple space became very important in the project. Dr. von Neumann met Hilbert in 1927 and retained a lot of what he had learned. With that, Von Neumann developed other new systems of mathematics. Von Neumann was considered to be one of the most outstanding mathematicians in this century. Some think he was better than Einstein. Another mathematician involved was Dr. John Levinson, who was born in 1912. He died in 1976. He published three books on mathematics. Levinson developed the so-called Levinson Time Equations. with all this behind them, the group had all they needed to proceed with the project.

After the successful 1940 test, the Navy decided to give the project unlimited funds and to classify the project. In 1942 Tesla was given a ship and a crew for a full sized test. Tesla got a battleship. Tesla and Von Neumann didn’t agree on some things. Tesla insisted that they were going to have a very severe problem with personnel. Tesla wanted more time but the NAVY wouldn’t agree. Tesla made periodic announcements in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s about his contact with off planet species. He was in contact with the outside, who agreed that there was a problem with the people. He decided to sabotage the 1942 test in an attempt to stop the project. He de-tuned the equipment so nothing would work. The test failed. Tesla then turned the project over to Von Neumann in March 1942 and left the project.

Von Neumann went to the Navy and requested time to study the problem to determine what had gone wrong. Von Neumann decided to make changes in some of the equipment. He decided he would need a special ship that was designed from the ground up. The Eldridge was selected. The equipment was built into the ship. They put all the equipment on the ship. October 1942 arrived. They selected 33 volunteers for the crew, who arrived after graduation in December 1942. We still have a picture of the class.

After the ship was out of drydock work began. In May of 1943 von Neumann installed a third generator. It would never synchronize with the other two. It went out of control one day and zapped one of the men. Von Neumann pulled out the third generator (installed because Tesla had convinced Von Neumann of the potential problem with people) and went back to the original design. In mid June, the ship had sea trials. On July 22, 1943, they had the test. The ship between radar and optically invisible. They discovered people very disoriented. The Navy pulled the crew off and consulted Von Neumann, who requested more time again from the Navy. The Navy, after consultation with higher-ups, announced that the drop dead date was on the 12th of August, 1943. Von Neumann voiced his concern that it wasn’t enough time.

The Navy decided that it just wanted radar invisibility and not optical invisibility. The equipment was again modified by Von Neumann. August 12th arrived. We knew things were not right. The test began, and for about a minute everything was all right. The ships outline could be seen in the water. There was suddenly a blue flash and the ship disappeared entirely. No radio communication was possible. It was gone. In about three hours it came back. One of the masts was broken.

Some personnel were partially embedded in the steel deck. Others were fading in and out. Some disappeared entirely. Many were insane. The Navy extracted the crew and proceeded with four days of meetings to decided what to do about the problem. They decided there would be one more test with another dry run without personnel. They conducted the dry run using about 1000 feet of cable attached to another ship. In late October 1943 the test occurred. The ship disappeared for about 20 minutes. When it returned, they found equipment missing. Two transmitter cabinets and one generator was missing. The cabinet with the zero-time reference generator was intact. At that point, the Navy stripped the ship and stopped the project. The Eldridge served in the war and was turned over to Greece at the end of the war.

The important thing is that there were two tests that were exactly 40 years apart to the day. It was a 40 year separation in hyperspace. Now, the Earth itself has a biorhythm that peaks on a 20 year cycle on August 12th. It “just happened” to peak and provided the connecting link through the fields of the Earth for the two experiments to lock up in hyperspace. Walk-in efforts are aided if they occur during this peak.

The ship was pulled into hyperspace. We were inside the ship and knew something was drastically wrong with the test. We tried to shut it off but it wouldn’t shut off. We ran out on deck and jumped over the side of the ship. We jumped overboard but ended up in a time tunnel which ended at Montauk, Long Island on August 12th, 1983. At night.

We were found very quickly and taken down stairs, where Von Neumann greeted us. He expected us. It was a bit of a shock. We had just been in 1943 and now we were in 1983 looking at Von Neumann as an old man. He said that there was a hyperspace lockup and that we had to go back and shut off the generators on the ship or the hyperspace rift would keep increasing and possibly engulf the planet. He had been waiting 40 years for us to arrive.

Montauk sent us back and we smashed the equipment with axes. The ship returned to its original point in space and about three hours later in time. From 1943 on, Von Neumann didn’t know what happened. He had modified earlier equipment in 1943 to where he had a full blown time machine. The Germans also were working on time travel, and had it working in 1945 just before the end of the war. This is all a matter of record.

After the Navy decided to shut down the project in 1943, Von Neumann was sent to work on the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos until that was over. In 1947 there were major changes in the Department of Defense. Someone in the new structure decided to dig up the Philadelphia project to see if they could find out what went wrong. They asked Von Neumann to “take another look” at the project. He agreed.

There is another matter. Starting about August 6th, 1943, UFOs appeared over the Eldridge for about six days. They were there during the test. One of the UFOs was sucked up into hyperspace with the Eldridge and it ended up in an underground facility in Montauk in 1983. It contained a charging device which some aliens made us go back and get for them, as they didn’t want humans to have it. We don’t know who they were. Pruett was concerned about an alien invasion.

Also, Von Neumann was called by the government to come and assist in the examination of a crashed UFO in 1947 at Aztec. Another crash occurred at Aztec about a year later. The first crash had greys on it and none survived. At least one occupant survived the second crash. The radar systems unintentionally brought down the craft. Radar was used intentionally after that until the aliens got wise to it.

The occupant of the second crash was not a grey, and Von Neumann got to talk with it. Von Neumann asked it what the answer to the invisibility problems could be. He learned that he had to go back and do his homework in metaphysics. The nature of the problem was that the personnel on the ship were not locked to the zero time reference of the ship. Humans are normally locked to the point of conception as a time reference, not a zero-time reference. The time stream lock allows the person to flow in synch with the system so interaction is possible.

Time locks are fragile. All the power of the project disrupted the time-locks of the people on the deck on the ship. When the ship came back in time, the people didn’t come back to the same reference.

Von Neumann realized that he needed a computer, as well as some knowledge of metaphysics in order to be able to lock the time reference of the people to the time reference of the ship. He built a computer in 1950 for the purpose. It was ready to be installed in 1952 and a test was performed in 1953 that was successful. They didn’t go floating off into space when it was over. At this point, the Navy canceled Project Rainbow and changed the name to project Phoenix.

A lot came out of the negative effects of the Rainbow project. Some of it led to mind control research programs in the Phoenix project. The invisibility research produced some Stealth technology as well as other highly classified projects.

In 1983, they decided to apply mind control to all participants in these projects in an effort to cover them up. They had also been working on another project: age regression. Now, Tesla had sought back in the 1940’s to develop equipment that could help the members of the crew after they lost time-lock . The government developed it into the age regression program. It was physical age regression. A person retained the memory they had from the older age.

Tesla’s theory was that if you took the individual’s time-lock and moved it forward in time than you would remove aging. That’s what happened. It took between 30 and 60 days for the body to complete the change to the new time reference.

When our astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969 they were greeted by a fleet of disks sitting on the rim of a crater. The astronauts asked their superiors if they knew about these disks. They were told “yes”, that they were American disks. The astronauts were angry at being used as public relations men by the government.

Well, the aircraft combines two aspects for invisibility. One of the aspects relates to the construction and coating applied to the surface. The other aspect relates to an electronic type of invisibility package which is a result of work done on the Philadelphia experiment years ago. Also, the stealth has a secondary drive system which is very advanced and allows it to fly in space. The assistant director of NASA admitted that this came straight out of alien technology. He admitted this to the public.

There are breaks in the government secrecy programs that are starting to show up. More and more people are getting totally disgusted with government activities and attitudes and they are beginning to talk.

The Phoenix Project was a project that evolved out of the Philadelphia Project. It was a project that the Navy did in the 1930’s and 1940’s in an attempt to make ships invisible. They threw the switch one eventful day and the ship went into hyperspace. They had all sorts of problems with the people on the boat. It was a huge success as well as a huge failure – then they shelved it. Around 1947 it was decided to re-activate the project and it was moved to Brookhaven National Laboratories with Dr. John Von Neumann and his associates. Out of Phoenix I came Stealth technology. It also produced all sorts of energetic little toys like the radiosonde.

The radiosonde was a little white box that they attached to a balloon and sent up into the atmosphere. The government told people that it involved gathering weather data. It used a very unusual type of pulse modulation. In most cases they used a CW (continuous wave) oscillator and pulsed the signal. This turned out to be a very efficient conversion of electrical energy to etheric energy. They were designed up at Brookhaven National Labs. I started to talk to people at Brookhaven and ran into a retired gentleman who used to work there. He told me that the design was originally done by Wilhelm Reich.

The story goes that in about 1947 Wilhelm Reich handed the US Government a weather control device, a device that would do DOR-busting. Reich thought that if he could decrease the amount of DOR that storms would not be so violent. (DOR is the result of orgone energy coming into contact with an enclosed radioactive source). Deadly Orgone Energy is DOR. The government sent the device up into a storm and it did reduce the intensity of the storm. They worked.

The Montauk Project was a combination of Wilhelm Reich’s work and the Philadelphia Experiment. There were two separate projects going on in Phoenix One. You had the invisibility aspect and you had the development of Wilhelm Reich’s weather control. Toward the end of the Phoenix project, by using some of Wilhelm Reich’s concepts and some of the transmission schemes used from the “radiosonde” project, they found that you could combine the two -factors and use them for ‘Mind Control’.

The people who were running it went to the military and proposed that they could use it to “influence the minds of the enemy”. The military loved the idea, and let them use the old Montauk Air Force Base. Among the equipment requested was an old SAGE radar unit, which was on the base. The base was shut down and everything was auctioned off. The group then moved in from the Brookhaven Labs. That began what we call Phoenix Two. They spent the first ten years from about 1969 to about 1979, researching pure mind control.

The first part of the mind control project was to take an individual and stand them about 250 feet away from the antenna. The SAGE radar had a peak pulse power of .5 MW. The antenna had a gain of 30db. That means an effective radiated power of at least a gigawatt. It was nominally a gigawatt. Can you imagine what that would do to people? I think its amazing these people are still here. It does things like burn out brain functions, create neurological damage, scar lungs from heat, etc. They tried this with a number of people and there were few survivors. The subjects were often indigent people they grabbed off the streets.

The project was controlled by Dr. John Von Neumann and Jack Pruett. About 30 people worked there. It was a joint project…Air Force & Navy. Original funding came from the Nazi government funds. In 1944 there was an American troop train that went through a French railroad tunnel carrying $10 billion in Nazi gold which they had found.

It was $10 billion at the 1944 price of $20 per ounce. The train was blown up in the tunnel. It killed 51 American soldiers. The gold turned up ten years later at Montauk. This has been verified. That money was used to finance the project for many years as the value of gold went up.

They spent all of it and ran out of money. That’s when they tapped on ITT, who funded it. ITT was owned by Krupp in Germany. In terms of personnel, many of the civilians and scientists there were all ex-Nazi’s who came from Germany both before and after the war ended.

The project was under US Government surveillance. The intelligence community knew what was going on and the CIA monitored everything, as did other government intelligence agencies. The field of players who actually operated on the base was small, between 30 and 50.

The funding was entirely private. After 1983, Senator Goldwater found out about it and started an investigation. He couldn’t find any trace of government funding. Pruett was the metaphysical director of the project. He was Air Force. After he left Dr. Herman C. Untermann took over. They had an electronics expert, Dr. Mathew E. Zerrett, who came over from Germany in 1946 with Werner von Braun. Probably the reason that they ran out of money is that they had a total of 25 bases around the United States to support. The last of the bases shut down August 12, 1983. The base at Montauk, where all the stations got their zero-time reference from, shut down and the other two remaining bases went down with it.

Other experiments included time travel. No one has picked up a tangible future beyond 2015 AD. There is a very abrupt wall there with nothing on the other side. A working time vortex was created to the future.

At one point a creature came through and everyone went into a panic. They shut the transmitter off. The creature ate people and equipment. They had to go back and shut down the unit in Philadelphia in order to shut off the unit in the future so they could stop this creature in 1983. This was on August 12,1983.


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Donald Marshall about the real Groundhog day effect

Everybody knows the movie called “Groundhog Day” by Bill Murray, right? What if the story of it could be real and they use the CERN’s LHC device to do it? Here’s Donald Marshall’s info about real Groundhog Day:



Donald Marshall Quantum hopping,… Yet another reason why the celebs won’t talk… Would just get groundhog day’d and killed. I didnt even wanna talk about the hadron colliders as its so star trek its hard to fathom the tech could exist… And then with cloning and vrill lizards and droning,… Would endanger my mission to add even more crazy tech they have.

… They NEVER talk …Even if they go on national tv and blab the whole thing,… They will use the Hadron collider to collide protons, (project pegasus) which will BLAP the day back to the last time they collided protons, JUST like the movie groundhog day with Bill Murray,… Back to the previous day… And then just kill them somehow before they can make that press conference again…. Sounds retarded I know but thats what colliding protons does,… One of the functions… Pretty foolproof security. BUT they can only do that 9 times… 9 timewaves they call it…. Any more and a black hole will appear in the center of the earth and swallow the solar system… On the 10th time definetely, on 9th its still risky,… They did it to me many times when I exposed vrill,… Put it back and tortured me bad that night, sayin dont do it again,… Id just do it again,… Then they’d collide protons again, that night do it again dont do it,… I just did it again…. Until timewave zero when they HAVE to go with what happens or black hole… They made a song about it, about me fighting through the timewaves, (groundhog days) You don’t know the ordeal Ive gone through to expose this stuff…

They all thought it was incredible how I would just keep going next day,… But they only usually risk the day do over like 8 times… But it was bad… And it messes up peoples clocks all over the world,… Forward or back a minute for almost all clocks… I dunno why. Proton colliders do other stuff too but I only know about the groundhog day thing. The Grendel video has all kinds of refwerences to me and the apocalypse… References to how they think I’m new age jesus and all… Mk ultra mental visualizations, chips in the heafd all kindsa stuff… And at the end it shows how I’m going to need a new heart if I survive… Watch it, I made the song too while therte as a clone. At 4:36 it shows how they want me to die and be reanimated as a dead consciousness clone.

Collider has been used hundreds of times. First collision sets the start date… Then day or 2 later if they collide again they go back, whole universe goes back to the original collision… But people with chips in their heads recall the erased day, some others get deja vu but thats all… They do it with lotsa stuff for many applications. .they collide protons and theennn. If tila goes on tv and tells all about cloning n lizards with a vrills dead body and everything and people freak out panic in the streets,… Rioting, the queen is killed bad governments hung from lamp poles… The guys at the proton collider thing just slam protons again…. BANG. Were back to before Tila told all… Then they just kill Tila and problem solved… Thats how it works. Tila’s televised speech never happens, no riots no nothing… Its a pretty reliable security feature. But they can only do it a max of 9 times… And usually only do it 8 because of the black hole risk… I had to fight through 8 timewaves a bunch of times getting retortured worse and worse each time while theyre trying to deter me from making original letter, exposing vrill and all… I took the pain and soldiered on,… I thought they could just keep doing it, i thought all was futile then, but found out after keeping going for a while they only do it for 8 timewaves…Made me half insane but info is out now… Now people have to spread it,… Or all is lost. Dont make me have had to go through all that for nothing…. I won’t even describe what theey did to me,… Surgical procedures on my clones… I honestlyam now some kind of crazy, but anyone would be,… I maintain mental cohesion only to complete my mission. But its everyones mission, they just dont realize it yet. Vrill want drone world,… And China is only too glad to help, as long as China dont get droned,… Which they will be once all other countries are taken care of. Made the movie Groundhog day about it,

Theyre all terrified to talk,… BUT since I’m looking at re-animation and death after death after death anyway, I have nothing to lose,… Cant threaten my family theyre IN. It… Cant threaten my daughter, shes loyal to them now and hates me out of neccessity, and all mu friends are scared away,… Nothing to lose… Im the last hope.

Grendel : Timewave Zero (Official Music Video)

Read more: http://donaldmarshall.proboards.com/thread/147/hadron-collider-manipulation-project-pegasus#ixzz3RDmOvzR5


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The Vajra Chronicles – Part II

The Vajra Chronicles – Part II Story continues…:

Sean David Morton (image source)

DOUG: Also in your time… today most of us travel by car, individual automobiles. (Mutual laughter) How do you travel in your time?

VAJRA: I took my children to the museum and they had a very well preserved ‘shopping place‘… it was called a “Mall“… – A humorous name! – (Laughs) Like being chewed by an animal! – and my children get great fun from driving these combustion engine vehicles. We have them still preserved in certain places.

They are only allowed in very limited areas simply because of the filth, violence and the great noise that they produce.

We primarily use the trans-disks which are a form of magnetic that creates a field around us. They are circular and they have a brace that comes up around the hips with a belt that goes around the center and these disks create an electromagnetic energy field, an antigravity field if you will, that allows us to travel at great speeds across the surface of the planet with no harm to the earth and to harm to ourselves.

There are however also the IDAPs, Inter Dimensional Access Portals, which are called the doorways or ‘Boom Tubes‘.

These are antigravity engines, and these engines, using an antimatter process, can actually create a rift if you will, a doorway which can take you anywhere on the planet you want to go.

There was experimentation that was originally done with the concept of teleportation, actually introduced for cargo in latter half of your century, but we abandoned those concepts primarily because they meant breaking down the structure of the human body and then transmitting the structure from place to place and then having to actually reassemble that actual physical body into the original pattern and energy matrix which we found too violent to the spirit in the body.

And so with the antimatter engines that we have developed, allowed us to be able to create a time-space warp so that all we are doing is bringing one area of time-space to another so we would simply walk through the door and be at the location that we were required to be.

Now we still have the disks.

We still have travel back and forth which is primarily done through electro-magnetics and through the antimatter/antigravity drives that brings supplies and travel back and forth between here and the Moon.

We have not yet been allowed to journey to Mars as their are still beings there who have not yet allowed us to expand to that planet but we hope that within the next 20 years, that we will begin to create rather large colonies there on Mars once we have proven the fact that we have evolved to the point where we are beyond our violence and we are beyond our inconsideration and our death wish for ourselves and for others.

So we have the IDAPs, we have the trans-disks, those are the primary means.

We still use horses, they are a great joy and great fun to keep. We still use a large number of carts, these are much for enjoyment, but also much for easy transport. We still have bicycles which we use, but the trans-disks primarily and the hov-car for taking the family to places, and there are so many of them, we use the hov-cars which have basically the trans-disks underneath the bottom of them which also allow us to then sit in a carriage and so we don’t need the same type of roads and asphalt.

We travel above the earth and on the electromagnetic lines of the planet which allow us to go where we wish to go without any harm to ourselves to others or harm to the planet. This was a technology that was pioneered some time ago and there was a trade, or a trade off if you will, between ourselves and the Sky People, which may be announced soon.

But this technology was handed down, or taken by force in some cases. 

DOUG: Do you remember when the trans-disks came about?

VAJRA: They began before my life time and so they were, I would say, well they were about 15 years after the change.

They came about in 15 AI or so. But many of these things were technologies that were left over from the great war. After the great war there were amazing technological developments that came about after that conflict. There were things that, from reading in grandfather’s journals were amazing.

There were technological advancements that had been hidden from the people for so many years that came out in remarkable ways and I, that conflict, that last great war of humanity, though it caused great death and great destruction, was also in many ways responsible for providing us with many massive technological advances which make much of what we do today possible. 

DOUG: Can you tell us a little bit about the war?  When it started, how it started, who was involved?

VAJRA: We can’t go back and talk about Architecture can we?

(Audience laughter)

VAJRA: (A pause, a deep breath and a heavy sigh.)

There were actually a number of wars, but from our perspective it looks like one, long 27 year conflict. Just as your entire dark 20th Century looks to us like one long war from 1914 AD on, with the various sides only stopping long enough to catch their breath and rearm!

There were great forces that were allied against each other, primarily China and the Jihads, or at that time what were called the Islamic Jihad although there were a number of factions, and I know the great overview of this because even though so many of the records were lost, I remember the beginning of the war started when many people began to be murdered in India and Israel, and it had to do with – and we still even have this in our history – the great battle that took place when Pakistan attacked India with troops and limited nuclear weapons.

This was the beginning of the last great conflict. And this conflict did not occur all at once.

It spanned nearly 27 of your old standard years. It lasted from… 6 years… from your dating… 1998, when the rumblings and skirmishes started, until 2025 to 2027, when the smaller battles were winding down… it was in that period of time, 2027, when the last great meteor struck, and I am not sure if the meteor was somehow artificially aimed at the planet or whether or not the meteor struck from natural causes.

That was what put an end to all the insanity. At that point we all had to work with each other just so mankind as a species would survive. That time, beginning in 2025, was probably the lowest spiritual point for humanity in all history.

That great meteor tilting the Earth and knocking it off its rotating axis for a period of time was what was responsible for the last great inundation of the northern areas of what was Africa, of the above land areas of what was Europe and much of Russia. Many of those waters, however, did subside and there are large sections now that are underwater but many large sections that have risen above water after that. The Earth will always be 2/3rds water, 1/3 land, just as is the human body, so some masses rose as others sank.

The great wars began primarily as a final conflict between China, between the Islamic Jihad, and between what was then called Europe, The United States and Russia.

There was great hope at first as what were called the Communist regimes of first Russia and then China collapsed. North and South Korea reunited, and it seemed that perhaps an age of peace would ensue.

But China becoming ‘Free‘ made her even more dangerous, and soon she wanted all the comforts, technology and resources of the west. The tragedy was that you in America built her industries, her technology, her entire economy, which was all being converted for the purpose of war against you! The government knew it.

The people knew it, but you, as we say, “you sold them the rocks with which you were stoned!” From our perspective it was the insanity of greed from all sides that nearly destroyed your world. That is why that thinking is so vile and repugnant to us now.

Our country, the NAU or the Turtle Island, was not involved in many of the conflicts. We pride ourselves that there were only two or three great battles that were fought around the turn of the great age that resulted in our defeat. And from that point on, there was much civil war that was happening here in the NAU and because of the Civil Wars and the breakup of the political system here into the current 13 Sovereign Nation/States… this is much of what caused our Nations and Countries to refrain from being involved in this conflict.

This sadly, however, in some ways made things worse. We fought the final war against China, after they had taken Taiwan, Viet Nam, Japan, all of South East Asia and Australia. Their confederation became popularly known as The Kings of the East, or The Great Dragon.

They invaded America last, coming across the Bering Strait over Alaska, down into the Pacific Northwest, through what is now called Eden, with an Army of 200 million! Not since the days of the Mongols had such an army been seen! Only about half that number actually reached our shore. But no matter how many we killed, they just kept coming!

They were like ants, or a swarm of angry bees! And they were more savage and brutal than anything that had ever been seen.

They killed everything in their path. No one was spared. They were finally stopped by our wonder weapons, (which had killed half their number along the way), and by direct intervention by what were thought to be the Sky People (although that is still a mystery), and the final battle was fought in what was called Denver, Colorado, but which we now call “The Plateau Of Judgment”.

To this day, China is still a wasteland and cannot be inhabited for another 100 years. Almost a billion people translated in the blink of an eye. (Tears are streaming down his cheeks.) So much horror. So much pain.

The conflict began, as I said, with the attack of Pakistan against India. And there was ‘The Nameless One‘ who was the one responsible for most of the great destruction and great terror that began in the Middle East that was then strewn across the planet and the final invasion and destruction of Jerusalem in, I believe, 2006.

He and the Chinese Horde were the last great evils. 

DOUG: Is he the one… your grandfather has talked to us before about, the one that is called the Antichrist. Would this be the same person?

VAJRA: Om. Jamal. Which is truly the sickest of jokes, because his name meant ‘The Beautiful One‘.

DOUG: Okay. So the United States doesn’t get too involved until much later in the Great War?

VAJRA: The old United States are involved early on, and because of great defeats that are suffered, military defeats, the United States here are no longer involved.

That is why our countries survived much of the destruction. We withdrew much of our military might and used it to protect and defend our countries and our shores.

However, please remember that we were not much involved at first because many of the independent countries here were beginning to break away (the ‘Disunited States of North America’?), and as those countries broke away, leading to the political system and structure that we have now, they were not interested in becoming involved in the great wars with the Jihads and with China and with Europe.

We had great military force and might but with the destruction of the computer data bases and the financial system of the old New York by the pulse of a near miss of a nuclear missile, and later by flood, and the destruction of what was then the Capitol of Washington D.C., by an unusual biologic weapon.

I think the conclusion was that the weapon was something called Red Mercury, as it was atomic, but also with biologic effects. Like a very dirty radioactive bomb… but I do not understand such things. When the two cities were both destroyed at approximately at, and then, a few years after the Great Age turning (1999 to 2006) , none of the other countries (the States) would come to their aid.

There was only minor retaliation, due to great confusion as to who the perpetrators actually were, so revenge was difficult.

There was, in fact, at that time, and this confuses me, great celebration of the rest of the countries when those two cities were eventually destroyed because of the Civil conflict that was fought against those two cities.

New York financially and Washington D.C. politically, were the two heads of the Great Evil that oppressed the Countries. 

DOUG: There has been a lot of talk about the New World Order. I have a question here – that may ring a bell with you. The New World Order – does it succeed in taking over the United States in our near future?

VAJRA: God’s Grace if I do not understand the question. What can this be?

There is so little from this time. There is so little information that is from here. If I understand correctly, that is what causes the Great War. That is what causes the great Civil Wars. There are attacks against the people. There are specifically attacks against the food that supplies many of the great cities. There are whole areas that are purposely starved to death, by this power, this force, this evil that you speak of.

So my answer to that would be… is that… No. It does not take over the Great Land. There is revolt. There is blood. There is a story that my grandmother had told me of my grandfather.

In these wars, that because this Federal Force that was attacking the countries (the States), that there were not enough men for them to oppress all of the Great Land (USA) and so there were factories where human beings were being manufactured, and this became a great conflict with these individuals who were grown in tanks.

The Men In Black, or Men OF Black, as they came to be called. They were cold and huge and heartless and they had no souls in them, with lifeless golden yellow eyes. This was a side effect of drugs that were fed directly into the brain that gave them superhuman strength and made them obedient to their master’s commands.

There were no colors that came from them; no aura that came from these beings. So there truly WAS a blackness that radiated from them. So those of a higher spiritual nature found them easier to spot, and grandfather was part of a large group of people that at one point had to comb the countryside to find these… creatures… and kill them.

These were the clones. Genetically engineered creatures that suddenly came from the vats and tanks of the dark Federal Force, this New World Order as you call it, to take over and control and destroy much of the Great Land and this was the oppression which was placed on the people.

They had to hunt like animals; these vicious savage killers who after even the great evil force was destroyed they lived in caves, they lived in forests, they caused great terror, great chaos all across the planet.

There was a mass attempt at confiscation of arms before the Great War occurred where many were left helpless before the Men Of Black, and many starved to death in the great cities because they had no way of defending themselves and no access to food.

From what I read in grandfather’s journals and from grandmother’s stories there was a great disarming that occurred, which was a terrific tragedy because many who would not have died because of it. Virtually all the major cities were placed under marshal law right after this happened, but soon after the Federal Force collapsed.

This is what was responsible for the breakup of these forces: There was a huge rising up of all of the people here that fought for their freedom and they found that after the initial battles that when they began to understand that the power existed within them, that the mind was the builder, that they could take responsibility for their existence, many of these forces fell away like straw in a holocaust.

They were eventually defeated but it was only through each one of the independent countries and nation states rising up and also through the massive natural catastrophes, the earthquakes, floods and the chaos that much of the force of the evil was broken, so even though this is a time of great death and grand madness, it is also a time of great rebuilding and grand freedom, because the community that I live in now… owes its very existence to this period.

To the concepts and to the ideas and to the strength and the courage and the bravery of this time frame. 

DOUG: What can we do as individuals to protect ourselves from the earth changes and the violence and everything you are telling us about?

VAJRA: Physically, for your time, or any time, it is only knowledge and family that will be of any value.

Also, for your time, be well armed and well fed. Food supplies and weapons are most important.

A famous saying of grandfather’s was,

“A dog with no teeth gets kicked all day.”

This seems radical for me to say from our time of relative peace, but it comes from my love and compassion for ALL of you, after having viewed your… our… brutal history and knowing what is to come by looking back.

Spiritually, each and every day, at the striking of 2:00 PM when the forces of the sun are at their zenith and the positive powers of the Earth are at their greatest height, we practice here the meditation of the violet fire in which we ignite this fire within ourselves and we take on and absorb upon ourselves the pain of the planet. Each and every day our influence grows greater through the 11 soul gems that I share with the 10 other communities.

Our influence grows each day because by doing this exercise, by getting my entire family and our community together, and we do not have to be physically together to do this, but each day at 2:00 PM we lay down our work for a moment and sit and meditate for a few moments where we appreciate the earth, we appreciate that which we have been given.

We appreciate the Grandfather in the sky (the Sun), the Grandmother beneath us (the Earth), the Great Mystery and all that which we do not understand.

We absorb in and unto ourselves all of the negativity, all of the pain that the planet still suffers, and give away all which we feel is good about ourselves. This brings to us the humbleness and humility that we require by giving away that which we find valuable about ourselves to others.

We feel that at some point soon we will bring all of mankind and humanity back into the proper path, back into the wave of that balance, gently treading upon all of which we hold dear, upon our land.

We sit with our children and they are our greatest teachers. My children are much wiser than I am. They truly do not have the ‘Veil’. I myself still have so much pain within me. I myself am far from achieving that perfection which I see the children beginning to achieve now.

They are all so gentle and so connected to the Creation that I can understand now by looking at them what the Immanuella was when She came at first, how Her legendary reign came over all the independent countries and city states.

Even though where I live is now considered the capital of this planet, that is an old term. There is no one central place.

All things are connected together and though the Immanuella rules from that much larger Island which was at one point called Erin, or Ireland, she visits us all in our hearts. She gives so much, being the ultimate conduit for the Love of the Creation with Her ‘Veil’ open all the time.

She was responsible for healing so many thousands of those who were burned and those who were horribly poisoned. 

DOUG: Okay. You’ve mentioned a couple times the Sky People. We want to know who the sky people are.

VAJRA: There are some who have continued contact with them.

They watch more than anything. They have given us certain advances, they have given us certain advantages. I for one still have some trouble trusting some of them. They come from many places.

We have ambassadorships now where many of our people have gone to their planets, but they come from many places. Not only in our universe but we have also learned that there are also benevolent as well as malevolent beings on our own planet who come from other time spaces as well as those who come from other dimensional realities.

There is trade for example with beings from Alcyone (which grandfather was instrumental in), from Taygeta (both in the Pleiades) and from Barnard’s Star.

There was a return for a very brief period of a very large race of beings from the Osirus, or as it is also called Orion, constellation. There are ambassadors from our planet that are now on Sirius A or planets in the Sirius A system.

We have found that there is a black hole with what appears to be a terraform around the black hole, which I found very interesting and had a chance to study.

But this black hole, which exists between Sirius A and B is the capital for a great race and civilization that was responsible for much of what is heard in ancient Egypt and is responsible for much of what occurred in the reign of a Pharaoh who was one of their beings named Akhnaton.

So they have taught us much about our own past, but we are still not to the point of where we have a full membership in this Consortium. They are still watching us.

They tell us that another 400 years from now, that a full exchange will take place between our peoples and their peoples and that 1000 years from now, or should I say 900 years from my era, there will come a complete accounting where we will be invited into this Consortium, but now, even now, we are still very violent in some aspects; we are still much too immature in so many ways.

But the thing that I need stressed is that our history has made us strong, curious, independent and vital. For as violent and vicious as it is, it has given us a strength of will unmatched in the cosmos.

Many of them fear us and want us crushed, because they know how powerful we will one day become.

“Harsh childhoods, make for the most interesting adults,” as grandmother used to say.

I have stated many times in counsel that it is for us to grow up, that it is for us to take the responsibility on ourselves.

Many have said,

“Why do we not take the help that is offered? Why do we not come in more contact and take more from them?”

And it is my opinion that we must be unique in our evolution.

We will some day stand shoulder to shoulder and side by side with these beings and these creatures. This planet, I have no doubt, will become the galactic center of a great, grand glorious country, an empire which will span this solar system and much of this higher section of the galaxy! But we must get there on our own. It is not for us to rely on these people like helpless children upon parents.

They may be parent-like in some respects … but we are grown up now. It is for us to evolve, it is for us to continue, and I am of the opinion (and this is not a popular opinion in many Councils but it is my opinion) and since I have been given some authority here, that we are to continue to grow without this outside influence.

They have given us knowledge which I appreciate. They have given us an understanding of much of our past.

They have given us some records of this time period – not many, but at least enough to know about where the evolution of where we have come from has been, so that we may know where, in fact, we are going. 

DOUG: Are you aware of, in year 1998 during the earthquakes and earth changes, are you aware of a great number of people being taken aboard or transported by some of these sky people on spaceships?

VAJRA: There is a period where, as I have stated, there are elders who open the doors to sideways realities and save many.

They, or should I say, I have had this history described to me. Using their magic they open these doorways to other realities where groups of people wait. There are some – almost before the end of the war – who were saved on the ships.

There was no special blessing that was given. They were taken up because they were supposed to survive. Many of these who were supposed to survive were those who carried with them the genetic seed for the continuing of the race. These were the groups that began to evolve into the 12 chakra energy system, who began to develop the 47th and 48th chromosomal pairs.

And so they had to be saved as the genetic blueprints for much of humanity. And so there were certain of the Sky People who came who did rescue a certain number of these people. It is legend. Many speak of it. It is not something that is part of our mass history but many were saved and many were taken care of and fed and nurtured during those dark times when the Mother had no course, and there was no time.

So Om to your question. 

DOUG: Thank you. Let’s go back to your time and talk a little bit more about what your life is like. What do you use for exchanging for goods? We use money, or cash.

Do you still use money?

VAJRA: Om. Simply from an aspect of a term of exchange because we do not have to pay for energy, because we do not have to pay for certain aspects of where we live or how we live. Much of what we do, and there is much hard work, is done in the actual growing of food, but that is more of a joy, more of a delight. It is for us our highest science.

As I said, I am but a humble Architect. I am not one of the Sacred Keepers of the land, one of the growers of the food, but I do enjoy helping.

We have a tetrahedronic structure outside of our home where we grow many fine fruits and vegetables. But we work for a few hours every day at something that we enjoy and in exchange for that we have a Center which, if we have necessities, if there are certain things that we need or require, we will work for a period doing something that we enjoy.

One of my sons is a very talented musician and he gets to practice his music for people for a number of hours every day.

We usually work four hours or so every day doing something that we are talented at or something that we enjoy, and many of our professions are also chosen for us at birth. We use a very advanced form of Astrology and because we are able to see the colors and see the auras and see the essence which come from our children, and because the children themselves have less of the ‘Veil’ than we as the older people do, they also know but have more of a connection with, why they are here and the things that they must do.

When I do travel to other places and locations, we do use a form of money that is a type of gold but it has been refined into what looks like a transparent substance and they are in the shape of small pyramids that retain information much as the Crys-Disks do.

Or should I say the Crys-Disks, which then interact with the Crys-Spheres – they are smaller forms of that which have the information of the value of each one of these that is encoded into them so they are small and pyramid-shaped but they are gold, which is processed into a very highly superconductive form which renders it clear or transparent.

Very much like glass beads. 

DOUG: Interesting. I have a very specific question here. Okay?

VAJRA: We find that because the term ‘money’ is a form of energy and because that energy flows to us and then flows out from us and that becomes a physical manifestation of that energy, that the shape and pattern of the money becomes very important and that is one of the reasons why we usually use sacks or pouches, and why the money is tooled into these shapes.

When it is actually close to us, when it is in our possession, it creates a certain energy around us, and so this has helped us to grow beyond the obsession and the greed and the hoarding of this energy in and unto us that led to so much of the madness and the chaos in the old age. This absorbing of energy for energy’s sake. We understand that those who work hard will be rewarded for what it is they do.

But those rewards are much more spiritual than they are in the physical manifestation of what they have. We still work very hard here to grow what it is we grow because we meditate and because so much of bringing the food up out of the ground has to do with our own spirit.

We spray the plants with special minerals, and use Crys Spheres that play music to the plants and this music helps them grow extraordinarily large. In the area where we are we grow much of the food; probably 60% of the fruits and vegetables that go all across the planet.

So we have a very intense responsibility here to be in tune and in touch with the land and with the Earth because we have the sacred trust of growing so much of the food and we feel that by infusing our spirit and our essence into that which comes from the Earth, that by sending that food in trade, to the Tech Societies, whether they are underwater in the Pacific or whether they are in space, or on the Moon, we feel that we impart our consciousness through that which we give to them.


DOUG: Yes. Yes. Thank you. So it’s a lot, a lot more than just the money, its an exchange of energy.


DOUG: Okay. Talking about food, what types of foods do you grow and eat, in your time?

VAJRA: Well, I would assume they would be the same as here.

They are corn and wheat and grains… We have some crops here that are unusual. We have a form of peach that was brought to us by one of the Sky People that grows about this big, and because we spend so much time with the spiritual nurturing of the food as well, we find that we only require usually one meal a day as sustenance because of the energy that comes from the food that is within us.

There is what we call Nec-Dar, which is a paste that is made from very many vitamins and minerals, and the Nec-Dar is a… doesn’t really have a taste to it as such.

It can be blended with very, very small pieces of another food and it will take on the taste or flavor of that food and so we use this as much more of a substance in a diet that is primarily all fruits, vegetables and grains.

We are very strict vegetarians, although we do still drink some milk and eat cheese as this causes no harm. We do have some cows for milk and the children to play with, and some goats here and we sometimes drink the milk from them.

The Nec-dar is a… its a substance that can be placed in any type of food and it is being now shipped into other areas of the planet where it is very difficult to grow food where people are living, so that they … it is very difficult to explain… it is one of those normal things in life that one tries to explain but cannot. 

DOUG: Okay.

VAJRA: For those who are hungry who maybe will have one piece of corn, this substance can be mixed in with that and make it all taste like the corn. And then be eaten and ingested and still be as nutritious.

DOUG: Yeah that makes sense. So you don’t have a problem with a shortage of food.

VAJRA: Nay… there are areas where food is still a problem. There are areas where it is still in very short supply in certain locations.

Those would be many of the wasteland areas and these are still areas where human beings are very savage and very brutal and there are a few that go to these places but they have chosen to be this way and all we can do is pray for them and hope that some day they will see the error of their ways.

Even the Immanuella herself has visited many of these areas and locations and has not been able to turn them, so they still hunt and scavenge at many of the places. As I explained, it is not as if the entire planet is a Utopia.

There are many different beings still who are at many different areas of evolvement.

We still have in many locations, although it is not as much here, many types of crime and we still have many brutal punishments for crime, across the Earth, such as stoning and public flogging. So the location that I speak of, where I live, I live in a somewhat unique community… I would not say “unique,” there are many who worship and live and believe the way we do here, but there are many who do not.

I would say that of the population today, that there would be a percentage of 20, maybe as high as, I would not say as high as 30, but I would say 20% or so who are still living very bleak existences. 

DOUG: Do you still have sickness and disease of the physical body?

VAJRA: In the wasteland areas, yes. But it is only because those people who are still in that state – in that consciousness – will not raise their consciousness to the point of where they would accept our help or where they would accept our healing or where they would even accept the grace of the Immanuella in that case.

DOUG: What types of healing is practiced in your time?

VAJRA: We have at the center here what you might find an unusual device.

It reads the color fields of the body, and the doctors there, when you are not feeling up to ‘participating’, which is what we believe is an aspect of health, that if one wishes or cares to participate, that one will be healthy.

That when they go to the doctor, the doctor there puts them behind a device that is a clear crystallized golden screen and this screen can read the colors and emanations which come from each and every organ in the body, and one can see disease manifesting originally on causal planes first.

Then that color which is lacking, is infused in the body and so sometimes there is a helmet that is worn or glasses of a particular type of colored glass that are worn, or an infusement directly of a color into the person which reacts first on the etheric plane and then moves its way down into the different planes until it directly effects the body.

Most, however, still use herbs. We grow very specific types of herbs for their healing qualities. We have passed down to us through the Red Elders great knowledge of all of the different cures for any diseases that we still have here.

Many times, those who travel will inadvertently come across a place that is still contaminated from underground radiation from some of the great wars or from some of the weapons that were buried at that point and so their auric fields must be completely realigned and we also do an energy transference.

As I explained to you, high energy systems flow into low energy systems, so when one is sick we can simply gather into a group and allow the energy from us to flow into them but not taking anything and not giving anything, allowing the ‘Veil’ to be parted and allowing our bodies to simply act as a screen, a conduit if you will, of the energy of the Creation.

This usually suffices to bring that which is in chaos back into order. Illness comes when a person is very out of balance and that usually only comes from traveling abroad or sometimes when they make the trip to Luna and back.

There is some readjustment that needs to be done in order to allow their bodies to reconfigure themselves to the bioelectric magnetic fields of the Earth. 

DOUG: Is sound used for healing?

VAJRA: Very much so. When we do the laying on of hands, we will use different chants and tones.

There are certain types of large disks which are made from a layered gold and other substances which can be struck in a certain manor. There are ancient artifacts that were unearthed, kept in temples, where people can go to be healed in which the doctors there use these small hammers to strike the disks and they create a sonic frequency and vibration.

These are called Sun Disks and they were brought down from monasteries in the Andes.

Some say they can be used to teleport from place to place, but I have never seen this done. So there are many different types and forms of healing techniques used.

There is no one set type and form. 

DOUG: Okay.

VAJRA: It does have a great deal to do with frequency as well. With the frequencies of the 7 to 14 cycles, which are those of the Earth Mother, are also those of very higher states of consciousness.

The persons who are best at the healing, are once again, the children. And many times, the children will be the ones that the sick will go to instead of making the journey to Center or into the larger towns. The children themselves seem to have the gift of laying on of hands and infusing color, as it seems so much more natural for them.

So my hope very much is that our children will grow with these extra added talents and abilities.

I feel, in my own opinion, and having the experience of being able to do this, and having certain knowledge of this time and knowledge from grandfather, is that I feel that we are very much the interim state in man’s evolution. We are in no way perfect. We are by no means gods in any way shape or form, except over our own experience.

We humbly hope to achieve that. We have the Creation that flows within us. We have the example of the Immanuella who manifests the highest aspects of the Creation here, but my hope for the entire planet very much rests in the children. In the future that lies before them.

I feel that much of our society has been successfully rebuilt in just the past 20 years or so, but there is so much more to come. 

DOUG: Is your family structure the same as in our time?

VAJRA: It is slightly different. After many of the wars, the ratio of men to women was much less than it would be now. Your population… it is almost impossible for me to conceive the number of people that are on your planet… is it 6 to 8 billion now?

DOUG: I think that’s correct. I don’t know for sure.

VAJRA: There are… because of the balance of the feminine aspects of the God Ray, there are many more women alive now, and because of much of what occurred in the war and the Great Plagues where it was mostly the men who were killed, the shortages of men to women were very great and so in our time and in our society it is not abnormal for one man to have two to seven wives, which is the limit by law.

That would be the only difference, (Laughs) simply because the women run everything anyway. I have three wives named Rachel, Dakini and Gwenivargh, and nine children, 6 boys and 3 girls, whose names are… 

DOUG: (Laughs) Please! That’s ok!

VAJRA: (Looks disappointed) Ah, well. Other people’s children are boring. But I am young and strong and will have a few more. Boys run in my family, so everyone wants me to hurry up and have more, so us men will not be so outnumbered!

“I feel like a horse…..”, (Laughs) that is our expression!

Grandfather would say,

“Good work if you can get it!” (Laughs)

(Laughter from the audience)

VAJRA: But it is nice. They are wonderful. They are noisier than I would like. They TALK a great deal! I have problems concentrating sometimes doing the things that I need to do, but we live in a society that is not under the madness of the masculine aspects of where it is we were.

We understand that we are living in a balance. That we have come through the Matriarchal age of the Mother, the Patriarchal age of the Father, which brought much of the destruction in the last Great Age. Now we are in a balance between those societies.

We are in the Age or Aeon of the Son, or the Daughter, or the age of the Child if you will.

That what your age, or your generation, is about to go through has much to do with the puberty of that child. It has much to do with the violence and the rage and the misunderstandings and the temper, if you will, that you are evolving from.

In the later part and beginning of your 20th and 21st Century, so much of what survives now is an obsession that you have with games and games and games… so many games! Little children’s games.

We have games here which serve a purpose to educate and enlighten, but in our society the things that are important are dance or music or art and singing or the joyous expressions of love towards one another… and the women are simply better at that than we men are now.

I humbly learn what I can. It is the men, still, because there are many parts of our earth that are still dangerous, that are given the important decisions. My wives say that they just let me think that I am in control. (Laughs)

They just allow me the illusion of thinking that I have any sort of authority at all (Laughs) … which I think is true!

But it is peaceful that way. They have taught us very much the ways of peace themselves. They understand there are certain jealousies and certain egos that they have to confront, but at the same time we provide safety for the children, we provide food, we provide shelter. I humbly try to be a gentle and gracious person. That is the difference.

It would be that everyone in our society has a place and everyone in our society is cared for, and certain decisions that we may make here may seem unusual to you in your time, but when our children, or should I say young adults, are mated and married, we understand the energy that comes from them.

We understand their auras. We do very, advanced and very tedious astrological readings for each one of them, to make sure that all of the pairings are harmonious. Not only between a husband and wife, but also between a husband, or man, or any other wives that he may have.

Eventually, as the population grows, and as the ratio of men to women begins to even again, we will no doubt go back to a very even-centered, one on one, masculine/feminine society, but now there are more women because they have more to teach us about the arts and music and dance and our society is about education and raising our children.

We understand that we are very much midwives here for what is to come. We are the middle children if you will. We are living through the young adulthood, or the teenage years of humanity’s evolution, whereas where you are at now, and what you about to go through, is the result of the growing pains of Mankind’s raging, hormonal puberty.


DOUG: Yes, thank you. You’ve mentioned a couple times the importance of music. Someone here in our group tonight says they just had a dream that music will be holographically imprinted in water in the year 2015.


DOUG: Is this true?

VAJRA: We use holograms for a great deal. The liquid concept is still used in many of the great computers. It was abandoned primarily for the Crystal Spheres, or Crys Spheres for short.

When we discovered that in a certain type of mono-atomic gold, that by rearranging the molecular structure of gold, that it became clear and so we began to create the Crys Spheres, which look much like children’s marbles, but some are larger balls, about the size of a man’s hand.

The Crys Spheres are placed in what looks like a small fountain, and water pours over it and makes it spin. This interfaces with a complex quantum, blue laser interface. All this stores millions of giga-bytes at a subatomic level. The computers themselves look like black stone blocks, which can only be described as being bio-computers.

The use of these devices has been greatly limited however, because of their great misuse and because these computers were used to mark much of the population and to kill and destroy many people in your coming time.

We have opted more for the development of the human mind and the human soul and spirit. We interact with these devices, and they certainly make things easier for us on certain occasions, however, we prefer using our own talents and abilities. I have one here because of my work, because of the job that I do, but many families do not and will not allow them in their house.

There was a great backlash against these machines and devices.

This leads to… one of the great computers that the Immanuella uses in many forms in which the actual consciousness or brain and mind if you will, of John, the Great Genius was actually stored after his death, in 15AI or so.

This great computer acts very much as a council, or simply an advisor. It in no way dictates what it is that we do.

There is no one set central government that tells any individual or any country ways it must live. There is a very standard set of laws that are obeyed that come from ‘The Keepsake‘ of the old times. (He begins to look around, closing his eyes, sensing something.)

My time here is at an end. I must return. (The crowd goes “Ahhh!” and asks for him to stay) You forget, grandfather is in MY body! Back at my home! (Laughs) With my WIVES!

DOUG: Oh my GOD! You better get back this second! (There is uproarious laughter!)

VAJRA: From the Heart of the One, from All that Is. Never forget, you are all the Sons and Daughters of God. Each day, experience that ennobling truth. (Bowing) Om-A-Ho!

Audience In Unison: Om-A-Ho!


The Vajra Chronicles – Part I

Interesting story, but it looks like that the timeline doesn’t match up, because none of this has happened. Or it tells us that we can change our future. Interesting though and this would make an awesome movie if not else. So here it goes, The Vajra Chronicles – Part I:

Editor’s Note

The following is an exact transcript of a Tibetan Time Transference performed before an audience of approximately 700 people on Saturday, August 27, 1994 at the Learning Light Foundation, Anaheim, California.

This is a very dangerous form of time travel, much like a post-life progression into the future, but far more intense, where soul energies are actually shifted and switched. There is always the danger of getting trapped in the astral plane “Outside of Time.” It is a very secret technique that is unique to the training of the Black Hat Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Black Hats travel the time stream and it is from this sect that the Oracles to the Dali Lama are chosen.




Sean David Morton (image source)

DOUG: (Moderator and Director of the Learning Light Foundation in Anaheim, Calif. The date is August 27, 1994)

We have got a really interesting event for you tonight. By a show of hands, how many people have seen Sean David Morton here before? (Everyone in the packed 700 seat auditorium raises their hands.)

That’s great! Well when you have seen him in the past he has done some talks about UFO‘s. He’s very well known for his research out at “Area 51.”

He was just on the Vicki Lawrence show talking about prophecies. He just taped a show with Montel Williams on “Area 51” that should air next month. When he’s been here he’s talked about UFO‘s, he’s talked about earthquakes; and his prophecies and predictions for the future.

Well tonight, for the first time ever, publicly, he’s going to share with you one of the ways he’s gotten some of that information about the future. It is a Tibetan Time Transference Technique. He learned this at the T’ang Boché monastery in Nepal, which is 30 miles from Mount Everest at the foot of Mt. Ama Dham Lam.

He’s done this before, many times alone, but he has never done it in this format. He wanted to try it out, and you people are the first ever to see it. He says as far as he knows nobody has done this technique publicly anywhere in the world.

But he wanted to try it, and he asked to try it here at the Learning Light Foundation because he likes the energy here, he likes you, the crowd, and I think that deserves a round of applause. (Very loud applause) Because its you that makes him feel welcome here. Okay, he’s preparing right now but he’s going to spend a few more minutes getting into a meditative state – and the reason I’m asking all the questions…

One is – he hasn’t done it this way before and he thinks this will be the best for him. He says he can’t sit here and field questions from the audience, he needs one voice to tie into so he has an anchor in this time frame – and to make it clear – because what you are dealing with is time…

Everything in time happens at the same time, all at once, and the only way to travel through time is on the astral-level – so he is going about 100 years into our future, to roughly the year 2096 which we will hear later is actually the year 65 or 66 to them because they restart the years along about 2034… and we’ll ask him about that. What he’s going to do is contact his grandson to be, who is also himself in a future incarnation.

So instead of a past life regression, its a post-life progression. For Vajra, the name of his grandson to be, its more or less like a past life regression for him, but we are going to be here on the end of that. We’re going to be on the receiving end of this other man’s past life regression so its a very interesting process.

If you are used to seeing Sean speak- he can come out and keep you on the edge of your seat for four hours.

He’s not going to be able to do that. He’s going to come out – go into the meditation – and talk to us as long as he can. If he gets this connection working he hopes to stay with us an hour to an hour and a half. If any questions come up during the show please come over here to the table, write it down, and put it in the basket.

But we can ask him about the world, what’s happened, what his life is like now, what the country is like in his time… So if something comes up during the show and you want to ask him a question please write it down, and we will try to get through as many of them as we can, and hopefully he’ll be able to stay with us long enough to answer all of them.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, Sean David Morton!
(Very loud, raucous applause!)

Sean: Thank you, very much. (Pause) Good evening. Doug probably gave you the best explanation that I can think of.

This is a somewhat unusual talk this evening. This is not me in the suit and the tie with the maps doing the razzle dazzle – talking about alot of the things that you probably read about in my Delphi Associates newsletter.

What I’m going to attempt to do is very deep and very personal for me. So I very much appreciate the fact that Doug is going to be fielding the questions and he gave you probably the best explanation that I can give. Just to give you a little bit of background… In 1986 I lived in a monastery in Nepal which is called T’ang-Boché. It was a Black Hat Tantric Monastery that’s on the way to Mt. Everest.

I was there for about 8 months or so. And it was there that I learned this particular technique. THIS IS NOT CHANNELING! I am NOT giving up my body or essence to some other spirit or entity. I am, quite literally, trading places with myself at a future time. It is totally different from channeling.

It is very rarely used, and is unique to our sect, simply because of the fact the Tibetans put a great deal of emphasis on the here and now. On the vibratory frequencies of not being in the past and not being in the future. But, because they do place so much emphasis on past lives, specifically because it gives you an idea of your patterns, so you have an idea as to where you have been so that you can continue forward.

Paying off your karmic debts so to speak. Breaking the wheel called Samsara. Time can also be a stream. Instead of going into the past one can astral travel into the future.

Sometimes, when I get in this state, this individual that I am going to speak to or, that is going to speak to you, does not agree with everything that I think here now.

There are still many things in his time line, in his reality, that can in fact be changed from this, or our, current time line. One can change what we call, theQuintaof time as opposed to theQuantumof time.

The Quantum of time has to do with the mass consciousness, with the reason why all of us are here. And the reason why we are here specifically is because this is very much a school, a college, a university – and as such there are certain lessons, and certain things that we agreed to learn when we came into this school.

There are certain classes that must be taken. However, the future that he comes from, even though he will exist in it, and even though the majority of society there is as it is, does not mean that certain things that we do in this time line and this time frame cannot change certain events that get us there.

He talks about getting to where they are either the hard way or the easy way. And the only reason why I am doing this now is because in the next 5 or 6 years or so we are going to have very, succinct and very specific decisions to make every day as to whether or not we are going to do this the hard way or the easy way.

So I appreciate your indulgence and your understanding with the way that we have to do the questions through Doug.

As I said, this is a very difficult technique for me. Its very straining, and it would be very distracting if I had to take a large number of questions from a large group of people so Doug and I did a brief meditation before this so that I could feel a little bit more connected with him. So without any further ado, if you will allow me to do this here, this takes just a few minutes – to get into.

There may be some somewhat violent physical reactions, its all right, I’m okay, I hope. (Laughter from the audience. A deep sigh)

Here we go.

(Approximately 1 minute of near silence and then three claps are heard – followed by a minute of chanting. Another 30 seconds of near silence… sounds begin to emerge from within the trance… then heavy breathing, gasping, maybe crying, frantic, fear, sudden panic, choking, gagging, gasping, trying to silence the breathing, which is almost normal again – then silence. Shivering with cold – or maybe – shaking with fever.

Then difficult breathing, wheezing, hurt or injured – suffering – suffocating. Faint crying, this lasts for roughly 3 or 4 minutes. Sean is in fact traveling forward and experiencing his own death, to fully disconnect himself. There is a brief period of “Crossing” in the void. as Vajra’s consciousness comes into present time, Sean is coming alive in his body in the future, getting to spend a few hours on the ranch in the future time-line. Then from silence to a 60 second time frame moving towards this time and place… slow deep breaths – coming closer… drawing nearer to transference… 5, 4, 3, 2… )


VAJRA: Blessings to you my friend. 

DOUG: Blessings to you.

VAJRA: Where is this?

DOUG: We are in Anaheim, California.

VAJRA: (He laughs) And when is this?

DOUG: It is August 27th, 1994.

VAJRA: My hair. (He touches his head and shoulders.) It was so much longer a few moments ago. Hello my friends.

DOUG: Well we welcome you here. Can you visit with us a while?

VAJRA: Om. I have made the time.

DOUG: What year have you just come from?

VAJRA: Sixty-five.

DOUG: Sixty-five?


DOUG: Can you explain to us, I know… I was told earlier they restarted the numbering of the years.


DOUG: Can you explain to us why they did that, and when they did that?

VAJRA: Om. You are on the old calendar, Om? This is…?

DOUG: August 27, 1994.

VAJRA: Ah. Before the turning of the Great Age. Om?

DOUG: Yes.

VAJRA: It is sometimes hard for me to remember the old calendar which is… Our years, from the old way, are shorter than your years, by some. Our years are, by your counting are still 24 hours, but our year is only 336 to 340 days. Where if I remember correctly, and this is not my specialty at all, your years were 364? 365?

DOUG: 365. Yes.

VAJRA: Our years are 336 to 340 days. It varies because we are on a lunar calendar, and we adjust for the 28 odd day cycles of the Moon, and Gaia or Earth, is now in a new orbit with a new ecliptic. A “New Heaven” if you will.

The years began over after the ‘Time when there was no time‘. There was a great meteor that struck the planet in the area that you and we would call the Northern Atlantic Ocean. And when this comet struck the planet, it took the Earth off its course for a brief period.

And there was great chaos in those years. It was not until year One, that the clocks were restarted. And so that is why I come to you from the year 65. Which would… I am not sure what it would be from your counting. It would be approximately 100, 101 years of your 365 day / year time.

I am 37 years old by that counting as we speak now. The person I am communing through is my grandfather, corrective?

DOUG: Yes.

VAJRA: Om. (Laughs) I would not enjoy getting THAT mixed up!

DOUG: And you are Vajra, yes?

VAJRA: Yes. I am sorry. How do you do? My name is Vajra of the House of Morton, (bows and places his hands in prayer and touches them to his heart, lips and forehead.) Om A Ho.

DOUG: So you are the grandson of Sean David Morton?

VAJRA: Om, and yet he and I are the same.

DOUG: Because you are he in a future life, by our perspective?


DOUG: Okay… and Sean told me earlier that “Om” also means “yes” in your vocabulary?

VAJRA: Yes, in the old English. Yes… apologies.

DOUG: Okay, thank you. You talked about the birth of the chosen one. Can you explain that a little bit?

VAJRA: It came at the same time as the Sign In The Sky. After the striking of the great comet, the great meteor, after the nuclear weapons were finally leashed.

By your timing, and I am not very good with the old calendar, it would be… In our calendar it would be seven years B.I. (Before the Immanuella) which would be from our year zero back 7 or 8 to your year 2027.

The comet struck directly after much of the nuclear weapons were loosed at the area that in the old tongue was called China. There was a period where there was timelessness, where there was a great thick cloud that was over the planet for those periods of 7 or 8 old standard years, and then there was a Great Sign in the sky.

The Great Sign, as it has been told to me, was of all the Vimanas, Conveyances, crafts, transports… all of the great Starships of the Galactic and Inter-Galactic Federations that did not interfere in our history but simply appeared – on this one day at our year zero, and appeared in the sky for one full day, so that all of mankind could see that we were part of a greater whole.

So that all of mankind could see that we were not to be left alone, that we had something to work towards. Even though they did not interfere, it came as a great revelation for many people on the planet.

They altered our ecology at that point. There was cleaning by the Sky People of the atmosphere at that time by these many great ships, all of which simply came into this density at one particular point, and when they came all into one density they became visible to the point at which we are now, or were….they became visible, for that one solar day, and they brought mankind great hope.

Without interfering in our history, they cleaned the atmosphere and cleaned much of the soot and dirt and radiation that had accumulated in the upper layers of the stratosphere and the ionosphere at that time and period. For a period of those years, the 7 to 8 old solar standard years, there was a period where the Earth itself was off course, where there were great changes.

We did not know when the days were, when the nights were. It was black for many days. It was light for many days. And at that particular point they stabilized the orbit so that since then, when the time codes had been started over, our year now, as you call it, is the 336 days, 24 hours still, but 12 months of 28 days (plus several hours) apiece, plus consideration of the lunar cycle, which of course is not exactly 28 days.

They brought us back into harmony with the rest of the solar system and back into harmony with our own Moon.

The gravitational force of the Moon was causing the great many earthquakes and volcanoes and earth changes upon the planet every 5,000 to 5,500 of the old solar standard years, and so by bringing us back into line we now have very moderate climates all across the Earth.

Even though many places are still desolate, even though many places are still waste lands where the people live and many live beneath the sea, there are still those who live in space and still those who live on the bases and outposts that we discovered on the Moon, and so, this was the beginning of the time coding of our year zero or one – which in the old calendar was 2034 AD.

I am not avoiding your questions. There was at that point a birth in what is now a much larger Island of England, near the place called Stonehenge, and this was the birth of the Chosen One. The Magical Child. The White Buffalo Calf Woman. This was the birth of the woman who has become our Queen, the woman who has become a leader, as you would describe it, of our planet.

She is called the Immanuella, and She, for no words that I have, would be considered a queen.

She had great technology. She was able to crack the codes around the rearrangement of physical matter. Her symbol was the Ank and the Staff of Ra, which She used as devices which allowed her to channel energy from the Ark of the Covenant and rearrange certain types of matter; rearrange certain types of structures. She had access to the old ways, and she came into her queenship at a very, very young age.

She was infused with Messianic Consciousness at the age of five years. At the age of 7, She was recognized and Coronated.

So at her birth, at zero, which was the same day as the great ships appeared, we restarted our clocks and as of now, we are in the 58th year of her glorious reign, in the year 65 AI. (After Immanuella or After Incarnation.) 

DOUG: Is this what the Bible refers to as the second coming of the Christ?

VAJRA: The term as used is a knowingness that all of us have. It is a knowingness of who we are. It is a knowingness of our place. It is a knowingness of never having not known the Creator.

Of never having not known the Grandmother, the Grandfather, the Creation and the Great Mystery of all that is around us.

It is not a question of now; us being separated. The Immanuella is simply the highest manifestation of this force on the planet, but each one of us knows the joy, knows the light, knows the power, of this communion. So, to say that She is the Christ would be accurate.

She is the One predicted and foretold, although Her coming took everyone by surprise!

Certainly, many expected a man. Like, (how did they say? ) truly, a ‘thief in the night!’ But She was of the lineage of the House of Judah, so Her blood AND Her Spirit were recognized. We understand… the balance of that spirit, and are all striving to become The Christ, or God Knowing Ones.

We understand that the mind is the builder from the sayings of the past. We understand that that which is created in the mind instantaneously begins to manifest in our reality and so we must be very careful about that which we think, about that which we manifest.

Even these trips through time that I have experimented with, I have had to work for many days sometimes to rework my own vibration back to the level of the consciousness that we have achieved, up from where I have been in the past. I shock, I fear, I fear….there is a disturbing residue from visiting a time as dense as yours.

I have been left ill for many days after such travel. 

DOUG: Okay. Can you tell us a little bit more about the religious structures? Are the same churches carried forward into your time?

VAJRA: That which you call churches is of… has little meaning to me.

We all live within the Realm of the Consciousness. There are those, however, that do not, who live in the Wastelands. There are those who are more of the ‘technical’ than of the soul. I have visited these outposts on certain occasions and have not found them pleasant at all.

There are many now who live beneath the oceans in technical cities. There are many now who live in homes and houses on the Moon, but they are of a technical nature. We represent a spiritual community. Spiritual communities which were formed some 20, 30 to 40 of the old solar years before the Great Recounting – these communities… words… shock…

The communities that you speak of… that I live in… words escape. They are simply of a knowingness. We understand where we have been.

We understand where we are going. We are getting more and more who are raising up to the vibrations; more and more who are joining us every single day as they graduate upwards in the vibration and in the frequency.

It is very hard for us here, in many of the places on this now damaged Earth, to maintain the proper vibration in order to make the food grow, in order to make the rains come, in order to do all of the things that we do. We must be very, very careful about our own energies, about the forces that exist within us – and at some points, whom we share this energy with.

The religions that you speak of are still practiced in many places around the world, but they are very much practiced by those who are still relying on exceptionally crude technical means and assistance in order for them to eek out the survival under which they live.

We have a philosophy which we do not voice, but could be called ‘The Way,’ could be called, or was called in the old times, ‘The Keepsake‘ of that which was many thousands of years ago.

It is a deep understanding that All Is One, and we try to live life without the ‘Veil’ between ourselves and the Creation.

We have a direct connection and understand that within our bodies is the sun, within our bodies is the air, within our bodies… our bones are the bones of the earth, that the ocean is the blood which runs through us.

And so we are connected very, very steadily with the force and the energy that comes with the earth and so because we are connected with that we see the connection of the Generator, Operator, Destroyer, the ‘G.O.D.’ that exists within each and every one of us and because of this, we connect with each other.

We see the Generation and Operation and Destruction of the spirit within each one of us. We understand that we create the reality in which we live.

That each one of us is the center of the universe from our own particular unique point of view – and as such, we act and interact – understanding that we ourselves are God, which creates all reality and we give respect and unconditional love to others because we understand that they, within and of themselves, are also the microcosm of the universe; are also the Generators, Operators and Destroyers of their unique reality.

Many of the religions that you speak of, the old churches, were shattered with… with… Day One. They were shattered with the coming of and the viewing of the ships. We had to adjust much of our thinking to understand finally where it was that we have been.

Our children now are born without the ‘Veil‘. They understand their past lives. They understand where it is that they have been. This is the only thing that makes this type of communication as we are now having possible… my understanding of knowing where I was and who I was.

I am here with you now because I honor the memory of my grandfather. I do not do this for any sort of self-aggrandizement. It causes us both great pain, even though it is extremely edifying. My grandfather has requested that I come, and because of my great respect for him I come to you.

But I also understand that I have been many other things in the past as well, that many of those who have chosen to incarnate around me now, in some cases I have killed them in a life, or they have killed me. But it is not something that we take… shock…..word?… ‘personally’ – anymore.

We understand that we are the ‘Om-Ma-Ne-Paüd-Ne-Hum‘, we are the Soul Shards. That I am not this form, I am not in essence male or female or white or come from the North American Union (NAU). I am an essence, and as such we begin as uncut diamonds, as raw lumps, and it is by the bludgeoning and the striking of that diamond across many lifetimes, that molds us, that allows us to have these many, many facets.

And that each time we leave or shuffle off a physical vehicle such as this we go upwards and onwards and a blow is struck that further helps us to reflect the light of that which is the Creation.

That sun which we see in the sky is very much a tube if you will, a tunnel that leads to the center of the universe, that leads to the center or the Great Omniscient, Omni-Father who resides at the geographic center of all time and space and so our lives become a prayer.

We gave up the idea – even though we do have gatherings – and they are the most important thing to us- we gave up the idea of being sacred and/or holy in one particular place – although there are places of power that must be empowered.

We understand that we must pray in motion, that we must meditate in motion, that we must – in all that we do – manifest the Generator, Operator, Destroyer within us – manifest the essence of the “Is” within all of us. 

DOUG: Thank you. I want to switch gears a little bit from the spiritual to the political. In 1994 we live in the United States of America, and based on what you’ve just said I trust, or I understand that the USA doesn’t exist in the same form anymore. Can you tell us about the country you live in?

VAJRA: I am domiciled in, and am a Sovereign Citizen of, New Omaha.

It is in an area of what was called the United States of America. We have a flag that is a… how can you say?… it is the color yellow, and it has a serpent (?) upon it. And it says “Don’t Tread on Me.”

That flag represents what we now call the North American Union.

The area in which I live is called the Nation/Country/State of New Jerusalem but it was made up of a number of what at that time were called States, such as Kansas and Nebraska and Iowa in the old… many of these places… the names ceased to exist a long, long time ago… but there are thirteen different nation states now, who are independent countries that exist, where I am now. 

DOUG: Does that include what used to be Canada?

VAJRA: Yes, there is a large part of Canada in the center and west that is still there. Most of what was in the east however, was inundated, and in the north… when the poles began to crack and melt… when the earth began to come out of harmony more so and more so and when it was placed back; we no longer have what used to be called an extreme tilted axis.

That the planet is north / south – straight up and down now. And so much of the ice caps, both north and south, and many sections of the Nordic and Scandinavian countries also began to melt as well, and so when this happened there was a great tundra that was under great water after many of the massive earthquakes and after the war, which lasted some 27 of your old standard years, and this great war claimed many different areas and changed much of the political nature of that continent which we now live in.

The Great Flu Plague of the early 21st Century did much to isolate everyone. The New Omaha area… most of the old Indian names were gone back to, and many of the old Indian names were kept, simply because many began to return to the older ways of the Red Race because that was the philosophy which worked the Alter of this Creation, of this continent – and so I live in an independent country of New Jerusalem in the City of New Omaha in the year 65. We are considered a global capitol. 

DOUG: You mentioned bringing back some of the Indian names. I had a question from someone in the audience about the return of the status of the Native Americans.

VAJRA: They are many of our Elders. They are many of our leaders.

They were the ones who, when the great catastrophes occurred, opened up and saved many thousands of people. They opened up the doorways into the ‘Sideways Realities‘. Many were also transported off this planet by friendly Sky People, also called ‘Shining Ones‘.

Their… and my history is faulty as so much of what it was before the Great Change was lost… Let me explain: there were great libraries of knowledge that were placed into magnetic devices, your computers and data bases, and when many of the earth changes began and when the meteors struck and in the last great atomic conflagrations, those devices were simply wiped clean – and the loss of knowledge and letters from your time to ours was devastating.

That which we know now was buried. I have much of it that comes from my grandfather’s journals where those were saved as he lived because he carried many books with him in which he wrote every day and there was a saving of those; so I have some knowledge as to what occurred from this time, but I do have some questions also that I would like to ask you of things now. That is why this kind of travel is enlightening for me, and worth the risk I take.

When the great Civil Wars began upon this continent, there was no food. There was a great controlling by the Dark Ones, by the ones who ruled this land, that kept food from many for purposes of control, for purposes of power, and thousands went to the elders of the various Red Elder tribes as they were the only ones left who had the seed that could grow, that had not been irradiated or genetically engineered.

It was because of this great famine that swept the land of plenty that my city of New Omaha became the center of the world that it is today because we still retain the ability here to grow much of the food that is spread throughout the planet.

Even now, the reason that we must maintain a spiritual community here is because we have the responsibility of feeding much of the world’s population at this time (0065) – And though it is nowhere close to the population at this time (1994) – as history has it there were several billion on the planet at this time.

We have the responsibility of growing much of the food of this planet and so the Red Elders, those who were native to here, became many of our leaders and showed us the old ways.

But so many of them had slipped back into the ways of the Dark Ones, had slipped back into the ways of evil, and so it fell to many of my race to become their apprentices; many of my race to become the assistants to the Old Ones, to bring forth the knowledge of how to open up the doorways to the other realities, of how to bring the rain, of how to care for the land and the Earth, and so their philosophy here and now is very important and very deep to us as it has always been a philosophy that has been connected with the spirit that is within all of us, with the Great Spirit, with the Sun, with the Earth, with the Moon, and with that Which We Do Not Understand. 

DOUG: Okay.

VAJRA: Shock – Answer, Om? Yes! (Laughs) Question?

DOUG: You mentioned about population. What is the population at your time in the world?

VAJRA: As I speak from my time it is 1.8 billion, approximately.

DOUG: 1.8 billion. Okay. You talked about Earth changes, and changes in our country. A lot of people living here in California are concerned at this time because there are a lot of people that talk about waters coming in over the land; parts of California disappearing beneath the ocean.

Can you tell us has this happened? And if so, when it happens?

VAJRA: Om. I have tried to make a study of this history before I came so that I could be of service to your curiosity. There is no part of your planet from my perspective that remains unchanged.

California, however, is still here. It is part of a greater state called Calineva, which is part of what is left of the old country, city-state of California and sections of what was called Nevada, and portions of the lower sections of what in the old times was called Arizona.

There were great cracking fractures that occurred from the southern part of South America that began to crack the western coast. These came directly after eruptions of many volcanoes.

Eruptions of volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest, eruptions of volcanoes in parts of Mexico, which are now underwater, eruptions of volcanoes at the tip of the new land mass where many are settling now, which we call New Atlantis, in the areas that were once called Bermuda and the Lesser Antilles and the areas that are now a chain of islands off where Florida once was. Florida is now a continuation of that island chain.

The center part of America is the least changed from these many changes. California is still here in my time. It has broken into three great islands of which there are waterways that exist running across the center part of that country and the great cities that were on the coast, however, were destroyed (see “Future Map of The World – Eventual Earth Changes).

The city of Los Angeles still exists in my time. There is no longer a San Francisco on the coast, however, it has moved inland by 50 miles.

The city of Old Seattle is now in the center sections of that state which was called Washington, but that entire area now is called Eden, which is a combination of the old States of what was called Washington and Oregon. 

DOUG: Okay. Can you remember when the splits started occurring in California?

VAJRA: The dating is hard as the years are different. This is 1994 with 365 days. By my calculations, the great fractures would begin in 1998, in the Northern Parts, Eden ( Washington), with also great quakes in Colorado and Wyoming.

The greater problems begin with great flooding across Europe and the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest in the Americas in 38 to 37 B.I., which would be….(thinks) 1996 to 1997. But as I said this is only when it all begins in earnest. The flooding worldwide becomes greater with each year as the rains and snows do not stop!

Across the world water rises and great changes in temperature begin to effect the Pacific and Atlantic jet streams and wind patterns. There is more to be feared by this gradual rising of the water than of the quakes.

The water rises and simply never returns to normal, as the rivers go back to their ancient courses, regardless of man’s efforts. 

DOUG: Was there a lot of death during this process of the breaking up?

VAJRA: Om. Although we do not see it as such. Many were ‘Translated” as we say, but they will return if it is their Karma to do so. However, there were great warnings.

There was a consciousness, there was a communication, that took place. There were those who were listening to the Elders, and listening to guides who fled to the center parts of the United States, and who fled inland many months before these great fractures and floods began to occur, and so the… it is hard to explain.

There was much loss of life. Yes. And there was much loss of life all over the world.

It was here in the NAU that the least loss of life occurred across the planet. There were the two great fractures… in the west of the San Andreas and along the New Madrid fault line in the east. There were inundations of the place of the Shumosh (Washington, Oregon) and inundations in that which was Florida to make way for the rising of the new continent which is called New Atlantis.

It all happens over an extended period of some 40 years beginning in your year 1998. You are what we call “The Exodus Generation.” Old San Francisco had one quake just before 2000, it was rebuilt, and then another destroyed it completely by, I believe, 2006.

Los Angeles was shaken badly, but the larger fracture did not occur until… (thinks, rubbing his forehead), I believe, 2010. I do know that there is a terrible shower of meteors in late 2012.

One large asteroid shatters in the upper atmosphere and rains down a ‘River Of Fire’ as it was called. There is also a huge disturbance of the Earth’s electromagnetic field at that same time which severely affects the human brain, and wipes clean most of the planet’s computer data bases.

But I have traveled astrally back in time on many occasions, and every time the events occur. But if you were to change or alter an event in the past, we in the future would never know it. It just becomes part of our history. It is just the way the time-stream seems to work.

DOUG: So by your year 65, New Atlantis has risen out of the ocean?

VAJRA: Om. It rose directly after the great meteor, but also sections of it began to rise with the eruptions of volcanoes in that area; first with Monserrat and then with Pelé that began to bring it up above the sea, that began great inundations in the southeastern parts of the NAU.

DOUG: Okay. Can you tell us a little bit about the environment? A lot of people today are concerned with the quality of our air and our water.

VAJRA: There are still great holes in the atmosphere which we are actively in the process of repairing, in many different places, with ozone and negative ion generators.

We are also actively replanting the forests and replenishing oceanic plankton at a furious rate.

Many of the ‘Techs’ who live underwater and those who live in the Wastelands and the barren areas must rely on water regeneration and air regeneration for their air and their water. We do not need such things where we are, as we practice The Way, and those who practice The Way of Spirit and live in harmony with the Earth, we do not need such things.

We also are in connection with many other of these same communities all across the planet at this time.

There is much of the world’s communication system which was rebuilt or restored some 20 of our years ago, however, many will not listen; many are not worthy to come to us, they… (shakes his head, thinking.) that is a negative term… They have not yet learned certain things about how to be with us.

There were some who came to be with us and they grew very ill because their spirit, their vibration, if you will, was not at a proper level as of yet, and so they must learn and grow to be where it is we are. The environment that we live in is very different.

It is not as if the entire Mother is a vast utopia. There are huge wasteland sections where there are people who still live in caves. There are people who still live, as I said, in tech cities underwater. There is still the great station which was built some 30 years ago, which is in-between Mother and Moon. There are the cities also on the Moon, so there is travel back and forth. So there are a great many divisions in society.

We have the responsibility here to maintain the Mother and maintain the spirit for we at the center grow much of the food from the Mother and for the people and for those who live in the tech cities. So there is trade, but in some cases we cannot stand contact with certain of these individuals simply because of the difference in vibration.

If we come in contact with a person who is of so low a vibration, it can make us very sick. It can make us almost ‘translate’ (death), simply because a high energy system will always flow into a low energy system.

Our clothes are somewhat protective. We wear white made from an electra-silk fabric, which aids and increases the body’s electromagnetic flow, because it is protective and reflective. We also have much longer sleeves that come over the hands with hoods which keep the energy in and also close off the energy here at the forehead.

Men wear gold, and women are allowed to wear silver only and dress in black for Gatherings and Ceremonies, as it aids in absorbing energies which they need to balance the men and the Earth.

We do not cut our hair in this short uncomfortable manner, and we have bands across our heads, each of which has a stone in the forehead which enhances the ability of the third eye. I am a possessor of one of the Soul Gems which is connected to eleven other stones with which we stay in contact with the various spiritual communities across the Earth.

These Soul Gems come from ancient, ancient times and have been finally brought back to Earth to help us to maintain the balance of this planet. My grandfather possessed one of the Soul Gems for a time, but it is something he never speaks of.

We are still very young. We have only had 65 of our short years to try to recover from the Great Devastation and the Great Manifestation that was brought down upon this planet by the insanities of this age, but those were also brought by the endings of the cycle of the Mother Earth and the tearing that was brought by the Mother and the misaligned Moon and from which much of the Mother was saved simply because of an intervention at one particular point by those whom we may someday join.

What we term the Sky People… or the Consortium of such… who simply appeared. They still have only a very limited interference in our society. Sometimes ‘They‘ come to visit us in prayers and meditations, but they have made it very clear that they are not to interfere.

Even the Gray Ones who had taken some women long ago, (and that practice has been outlawed now), those children live on the ships; they do not yet live on this planet… although, and this is part of grandfather’s experience, but grandfather did have extensive contact, when he was older, with those of other races from other planets.

There was one great contact that occurred… has… at this time, has there been a great visit or Great Announcement from the Sky People? 

DOUG: No, there has not… not to our knowledge.

VAJRA: There was a man who came, who in our history was called ‘Puana’, and he came before the great crackings of the Earth.

He came before the great wars. He came before and announced to many people, and he brought two others with him, where he landed and appeared to all the great governments at the time and announced to the people the things that would be occurring if they would not change.

There was one final warning before all of the catastrophes began to take place where Puana warned the planet, and said to all the people that this is what will occur, that this future will happen unless you change the path you are on. It began with the Great Ships flying in full view over cities in Mexico and South America, then over the great cities of the United States.

Most did not listen, but he did come, and it will be the last great warning that this age has before much is driven into darkness, and since that has not occurred at this point in time, it will be something that will occur in the very near future where there shall be a landing and one final warning by this being who warned mankind one last time

DOUG: Do you remember about what year that might have taken place?

VAJRA: No, I do not.

DOUG: Okay.

VAJRA: If this is 1994, it occurs at around the turning of the last Great Age.

DOUG: So before or after the year 2000?

VAJRA: Om. Actually a bit after.

DOUG: Okay. Going back to the Native Americans. Someone wants to know, how can we connect with an Elder who can tell us when to move inland to be safe from these earth changes?

VAJRA: I do not know.

DOUG: Okay.

VAJRA: I do know that in those parts of what was called the United States, that those areas of Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado, many fled the great floods and quaking in Calineva into that area of what is now called Hopi Land, of that great area of mountains and plains and the place of the Red Rocks.

It is all renamed Hopi Land, because the Elders of the Hopi teach and protect so many, and thousands return to their old ways of peace and harmlessness. 

DOUG: Okay, thank you. Let’s talk a little bit more about what your life is like in your time. Sean tells me you’re an Architect?

VAJRA: Yes. I build things.

DOUG: You build homes or…?

VAJRA: I build homes, I build structures as are needed. It is a humble job. (Laughs) I did not want the kind of excitement that grandfather had!

DOUG: (Laughs in response) What are your homes like in your time?

VAJRA: Ha! Grand! This is good! This is something I enjoy! (Pause)

We use different structures for different things. I have studied old architecture going back to as many records as I could find, and I found that structures were not in tune with the physical bodies of the people who were living in them.

And so we tried to begin to use different types of shapes, and each one of these shapes has a direct connection to the RNA / DNA helix of the body so we use tetrahedrons, we use pyramids, we use dodecahedrons, we use many of the various shapes, each of which we have discovered resonates at a particular tone, a particular density, a particular sound if you will of the Creation and of that which is in the body.

We have very stringent laws as to the building of these places so that each one of the places is in tune with the ancient philosophies of structure so that each building, each home, each individual is directly in line with the electromagnetic lines of force that course across the planet – what the ancients called “Dragon Lines“, if you will.

There was a great deal of knowledge that was passed on to me and I found an old man who was a survivor from what was China and he taught me many things about the ancient art of what is called Feng Shuî, and he showed me dragon lines of how to build on these areas so that the success and the happiness and the growth of each person in these buildings can be in tune and be in harmony with themselves and with the Earth.

When we wish to grow things we use the triangle, the tetrahedrons, in order to help the plants grow.

We use pyramid shaped structures because these pyramids resonate directly with the carbon atoms at the center of all red blood cell matrixes and also with the evolving and developing 47th and 48th chromosomal pairs that we are finding developing now in many of the younger children.

These unleashings of the chromosomal RNA/DNA helix we are using now as sections of homes where we would place a person inside a building and that structure would then contribute to their well being.

We have a way of making synthetic stones where we will coat the roof and walls with different types of gemstones: amethyst, malachite, jade, ruby, diamonds, hematite. We have found that the gemstones themselves, which are the highest manifestation of the mineral kingdom, can program the minerals within the body and that those minerals then create a hormonal balance, and hormones are the first purveyors of consciousness within the human form.

So we discovered that by placing different individuals inside different shapes – paying careful attention to the angles also as these have a profound effect – and then lining the roof with these gemstones, we found that performance on their various paths and their general happiness and peace and joy was amplified many times.

So, we also require that there be running water through each one of the homes we construct, so that there is some form of stream that will run through the center part of the home.

We found that this contributes to the electrical field and the electrical well-being of each person within the space. We also found that it took the negative aspects and negative energy and would pull them outwards back down into Mother Earth where they could be cleansed.

So it is not unusual within each one of our homes to see many circular patterns also because we found that square patterns were limiting and that energy began to build in the corners which constantly had to be cleaned, and so since it is so important to our well being in this state, we formed the circular buildings out of the geodesic domes. In the circle we found that that was the best for a family unit and then we would have tetrahedrons and we would have the pyramids and the dodecahedrons for various specialized purposes.

But it was important, once again, to make sure that the home and the places and the buildings that were built were at first in harmony with the Earth, and were then in harmony with the people who would exist in them, were then in harmony with the water flowing through the center, and were then in harmony with the specific purposes to which each one of the buildings was to be used.

DOUG: It sounds like architecture includes a lot more than it does today.

VAJRA: (Laughing) Om! It is not like building the rectangular coffins you all live and die in now.

To Be Continued…
